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Fantasy Isle of Mist

SirGrey said:
The man didn't hear him. "Well no use in wasting time" he mutters. He walks towards to tavern. "Maybe getting some local culture could prove useful as well as poorly made drink" he says smiling. He walked into the tavern not making eye contact. He order a wine that got an odd look from the bar tender. The gold he offered for it got another look from the bar tender. Holding the wine and a glass he moved towards a man who seems like a raider. "May I sit down sir?" he said in a polite tone.
"Ah yes sure," Raider would say as he would let him sit down. He didn't see him before, but must also be a resident like he is now.
Hearing the human girl loose her grip on one of the clams, Raina sighs and shakes her head. She'd walk over to the human, waving back at Snow as she did so. Raina hops up on a rock by the human girl and reaches into her pouch, pulling out a wrap of bandages. "You should not grip them so hard," Raina scolds the girl as she offers her the bandages.

@Lithia @animegirl20
The owner of the Tavern finally came up to her. He did want her to perform tonight. "Alright well I'll see you later." Before she could leave though he grabbed her hand and told her to first and check if there are any new costumers around and if they were try to get them to come tonight. "fine but I better be paid extra tonight." She looked around the Tavern to see if she saw any new faces. "They look new.." She put on a smile and walked up to the table and flashed a innocent smile. "Excuse me boys mind if I sit here?"


animegirl20 said:
The owner of the Tavern finally came up to her. He did want her to perform tonight. "Alright well I'll see you later." Before she could leave though he grabbed her hand and told her to first and check if there are any new costumers around and if they were try to get them to come tonight. "fine but I better be paid extra tonight." She looked around the Tavern to see if she saw any new faces. "They look new.." She put on a smile and walked up to the table and flashed a innocent smile. "Excuse me boys mind if I sit here?"

"Yeah sure that's fine," he would say to her kindly. He was already getting familiar with the townsfolk, and it was a good opportunity to know more.
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<p>"You can for me my dear girl" he said smiling. The vampire was drinking his wine, making sure to savoir every drop of it. Even if it wasn't the greatest he had ever tasted.</p>
Elizabeth grew bored rather quickly, and got up off her throne. She walked out of the caves, and noticed a group standing on the beach, though one of them was the forest queen. Elizabeth grumbles and turns away. She knew better than to mess with Raina, and in case she forgot, she had a lovely scar on the lower half of her left cheek to remind her. Liz heads up the path towards the village. "I need a drink," she grumbles to herself as she made her way through the crowded streets to the tavern. She glances to Maria as she passes behind the girl. "Dancing again tonight?" she asks in a cheery voice without stopping as she made her way up to the bar. Liz may not be close friends with Maria, but she's seen enough of the girl around town to get an idea of what she tends to do. Liz tells the man behind the bar to get her an ale, then she turns to face the table Maria was sitting at, now examining the men she sat with, and noticing the man with the large sword she had seen on the beach earlier.

@YoungX @animegirl20 @SirGrey
Raider would drink a bit of his juice then he would put it down on the table gently. There was a sort of gentleman and one who appeared to be a dancer. He thought about how the town had such a diverse cast of people. Then he would answer the woman's question. Before he would answer, he would notice the woman he encountered at the beach.

"Ah hi it's you again. Nice to meet you," he would say smiling.

@SirGrey @animegirl20
Maria looked over to Elizabeth. "Ah yes I am and I'm being paid extra tonight." She said smiling. She then looked back to the boys waiting for their answer. "Well?" 'Seriously just answer already damnit!' She thought to herself but you couldn't tell what she was thinking cause she had genuine smile on her face.



@Crystal Cali
"Yes well my dancing compatriot this is my first time here". He said in politely "I'm sure you can understand a man of my disposition doesn't normally go to places like this." He drank some more of the wine. It was growing on him but still wasn't the best. "Though if more people like you were here, I would come more often". He smiled making sure to hide the fangs. They normally didn't make a good conversation piece. He observed the new arrival. Elizabeth the pirate leader. Today would be fun.



@Crystal Cali
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animegirl20 said:
Maria looked over to Elizabeth. "Ah yes I am and I'm being paid extra tonight." She said smiling. She then looked back to the boys waiting for their answer. "Well?" 'Seriously just answer already damnit!' She thought to herself but you couldn't tell what she was thinking cause she had genuine smile on her face.


@Crystal Cali
"Ah right sorry. I was gonna answer then the woman I met at the beach showed up. Anyways I'm a new resident. The thing is that I don't know how I got here. I was fighting Belial when all is a sudden some magical influx occured. Poof. Here I am now."

@animegirl20 @SirGrey @Crystal Cali
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Elizabeth picks up the mug of ale the worker brought her, then looks at the man with the large sword, raising an eyebrow. "Greetings," she says in a confused tone. "You seem to have settled in quickly." While their encounter on the beach had ended without the clashing of swords, Liz didn't quite trust this man's cheerful tone. She looks to Maria, and nods with a slight grin. "Easy money, good times." Elizabeth sat on a bar stool facing the other three and drank.

@YoungX @animegirl20 @SirGrey
She looked over to the man drinking the wine. 'Oh let me guess he's charmer.' "Why thank you now that you mention it I am normally here. At nights anyway when I perform." She looked to the other one. It was strange how he got here. "Oh well that is strange but I'm sure you'll like it here. Hey why don't you boys come on back here tonight. I'll be perfrming and a I'm sure a lot of people will be coming to drink up and party a little." Well more like a lot sometimes the tavern would turn into a mad house. But she wasn't going to tell them that. She then looked over at Liz. "It's easy money alright."



@Crystal Cali
animegirl20 said:
She looked over to the man drinking the wine. 'Oh let me guess he's charmer.' "Why thank you now that you mention it I am normally here. At nights anyway when I perform." She looked to the other one. It was strange how he got here. "Oh well that is strange but I'm sure you'll like it here. Hey why don't you boys come on back here tonight. I'll be perfrming and a I'm sure a lot of people will be coming to drink up and party a little." Well more like a lot sometimes the tavern would turn into a mad house. But she wasn't going to tell them that. She then looked over at Liz. "It's easy money alright."


@Crystal Cali
"Sounds like a plan to me. It's not like I can go back to the 75th floor of Hell to fight Belial anytime soon. Though it's not like I was gonna take on Lucifer or anything. I mean I could, but I don't know what would happen." He would then take a sip of his juice again. "I'm a hunter, so if you guys need any jobs that require a bounty or beast/demon to hunt then I'm your person."

@SirGrey, @Crystal Cali, @animegirl20
Magic influx. If two words could fantasise him it would be those two. The vampire would look into later. "I should be able to join as long as my business doesn't get out of hand" he polity said. "Yes that is a strange manner in which you came to this island my friend". he said looking towards the raider. Keeping up nicety was so hard at times but it would pay off. "A hunter must be messy business". That made his blood boil that made him want to kill the stupid hunter. It wouldn't pay off in the long run though. "Oh and my name is Nicholas". That was the usual fake name. Davorin Sliske. That name his real name might be known to them. "What pray tell are yours?".



@Crystal Cali
SirGrey said:
Magic influx. If two words could fantasise him it would be those two. The vampire would look into later. "I should be able to join as long as my business doesn't get out of hand" he polity said. "Yes that is a strange manner in which you came to this island my friend". he said looking towards the raider. Keeping up nicety was so hard at times but it would pay off. "A hunter must be messy business". That made his blood boil that made him want to kill the stupid hunter. It wouldn't pay off in the long run though. "Oh and my name is Nicholas". That was the usual fake name. Davorin Sliske. That name his real name might be known to them. "What pray tell are yours?".


@Crystal Cali
"My name is Raider. Nice to meet you," he would say to the man as he finished his drink. He would then take out his blade, Septentrion, which again was a very huge blade. It couldn't really be classified as a sword, but he would lay it on the table so he could polish it. "Forgot to polish Septentrion," he would say to the three.

@animegirl20, @Crystal Cali, @SirGrey
"Good!" She said happy with their answer. "Hunter huh? Well don't think I'll be needing one but if I do I'll let you know." She looked over to Nickolas. "oh my name is Maria." She said answering his questioned. Her eyes widen suddenly as Riser took out a huge blade. "Oh wow." 'Did he really need to polish this now? And how the hell does her carry it?!' "Nice um...blade you got there."



@Crystal Cali
animegirl20 said:
"Good!" She said happy with their answer. "Hunter huh? Well don't think I'll be needing one but if I do I'll let you know." She looked over to Nickolas. "oh my name is Maria." She said answering his questioned. Her eyes widen suddenly as Riser took out a huge blade. "Oh wow." 'Did he really need to polish this now? And how the hell does her carry it?!' "Nice um...blade you got there."


@Crystal Cali
"Yeah it's an interesting one. I forgot to polish it after hunting some demons," he would then put it away. "It's nice to meet you Maria."
If composition could be brought into a actual object that blade would be it. He kept to his wine for a bit to silence his laughter. "Yes it is a fine blade" he said smiling. "Oh and a pleasure to meet you Maria, Raider". The wine was growing thin. He sighed.



@Crystal Cali
Elizabeth chuckles at Raider's statement about the 75th floor of hell. "75th, eh? That's oddly specific. How many stairs did ye have to climb to get past the first 74?" she asks, sounding slightly more amused than before, but that might be the ale talking. "I'm Elizabeth, by the way." No point in giving a fake name, since most people knew, more or less, that she was the pirate queen.

@YoungX @SirGrey @animegirl20
Maria listened to the conversation. She really walked into something interesting here. she didn't say anything. she just set back in her seat slowly crossed her legs and listened. It's always good to learn knowledge on other people incase you needed it.



@Crystal Cali
As the people of the town would go about thwir business, a cry would echo out of the forest. A dark, horrible sound that'd send shivers down the spine of any sane person. It would last for nearly a minute, before falling completly silent. People would stop in the middle of the street, looking towards the forest in fear. One minute. Two. Three whole minutes of silence. Just as the townspeople would start to move again, another cry would carry on the wind. This time, carrying a name. Elizabeth Alis.

@Crystal Cali @YoungX @SirGrey @animegirl20 @any one else in town who's listening
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