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Fandom InFamous: Repercussions of War

Felix shrugged. "What is there to know? The majority of my recent life has been spent fighting Zabuza and my evil manifested darkness... er, my past lives. I've died... a lot." Felix blushes slightly. "I'm worse than a video game character. Anyway, I fought for a free world. Before the blast I was a student. I had a small group of friend. Once the blast hit, most of my friends turned against me. One joined the reapers, one joined the DUP and one disappeared. The last I accidentally killed when my rage broke. A similar thing happened to my family." Felix says simply, not wanting to bring up the memory. "Any specific questions?"
Nico needed to ensure he didn't just focus asking questions in regards to Zabuza, less Felix begin to suspect him of something. Still, this was a more than perfect time to finally get to answers from somebody with a different perspective. The fond memories of the Zabuza and what Xavier had told him it was like to be around him were still fresh in Nico's mind.

"The Zabuza person and your evil manifested darkness, to ask the most simple question, why did you spend your entire life fighting against them? What exactly did they do that you felt so compelled to stop them?"
"Well, let's start with Zabuza. He was... a monster. He forced conduits to work with them by damning to an eternity of servitude. He turned them into vampires to work for his new world order. He thought humans below them, and thought them as nothing more than cattle. I needed to protect the innocent. Sure, people are bad... but that's not the answer. I also... won't deny the want for vengeance. He betrayed our little trust by killing a friend, and turning another friend into a brainwashed soldier.

"As for my darkness, his name was Shadow. He came out during a power surge. He was a manifestation of my inner evil, basically. He wanted to rule the world by making evil clones of people and using them as soldiers. I wanted to stop him for two reasons. One, protecting the innocent. And two... I created him. I had to stop him." Felix looks down with a sad expression. "I suppose I won, but lost so much in the process..."
20 minutes after Nico arrived Hayabusa, Flux, Jacob, and Blake walked in. Flux sat on a table and pulled out her phone. Blake was exploring while Jacob and Hayabusa stood there. They ?looked as if they hadn't slept in days. "Okay.... Wait, why are we here again?"
Felix looks at Flux and Blake. "Well, we're going to break into a highly secure facility run by a technologically superior army to rescue some guy we don't even know." Felix grins. "Why he's there, I don't know."
"My father. It's my father that is the reason why all of you are gathered here today. I wish for all of you to help me rescue him from the First Son's clutches. I don't care how we go about doing it just as long as we accomplish it."

Nico had known there was going to be bad blood between Felix and Zabuza. Still, with Xavier's description of what it was like to be around his father Nico found it hard to believe that the conduits were forced to work for him. If anything it must of been an honor for them to get to work around him.
"His father is highly likely to be an enhanced human, since Nico does not demonstrate any powers," Xavier interjected, "He never utilised the fog I produced when we met, so I presume that he isn't a conduit." Xavier continued, floating about the rooms and watching the skies outside through the dust-stained windows.
Otakuyaki said:
"His father is highly likely to be an enhanced human, since Nico does not demonstrate any powers," Xavier interjected, "He never utilised the fog I produced when we met, so I presume that he isn't a conduit." Xavier continued, floating about the rooms and watching the skies outside through the dust-stained windows.
Jacob and Hayabusa simply stared on, silent, before Jacob turned to Xavier. He was about to speak before he saw Merlin. "Who's the girl? She looks.... Familiar."
AvidElmV2 said:
Jacob and Hayabusa simply stared on, silent, before Jacob turned to Xavier. He was about to speak before he saw Merlin. "Who's the girl? She looks.... Familiar."
"As mentioned before, I am Merlin," Merlin replied, "But I'm neither old, nor male." She smiled at Hayabusa.
Otakuyaki said:
"As mentioned before, I am Merlin," Merlin replied, "But I'm neither old, nor male." She smiled at Hayabusa.
"Stop smiling or I'll cut your lips off. You're way too happy and it's unnerving." Hayabusa said lightly, leaning up againstna wall. "Felix, just so you know, we're planning on bringing back that Daniel guy."
AvidElmV2 said:
"Stop smiling or I'll cut your lips off. You're way too happy and it's unnerving." Hayabusa said lightly, leaning up againstna wall. "Felix, just so you know, we're planning on bringing back that Daniel guy."
"My lips aren't yours to take, pervert." Merlin smiled even wider, her gaze unwavering.

"Is this Daniel the Dan you were referring to, Felix?" Xavier inquired, his eyes drifting from the windows to the shadow conduit.
Hayabusa simply growled at Merlin. Jacob leaned in on Hayabusa, smiling, before whispering

"You wants you...."

"Shut up."

"...... You want her, don't you.....?"

A couple of second's later, Hayabusa was sitting on Jacobs back, banging his head on the floor. "SHUT UP!"
AvidElmV2 said:
Hayabusa simply growled at Merlin. Jacob leaned in on Hayabusa, smiling, before whispering
"You wants you...."

"Shut up."

"...... You want her, don't you.....?"

A couple of second's later, Hayabusa was sitting on Jacobs back, banging his head on the floor. "SHUT UP!"
"Pfft-" Merlin suddenly burst out laughing, watching Hayabusa smash Jacob's head against the floor, "You're hilarious, the two of you."

"Don't tease them too much Merlin," Xavier chided, "It drives them crazy." His stare drifted from Felix to Hayabusa and Jacob, from the height he was floating, his pupils reflected a message, seemingly saying: "I give up."
Otakuyaki said:
"Pfft-" Merlin suddenly burst out laughing, watching Hayabusa smash Jacob's head against the floor, "You're hilarious, the two of you."
"Don't tease them too much Merlin," Xavier chided, "It drives them crazy." His stare drifted from Felix to Hayabusa and Jacob, from the height he was floating, his pupils reflected a message, seemingly saying: "I give up."
Hayabusa stopped for a moment to give Merlin the bird before he stood and walked away from Jacob. Jacob grabbed his bleeding head and stood as well this time walking over to Xavier. "So, what's the plan? Or are we just gonna run in there blind?"
AvidElmV2 said:
Hayabusa stopped for a moment to give Merlin the bird before he stood and walked away from Jacob. Jacob grabbed his bleeding head and stood as well this time walking over to Xavier. "So, what's the plan? Or are we just gonna run in there blind?"
"What, is that the size of your p*n*s?" Merlin replied in response to Hayabusa.

"I already have a map of the First Son's territory. Merlin, Nico, and I will infiltrate the base first, especially because Merlin will be disguising us, and I will be getting us past the securities." Xavier recited, "Once we locate the control room, as well as the leaders, I will shut down the networks and teleport you all into the First Son's base. You will all be spread all over the base, so as to distract them. Make sure to keep moving. Merlin will be off assassinating the higher ups to sever their head, while I destroy their storages and weapons. Nico, of course, will be searching for his father wherever they keep their prisoners holed up after we take the control room. I'll send you a download of the map later."
Felix nods. "Sounds good, but we should go in pairs. We'll need to cover each other's backs. If Twilight comes, I motion she goes with you Xavier. She'd be interested in the tech. Personally, I'd pair with Nico." Felix grins. "Since you two are like BFF's, Merlin and Hayabusa. Jacob, if Dax comes, you two."
"I don't mind either way. I've left the planning up to all of you so I won't have any real objections. All I know is that I intend to accomplish two things: free my father and end every last First Sons personnel life that I can. I've spent my entire life at their mercy and I intend to return the favor to them in every way that I can."

Nico had stuck to standing near Xavier and Merlin, simply because he had known them longer and trusted them more than Felix and friends at least. He had simply watched and adorned a smile as Hayabusa beat Jacob's head into the floor and was then promptly burned by Merlin, in the metaphorical sense this time.
"If I have to work with that bitch, I promise you I'll kill her five minutes after we get into the base." Hayabusa said angrily, staring Merlin down. Jacob scooted over to Merlin and whispered in her ear, "He wants you..... Badly."
AvidElmV2 said:
"If I have to work with that bitch, I promise you I'll kill her five minutes after we get into the base." Hayabusa said angrily, staring Merlin down. Jacob scooted over to Merlin and whispered in her ear, "He wants you..... Badly."
"Aaaw..." Merlin jeered, "What a tsundere!"

"I concur the idea of pairs, but I'd prefer to go in with Merlin and Nico first," Xavier replied, "Merlin's ability to keep us invisible and my ability to silence our noise does not hide us if we make contact with any of the First Son's. The larger our group, the more likely we will make contact with one of the First Son's Personnel. I can pair up with this 'Twilight' person once we need to make decoys to let Nico extract his father."

"Plus, I'll be going to assassinate the leaders, so it'd be easier if they weren't running around, terrified by this crude ninja." Merlin interjected.
Felix thinks. "You know, I would say okay, but..." Felix sighs. "Look, I think there's some bad blood between our groups, and my experience is a life or death situation will fix that right up. That's why I'd prefer the members of our two groups to be paired with each other." Liar. "Twilight is a scientist in her own right, Xavier, which is why I want her to pair with you. She'll be interested in all the tech. Merlin, maybe Jacob would be better? His smoke powers can create a smokescreen to get away, should you be spotted. Hayabusa can take Dax instead. Groups of three will make it harder."
Assailant said:
Felix thinks. "You know, I would say okay, but..." Felix sighs. "Look, I think there's some bad blood between our groups, and my experience is a life or death situation will fix that right up. That's why I'd prefer the members of our two groups to be paired with each other." Liar. "Twilight is a scientist in her own right, Xavier, which is why I want her to pair with you. She'll be interested in all the tech. Merlin, maybe Jacob would be better? His smoke powers can create a smokescreen to get away, should you be spotted. Hayabusa can take Dax instead. Groups of three will make it harder."
"As I said, I'll pair up with Twilight, but only after we find the control room and capture it," Xavier replied, "Merlin and my powers are necessary to infiltrate the base prior to the guerilla tactics, but I'm only bringing Nico so that he'll be deep within the base, plus, he is more likely to know where the prison is, and where we shouldn't go. It will be extremely difficult for us to identify the leaders and reach the control room when all of you are on the scene, so I will pair up with her after. In fact, I'd rather have us assassinate the leaders before we bring you all in, but we're doing this operation together." Plus, you guys have no reason to trust us whatsoever.

"I'll go with Jacob then, but I'll be invisible, so whether he keeps up with me will be his responsibility." Merlin smiled.
Felix's eyes narrow. I don't trust Xavier or Merlin... there's something going on here... Why are they so insistent on splitting up? And why are they so insistent that they're little triad goes alone? "Hmm... okay, I have to know the layout of the fortress before making any further suggestions. Nico, what do you know?"
Nico began to give out the entire basic structure of the building that he knew, which was most of the building seeing as he'd spent his life learning the structure and all the departments that make up the building. He was truthful throughout his entire speech until he finally got around to his father. It was then that he lied about him being in one of the less secured prison cells on one of the easier to reach floors.

In actual truth Nico's father had an entire floor dedicated to containing him at the farthest underground section of the building. There was no way that Nico could tell this to Felix without him being suspicious of his father though...

One way or another when they split into teams Nico would have to lose Felix before he could rescue his father.
"Hmm..." Less secure? Why would they have him and be TORTURING HIM, but put him in a less secure area? Color me even more suspicious. "Okay. I still recommend the initial, or previous plannings. Xavier, I don't think you know, but Twilight can use any form of energy. Should they have an energy lock, or something of the like, she would be necessary to take it down."

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