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Fantasy Into the Forest

As Waverly got closer another figure arrived. From here she could tell it was three girls, and one boy. It seemed that two of the girls were fighting though.

She finally reached the group, only recognizing Nicole and Jake. She had them for a class or two, but never talked to them. "You're the ones that are heading out to the forest, right?" She said brightly, smiling at everyone. Whatever tension there was, she was sure a good attitude could change the atmosphere.
Jake hadn't even noticed the two girls arriving, neither the other two fighting he had been staring into the forest for too long, trying to figure out what he had seen before, he was starting to get an uneasy feeling about going into those woods. "Hey, what are you two fighting about?" He asked turning around and walking towards them, wanting to figure out what the big deal was. They were all just going to go exploring in the woods for the night, he didn't really see the point them fighting about whatever they were fighting about, whatever it was it seemed kind of pointless to him and didn't see why they couldn't settle it at school or something, he was just really eager to go into the forest now.
Bubble walked around the leafy forest floor, her little nose pointed into the air. There wasn't a wiff of tasty food anywhere in this part. Sure, she just had two caterpillars and a huge berry, but she still felt hungry. 'This is hopeless. Why is there hardly any food in these parts? I know this forest is a home for demons but...'

Then, a soft murmuring whisped past Bubbles ears. A murmuring that was so unusually clear. Could it be... no. No human has ever dared to go into this forest. But she heard it again. What was it? Her curiosity over took her, and her legs started moving own their own. 'I came from the entrance... she thought. She made the surrounding leaves rustle, but Bubble knew that wasn't enough to scare away the humans.
Nicole waited impatiently for Annette's comeback. About to say something else, She turned her head towards a familiar looking individual. She had known the girl from her Biolgy class. They had never talked, other than maybe gretting each other in the hallways, as the passed by each other. "Waverly? Is it?" she asked, hoping she didn't pronounce the name wrong or mistaken her name for someone else. "Um.. yeah, we're going to 'explore'.. I guess," She answered, pointing towards the dark entrance of the woods.

Still looking at the entrance of the woods, she noticed Jake who had finally snapped out of his gaze, walking towards them. "Its not me," she began, giving Annette another glare, "Its her, shes being rude, and disrespectful. This was supposed to be fun, thanks to her, it already sucks, and we haven't even stepped inside the forest yet," She stated, almost groaning. Nicole paused, realizing what she had said out loud. She sounded like a two year old who was arguing over a piece of candy. She had give. so much of her attention at Annette, instead of enjoying herself. Nicole sighed, spinning back around, truding over to where Jake stood.

Thoughts of the myths and the monsters, boggled in Nicole's brain. She was so confident coming here, and now, she felt as if she was being stalked by a serial killer. She didn't really believe those stories did she? Nicole's thoughts were interrupted as the crunchy sounds of leaves came from inside of the forest. That could have easily been the big pile of leaves beside her, but she swore that she heard it coming from the trees. Taking a two small steps forward, Nicole stood steadily on her tippy toes, attempting to examine the inside of the forest without actually going in. She didn't see anything, or anyone. But she still couldn't ignore the creepy feeling that they were being watched.
No one knew why, but of all the people she was mean to, Annette seemed to have it out for Nicole.

The rest of the school knew her as a *mega bitch* with a large focus of her mean comments focused on her.

Some rumored it was because she stole a boyfriend from her in middle school.

But this couldn't be true sense Annette never had a boyfriend for more then a week.

for all her attention seeking antics, she never showed much interest in the boys at school.

others theorized it was because she was jealous of her good looks and ability to make friends easily.

Whatever the case, the two have never gotten along sense they met.

Annette leered back with an unshaken gaze. and snapped back " You know what Nic-y, your absolutely right for once. I wasn't invited to your little ghost hunt. excuse me for crashing what is so obviously your little party."

Showing a moment of sincerity she mumbled "Jake, Asta..I'm sorry. Have fun in the woods, and be careful. I hear some messed up shit about this place..

turning back and Bowing rather disrespectfully she added "your majesty.."

She then took a tissue from her other cup, flung it into the air so it would drift down.

"by your leave." she snarked as she began to walk off.

after turning, tears began to fill Annette's eyes.

she was secretly sensitive, but only Nicole could ever really seem to hurt her like that.

In her dismay she didn't realize that she was walking the wrong way.

Annette unknowingly stormed right into the woods.

Before she even knew what she was doing or where she was it was too late..

She was deep in the woods and completely lost.

All the trees look alike, and all the shadows twisted and danced, making things unbelievably disorienting .

Lost, angry and frustrated, all she could do was brake down and cry using the last of her tissue.
Bubble went tense. There was a huge crunching of leaves and twigs that not even a deer could make. And she picked up a disgusting scent of sweat and human flesh. I don't believe it... theres someone in the forest! she thought, what on Earth are they doing? Bubble knew there was one thing to do. She ran towards where the sound was coming from. The human was crazy to ever think of going near the forest. Bubble knew that they wouldn't do much damage, but she just why they were here...

Finally, she stopped, sucking in deep, cold breaths. The scent was close. Really close. And so was the crunching of the leaves. Bubble flicked her tail as to flick the sweat off, for she felt her fur getting wet. The human was somewhere close... she wasn't sure what to do exactly
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Annette, heard some leaves rustling, and thought she saw movement out of the corner of her vision.

Looking down she saw one of her tears landing on what looked like some kind of strange skunk.

She froze for a moment trying to back up very slowly. "he..hey there little one." she said shakily with a broken, horse, voice.

Annette loved small animals but she also knew what skunks we capable of.

" Good little one.. there there" she tried pleading as she inched away.

a moment of compassion, Annette felt she could relate to this strange creature.

Slumping into a sitting position she asked it " No one wants you around either, huh? "

She scoffed and drew one of her last few cigarettes adding " accept for maybe the hungry monsters eh?"
Bubble looked up at the human. Was she... talking to her? Really Bubble shouldn't have been surprised, but she wasn't so used to this. Bubble was capable of human speech, and she couldn't resist responding back. 'Well... yes. Most of the spirits here are my friends. I don't think much of the other animals though. What about you? What do you mean when you say "either"'?

One part of Bubble really couldnt believe herself. The other part thought that this human was rather friendly. Maybe she won't feed this one to the demons.
Annette brought her lighter to her cigarette, but before she could flick it Bubble spoke.

She froze in place at the sound of it.

Her cigarette dropped from her gaping mouth as she struggled to spit out- " Did.. did you just speak? "

She crawled back to create some distance before shaking her head and adding " that's not possible!.. is it?"

She had grown up hearing stories of the woods and all the strange things that lived there.

Some kids talked about good fairies and things, but others told stories of horrible demons, and monsters.

She wasn't sure if she was dreaming, or if she even heard what she thought she did.

She rose a shaky hand as if to wave and almost in a whimper asked- " u uumm.. h Hi? little one.. did you say something ? "
Asta stared at the area of the woods Annette had disappeared into, waiting for her to reemerge. A horrible feeling shot through her as she realized Annette wouldn't, taking a deep breath she calmed herself and thought "If we're going to explore the woods we're bound to run into her"

Asta turned to Waverly and greeted her "Hello, I'm Asta, I hope we'll get along" doing her best to suppress her accent, which she found incredibly ugly.

Her accent had always been something she was immediately judged for in school, either kids would think it was weird or make fun of it, so her solution was to try and hide it around people, especially her friends. It was one of her flaws, not trusting people to like her and instead try changing aspects to make herself "More likable"
Still striving to try and find where the rustling of the leaves came from, Nicole spotted a blonde figure strolling past her, right into the mouth of the woods, disappearing from her sight. She right away, she knew who it was. Nicole jogged back to Asta, Waverly, and Jake, who all seemed to be already talking about Annette's sudden 'actions'. With a puzzled look, she shook her head. "Why the hell did she do that for?" Nicole asked abruptly. In her perfect world, Annette would hopefully get lost and she would never have to see her again. But inevitably, Nicole knew they would all have to go in there to try and find her. The sun was beginning to set, and they couldn't just leave her in there by herself till the next morning. Sighing, Nicole began talking, "We have to go in there, we can't leaver her by herself," she said, almost choking on her words. She scurried over to her backpack, and briskly set it on her back. "Ready?" She asked, turning back to the others.
Aora had almost dozen off, when she suddenly heard someone running into the forest. She thought the group had already moved on so she picked up her backpack and also walked into the forest.

After a only a few minutes, she was already lost. She looked around, hoping to find some kind of exit, but the forest just looked like it had no ending. When she looked up to the barely visible sky, due to the trees, she realized that it was already getting dark. So Aora went deeper and deeper into the forest, hoping to find someone, anyone, then nothing scared her more at the moment than being alone in that cursed forest.
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Jake was about to go and stop Annette from leaving and try and maybe make her feel better but it was to late, she had already left and had disappeared in the darkness, he really hated all of this drama but didn't want to say it out loud. Jake looked at the forest, it was so late and very dark out, it wouldn't be wise to let her go in there by herself just like Nicole had said. "Yeah your right, let's go get her. Also, isn't everyone here now? I think it's ok if all of us go," he said.
Fenris's pack has moved closer to the outer part of the forest, deep enough still to not reach the border to the outside but closer than they have ever before. The pack usually moved around the heart of the forest but this time their alpha wanted to leave the area instead of fighting off the vampires who are slowly moving there. Fenris didn't approve of it, missing the lake he once used to roam around.

He shifts into his wolf form, nodding to his brothers that he was going to explore the new area. Fenris begins to head closer to the outside, wondering what creatures lived there. His elders used to talk of their ancestors that where from the outside; they said that is how they got their other form, of flesh and no fur.

Fenris sniffs the air; an odd unfamiliar smell resonates further on the outer edges of the forest. He stealthily travels towards it.
viska said:
Annette brought her lighter to her cigarette, but before she could flick it Bubble spoke.
She froze in place at the sound of it.

Her cigarette dropped from her gaping mouth as she struggled to spit out- " Did.. did you just speak? "

She crawled back to create some distance before shaking her head and adding " that's not possible!.. is it?"

She had grown up hearing stories of the woods and all the strange things that lived there.

Some kids talked about good fairies and things, but others told stories of horrible demons, and monsters.

She wasn't sure if she was dreaming, or if she even heard what she thought she did.

She rose a shaky hand as if to wave and almost in a whimper asked- " u uumm.. h Hi? little one.. did you say something ? "
'Oh. Sorry if I surprised you, but yes, I did speak. I'm not sure how, but I just do. And anyway, you talked to me, so I couldn't help responding.' Bubble giggled. It was really strange, knowing how to do something but not remembering when she learnt it. Maybe it was coincidence. Maybe it was magic? What? Why would there be magic that would make you able to speak English?' Bubble giggled again, but then remembered she was still in the mortal world.

'Anyway, let's not worry about that. what do you mean when you say "me either"? You don't seem to be bad.' Hopefully the human understood her and didn't run away in fright of anything. It was a change from speaking to demons.
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Annette couldn't believe what was going on.

She almost screamed, but as it welled up inside her, only the tiniest whimper let out.

Numb from shock, she didn't feel pain, or anything else.

And with the strange events taking place, the only way she could make sense of it all was to assume it was a dream.

*Dammit all.. I must have fallen asleep out here after getting lost* she thought to herself as she made herself more comfortable.

Heaving a sigh, she thought she might as well have fun with it.

She spoke in a tone much softer then normal saying "well that's nice of you to say.. Your about the only one who would say that.. I'm not exactly the best person.

I can't really blame the others for not inviting me..See people like me."

She slumped lower, Curling up her posture before adding- " I don't even know why I act that way.. I just get so mad at everyone. I guess it's because they have their shit figured out, and I'm jealous. No one expects me to ever amount to anything. I'm suppose to just be pretty, and merry some rich dude like my mother did

Little miss, do Magic creatures have such messed up social dynamics?"

Annette was acting very strangely, be she felt that at least in a dream she didn't have to be this dominating alpha female.

That she could ask this sort of spirit guide in a very candid moment .
'Well, really, it depends. It always depends. But the strange thing is... I'm not magical. I'm not even sure how my fur is blue' she said as she lifted up a leg. Bubble sighed for no apparent reason. 'Same thing goes with your personality. It's the choices that you- or someone else- makes that probably effect you. But you know how you said you seem to get mad at everyone because they figured they're life out and your jealous?' Bubble laughed, 'well, why would that matter? Your still in high school, right? You got plenty of time. Plenty of time to figure out your little future that we skunks don't have to worry about.' Bubble laughed again.

She sat still for a few moments, thinking about nothing really, when she remembered that the human was still here. 'But... why are you here? Probably to look for flowers? Well, you're not going to be a florist around these parts', Bubble laughed.
Aora went deeper into the forest. Due to the darkness, she couldn't see very well and it wasn't long until she tripped over an old tree root and fell.

She didn't hurt herself that badly, but her left foot still hurt when she tried walking. She decided to sit down for a moment. It was then when, not too far away from her, she noticed a creature walking on four legs. It looked like a dog but bigger... A wolf? Could it really be one? Her heart started beating faster out of fear, but still, she wasn't really sure if it really was a wolf. She tried to get a little bit closer, sneaking her hands and knees.
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The scent was getting strong and Fenris knew the creature is somewhere near. He halts his movement, scanning the area and bushes. 'I know you're around here somewhere,' he thought. He didn't want to be spotted though so he kept low.

Fenris spots a large old tree with long roots that were almost bigger than him. He remembered the elders of the pack tell him about ancient trees that used to move in the forest; though he was sure this wasn't one of them. He approaches the tree with silent footsteps while sniffing for the scent. It seemed to get stronger; was it here? The wolf stops and notices something poking out from behind a huge tree root.
Aora turned around just to be surprised by the big, almost giant wolf that was right there, only a few footsteps away. She wanted to scream, but supressed it. She swallowed. She couldn't think clear, her mind was going blank. She slowly stood up, trying to avoid harsh movements and tried to slowly move backwards, or more like, hobble backwards.

She knew that with any wrong movement she made, the wolf could kill her with only one bite or hit.
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Fenris stares at the fumbling creature; it seems to be scared of him. Looking closer, the creature reminds him of the pack's no-fur form. He approaches it enough that his paw was at its legs. 'What in ancestor's name is this?' he thought as he nudges at the clothed substance covering her body. Now that the smell is just inches away, it reminded him of the forest's nymph kind but mixed with something else. He really had no idea what it was. Seemed to be a female because of the shape it has compared to a female wolf's non-fur form.

He didn't trust the creature so staying in this form suited if he was in need to attack. For all he knew, it was a trick of the vampires - the ancestors who were corrupted and separated from the others. He decides to watch its actions for now...
As the wolf put his paw at Aoras legs, she flinched. Only looking at that paw with those giant, sharp claws made her feel uneasy. She moved a little bit farther, but she somehow felt as if the wolf wasn't going to harm her... Or was she just lying to herself?

She sat down, as she could not walk for the moment due to her pain. She was face to face with the wolf, less than 9 inches distance between them.

"I-I'm sorry... I don't... I didn't mean t-to disturb you...", she desperately tried to talk to the wolf, but did she really think that a wolf would understand her?
He mouth gaped open; she spoke in the ancestor's language. Maybe, just maybe this creature is of similar kind. Fenris backs away, giving it some respected space. He lets out a huff through his nose. "Do you understand me?" he asked in his native tongue, think she might but to her its only unusual huffs and barks.

The wolf stares with a tilt to his head.

(LOL I stg the Dog of Wisdom video comes to mind *sobs*)
At first Aora was confused, what exactly did the wolf just do? But only seconds afterwards she understood him. She looked around. "Was that really just this wolf?", she thought.

She stared the wolf straight in the eyes and nodded. "Y-yes. Yes I do! B-but, how? Who exactly are you? Where are we? And why do I understand you?", Aora said while sobbing. Tears started rolling down her cheeks, she had so many questions, and was scared, more than she had ever been.

(Haba ba daga da. Omg that's probably onenof the best videos I've ever seen)
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(Yesss lol. when my brother saw my character sheet he mentioned it and now i'll never be able to write my character without laughing)

Fenris lays down to at least be eye level with her. "Well, if you understand maybe other people of your kind will understand too, right?" Fenris responds, puzzled to her last question. "My name is Fenris of the Dire pack. You are only on the outer parts of the forest, stranger. You are from the outside, are you?" His eyes seem to shine at his deduction; his tail slightly wagging unconsciously. If the pack knew someone that is similar to their past were to show up - the knowledge they could gain. The elders always forbid the pack from going outside the forest and he never knew why; only the alpha nows who later gets excepted as an elder one.

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