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Liserian Carmelo
Location: Haven Forest
Mood: Stressed
Interactions: Shin'ya Nellancholy Nellancholy
Mentions: Ashryn (Leopard appearnce) Talathel Talathel Ilya (Armored Knight) Zenritch Zenritch

Hearing the wolf faunus speak had taken Liserian by surprise. He assumed the mask was just an aesthetic. The sound of her breathing made him want to look after her; at least until she was safe in Haven Academy. The other two girls seemed capable of escorting her, but if anything were to happen, he could bet none of them knew anything about medical procedures. His gaze shifts to the armored clad. He couldn’t tell if they were male or female. Not that it mattered, but he could at least address them properly. The other one, he had no time to get an opinion of as a couple of Beowolves charged in for an attack. The armored lad was quick to handle them showing their mighty strength. It was probably all of that armor giving them confidence. Then again, they just tore a Beowolf in half with their bare hands. Impressive. He definitely did not want to cross her in the future.

Just when the coast was clear, the unexpected happened. A King Taijitu slithered straight towards his teammate. Seeing such a creature had him grip his rifle as a precaution. The knight was impressive holding their ground like some sort of berserker. When she was tossed into the air and ready to be swallowed, they acted and eluded the Taijitu’s attempt. The knight was safe, but they were not pleased. No, whatever is going on behind the helmet is a murderous intent. Their rage could be felt as they cried out while lunging straight for the Taijitu. He knew for sure the snake was going to be a goner under their rage, but she would need help despite the warning.

As if that wasn’t bad enough, a bird grimm made an appearance right after one of the girls retorted to the knight. He could tell those two are bound to bash heads. The hot-tempered girl shot at the large bird which meant now they were caught between a rock and a hard place. More bad luck came when he heard growls approaching and the rustling of shrubs all around them. Liserian used his semblance to read his surroundings. He can see vague blotches of red approaching. A hoard of them peering through the clearing rows of the forest. He whistled, ”Seems we’re about to have a welcoming party.” He arms himself and starts sniping down some beowolves as they are a much easier target compared to boartusks.

When the wolf faunus asked him to follow, he couldn’t decline as she had used the magic word. Aside from that, he felt a strange authority atmosphere coming from the girl despite her frail appearance. ”Sure thing, boss lady.” Someone had to keep an eye on her. Though he knew not to underestimate her as she had taken down a boartusk’s ivory tusk which meant she could handle herself. By the looks of it, all of them could. As he followed, he noticed the hot-headed girl was actually a cool leopard faunus. Her bandana had been torn and her tail let loose. Well now, that is a rarity to see such a rare faunus. Maybe he was confusing it with something else. Probably. At least he can now call her what she really is. A kitty named, Spots. That would make the armored one, Knight, and of course, the girl he was trailing Boss Lady.

Liserian understood the objective. To survive and escape the forest, but with an infestation of Grimm, something was causing them to be lured here. First the lancers and Alphas? Something was fishy and he did not want to be part of whatever was going on. He has important matters to deal with that don’t involve being a Huntsman. ”I just wanted to see the damn library.” He grumbled before his focus was on King Taijitu. Whatever Boss Lady had planned, it involved the snake. Did she have a deathwish or a plan? He couldn’t tell. All of the women showed signs of insanity in his opinion, but he wasn’t going to dictate them. ”Bullets won’t have much effect on them. If I remember correctly, blades and something volatile do the trick.” Taijitu’s scales were just as tough as the boartusk’s hide. Their stature gives them an edge, however, the bigger they are the harder they fall they say. Liserian switched to his scythe and made sure to keep out of the Knight’s line of fire. Though in the back of his head, he was concerned for the underlings that could jump in at any minute with how much they might attract fighting off Grimm.

Liserian shot himself off the ground and spun his scythe at the snake. There was not enough momentum to behead them. Maybe from a higher ground? After his failed attempt the wolf faunus took care of the black-headed snake and then took her place above the trees. What for? He didn’t know, but as he distracted the snake with another slash piercing through just a little and keeping a tight grip as the snake tried to shake him off, his attention was drawn to the flock of birds attacking the wolf faunus. Liserian began to wonder what to do in this situation. Everyone is focused on something and he was honestly support. The plum-haired teen groans, ”Screw it.” This was not survival to the fittest. He could not allow lives at stake to perish. That would a shitty first day of school.

”Damn it, gramps, what the hell did you get me into?”

Liserian removed his blade and retreated it a rifle. From the head of the Taijitu, he starts sniping the birds away with precision as best as he can. He slid off of the snake just in time and did a backflip to dodge the black head’s bite. His left arm was cut in the process, but it wasn’t deep enough to cause a problem. If anything a graze. ”Need a hand or ya got it?” He called out to Shin’ya.


Autumn Blaze
getimg_ai_img-oBhx8pgNep59ZsMrdjvhm (1).jpg
Location: Haven Forest
Mood: Terrified
Interactions: Huntertabbysandshark3 Huntertabbysandshark3 DistractionAttack DistractionAttack Vagabond Spectre Vagabond Spectre Megilagor Megilagor

Autumn felt like he was going to collapse. All of his panicking was shortening his life and straining his body without realizing it. He was moving to keep Tiff safe, but she seemed to run towards danger without a second thought. There are probably grimm all around them and she just wants to find another student. At least have some common sense. All of his thoughts were put on pause as they made a stop when Tiff paused in her tracks. He looks around trying not to think about Grimm. ”U-um…I don’t think so. I mean there must be some grimm lurking around if that’s what you mean? I just hope we’re not in their line of sight. Just then, a gust of wind blew right through as if a crash had happened nearby. Tiff once again was quick to run towards the direction. What astounded Autumn was the beam of light. It might be another student in danger. ”Wait! Miss!” He cried out.

The chase continued leading to a clearing. One human made by a tall dark and handsome faunus. The whole place looked like a warzone, but he came out unscathed. Autumn was at a loss for words as he casually greeted them. ”Uh…h-hey. We’re fine, thanks. Did you do this?” He wondered if it was or he just so happened to come across it like them. Tiff’s question of what to do was never answered and instead interrupted by a grimm. They were dragged into the woods like some horror movie. It had Autumn shaking in his boots. The gunshot was relieving. Only man can do that. The long silence had Autumn in suspense until the footsteps came closer and closer. Autumn hid behind the tall guy, but relaxed upon meeting a pink haired…beauty?

He had half a mind to scold the person trying to give him a heart attack but instead, his heart began to swoon over the appearance of what he assumed was a girl dressed in pink. So innocent and cute. Autumn practically pushed Tiff and Asher away as if they were double doors. His green eyes shifted to hearts as he jumped in and took the pinkette’s hand. ”You must be the most beautiful girl I ever laid eyes on, and you saved our hides. My name is Autumn, and your name is? Felix? That’s a boy's name, but I’m sure it can be unisex too, right?” In this state of mind, Autumn was blind as a bat, acting like a total fool and doting on the person as if they were the most interesting person in the world. ”If you need anything, let me know. I will protect you wherever you are.”

Autumn stopped his flirtatious advances and noticed the ground rumbling beneath. It wasn’t like last time when they found Asher. No, the rumblings were getting heavier. Something is approaching and with it comes an army aimed for them. A cold shiver was sent down his spine as the Grimm made itself known. A Goliath, boartusks, beowolves and ursas? Those were tough creatures and Autumn was already screaming like a little girl as the Goliath had its eyes on him. ”Wait, what? Why me? I didn’t do anything to you. Go attack someone else.” He pleaded to the Goliath as a strange man in a cap swooped in like some sort of ninja taking care of a boartusk. He called out in a rude manner whoever they are. ”Aim for that guy! He’s a challenge.” Autumn shouted at the Goliath as if diplomacy with Grimm was an option.

This was all so much. It gave him flashbacks of that day again. He couldn’t stand still and do nothing, but right now all he wanted to do was cower behind a tree, but the person with him would get caught in the crossfire. Autumn pushes Felix away from Goliath’s attack and rolls with him on the floor, but makes sure he’s cushioned. ”Are you ok? We have to get out of here. Make a run for it.” This is all he wanted to do right now. He wanted to run and not look back. Make it to Haven Academy safe and sound even if it meant leaving people behind. He was acting just as he did before. So many Grimm swarming them was enough to make him ditch the team. He didn’t want to be there. He wanted to take things slow and accordingly, not be where he is now. This was all wrong and he was gripping Felix like a lifeline by his sweater. His gaze wasn’t even focused on him. They were just filled with fear.

Valerian clicked his tongue. Damn it, he should have listened to the announcement before heading off. Oh well, there’s only so many directions to go in. They’d find the place eventually! Or die, but it’d be fun running around the forest either way.

“Are you kidding? I’d love to see some grimm,” Valerian laughed as he followed after his new friend. “This is way more fun than whatever orientation they had planned.”

He took a better look at Momiji as they ran. She was a handful of inches shorter than him, and super mobile. He was just about keeping pace with her, and Valerian was certain she could spring up into the air way easier than he could. The violin was a curious sight. An odd choice for a bludgeon (not that he could judge), so a transforming weapon of some sort? Oh he couldn’t wait to see what it unfolded into.

Eventually the two of them made it to a clearing— or a crater really. The only reason the area was devoid of trees was some sort of force utterly obliterating every one. Valerian’s eyes darted around, looking for what grimm had caused such a disaster and— His eyes landed on two students.

“Talk about a crash landing!” Valerian said, walking over to them. “You two okay?”

( Mirai-chan Mirai-chan JuniperBoi JuniperBoi Nomad13 Nomad13 )

  • XIX.

    The Sun

    Felix Baker


    Pumpkid Pumpkid


designed by bad ending & coded by xayah.ღ

Felix stood off balance as the earth around them shook making him thinking it was something under the ground before seeing a giant boulder fly through the air causing him to slump “oh no” then the giant Goliath it’s horrifying size made its appearance, it’s roar so loud and disturbing could make your blood flee from your veins. Felix saw this monstrosity and started to frantically point at it and exclaimed “Don’t these things kill licensed hunters!” he sighed holding his head in his hand for a little bit looking up seeing 6 lesser Boarbatusks 6 lesser beowolves and 4 ursas making his eyes widen “THERES MORE!” Felix wined a bit as he made a long sigh. The Goliath causing a small earthquake almost knocking him off his feet. Before feeling Autumn tackle him to the ground saying “oop going down” as he feel on top of Autumn. Felix looked down at Autumn before giving him a playful wink and standing up unsheathing Shooting Stars from under his sweater.

Shooting stars it has 3 modes first short sword which is a glossy purple blade divided in 3 segments put together about 2 feet long. Whip sword which separates the 3 segments with a yellow chain reaching to a max of 7 feet. Revolver which the blade splits showing a revolver barrel that has 6 dust bullets. Interestingly enough the sword mode to revolver mode is a switch and the trigger for the revolver still exists while in sword mode, hitting the trigger makes an audible “click” switching it to whip sword mode and back again with a powerful pulling force. Little complex but that’s how he designed it with every painstaking detail.

Felix gripped the hilts of shooting stars shaking his head readying himself putting his stars behind him pushing all his weight through his legs. One solid burst he pushes forward. “click” quickly he throws the whip sword forward planting it into a Boarbatusk “click” quickly the sword comes back together pulling Felix towards the Boarbatusk. Keeping his momentum “click” as he was approaching he extended his whip sword spinning like a human top and slicing the Boarbatusk in half to make it dissolve and go for his real prey an Ursa. Moving fast forward he prepped one of stars forward, as it got on its hind legs coming to a sudden stop as his star planted itself in the Ursa’s shoulder. Quickly he rolled forward pointing at his star “I wish my star stayed in place” the sword not moving static locking the ursa in place allowing him to strike at its heels. The killing blow was close before the Goliath stepped in a giant trunk smack him making him fly before he hit a nearby tree. Recoiling in pain he coughed his aura flickering as he rolled his eyes. “Ooo it’s personal now”
IMG_0207.jpeg Emile Forrest
Location: Haven Forest

Interaction: Nomad13 Nomad13 GamerKitty205 GamerKitty205 Mirai-chan Mirai-chan
Mentions: N/A

Emile chuckled as he once again looked at the damage that Bhima had caused. “The name’s Emile. Nice to meet ya too, Bhima. Remind me to never get on your bad side, cause I don’t want to be on the receiving end of…whatever that was.” He said with a grin. He was lucky to find someone like Bhima. With strength like that, going through a Grimm-infested forest would be a breeze. Maybe he could even be useful as a human shield. He snickered quietly at the thought of that. “Well, we better leave this ‘landing site’ of yours. If I heard ya coming down, then Grimm might of heard ya as well.”

Emile was about to leave the crater until he heard something rustling in the bushes nearby. He readied his weapon. “Speak of the-“ The bushes then reveal two other students. It seems that they too were curious about Bhima’s little stunt. He breathed a sigh of relief as he disengaged his weapon. “Well I’m fine for the most part, you should ask that to the big guy over there.” He said gesturing to Bhima. “Oh! Where are my manners? My name is Emile and that’s Bhima. You wanna team up since it’s the four of us? The more the merrier!”Emile said with a friendly smile.

  • click here


    Valerie Halla

    Carlisle Thyme

♡design by miyabi, coded by uxie♡

Carlisle ignored her last comment as he followed the two girls, that was until she mentioned he was “that kind of guys her father warned her about”. He felt his eyebrow twitch, “I don’t know what you are trying to insinuate...but I don’t like it.” he simply said before turning attention back to his surroundings, he had better things to do than give his attention to her, especially around here, where a Grimm could easily ambush them. It would suck to survive a fall from an airship only to perish because they weren’t paying attention.

Once they reached the other student, he stood at a distance to gauge the interaction. He let out a sigh once The Cat asked if she could pet her tail or horns, she said no to the tail but gave her a maybe for the horns and all Carlilse could think was ‘don’t encourage her...’. Next, it was The Fox’s turn to speak up and she went the direct approach, telling...Dinah? To knock it off and for the other student to get off the ground before giving them a full run down of their situation, giving off real leader vibes.

Carlisle was about to open his mouth, but The Girl spoke first with a resounding ‘Duh’ which even took him aback a bit. She knew she was in a dangerous place, but she was still stayed lying down? Well, near death experiences do make people do crazy things so he shrugged and brushed that thought to the side. He did, however, found her comment about chewing bubble gum and walking at the same time amusing. With a shrug to the others, he followed the girl towards where he assumed was the right direction.

However, they didn’t more than a handful of steps in before they stopped at the found of barking and twigs snapping, “that close already?” he stated to no one in particular. He noticed the sounds were everywhere except from where they were going so maybe they didn’t suround them just yet, “Come on, let’s get going maybe we can--” he stopped in his tracks as a Beowolves suddenly jumped from the treelined barking and snarling at him. He let out a curse before he pulled out Echo and Epilogue. He heard more pop out from the sides and some behind them. He counted one in front of them and one of each side, “Ok, four? Four is manageable.” One for each person, they can get one quickly dispatch of it and go on their way.

That was the plan until two more popped up, on joining the other in the front and the other in the rear, “Six...six is a little less manageable...” he admitted, “couldn’t get any worse right?” he said out loud. That’s when the seventh appeared, an Alpha towering over the other six Beowolves. This was the first time he has ever seen an Alpha up close, and it was as every bit as big as his uncle told him during one of his adventuring stories. The Alpha let out a howl and the six began to approach the group of students and Carlisle got in his stance, “any ideas oh fearless leaders?” he said mostly to The Girl and The Fox. Without so much as a warning, the six went from a slow walk to a fast charge.

Carlisle's instincts kicked in the moment the first two Beowolves lunged at him and the girl, separating them just as the creatures began to swipe at him. Their claws cut through the air with savage precision, but Carlisle bobbed and weaved, evading most of the blows while only blocking when he saw an opening to counter. "Echo, Fire!" he commanded, his voice firm. In response, thin red lines began to pulse and glow along the barrel of his weapon. A moment later, Echo aimed squarely at the Beowolf’s midsection, and three sharp cracks filled the clearing as he fired. Not only did the creature drop to the ground, writhing in pain, but it was also engulfed in roaring flames. Its agonized struggles slowed, then ceased entirely as its form began to dissolve, the embers dancing around it like fiery ashes carried by the wind.

Carlisle turned on his heel, intending to help the others, but a sharp howl cut through the air—a howl that made the hairs on his neck stand on end. The Alpha Beowolf had summoned more reinforcements. Two fresh Beowolves burst out from the underbrush, their yellow eyes locked onto him with bloodthirsty intentions. “Of course, there’s more,” Carlisle muttered under his breath as he found himself forced back. He gritted his teeth as he parried the rapid onslaught of claws, feeling the weight of the beasts' attacks, one after another. He had no room to breathe.

"Echo, Ice!" he shouted, narrowly dodging another swipe. The fiery glow of Echo faded, replaced by a cold, ethereal blue that coated his weapon. He dove to the side, narrowly evading a vicious swipe before firing a single shot at the ground near the feet of one of the Beowolves. The bullet exploded on impact, and in an instant, a wave of ice crawled up the creature’s legs, encasing it in frost. The Beowolf snarled and thrashed, trying to free itself.

Carlisle wasted no time, turning his focus to the second Beowolf. He moved with a calm, deadly rhythm—bobbing, weaving, blocking, and deflecting its attacks with surgical precision. Each time the Beowolf struck, Carlisle danced just out of reach, reading its every move. When the creature made the mistake of swinging wide, he stepped into the opening, bringing his sword down with brutal efficiency. Epilogue cleaved through the Beowolf’s arm, severing it cleanly. Without hesitation, Carlisle followed up with a second strike, cutting through the creature’s leg, sending it crashing to the forest floor with a guttural howl.
The moment was short-lived. The other Beowolf had finally broken free from its icy prison and came at him with renewed fury. But Carlisle was ready this time. His movements were sharp and fluid, slipping through its attacks with a confidence that grew with each passing second.

The Beowolf overextended, and Carlisle took advantage, dodging into the swing and thrusting Echo into its stomach. "Echo, Fire!" he commanded once more, not waiting for the full transformation of his weapon to take hold. With a sudden explosion of ice and fire, the Beowolf was blasted backward, its body tumbling through the dirt until it landed beside its crippled ally.

Carlisle was already on them before they had a chance to react, Echo’s barrel pressed against the head of one while his sword, Epilogue, hovered menacingly at the throat of the other. For a moment, time seemed to stop.
And then, with a cold, decisive motion, he pulled both triggers.



The two Beowolves crumpled to the ground, their bodies slowly dissolving into shadowy wisps that faded into the forest breeze. Carlisle let out a quiet breath, eyes scanning the tree line for more threats, “Annoying,” he muttered, wiping sweat from his brow. He could feel it—a predatory energy lurking just beyond the tree line, more Beowolves waiting, watching, ready to strike at any moment. They couldn’t linger. If they didn’t end this soon, they would be overwhelmed, and this forest clearing would become their grave. They needed to move, now.
Azura Nachtigall

Vagabond Spectre Vagabond Spectre RandomBlobMan RandomBlobMan IG42 IG42
As she was about to make her steps out of the vicinity, the sound if someone calling for her halted Azura in her track. She turned to see a young but seemingly reliable silver haired girl in blue admiral outfit which somewhat gave out an imagery of old school buccaneer for Azura. From the way the girl spoke, Azura got the impression that the silver haired girl is quite introverted, although most likely not as much as her.

Well, being found out this soon was not a part of Azura's plan, but all things considered it is probably the better alternative.

"Ah, hello. I'm completely fine, thank you for asking," Azura responded nervously while trying to potray the most cheerful smile she possibly could, "A-are you also a new student from Haven? I'm Azura. Glad to meet you!"

Azura glanced around before turning back towards her newfound acquaintance. Uncertainty overwhelmed her thought and potrayed clearly on her face as the sound of combat echoed throughout the forest. This is the first time Azura had stepped her foot on the dense forest of Mistral, and she had no.knowledge of any landmarks to guide them out.

'Should I ask for her help?' Azura thought, her anxiety began to take hold, 'but maybe she isn't familar with this forest either! What if she thinks I'm unreliable and simply leaving me be!? No, that's the worst case scenario!'

Luckily for Azura, she didn't have to indulge in her what-ifs any further. Voice of a man in his middle age signaled the presence of their rescuers. Azura immediately followed as he made his move. Their journey would come to yet another halt though as a large group of Grimm creatures surrounded the newly created team.

"This is... troublesome," Azura muttered, her eyes locked toward the approaching horde as she reloaded her flute-gun. As she formulate a plan to deal with the Grimm before her, the middle aged man introduced himself as their teacher at Haven academy before engaging the Grimm.

"...Azura Nachtigall, new student at Haven academy. I'll be under your care."

As she finished her introduction, a triplet of Ursai charged toward Azura in reverse triangle formation. Azura quickly dealt with the first two by swinging her flute towards their head, cracking their skull. The third one wasn't so lucky either as the moment it jumped to catch on its supposed prey, Azura already recovered and aimed her flute-gun at the beast's opening mouth. She pulled the trigger, and the Grimm's head obliterated into pieces. She was about to shoot the other two Grimms when she noticed both of them already vanquished into thin air.

'Huh. The Ursai back home were much stronger,' Azura mentally noted before turning to the rest of the Grimm pack.

'Strange. It isn't common for a large conglomerate of Grimms to converge in a singular point like this,' Azura wondered just as she noticed a Boarbatusk rolling towards her. She simply dodged and let the boar crashed onto a nearby tree before she blasted the confused beast into oblivion.

'Even with the overwhelming number though, I think we'll manage through.'
Dinah "Vi" Ashford
Location: air ship on Anya's lap
Mentions: Megilagor Megilagor November Witch November Witch MangoGoGo MangoGoGo

" awwww " Dinah whined when told she couldn't pet the horns or venomous tail of the faunus girl.

The guy didn't dlseem to get her jokes, though perhaps she would push him on it while Anya wasn't around. Dinah didn't want to make the fix girl feel like she wasn't getting all the attention she wanted. The well honestly Dinah assumed she was sone kind of fish girl had gotten up and things seemed to be moving on. Dinah hadn't been paying attention during the fall so if there was a goal she didn't know it. Kill sone grimm get to school sleep on anyas bed that seemed like a good plan to her. Dinah hadn't actully been in real combat but well she had practiced so she should be good .... maybe. Despite her putting on confident airs Dinah was starting to feel a nervousness creeping up from the pit of her stomach. It was like when she had been discovered or had worriored about it.

Well she had training and weapons that was all she needed to fight grimm right? There might be grimm around but really how bad could it be? Then it happened the grimm came at first it seemed fine just obe for each it was not hard despite that feeling growing worse. Then it got bad as an alpha emerged and they were now fighting two on one plus the alpha. Well this should be nothing they might be students but at least Anya has fought before.

Mist curledaround Dinah's hands as hope and regret manifested. Their forms that of the pistols as the two grimm attacked her. Dinah let them come only to vanish in a puff of mist and appear between the two a pistol pointed at each. She quickly fired and even as the bullets burrowed into the grimm they lashed out twisting to strike at her. Again Dinah was gone as the two carried by their momentum collided.

Dinah reappeared on top of them hope and regret changing form as they appeared becoming two hand Sickles. Dinah dug them I to the grimm's backs and crouched diwn almost ran forward cutting the beawolves almost down their spines but the boney ridges meant she couldn't get it even. The grimm reared up seeking to throw her off and dinah went flying only to turn to mist again.

The grimm looked about for their foe only for Dinah to materialize between them as the looked away her weapons having become a staff with two sickle heads. Dinah hals the staff up and twirled it tearing the grimms throats open and causing them to turn to black ash.

" That was easy enough " Dinah chuckled only to come face to well not face more like abdomen with the towering alpha.

The others hadn't been this big and the feeling the fear that Dinah had been feeling rushed at her. She wasn't standing in the daytime forest anymore she was in a ruined village in the dead of night. Not longer was she the warrior to be but rather had been flung back to the scared little child she had been. The emotions of the Seige came back to Dinah. The alpha in her mind grew larger and soon towered larger than buildings. In some tiny part of her mind she knew this wasn't real she wasn't there again, but the memory forced its way into her mind and consumed every thought so that she couldn't hear that tiny voice. She couldn't hear that she needed to fight,she couldn't hear that she needed to run,all she could hear were screams and roars all she could smell was fire and death. Dinah was not in the forest she was was far in the past and she did as she would have done then.

Dinah screamed in fear and practically fell into a defensive curl " HELP " she called out not sounding anything like she had moments ago but now sounding just like the scared child her mind had made her think she was again.

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