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Fantasy Isle of Mist

YoungX said:
He would see the whip, and would block it with Septentrion by instinct. As he blocked with his blade, he would push forward to swing it at his opponent with ferocity. The blade, while blocking the whip would strike at her. As he did so, Raider would follow up with a strong kick to the stomach.
@Crystal Cali
Lady Winter would bend backwards, narrowly avoiding the blade, though still getting kicked to the ground. Before she tries to get up, she waves her hand at the ground, summoning sharp ice spikes that would shoot up in an attempt to impale her opponent from below.
YoungX said:
Raider looking at her hand gesture would immediately look to the ground. Ice spikes would be headed his way, and there wasn't much time to react, so he would stick Septentrion on the ground and use the momentum to flip himself over towards her. He would take Septentrion out of the ground as he flipped and would plunge it towards her chest. As for the ice spikes, most missed him, but a few did a mange to cause a few scrapes. It wasn't serious, but it was damage nonetheless.
@Crystal Cali
Lady Winter would roll out of the way of the blade, so it wouldn't hit her chest, but she was not fast enough to get entirely out of the way. The blade would scrape across her back, leaving a rather deep wound, and ripping the back of her dress. She cries in pain as she comes up to a crouch, cringing as she snaps her whip towards his feet in an attempt to get him to fall on his back.
YoungX said:
Raider would be hit by the whip, and would try to stick his sword in the ground once more to immediately regain balance. He would then take out the sword as quickly as he could to try and deal a finishing blow by thrusting Septentrion through the chest area.
@Crystal Cali
Lady Winter moves to the side, but the pain caused by the injury on her back hindered her movement, and the sword would go through her right shoulder, rendering her unable to fight. She collapsed on the ground, trying to hold herself up with her left hand, and breathing hard. Still, she smiled. "I may have underestimated you....... Oh well...... I served my purpose."
YoungX said:
"You trying to distract me or something? Makes sense." He would say using Septentrion to prepare the finishing blow and would strike at her chest area. "Too bad we had to fight. Your looks would've gotten you a nice husband."
@Crystal Cali
She chuckles a little, turning her head to look directly at Raider. "And I'm sure with your looks, you had ladies lined up for you. Too bad this is the end for both of us."
YoungX said:
"Both of us eh? Not if I have anything to say about that. I'll be going on ahead. Rest in peace," he would say to her as he would try to find an exit and move on.
@Crystal Cali
Lady Winter laughed, a crazy, insane, bone chilling laugh. From her boot she pulled out a small silver dagger, thrusting it through her own throat. She was dead instantly, and as her heart stopped, the enchantment keeping the water of the ocean above vanished. The hall would very quickly fill with water. The only way out would be the doors Raider had entered, but with water rushing in, they wouldn't open until they were completely submerged. Though Raider may be strong enough to break the doors, the water would still flood the caverns. He wasn't exactly safe just yet.
YoungX said:
"Well then... not what I expected. I definitely need to get out of here," he said as he planned his escape route. Seems his only method of escape was through the way he came in. Though if he broke the door open, the water would flood the cavern. Not like he didn't have much of a choice though. With Septentrion he would come at the door and slash it so that it would break.
@Crystal Cali
The water was rushing in fast. It would seem Raider had two obvious options: keep running and hope it didn't overtake him, or find a sturdy place to plant himself and wait it out while hoping the water didn't fill the entire cavern.
YoungX said:
"I'm going to hope I stay alive from this " he said as he would run for his life. He would use his trusty speed enchantment spell to give him the running speed he so needed. Raider needed to head towards the entrance, but if it was still blocked then he would have to make another hole or something.
@Crystal Cali
The barrier would be gone. The water was coming fast. Raider would be quickly surrounded by water, but since the barrier was gone, the water would not reach the top of the cave.
"Well shall we be going?" He said ready to take her by the hand. "Oh and must warn you it is a fair walk from here". He wondered what she would say to his... odd establishment.

YoungX said:
"Well I'm outta here then," Raider said as he would make his escape via the top of the cave. As he did so he considered his next move, and decided it would be best if he had help for the next part. He considered going to Raina, May, and Elizabeth for this. Seems his foe would be troublesome to handle by himself.
@Crystal Cali
Raina would be walking through the forest nearby the cave with her pet panther. She pauses as her ears catch the sound of a wave of water, and looks towards the bank. Nothing there seemed to be out of the ordinary, but she was sure the sound come from that direction. She walks towards the water, Ash following close behind, and she notices Raider climbing out of a hidden cave. Raina turns, a look of confusion on her face.
YoungX said:
He would look to see Raina as he left the hidden cave. "Oh Raina perfect chance seeing you here. Yeah... So I managed to kill one of the Winter Courts. She used some sort of whip or something, but anyways I defeated her then she committed seppuku and flooded the place like Noah's Ark. I don't even know where the final boss is, this Unseelie Queen. Seems she was responsible for this though since I encountered her and she refused to stop making zombies." Raider was fond of making references to stories, so that's why he mentioned Noah's Ark. Though one would feel like there was something off about that piece of dialogue though.
@Crystal Cali
Raina raises an eyebrow as Raider goes on making analogies that make absolutely no sense to the elven woman. "You speak strange, even for a roundear," she states. "If whomever you killed flooded the cavers, than the other two have already fled, and won't leave many traces of clues to be found again. I imagine they will lay in hiding for a while, so you may want to gather your forces, as I had advised you to do the first time."
YoungX said:
"That sounds like an excellent plan. Maybe I can convince the pirates to join my cause in exchange for any loot we find there. Anyways, I suppose I'll be off to the pirates right now. Then I'll ask May if she has anyone that can join me. Speaking of which, do you have any forces you can lend me for this upcoming battle?" He would't really pay mind for his strange speak, but that's just how it was for Raider. Perhaps his experiences with fighting changed his mannerisms.
@Crystal Cali
Raina sighs. Of course it was an excellent plan, that's why he should have gone with it in the first place. Raina was starting to question the judgment of Raider. "If it comes to battle, I will fight. Anyone under my rule will be given choice. I cannot make it for them."
"Of course," Evie said nervously placing her hand in his. Long walks didn't bother her too much though going off alone with someone she just met did set off some warning bells. Hopefully his home wasn't too far in case she needed to get away fast. Still going with him felt safer than staying out alone in the dark with the vicious beasts that called this island home.

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"Walking off with a strange person, your parents must be so disappointed" he said in a lighthearted tone. He then turned back to the mermaid remembering what she said. "Oh erm do excuse me on moment my dear". He ran back to the mermaid. "Need a hand getting back to your big blue sea?" he asked in a friendly tone. For a terrifying creature of the night, he was being very kind. Kind of ironic considering he was talking about disappointed parents.

@animegirl20 @Lithia
Snow looked up at him and was little surprised he offered but then she blushed from embarrassment. "I can do it on my own......but it would be easier with help." 'Well this was embarrassing.' The thought ran through her mind. But it was better then her getting there on her own.


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