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Fandom InFamous: Repercussions of War

Assailant said:
Psych laughed. "Oh boy, we got a Zabuza scenario, didn't we?!" He then furrows his brows. "But... you're both still alive... shame."
"Well Sarah..." Nil begins, "Have you ever been told about the birds and the bees?"
"Do you know what happens when the bee loses his stinger? I can show you by example, perhaps?" Chase was staring at Psych still, his lifeles eyes not even moving. "Who is this Zabuza you speak of? I assume he was like me."
"I'm sure we'll get along swimmingly." Merlin replied.

"Found him..." Xavier called out, "I've tracked him down to a cemetery, but I don't know what they're doing in there. I'll be teleporting us to the entrance in a moment, you should probably head in there and talk to them yourself. Remember what we discussed." Xavier turned to the two of them, before he fished out his phone and teleported them to the graveyard.
Felix sighs. "Something bad's going to go down soon, I can tell... us meeting, this Nico kid, Xavier... something's gonna happen." Felix looks over the rows of tombs. "These were all the members of the FFA that died protecting the innocent... friends... family..." Felix stops for a moment and takes a shaky breath. "They died in the last struggle, and in this new one I feel we should remember those... so that they're sacrifice is never forgotten..." Tears start coming to Felix's eyes. "I... don't know how you guys feel about these people... especially since they were trying to kill you... but it means the world to me just for you to be here..." Felix then walks over and slumps in front of Max and Daniel's grave.

Psych chuckled. "Ah, he was a bastard... although I suppose you are in the literal sense. Now, I would try to kill you, but I feel something's... special about you. Ah, if only Dusk was here, she'd probably be analyzing you left and right. She always had a more scientific mind than I, Shadow and her got along well... hey, shadow Hayabusa, I have a name for you! Corpse!"
Hellboy his behind his sword and let the missiles explode on impact. "What? I'm not trying to spread chaos. I'm trying to get rid of the DUP because they kill their own kind for no reason. Are we on the same side ass-butt?" He questioned still hidin behind hi sword.
"Corpse? What kind of name is tha- Oh...." Sarah knelled down in front of Hayabusa, frowning. "Oh no... You're in trouble, aren't you," nod, "Do you want my help," nod, "Well, to bad, I can, but I choose not to! Send me a post card from Hell!" She said before turning to leave the building before a sickening crack sound was heard. She turned to see that Chase had slammed Hayabusa against a wall, cracking his skull. He then did it again before throwing him to the ground. Afterwards he knelt down to him and began to dig in.
Psych shuddered at the eating thing. He'd seen Zabuza dig in plenty of times, but this was different. He wasn't draining the blood, he was... eating. "Uh, take that outside."
With one last look back at Xavier and Merlin, Nico began to walk into the graveyard. He wanted to feel bad for all the gravestones he saw but he didn't even know the people they were meant to remember. How was Nico to mourn for them if he didn't even know who was lost? Off in the distance Nico's heightened sense of hearing allowed him to catch the end of what was probably some long speech.

"but it means the world to me just for you to be here..." it was without a doubt Felix's voice. Nico approached slowly as he questioned how he would introduce himself...

As he came within visual distance he called out..

"I mean no harm, it's me, Nico. I mean no disrespect by interrupting you here but we need to talk Felix."
Felix looks up and walks over to him. "How was your time with Xavier? Look... he's probably been telling you about some sort of 'conduit utopia.' He's probably speaking honeyed words about a world where conduits rule." Felix gestures at the row of graves. "This is not a utopia... if it was truly a utopia, no one would try to stop it, would they? Everyone would be happy..." Felix looks around. before walking back over to Max and Daniel's grave and sitting in the dirt, staring at them. "What did you want to talk about?"
Chase looked up to Psych, his eyes jet black before they turned red and then back to normal. He stood and grabbed Hayabusa's leg, dragging him outside where he continued to eat. Sarah stared at him blankly, before turning to Psych. "Take him off my hands. This guy is creepy as fuck."
Psych looks up. "Hell no, I ain't taking him."

"We have to do something, lest Zabuza get a hold on him." Three states.

"Three... Zabuza's dead." Nil responds. Three sighs.

"Right... force of habit."

"She has the right idea though... if we can tame him... we can have a +1 conduit party!" Nil yells, throwing his hands up.

"Whatever... fine..." Psych states. I need to kill bitches...
"Xavier mistook me for somebody I was not. In truth, I needed his help and he's promised to help me at a price. However, he's not enough. I need your help and all of your friend's help. The First Sons captured and detained my father a long time ago. Over all this time they've been torturing him and I've been powerless to save him."

Nico walked over to Felix, placing a hand on his shoulder before looking down at the graves.

"I don't know who these two people are. But I beg you to help me before there has to be another grave dug for my father."
Felix looks gravely at Nico and nods. "I'll do what I can. But it's going to be hard to break into a First Sons facility." Felix then pauses. "By the way, who the hell is your father, and what did he do to get detained and tortured by the First Sons? You've gotta be a huge threat for that." It can't be...
Jacob, who had been staring down at the two graves Felix had taken interest too, formed a smoke shovel and began to dig, beginning with Daniels tombstone. "Hayabusa, I need you're help." Hayabusa shrugged and walked over to Jacob, who made another shovl before the two started digging again.

Chase walked in, his expression the same until he heard the 'tame' comment by Nil. His eyes said it all: Pure aggression. "You," He said, pointing a finger at Nil. "I'll give one chance to rephrase your sentence. I'll give you 10 seconds to think." He then began to count a slow relaxed pace. Sarah simply stared at Nil and shrugged. "He's all yours, big guy." She said to Nil.
"You and your friends won't be alone. You'll have my help, and you'll have Xavier's help as long as he can steal some of the First Son's tech while he's at it. We'll all be working together for the common good..."

Now was the hardest part. Nico had to answer the questions and try not to lie directly to Felix's face.

"I don't know who my father is.." in truth Nico didn't. He only knew about Zabuza in what he had been told and the memories. He's never actually met the man.

"During my entire, long life the First Sons have raised me without ever telling me anything about him.." One again, Nico wasn't lying. One and a half years had felt like an unbearably long time.

"But I know he's my flesh and blood and I owe it to him to rescue him..." His final statement wasn't a lie. Nico and Zabuza were flesh and blood. They just had far more in common that the normal father and son.
Nil chuckled. "Oh, come on. You know what I meant. Control you." Nil's face screws up. "Er, that's not the right phrasing either... uh... hm... oh, come on, you know what I meant."

"Oh?" Felix didn't even notice Hayabusa and Jacob. "Hmm... who was your mother? What did they do to her? What happened to her? If she's trapped, we can go for her too?"
"She's not alive," Nico said before his expression turned dark.

That wasn't a lie, she wasn't alive. But then again, she wasn't alive because she never existed. All of this very edgy wording was stressing Nico out and questioning just how far he was willing to go to save his father.

But I've come this far... I have to save him..
"Oh." Felix said, before patting him on the back. "Sorry." He did notice something on Nico's face. He was becoming somewhat stressed by the conversation. Suddenly, something Nico said earlier processed in his mind. "Wait, why would Xavier help? Who would he care enough about to go through this much trouble to help?" He only knew one person Xavier cared about, and he didn't like it.

You killed him, it's too early to make presumptions... but the evidence is slowly building.
"Merlin, come with me; we're setting up the traps." Xavier tapped several buttons on his phone.

"Sure thing." Merlin stepped beside him as she teleported alongside him. Reaching their destination, Merlin immediately wove the light around them to hide them, as Xavier began placing circles and squares across the warehouses.

"Are you sure you wanna place them this haphazardly?" Merlin inquired.

"I'll only activate them once we accomplish our goal. Of course, the bounded field can remain active upon our entry..." Xavier raised a hand to the sky and a dome made of hexagonal faces constructed itself from the ground up, surrounding the First Son's territory before enclosing and camouflaging itself.
"3... 2..... 1. I'll be nice nice, now, and let you choose. Be cooperative and suffer a painless death, or feel agonizing pain. Choose. 5, 4-" Chase turned once a hand was placed on his shoulder. "Sit down and shut up. No one else in this room is dying." Chase sighed before sitting down, following his mothers request. "You want him still?"
"I already told you..." Nico said before scratching the back of his head to appear more casual.

"In exchange for him getting to swipe some of the First Sons technology he will help me save my father. I already had to plead my case to him and now I'm here talking to you..."
"Hmm..." Felix hums, noticing the conspicuous head scratch. Why don't you put up psyche-locks while you're at it? By now, he was certain something was being hidden, but he didn't know what. Something about his father likely. And Xavier. "I don't like the prospect of giving Xavier MORE advanced technology... we could probably do it with one less conduit." Felix states. Now... let's see Xavier's investment in this.
A slight bit of anger swelled up in Nico.

"Is it your father that's been captured and tortured Felix? I don't know about you, but I want the best people that I can get to help me. I've already made my promise to Xavier that he can take whatever, it's not up to you to decide the deals I make with other people."
"That should be the entire compound..." Xavier sighed, forming a square at his feet. Traps, blink pads, barriers. He would need some juice in a bit, but the First Son's base would be decked with computers and machines. He could drain from any of them later.

"We should hurry back," Merlin suggested, "Nico might be finished."

"Yeah... yeah you're right." Xavier looked down at the ground as his eyes turned green, before his head shot upwards and he fished out his phone, quickly teleporting them back to the entrance of the cemetery.
Okay... maybe I've gone too far. "I'm sorry Nico... just understand, Xavier and I... don't have the best background. We have tried, and in my case succeeded once, to kill each other many times. Working with him is just... sorry though."
"Can I ask you to just please put your differences aside long enough to help me and my father?"

This time everything Nico said was genuinely true and had sincere emotion and feeling behind it. He wanted Felix's help. In fact, he even wanted for them to be able to put their differences aside permanently. But this was something that Nico doubted he could accomplish so easily...

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