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Fantasy Howl's Flying Castle (Finished! ---Whoo! (*^▽^)/)

-Kabuki Theater-
Lydia blinked a few times to Serena's whisper and nodded her head. She wasn't sure why the violinist wanted to keep it a secret now.. after the fact, but she didn't comment and just smiled. She shrugged her shoulders as Serena continued, moving on to less cheerful topics. Lydia just shuddered and shook her head, her brow furrowing slightly, despite what they had all accomplished, despite what she herself had done, she didn't like talking about any of it. She didn't even like claiming any acknowledgement for her part in any of it.

What she did like was the end result, "yes, well..." she laughed nervously and shook her head, "I guess a break is nice, but we still have work to do... there's still the Storm Wall.. the dragon... completely repairing Seifer..." she sighed deeply and slumped slightly, dragging her cup back to her and staring into the liquid once again as though it held some deep secret that would solve all of their problems, her gaze drifting after a moment to the soldiers that Echo was currently watching.

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Renee's eyes widened as she watched his face change into a softer expression, her mouth left open a bit from shock. So...he does have his tender moments...when he doesn't ruin it by being vain. 'Why do I like and accept the most difficult men?' She thought in a deadpan, thinking of her brothers in the same category as Seifer when it come to being weird with their egos. Johnny is the only one who wasn't weird to her, which is ironic considering that he has an ego too, but his makes sense!

"..." She thought for a moment, looking down at her sketchbook and then her eyes brightened up as an idea popped up. Though she looked uncomfortable the more she thought on it. Renee squirmed in her seat as she tried to voice out her one secret desire ever since the first time the group heard Echo sing 'Daughter of the moon.'

"Ca-can...you teach me how to dance? "The Pendragon teen asked timidly as she leaned away from the table and into the pillow sofa. Her face turned extremely red like a cherry as her eyes looked at him to see his reaction to her request. Her wings fluttered nervously or ...maybe in a shy manner?

Because that's what it is: A request.

"...I already forgave you since I understand your reasoning...but can you teach me anyways?"


"...Lydia, I know you can do it. You and James managed to put Seth's and my soul back. I know that you will figure out on how to fix Seifer fully too." Serena comforted her while Echo nodded sagely while keeping an eye on the soldiers, who are now having a small singing competition. Though they sounded very drunk and out of sync.

"I wonder...what happened to James and Seth?" The fawn noticed that none of the guys were around for some odd reason. Serena tapped her shoulder and pointed to where Seth is painting James' face....

"...Oh!...Wait Serena, you-"

"I have no clue what you are talking about." She said, lifting up her cup to sip her tea.

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- Seifer Rathmore -
" Master Warship, Seifer's Cell "

"Sure." said Seifer simply, shrugging. "Renee, Renee, Renee, no need to be so timid, it's only I. Although I do understand, I am quite handsome after all." he smiled vainly, placing a hand on his chest flamboyantly. "Here, stand up." he offered a hand.

He glided to the center of the room and began clearing away tables and chairs quietly so that they would have enough room to practice. "Are you sure that's all you want, though? You can punch me in the face." he suggested earnestly as he moved the last chair against the wall.

"So, what dance shall it be? Free-style, salsa, ballroom," he posed each dance, "or crumpin'?" he made a face like an angry gorilla and stomped quietly around while punching and swiping at the air like an angry person.

Katsuya Katsuya

- Johnny Caprice -
" Kabuki Theatre "
As Echo talked, Johnny, who was passing by, bent down and kissed the top of her head. He smiled at her fondly, before resuming his walk with a troupe member he was talking and sharing sake with. His cheeks were pink and he was laughing more than usual about something they were talking about in oriental.

They passed by where Seth was drawing on James' face. Johnny seemed amused and bent down to tell the twin something, to which Seth nodded and they began slowly pulling James' robe off so that they can paint on his stomach too.

James was so dead tired, he didn't wake up at all when they began drawing an eye on his chest, sniggering all the while.

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-Kabuki Theatre-
Lydia looked in the direction that Serena pointed as well and her green eyes widened slightly, it reminded her that she still had yet to prank Seth, but since he was currently pranking James, she decided she would later ask if he wanted to get back at Seth, in the meanwhile, "um... Serena... shouldn't you...?"

She gently bumped Serena, urging her to go help James.

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Releasing her breathe and relaxing from his usual attitude, Renee narrowed her eyes when he continued to be vain...and then she let out a real happy smile, softening her features. Merlin, why does she miss him so much? She even missed him being vain and that's weird. She placed her hand on Seifer's, letting him help her stand up and helped with moving the tables and chairs around.

She snorted when he suggested to punching his face and said: "Alright, then how about this? I'll punch your face in when you really deserve it next time. Not now though, you're still recovering." Renee has her pride of being a good medi-witch now, there's no way she's gonna tarnish that by hitting someone who's recovering...even when that someone tells her to punch him that he oh so deserves! "...but yes...this is all I want."

When he showed the different dancing styles, Renee let out a laugh before covering her mouth as she wasn't expecting that last one. Her shoulders were shaking from how hard she was laughing at the crumpin style and her wings flapped. Shaking her head in her mirth, the Pendragon teen cleared her throat, letting out a few snorts and chuckles as she struggles to answer.

"I -snorts- Can we try -hahah!- free-style, please? -Hahah!-" That's the dancing style Seifer used before. As much as she wanted to try Salsa and Ballroom dancing, the winged teen liked the idea of dancing to your own rhythm.


Serena felt Lydia lightly push to help James and smiled warmly at her. "It's okay Lydia...I'm on Team Seth with your prank wars." The blonde grinned as Echo perked up from Johnny kissing her head, smiling widely and waved at him with a blush of her own.

"I'm also on your team too, if you went up against Seth." Serena hinted, her blue eyes glittering in amusement.

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-Kabuki Theater-
Lydia blinked several times in confusion as Serena stated which side she was on, "but... why would you...?" her face was stuck between being mildly appalled and perplexed, almost like Serena had just insulted her in a foreign language and she only caught part of the insult.

"I thought James...?"

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Serena's warm smile grew as she turned her head to stare at the Pendragon brothers, watching Seth draw with Johnny. "I do like James, Lydia..." She peeked over her shoulder, her blue eyes still had that twinkle of mirth in them. "...as a friend..."

"Besides...I think I have a new apple of my eye...or maybe he's always been there and I never noticed until now." The violinist hinted as she turned back to the scene of the guys pranking James. She checked on the strings as she tugged gently on them. "...Just...trust me and go after him. You two are a match made in heaven." Serena's sincerity ringed in her voice, gently urging for Lydia to keep her feelings for James open and out in the air if she wanted.

It's not going to bother her.

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-Kabuki Theater-
Lydia felt her heart swell up in her chest, or maybe it was the fact that she had drawn in a breath and held it, staring at Serena with a furrowed brow. She wasn't sure if she should feel happy or terrible. Her hands clenched in her lap and she looked back over to James, her cheeks flushing slightly. Did they really need to expose his chest like that?

"I'm... sorry... I tried..." she sighed and looked down at her hands, "you know? I did."

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Serena blinked, a bit confused before shaking her head, smiling still. "Lydia, it's okay. Let's just say...that I have very kind friends who set me straight...and gained my trust again." She's talking about her and James, though she wasn't going to tell Lydia that James likes her.

That's his job, not hers...but that doesn't mean she couldn't help out a bit.

The blonde placed her calloused hand on top of Lydia's. "Thank you for being honest with me...and I'm sorry for what I said and did to you. That wasn't nice and I should've realized that you and James wouldn't hurt me on purpose." Serena apologized, that twinkle she had disappeared as she felt terrible for hurting Lydia with her words.

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-Kabuki Theater-
She had squeezed her eyes shut, but now opened them as she felt Serena's hands atop them, her face then turning towards the blonde. She shook her head and looked back down to her hands, "no... it's not your fault... I didn't think..." she turned her face back to Serena, an awkward and meek smile raising the corner of her lips, "I didn't think that... you'd think something happened between us when I went with him. I'm sorry."

One of her hands moved to rest atop Serena's and squeeze it gently, "...are you really sure?" her eyes shifted from one of Serena's to the other, her brow still marked with concern.

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Serena had to grin. Lydia is such a sweetheart to care about others like that. "Yes, I'm sure. I'm very sure. Would you like to hear it from my violin too? I don't mind playing it just to convince you."

The blonde then frowned a bit. "That's the thing, sweet potato. I just...I had a very bad past with people who I thought I could trust, but...well...obviously that went really wrong and 'poof!' Fire at my mentor's treehouse." She gently squeezed her hands.

"When I saw the both of you like that, it made me flashback to that memory. I shouldn't have projected those two with you and James. So yes, Lydia. I'm very very VERY sure." Serena smiled at the witch, her blue eyes glittered again.

"Why are they painting James' chest?" Echo asked. Serena sighed in amusement.

"To bother James more. I'm guessing that he's gonna need a bath afterwards."

"...That's going to be hard with the sort of paint the Kabuki actors use."

"That's the point Echo..."

"...Oh....I'm not well versed with pranks, am I?"

"It's okay. We love you for who are. Right Lydia?" Serena grinned at her.

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- Seifer Rathmore -
" Seifer's Cell "

"Then, free-style it is." said Seifer. They began with stretches and then exercises for flexibility and all around body strength. They didn't have any music, but the archer just told Renee to hum a tune, close her eyes and just move with it. He didn't teach her any moves that night, just encouraged her to move to her spirit and not be embarrassed.

For Seifer dancing was about expressing yourself. It was how he relieved stress and told Renee that he danced secretly when they were travelling. There were no walls around him when he moved. Every arc twist, sweep and shake communicated his mood and right now he was peaceful and happy.

For the next two days Seifer taught Renee how to enhance her own moves and make them pop. They did sets of movements and exercises that built up her flexibility, grace, and strength. He was a strict, in-depth kind of teacher, who teased and flirted in that vain way he usually does, but now in a friendlier way as if he wanted to draw laughs instead of contempt. He was more on getting to know Renee's style and helping her find it and stay true to it, while adapting what he wanted to teach her to enhance her own style of dancing.

Katsuya Katsuya

- Johnny Caprice -
" Kabuki Theatre "

Now Johnny and Seth were rolling the painted James up in toilet paper. One could make out Seth's mouth forming the words, 'He's going to be so surprised when he wakes up.'

Johnny nodded. 'And stingy. Good thing he's a heavy sleeper when he's tired, otherwise you'd be dangling from the ceiling by now.'

'What are you talking about? I'm going to tell him this was all your idea.' whispered Seth. Once they were done, there was now a toilet paper mummy in the kabuki theatre. The two immediately slinked away laughing and just left him there still snoring under the low table so that none of the drunken soldiers accidentally step on him.

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-Kabuki Theater-
She listened intently to Serena's story, her expression unchanging. Unlike Serena, she hadn't ever had any sordid occurrences like that, but should could imagine that whatever had happened didn't feel good. She looked away after Serena was done and smiled somewhat sadly, "you know... when you came.. I had just told him you liked him."

She laughed dryly and shook her head, "I didn't realize till after you swam away what you were thinking, I just felt bad I accidentally told your secret.. gosh... I'm just so sorry... if I hadn't tried to get smart... well things would be different now I think," she sighed and laughed a little, "I guess that's all in the past now... but I believe you, you don't have to play your violin to show me... but I wouldn't mind hearing it anyway."

Her gaze shifted to Echo as she asked about the prank and she giggled slightly after glancing for a moment to Serena before back to Echo, an amused smile on her face. She listened to the exchange for a moment nodding her head in agreement with Serena before her smile turned somewhat devious in that innocent, cute way she tended to have when she was plotting, "you know what would be really funny...?"

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Renee stretched along with him, already showing off her flexibility and arm strength by holding the positions into place. She did hum a tune, though quiet as if she wasn't very proud of her own singing capabilities. The Pendragon listened to his suggestion, looking awkward at first as she didn't know what to do with her arms and legs. However, the more time she stopped being embarrassed, the more fluid her movements were. She even started to sing a bit, following what the song's lyrics are saying and showed the story through her dance.

When she heard that he danced alone while traveling, she blushed, stumbling a bit as she made a twirl. "...I-I...I know...I saw...W-when Echo was singing...was hiding behind the rock...you had a mirror..." That was the first time Renee wanted to learn how to dance, even more so with Seifer, but she wasn't going to tell him that part as she's rather content with the calming atmosphere.

Her movements, her dance, is almost like a feather in the wind, fluttering in the softest of breezes and through the skies as she jumps and did flips in the air. Landing almost like her wings were helping her stay light and would jump in the air again as if she wasn't meant to stay grounded. She spun in place at times and moved to another move by going low to the ground with a sharp low sweep kick and pushed up like a spring.

There were moments where she joined in Seifer's dance too, spinning and twirling with him before flipping away. Whenever he reached out, she would lightly tap her finger tips on his as if she wanted to reassure him despite that she's over his head doing a back-flip. Then she'd go back to her own little world, smiling warm and sweet. It's like she was free, playful and energetic, but she always came back down to something...or to someone willingly.

The next two days, Renee learned how to dance with a bit more grace and flair. Sure, she stumbled sometimes but Seifer was kind enough to give her tips and she quickly picked up his advice. With the sets of moves he showed her, she would blush brightly but laughed at his teasing and would tease back. All of her anxieties just wash away with his flirty teachings, which is odd because she couldn't handle Chenglei's and yet...She absolutely and secretly wished that the road to Dalaran would stop for one more day...

Just one more day...So she can savor these moments as they were rare and few for her.

"Seifer...thank you for listening to me..." Renee whispered shyly as she landed next to him again and arched back to handspring away. Her face and ears were red.


Serena shook her head, smiling. "Alright, let me know when you want to hear it, okay Lydia?"

Then her eyebrow raised as she watched the witch's face turn mischievous and let her own smile turn mischievous too. Echo tilted her head as she was curious. "What? What would be fun, Lydia?"

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-Kabuki Theater-
"If we had a prank war... girls versus boys," this was brought on of course by Serena saying that she would be on Lydia's team, and Echo would likely be talked into the idea just because she was there. Honestly, Lydia would love to get Renee in on it too, but she felt that with the seeming change in Seifer's attitude towards her, that it was better that she stay with him. She would enjoy telling her about it later though.

"I still haven't gotten back at Seth for his last prank and I doubt he even remembers that... they wouldn't be expecting it!"

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Serena actually cackled at the idea, rubbing her hands together like the girls found gold. "I love it~! Let's do the ultimate prank war ever!"

"...Um...I don't know..." Echo frowned a bit, looking a bit uncertain with the idea. The blonde turned to her and clasped their hands together, her blue eyes sparkled in mirth.

"Come on, Echo. I'm sure Johnny would love to see you have fun and besides...I know he really wants you...badly."

Serena, who's good at picking up people's secret emotions, was able to pick up Johnny's very...spicy urges towards the fawn. "I'm sure he wouldn't mind if you teased him...a little bit, Echo..." When she saw the red head was actually thinking, the blonde's grin grew as she can see that Echo is about to side with the dark side.

AKA join in the fun with Lydia and her.

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-Kabuki Theater-
Lydia's grin only grew and became more impish as Serena agreed to the idea, her gaze turning to Echo nearly immediately. Her expression softened, but only slightly, she half expected the Fawn to be a little hesitant, she did seem to be one of the most mature out of the group after all. Enter Serena with the silver tongue. Lydia's cheeks turned red to what she said and she covered her mouth with a hand as she giggled slightly and as Echo seemed to be pondering actually going along with it, her smile brightened again as the embarrassed giggles subsided.

"I have an idea..." and with that, she began plotting with the other two girls.

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Serena bit her bottom lip as she heard Echo's hooves echoing in the hallways, her grin growing wider as the 'tap tap tap' sounds came closer. Then she hid behind the curtains, holding onto a rope that lead to somewhere...

"J-Johnny, my fluffy stud, I'm over here!" Echo mumbled loudly as she shyly walked in the Kabuki theatre's stage, the gold coins on her hips chimed lightly but clear as the whole place was empty and somewhat dark. Their only light source were the lanterns that always lit up. The fawn stuttered her answer, luring her boyfriend closer as she spun around, showing the very revealing belly dance outfit that Serena made. The dark and light purple blended well with her furry legs as the layers upon layers of skirts flowed with each move she made.

The blonde couldn't be more proud of herself to somehow convince Echo to join in and become their lure.

Once the entertainer was on her trap door, Serena pulled the rope and heard a 'splash' from underground, along with a string of questions towards Echo.

"I'm sorry! But...but...it's a prank war, my sweet fluffy muff." Echo explained shyly. The violinist walked over and grinned, before waving at a drunk and paint covered Johnny and pulled Echo away. Serena cackled loudly as the fawn wondered if that was a good idea and wanted to change back into her regular clothing.

'Your turn, Lydia~!' Serena thought as she hears Echo's hooves tap on the wooden floor boards.

Seth would find himself a bed filled with frogs, hopping around and croaking as he slept, not knowing that a certain brunette witch played a prank on him too.

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- Master Warship -

"Oh, it is on, Echo mello." slurred a drunk Johhny giving his girlfriend the squinty two-finger eye to point.

The next day Echo would wake up to the sound of roosters crowing and find her room jam packed with puffy brown chickens;

"What the?!" yelled Seth waking up with a start as something clammy and slimy hopped inside the loose opening of his shirt. "Brother." concluded the twin.

Apart from being turned into a toilet paper mummy, the next day in the afternoon James chased Seth all around the ship for using permanent marker to draw whiskers on his face. This wasn't going to come off for days.

Serena would find after taking a bath that her usual body care products had been changed so that when she came out her forehead was as shiny and reflective as polished metal.

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Echo blinked at seeing all the chickens and smiled widely. "Chickens!! Aww~! So fluffy~!" She gently held one in her arms and snuggled with it, enjoying the clucks of each one. Her ears twitched. She will get her revenge...her sweet revenge...

Serena looked in the mirror and raised an eyebrow as she noticed her forehead was really shiny. Then she smirked. "Oh-ho~! Touche, Johnny, touche." She will plan her next one, grinning a bit insanely that's filled with mischief.

Renee opened the door only to see Seth running from James who...was covered with drawings? "...I don't want to know....I'll be back to bring lunch." She muttered out loud, not caring if Seifer and Chenglei laughed at her deadpanned expression as she left to the kitchen to cook something to eat.

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- Johnny Caprice -
" One Day"

"That is the last time I'm falling for your powers of seduction." Johnny was saying to Echo confidently. "From now on I am going to be Solid Johnny, no longer fluffy, immune to all your . . ." looks at her ears, "bewitching good looks."

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Echo giggled as she blushed pink and kissed him lightly. The fawn fluttered her eyelids slowly as she looked at him with her doe-like green eyes. "It's okay...I know I'll always fall for your devilishly good looks, my fluffy marshmallow." Then she kissed him again and ran off, laughing in mirth.

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-After Echo's Party-
With the help of Serena and Echo, Lydia kept tabs on where Seth was sleeping that night. Once all was quiet and she was certain he was sound asleep, Lydia sneakily made her way there. Of course she wasn't ninja sneaky like Seth, but she wasn't completely clumsy and managed to stealthily creep in, carefully opening the door so that she could see her target.

Once she spotted him, asleep and in dreamland, she cast her spell, meaning to make it rain on him, which would definitely be a rude awakening, "green all the trees in the jungles be, my friend needs a shower, let it rain for me!"

It wasn't long before there was a soft plopping sound occurring in the room. Though perhaps it was on account of that she had never cast the spell, or maybe it was the use of the word 'green,' but the rain that Lydia had summoned on Seth, wasn't exactly what she had expected it to be. Her green eyes widened as she watched in surprise at the object she had summoned, and she had to cover her mouth to keep from releasing a loud laugh as she realized what was falling out of the ceiling.

Frogs. Lydia made it rain frogs instead of water. Frogs were just as good so she quickly closed the door and hurried off the way she had come, completely satisfied with her miscast.

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- Johnny Caprice -
" One Day "

"Solid marsmallow!" corrected Johnny, fighting a smile as he watched her run off. "And I'm not affected! You . . . with your cute belly button." he muttered.

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Episode 7: To the Storm Wall!

Episode 7: To the Storm Wall!

- Dalaran -
" Air Docks "​

After two days of weathering the monsoon across the Shoflo Ocean, the clouds broke apart on the morning of the third day and there they beheld the continent of Alfenia, and the magical city of Dalaran in all its glory under the sun.

This city was one of the capitals of magic in the world. Many notable warlock guilds and arcane scholars make their home here, such as: the " Wizengamot ", known for their researches on the imprecise branches of magic; the " Grand Witch Council " a charitable organization of witches of different races who seek out young women who have a talent for magic and are eager to learn, but for some reason or another have no opportunity to better their skills; the "Gadget Racket: Dalaran Branch" a facility where gnomes develop sophisticated magic toys and prosthetics, and finally, the "High Order of Merlin", a council of the most respectable witches and warlocks from all nations who create, uphold and enforce magical law.

Dalaran was a neutral city, with no public political ties to any nation. It was ruled by the Order of Merlin, headed by the warlock: Professor Ballador Dawnweaver, the last of the Numenorians, an ancient race of men known for their long life.

Kenren Taisho's master warship landed on the air docks where a welcome party greeted him and all his guests. It seemed that news traveled fast, for a lot of people had come to see the heroes who saved Holt and defeated a deathknight.

Katsuya Katsuya Roleplay Skittle Roleplay Skittle Panzer Panzer

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