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Fantasy Hybrids

Despite Kano's best efforts, Revnoir's tall ears caught his footsteps and he growled. If it were someone he didn't know, he wouldn't take lightly to them being near his village. He told Xillia to wait right where she was, and jumped into the trees to investigate. It took him seconds to find Kano and push him off of the tree branches, sending him to land on the ground. He barely recognized the human as he fell, his grin returning and replacing his hostile frown.

"It's just you~ Sorryyyy~!" He said jokingly, being a little jokester as always. A little bipolar, some would say.
Kano landed on the ground swiftly. He looked up at Revnoir and a small laugh.

"It's good, I just didn't want the other Hybrids to notice me... I really hope I wouldn't get ganged up on..."
I opened my eyes quickly at the sound of someone being pushed and relatively loud conversation a tree over. I stayed in ocelot form and carefully walked across tree branches to the source of the sound. Some fox and a human were there. A human...
"I know what your thinking." Aurath said behind her in humanoid form. "But that one is a good human. he betrayed his fellow humans to save some of us."
I quickly looked behind me in surprise. How did he actually sneak up behind me..? I have amazing hearing.. I turned into humanoid form and stared at the man. "How did you sneak behind me and how did you know what I was thinking?" I frowned in slight frustration. I should've been able to hear him, but until he spoke, I didn't even know he was there.
"You must not have been paying close attention... and all hybrids think that way towards humans." Aurath said.
I glanced back at the human and fox. Duuuh. Of course he'd know, but still. I should've been able to hear him, unless his steps blended in with the loud noise the others were making. Now I just felt stupid. "Yeah.... How did he save some of us?" I looked curiously at him now interested in how good this human was.
"By telling all the other humans that if any of them hurt us, they would answer to him. He has intimidation over them. But he got kicked out of the village for it." Aurath told her.
I felt some respect for this human. It must've taken a lot of courage to stand up against his own kind. "Does he have any home..?" I was hoping the answer was yes, because I felt he deserved a home. It's not like I could offer him a home or anything since I just lived in whatever tree I happened to be on at the time.
"Sorry but i never did... I can't take any living being to my magic summon realm... Only inanimate or dead things. So I don't have a home Is what I'm saying..."

Kano slightly frowned when he said it. However he was still lively.
I was surprised to hear the human respond to me. I turned into an ocelot and kept down to him and landed softly feet away from him, turning back into humanoid form. "I'd offer a home, but I don't really have one either.. I guess you should maybe sleep on the thick tree branches.. Unless you roll in your sleep, in which case I guess that wouldn't be a great idea...." I covered my mouth in surprise at how many words had just spewed from my mouth so quickly. I never really spoke, so I was immensely confused at why I'd just rambled on randomly. Still, I figured it wouldn't hurt to talk a little. "I'm Madison by the way." I flicked my tail back and forth in slight nervousness, like I always did when talking to new people.
I smiled, he didn't seem to notice how much I had blabbed seconds ago. Unless maybe it was common for people to talk like that... I was always used to being quiet and saying a few choice words that it was just so weird to talk so much.
"I guess I could sleep on branches... It's just I'm not sure the other Hybrids would appreciate it..."

Kano sighed as he climbed back up onto the thick branch easily.
I agreed silently. Most hybrids would most likely hate that he was here. I flicked my tail a little more jerkily as I concentrated, trying to think of how to keep the other hybrids from getting angry at him. Coming up with no real solutions, I sighed and frowned a bit. I wanted to help somehow, but didn't know how. I kept up onto the next branch over. "If you ever need help making a fire or getting healed for some reason, just lemme know." I curled up again and quickly fell asleep.
"Thanks, but i can probably find it out myself though..."

Kano smiled then flopped down into sleep on the branch. When his chest hit the branch he changed into casual clothes and luckily the scent potion was still active.
Revnoir had stayed right where he was, having watched the whole thing.

"Are you seriously that dense..?" He asked towards seemingly the ocelot, but he also seemed to be speaking to himself. "You must believe the trees glow to mock the plants, then. What a group, huh..?" He said, looking at Xillia who wasn't too far off. She looked at him with a raised eyebrow.

"The trees don't glow because of the plants..?" She asked, a little let down. She always believed that that was the reason. She always loved hearing the stories, because she enjoyed imagining herself in such a magical forest.

"Well that gets rid of my question of just how smart you humans are..." He grumbled, and led her out of the forest. He'd leave her at the edge of the trees, not feeling especially adventurous today.

(I shall be back in like... 1 hr and a half, not even.)
Braull watched the human leave, looking slightly sad. He missed the battle from earlier, although, the way he is now, his emotions may be misinterpreted for feeling upset about the human leaving.

"Anyway, no use feeling down now," Braull thought. He tries to brighten up, but it's hard when he can smell another cat nearby. He walks slightly closer to everyone else so they can see him. "Hey, uh, Revnoir, right? Who's the new... cat," Braull muttered. He already got used to Fisa, but now there's another one? His wolf ears and tail drooped slightly, his usual behavior nonexistent.

(I'll try to be as active as possible, not sure when I can post next)
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Revnoir grinned. He had just gotten back from leading Xillia out when he was asked this question.

"I'm flattered you creepily know my name, but why do you want to know? Got a crush on her, too?" He asked with an excited look.
Braull felt offended when Revnoir didn't seem to remember that they've met before (at least he thought), but that wasn't as important as what he felt after Revnoir finished his statement.

"Pfff, as if," Braull responded, looking annoyed. He'd normally just play along with these jokes, but Revnoir did them waay too often... "Just wondering what she's doing here is all," Braull finished, glancing at the ocelot, resisting to scowl.
Fisa stood to look at the new hybrid. She seemed so much smaller than she was. She growled softly at the fox before going over to the base of the tree the ocelot was sleeping in and curled around the base of the trunk.

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