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Fantasy Hybrids

Aurath lowered his head to the human with the sword as if to say thanks. he then stared at the girl who called the villagers with a sad look, befor turning and walking back into the forrest.
Revnoir gave the brown wolf a sharp glare, as if telling him without speaking to get away from the humans. He scampered back into the underbrush, his shoulders grazing against the plants that lit up and made a path for the white wolf and him to follow. They stayed lit up, waiting for the brown wolf. They glowed brilliantly, starting to show the trees that they could glow brighter. The plants wouldn't let the trees out-glow them tomorrow night.

Xillia watched, eyes wide with surprise. The man she spoke to before was defending the Hybrids? She watched the two monochrome canines leave, and looked at the brown one that seemed to defy the other two. She then stared at the plants that glowed with blue, purple, pink and yellow colors as if they were speaking to the trees. As they stayed lit, she felt a small smile form on her lips. The forest was always the prettiest when preparing for the trees to glow.
Braull watched the two run off, and then he followed them back into the forest, growling lowly all the while. He followed the lit path up to the two hybrids and, instead of his usually cheery self, looked quite distraught with what happened back there. He turned back to his humanoid self and asked the white wolf, "What were you thinking running out there?"
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"You villagers are ignorant... Leave now or fight me here an now!"

He was annoyed that they wouldn't listen. Kano Held a scorning frown at the villagers. He saw the three hybrids leave and he switched his armor in a flash. It was back to his half body armor which showed his chest and marks.
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Revnoir switched into his humanoid body, frowning.



You're kidding me, right? You left the forest because of a


How stupid are you?!" He started to give the white wolf shit for leaving, obviously angry. He didn't understand why Hybrids would leave the forest despite the consequences from both races. He grumbled something inaudible under his breath, probably some sort of insult. "How am I supposed to look at you and see a Hybrid when you're this idiotic..?"

Xillia looked at Kano, and gave him a bow of thanks.

"I'm sorry for causing so much trouble..! It's just that they scared me, and I..." She could barely finish her sentence. She looked at the ground, knowing it was her fault for going so close to the Dark Forest. She wanted to see how the plants lit up if touched sometimes, but she managed to cause such a commotion that half the village was here giving her the evil eye.
His stance wasn't intimidating now. He smiled at Xillia forgivingly.

"It's fine... Just try not to attract attention next time you get close to the Dark Forest or else another war might start up."
Braull agrees with Revnoir and gives a solid nod, but they shouldn't be fighting right now. "Yeah, he messed up, but we should be going back to the village now and not fighting, ok?" He forced a slight smile on his face, trying to get everyone to get along.
Aurath glared at the fox. "Ive never been partial to humans or hyrbids.... Thats why i dont trust your villages. Ive no reason to listen to some Ass who yells at someone for being curious and following their instincts." Aurath said cooly befor turning around and walking away, unthinkingly back towards the treeline.
Revnoir clicked his tongue, letting out a quiet 'Tch' sound, and glared at Aurath. He grabbed the wolf by his little ponytail and pulled him back.

"Hey Snow White, get your ass away from there or I won't be so nice as to save your ass." He growled, his ears all the way back and his tail's fur fluffing up. "And you say you're following your instincts, huh? Your


obviously need some fixing. No Hybrid has the amazing idea of 'hey I'm gonna go talk to some humans! I bet they'll be nice and we can be friends forever!' you do realize that right?"

Xillia looked at Kano, scowling. "I wont do it again, I'm really sorry..!" She said to the whole group, but looking at the man in gold armor. She sincerely was sorry for causing the ruckus, but she wasn't sorry for going close to the forest. She was going to go inside of it tonight either way, so it made no difference.
Aurath smacked the foxes hand away. "At least there is one Nice person amung the humans! Id sooner take my chances with that man than be around those who would insult me!" Aurath Shouted.
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"Um, guys, we are just out in the middle of the forest. Save it for later?" Braull attempts to stop the quickly-turning-into-violence fight with more words to advise against it. He really hopes it works, despite the situation right now.
Aurath stalked off away from revnoir and hid in the bush at the edge of the forrest

(Be back in a little while. gonna go out and mow a few lawns for some cash.)
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Revnoir did nothing to stop the wolf now, glaring at him with the coldest glare he's given in a long time.

How the fuck did he become so stupid..?! Screw it, it's his own fault when he get's an arrow through his eyes,

he thought to himself while turning away from the other. He looked at Braull, feeling pretty neutral about the brown one. He threw one last knife of a glare at the white wolf then left towards the village. He was supposed to be helping someone right now. Someone who was actually intelligent enough to realize they needed help.

Xillia gave one last respectful bow to the golden armored man and hurried back to her home. She forgot about the bread, and decided to just get on with the day. It was getting late, and she was to venture into that forest tonight. She had to prepare everything she had, because she had been too busy helping her mother all day to focus on her things.

(I was gonna leave soon too... We'll say both my characters are busy with their own stuff ok? I'll be back in like... 1 hr? 2hrs? no idea...)
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He sighed. Kano looked back at the group of villagers and shot a scorning glare at them.

"Get out of here seriously? Are you people perverts? Because you really do look like a group of them."

The villagers walked back to the town seeming pissed off.
Braull watched both of the hybrids walk their separate ways. He sighed, well, at least they didn't fight... Braull decided to head back to the village, too, to pick up that reward he almost forgot about. He tried to put that encounter behind him as he remembered the path back to the village, but, for someone even as care-free as him, it wouldn't leave his mind. He just forced a smile back on his face while he walked to hope that it will help.

(Same, I'm probably gonna leave soon)
Fisa backed a little more into the shadows as the confrontation between the humans and her people went on. After the wolves and the fox and all the humans except the girl and the man who had threatened his own kind, she moved out of the treeline and stood in front of the man in her panther form. She looked into his eyes as a silent thank you, and disappeared into the trees, turning humanoid again as soon as she was out of sight. She could hear the argument between the wolves and the fox, but decided not to get herself involved, and headed back to her village.
(I'm gonna be offline and online randomly, sorry guys :c)

Braull could smell the panther he saw from earlier out in the wilderness. She was just passing by, but Braull still thought he should go see if she was doing ok, cat or not. She was pretty close to the whole conflict earlier, and, who knows? Maybe she even got caught up in it without Braull noticing. Braull convinces himself to keep a smile on his face when he finds the panther. Cats... just rubbed him the wrong way.
Fisa hated how loud she was walking through the forest in her human form. She was contemplating turning back when she heard someone behind her and turned. It was one of the wolves. Great, she didn't really care for dogs. "Can I help you?"
Revnoir had helped one of the younger Hybrids in the village, as they were preparing for the festival. He was now strolling around the area nearby, his dual scimitars sheathed on both sides of his waist. As he moved, they barely made noise as they didn't hit metal as they usually did. The sheathes were made of leather, reducing the sound they would make, for him to easily sneak up on prey of any kind. He kept the swords inside of the sheathes, and soon found himself effortlessly balancing on the branches above.

Soon enough, he was standing on the thick branches above the panther and wolf, and decided it may be fairly amusing to hear what they say to each other. He knelt down on the branch and kept his balance. He watched the two, his bright eyes blending in with the vines that glowed the same golden color.
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Braull is already inwardly growling while trying to speak to the panther, but he keeps it to himself and forces a smile. "Are you ok? I mean, those humans were pretty close..." He tries his best to keep eye contact and to not grimace with every word.
"I'm fine," Fisa replies. "If it weren't for that one armored human though, things might have gotten violent. What were you... canines," She tries to keep the distaste out of her voice. "Doing there?"
"That white wolf rushed ahead out of the forest and I..." He looks about ready to growl; talking to a panther isn't helping, his smile pretty much dissappeared. "Thought I should stop him. So, what were you doing out here?" Just at that instant he glared at the cat, but then looked at the ground. Braull is starting to wonder if this conversation is even worth it, making sure this... panther... Is ok.
Fisa didn't take kindly to the glare, and her usually sleek tail poofs up. "I was watching the humans. I do that sometimes."
Revnoir grinned, noticing the discomfort both of them were feeling at the moment from exchanging words. He looked around, looking for Inci leaves. They were the Hybrid version of mistletoe, and he found some growing on a vine just behind him. Perfect. He plucked a few leaves and started dangling them down from a vine. They glowed a bright purple and pink hue, making them easy to spot while moving. He lowered them down just low enough to hang above the two's heads, and snickered.

"You two should kiss!" He called out with a mischievous grin.

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