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Fandom InFamous: Repercussions of War

Sarah simply stares at her shadow before she smiles at Psych. "Wonderful! Now I have a Guinea pig to experiment on. I get to keep it, right?" The Hayabusa shadow glared at Sarah.
Psych laughs. "No. It's mine, you see... however..." Psych thinks for a moment. "Tell you what. You tell me the full extent of your powers, and you can keep her."
"No cigar. Your friend was a good enough example. Besides, I can always pluck some random person off the streets. That way, you get to keep the girl and I get to keep my powers a secret." Satah said, staring at Hayabusa, who was grinning at her.
Psych looks between the two. I forgot to calibrate the compassion, didn't I? "Well, you show me and get the girl, or don't and don't. Your choice."
Hellboy had been observing the city from a rooftop nearby the DUP building. He hated them more than anything and he wished that they wouldn't be the hypocritical bastards that they were. Killing conduits and trying to exterminate them, but more than half of them were conduits themselves. He spit off of the roof top and he jumped as far as he could, landing on the next rooftop. He took off in a sprint towards the DUP building and he jumped off of the rooftop to land in a graceful roll to break his fall. After landing, he let his great sword drag behind him while he walked right past the building, making sure everyone saw him. He smirked and took off in a sprint towards the opposite direction, trying to lure the DUP officers out of their lair.

((Not sure who play as the DUP officers soooooo......))
Assailant said:
Psych looks between the two. I forgot to calibrate the compassion, didn't I? "Well, you show me and get the girl, or don't and don't. Your choice."
"Like I first said, no cigar. My powers just happen to be none of your business." Sarah said as she looked around. "But, maybe if we become allies. Note my us of the word IF. Not when, IF."
"Heh. Unlike Shadow, I'm not a huge fan of allies." Psych thinks for a moment. "But tell me... what do you have to offer?"
"What do you want.....?" Sarah said carefully. "I'm not going to be your submissive, I'll tell you that. Anything of the sexual nature is of limits." A long sigh came from Hayabysa, which the Sarah shadow responded to by kicking him.
Ken was finished resting, ready for another jump. He backed up from the satellite this time, he ran, instead of jumping in the Satellite, he ran directly into it. He shook his head for a moment, backing up again before running at full throttle. He dashed into the Dish, the travel was a success, he landed on another building, somehow he traveled upwards. Looking down at the ground, as he was at the roof of a Skyscraper, he sits at the ledge, preparing to fall and fly throughout the City. What if there was something to disturb the peace, what would it be? Preparing to jump, he gets up, backing up, he runs, jumping. A few moments of feeling the breeze of the air, digital wings form on his back. He lands on a building, nothing to do, he looks down again.

"Damn world." He laughs for a second. "When does anything do anything, I have not seen one bad thing happen, no building crash, no weird entities, nothing at all. But that's probably why because I haven't been on the ground for what? No idea." He was just near the DUP Building, not like he hated them, it was just a hateful relation. Seeing some, humanoid, demon, monster walk by it, Ken wasn't really scared, but worried. "Scratch that, death already is coming." He traveled by satellite, spectating the beast that ran. Ken followed by roof, jumping from roof to roof, using satellites for faster travel. God knows how much Video he's already used, he looked back at the DUP Building, he would stop officers if they came out, stopping them from trying to attack the horrific beast he's already chasing. Ken wasn't trying to hide himself, more like, have himself visible, so to get the attention he needed. He imagined a fight breaking out, he wasn't sure though if his prediction was correct.
When Hellboy saw five DUP officers chasing him, he sighed and turned into an alley. When they caught up to him and pointed their guns at him, he raised his sword and he slit his wrist of his left arm, releasing blood in a perfect waterfall. Once it stopped, Hellboy raised his hands and the blood came with them, he then shot the blood as spikes of hardened blood and they pierced the DUP officers multiple times. "Toooo easy. What was this? A play date for three year olds?" He said to himself as he walked away from the scene.
"I can give you some of this," Sarah said, forming a handful of dust. "2 ounces let's you control someone for three minutes, 4 for 6 and so and so forth. It doesn't seem to strong but this stuff has gotten me out of more trouble I can count. It's also really useful for if you need to temporarily blind someone. If you have a bunch of the stuff, you can throw it don't and make a sand cloud. I doubt you need any research skills, but if you do, I can also help with that. After all, I did help 'create' e original of Hayabusa."
Psych looks at the the dust in her hand, and considers taking it and using it on her. No, she's probably developed a countermeasure. "Judging by Smokescreen's reaction... does it work by causing an infatuation with the wielder?"
"Are you sure this is the place?" Merlin looked to her left, raising an eyebrow. After Xavier had teleported them nearby, they had ended up in the middle of an array of numbered warehouses.

"There's no mistake, the signal came from around here." Xavier replied, "I can confirm it." He pulled out the collar, reconnected, which had fried itself. His irides the shade of amber, and the scopes in his pupils were spinning slowly. The numbers on the warehouses around him seemed to glow faintly to him, there was no mistake in his code, it was working perfectly fine.

"What happened to it? Did you wear it?" Merlin smiled, waving her arms around her. Her hands seemed to pull the light around her as a fabric, and it enveloped Xavier and her like a skin, turning them invisible.

"If I did, I might be dead, or at the very least, have a burnt scar around my neck..." Xavier placed a hand on his collar, it made him uneasy imagining what this collar would do. Surveying his surroundings, his eyes turned a shade of green, and the scopes suddenly accelerated, scanning madly as he spotted a mass of people swarming underground, "Ew... this is the place alright." His hands formed a holographic sphere, and lines began crossing and twisting corners, forming a 3D map of the corridors below, "There's a lot of... things... down there."

"Do you think we can make it in there?" Merlin's smile widened.

"Without a doubt, yes, we can get in there." Xavier murmurs in reply, "What I'm worried about is what's inside. I can disable their networks, and with you, we can get in unnoticed, but I don't like the risks of running into something unwanted in there."

"We just need to know their plans. Are you able to discern the leaders? Or their headquarters? Command room? Networks Centre?" Merlin looked down at the ground. She couldn't see what Xavier was seeing, despite being a light conduit, ironically.

"If I was in there, maybe I could make them out," Xavier started, "But from this vantage point, it's hard to spot the leaders. All I see are swarms of outlines of humans. I can make out some quarters, and some workspaces, maybe some sort of storage? But I really can't confirm what the other rooms are. There's a really large room right at the bottom though..."

"Maybe their expanding?" Merlin asked, "New floor coming soon! With a swimming pool!" She mumbled jokingly.

"Nah, it's not as jagged and unrefined as mines or caves." Xavier's eyes immediately returned to a violet shade, "I'm teleporting you back, I don't want to keep Nico and Amalgam waiting. I'm gonna go grab a human first though. I need some blood, and Amalgam could use their flesh."

"Sure thing." Merlin replied as they both disappeared in a flash of polygons.
Ken seeing what just happened and how he didn't help, he clenched his fist. Cutting in front of the demon. His arm glitches out, it being blue and pixelated, then returning back normal. "Hello!" He at least tried to make a good conversation. "Anyhow, that was a quite weird thing that happened? Bloody Spikes jabbing deep into the Officer's body. It was quite the spectacle." Ken was trying to accept fate that he might die, but his life really meant nothing so he wasn't worried. "So. How about a fight? I mean, I do hate you of killing a few Officers, and since I couldn't save them, may as well avenge them." He grabbed his Gas Mask, putting it on as Digital Wings grew on his back, he goes in reverse, flying backwards in fact. He sets his feet on the ground, doing a few summer salts.

So, the world did really have a dark side, or I guess what's left of it. And death will not be a option for me. Life is cruel. Finishing doing Summer salts, he stands completely still, hands at his sides. If anything I know, don't show the opponent where your going, he predicted and than you get beat up. So, stay still, no predicting, no harm. "So how about it?" His voice was muffled by the Gas Mask, but was still audible.

(I won't respond too quickly, my parents are gonna find me playing on my computer so I have to keep putting it where it's been before, and than take it out. It's a long process, my heart rate is too fast. (Using the Xbox Heart Rate measuring thing.) )
Assailant said:
Psych looks at the the dust in her hand, and considers taking it and using it on her. No, she's probably developed a countermeasure. "Judging by Smokescreen's reaction... does it work by causing an infatuation with the wielder?"
"Yep, pretty much. You get used to it after three years," Sarah said with a chukle. Her eyes then widen as she backed way for him smiling. "That's all I'm telling you. No more is coming out of me!"
"Don't worry," He grins. "That's all I needed to know." Why was Smokescreen affected? I suppose he was imperfect. "Before you try using that dust on any of us, know we shadows are immune."
Assailant said:
"Don't worry," He grins. "That's all I needed to know." Why was Smokescreen affected? I suppose he was imperfect. "Before you try using that dust on any of us, know we shadows are immune."
"Oh, so that's what you are! Oh, and just so you know, your not. The only reason it worked on your friend is because he really is stupid and I used a LOT of dust." Smokescreen screamed out something indistinguishable in the back while Sarah laughed. "Still, I'll give you a couple of bags every day, as long as this 'alliance' holds up."
Psych guffaws. "Yes, lady, we are immune. See, we are incapable of feeling compassion for anyone other than our own kind, and even THEN it's very limited. I'm talking biological incapabilities. The only reason it worked on him is because he is imperfect... and he's an idiot. Still, I would like the bags."
"Okay. Fine. Just know, if anyone ever gets a bag and uses it on you, when you wake up with AIDS, I told you so." Smokescreen was still screaming in the back while Sarah made a bag of dust. "Here. Your pet has the other bag," She said, pointing at Three. "Bye, chow, have a nice life, don't smoke the dust, it'll kill you!" Sarah said, before walking out the door.

(I'm off for the night)
Psych takes the bag and then went over to Three and picked up the other, before patting her on the head. "Who's a good little Three? You are! You are!" Three immediately grabs his hand, twists it, and blasts him with water, sending him skidding. When Psych stands up, Three is glaring at him.

"I... am... not... your... pet..." She then turned and stormed off.

"Smokescreen, shut your yelling!" Nil yells. "Why are you yelling?!"
In the end, Nico's thirst woke him up from his slumber as he stood up from the corner. The First Sons had kept his intake of blood severally regulated and low almost always forcing Nico to stay in such a weak state. With neither Xavier nor Merlin to be seen he was getting ready to find a way out of the hideout so he could find people to drain.

He didn't like the thought of what he was going to have to do, but at least now he could attempt to feed without killing. The First Sons had forced him to completely drain and kill those they brought to him every once in a great while.
"Heeeey! Nico?" Merlin's voice rang out as she looked around the cistern.

"Is something wrong?" Xavier's voice echoed in the cistern as he warped in, a drained body slung over his shoulder.

"Well, Nico's not here..." Merlin whined, "And are you really gonna feed him now?"

"Someone has to, he'll be part of the infiltration anyway." Xavier traced a circle around the neck of the woman, before conjuring a blue polygon around her head. The blue sides suddenly turned red, and the head inside lulled around, separated from the neck, "Once I feed Amalgam, it might be best to search for him." He threw the body at Amalgam, who opened up its mouth and grabbed it with a hand-like tongue. Dragging it into the many rows of teeth, it ate slowly, grunting softly as it chewed with its mouth open.

"Ew..." Merlin turned away as Xavier proceeded to remove the woman's brain and feed him the rest of her head before incinerating the brain, "Do you really have to do that?"

"I could always cut off their face and feed it to him instead." Xavier replied.

"You don't have to feed him the head at all." Merlin sighed. Feeding time was the worst time of the day.

"Well, in the hopes that Amalgam's sensory capabilities heighte-"

"To heck with that! It's nasty!" Merlin interrupted.

"You really shouldn't talk about nasty when we've all killed people here." Xavier reminded.

"You have a point." Merlin looked towards the exit.

"Let's go find Nico now..." Xavier's eyes turned a shade of red, as he filtered through live camera footage, scanning the streets, "I think I see him... Nearly a mile away. Teleporting, don't mo-"

"Don't move abruptly. Sure thing." Merlin smiled as they both teleported out of the cistern.
Nico's fangs were already digging into the neck of a late night female jogger when Xavier and Merlin teleported right beside him. While Nico noticed them he didn't stop feeding as he slowly drained her more and more. Still, his eyes were closed as he was concentrating intensely. He was fighting hard against his instincts to completely drain this girl dry and kill her.

In the end Nico managed to push her away in time before he had taken a lethal amount of blood. The nameless female jogger fell unconscious against the side of the road but alive all the same. Nico finally turned around to face Xavier.

"I'm sorry, you were gone and I was thirsty. I found my way out here to get a drink. It's really late and she's the only one I've found so far. But don't worry, she'll still live."

Nico said with a smile on his blood covered face. He was proud at his will power to stop from taking that life.
Sphinx walked out of the kids' room

Assailant said:
"Hey!" Felix smiles. "Sorry I'm a bit... late." He says, looking up at the moon. "I... well, I ran into Smokey and Hayabusa if you can believe it! Then Dax and Twi! Then... I got a bit... caught up at work..." He says, trying to phrase the encounter with Xavier in a way that won't cause her to panic.
Sphinx blinked silently. "Um, ok. Get home soon though...the spaghetti is gettin cold." She said smiling.

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