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Fantasy Hybrids

At the male's soothing words to the girl, Fisa slowly moved out of the treeline. approaching the humans in her other form. "I won't hurt you," her voice was low and rough.
Aurath walked up to Kano and sniffed him. Damn that armor kills the nose! But he seems to have no intent to attack unprovoked.
Xillia looked at all the Hybrids coming out from the underbrush, now feeling even more intimidated. She wiped the tears away, trying her best to stop crying. She caught a glimpse of the humanoid Hybrid, and buried her face in Kano's back again.
Aurath trotted up to the human girl and nuzzled her again, in an attempt to show her he just wanted to be pet.
Kano saw the wolf's emotions. Seeing the wolf's stressed face after smelling the armor, Kano knew the armor was the cause. At an instant the armor dispersed and he was in a different outfit. (Second picture in Character) he put his hand again on Xillia's head, comforting her. He held her close just in case she needed it.
Shit. She's hiding from me again. "My name is... Fisa." She had trouble saying her name since she usually did not introduce herself in this form. "I do not mean to frighten you. I mean no harm."
Aurath continued to nuzzle at Xillia's arm, hoping she would understand and pet him. She woud be a lot camer if she pe one of them and say hey were peaceful.
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Fisa looked at the male. "You helped us earlier. I would like to thank you." she nodded her head formally at him.
"These humans aren't even trying to attack," Braull thought to himself. He stopped walking further and decides to sit down a few feet away from them. He made a small sound, hoping the humans accepted that as he was no threat. Well, for now he wasn't a threat...
(We've gotta finish this up, gtg soon. Either that or someone uses Xillia and Rev. Also... Kano x Xillia FOREVER)

Xillia looked down at the wolf, and reluctantly put the canine's fur. He was soft. She slowly started to pet him more. She looked over at the panther Hybrid, her being the reason why she was still clinging to Kano.
(I ship it!)

The fear in the girl's eyes was for Fisa. She understood that now, but she was determined to show that she was not a threat. "I will not hurt you," she said again.
Aurath, having offisialy accepted this himan girl, curled up at her feet. he kept his head up, because she was still petting him, and it felt good.
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Braull's eyes widened when he saw the human pet the wolf. There's no way this is happening, right? Braull is only staring at the humans for now, not wanting to get any closer than he was now.
"Nice to meet you all too... My name is Kano."

He bowed politely. He wanted to be as nice as possible, not wanting any bloodshed, especially with someone innocent like Xillia around. After he bowed he looked at the sky. It was late night time. He looked back at Xillia.

"I think we should go, it's late... Also I bet your parents wouldn't like it"
Xillia strayed away from Kano a teeny bit, looking at Fisa directly. She watched with light brown eyes as the Hybrid stood infront of her, and continued to pet the white wolf.

"Weren't we gonna..." She started, but didn't finish her sentence as she spoke to the other human.

Revnoir looked at the girl, then at Fisa. He lowered one ear, a little confused. Were they... Trying to comfort the girl? He scowled, but decided that the human girl seemed pretty relaxed now. He felt small as a fox, and decided to copy Fisa and turn into his humanoid body. He poked his upper body out of the underbrush.

"Eh, am I too scary?" He whispered to Fisa, not wanting to scare the human.
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Fisa saddened again. She did not want the humans to leave. "Will you return?" She asked.

Fisa scowled at the fox man. "You waited too long. Now they are about to leave. Talk to them while you have the chance, dog."
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Revnoir growled at the girl. "I'm not a dog!" He said loudly, then realized he may have frightened the girl. He shut up, looking a little guilty. He stepped out, his tail flicking from side to side with worry. He looked at the little girl, giving her an innocent smile. He waved a little, his ears twitching.
"So we are all just gonna show our other forms? Right then," Braull spoke up and changed to his humanoid self. "We should really get going guys," Braull stated. Really, he wanted to get away from these humans; its too much. Braull starts to look antsy, glancing from the humans to the forest a few times.
"Sure look like one to me," Fisa mutters, looking at the humans for their reaction to the fox man's outburst.

"Since when were you giving the orders?" Fisa growls at Braull
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"Its a very good suggestion is-" Braull stopped himself once he realized it was the panther speaking. Great. He growled back and faced the panther. "...All," he finished, the tone of his voice flat.
Aurath backed away from the girl and shifted. "No picking on Fisa! I get she is a cat but she is at least nice!"

"And nice people are few and far apart these days."
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