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Fantasy Into the Forest

Fenris suppressed the urge to cower in fear. He had to have the demon focus on him. When it turns its eyes to Aora, Fenris worked fast. He jumps in front of the demon's gaze. The wolf growls louder, his mouth snapping a few times. Fenris readies himself for a fight; this is going to hurt. He lunges at the enemy again, lunging for its throat. He bites a few times hoping his attacks reach the older being; his paws flying up once in a while. He hears Aora direct her kind; he must continue his distraction.

As Fenris launched his attack it took Furian by surprise.

He never thought the wolf would dare to attack him again.

Many bites and scratches actually landed their mark on Furian, but he showed little reaction.

that was until Fenris landed a strong bite on Furian's neck.

a sharp pain ran through his body as violet mist poured out of the bite.

Howling in pain, Furian was slashed violently with his razor like tail to.

The slashing was wild, and damaged much of the area around him.

It was clear that he was trying to make space.

" You whelp! How dare you cause me pain?" He raged as he refocused his stance.

His eyes then began glow the same wicked violet color as his mist, lighting up the his face.

" Alright wolf. you have my full attention." He sneered as his tail raised into a defensive posture.

The end again began to articulate like a hand made of knives before he shouted " I'll just have to kill you first ! "
The demon's tail cuts the side of the wolf's face. Fenris jumps back before he received any more damage. He hopes the humans have begin to run from the demon's sight. Fenris watches the razor-like tail being raised. He readies himself if the enemy tries to strike at him with it; it worries him the most because it has better range than he expected. He feels a bit confident knowing that he landed a lucky blow on the older being but he doesn't know if he could do it again.

(Should we probably wait for the retreating characters to do something?

@MindScape @NinjaCat @neerios )
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Kiroshiven said:
Lillianna put her finger against the girl's lips. "Stay quiet. Okay? Im not going to kill you, but mom might if you move. Unless you feel like being a statue for all eternity, just stay down!" Lillianna moved away and intercepted her mother. They both began to spreek in Greek and make extreme gestures. At one point Lillianna is smacked before the gorgons that were her family left. "Its safe for you to come out." Lillianna turned as blood dribbled down her cheek from where her mother's claws had hit.
Aria looked at the girls cheek "are..are..you ok?" Aria turned to the tree then looked back at lillianna's cheek "Looks like a deep wound" Aria then took a small piece of tissue from her pocket and placed it on the scar that was on her face. Aria looked around at the forest she looked up at the dead trees then she looked up at a tree with a small glider and some other starange creature "uh...uh..." tye encounters with other creatures of this forest made this encounter no different, Aria froze and looked at the creature "pl..please...Don..don't hurt me" Aria looked around at Lillianna "is..is it a"

@Kiroshiven @Ironrot
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Bubble had thanked Annette for her name, and told her she'll keep looking for bugs, and went off. But in reality, she was off to tell one if the demons of the terrible news... that humans were roaming the forest. There were most likely to be other human present here, so some could already know where they were. Bubble sniffed the ground to see if there was any smell left behind by one of the demons. It wasn't the best way to find someone; if anything, the worst, but she had to find someone.... anyone...

A warm, thick, sweet smell wafted its way through the purple mist that began to rise. It wasn't strong, but Bubble had somehow caught the smell with her wet, black nose and guessed what it was. Blood? It didn't smell too much like it, but she knew a demon in this forest who could make blood sweet. She started to sniff harder, tracing the smell to where it was coming from. As she kept following, she heard rustling of leaves and twigs, as well as the force she felt when something thumped on the ground. Was he fighting another prey again? Well, maybe she could have a bite, if she were nice enough.

Finally, she stopped where the smell was strongest. There, she saw the demon she was looking for, ferociously fighting a wolf, who seemed a bit weak. Bubble was mystiffied and horrified by the scene. Why was he attacking Fenris? She never thought of them as enimies.
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Asta fell back on her rear from surprise and scuffled backwards, away from the fighting. Once at a relatively safe distance she got back on her feet and retreated the rest of the way back to the edge of the clearing where Jake, Lillium and Annette's limp form were. Her attention was immediately turned to Annette being unconscious, and the task of waking her up when a black and white figure caught her eye. She turned and saw bubbles (I'm assuming to be relatively close?) jumping a little at the sight. Asta mentally slapped herself for being startled by this little skunk while a demon and giant wold fought it out yards behind her.

"Hey, little guy, you might wanna get out of here-" she struggled a little, lifting Annette up into her arms "- i think we should too"
(Yep) Bubble heard a voice, not one that she had ever heard, and almost jumped when she turned around. It was another human! How did she get here? They're all weird, coming into the forest, unprotected. She looked kind though, and had offered advice, so she didn't intimidating. Bubble smiled. 'Oh, they won't hear us. They're too busy fighting to hear us in this level of volume' whispered Bubbles, 'but I don't know why they're fighting anyway. Probably just a little tiff or something.' Bubbles giggled and rolled over onto her back.
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"You're talking" asta said shakily, she stumbled a little, almost dropping Annette's body. I'm going insane. She thought, or I'm dead. Yeah, I came into the forest tripped and died. Now this is my eternal punishment for leaving home without permission. She swallowed the lump in her throat, staring at Bubbles "Could you help wake up my friend then?" She asked, gesturing to Annette who was currently in her arms.
'Your friend? Where is...' Then Bubbles saw the seemingly unconcious figure that the human was holding, and got a shock. It was Annette. Bubble followed her instincts and walked over to her. She soon started sniffing, looking, and checking for a pulse, for this could be demons work. After doing one last sniff, she sighed with relief. There wasnt't any trace of a demon; well, not any she could detect. Thats what made Bubble shiver. 'What happend to her? Did someone make her go to sleep?'
As Furian fought, he could see the others trying to escape.

However, at the time he was too insulted by Fenris insolence to care.

But it was when he saw Asta begin to carry Annette away that he took notice.

As Fenris attacked again, Furian seemingly burst into mist the moment he was struck.

The evil vapor rocketed into the air like a steam geyser before calming to an almost still.

The benevolent fog that had rocketed into the air so violently a moment ago no drifted like a purple haze around the area.

It had seeming that Fenris had won.

that was until a voice started to echo from the canopy.

" You miserable little rodent.. You call yourself a demon?.. your ancestors roll in their graves."

The mist again began to swirl and move as it started to gather around Asta and Bubble.

Again his Furian's voice spoke " You should know not to interfere in the affairs of your betters."

Again Annette's eyes momentarily opened, still with empty violet eyes.

She was barely able to mutter- " Little miss..gotta..get out of here-" before falling back into her induced slumber.
Fenris becomes confused when he lunges at the demon to discover it disappeared into a haze. He halts in his tracks, adrenaline still pumping, and searching for the shadow demon. He sniffs the air, knowing the damn thing was still around here somewhere. The wolf looks over to the fallen humans, a bit panicked on figuring out how to get them all out of here. The voice echoes through the trees. Fenris growls in habit, listening carefully to pinpoint where it could be. The mist goes around one of the humans and - is that a skunk? The booming voice made him feel hopeless. What does he have to do to get them out of here?

(Screw this. Let's get the show on the road. I'm calling in the pack. Anyone who isn't active will be still knocked out by the slumber thing. We're getting this RP out of the rut!)

Howling is heard in the distance. His pack! They could save these humans if they knew they had a connection with the ancestors. Fenris howls loudly in response. They must have tracked him, wondering where he's been. Fenris is known for exploring outside of the pack but he always returns. A howl is returned back and the noise of plants rustling is echoed through the forest. The wolf wondered how many were there? They could probably fend of the shadow demon in time for everyone to escape.

Two wolfs, one with a black coat and the other a brown coat, first appear out of the bushes. "Brother, what's going on? What are those things" the black one asks Fenris staring at the fallen humans. The nymph was no concern to them.

"Evil..." says the other one looking around.

@MindScape @Capricornus
Asta froze at the sound of howling, backing up a bit. Her arms shook as Annette's weight pulled at her muscles, she's never been the athletic type.

"ok little skunk- i think we should leave now" She squeaked, trying to keep her voice low and calm. Without waiting for an answer she turned, took a deep breath and ran/stumbled through the thicket. Asta kept her eyes trained forward and mind focused on moving. Inevitably, however, her legs gave out, sending the two teens onto the floor.

"S-sorry Annette" she mumbled, picking herself up. She cursed, covering her face with her hands and questioning why this was happening. Asta sat down next to Annette, no idea of what else to do.
The Air began to stir and swirl with violet malice, when suddenly a single drop of water pierced the sky.

an other-worldly shriek echoed in the forest as Furian cried out in pain.

The trees rattled with his anger; he had been cheated out of his meal by the accursed weather.

He was forced to retreat into the darkness he had come from .

A Sickening sense of hatred oozed from the mist as it crept back into the shadows, leaving only the sound of the soft rain behind it.

This false peace was not to last however.

It was clear that the moment the rain died, so would everything he could get his claws on.

Back Asta's care Annette's body still lay still and lifeless; that is until a single drop of rain struck her forehead.

As the water began to hit her face, it twitched and scowled until finally.. she woke up.

With a weak voice, she whimpered " A..Asta?.. Am I awake yet?
There was a horrid howl that could be heard from miles away, but Bubble hadn't figured thatwould scare away a human. But then these eyes... well, Bubble saw them, but they didn't look at Asta a whole lot, so she was confused when she went off running. And Bubble wouldn't have followed if she didn't notice Annette weakly blinking her eyes. 'Hey! Stop! Your carrying her badly!' Bubble rushed after Asta in desperation. She had no idea what had gotten over her. Why did she care about Annette so much that she would worry that she would get hurt?

Thats when she saw Asta let go of Annettes legs, collaspjng to the floor like a tree that had gotten cut down. There was obviously no energy left in her core. Bubble slowed down to a halt once she reached the collasped pile. By now Annette had opened eyes. 'Annette! Are you alright?'
Annette's eyes shifted weakly as she tried to speak- " L..Little miss?. So am I still asleep?"

As the rain softly passed through the canopy it's purifying effect began to drive a violet mist from the tear glands of Annette's eyes.

As a soft pale of thunder rumbled in the distance, she then glanced back over at Asta, now with more focused eyes.

Seeing the fear in here eyes, Annette sat up quickly, bumping her head on a branch that jutted off a log.

"Christ!" she yelped as she rubbed head.

Then it dawned on her. the skunk, the things she saw..everything. I wasn't a dream. everything was really happening.

She tried to sit up again, but was only able to cringe weakly.

((sorry it's not the best post but im not feeling well today. :( ))
Fenris curses to himself when a few of the humans run off. He looks over to the other wolves, "Brothers, go help the fallen." He gestures to the others on the forest ground. The wolf then runs after the others in the direction they went. He trusted his packmates to get the others to safety.

Fenris runs through the forest, sniffing out the location of the humans. The rain damps his fur, not to his liking. Small puddles that have formed on the ground splash when he steps on them. He locks in on the scent, following it to a large tree giving cover to the two humans and a skunk. The wolf lets out a tired huff before approaching slowly to the three. Still not knowing that the humans can't understand him, he says, "You didn't have to run off. You are under my protection." The skunk could translate. He glances behind him checking to see if anyone followed him then faces back towards them.
AnimusLight said:
Fenris curses to himself when a few of the humans run off. He looks over to the other wolves, "Brothers, go help the fallen." He gestures to the others on the forest ground. The wolf then runs after the others in the direction they went. He trusted his packmates to get the others to safety.
Fenris runs through the forest, sniffing out the location of the humans. The rain damps his fur, not to his liking. Small puddles that have formed on the ground splash when he steps on them. He locks in on the scent, following it to a large tree giving cover to the two humans and a skunk. The wolf lets out a tired huff before approaching slowly to the three. Still not knowing that the humans can't understand him, he says, "You didn't have to run off. You are under my protection." The skunk could translate. He glances behind him checking to see if anyone followed him then faces back towards them.
'Asleep?' Bubble pondered over this. What does she mean? But before she could could come to a conclusion, a wolf came snuffling up to them, splashing in puddles of water that had just formed. Bubble wasn't sure, but the wolf seemed to have cuts on him. The wolf spoke to the humans, 'You didn't have to run off. You are under my protection.' Bubble looked in awe. Without thinking of translating, she responded. 'What do you mean? Why are you protecting them? I know they can get in danger, but why.... well, okay, maybe they are a bit friendly, and everyone would protect a friend, but still....'
Fenris looks down to the skunk who responded to him. He frowns, "They are the answer to my pack's hidden past. If the elders will not tell me, I will find out myself. Many of my brethren want to know the answer to the ancestors." He turns his gaze upon the two humans. The wolf continues, "...And I have also promised the human, Aora, to take her back to her kind." His pack should have got the rest of the others out of there, including his acquaintance. The wolf turns his attention back to the skunk asking, "You ask me why and I have answered but now the question is why are you interested in them?" He sits down, trying to make himself less towering over the three.
'Well, the truth is... well, I can't help it! They're so friendly and stuff! They're funny too! All I want to do is to make friends, even if they're not friendly (I'll stay on their good side).' Then she remembered. 'Um... have you seen any other humans? Why are they coming here? In this forest? Are they all funny too?'
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Struggling to keep it together, Annette chimed in from her resting place on the ground. -

"That would be... kinda my fault. "

her eyes were distant as if she was talking to herself.

She still struggled to believe everything that was going on as she continued- " She was being such a plastic bitch.. She always had to be better then me.. I couldn't take it anymore."

A tear welled up in her eye, but the rain drops masked it.

She closed her tired eyes and continued- " I took off into the woods.. why I don't even know.. I put everyone who came after me in danger.. But worst of all Asta.."

She covered her face with her hands in shame before going on " of all people why did she have to get mixed up in this?"

It was clear she had snapped under the stress, and was mono-logging to herself.

She looked around weakly at everyone whimpering- "Little miss, Big bad wolf, ..A..Asta.. Please don't let me fall asleep here again."
Bubble gasped. She placed her head under Annettes chin, sat in her lap, and frantically tried to make her comfortable. 'Don't cry! Don't cry! Whoever you're talking about, she's not better than you... your perfect! You make such a good friend, and you gave me a nice nickname! ...please don't cry. It makes you feel worse.' Bubble stopped moving and looked up with innocent eyes. 'Do you really feel endangered. I can protect you, or at least help, if that helps.'
Annette slowly settled down and began to cuddle a bit with Bubble.

"Oh little miss.. You sweet little bundle of whatever you are." She sighed to herself with a halfhearted smile.

She Stroked Bubble's back like you would a kitten and asked Asta -"Are you ok?. you look like hell girl."

Trying to lighten the mood, she joked " I told you,never drink liquor before beer."

letting out a short, fake laugh she looked up to the rainy dark sky and added - " God what a night"

The raindrops on her forehead making her feel strangely better.

Less then a mile away a cave swirled with wicked energy.

" That damn pup! I should have slaughtered him the moment I laid eyes on him..Dammit! "

Furian's voice echoed in the cave as nothing but his violet mist lay low like a fog.

A pare of evil eyes began to form and glow in the darkness.

A cold and ominous air began to poor out of the cave as again his voice could be heard- " As soon as this damnable rain stops.. the humans, that brat.. and his whole flea bitten tribe are going to" and with his final word a strong burst of cold air exploded from the mouth of the cave- " DIE ! "
(I'm going to skip ahead to keep up with current whatever)

Asta laughed a bit, turning to her head to the side before meeting Fenris. She stared for a few seconds before dead panning

"Oh god there's another one... Annette no alcoholic from Russia, Poland and Moldova combined could make us see these things- comatose you, maybe, but this is looking like a really bad acid trip. I mean seriously, this wolf is taller than me, that skunk is talking and the cat and like knives for tails" she huffed, hiking up her hood to cover her beet red face from the rain. This whole situation put her on end, making her a little snappy,

"I'm glad you're awake though"
'Huh? What are you talking about? Those are what you would normally expect in a haunted forest.' Bubble looked to where Annette was looking to se an endless downpour of cold rain. 'Maybe we should shelter for the night. Fen, I'm guessing? Do you know where we could shelter from the rain?' she asked.
"Not too far from here is a small cave. The human, Aora, and I have rested there before finding you guys. I believe I can escort you there. The curved rock should provide enough shelter with just us. The pack should be taking the others back to my brethren. You will be under my protection for now," responds Fenris. He comes to a stand, shaking the droplets of water of his fur. He motions his head to the direction the pond is at. It's early in the morning so they have time to wait for the rain to clear and continue to a much safer area. Fenris wondered if should turn into his flesh-form, seeing as it looks like one of the humans. Slightly self-aware about one of the human's comments, he'll have to find one of the pack's clothed garments; the humans wore something odd-looking but they did cover themselves. The wolf wouldn't mind some rest too. The fight with the shadow demon pushed his adrenaline and has made him paranoid of any danger that may befall the group. Before he begins to walk, he glances at the humans, "I could carry one of them if they are tired."

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