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Fantasy Hybrids

Xillia had waved goodbye to Kano, as she was in a hurry, and made her way to the man who's house was just a few meters away from the edge of the forest. It was as close as she was ever allowed to go, and she loved going there. She could always see where things were moving, as the plants let them see by lighting up their paths. She hadn't noticed the panther hybrid, as the plants had taken notice that she was hiding and stayed dark. She knocked on the door of the man's house, and waited for him to open it and give her the same smile as always. He didn't answer. Xillia figured he was sleeping and thought maybe she'd go a little closer to the forest today. She jumped down the stairs of the front of the house and cautiously approached the plants that remained unlit.
Aurath picked up a sent that interested him. he dashed off towards it and saw the edge of the forrest, were a panther hybrid was hidding and a human girl was approaching the forrest. Aurath crept closer, trying to get a beter look.
Fisa could see that one of the people was a girl, and she was moving closer to the forest now. If she got any closer, Fisa would be discovered. Then her sensitive ears picked up noises coming from behind her. Did someone from the village come to get her? She was cornered, and she crouched slowly, growling nervously.
Aura heard the growling and and saw it as a challange. he crept closer to the panther and pounced playfuly, not realy trying to do any harm.
Braull hangs the prey up in the storage room. All there's left to do is earn his reward from the hybrids who posted the job... Braull has been considering for a while if he should just finally find a place to call a home instead of living off small jobs to survive. He doesn't like to think much and often leaves this question unanswered, just like he is now.

He leaves the storage room and tries to find the family that asked for the extra food (he was getting more requests from families lately, it was strange). Out of the corner of his eye, he sees a white wolf stalking along the edge of the village. Braull just assumes he might be a guard and gives the guy a wave. "Working hard?" He asks the other wolf, but the wolf sped off already. "Hey, wait, I won't bite!" he shouted and then turned into his wolf self to give chase.
Xillia heard growling, but it was barely heard from where she stood. She stopped when she heard it. There was a Hybrid there. Was it growling at her? She then heard the rustling of leaves when the wolf pounced onto the panther. She was unsure whether she should even get closer. She watched without making a noise, holding the small pouch of coins to her chest tightly as if she would lose it otherwise. Her human curiosity started to pull her closer to the forest, but her common sense was pulling her back to the old man's house. She was torn between whether she should check out what the sound was coming from, or go knock on the door of the man's house again.
Fisa heard the wolf pounce, and quickly changed to her other form right before he landed on her. She noticed that there was no malice in his attack. Was he... playing with her? She quickly forgot about the human girl, and batted at the wolf with a large paw, growling playfully now. How long it has been since she had done this last...

(Leaving for an hour or two. Be back)
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Aurath Suddenly remembered why he was here when he caught the human sent again. Panther and common sence forgotten, he walked out of the woods to investigate the sent. he then came face to muzzle with a human girl.

(Ok have fun.)
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Xillia stared straight at the wolf with wide eyes, and screamed a moment later. She was right infront of a wolf. It looked normal, like any other wolf that was outside of the forest, which meant it might be a Hybrid. She ran a few feet away, and tripped. She landed face-first in the damp grass where dew hung from the tip of every blade of grass. She quickly pulled her face away from the ground, and looked back at the wolf. She stuttered strongly as she tried to speak.

"W-Wol-Wo-Wolf!!!!" She screamed, trying to get the attention of the villagers. She had tears threatening to roll down her cheeks from fear.

https://www.rpnation.com/profile/21159-aurath-moonblood/@Aurath Moonblood


(Ima remind you that Hybrids are not to go too far from the edge of the forest. It's forbidden in the forest. Your current distance from the trees is fine tho, but don't go any further. Hybrids don't leave the forest)
Aura looked at the woman. He handnt done anything to her..... had he...? He felt slightly hurt as he watched her, then the villagers swarm around. That made him nervous....
Braull finally catches up, panting slightly. He hasn't ran such a long distance in a while. He saw the wolf pounce on a panther before leaving to exit the forest. Was he interrupting something? No wait, the better question is why is that wolf leaving the forest? Braull could smell the stench of humans out there and grimaced. Curiosity getting the better of him, he exited the forest following the white wolf. Braull kept his wolf form and crouched low in the grass, trying to stay out of sight. "This is insane," he thought to himself. The human female screaming only caused him to wince, but Braull didn't dare go any closer.
Aurath was frozen in place by fear. large groups of humans.... they killed his kind.... killed family and loved ones. And yet, he couldnt move.
Revnoir, as his current location wasn't too far from the edge where Aurath was, heard the racket from the humans yelling for the silver wolf to get back. He hurried over, his overly fluffy tail trailing behind him as the plants lit up a path for him to follow. He saw the two wolves standing outside of the forest, and growled lowly. He took only a few steps out of the forest, tugging at the silver wolf's tail to pull him back into the cover of the forest.

Xillia stopped screaming, seeing now there were three Hybrids. She stayed still in fear as the humans stabbed at the air infront of the other kind with their spears and swords. They were yelling at them like animals, telling them to 'shoo' and 'get lost' as if they were nothing but mutts. She slowly crawled backwards away from the Hybrids, tears now rolling down the pale cheeks of the young brunette. She stared, unmoving, after she got a few feet further. She was too scared to scream anymore.
Braull growled furiously at every single one of the humans and wanted to attack, but he wasn't stupid. Braull slowly started backing away from the humans and barked, trying to tell the other wolf and the fox to do the same.
Tugging at the other's tail, he growled with the tail between his teeth. He pulled even harder. He was obviously trying to pull them into the forest, realizing they were outnumbered and as they were would be killed or taken as prisoners or something. He didn't care what they did, as long as they didn't harm any Hybrids. Humans always were an irking subject for him.

@Aurath Moonblood
Aurath ripped free of the fox and took a few steps forward, back to were he was. he then lay down, in an attempt to show he wasnt meaning any harm.
Revnoir let out a high-pitched bark, almost sounding like a demented human scream. He was warning the wolf to get back. The humans kept threatening to stab him, and Revnoir wouldn't be able to hold back if they attacked. He may be small, but his bark was loud as hell, and some of the humans winced from the sudden loud noise.



(Skip to like 0:50 for the sound)
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Aura wimppered as the humans got closer to him. they were all threatening him. He stared at the girl who had called them all to attack him. his eyes full of fear begged one obvious question. why...?
Braull barked again when the white wolf stood his ground. This guy was crazy! Braull stopped backing up and growling for a moment, and when the fox yelped, it even caused Braull to wince himself. Braull shook his head and noticed that no one was moving from where they stood... Braull made up his mind and started to forcefully tug the white wolf back with all his might by the tail. He only hopes that this time, the wolf would listen.
Kano switched into his intimidating heavy gold armor. He saw the commotion and walked over. He stood behind the crowd. He stabbed his sword into the ground. Then he took an intimidating position. Looking down on the villagers.Then he shouted loud and clear with intimidation.

"Stop! Do you really want another war with the hybrids!? If you villagers do! You will face my wrath!"
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While Braull pulled the wolf away, Revnoir growled loudly at the man in golden armor and continued to scream at them. His eyes were full of hostility. Humans. The ones who killed so many of his kind not so many years prior. He snapped his jaws at the humans, his fur standing on end. The humans started to back away as the new man yelled at them, but they were reluctant to leave completely.

Xillia stood up slowly, still holding the little pouch close. She watched as the fox screamed and growled at them, protecting the white wolf and brown wolf. They had to be Hybrids. They didn't look like the creatures that resembled the original animals, rather they looked exactly like them. They had to be the second race. She started to feel almost bad for screaming and causing so much trouble. The white wolf didn't look like he wanted to cause her any harm.
Aurath twisted away from the brown wolf. fear gave way to curiosity. The new human seemed ok. he was causing the other humans to back off.
"No one wants to go back now? Well, shit..." Braull thought. If they want to stay, then fine. Braull made up his mind and stood his ground with the others. If he had to fight these humans, then he'll do it. Braull resumed his growling, ears flattened and tail lowered. He didn't like humans anyway, so beating up some of them might do some good. But the human that spoke up confused him. He's willing to fight his own people?

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