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Fantasy Into the Forest

As the group moved deeper into the forest she began to stare into the growth, peering as far as her vision would allow. She couldn't help feel a chill run up her spine as she tuned into little whispers if anything. A feeling of nostalgia, or more like deja vu, panged in the back of her mind and made her so much more relaxed. By the time she drifted back into reality Jake was gone, she blinked and looked around, wondering if he just saw something off the "Path" and went to check it out, but no, he was nowhere to be seen. She felt that familiar anxiety creep back into her mind, "What if the forest is separating us on purpose?"

Anxiety grew into panic, then into fear. Fear not just for herself but for Annette and Jack, for Nicole and anyone else that might've decided to follow the group. Her shoulders sloped and she closed her eyes, reminding herself of stupid little fairy tale creatures her parents used to tell her about before they labeled her an "Adult" and refused to entertain her naturally whimsical nature, shunning it instead.
At last it was late enough to where the moon was no longer shining in his part of the woods.

Deep in woods rested a long abandoned shrine.

The shrine was once used by witches who sought to use the powers of the wood's spirits through rituals and sacrifices.

what they awoke on that dark night, has forever haunted these woods like a shadow.

A violet mist began flow out from the dark alter.

twisting and swirling beginning to take form, until finally he was complete.

Furian took a deep breath, tasting the sweet night air.

It was then he caught the sent something he hadn't smelled in years.

" hmmm.... succulent man flesh. how delectable. " He remarked as he casually strolled in the darkness of the woods.

Smelling the air once more, he was sure he knew where the smell was coming from.

Letting out howl that sounded like 4 low voiced wolves, he charged towards the area where Annette was sleeping.

Almost gliding along the forest floor, a wicked smirk began to stretch across his face.
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Jake immediately dropped his flashlight and turned around, his heart racing. He expected to see one of the people in his group, someone just messing with him trying to scare him, but no, what he saw, well he wasn't sure what he saw. Whatever it was it was not human, but some human-like creature staring at him with big grey eyes, the same eyes that had been staring down at him from that tree.

"Wh-who, wh-what are you?" Jake asked, he didn't really know what else to do at the moment, the creature had grabbed a hold of his jacket so he didn't really think it would be much use to try and run away.
"I'm someone who wants to know why you're here," Lillium spoke with a mock pout, bringing herself close to the human. The flashlight that gave her away in her tree was now on the ground, no longer illuminating the forest and its trees but the ground instead. A low breeze cut through the forest, trees in the distance making a low groan. Her red hair whipped around her face as she studied the person she held.

"A piece of adorable human flesh like you shouldn't be in a big scary forest like this." She smiled, flashing some sharp teeth with her grin. She was standing on her toes, trying to reach a better height to be level with him. Being five foot wasn't always the best, but it did have its occasional upside.
"Well, me and a couple of other kids are here, we wanted to see what was in this forest," Jake responded, looking at the creature that stood before him. The creature had skin that looked like the bark of a tree, it's hair was red, and it had pointed ears, it looked like nothing he had ever seen before. He knew now that the stories and legends about this place being inhabited by strange creatures had to be true, know he was just curious as to what other things might lurk within these woods.

"Um, and you didn't really answer my question before, what exactly are you supposed to be? If you don't mind me asking." Jake said.
Lillium stood back and let go of his shoulders, her hands coming together in a tight grasp. I wonder how many humans are in the forest.

She shook her head as if shaking her thoughts away and smiled, answering his question. "I'm Lillium, a Nymph Demon," she bowed down, one arm behind her back. "A very lovely and rare mix of creature."

She came back up, red hair flipping and resting messily one her shoulders. And Lillium's next words were accompanied by a sharp edge, like the voices of the forest spoke with her. "You shouldn't be here, this place isn't safe. For any of you."

She took a deep breath and sighed, turning on her heels and making her way through the trees, kicking up stray leaves in her path.

"You should take your little group and get out of here."
Furian Slowed his pace and crept up on the clearing.

" Aaaah.. So it's true.. man has come into the woods again." he remarked when he found Annette.

He strolled up to Annette's sleeping body caressing her cheek with his soft brush like tail as he circled around her.

His tail the turned into a claw like hand, hard as stone and sharp as knives.

The hand articulated as if to wrap around her neck to strangle her.

"This is too easy.. I was hoping for a little fun after all these years. " Furian pouted as he prepared to kill her.

He took a deep breath in disappointment; but it was then he smelled it.

There were more humans in the woods.

A sharp toothy grin spread across his face as " ooooh mmmmyy.. how delightful. "

His tail returned to it's soft texture as it wafted in front of her face leaving a black mist around her head.

"That should keep you from waking up till dawn" He explained as he transformed into her perfect likeness.

Speaking in her voice he quipped "Sweet dreams princess"

He then began to walk towards the nearest of Jake and his party.

((Leaving it open to who wants to meet up doppelganger Annette))
Asta looked towards the shuffling in the woods to (what remained of) the group's side. She saw "Annette" and breathed a sigh of relief before rushing over and giving the impostor a hug. She broke away and started explaining "Oh my gosh, Annette! I'm so glad you found your way back to the group, but now Jake's disappeared!" fumbling over a few vowels trying to get the message across. "By the way-" she started, slowing down "-What happened while you were gone?"
DopleAnnette sneered behind Asta's as she hugged him before speaking with a slightly changed dialect-

"There there, everything will be alright. we will find Jake, and then we'll get out of these abysmal woods."

Giving himself some room, he briefly eyed Asta up and down like one would look at their meal after the waiter brings it.

Quickly turning his gaze towards a random direction, DopleAnnette asked "Now then, where did you last see Jack?"

Grasping Asta's hand tightly he began to walk into the darkness, his hands cold as ice, and his skin was hard.

It was like holding a frozen stone.
Asta twitched as her hand made contact with the icy skin, she stared in surprise at the sudden change. Red flags flew up in her mind but she shook it off, blaming her nerves-

"uh...back there-" she pointed with her free hand in the other direction "Where are we going?" she looked around, trying to find a landmark so they don't get lost- "We should probably stay with the group, right?"
Furian's could tell he was becoming over eager; what's one little mortal when he could feast on a whole group of them?

"your absolutely right, we need to get back to the group right away" He stated with a strange toothy grin.

A faint violet mist wisping out of this mouth as he spoke.

It was then he stopped and looked around, he felt something in the air.

It felt as he had been discovered, but not by this girl.

Furian could tell his call had been heard by a werewolf.

It was that tribe policing the woods that had kept him from getting a decent meal for so long.

Turning back to Asta with a deeper sense of urgency demanding - " It's really scary out here just the two of us, we need to find the others now! "
Asta stopped, and watched the purple mist float to the floor, her stomach dropped as she locked eyes with the other teen, a small nod being her only response. She sighed shakily, everything about this whole situation was becoming more and more like a nightmare, and she was being swept away with it. Asta popped another piece of the candy into her mouth, a silly thing to do but hey, it made her feel a little better at least.
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Jake had thought about leaving this forest the moment he saw the Nymph or "Lillium" as he had just learned what her name was, but now that he new who and what the creature was, she didn't seem that frightening to him. And after all, if a creature like her lived here, who knows what else might inhabit these woods?

"Well, I think that a little bit more exploring couldn't hurt, and I'm sure I'll meet up with the rest of the group later on," Jake responded to Lillium, as he bent down to pick up the flashlight. "And you probably know these woods very well, maybe you could show me around, and protect me from anything else that might be here," Jake added, turning his flashlight off, the light from the moon provided enough light for him to see his way around anyways he didn't really need it.
Lillium's ears twitched and she looked over her shoulder, grey eyes almost glowing. "There are other creatures here, yes. A lot of them much more... intimidating than me."

She rolled her wrists and bounced on the balls of her feet, deciding if she should or shouldn't let him tag along. I'll become a bigger target, but I could learn more about them... Her thoughts were a flurry of questions and doubts, but in the end she just let him walk up to her. He won't be that much of a burden, and he was right, she knew these woods like the back of her hand. So she let him tag along, let him follow her through the trees.

Every now and again, she would drag her hand along the trees, asking them where the other humans were. She wasn't the best with her telekinesis, but she was close enough related to the trees to be able to hear them. Better than she could hear a human's thoughts, anyway. "So what's your name?"
"My name's Jake," He answered. Jake admitted, he was a little creeped out by the thought of other strange creature in this forest, especially if they were much more frightening than Lillium had been to him when he first saw her, but he was still determined on exploring these woods just a little bit more. Jake then realized that he wasn't aware of where the other members of his group were and wondered if they were doing alright.

"Hey, uh, if you have agreed to show me around this forest, do you think you could find my friends, we all got separated awhile ago and I have no clue where they might have wandered off to," Jake asked "It was kind of my idea to explore these woods, so I guess they are, in a way, my responsibility." He sighed "Kind of wish I had come alone now so I didn't have to worry about a bunch of teenagers running around the woods all night."
"Coming alone would have ensured your death, Jake." Okay, maybe Lillium was being a bit blunt, but it was the truth, and the truth is what keeps you alive in this forest. She stood still and placed her hand against the trunk of a significantly larger tree, asking it to find the others. She wasn't expecting an answer, the forest is its own being, and if she was honest, she was quite sure it was more powerful than anything inside it.

"The forest will find them, provided they aren't destroying it. My home works as a single entity. It is a lot more than what meets the eye. If it wants to let your friends live, it will try." Lillium could hear a soft ringing in her ears, a soft ringing that she assumed would lead them to Jake's friends. But something else accompanied the ringing, more sharp sound. And that wasn't a sound caused by the forest, but by instinct.

"Your friends are close, they might be moving. And I think there's something following them," her voice sounded unsure, but that's exactly what she was. She was unsure if Jake's friends were in danger, or if they were being protected like he was.
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As they walked through the woods,Furian could tell Asta was becoming more suspicious.

more time was passing, and there was still no other humans in sight.

He began to become inpatient and his stomach began to growl.

He decided try something with Asta, asking "Why don't you take the lead, I'm not getting us anywhere."

After Asta took the lead, a mist began to form behind him, and with it his tail took form.

Slowly it inched towards the back of Asta's head, articulating and twitching like a hand made of blades.

Just as it was about to strike, fate again saved human life.

Furian was taken back by another strong presence.

"Another demon?" He whispered to himself in surprise as his tail began to disappear into the violet mist from which it came.

"My my.. this night just got even more interesting" He let slip in a very amused tone before looking into the nights sky.
Asta stared ahead, catching what Furian said but not acting on it. She hummed quietly for few moments before speaking up calmly, "Y'know these woods are giving off such a surreal vibe aren't they? Like this is the border of two worlds or something-" she paused then smiled to herself,laughing a bit "-in that case i hope we don't run into anything from the wrong side!"

She continued until they heard soft chatter up ahead of them, turning around she smiled, "That must be them"
as Aria stumbled deeper into the forest she felt something grabbing her Beanie as she turned all that was there was a tree that had caught her beanie. Aria pulled her beanie off and put it back on her head she then kept walking into the depths of the forest. Aria had felt like she was in a horror movie not knowing what to do she turned and twisted every way looking for a small spot of light. Aria felt a wave of anxiety crash over her as the walls seemed to close in on her looking in every direction she called out "Hello" her voice shattered as something gripped her shoulder.Aria swung around to see a huge beast that toppled over her like a tower Aria tried to scream but she couldn't even hear her own voice all she could think about was the beasts ugly face she turned to run but she then saw a demon like thing that had an odd face it had sharp claws and it was wearing pink. Aria froze her body was trembling the walls of the forest seemed to close in on her as the beasts surrounding her had left. Arias head ached as she ran towards a tiny light. She soon fell to the ground with a pounding thump that left her almost unconscious.

(Not sure if this is the right theme and setting @NinjaCat )
xXMiaXx said:
as Aria stumbled deeper into the forest she felt something grabbing her Beanie as she turned all that was there was a tree that had caught her beanie. Aria pulled her beanie off and put it back on her head she then kept walking into the depths of the forest. Aria had felt like she was in a horror movie not knowing what to do she turned and twisted every way looking for a small spot of light. Aria felt a wave of anxiety crash over her as the walls seemed to close in on her looking in every direction she called out "Hello" her voice shattered as something gripped her shoulder.Aria swung around to see a huge beast that toppled over her like a tower Aria tried to scream but she couldn't even hear her own voice all she could think about was the beasts ugly face she turned to run but she then saw a demon like thing that had an odd face it had sharp claws and it was wearing pink. Aria froze her body was trembling the walls of the forest seemed to close in on her as the beasts surrounding her had left. Arias head ached as she ran towards a tiny light. She soon fell to the ground with a pounding thump that left her almost unconscious.
(Not sure if this is the right theme and setting @NinjaCat )
(That setting and theme is perfect :3)
Lillianna moved through the shadows of the forest. She passes by all the statues that her fellow gorgon's had left behind. She grazed her hand over each of the statues as he hair moved without any wind. Her eyes looked over each statue with sorrow. Each of them had been alive for a time and each one died at the hands of her family. This would be the fate of all who met her as well. "I don't want this to be the fate of people who meet us.." She sighed deeply as she left the stone garden behind. Beyond the stone garden was the rest of the creatures homes. Most would leave her alone, she was a gorgon after all. She wandered until she came upon a girl that was lying nearly unconscious on the ground beneath her. A human?! Lillianna picked the girl up her braids falling onto the girl's face. "Excuse me, are you perhaps a human?" Lillianna wasn't going to reveal the whole truth of what she was, but wasn't about to lie either.

"Well, at least there close. We might be able to find them before whatever is following them finds them first," Jake responded. He felt a strong gust of wind rush through the forest, rustling the leaves and branches of the trees that towered over them, making them sound as if they were whispering to them. He felt a strange feeling come over him, like he was actually safe for once in this part of the forest. Before, when he was walking through the forest, he always had the feeling that someone, or something, was watching him or following him and the others.

"So, what direction do you think the rest of my friends are headed? And do you think they met beck up or are they still separated?" Jake asked, looking around and listening closely. Maybe if they were close enough, maybe he could hear the rest of his group talking or walking around somewhere in the woods.
Lillium's head twisted and was awkwardly tilted, as if it would help her hear better in some way. The ringing was so... weak, like there wasn't one group, but many. As another gust of wind rolled in, the voices of the trees filled the space around her. It was such a comforting sound, a sound she would never hear outside of this forest. With a soft sigh, Lillium grabbed Jake's hand and pulled him forward through the tall trunks.

"I think your friends are separated, and I think they've already be found," her voice wasn't sad, but it was filled with worry. Worry for Jake, worry for his friends. She didn't look back and just continued to lead him through the forest.

((leaving it open so you can decide who we go to first :P ))
Kel slithered around near the entrance of the forest watching the humans that had entered so blindly. He watched as they began to disperse and hunt for their comrades in small groups until he noticed one of them was alone. She was an interesting dish to look upon. Dark hair, slim figure, attractive by human standards, and tasty by his own, Kel watched quietly and waited for the moment that she'd let her guard down. When it was just her and none of the others around to follow, Kel made his approach. Slithering quietly closer he popped out of the top of a bush revealing only his human half, despite the horns growing out of his head. "Hello my dear. Are you by chance looking for something in our terribly dark and horrifying home?" Kel spoke smoothly his voice comforting as he called out to her.

"I think we should go find Annette first, she wandered off the moment we began exploring. We weren't able to find here before we all got separated," Jake explained, even though she had wandered off first, Jake was still very worried about the others and wished they hadn't all wandered off so that they could just go and try to find them all at once. He heard the worry in Lillium's voice the moment that she had began leading him through the woods, he felt as if they were all in trouble, not like they had all been killed or anything, but definitely in danger of becoming hurt or dead. As they both walked quickly through the forest, Jake began to feel as if he was being watched again and didn't feel safe. Wherever the others were, they probably weren't safe either.

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