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Fandom InFamous: Repercussions of War

"Hey!" Felix smiles. "Sorry I'm a bit... late." He says, looking up at the moon. "I... well, I ran into Smokey and Hayabusa if you can believe it! Then Dax and Twi! Then... I got a bit... caught up at work..." He says, trying to phrase the encounter with Xavier in a way that won't cause her to panic.

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[QUOTE="Zabuzas Son]"I've put all this time and hope into one day getting to know my 'father' more, but I guess I never thought about what questions I would actually ask when the chance arrived." Nico laughed at the thought.
"What was he like? What was he like to be around? What did he accomplish? Why did Felix not seem to like him? I could go on with all the hundreds of questions I want to ask about him all day."

Nico sounded both energetic and alive, neither or which were common for him.

"That other person that was with you and that creature, will they also be willing to help rescue him?"

"Oh, there's a lot about Zabuza," Xavier chuckled, "I don't even know where to begin myself!"

"Well to begin with, he was pretty-well- eccentric, I guess. Rather serious, intimidating. His exterior and notoriety hid how kind and welcoming he was to us, the sires. We were bound by blood, literally. I got a tattoo on my forehead, but I've long since removed it, since it would be too obvious what I am. Even though he drank blood and desired for a conduit-haven, which was a noble but dangerous idea, he was the kindest person in the world. At least for me."

"When we were around him, it felt like we wouldn't lose. You don't get that feeling very often. It's like a high, it was so intoxicating. And well, you know, we slept together one drunken night, but when I was with him, I felt the happiest I had ever been."

"As for what he accomplished... I really can't say. I wouldn't call killing people an accomplishment, but he helped me at the very least. But his dream of a conduit-utopia didn't come to fruition..."

"I know this might sound bad, but Zabuza didn't like humans. Once we became blood-sucking levelled-up conduits, they became livestock. I know you might be wondering why I stuck with him, but I was gonna help him back. If it meant making his dream come to life, that's what I'll do... Felix doesn't like him because... Well... If I had to describe, it would be a naïve righteousness that spurred him against Zabuza... I understand that he may want to protect others, but he has caused quite a bit of havoc himself... And a bit is an understatement..."

"And well... Merlin and Amalgam? We're absolute trash, but we're trash together. They'll come along. I've met some conduits, I've made some contacts. They might help, but that depends..."
Hayabusa nodded and turned to walk away before he turned back to Felix, a rather curious look on his face. "Wait..... When did 'they', whoever 'they' are, capture you?"
AvidElmV2 said:
Hayabusa nodded and turned to walk away before he turned back to Felix, a rather curious look on his face. "Wait..... When did 'they', whoever 'they' are, capture you?"
Psych shook his head. "Not long ago." He thought for a bit. "During that fire, when we all got separated. They switched me out then. Now hurry, he's getting away."
Hayabusa replied with a simple nod before he ran, chasing after Jacob and Felix. Once he rejoined them, he pulled Jacob as far away from Felix as possible.

"What're you doing......?"

"Just stay away from Felix."

Suddenly everything clicked inside Nico's head as to why the human First Son's scientists despised both Zabuza and him. To go further it explain even why they feared them, because his father had planned to make them nothing more than livestock... and maybe rightfully so. Nico had been forced to take the lives of humans before by feeding upon them and while he had never liked it, it was just a fact of life he had to get around.

"A conduit-utopia, what a glorious sounding dream..." Nico said as he thought about what that would entail.

"It's late and we still need to explain the plan to Merlin and Amalgam. Will we be sleeping here tonight and attack the First Son's facility tomorrow?"
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[QUOTE="Zabuzas Son]Suddenly everything clicked inside Nico's head as to why the human First Son's scientists despised both Zabuza and him. To go further it explain even why they feared them, because his father had planned to make them nothing more than livestock... and maybe rightfully so. Nico had been forced to take the lives of humans before by feeding upon them and while he had never liked it, it was just a fact of life he had to get around.
"A conduit-utopia, what a glorious sounding dream..." Nico said as he thought about what that would entail.

"It's late and we still need to explain the plan to Merlin and Amalgam. We'll we be sleeping here tonight and attack the First Son's facility tomorrow?"

"Sure thing, I'll inform the other two." Xavier smiled, "Just go ahead and sleep." He got up and walked towards the exit where Amalgam had left. He might as well check out the transmitter from the collar he found earlier as well.
Psych grins and turns back to where he last saw the girl. "And that's how it's done!" He didn't know that the girl could hear him, but he still said it. He then turns to his men. "You can get up now." The soldiers all get up and file behind him. "Now... let's head back to base. We have work to do."
With no bed visible as Nico looked around, he walked over to one of the corners of the room before curling up into it and falling asleep out of a force of habit. The First Sons had never provided him with any form of bed at the facility and this seemed to be the only way Nico could ever fall asleep. As Nico was preparing to fall asleep he thought about the events of today.

In all honesty this had been one of the greatest days of his life. Nico was finally free, he had somebody that finally was friendly to him and believed in him, and he had people that would be willing to help rescue the closet thing he had to a father.

Nico also thought about all the great things Xavier had said about Zabuza between the sort of man he was, what it was like to be around him, and what he had tried to accomplish...

As great as this all sounded Nico's mind kept focusing upon what Xavier had said Zabuza's goal was. How he despised humans and had wished to make this livestock. This was something Nico was torn about. For while Nico understood how this could be justified, for how the humans have treated both Nico and Zabuza and how they needed to feed to survive, he also couldn't get past the fact doing this would make him a monster in the eyes of many. Something he never wanted to be.

Now is not the time for this... Nico thought before finally forcing himself to sleep.
"I'm going with you," Sarah said bluntly as she stepped out of the shadows, following after Psych at a relaxed pace. "As I said, Hayabusa is my mouse, making whatever you took from him my property and whatever you did to him my business." She still had the dust in her hands in case it needed to be used.
Psych laughed. "Really, I did to him no harm." Psych then walks up to her. "And really, why do you care?" He whispers in her ear. "You're lucky I'm tired right now. Look, leave me alone. I'm in no mood to be trifled with."
"Aw! You think I actually care about what kind of mood your in! That is so cute." She said, smiling. She shook her head and walked past Psych before she felt resistance. She growled lowly, her pupils dilating before returning to normal. "I think you should listen to the man, broad." Sarah took in a deep breathe, hoping she could contain hereelf , before she spun around, opened her palm, and breathed a fistful of dust into her assailants face? Smokescreen stood, dazed for a moment, before his eyes change to a violet color. "Tel your friend that I'M not I'm force to be reckoned with." She said, turning before she walked after Psych's troops. Smokescreen turned to face Psych, glaring at him. "Leave the girl alone. You saw what she did to an idiot like me. She isn't just a pretty woman in a dress," Smokescreen said, Sarah speaking for him.
Psych frowned. "I have no clue what just happened... but given that you just called yourself an idiot, and you're probably the most arrogant person I know, I'm gonna assume mind control." He then looks at the discolored Irises. "Yep, that just about confirms it." Psych pulls out his blade. "Really, I AM feeling strangely merciful today... you are rather lucky. I look forward to meeting you again soon." Psych then dashes into a vent, shooting out as a shadow ball onto a rooftops before quickly running across them.
Smokescreen turned and ran after Sarah, screaming "My love!" the entire time. Once they arrived at the Shadow's base, Sarah looked around before walking past Smokescreen, who was scratching his head, coknfused as to how he got there. "So, this is where you guys stay? Nice. Anyways, what DID you do to ninja boy back there?"
Psych turns around. "Wha- how did you keep up?" Psych face palms. "Right, Smokescreen would have smoked you through the vents, and I would have no lead." Psych shakes his head. "Well, tell you what. I'll tell you... and maybe show you by example." Suddenly, guns appeared out of nowhere. Soldiers aiming guns surrounded Sarah. Shotguns, AKs, pistols, all kinds of weapons. "Not that you really have a choice. Now, walk over to me, and get on your knees. It's easier that way."
Sarah turned to Pysch before she doubled over, holding back laughter. "Oh god... My chest..." Soon enough she burst out laughing, sputtering out a fragments of words. "Hahaha! Oh god! I can't breathe! You must be bat shit delirious if you think I'm gonna get on my knees for ANYTHING!" She then continued to laugh.
Psych shrugged and walked over to her, gripping the sides of her heads and pulling the shadow out, before standing back. "And there you go. That's what I do. Glad to see there are still some fighting spirits left. Wait right there. Oh, and this time I really DO mean it. If you try to move, the guards will shoot you. And no conduit can survive this many bullets at once." Psych goes into a side room and begins forming Shadow Hayabusa and Sarah.
After getting her shadow taken, Sarah pretty much stared at the guns and pointed at a few men, hissing. It only scared two, but it was still fun. After awhile, she just started making dust, and as the result, a few men almost tried to shoot her. "Woah! I'm just making dust! Calm down!"
Three walks up to Sarah. "I request that you stop doing that. I don't know what you are capable of, and as such would feel much more secure if you didn't. And by secure, I mean you won't be shot."
"Who are you? That shadow dudes pet, or something?" Sarah said, her voice full of venom. She already didn't like Psych and his friends but she could tell she was going to like this girl even less.
"You wish." Three says lazily. "No, I like that asshole even less than you do. Shadow was my one true commander. This doppleganger doesn't deserve to run this army.

"I know..." Nil says, walking up. "But, he DID win. Also, he was Shadow's left hand man... I was his right." he adds, looking at Sarah. "He won the turf war, and was high enough to begin that it warranted it." Three growls and looks at Sarah.

"Just don't do anything stupid. Psych will be done soon."
Sarah simply smiles and looks down at her dress. She starts to take it off before turning to Three and handing over her bag of dust. "Don't touch or sniff it. Especially don't sniff it, it'll make the effects worse," She says as she starts to take off her drew. "Don't shoot, I'm changing." Underneath her dress was her lab coat. She reached into its left pocket and pulled out her glasses before putting them on.
Three raises an eyebrow. Nil just folds his arms. "Why would you wear a lab coat under a dress? That doesn't even make any sense."
Assailant said:
Three raises an eyebrow. Nil just folds his arms. "Why would you wear a lab coat under a dress? That doesn't even make any sense."
"The way the human body works doesn't make sense, but that doesn't stop it from doing its job." Sarah said simply, staring impatiently at the door Psych had walked through. "What's taking that guy so long!?"
"Excuse me, he's creating life." Nil says. As if on cue, Psych walks into the room.

"May I introduce you to the newest shadows... Shadow Hayabusa, and shadow 'what's-her-name?!'" Two near identical clones of Hayabusa and Sarah walk out behind him.

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