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Fantasy Into the Forest

Lillium had one hand holding Jake's and the other dragging along the trees. When she asked the forest for Annette, it sounded both peaceful and furious. The only way Lillium could describe the sound of the voices, the only thing that she could say sounded the same, was the way whispering and yelling in your mind was the same volume in your head. No voice was louder or quieter than the other.

The two came upon a girl in a clearing, propped up against a tree.When Lillium inhaled, she snarled. This Annette was not sleeping by her own will, but something else had forced her into sleeping. This is why the forest had sounded so angry and soft spoken, it wanted to whisper the human to sleep, even though human minds didn't have the same link as she did. But its also why it sounded so angry.

"I think there's a shapeshifter here. Or another demon," Lillium spoke quickly, red hair flowing around her face as she knelt down.
"Is she alright?" Jake asked as he looked down at Annette, she looked like she was just sleeping, but she Lillium said there might be a shapeshifter or a demon around, he wondered if maybe that he was just looking at a shapeshifter that had just taken her form. "That is Annette right? And not some shapeshifter like you said?" He asked.
"Why would a sleeping shapesshifter take her form," Lillium muttered, willing the forest to wake her up. Unfortunately, whatever put her to sleep is a lot older and more powerful than Lillium, and that's what she was afraid of.
Aria's eyes opened slightly "Don't hurt me " she let out a slight cough as she pushed herself up against a tree closing her eyes. Aria turned her head away for a second she then opened her eyes at the girl standing before her, Aria then realized that it was no beast before but a girl "I'm Aria". Although Aria thought that this could be a hallucination she soon didn't feel quite so endangered. Aria stood putting her hand out "Yes i...I am human" Aria was not sure what to do from this point she looked around trying to see if there were any Beasts spying on their conversation.



NinjaCat said:
(That setting and theme is perfect :3)
(Yay! first try!)
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xXMiaXx said:
Aria's eyes opened slightly "Don't hurt me " she let out a slight cough as she pushed herself up against a tree closing her eyes. Aria turned her head away for a second she then opened her eyes at the girl standing before her, Aria then realized that it was no beast before but a girl "I'm Aria". Although Aria thought that this could be a hallucination she soon didn't feel quite so endangered. Aria stood putting her hand out "Yes i...I am human" Aria was not sure what to do from this point she looked around trying to see if there were any Beasts spying on their conversation.


(Yay! first try!)
Lillianna chuckled as she noticed the human girl's fear. "Don't worry, they shouldn't come near while I'm close. They have a particular fear of gorgon's and half-gorgons." Lillianna covered her mouth at her slip up. She hoped the girl didn't run away like the other humans had. It always ended badly. "Please don't run, WHATEVER YOU DO, don't run. Okay?"
Aria nodded looking down "I...I" Aria's voice soon broke into fear "where am i?" she questioned the girl before her "My head hurts" her broken voice sounded croaky but she didn't think that the girl would mind "who are you?" looking around Aria's eye's fell upon a huge tree that looked like it had been there for eternity "that tree...remind me or...or something".
"Yeah, that wouldn't make sense," Jake replied, feeling foolish for thinking of that. He stepped back a bit and looked around at the trees and plants that surrounded them. He thought he had heard something lurking around in the underbrush, spying on them. It would be stupid to shrug it off and say it was nothing because at this point, Jake definitely believed that it was something. He kept close watch, making sure that they would be safe from anything that might be watching them.
(Ugh, I'm so sorry for not aswering earlier, I somehow didn't get any notifications ;- ;)

Aora woke up with the cold of wind. She noticed that Fenris had already woken up. He looked kind of worried. She stood up, brushing the dirt off her pants and walked towards Fenris.

"Is something wrong?", she asked.
xXMiaXx said:
Aria nodded looking down "I...I" Aria's voice soon broke into fear "where am i?" she questioned the girl before her "My head hurts" her broken voice sounded croaky but she didn't think that the girl would mind "who are you?" looking around Aria's eye's fell upon a huge tree that looked like it had been there for eternity "that tree...remind me or...or something".
"Easy there. You're in a woods home to many a creature. Currently your very deep. This tree is ancient and probably the center of the forest." Lillianna had only heard legends of the tree, but very little. "Here" she pulled out a flask of water and handed it to the girl. "Drink up." Lillianna smiled as she started hearing slithering. "Crap! Mom's gonna kill me!" Panicking Lillianna covered the girl with a blanket of leaves. "Stay put. I'll get rid of the others."
"It might be better looking for them now... You'll never know when the 'other creatures' might attack."

Aora went first through the to her unknown forest. It was still dark, but somehow she had no problems navigating through the darkness. It was as if the nature was talking to her, showed her the way...

It wasn't long until she heard footsteps. Two people. She could hear two people, and at the same time she felt a new weird feeling. She couldn't really describe this feeling but it felt like the presence of something, or rather someone...
As they approached the chatter that Asta had heard Furian's mouth began to water.

Nyphs, and fairys were all and good, but human flesh and blood a peerless treat.

It was then he felt something strange; he could tell some one had tried to brake his spell over the real Annette.

He smirked knowing his spell was to strong to be broken without sunlight or water.

His intonations showed once again as he complained " Come now, when are we going to find Jack? "

This was the second time he called Jake Jack.

This was odd sense she was half way nice to Jake in the past.

It was also strange that she never once addressed Asta by name sense they met back up.

Of all the kids in the school, Asta was the closest thing Annette had to a friend.

Furian's illusion spell was weakening, as a strange dark aura became almost visible around dopleAnnette.

Meanwhile, back at the real Annette, her body lie still in her dreamless sleep.

As the winds blew around her, it seemed like she stirred only for a moment, her eyes then opened, but there was only a violet swirling void in sockets.

She slowly closed them again, and returned to her comatose state.
Kel slithered through the forest watching all of the people with an immense desire to approach, but kept his distance. He was waiting for when he could charm them into lowering their guard should they ever cross paths a second time. Kel snickered at the word should. He knew they'd meet again. They always do. Thus how he had so many servants and toys. A naga's greed is something to be admired. He moved across the trees and despite his red scales shimmering in the moonlight, he was rather difficult to keep an eye on. Kel kept himself close to hear what they were talking about.

NinjaCat said:
"Yeah, that wouldn't make sense," Jake replied, feeling foolish for thinking of that. He stepped back a bit and looked around at the trees and plants that surrounded them. He thought he had heard something lurking around in the underbrush, spying on them. It would be stupid to shrug it off and say it was nothing because at this point, Jake definitely believed that it was something. He kept close watch, making sure that they would be safe from anything that might be watching them.
Lillium's ears flicked up as she propped up Annette and looked her over again, checking for any gashes or bites. Something was in the forest with them, but there were too many things for Lillium to pin point it
Asta turned around sharply, armed with questions as to why Annette was acting so different. She got about half a word out before seeing the purple mist and froze, mouth still open. There was no way in hell this was Annette, this was straight out of Lord of the Ring level shenanigans. Taking a step back, she kept her eyes on the dopple, trying to think of what to do next.

Asta turned on her heel and hauled-ass into the clearing Jake, Lillium and the real Annette were in. As soon as she saw her friend against the tree she stopped, whipping around to face where she came from, silently freaking out.

"Uh- Annette's coming" she stuttered out, pointing in the general direction
Aora saw Fenris telling her to duck, so she did. She was affraid and felt uneasy at the same time. She moved forward, still ducked and at a much slower pace. The farther she went, the more she had that weird feeling, like a headache.
Aora looked to Fenris and shrugged. She had no clue what they were talking about. She looked at the three of them and noticed the one with the tree bark like skin.

She looked back to the wolf and asked, whispering: "Is.. Is that another one of those demons?"

She had the looks of one, yet she didn't seem to harm the others.
Lillium stood over Annette's body, guarding her from whatever was coming for them. The forest was ringing in her ears, like the entity behind the voices was in pain. It was a shrill shrieking in her mind, something she had never heard before. Lillium's body crumpled, her knees were weak and they buckled, and all the forest did was get louder.

She looked up to the girl who broke into the clearing and to Jake, speaking with an urgency that she hadn't even heard from herself. "You all need to leave, now."
Furian knew he had been found out when Asta ran off, but he could't care less.

He had reached his big pay off and could smell the human blood, so close he could almost hear it running through their mortal vanes.

His sharp tail formed behind what was mostly Annette's form as he spoke with both his and her voice at the same time.

The alarming two tone sound was made worse by his taunt- "Come out come out where ever you are."

Using his tail like a machete, he hacked and slashed through the brush, a decisive chop punctuating each word - " Is! this! how! you! treat! a! Friend!?"

closer and closer it came until ...silence.

I dead silence dampened even the sound of the wind.

The only sound was that of the forest screaming in Furians wake; but to humans, there was nothing.

Suddenly a razor like claw glided over Jakes neck leaving only a faint red line as it passed

The motion was smooth, and intimate like you would run a finger across a lover.

The claw then retracted with the rest of the tail back into Furian's true form.

Distraction was a cheap illusion requiring no magic, but offering delicious panic.

He was discovered, but was far from done playing with his food as he announced- " How delightfully kind of you to gather all this food for me Nymph"

The claw at the end of his tail flexed like a hand waving its fingers as he added "To show how grateful I am, I'll kill you last"

Turning to look strait at Asta he spoke one last time in Annette's voice saying " How does that sound princess? "

(( I deliberately failed to mention Fenris sense the demon is so overly focused on his pray that he failed to notice he was near by))
{ I feel like it is a little late to join, but I am gonna give it a go. }

Marisol had followed the group into the thick, "
haunted" woods. She didn't speak up or even really show her appearance, she had just been stalking from the trees. She let out an inhuman squeal as she bounded straight into a large, Uloboridae's web. The spider had already fallen as she screamed and swung her arms around restlessly, the leaves crunching under her. "Way to let people know you're stalking them." She thought as she finally calmed down, yet her heart pounded in her chest still.

{ Short post, but didn't really know where to start, sorry. }
Kiroshiven said:
"Easy there. You're in a woods home to many a creature. Currently your very deep. This tree is ancient and probably the center of the forest." Lillianna had only heard legends of the tree, but very little. "Here" she pulled out a flask of water and handed it to the girl. "Drink up." Lillianna smiled as she started hearing slithering. "Crap! Mom's gonna kill me!" Panicking Lillianna covered the girl with a blanket of leaves. "Stay put. I'll get rid of the others."

Aria Sat under the blanket drinking from the flask she had been given. she had wondered what the girl ment by "Crap! mom's gonna kill me!" she then sat still and looked at the flask wondering what it was, is it a... POISON. Aria spat out the liquid from the flask and stood trying to run but her body seemed to freeze. Aria looked around "what do i do" she muttered looking at the trees that surronded her and the lady before her.
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(OOC: I Hope you don't mind me stepping in, or inserting the bar into the story)

Yip, in the from of a squirrel glider, scurried along a tree branch. He had been following the humans for a while now, drawn by the unusual noises and smells that they brought.


After the group had separated, Yip had followed Asta, curious about why she sounded so different than the others. However, as she and Annette began to approach the other group, Yip had retreated. There were too many dangerous creatures converging.

Now Yip was hovering one tree away from Aria. The gorgon had left and Yip had noticed a particular scent coming from the girl's direction. His snout grew a little in response to what he would soon come to know as a honey-nut muesli bar in Aria's pocket. He weighed the odds, but the sweet odour was definitely worth the risk.

Yip threw himself from his perch, gliding effortlessly to the tree which the girl was leaning against. Creeping down the tree, he neared the concussed girl's pocket.

The scent of the muesli bar was overwhelming. Slowly, Yip nosed his way between the folds of her jacket and latched his mouth around the corner of the sealed wrapper. Yip yanked the bar out of Aria's pocket, quite noticeably, and dragged it back a foot or two, to the side of the tree.

Yip watched Aria intently, waiting for her response to his theft. He made intermittent glances down to the seal muesli bar. The nuts were cruelly trapped behind some kind of barrier which his teeth couldn't break. He rustled the wrapper in frustration, rolling the bar around in his tiny paws, looking for a weakness.
(WTF I didnt recieve a notification and I had no idea u guys were already a bit ahead, crappppp sorry)

When the demon, Fenris panics; what should he do? He gives a quick glance to Aora before rushing out of the bushes to charge into the shadow demon. He knocks the shadow demon enough to create some distance from its targets; both of them tumbling into the dirt. "Aora, get them out of here now!!!" He barks, still not understanding that the humans don't understand him. The wolf gets back on his feet. He growls, his canine teeth ready to fight. He'd probably have to retreat when the humans escape; he knows he can't hold off something powerful that's lived in this forest longer than him. He'll try to give Aora and the others times to run.
xXMiaXx said:
Aria Sat under the blanket drinking from the flask she had been given. she had wondered what the girl ment by "Crap! mom's gonna kill me!" she then sat still and looked at the flask wondering what it was, is it a... POISON. Aria spat out the liquid from the flask and stood trying to run but her body seemed to freeze. Aria looked around "what do i do" she muttered looking at the trees that surronded her and the lady before her.
Lillianna put her finger against the girl's lips. "Stay quiet. Okay? Im not going to kill you, but mom might if you move. Unless you feel like being a statue for all eternity, just stay down!" Lillianna moved away and intercepted her mother. They both began to spreek in Greek and make extreme gestures. At one point Lillianna is smacked before the gorgons that were her family left. "Its safe for you to come out." Lillianna turned as blood dribbled down her cheek from where her mother's claws had hit.
Furian rose to his feet in a very unnatural, almost rag-doll like fashion.

His insult was far greater then injury as he leered at the wolf who dared to tackle him.

" You little brat! " He shouted as his tail lanced the ground near Ferris barely missing impaling him

" Do you have any idea what you are meddling in? " Furian asked as he slashed a small tree in half trying to slash Ferris.

Ferris had placed himself in great danger, but at least his plan to get his attention was a complete success.

As the violet mist began to swirl around him he began to monologue " I was born in the crucible of lies and deceit.. Cast from the dark mold of every human's heart.. I live to feed on my mother's blood and bone, for it was by their hands that I was given flesh.. I am the forest's shadow, pup; and I have lived sense the days where your ancestors nursed on there mothers teat.

Turning his glance half way to the humans, he continued " Do you think these vermin are anything more then cattle for us to slaughter?"

His eyes lit up when he saw Aora still hiding in the bushes. " Oh.. I see" He said her voice as a wicked toothy grin stretched across his face.
Aora, overwhelmed by panic, was like paralyzed. Everything happened so fast. She heard Fenris telling her to get the other out of here. But as she wanted to run towards the group, she saw that weird creature staring at her.

She slowly stepped back and started running towards the group.

"Get out of here! Now!", she screamed at the top of lungs, signaling them with hand gestures to leave.

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