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Fantasy Hybrids

"Never said you didnt. I was trying to crack a joke... something i dont do verry well." Aurath said grinning. "And dont be so hard on Brauil. He is friendly compaired to other wolves."
"I-I see," Braull answered. That didn't answer the question, but the way Fisa and Aurath are now, Braull thinks it would be a good idea to not get on their bad side. That only left Braull to guess what happened... "So, was I interrupting anything?" Braull asked, looking at the closeness between the two. Braull started to feel awkward himself.
"Not at all. We were looking for that human Warrior for some time.... The trail went cold in the village behind us, and we scared off some wolves trying to attack Fisa. All in all.... Good times."
"A little? You waved your ass at them and made faces at them..... Now that i think about it... it was funny."
Wolves attacking Fisa? Braull was bright enough to piece together the details to know what happened now. He started to smile again and laughed a little. "Sounds like fun," Braull added.
Fisa was aware that she still had her arms wrapped around Aurath, and she let go. "So what are you doing out here?" She asks Braull
"Just on the way back to the village was all," Braull replied, waving his tail slightly. "I smelled a bunch of wolves earlier, so here I am." Braull grinned and shifted his weight on one foot. Seeing them like this, its changing Braull's opinions of felines. They're not so bad after all...
"Say, Have yo seen the human?" Aurath asked Brauil.

Aurath grinned as the tail wraped around him.
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"Nope, haven't seen, heard, or smelled him," Braull replied. Seeing the tail wrap around Aurath, Braull takes this moment to mess with them. "Aww, how cute!" Braull said in a higher pitched tone (as high as he could go, his voice was relatively low to begin with), putting his hands together.
"Ah, please don't," Braull looked truthfully scared at that. Heights aren't his thing... He took a step back involuntarily.
Aurath grinned, knowing just how to give him a good fright.

"Or we could shove him in a river." Aurath said, watching his reaction.
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Braull looks at the both of them with pleading eyes. Its as he's saying: please don't do this to me!
"Yeah, I guess you're right," Fisa smiles good-naturedly at Braull, before shifting and running off.

(Sorry guys got to go.)

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