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Fandom InFamous: Repercussions of War

Felix nods. There's something greater going on here... but just what is it? Play along. "Okay... sorry for the questioning. I'm too curious for my own good." He then looks at the time. "Shit! My wife is gonna be pissed at me. I'm quite late..."
"Go home to your wife then, we can talk again later. Where do you wish to meet next time?" Nico questioned. This way they wouldn't have to actually look and find where Felix was if they set up a place where they could meet.

Nico's luck was finally turning around. It would seem likely that he would be able to obtain Felix's help alongside his friends.
Felix pulls out a card with his phone number on it. "When you're as paranoid as me, you carry these around. I know a place, I'll give you the address later." He then gives the cards to his friends. "So we can stay in touch. Besides, you may want in on this." Felix then leaves the graveyard, waving back, and not noticing Xavier.

Felix walks into the simple apartment. I hope Sphinx isn't too pissed.

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Watching Felix leave the cemetery, without noticing them no less, was a good sign.

"So how'd it go?" Merlin asked.
"Oh, I thought all of the DUP were Humans." Ken wasn't clarified of it, he never officially joined DUP, mainly because he was Neutral. He was bored, Demon-Dick wasn't providing much entertainment, he climbs up a simple building. Being bored, his digital wings fly him upwards, flying up a skyscraper. "Bye! I got bored, See ya!" Ken was yelling at Demon-Dick, his Gas Mask now off. He makes it to the Skyscraper, completely bored, he sits at the edge, doing everything he's been doing forever. Sitting, thinking, bored.

"Well what else God? Is there gonna be a 13 foot high monster coming know?" Ken needed answers, even though he wasn't on the ground, he needed to know what was happening.
With the card in hand Nico began to walk out of the cemetery the exact same way he had came. He approached Merlin and Xavier with a smile, as he held his hand up revealing the card he had taken from Felix.

"It went well. I believe Felix intends to help us, although it may take a little more talking on my part to cement the deal. Sometime tomorrow, when we're ready, we should call him so that we can set up the next meeting point."
Psych grins and nods. "Oh, Chase, I think we're gonna get along swimmingly." Nil and Three look at the two of them nervously.
Chase looked to Psych with the same blank expression as always. "We may become better acquainted later on in the future, but I refuse to become you're pet." He then looked to, his eyes still angry. "Unless... I can eat the man who so rudely described me as beastial. The girl will be the appetizer, I suppose," Chase said, the last part aimed at Three.
"Unless? As in you'll become my pet if I DO let you eat them?" Psych says with a chuckle, making it clear he's only teasing. "Tempting, but I'm afraid I can't let that happen. Nil may be an idiot-"

"I resent that"

"But he's useful."

"Gee, thanks." Nil mumbles before walking away.

"And I will hurt you." Three adds before walking off as well.

"Oh, they're just bitter about my superiority, don't mind them."
"You don't seem like the leader type." Sarah said, her arms crossed over her chest. "You seem more like the solider who'd be convicted of a war crime, like raping a civilian or something."
"War crime? Well, can it be a war crime when there's no official war?" Psych smirks and leans against a wall. "I may not have been the original leader, but we both came from the same person, so I guess it's close enough."
Assailant said:
"War crime? Well, can it be a war crime when there's no official war?" Psych smirks and leans against a wall. "I may not have been the original leader, but we both came from the same person, so I guess it's close enough."
"Unless he appointed you to be the leader of whatever all this is if he died before he actually did, you should've done the first thing that SHOULD HAVE come to mind: Vote for a new leader. I could've under stood that you appointed your self leader if your organization if everything was in shambles, but you guys seem perfectly functional to me." Chase said, noticing blood covered his face. His tounge slithered out of his mouth and lapped up all the blood before retreating back into his mouth. "Ew...." Sarah added.
"Hah!" Psych says. "Oh, you should have seen us after Shadow's fall. Rioting, internal war, mass death. It was about as 'in shambles' as you can imagine." Psych leans off the wall. "We all warred to take over the group. I won. Simple as that. Besides, we're... basically the same person. Kinda."
[QUOTE="Zabuzas Son]With the card in hand Nico began to walk out of the cemetery the exact same way he had came. He approached Merlin and Xavier with a smile, as he held his hand up revealing the card he had taken from Felix.
"It went well. I believe Felix intends to help us, although it may take a little more talking on my part to cement the deal. Sometime tomorrow, when we're ready, we should call him so that we can set up the next meeting point."

"We'll leave the calling up to you then," Xavier replied, "As for now, just make sure you're ready for tomorrow. For now, we'll return to the cistern, but I can't say that we can do much but strategise. If you have any business to attend to, you can leave after we get back." Xavier stated, before pulling out his phone and bringing them to the cistern.
"Alright, well I doubt I'd be able to get much sleep even if I tried. I suppose I'm too excited for the possibilities of what tomorrow could finally bring. Does New York have twenty four hour casinos? I've of course never been to one myself but I seem to have memories of such a place and how much fortune favored my father while he was there."

Nico dug through his pockets, but he of course didn't have a dollar to his name.

"Could you loan me some small amount? Five dollars or so? I promise you I'll find a way to pay you back tomorrow. I know what I'm spending all night on..."
"Uhm..." Xavier looked to Merlin, who looked back at him. He didn't possess much but his devices; he had been surviving purely off of stealing food with his code after all. With their funds put together, they were completely bankrupt. Besides, conduits did not necessarily have to eat, they just needed a source of power.

"Maybe Amalgam will have some money..." Merlin shrugged, and Amalgam snorted at the sound of its name.

"Yeah, don't think he does..." Xavier murmured. Pulling out his phone, he conjured a five dollar bill out of code before handing it to Nico, "My virtual objects don't last indefinitely while I'm not in the vicinity, so this will probably last you a day. It isn't real, so just make sure you buy or get whatever you need and get away before they realise they have a deficit."
"If my supposed memories are correct, we won't have money problems for very long..." Nico joyfully said as he took the fake five dollar bill that Xavier had handed him. It was clear that Nico had just recently experienced another memory of Zabuza's, and one that had to deal with gambling it would seem...

"I'll be back by the time the sun is rising, if not feel free to come find me. I'm looking forward to this" Nico said as he walked out of their hideout and made his way to where he believed a casino was. He would end up being gone for the rest of the night.
Chase simply stared for awhile before Sarah yawned and stretched. She then realized she had been wearing a hospital gown this whole time. "You got any clothes I can borrow?" Chase stood and began to walk away before Sarah turned to stop him. "Hey! No, I don't need them THAT bad! Oh, brother...."
"Nope." Nil says coming back, bringing some food and handing them out to Sarah and Chase. "I don't know if you guys are hungry, but if you are, here you go. If not, keep it." Psych raises an eyebrow at the compassion Nil is showing. Could he be a failure too? "Anyway, we don't change clothes. Well, the few times we do, we steal them. So no clothes."
Chase soon came back with Sarah's lab coat, pants, and glasses. The shirt, and new jacket, he wore were riddled with bullet holes. "The DUP showed up before I did." Sarah grabbed her clothes and put them on over her gown before looking to Psych. "Hey, can I- Can we stay here for the night? Well be gone by dawn." Chase was staring intently at Nil, his eyes changing from jet black, to red with three dots spinning around in a circle, to yellow with dilated pupils.
Nil stares at Psych and grimaces. Oh, this is not gonna be good for the two of us, is it? "Sure," Psych says. "I could always use the... company."


Felix stares down at Shadow's corpse and laughs wildly. He had done it. He had won. With Zabuza dead, and Shadow too, he had won. He repeatedly slashed and stabbed the dead body, tearing it apart, grinning with a wild smile, and insane light in his eyes.

He heard a light tap behind him. "F-Felix?" He heard a familiar voice ask. "A-are you okay?" Felix turns behind to see the white haired man slowly approaching him.

"Daniel!" He says. "Come over here!" Daniel begins to walk over to Felix before Felix swings his sword and cuts Daniel across the cheek. Daniel's eyes widen as he feels some blood trickling down his neck, before feeling a slash across the chest. Daniel falls to his knees and looks up to see Felix raising a sword, grinning maniacally.

"D-did I do something wrong?" Daniel asks sadly, staring with tears falling up into the crazed eyes of his hero as a blade falls.

Felix's eyes burst open. He stares at the ceiling of his apartment and notices his blurry eyes. His wet cheeks reveal why.

Felix turns over, avoiding the light of the morning coming in his window. He cries silently.
True to their word, Sarah and Chase had left at the first sight of dawn. Or rather Sarah attempted to sneak away in the middle of the night, before she was caught by Chase, who insisted he go with her.

"I'm going with you."

"No, stay here with these guys."



"Because I have to protect, u mother-"


And all that Three and Nil would wake up to was two cuts on their cheeks, where Chase had drank a few ounces not their blood to see what it was like.

"So, how was it?"

"Revolting doesn't do it justice."

"Must have been really bad."

"I pukee on the man who said to tame me. Mostly on purpose."
Three waked up in the elite barracks. She sat up, before feeling a slight sting on her cheek. She reached up to her cheek and felt a small cut. That bastard drank my blood, didn't he? She then noticed a revolting smell, and looked over to the bed next to her, to see...

Nil wakes up to a similar experience to Three. Then, he noticed a grotesque sight covering his body. "SON OF A BITCH!!!"

"He must've really hated your blood." Nil thinks about it and smiles.

"You know, I SHOULD be angry... but I'm just glad I caused that dick suffering."

"Damn right."
Nico had kept his promise, having actually returned back before the sun had even started rising. Xavier and Merlin were still presumably asleep by the time Nico had walked in, as the sound of moaning could be heard from Xavier in his dreams. This brought a smile to Nico's face as he placed down two duffel bags he had brought with him from his adventures that night.

Despite claiming he wouldn't be able to get any sleep, with time still left before the sun would rise Nico feel asleep perched against one of the many crates. He would be more than thrilled to tell his story when they all woke up...
"Ugh..." Xavier moaned as he twisted uncomfortably, a bead of cold sweat trickling down his forehead. His eyes opened up, the sticky sensation under his clothes becoming too unbearable. He really shouldn't be wearing a suit to sleep, but it didn't really matter. The suit was a virtual object, so he could clean and straighten its creases anyhow. Moving his legs off the crate, he suddenly felt an odd sensation. Oh, not again... His face suddenly flushing as he realised what had happened, and he fished out his phone. Standing straight, a circle appeared underneath him, and a small gust blew up the length of body as the feeling of sticky skin was purged from his body. Looking around, he found Merlin smiling as she sat on a nearby crate.

"Another one?" Merlin chuckled slyly.

"It's none of your business what goes on in my dreams," Xavier scoffed, his face blushing as he scanned the cistern for Nico. He was resting in the corner, leaning against some crates. It was only then that he noticed the two duffel bags near him. Walking over, he opened a duffel bag, before he closed it again.

"Why? What's in there?" Merlin walked over, her high heels clicking as she opened the other bag, before closing it as well, "Aaw, look! Nico's a little scammer, just like you!" Merlin smiled.

"Or he has inherited Zabuza's luck..." Xavier shrugged, "And besides, it's not cheating if you can't prove it." He pointed a finger at Merlin.

"And that's why I don't play any gambling games with you," Merlin replied.
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