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Fantasy Isle of Mist

Raina listened to the Pirate's conversation without turning her head, a feeling of disgust washing over her. Some creatures had no respect for the process of life. The dead ought to stay dead, no matter how they died. The longer that man was kept "alive", the more darkness he would bring, Raina determined. Hopefully the pirate queen would do what she needed to send him back to the grave, or else Raina would get herself involved. Just as she was thinking this, one of May's messengers approached her and asked her to come speak with May. Raina obliged and followed the servant to May's home, and was lead to the library. "Vedui, you're grace. You wished to speak with me?" she says politely.


May turns when she hears Raina's voice, smiling and nodding towards her. "Yes, thank you for coming Raina." May gestures towards Raider. "This is Raider, he is a newcomer to the isle, and is somewhat of a demon hunter, as I understand it. We have a few questions we are hoping you might be able to answer, about the Useelie queen."



Liz shrugs at George's lack of need for privacy. Oh well, the elf queen left after a bit anyways. She turns back to George as he speaks. "Aye. Apparently I have to apologize. Ain't been one to do that willingly, as ye might remember. Besides that, I'd like to pick that warped brain of yours sometimes." she looks back to her crew. "Not in front of you nosy lot, though."

@Dalamus Ulom


Liz shrugs at George's lack of need for privacy. Oh well, the elf queen left after a bit anyways. She turns back to George as he speaks. "Aye. Apparently I have to apologize. Ain't been one to do that willingly, as ye might remember. Besides that, I'd like to pick that warped brain of yours sometimes." she looks back to her crew. "Not in front of you nosy lot, though."

@Dalamus Ulom
"It's nice to meet you Raina. As May said, I would like to know about the Usdeelie Queen. It appears that she has resurrected the former captain of the pirates around here and caused him to go in a rage-inducing state. Thankfully that seems to have passed and became a much more calm person, and is verified as safe." He would say giving respect to the woman as she was the ruler of the Mythicals here.

@Crystal Cali
Raina crosses her arms and listens to Raider attentively. "Uma, I saw what happened on the beach." Raina's eyes become narrow, and she scowls. "The Unseelie Queen. From what I hear of her, I'm not surprised that she would be behind such an act. Some creatures have no respect for the process of life and death." she sighs. "This man may have calmed, and seem like he wishes to be a reasonable person, but the longer he exists, the more damaging his aura is to the life around him. For now, though, we can let the pirates handle that. If this is the work of the Unseelie Queen, there may be more to come."

"Hmm... I see. Then I would like to settle this matter quickly and come right at her. I'm sure she can't be worse than Belial can she? Though me and Belial were fighting on equal footing before I found myself at the beach." He would ask knowing Belial's actual power. They were on equal footing yes, but he still shouldn't underestimate others. Experience had taught the bladesman well, and he wasn't going to throw away that experience.

@Crystal Cali


Liz shrugs at George's lack of need for privacy. Oh well, the elf queen left after a bit anyways. She turns back to George as he speaks. "Aye. Apparently I have to apologize. Ain't been one to do that willingly, as ye might remember. Besides that, I'd like to pick that warped brain of yours sometimes." she looks back to her crew. "Not in front of you nosy lot, though."

@Dalamus Ulom
"Alright. Lead the way, poppet,"
Raina raises an eyebrow "You fought Belial? Hmm... simply finding him would be a great undertaking." Raina felt a bit of respect for Raider, though she did not know the man, she knew that one simply does not go and fight Belial on a whim for the sake of looking like a great hero. "I do not know of how powerful this queen is, or even if I am thinking of the right queen. You see, the Winter Court has three queens. While only one of them is named the 'current' ruler, the predecessor, and the heir are both referred to as queens, and still quite active within the court, as I understand it. Though my guess would be that the current queen would be the one responsible for this situation, if you wish to hunt one of them, you may as well hunt all three, because you won't find out from them which one is truly responsible."

[QUOTE="Dalamus Ulom]"Alright. Lead the way, poppet,"

Elizabeth would lead George through the caves to the throne room within. She'd pull up an extra chair close to her throne for George before sitting sideways on her throne with her feet hanging off one of the arm rests. "Well, let's start with the first thing I can't understand. Why the bloody hell are ye helping me? In your position, spell or no spell, I'd want the head of the one who betrayed me."
"I see," then he looked to May. "I'll be eliminating all three of them as part of my first job here then," he would say as he forgot to polish Septentrion again. He isn't sure why he forgets, but he has a feeling someone out there made him forget. Maybe a certain writer... In any case, he would take out Septentrion and lay it on the floor. There was still some dirt and rime from the fight earlier, so he would begin polishing it.

@Crystal Cali
[QUOTE="Crystal Cali]Elizabeth would lead George through the caves to the throne room within. She'd pull up an extra chair close to her throne for George before sitting sideways on her throne with her feet hanging off one of the arm rests. "Well, let's start with the first thing I can't understand. Why the bloody hell are ye helping me? In your position, spell or no spell, I'd want the head of the one who betrayed me."

"Like I said, you're practically my kid. Even you killed me, I still care about you. The only thing I'm really mad was being tossed into those damned swamps instead of being put to rest at sea." George said.

Evie looked at the forest woman a little surprised, "Thanks," she said to her taking the bandage and wrapping it around her hand. Her wound was bleeding quite bad but this would help slow it down.

There was a sudden voice on the wind that sent chills down the young girl's back. Evie stepped back a few paces not wanting to get caught up in inhuman business. What happened next couldn't be explained in mere mortal terms. Evie watched a little to shocked to do much of anything but keep herself out of harms way.

When things moved from the shore and into the forest Evie slumped down in the sand onto her knees. Her tiny tree house home was in that direction, right on the edge of the tree line and by the sounds of things not much in their path would survive. "Well it looks like I'm out of a place to stay now," she grumbled more sad than angry. At least she wasn't in the tree house when it happened.

Evie held her hand tight to her chest hoping that the bleeding would stop soon. Seeing the friendly mer girl talking to a knew unfamiliar person who didn't seem quite human Evie couldn't help but wonder what had made all the crazies venture out today.

Since she wouldn't have time to sell her shellfish considering she needed to start rebuilding her home. Evie cautiously walked over to the mer girl and her friend and held out the bag of clams being carful of her injured hand. "Do you two want these? It would seem my plans for the day have changed and I'd hate for these to go to waste." She smiled at both of them but kept an arm's length away just to be safe.
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May nods. "Please do so. We cannot risk allowing them to create more undead." May doen't react much to Raider starting to polish his sword, though it was an odd thing to do in a meeting like this, however informal it may be. May looks to Raina, and says "If there is anything you need assistance with in dealing with the aftermath of this undead's creation, please let me know."


Raina steps to the side as Raider pulls out his sword and begins to polish it. "I don't know exactly where they are hiding, but I have seen no signs of them in my forest, otherwise I would have known they were to blame when I heard of the resurrected. My guess would be that they are hiding somewhere within the vast caverns underneath the isle. Perhaps the pirate queen and her victim remember where she dumped the body. That could be near an entrance that could lead you to them." Raina steps towards the door as if to leave, but pauses and turns around. "If you do go into the caverns, I wouldn't recommend going alone. Then again, I would give the same advise to someone looking to reach the 75th floor of hell as well, and you seem to have taken on that task by yourself." she shrugs. "If that is all, I will be returning to my forest. Naamarie, both of you," she says as she starts to walk out the door.



Liz raises an eyebrow at his answer. "You do realize that I hated you from the beginning?" she asked. Her distrust of the man wasn't entirely George's fault. Throughout her life, she had come to distrust men in general, which would be the reason she was stowing away on a ship in the first place, instead of asking someone for help. "You boarded the ship I was on, took away my dreams for the future, set me on a course of life I never asked for, but now can never escape, and made my life a complete living hell without so much as an explanation as to why! You damn men are all the same!" she shouts in anger, her voice echoing through the caverns, making every pirate within ear shot weary of even thinking about entering the throne room. After a moment, Liz closes her eyes and sighs. "Though, I admit, I could have at least put you to rest respectfully. I suppose most would think ye deserved that."

@Dalamus Ulom


Liz raises an eyebrow at his answer. "You do realize that I hated you from the beginning?" she asked. Her distrust of the man wasn't entirely George's fault. Throughout her life, she had come to distrust men in general, which would be the reason she was stowing away on a ship in the first place, instead of asking someone for help. "You boarded the ship I was on, took away my dreams for the future, set me on a course of life I never asked for, but now can never escape, and made my life a complete living hell without so much as an explanation as to why! You damn men are all the same!" she shouts in anger, her voice echoing through the caverns, making every pirate within ear shot weary of even thinking about entering the throne room. After a moment, Liz closes her eyes and sighs. "Though, I admit, I could have at least put you to rest respectfully. I suppose most would think ye deserved that."

@Dalamus Ulom
Raider would finish polishing and put it away gently. He would nod at Raina and would turn to May. "Well then, I suppose I'll be headed to the pirate cave to talk to Elizabeth and George then. I'll do my best," he would wave to her and would exit the building. From there he would head off to see Elizabeth, and would ask about the cave. He would perform a chant giving himself a speed enchantment like last time, and would head off the cave with gusto. Within a few moments time, he would reach the cave, and would go see Elizabeth.

@Crystal Cali
Pirates near the entrance of the cave would see Raider, then run into the throne room to alert Liz of the man's presence. "Oh bloody hell!" Liz exclaimed, in a voice loud enough that the echo would carry out to where Raider was. "Tell him to make an appointment. I'm bloody busy!" she waves the messenger away, and the other pirate then goes and delivers the message to Raider, even though Raider was probably able to hear the echo of everything Liz said in the first place.

The messenger looks back at a few standing nearby, they all talk for a minute about weather or not it was a good idea to tell the man where Liz had dumped the body, not doing a very good job at making it a secret conversation, though. Finally one guy asks the others "Do we know where she dumped em in the first place?" and another guy answered "It was in that river bank to the west, dumb ass." Everyone looked at the guy who answered. "Don't say that in front of the man askin' ye idiot, we don't know if 'e can be trusted!" Well, too late now.



Liz raises an eyebrow at his answer. "You do realize that I hated you from the beginning?" she asked. Her distrust of the man wasn't entirely George's fault. Throughout her life, she had come to distrust men in general, which would be the reason she was stowing away on a ship in the first place, instead of asking someone for help. "You boarded the ship I was on, took away my dreams for the future, set me on a course of life I never asked for, but now can never escape, and made my life a complete living hell without so much as an explanation as to why! You damn men are all the same!" she shouts in anger, her voice echoing through the caverns, making every pirate within ear shot weary of even thinking about entering the throne room. After a moment, Liz closes her eyes and sighs. "Though, I admit, I could have at least put you to rest respectfully. I suppose most would think ye deserved that."

@Dalamus Ulom
"And yet look at you know. Strong, brave, beautiful, and intelligent. Even if ya don't use them smarts up there." he said, pointing at her head. "You're a queen now, practically. Leader of the men, not through being the strongest, but by being the slyest smartest one there is. You wanna know why outa all those shits, I wanted YOU to be part of my crew? Cause I saw something in yar eyes that day. I saw an unquenchable flame of rebellion, a spirit of independence in them eyes. Something that cried out for freedom. And, I saw a bit of myself in yer eyes. That, and you were such a cute lass, and I was feelin rather fatherly at the time." he said, looking at her. When she mentioned his burial, he said "I could feel myself slowly sinkin inta that god foresaken mud," He shivered. "Cold, rank, and horrible. Seeped into every part of me. I've still got some of the shit in me body, actually,"

@Crystal Cali
@Crystal Cali[/URL]
Liz's eyes glance up as George points to her head. "Ain't much need for brains 'round here. Why waste the resource? Oh, and don't spill your shit on my floor, please." Elizabeth picks up the piece of fake gold she stole from the colonist queen the other day, and starts fiddling with it. "Never understood why bein' fatherly meant puttin' a child through hell. That's all I got from any man who ever fancied himself a father to me." She spat, and paused for a long moment, looking at the rock in her hands, and extending the silence for a painfully long moment before admitting, "I suppose the fate ye lead me to was better than the one I was born to have. Guess I can't gripe about it forever."

At that moment, one of the men who was at the front of the caves comes in and delivers the message Raider had given them. "The hell is the Winter Court?" The man shrugged. "Well, go ask him," Liz tried to wave the man away. The man informed her that Raider had already left. "The hell did you let him do that fer? Who else knows about this Winter Court?" The man informed Liz that Raider said that Raina had told him. "Well, go find her, or him, I don't care, and ask! Or better yet, bring one here, since I know ye ain't gonna remember a word yer told about such complicated things!" Liz sighed loudly, and the man ran off. He told those at the entrance what Liz said, and two went to go find Raina, and the other two went to go find Raider.

@Dalamus Ulom @YoungX
[QUOTE="Dalamus Ulom]"Them four. Never were the sharpest kinves in the armory. How many men we got left, anyhow?" George asked

Liz rolls her eyes, smiling slightly at George's statement. "Well, we ain't got an army. About 10 of 'em that consistently stick around. Plenty of 'em claimed to have 'turned over a new leaf' and are livin' in the village... All married to pretty, dumb women, of course."
YoungX said:
Raider would find himself at the river bank that the pirates "told" him about. He would investigate to see if there was any caves nearby.
@Crystal Cali
There were no obvious caves nearby. The river back was surrounded by a thick line of trees and brush. Behind the brush would be a small entrance, so narrow that someone would have to crawl through. Once through the entrance, though, the cavers were very vast and wide. The only problem one might notice after being inside long enough, was that the very narrow entrance is the only way in or out. Every other passage would eventually end with a wall of boulders, but there was still plenty to explore, and definitely secrets to be found.
[QUOTE="Crystal Cali]Liz rolls her eyes, smiling slightly at George's statement. "Well, we ain't got an army. About 10 of 'em that consistently stick around. Plenty of 'em claimed to have 'turned over a new leaf' and are livin' in the village... All married to pretty, dumb women, of course."

"Goddamn. Pieces of shit. Why don't we go scare those shits. Seeing their old captain, risen from the grave ought to scare them enough to reconsider their comfy lives," George said, grinning.
@Crystal Cali[/URL]

The cave would be dark. Every sound echoed, and all the sounds seemed to mesh together as one. The dripping of water from the roof, the flowing of some sort of stream, and sounds that were only slightly more lively, though those were distant. Before Raider stood three paths. Upon closer inspection, each of the three paths had a different sound coming from them, mixing with the other sounds of the cave. A bubbling sound echoed from the one on the left, a scurrying sound from the one in the middle, and a crashing sound from the one on the right. Of course, the cave was pitch black, aside from a few streaks of light streaming in from the entrance. Without another source of light, the paths would not even be visible.

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