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Fantasy Hybrids

"I don't know. It's looked to me like he was scared almost." Fisa walked closer to Aurath. "You're probably going to have some pretty bad bruises, since you guys were going after each other so hard."
"That actualy sounds nice. Imma go to the edge for it though." Aurath said, trotting off towards the edge of the forrest.
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Rivs was getting chased by a bear while in her wolf form and still hadn't noticed she lost him. The brush thwacked at her face and pulled at her fur. Adrenaline and fear coursing through her body. That's when she rand through the trees and into the clearing. Before being able to stop, she smacked head first into a man. (Aurath) she yelped and tumbled to the ground, quickly standing with wide eyes and a half snarl on her face. It's not that she didn't like humans or other hybrids, she was just wary today.
Aurath shifted. "I said best SO FAR. I havent been beaten yet, so as far is i can say im the best i know. Dont asume things and quit your yipping little fox." Aurath said.
Revnoir watched from the branches above, grinning.

"Yeah, yeah, I get it Mrs. PMS. Take some meds, jeesh." He laughed, teasing the older canine again. That nickname just might stick. He looked over at the new one, the one who bumped into Mrs. PMS. She looked like a decent backup target in case he got bored of teasing Aurath.
Revnoir just laughed. "Yeah, I'm sure you are, which only brings us to the thought of... Just how rude can you be? I mean, seriously. Way to hurt someone's feelings..!" He said in a sarcastic way, grinning even wider. Insults would only fuel the fire, and we all know that if you can't take the heat, step away from the flame, not make the flame bigger.
I walked across the thick branches of the tree and glanced down, noticing some group of loud hybrids. I hated crowds and loud noises, but I was awfully curious so I followed from above atop the thick tree branches.
Aurath yawned his puppy yawn again "Well... Imma nap ok?" He said as he lays on the ground shifting into a wolf.
Revnoir rolled his eyes.

"So you guys can instantly become tired..? Honestly, I have to admit it's better than not being able to sleep." He grumbled, and jumped down from the tree landing just behind Xillia. "Anyhow, I'll be taking this young lady home~!" He said, now as cheerful as ever. He was up to something, but nothing crazy. You could just


He grabbed the human's hand and gently led her towards the edge of the forest.
The group seemed to split and go to sleep, so I decided I could use a nap as well. I curled up on the thick branch and shut my eyes, comfortably slipping into sleep.
Kano changed into a bit more stealthier clothes. He went around the market and stole some food and drinks. He unsummoned them into his magic realm where all his unsummoned things go to and where they come out of. He kept stealing and stealing stocking up. Though soon he stopped and got out of town before the Guards noticed him. He went into the forest secretly. He rubbed some scent cloaking potion that he stole onto himself. He went up on the trees trying his best to keep quiet.

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