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Fantasy Isle of Mist

YoungX said:
Raider would then head out to the beach, and would prepare to spar against George. He would take out Septentrion and would wield it in his right hand, and look to George. "All righty then. I'm sure the Unseelie Queen is pretty tough considering her magic. She can conjure some intense dust to conceal breathing as well as make a barrier, so we could be in for a wild ride. Let's have ourselves a bout."
@Dalamus Ulom
George drew his sword out. "Let's do this," with that, he would feint toward his head, only to stab at his chest.
YoungX said:
Raider would take out Septentrion to block the oncoming stab using the flat edge of the blade. He would use that to swing towards George to knock him out of balance, then would come at him with an enormous swing using both hands gripping the blade coming from Raider's left side. From the fight he had earlier with George, he concluded that as a former captain he would certainly have a lot of tricks up his sleeve. This would be perfect training to prepare for the Unseelie Queen.
@Dalamus Ulom
George would roll to one side, avoiding Raiders first strike. He would block Septentrion with his own blade.
YoungX said:
As the blades clashed, Raider would then stick Septentrion on the ground to perform his flip jump in the air. As he did so, he would take out Septentrion and would prepare to attack George from above with a lunge attack.
@Dalamus Ulom
George would roll back out of the way, and grab hold of something as he did so.
It moves across the island, seeing what there is to see and gathering what information there is to gather. at some point on its journey across the island, it spots a wrecked ship on the beach, with a source of life within. Intrigued now, it flows through the air and takes physical form just outside the wreck, this time a brown haired woman, average in her appearance. Now contented with its physical form, it sits outside the wreck, waiting for the man within to come to conciousness

YoungX said:
Raider would then pick back up, and would fire off air slashes with about six being fired aimed all over George.
@Dalamus Ulom
George would cut each one in half, causing them to dissipate. He would charge again, this time feinting towards Raiders legs.
YoungX said:
Raider would put down Septentrion to the ground once more, and would use that to perform another jump flip. With that he would change things up as he took out Septentrion and would lunge it towards George, but his real intent was to cause a shockwave upon impact so that his balance would be thrown off. Either way he would be able to establish advantage.
@Dalamus Ulom
George leapt straight up, avoiding Raiders blade.
YoungX said:
As Raider landed on the ground, the impact caused by Septentrion would create a mini shake around him, and he would then swing his sword at George, but it would be a feint for the true intention was to aim for George's legs as he landed back.
@Dalamus Ulom
George would bring his sword down, seeing through the feint, and blocking his legs from the slash. As he came down, he would throw a handful of sand into raiders face, in order to disorient him.
YoungX said:
As sand flew into Raider's face he closed his eyes on instinct. Then as he was blinded, he would try and get some distance cut by creating a heavy whirlwind around him with a giant swing from Septentrion with both hands gripping the handle. With that he would be able to clear his vision without repercussion.
@Dalamus Ulom
George would be launched back, but would land on his feet.
YoungX said:
With George launched back Raider would recover from the sand and would open his eyes. Wiping off any remaining sand, he would then keep on swinging Septentrion creating a sort of mini whirlwind within his field of vision. It wasn't large, but it wasn't small either. It would a sort of barrier, and once he finished swinging the whirlwind would already have enough force and momentum to keep going. Now he had a defensive position all set up, and would prepare for any attacks that would come at him.
@Dalamus Ulom
George would wait. He knew that the whirlwind was powerful enough that his attacks wouldn't go through. He stood, and waited.
With those interesting fellows wishing to meet the Unseelie Queen, Ron have decided now it was a good time to go on and tell her of these guests, I'm sure she'll enjoy the news. It decided that the best way to travel would be under the ocean, because the light of day is not as intense there than in air.

As it traveled, it came across a crashed ship, and a living figure. Interested, Ron teleported into one of the shadows of the wreck, and observed the man.

@Null @TheOutsideLookingIn


Ammax stared at the Forest Nymph as she skipped around the field, dangerously close to the trees where he was. Sliding down the trunk, he landed silenty, his purple eyes glinting in the shadows. The Nymph, oblivious to his presence, skipped along, her feet landing in the shadows. He quickly bolted foreword, snatching her foot and dragging her into the dense forest. He wrapped his hand around her mouth before she had the chance to scream.

"Shh shh."

He said quietly, taking her hand. His pale skin immediatly began to color, as hers paled. Once he was satisfied, and the little nicks on his heels where healed, he let go of her. She was dizzy, and her mind was hazed. He carried her back to the tree line. Tossing her into the clearing, he dissipated into clear air.

Reapearing near a river covered by the shadows, he unbuttoned the top of his blouse. He sat by the river bank, picking up a few stones next to it, and tossing it into the river.

((Anyone nearby?))​
YoungX said:
With the remainder of the whirlwind, Raider would then take another giant swing with Septentrion, and with the already existing winds it would fuel the next air slash. Of course the whirlwind will dissipate, but the air slash would go much faster than previous ones, and had plenty of force to it. With the whirlwind gone, he figured George would go for an attack so he prepared a feint by going with a defensive stance. He held Septentrion with both hands and held it toward his body.
@Dalamus Ulom
George would begin to run at the air slash, and right before it would hit him, he would slide down underneath it, letting it sail over his head. He would then use his momwntum to get back up and continue to run at Raider. Finally, moving as fast as lightning, he would feint toward Raiders left side, before twirling around, bring his blade towards Raiders head on the right side.
Supermegabrenda2 said:


Ammax stared at the Forest Nymph as she skipped around the field, dangerously close to the trees where he was. Sliding down the trunk, he landed silenty, his purple eyes glinting in the shadows. The Nymph, oblivious to his presence, skipped along, her feet landing in the shadows. He quickly bolted foreword, snatching her foot and dragging her into the dense forest. He wrapped his hand around her mouth before she had the chance to scream.

"Shh shh."

He said quietly, taking her hand. His pale skin immediatly began to color, as hers paled. Once he was satisfied, and the little nicks on his heels where healed, he let go of her. She was dizzy, and her mind was hazed. He carried her back to the tree line. Tossing her into the clearing, he dissipated into clear air.

Reapearing near a river covered by the shadows, he unbuttoned the top of his blouse. He sat by the river bank, picking up a few stones next to it, and tossing it into the river.

((Anyone nearby?))​
Raina walks along the river, her black panther companion following close behind. She plays a soft song on her panpipes, and the energy of the forest seems to respond. Where plants had dies, new ones would grow quickly. She sees a man sitting farther down the river, not slowing in her approach, though not walking very quickly either. Once she reaches the man, she stops playing and nods to him. "Vedui," she greeted, her voice as melodious as the music she had just been playing. Raina's eyes glowed softly, a supernatural glow in the dimming light of dusk.
Liz grabs an apple out of one of the baskets of food inside the caves and makes her way out to the beach to watch the men fight. The pirates who were normally standing guard at the entrance of the caves were cheering on the fight, until Liz came out. They all went deadly silent for a minute. "What?" she said. "Ye act like I never let ye have any fun. Lighten up, knuckleheads and enjoy the show."

@YoungX @Dalamus Ulom
YoungX said:
With the blade approaching Raider's right side he simply would let his body drop to the floor, and before his body touched the floor he would perform a sweeping kick towards George's legs and follow up with a circle slash from Septentrion.
@Dalamus Ulom
George would leap back the moment Raider would drop, and he'd pull out a flintlock pistol.

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