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Theophany Elpida
Location: Airship > Outer Haven forest

Interaction: Pumpkid Pumpkid
Finding DistractionAttack DistractionAttack Huntertabbysandshark3 Huntertabbysandshark3

1727343325801.pngThis boy was definitely mild mannered. He had a lamp on him which she mistook as an exaggerated accessory more than a tool of self defense. This the only time she took a good look of the small talker. He is lively despite the rather solemn look of his resting face. She had already met accidental eye contact with some of her soon-to-be classmates. Finishing the rest of the sandwich then looking directly into his eyes. With her lips slowly opening.

"...I'm T--" Airship comms went off with an announcement to Haven Academy. The moment she and all are waiting for. An academy that she has trained up to this very moment. She took one big breath and leaned towards the glass window to get a glimpse in the horizon.

Darkness floods the windows and inside the ship. It was dim, jump scared and taken aback, she fell to the cold floor. The whole airship had a flurry of emotions. A new instruction was being given to the Haven students. Jump off the low altitude ship.

She can see it all. Standing dead center in the cabin. The buzzing Lancers swarming and poking the turbulent airship, her new classmates taking to arms without hesitation, gunfire and smoke of the airship right outside. Her body froze, the TV slowly turning into static when the boy who was speaking to her earlier started shaking the rather large TV. Enough to shake her out of shock. "Wait! Calm--! Kya!" The airship was being torn be tethering stingers. Tiffany lost her balance. Sliding and rolling out of the opened back ramp. She failed to grab her weapon, Destiny. She fell out of the airship. Ears ringing and a zoned out stare. She felt her body become light. She can only see the morning sky, the assaulted airship with a burning under hull, leaving the students behind. Destiny was in front of her but out of reach. Her hands can only reach out in vain. Everyone was using the Lancers as their own landing platform/techniques, some using their semblance or own landing style. In her hopeless freefall she simply closed her eyes.

A voice broke out into in the wind and an embrace around herself. Her amethyst eyes is graced by the panicking red boy earlier. There were a dozen Lancers coming for him but his explosive semblance knocked them all back. Small explosions followed up to soften the fall. The last few seconds were a blur as she only hugged him for incoming painful landing. Even carrying another person with him. This lantern boy manages to land them both safely. Not without a scratch. The boy groans in pain but didn't seem to be any hindered injury at the cost of her complete safety.

"Oh no! I'm s-sorry!" Immediately getting back on her feet as to no longer weigh him down. She looks around the forest, the swarmed airship almost out of sight now, then the falling students who have landed in quite some distance.

"I'm fine... Thank you. Can you walk?" Her eyes in complete worry of the boy more than where she is. There were shifting shadows everywhere and ominous howling and growling from the trees and bushes. "We have to find everyone! I-I saw someone land over there!" Pointing westward, which seems to be the last point where a tall Faunus student has landed. Tiffany jogs with Destiny in hand. The magic staff designed weapon doesn't seem to appear activated at all.
Hidden scrolls.
Mizu Mifune

"The last transit before I become a teacher... Could have been worse." Is what Mizu said while he layed across the rafters in the airship's main hall, his habits from the spec ops still held strongly onto him and didn't allow him to mingle with the soon to be his students, what he did not expect was the airship being attacked. Mizu watched as the students were ripped apart from their standings and out of the back ramp, he then thought to himself if he should go after them or not, but he heard the communication from his Scroll so he had no choice.

He turned around to the helmsman and yelled. "You better land this baby where you said. I'm going to go with the kids." Before walking off the back ramp and beginning his free fall to the ground, the fall felt long but in reality, it was quite short. And as he approached the ground he took out his twin katanas and with their chain sword forms whipped two Lancers and used them to cushion his fall. Now on the ground, Mizu tapped an earpiece he had and sent a message to the other teachers. "Mizu landed, gonna shadow a group of students to safety."
After doing so Mizu began to sneak around and looking for students, till he saw a small girl with glasses and what looked like a magical girl wand. As she was the first student he saw he decided to shadow her and whatever students gathered around her to safety.

It was a good idea to use this situation as a test, not helping them too much only taking care of Grimm which they would not be able to handle in this situation, or the ones hiding in ambush so to ease up their situation was his choice. Though he had yet so see a Grimm other than the Lancers up above, but still he needed to keep the vigil up.

Aura color: 水 Mizu #81C7D4
Subject: Semblance Mastery
Interactions: Vagabond Spectre Vagabond Spectre , Huntertabbysandshark3 Huntertabbysandshark3 , MangoGoGo MangoGoGo , Mirai-chan Mirai-chan
Location: Forest near Haven


IMG_0207.jpeg Emile Forrest
Location: Airship to Haven
Interactions: DistractionAttack DistractionAttack Nomad13 Nomad13
Mentions: None

Emile’s eyes widened as he saw Felix’s semblance in action, giving Felix a small round of applause. “That’s an interesting ability. My ability feels tame in comparison, watch.” Emile took a deep breath and began focusing aura to his fingertips. Threads began to form from his fingers, wrapping around the half-eaten apple in his other hand. He then lifted the apple from his hand and did a little “Ta-Da~” motion. “It ain’t all that, but I’ve been working hard to try and perfect it. Hopefully it’ll pay off.” He said as he made the threads disappear and caught the apple with his hand. “It makes me wonder if-“ Suddenly, the rumbling of the airship interrupted Emile. He looked out the window to see a bunch of Grimm surrounding the airship. Seeing this, he quickly got his weapon case and opened it, revealing Widow and Weaver. Once he strapped the two blades to his wrists, he looked around to see that Felix has left without him which kinda sucked. He was really beginning to like that guy, but right now that should be the least of his worries. He put the bag of apples in his weapon case and slung it over his shoulder. He grinned as he rushed towards the exit and jumped into the Grimm-infested sky head first. “I’m about to make a name for myself here!”

Observing his surroundings, Emile saw a stray Lancer within his path. This was the perfect opportunity to get some experience with fighting Grimm, especially in midair. You never know what type of battlefield you’ll find yourself in these encounters. Emile began to close in on the stray lancer, throwing one of his blades at it. Once Widow pierced its flesh, it began to flail around in a panic. This made Emile flail around as well. He then threw Weaver at the Lancer and with one tug of the chains, the chains retracted to pull him in closer to the lancer. The lancer retaliated by extending its stinger out, which Emile swiftly dodged and countered by removing Widow from its body and slicing the stinger. Then Emile used Widow once more to wrap the chain around the disoriented grimm’s neck. With one big tug, the chain retracted, beheading to Grimm. As the Grimm turned to dust, Emile realized that he was still falling. “Damnit. Forgot about that.”

As Emile was quickly descending to the forest below, he quickly formed his threads down into the treetops, hoping that it would grapple onto a branch or something. Once he felt something tug on his thread, he quickly zipped towards it in hopes that it would mitigate any fall damage. He then tried to land on a branch but slipped and tumbled onto the ground. “Gah! So much for a smooth landing…” He got up and dusted himself off, observing his surroundings. He suddenly felt a shockwave not to far off from where he landed. Being naturally curious, he ventured towards where the shockwave came from, wondering if it was cargo or something like that. “Please be something good.”

Emile arrived at the crater, looking around to see whatever caused this, only to find another student. At first he was in disbelief. How could a crater be caused by a single student. He walked towards the crater. “Oi, are you okay? I felt ya crash down just a few feet away from here.” As Emile got closer and closer, he finally got a good look at the student(?). He was shocked on how massive he was. Never before had he saw muscles that big before. “Woah, you uh, are quite huge my friend. You sure you’re a student?”


Kylie Cantrall


Clearing > Haven Academy

Ashryn lashed out at a Grimm with an arrow, her eyes flashing toward a voice as a blonde-haired woman in armor called out to her. A flash of ivory fang peeked out of her lips before she shrugged. "I am fine." Her voice was quiet, almost barely audible, and had a hint of a rumble to it - courtesy of her faunus heritage. Her heels clicked on the ground as she whirled about, her ears catching a sound behind her before she shot an arrow at an approaching Lancer. As Ryn finished firing her arrow she almost immediately had another loaded, launching herself against a tree into an elegant flip before shooting another Lancer from above - twirling and landing in a crouched position. Her eyes almost glowed as she tilted her head, almost taunting the Grimm from her position.

Her bright orbs turned slightly to take stock of Ilyas, her teeth flashing as she nodded her head slightly. "While I may not need help, I do believe according to school standards we are stuck together" Her soft tone was slightly accented if one listened closely enough. Her skirt flared around her legs as she stood up, her tail appearing more like a white and black rosette-furred belt around her waist. Her silvery white and black hair was still out of her face, pulled back with a bandana tied around her head, which also served to hide her pinned-back ears. The snow leopard faunus kept an eye on approaching Grimm, standing so she had her back to Ilyas as she grinned fiercely, firing another arrow from her weapon and giving a slight laugh at the explosion the dust-infused tip caused.


♡design by sirnateunknown, coded by uxie♡
As she descended from her fierce uppercut against the Lancer, Shin'ya noticed two figures grouped together on the grass, covering each other in preparation for further assault. A graceful fellow Faunus with a bow, and...an armored, knightly figure, brimming with strength just from their posture.

Her gaze swept over them. It was something of a cliche in hunter literature that the allies you found yourself banding with during your initiation or first major battle would be your team, at least for the duration of your training. A cliche, yes, but one consistently attested to by the generations of hunters that came before.

She hit the ground with a roll, sucking in another deep breath and springing forward to land next to the duo, acknowledging them with little more than a nod and a quiet "Mm."

Amidst the chaos, a Boarbatusk broke loose from the swarm, charging straight at the trio, head held low in preparation to gore them.

A typical maneuver. Shin'ya had trained for this.

What would a hunter do?

What would...Shoko do?

She ducked and took a single wide step forward, like a boxer ducking under a wide hook. Planting her feet, she thrust her arms forward and upward, her aura straining to support her frail body as both hands grabbed the beast's tusks from below as it made contact, provoking a furious roar from the beast.

With a hiss of steam, Raimei flexed around her left hand, crushing one of the Grimm's tusks. In a rage, it flailed and bellowed, threatening to fling Shin'ya away. Her metallic right hand held on tight to the other tusk, but could do no more immediately.

If one of her new companions could capitalise on the opportunity...

Talathel Talathel Zenritch Zenritch Pumpkid Pumpkid
Bima Naranga Kurawa
Location: Forest near Haven
Interaction: JuniperBoi JuniperBoi
Situation: Tired, low on Aura, feeling sheepish

Bhima stifled a yawn, quickly placing a hand over his mouth. He didn’t want to risk letting his Semblance affect anyone nearby, especially not this new guy who looked like he still had plenty of energy to burn. With a soft sigh, he pulled out a large thermos from his satchel and twisted off the cap. He took a slow, deliberate sip of his lemon-infused tea. The tea wouldn’t help his Aura, which was running dangerously low after that rough landing, but it would give him just enough of a boost to avoid yawning continuously.

"Ah, much better." he muttered, feeling slightly more awake. He glanced at the new comer, who still seemed to be in disbelief at the scene around him. The curious expression on his face was understandable, given the crater he had created and the splintered trees scattered everywhere.

"Apologies for the commotion." Bhima said politely, his voice calm. "I... had a bit more speed coming down than I anticipated. The trees didn’t stand a chance." A small grin tugged at the corner of his lips as he recalled the rather dramatic crash landing.

He chuckled softly at the second question, clasping his hand together and nodding his head in a friendly gesture. "Indeed, I am. My name is Bhima. It's a pleasure to meet you." His demeanor polite and relaxed despite the chaos surrounding them. "As for the landing, well, it wasn’t exactly graceful. I tried to recall what my father taught me about using Aura outside the body, but I may have… overdone it a bit."

He glanced around at the shattered trees and the crater beneath his feet. "Still, I suppose it could have been worse."

Autumn Blaze
Location: Outer Haven Forest
Mood: Panicked
Interactions: Vagabond Spectre Vagabond Spectre

getimg_ai_img-oBhx8pgNep59ZsMrdjvhm (1).jpg

Autumn sat up as Tiff jumped off. He rubbed his lower back hoping to soothe it with the friction of his palm. It was a relief the blonde was doing ok. ”It’s all good. I’m just glad you’re safe.” He shot her a smile before picking himself off the ground and dusted off any dirty stuck to his clothes. ”Yeah, I can walk, thankfully.” It would be a disaster if he broke his spine on impact. He probably would have died or been paralyzed, but overall, his adventure would be over just as he was starting. He would be a laughing stock.

The sound of the engine from a falling airship caught his attention. The buzzing of Lancers suddenly snapped him back to reality. Those dang creepy insects crawling all over the windows gave him goosebumps. Autumn jumps in his stand and hugs himself. Already, he was freaking out. They were in the middle of the woods, lost with nowhere to go. Haven Academy is close by, but they have no sense of direction. They were doomed, and he had to protect the lady from her death. ”Oh God! We’re gonna get found and torn into pieces by Lancers. It’s all over, b-but not to worry. I will p-protect you.”

Anxiety spikes, and Autumn yelps once he hears growling and howling amongst the trees and shrubs. Just hearing the sounds of wolves had Autumn frozen and struck with nostalgia.”Beowolfs? You gotta be kidding me!” He screeched then slammed a hand over his mouth realizing his mistake. He could very well place Tiff in danger with his whining and give out their location. He’s supposed to be brave for her, but instead he’s cowering.

It was truly a blessing that Tiff was calm in this disastrous moment otherwise they would both be stuck in the same boat. ”Everyone?” Right they weren’t the only ones. How stupid of him. His priorities were a mess at the moment, but at least it’s better than sitting down. Still, there is an unsettling feeling in his stomach. ”W-wait don’t just run off in a random direction without being careful. There could be hungry Beowolfs for all we know. Hey!” It was no good, Tiff had already bolted and was being left behind. Autumn had a job to protect her, but also free Jack from his bindings. He spins the chain in a direction and unhooks his weapon free before chasing Tiff to who knows where.


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    Valerie Halla

    Carlisle Thyme

♡design by miyabi, coded by uxie♡

Carlisle was the last person to get to his feet, “I’m not whining I’m simply saying---” that’s when the other spoke and he was taken aback by her statement, “The hell kind of statement is that.” he says as he watches them walk away from him. He let out a sign and looked back at the dead lancer as it dissolved into black fragments and blown away by a small gust of wind. It wasn’t that he was sad his ride died but it could of turned out WAAAY worse than it did. He let out a sign and rubbed the back of his head before he followed after the two female students.

After going through some thick bushes and getting hit in the face by a stray branch, they found the female student the other was talking about. She was currently laying on the floor, her chest raising and falling and a look of relief on her face. Carlisle looked at her cautiously while the other two checked to make sure she was ok. He was looking at their surroundings not liking where they were. Too many places to hide and easy to be snuck up on.
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Liserian Carmelo
Location: Outer Haven Forest
Mood: Annoyed
Interactions: Nellancholy Nellancholy Talathel Talathel Zenritch Zenritch


It all happened so fast. One minute he was taking a nap in the corner drooling, arms crossed on the floor, snoring and the next he was sucked out of an airship surrounded by Lancers. Anyone would think to wake up to the turbulence and the coms going off. Nope, not this guy. That was due to his previous decision to be up all night working on his concoctions rather than resting for a road trip. He said his goodbyes in the form of spiteful words to his grandfather. He didn’t want to be in school but reluctantly agreed as he was coaxed by the amount of knowledge he could obtain, the books of every caliber at his hands. That was the only agreement even if his grandfather was harsh on him. It was for his own good, but Liserian refused to give up. His dreams and his sister’s health were his priority.

’This is great! Just freakin’ dandy. What idiot decided to fly en route towards Lancers?’

Liserian was fully awake now that he was falling to his doom. Watching the airship be covered in Lancers and practically explode with probably everyone’s luggage in it. Thankfully, all of his belongings were in his grasp. In his duffle bag backpack. He couldn’t deny one thing, he felt sorry for the pilots despite his annoyance. Now was not the time to mourn. He had to figure out a way to land safely at such a height. The students around him fought valiantly in mid-air using their skills to survive. One used the Lancers as stepping stones, others used their weapons, semblances, or even makeshift cloaks to get down. He had to think on his feet. He wasn’t used to situations like these. He was a hunter. He worked better on land. He knows his way around a forest. They were all the same if they knew what they were doing.

The buzzing sounds brought the plum-haired male out of his thoughts. A Lancer was making its way toward him. Red shades cover his gaze as he makes a low growl of annoyance. ”Damn bugs. Do you want to fight? Then by all means.” Liserian pulls out Kane strapped to his back and extends it into a scythe. He quickly builds momentum by spinning it and then swinging his scythe horizontally decapitating it. He used the body to lunge himself toward the ground. Along the way, he spun and slashed his way through. As soon as he was inching close to the ground, Liserian used the rod of his scythe to hang onto a Lancer by its neck. It cried and bucked for a chance to throw him off but kicked up at its face to get him to obey. If there is anything he has learned is that animals respond to alphas and he was going to show dominance against a Grimm. ”Fly straight ya mangy, bug. It’s the least you can do for disturb my sleep.”

A smirk crossed his lips finally able to ditch the Lancer by decapitating it and using Kane to hook on a thick branch spin himself and hook onto another branch thus hanging from his position. His foot rests on the other blade as he looks around to make sure he’s safe in his surroundings. He could hear growling from various places. The forest must carry Grimm meaning he has to be careful as do the rest of his classmates. Maybe he should search for them and make sure they’re safe even if they are capable of taking care of themselves. A group is better than being alone where the predator is bound to take their chances for a meal.

Liserian activates his semblance and uses the heat to his advantage. He spots a couple of heat signatures up ahead. ”Whelp! Better get walking.” He swings his scythe once more sticking the landing with an air somersault. He grunted from placing too much weight on the landing. He steeled himself and dusted himself off of any debris or goo that might have spilled along the way. He retracts Kane into a rifle which would be used better than a pole weapon.

As he approaches, he can see three girls up ahead. More Grimm came down but were shot down by arrows. Another fellow sharpshooter. ”Seems they can handle themselves just fine.” Liserian stopped jogging and thought to take his time and catch his breath. He notices another signature nearby bolting straight towards them. It was too late to call out in alarm. He was too far away. It was a close call but one of them managed to pin them down and break their tusk, yet they struggled. She needed help. Without thinking, he aims at the Boartusk flailing around, he needs to find the right time for an opening. If he recalls, their weak spots are their underbelly. He aims low. ”You’re doing great. Hold him a little longer.” He whispered, concentrating on the one spot and taking his shot. A second one follows just in case.

To the girls, the flashing light could be spotted nearby. Should it have done the job or the girls defeated the Boartusk, Liserian would have entered the clearing by the time it became dust. Rifle over his shoulder and whistling. ”You ladies sure are tough, especially you.” He grins at Shin'ya, eyes covered by his shades, the light bouncing off hiding his blue irises.

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Asher cobalt
interaction: Vagabond Spectre Vagabond Spectre Pumpkid Pumpkid
Having landed on the ground and looked around a bit Asher didn't have too much time to start walking before more grim showed up land-bound ones beowolfs mostly the first one basically just disappeared in a puff 37mm shell impacting its face and deleting it from existence with the shear explosive force. The next one was much the same and the third cannon jolting in Asher arm the recoil springs and oils compressing backwards heat transferred into the handle and absorbed into his body via his semblance soon there where a few too many for him to just shoot rush at him the large blade cleaved through one easily recently sharpened the massive weight behind it Spitting them and the trees around him with ease effectively carving apath as he moved through the woods towards somewhere cannon firing ringing out occasionally with the thud of a tree split by a swing, so far it was going ok

that was until the urson arrived massive armoured bear.. shrugging off the shots as if charged Asher he bearly dodged the strike form it's paws leaving a huge gash in the ground Asher's cannon only hitting its armor and his sword bouncing off its thick hide great this would be... annoying however he did have an idea firing the cannon into the tree line he began to intentional start fires stoking them by using masses of leaf litter and nonsense that the ursa was kicking up with its attempts to strike him one slash getting him across his back aura flickering.

the roaring fire was just what he needed suddenly the fires died Asher pulling in all the heat and holding out his hand the shear heat igniting the air in a glowing white beam the grim being popped like a bubble as well as many of the tree behind it the shear heat causing them to basically disintegrate in an instant leaving a path pd destruction... one that conviently opened a path to meet anorher Small area Asher could just see other students there. Hauling his blade onto his shoulder he's walk through the scotched area the beowolfs having decided to go find easier prey after all of that shit, Asher just managing to spot the girl that had glance at him before and there was also another guy he'd not remember seeing. "Sup you Two guys ok?" he'd ask casually as if he didn't just walk form the path of super destruction.. guy was so causal about it.
View attachment 1186880
Interactions: Yuppa ( RandomBlobMan RandomBlobMan )
Mood?: Startled.... uhhh Socially not okay.

It was only gonna be five minutes, Only Five minutes of her chillin' out and probably getting to know someone, as she notes the different color. "Green..... Blue.... Purple" She notes quietly to herself. Each student within her was bustling both in personalities and colors. Each color was beautiful in their own way and those colors as she would say... sums up someone. Momiji standing in the sea of people as she idly stood there not really knowing what to do aside from noting other colors from the vast array she saw.

But she stopped, her eyes caught something.... Brown.... They was ears? Wolf ears? She felt like that someone was stalking her and ot made this Goat faunus uneasy as her emerald eyes darts the other way in an attempt to ignore it and go back to... doing something. Well she remebered she had books... and oh yeah! She could finish catching up on Agent 006 Blackbell Code: Roulette (This is totally not a Alex Rider/ James Bond Ripoff). So she slips her bag off as the bag fell from within her jacket and she moves away a bit careful not to bump into anyone to reveal her brown bag as she slips her arms back in her long sleeves with both the hand and sleeve itself (Since the sleeve did technically covered her arm). Yes, This a little more exhausting of removing your own backpack from underneath your own Overcoat.... But it was only Momiji's preferance due to not wantingto take her coat off... she felt... uncomfortable without it... (Much less confident.)

And as soon and as soon as she was unzipping her bag, She was face to face with someone with those same wolf ears she seen earlier, and that tone and voice was enough to startled her. Her expression remained impassive but her bodily language and posture was tense meaning she's uncomfortable. If it could be felt, She was silent but what her green eyes radiated somewhat..... hints of intensive imtiimidatingness like this was a warning. But in reality, Momiji was internally panicking... not knowing what to say.

".... Brown...."

Oh no.
Yuppa blinked. Brown. That was... quite an answer, really. Something to rival her surprise attack on the girl. Brown. Yuppa took her own share of time to appreciate the surprised, perhaps evne terrorized, reaction the girl gave her. She blinked again, ears twitching as she stared. It was a stare of pure confusion and curiosity-no malicious intent included in any way (other than the unnecesary staring part, of course).
"Brown? You mean my hair?"
She swished her head around, making her hair wave in the air dramatically as she showed off her (subjectively) beautiful brown hair.
"Yeah, I have brown hair. Your hair is blonde!Yellow! I guess yellow is the correct term, but I like golden more. It's more poetic, you know?"
Unfortunately for Momiji, it seemed that her awkward initial response did nothing negative to Yuppa's first impression of her. Whether it was because she was desperate to make a new friend, or if she really didn't care much of the response, even Yuppa herself was not sure at the moment. She just wanted to... socialize.

Yuppa tilted her head side to side as she waited for the girl's response, but their suspenseful talk had to be cut short by the announcement of the helmsman, and the following opening of the hatch, which was something Yuppa was not expecting at all. Especially on the first day of school-they haven't even done a ceremony yet.
"Wait, what?"
Yuppa felt the flow of air violently yank her off her feet, and into the air-down to the open. Her instinct was to lash out and grab for the awkward blondie she just met, then realized it may end up making things worse than better for the two of them. She slapped the right hand that almost clawed at Momiji with her left, and was launched into the air.
She yelled as she went spinning in the air.
"Let's meet agaaaaaiiiiin!"

The rest was history. Sort of.
Yuppa grabbed onto a comically thick glove that she had hidden in her jacket pocket, and put her left hand in it without hesitation. As she flexed her fingers, the glove extended itself to form an armored gauntlet around her arm, with the partition on the wrist extending to form a round shield with four noticable lines on the outside. After quickly inserting a red cartridge into a small opening under the shield, Yuppa stretched her arms out to control the fall.
Through the sound of the air, she felt a slight hum of her shield as it began to charge up on the fire dust.
She raised her fist up into the air as she felt the heat build up in her shield. There were many ways to break a fall from this much height, but she liked one method and one method only.
She threw her balled up fist downward, shield facing the earth-its outer rim and center glowing hot red. At the next moment, the fire dust combusted, releasing a red ring of explosion that rocked her body, and significantly deccelerated her as she dive rolled onto the ground.

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