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Fantasy Hybrids

"Thank you! Finally someone understands!" Fisa stares at Braull. "Just because I'm different than you doesn't mean we can't get along."
"We are like-minded. We think the same on the matter at hand..." Aurath said. He was never good with peoplein his humaniod form. Did he realy just make another enemy? he hoped not...
"I- oh." Fisa looked at the wolf man gratefully and smiled. "Yeah, I guess we are."
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Braull glares at Fisa for a moment before introducing himself. "I'm Braull," He keeps the introduction short and looks around to everyone. What Aurath said was true, Braull admits, but still... That's a cat.
Fisa tries not to glare in return. If he couldn't manage to be polite, she would be so for both of them.

"It's nice to know that not everybody despises me." @Aurath Moonblood
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Aurath looks at braull and says, "You should try to keep an open mind Braull.... Exept for to humans. As we have sen today there are only TWO good humans."
"Hey, don't be so pessimistic," Fisa says. "We've only seen the people from this village. I'm sure the humans in other villages are more understanding."
Braull manages to force a smile on his face while the conversation went on, "Yeah, you're right," he admits. Although he did start to wonder how Aurath could act so natural to cats. He's a wolf like him, doesn't he get it? Nevertheless, Braull decides to be kinder to Fisa, being rude isn't getting him anywhere.
Braull looked confused. Game? At a time like this? He decided to stay silent and see what they were talking about.

...He interrupted this from earlier? Braull just looks even more confused and tilts his head.
Xillia made it to her house safely. However Kano was still there near the forest. Kano sighed and looked at the group of hybrids. He had an urge to intimidate and get information about any Hybrid warriors. He wanted to avenge his family. However he resisted and observed.
Braull knows they were being watched and glances in Kano's direction. "I thought you were heading back to your home?" He questioned. He tried to make his voice sound non-threatening, but his fur on his tail and ears were standing on end. He still felt nervous around any kind of human...

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