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Fandom InFamous: Repercussions of War

Felix laughed. He looked up at the moon. Graveyard, then home. "Sure. If Work doesn't interfere, I should be back soon." He said, making it clear what "work" was.
Felix nods. "See you soon." He hangs up as they arrive at the graveyard. "Here we are..."
"Well, that's perfectly fine. I should have expected this, you have Zabuza's blood flowing through you after all." Xavier sighed in relief. It wasn't anything alarming that had taken Nico.

"We just came from the First Son's territory, and put bluntly, it's more difficult than we could imagine." Merlin chimed.

"For now, let's get out of here." Xavier looked around, "I don't want to stay near her. I'll bring us back to the cistern." He brought out his phone and teleported them into the cistern.
Nico wiped the blood off of his mouth after they were teleported back to the cistern. He wasn't exactly surprised that it was going to be so extremely dangerous to rescue his father, which is exactly why he had been thinking about a plan while he was asleep and even when he was out finding a drink.

"I've been thinking a lot about what you said and I think I might have an idea of how we could get some help. I remember you saying that Felix and my father never saw eye to eye, but I think I know a way we can get his help. You said Felix was righteously naive right?"

Nico was stretching as he talked as he now felt on top of the world after feeding.

"I never told him who my father was because even I didn't know until recently. However I find it unlikely he could deny me pleading with him to help my father who is being detained and tortured by the First Sons. So we could potentially try to get the help of him and all his friends.

Still, you probably know the specific details of the layout of the building better than me so you can finish all the fine details of the plan."
[QUOTE="Zabuzas Son]Nico wiped the blood off of his mouth after they were teleported back to the cistern. He wasn't exactly surprised that it was going to be so extremely dangerous to rescue his father, which is exactly why he had been thinking about a plan while he was asleep and even when he was out finding a drink.
"I've been thinking a lot about what you said and I think I might have an idea of how we could get some help. I remember you saying that Felix and my father never saw eye to eye, but I think I know a way we can get his help. You said Felix was righteously naive right?"

Nico was stretching as he talked as he now felt on top of the world after feeding.

"I never told him who my father was because even I didn't know until recently. However I find it unlikely he could deny me pleading with him to help my father who is being detained and tortured by the First Sons. So we could potentially try to get the help of him and all his friends.

Still, you probably know the specific details of the layout of the building better than me so you can finish all the fine details of the plan."

"That's fine and all, but the moment Felix finds out it's Zabuza, he's going to chase after us." Xavier added. The fact that Felix and the others accompanying them wasn't easing the anxiety of infiltrating the First Son's base.

"If we can shake him off our tail once we're out, then we'll be fine, won't we?" Merlin suggested, "We can always set up some traps with your code if need be. Besides, if there are any traps in there that they encounter, it'll be their responsibility to take care of themselves." Merlin winked slyly.

"I guess it can't be helped, we'll just have to find them..." Xavier grumbled. If anything, Felix's presence would add more risk to this.
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"Shut up, ninja pupil! You're used to being called an idiot, I'm not!!!" He said, before shooting a blast of smoke into Nil's face. He then began to mumble before turning to walk out the base. "I'm gonna go kill someone..." Hayabusa stepped to Nil's side and stared past him, out the door. "I'm gonna go with him...." He said, lying, before he ran out the door, going past Smokescreen.
"I think it's a risk we should have to take. I'm sure it doesn't matter how much Felix hates my father, there's no way he would wish upon him the constant torture and agony he's in..."

Nico said, oblivious to just how much Felix had wished a terrible agonizing death upon his mortal enemy. The somewhat 'high' of blood he had just been on was slowly dying down.

"If you can find them should I attempt to ask and plead to them alone or will you be accompanying me? I don't think all of you may of left upon the best of circumstances.."
Nil watches Hayabusa leave. "He's a terrible liar." Nil says, to which Psych nods.

"Should we get him?" Three asks.

"No. If he wants to f*** a bitch, let him. Let him have his fun... we'll kill him when he gets back."
[QUOTE="Zabuzas Son]"I think it's a risk we should have to take. I'm sure it doesn't matter how much Felix hates my father, there's no way he would wish upon him the constant torture and agony he's in..."
Nico said, oblivious to just how much Felix had wished a terrible agonizing death upon his mortal enemy. The somewhat 'high' of blood he had just been on was slowly dying down.

"If you can find them should I attempt to ask and plead to them alone or will you be accompanying me? I don't think all of you may of left upon the best of circumstances.."

"If you go alone, they need to know that we will be coming as well," Xavier replied, "Lest they attack us along with the First Son's."

"It may be best that you go alone, indeed." Merlin added, "I bet they're pretty mad at us."

"Firstly, it would be better that you tell them that you are aiming to free your father, but that I'm there to harvest electronical parts. It's the truth after all, I'm looking forward to more devices," Xavier suggested, "Secondly, don't tell them the location of it just yet. Finally, how will you find them?" He asked.
"I don't have a clue how I'm going to find them..." Nico said as he scratched his head while trying to think. He hadn't put very much thought into this part of the plan.

"I had expected you would somehow be able to find them Xavier. After all you were able to find and teleport to me earlier when I was going to get a drink. How did you find me then? In fact, what is your power exactly?"

Nico then thought about what Xavier had said about harvesting the electronic parts.

"Can you also make me a promise? Will you help destroy all the research and data they have on my father, me, and all their other test subjects? That way they can never start over what they're doing now. It will be one less thing we have to worry about then."
[QUOTE="Zabuzas Son]"I don't have a clue how I'm going to find them..." Nico said as he scratched his head while trying to think. He hadn't put very much thought into this part of the plan.
"I had expected you would somehow be able to find them Xavier. After all you were able to find and teleport to me earlier when I was going to get a drink. How did you find me then? In fact, what is your power exactly?"

Nico then thought about what Xavier had said about harvesting the electronic parts.

"Can you also make me a promise? Will you help destroy all the research and data they have on my father, me, and all their other test subjects? That way they can never start over what they're doing now. It will be one less thing we have to worry about then."

"Hmm... I can format the data." Xavier replied, his voice trailing off. He'd have to destroy the hard drives, but he wouldn't need them as much, "I can help you find them, with my power, yes."

"As for my power, well," Xavier's pupils flitted to the corners of his eyes. His power was slightly complicated, "I control code, and basically any technology, although my power isn't limited to just virtual control. My code allows me to project virtual objects into reality and to control existing matter and forces. Naturally, my code isn't as strong at manipulating a substance a conduit has dominance over."

"I used to be dependent on activating my power through my phone, but I decided it would be easier to activate it with either hand movements or speech patterns, or both; so I mostly carry around a storage chip containing my arsenal of programs." Xavier added, "As for how I found you, I simply searched for you through the vicinity's cameras. I could have located you with other ways, but you were been in the vicinity, and I didn't want to reveal my location. Is that a sufficient explanation?"

"Basically, he's a life hacker!" Merlin piped in.
"A life hacker, huh? So that's how you got him into bed." Nico playfully joked. The 'him' clearly referring to Zabuza, the memory of which was still very fresh within Nico's mind. Nico had struggled recently about several thoughts he had been having. If he felt attracted to people then did that mean the person he was cloned after was also attracted to them?

Then what would that possibly mean in regards to Felix? How would Nico go about finding anybody he ever loved if he would always have to worry that it was somebody he was cloned after found attractive?

"Regardless, I think we have our plan now. All that is left is for you to find Felix so that I can plead my case."
((Sorry. Gymnastics meet.))

Hellboy stared at the man who was talking too fast for his own good. "You want a fight? Why? Do you have something against conduits like those filthy DUPs or are you just stupid?" He smirked and he lifted his sword stab it into the ground. After a short laugh he raised his sword and started to take a few steps towards Ken. "Come at me ass-butt." He sprinted towards Ken, ready to slice him into pieces.
"I think I'm quite the person who avenges people, Demon-Dick." He slammed his foot on the ground, he went flying up, using his digital wings to fly behind Hellboy. His hand pixalated as blue swords formed behind him, the blade facing Hellboy. The swords threw themselves at Helboy, going at an incredible speed. He fixed his Gas Mask, fixing it straight to be in the right position. So, Demon-Dick has a sword, and is distorted to the point where he looks like a demon.

"Demon-Dick, what made you look like that? Genetics? Radioactive Things? Dunno? I'd love to learn." Ken formed a smirk on his face, but was not able to be shown due to the Gas Mask.
[QUOTE="Zabuzas Son]"A life hacker, huh? So that's how you got him into bed." Nico playfully joked. The 'him' clearly referring to Zabuza, the memory of which was still very fresh within Nico's mind. Nico had struggled recently about several thoughts he had been having. If he felt attracted to people then did that mean the person he was cloned after was also attracted to them?
Then what would that possibly mean in regards to Felix? How would Nico go about finding anybody he ever loved if he would always have to worry that it was somebody he was cloned after found attractive?

"Regardless, I think we have our plan now. All that is left is for you to find Felix so that I can plead my case."

"Alright then..." Xavier's eyes turned red as he formed a sphere in his hands; the scopes in the eyes reflecting the live feed from the cameras around the city as the sphere displayed a 3D map of the city that tracked the cameras he was viewing through, "Hmm... This might take a while... I need to rollback through the footage. He's probably somewhere without cameras right now, so I'll need to trace his route to wherever he had gone..."
Sarah wakes up to find Hayabusa gone from their "borrowed" bed.... And her stomache bulging and convulsing. She let's out of howl of pain as a round of blood rushes out onto the bed. She stands and, using anything in reach, makes her way outside. She found a taxi driver, eating a slice of pizza before he saw Sarah. "Shit! Are you okay!?" Sarah, who felt too weak to make dust, simply opened the car door and slid in. "Take me to a hospital... Now!" The man nodded furiously before getting into the drivers seat and speeding off. As soon as they got there, Sarah promptly passed out.

3 Hours Later

Sarah opened her eyes, surprised to see a ceiling light hanging from a wire. She wasted no time it sitting up, where she then noticed a pool of blood on the floor. "Oh... Wrong time of the month, I guess...." Sarah said before walking out her room, ignoring the scraps of bloody clothing and intestines on the floor. Once she got out of the hospital, a young man stood in her way. He was naked, which further raised her concerns. "Ah! Put on clothes first! Then speak..…" She said calmly. The man stood there before he walked off for a few minutes before coming back with a pair of jeans and bloodied polo shirt. "Let's go, mother."

15 Minutes Later

Sarah burst through the Shadows base doors, absolutely furious for some unknown reason. Chase had Hayabusa in a head lock, dragging him. "Someone care to explain why this guy is calling me 'mother'!?"
While Xavier was sifting through the data and Nico was kicking himself for making such a pathetic joke without taking into consideration Xavier's feelings, he walked over to Merlin. He decided he might as well try to get to know her better now that he had the chance.

"Hello," Nico said as he waved while he was approaching, "we haven't really got to talk to each other very much. Xavier told me about you and your past but I wished to ask you directly. How long have you known Xavier? What has it been like around him? You two look like you have a lot of fun and that you get along really well..."
Hellboy laughed as Ken performed his feats. He slashed the swords with his own sword and he let his sword drag behind him once more. "I just kind of woke up like this." He stopped. "Wait... Avenge? The DUP officers? You're one of them? They kill our kind and torture our kind. Why would you be apart of them?!" He yelled at him and he charged once more, slashing violently in fluid motions.
[QUOTE="Zabuzas Son]While Xavier was sifting through the data and Nico was kicking himself for making such a pathetic joke without taking into consideration Xavier's feelings, he walked over to Merlin. He decided he might as well try to get to know her better now that he had the chance.
"Hello," Nico said as he waved while he was approaching, "we haven't really got to talk to each other very much. Xavier told me about you and your past but I wished to ask you directly. How long have you known Xavier? What has it been like around him? You two look like you have a lot of fun and that you get along really well..."

"We've been together for... Uhm... I've lost track myself... But get along well? I guess that's what it looks like. Indeed, we work together, but I suppose we are tightly knot because we've helped each other a lot. I helped keep us invisible while maintaining a mirage of Anya to start, and he helped me with my arm a while back." Merlin counted off of her fingers, listing something under her breath, "You owe me one for maintaining h's invisible at the First Son's territory." She turned to Xavier.

"Yeah sure, I'll get you another coat." Xavier replied, his sentence drifting off as he returned his focus to the map.

"As for having fun? Yeah, we have lots of laughs together."

"It's normally your laughs at my expense, ya know?" Xavier piped up, before returning to his work.

"Well of course, you're funnier than you think you are!" Merlin suddenly dropped her voice, bending down to Nico's ear, "Xavier might be pretty serious most of the time, but I've heard him moaning in his sleep, it's the funniest thing to wake up to, but I'll leave it to you to imagine." She then straightened herself and winked at Nico.
"I was never apart of them, it's just that, I'm not like bad conduits nor like good conduits." Ken wasn't trying to defend himself, it was just that fact that Hellboy wasted 5 lives, Ken could not take that for granted. He jumped back, his digital wings doing most of the work, this time, he wall walked, now being behind Hellboy. Missiles form behind him this time, shooting constantly, homing Hellboy until none is left of him. "Damn, Demon-Dick, why in the right mind would you waste 5 lives, to bring justice? To bring Destruction? Chaos? I'd still love to know, and you woke up like a monster, I wonder what kind of expression you had." Ken was provoking the horrific beast that sanded before him, but was indeed curious.
Psych laughed. "Oh boy, we got a Zabuza scenario, didn't we?!" He then furrows his brows. "But... you're both still alive... shame."

"Well Sarah..." Nil begins, "Have you ever been told about the birds and the bees?"
"Cool. Tombstones. With names on them. So amazing." Jacob said, yawning. Hayabusa punched him in the arm and walked up t Felix's side, staring out over the cemetery. "Why are we here?"
Nico couldn't contain his laughter as Merlin whispered in his ear about Xavier and his dreams. He had known these people for less than an entire day and yet he felt completely at home. Maybe this was just because his actual home brought back nothing but painful memories. Still he wanted to be able to treat Xavier and Merlin as family. More than anything Nico just wanted people he could call family.

"I can already tell I'm just going to love you..." Nico said with a grin on his face, directing it at Merlin.

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