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Fantasy Howl's Flying Castle (Finished! ---Whoo! (*^▽^)/)

- Dalaran -
"Secret Meeting "​

It was too late. What with Lydia's suspicious look, leaving without a word, and James barging in with his wand out and looking at him as if trying to discern if he was a liar, Seifer knew it had something to do with their fear of him turning evil. He gave Renee a look as if telling her not to patronize him.

"Come on, Renee, you can tell me anything. Is it because of the owl? I didn't do anything, the stag and the giant owl can tell you." Seifer gestured at the summons.

Frey and Pond looked at James and Renee. They looked like they were wondering what had happened too. The silver white stag shook its head at the inquiring face James gave him and he understood it as nothing happened and that he was curious why they were so tense.

"It's just that Sasha's eyes were closed and she wouldn't wake up. We thought something happened." said James.

"I was just sitting here." said Seifer pointing at the chair.

"Alright, I need time alone in the atelier." said James.

Seifer went back to the Trinity Spire with Renee; James gave her a meaningful look that said he understood what she tapped on his back before she went. He didn't leave the atelier after that and just checked on Hisaya and if anything was moved in the room. He worried about Sasha and wanted to check on her, but he wasn't going to repeat his mistake. He shouldn't have left and trusted that she'll be alright in Lydia's care.

* * * *​

Later that night, James told Lydia about Renee wanting to talk --- taking Sasha in his arms and saying sorry that he left her there without casting any protective charms.


"I know, I will next time. You really don't know what happened?" said James. Sasha shook her head. It was like she had amnesia and could not remember the time between when James left and when she woke up. She didn't remember chasing a mouse.

James went down to meet his sister. There was a feast that night and a lot of soldiers going home. Today and tomorrow were the last days of those who were deemed needed for the Storm Wall mission, everyone in their group included. People were packing, saying good bye to their loved ones and partying before they leave for a long sea voyage they may never return from.

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Renee sighed when Seifer called her out on it, her wings limped. Luckily James understood what she wanted to do tonight and walked with her boyfriend. She told the archer the truth once they were in his room. That yes, they were worried about what happened with Sasha and they didn't want to take Hisaya's words lightly.

"I'm sorry for lying like that but...I didn't want you to freak out too. If anything weird happens again, I'll let you know. We're just jumpy with what happened with Luthein and the plague demons and yea..."

She remembers his words having power over people somehow. Imagine if the dragon knew that and taking advantage over it. What then?

When nighttime roled by, Renee kissed Seifer's cheek and said goodnight before walking over to where she'll meet Lydia and James. Once she spotted them with Sasha in her brother's arms, she petted the owl's head lightly as a comforting gesture.

"So...I'm not the only one who's a bit suspicious about this, right?" She asked. Her wings tucked tightly against her head.

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Lydia had her mace on her belt in the atelier. Seifer may not have done it on purpose, but she was relatively sure that he had done that to Sasha to keep her from watching him. He could make people do things, it was in his power as a Deathknight. She wasn't sure what she might do which was why she thought it best to return to the Spire first. Of course her thoughts went to Hisaya and the Libris Mortem and the implications that surrounded what may have happened with those, but she trusted James to take care of it.

She spent the rest of the day up until James came, in her room playing with the Aviafelix and Sasha, seeing how they got along and making sure that Sasha was okay. When James came and took Sasha in his arms, she watched warmly. She mentioned her concerns on Seifer maybe not realizing what he did on account of the dragon soul and that it took all she had to not just clobber him because she knew the repercussions. She also suggested that while Renee kept an eye on Seifer, perhaps it would be better if James and herself each took Hisaya, the Libris Mortem, and her own notes from both into their personal care instead of keeping all of these incredibly important items in one spot.

When James went to see Renee, she followed and when asked about if she was the only one that was suspicious Lydia couldn't help but release a somewhat baffled laugh, crossing her arms over her chest, "of course you're not!" she might have been a little more irritated that she otherwise might have been because she didn't even have a chance to revel in their victory and all the success she had at spell casting because of the nonsense with Seifer, so she was feeling a bit frustrated, she was also frustrated at her inability to directly talk about any of this, her gaze drifting around the vicinity due to her paranoia over the ravens.

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- James Pendragon -

"Renee, how much do you know of his ability to make people do what he says?" asked James as he cast protective charms on Sasha and let her fly free to watch over their area somewhere hidden.

They were in a secluded spot in one of the neighborhoods near the outskirts of the city. After asking Johnny to turn them into mice, they made their way here inside a little shed facing a river.

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Lydia's lips pressed inward, her mouth forming a line as she watched Sasha go before she looked to the floor. She had only felt the ability Seifer spoke of that day in the atelier when Renee had taken Seifer there without her and James. She shivered visibly at the idea and after seeing the magic power of the manna tree she wished that they had had time to ask Luthien for help removing the dragon soul from Seifer, but between the dragon's hordes, possible appearance of Deathknights and the exodus of the Elves, there had been no time.

Her thoughts reeled and she tried to stay tuned in to what Renee and James were saying, but she was concerned for their journey considering Seifer may or may not be losing himself.

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Renee flinched when Lydia laughed like that, automatically putting her hands up as if saying 'I don't know why you are feeling like this way but I don't want to agitate you.' Then she looked at her brother with Sasha in her arms. Maybe...?

When James asked her about Seifer's word power, Renee frowned a bit. "I only know that Seifer uses that power when he's scared or angry at a person...but he wasn't scared or angry, was he?"

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- James Pendragon -

"No, he was bored when I left." said James. "Sasha doesn't remember how she fell asleep in that mouse hole either. Didn't remember even chasing a mouse. So other than that, we know the sealing cuffs don't work in preventing him from using that power. I'm going to ask Kenren if he can make another one, but we need to know how his ability is bypassing the cuffs. In the meantime, if what I think happened --- the dragon taking over him --- happened, he can just tell anyone what to do and they'll do it."

He looked out into the evening sky. "And I'm guessing one of it is making others forget. But I did not sense any magical residues from a spell on Sasha. Unless she ate something or maybe Seifer's power does not use manna? I cannot guess any other reason why my --- I mean, Lydia's --- owl forgot." It was strange to call Sasha someone else's. He's had her for more than three years and still felt like he shared her with Lydia instead of her just being Lydia's.

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Lydia's mind set to work over what James was saying, one of her hands raising from its position on her arm to cup her chin as her index finger curled across the front of her lower lip as her brow furrowed in concentration. She felt like she needed to more deeply research dragons and the power they held and how it was different from the flow of manna that powered other forms of magic. She considered that dragons were otherworldly and possessed a different flow of energy which would make sense that sealing cuffs made for powers of their home realm and not powers of another would not work on the abilities Seifer was in possession of since they were powered by something different.

She supposed also that telling someone to forget something could be encompassed by commanding someone to do or not do something. She sighed softly, that was just what they needed, Seifer being able to tell people to do something or not to do it and then tell them to forget it all. He could have commanded Sasha to chase the mouse and get stuck in the hole, Frey to rest and Pond to read and then tell them to forget everything that he told them or that he did. The fact that James said he didn't sense any magical residues just solidified her idea that the dragon's power was derived from a source other than manna and as James continued, it seems he was on the same thought process as she. She had started to smile thinking that they were working on the same ideas and when he continued and faltered when he was talking about Sasha, she smiled just a tad more brightly and lay a hand on his shoulder, "our owl," as far as Lydia was concerned, Sasha was still shared, just who had the link had changed.

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"...James, Lydia. There's something else that I've noticed." Renee piped in, her wings shuddering lightly as if there was a cold breeze, her eyes glowed dimly in concern.

"I've been checking on his soul after having a talk with him about the 'what-if's with the dragon and I noticed this weird change in his soul." The Pendragon sister didn't think souls could change the environment that easily. Sure, maybe have a few new items or maybe a person wondering around, but the whole atmosphere? Even when the person himself is still scared about dying despite being comforted? No way would it be that drastic, so she wondered if the dragon is misleading her every time she checked on him and is trying to convince him that nothings wrong with him for now...

'Yea, that could be a thing the dragon is doing right now. To make him more relaxed only to gain easier access...Hmmm~!' Renee thought for a moment before getting an idea...and it included her older brother.

With a very familiar glint of wanting to learn something new in her eyes, the white-haired teen turned to her brother as she continued with her explanation. A grin started to grow on her face with her wings fluttering in a bit of excitement. "The first time, Seifer's soul was quiet and empty like someone abandoned it and I can tell that's how his soul really is... Nowadays it's a party with him playing piano and surrounded by...girls." She added in a bit of irritation before continuing.

"If that's the dragon's work, with the sudden change in his soul, then I want to see the soul of someone else just to make sure that it's not a thing for souls to change that quickly...So big brother~! Can I see if my theory is right and check on your soul too? Daily? I promise I won't touch anything. Just a quick glimpse and few notes!" Renee pleaded, making her bright eyes wider, jutting her bottom lip out a bit as her wings fluttered lightly. Her hands are together with her fingers intertwining each other as she bends her elbows to lift it closer to her chin as she looked at her brother.

"Please~?" She knows that her brother is not fond of being experimented on, considering the twins put random potions in his drinks and food without asking. So the Pendragon sister wondered if he would consider it if she asked him first.

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- James Pendragon -

"Our owl." agreed James, smiling at Lydia. He covered the hand on his shoulder with his own.

Remembering that Renee was watching, he cleared his throat, ears red, but didn't let go of Lydia's hand unless she did.

"You want to see my soul, Renee?" he looked like someone just asked him to bear his deepest and most intimate secrets and became uncomfortable. But it was for a good cause. He sighed. "Alright. Just --- just don't tell anyone else what you see." and he readied himself for Renee to cast her spell.

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The Pendragon sister didn't say anything about him blushing, but she did nod, smiling with a bit of mischief. Yes! Asking always helps. Her wings flapped in excitement as she agreed.

"I promise I won't! Thank you, Big brother." Renee said happily before relaxing and casts her spell.

"This heart of mine knows that love is real, so the touch of kindness you will feel. Let thy blessed blue waves not falter, please accept this healing water. Aqua Curare..." Once the shimmering essence covered her hands, the white-haired teen places them over his chest where his heart is, staring at her brother's eyes to have easier access to his soul.

Then she felt that familiar sensation of being sucked in and looked around her brother's soul.

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Her hand remained on James' shoulder, squeezing gently before she studied Renee's expression as she spoke. Lydia could understand what she was going through, she could only imagine caring for someone and not being able to trust them fully. She glanced from Renee to James and back again, her brow furrowing slightly. When Renee mentioned the girls that were surrounding Seifer inside the mansion of his soul, the corner of Lydia's mouth twitched slightly, she couldn't help thinking how like Seifer that would be especially after how he had acted when they had switched bodies. She had to resist the urge to cover her face.

She did grin when Renee began asking James if she could check his soul for a comparison, "that's a brilliant idea Renee!" her gaze turned to James hopefully and her lower lip stuck out slightly when he seemed completely mortified by the idea. She smiled again though when he gave his permission and removed her hand from his shoulder, stepping away slightly to let Renee and he have space as she worked her magic.

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- James Pendragon -

Renee found herself in a vast library. It looked like the one in Kingsbury, except that the arching ceiling above was enchanted to portray the sky outside. Rain was pouring and thunder was brewing in the grey clouds above.

Various owls fluttered here and there carrying books and scrolls that they nudged into place along the shelves with their tufted heads and talons. There were comfy little bird homes that looked like fancy miniature houses of all sorts, from beach house themed ones to tree houses with miniature gardens, all built on the posts and near the ceiling of the library. Inside, big eyes blinked out at Renee.

The library was mostly neat and austere, the furniture was classically Victorian and the carpeted floor was exquisite. Yet here and there were decorations that did not quite match its vibe: there were large bright and cheerful paintings, funny plants, wacky inventions, kid crayon scrawls on some of the polished tables, a messy jumble of gold and silver junk and some oriental knick knacks scattered about, yet all had a place and seemed to have been there for a long time.

The cloud of owls were soaring up and down a flight of marble steps that led to a hall that formed a ring around another room. Three other flights of stairs branched out from the hall ring just like the library where Renee came from, and here other owls were flying in and out too. Two silvery white stags with lightning cackling from their eyes guarded the entrance of the center room. And there inside was James pointing his wand to the floor, drawing a colossal incomplete spell circle.

This center room was a massive dome where most of the space was taken up by paintings of people, but so far the biggest paintings were the ones that showed a familiar face: Howl, Sophie, Renee, Sen & Seth, Rhea, Johnny, Markl, Sasha, Frey, and Lydia. Currently the biggest painting was Renee, but another one that almost rivaled hers depicted what was unmistakably a genie.

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"Woah...Big brother, you like owls more then you lead on." Renee commented out loud, wondering if he even heard her as she watched the owls flying over the cloudy library room. She noticed all the little details of his soul room and she couldn't help but marvel at how much influence family has over him.

'Those are Rhea's drawings...and that's a painting I did before! These inventions are the twins...wow...' The winged Pendragon walked around, not touching anything as she didn't want to change anything in her brother's soul. She walked down the flight of stairs behind her and saw the two guarding stags that stood proudly at the entrance. Thinking that it might be something he treasures the most since the stags have lightning, Renee took a peek inside and gasped at all the paintings. They weren't moving, but all of them have different sizes though the biggest ones...now that caught her attention.

"A...portrait of me...and a genie? But what could...?....Oh...OH!" It was like a light bulb flickered on as her cheeks blushed a bright red. He cares about her that much? So then the genie is somehow really important too...Wish granting. That's what she hears from the bed-time stories her mother would tell her when she was toddler. Genies grant wishes like the one in 1001 nights of Robbers.

Renee blinked as she didn't want to invade her brother's soul anymore and returned to the real world. Her orange eyes are focused now and she frowned, feeling conflicted on she just saw and the comparison she has with Seifer's.

"Bloody troll...James, your soul is filled with so many trinkets that's based on your life experiences like Rhea's scribble drawing and the twins' inventions. The portraits, they represent of the people who you care about the most and...Seifer is sadder then I thought...He only has one portrait on his wall, it's not even guarded like yours James. His was out in the open with a picture of his family; his mother and father and I think a baby version of him...but that's the only thing that's in his soul."

Her wings puffed up in her anger and her eyes glowed. "James, that stupid dragon is taking over his soul and it's making it seem like he's happy or whatever when he never was. You soul was more alive then his, even when the dragon had tried to fool me with that annoying party!" Oh how she wanted to scream. What was the point of checking on his soul if the dragon was going to conceal everything from her?

"Blooming h&*$%! %#$&#!" She cursed as she couldn't get a grip of her frustrations. That's annoying!!

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She stood by silently, watching as Renee checked James' soul. Her fingers interlacing as her hands clasped together under her chin. They only lowered when Renee came back and started talking about what she had seen and she smiled slightly, James just told her not to talk about what she had seen. She shook her head though, it wasn't like his soul was filled with some sort of deep dark secrets that weren't reflected on the outside.

Lydia took into consideration what she said about the comparison between his and Seifer's soul, curious as to why none of what had happened these past months weren't reflected in Seifer's soul. He may have only felt very close to his family, but she was sure that at the very least he had developed some sort of bond with all of them, especially Renee, so why wasn't she depicted in his soul too? She didn't voice this though, she didn't want to upset Renee anymore than she already appeared to be, "maybe you should just... think the opposite of whatever you see happening in his soul? Like, if there's a party with a bunch of people... assume that it's the opposite? The dragon is masking the truth so that you won't worry?"

She laughed slightly, the dragon probably knew that they knew about him but was trying to hide himself anyway? What was the point of that?

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Renee rounded towards Lydia so quickly that she became a blur for a second, her orange eyes filled with anger and despair. "That's exactly why I wanted to compare James' and Seifer's. To see if his soul was supposed to feel that...fake." She shook her head as she remembered all the comments and tight hugs the archer gave her and hinted.

"James. I fear that dragon masked Seifer's soul to confuse me and want to put Seifer's will unguarded from me telling him about the party. It's trying to gain easier access by making him relaxed around the bloody thing in him." She hissed, already wanting to punch something but couldn't. So she balled up her fists as a restraint to not hit anybody near her.

"That party is the opposite of what Seifer's soul should be. He doesn't attend to his parents' parties because it's boring to him. He hates his father and only cares about his mother, which I didn't even see her there, just faceless people. His so called 'friends' are basically a fake way to feel like he isn't lonely and...and-!...I should've seen something with everyone he traveled with in his soul, but I didn't. I know I should be seeing something from at least someone in the group. Yet...I don't..." Renee took a deep breathe as a means to calm down. It would be bad if she continued and drew attention from her yelling.

"...I really hate that dragon now...think I should poke the Seifer image in his soul? I don't know if I should touch anything while in there but...I wonder if the atmosphere will change if I do." She asked, her wings are tucked tightly against her head as it's still puffed up.

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She had settled into her thoughts so comfortably that when Renee whirled towards her, she jumped slightly, worry crossing her features as she worried that something she said had affronted her friend. She nodded slowly as she searched Renee's features before looking to James as Renee addressed him. Given what they knew, she didn't think that any of Renee's suppositions were incorrect. Though she still wondered whether or not the dragon was aware of what was going on around Seifer. She wondered if Seifer had to actively act as a spy or if he was just a sort of looking glass that the dragon could see through. Would Seifer have to relay information to the dragon's soul or would the dragon just be aware?

She couldn't help but agree with the idea that the dragon is trying to make him relaxed and nodded slowly again as Renee said it, her arms crossing over her chest as she looked to the ground and she bit her lower lip. She wanted to comfort her friend by reminding her that they had finished their notes on the exorcism spell circle from Hisaya, but the thought occurred to her that for one, they still had to actually create the circle on an appropriate scale as well as get a nearly unthinkable amount of arcane power to actually complete the spell. That aside, she considered the fact that Seifer was incomplete. What if the spell circle he had told them to use wasn't actually one to remove the dragon's soul but one to seal it in Seifer? She shuddered slightly at the thought, all they really had to go on was faith.

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- James Pendragon -

"I think you should talk to him." said James. "But be careful. If you say that the Seifer in the room wasn't acting normal, it might be the dragon, Renee."

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"...Right..." Renee answered, her eyes narrowed a bit as she looked at the ground. Her arms crossed over her chest.

"Any suggestions of what I should ask him?" She asked to the pair, now looking up to see Sasha flying around.

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She stayed quietly in thought for a moment after James spoke and continued to do so after briefly glancing to Renee before she spoke again, "maybe... don't ask a direct question? If it's the dragon, he can just deceive you. Just... talk to him like you would Seifer?" she suggested, "if it's not really Seifer, from casual conversation, you might be able to tell."

There wasn't really an easy way to be sure of whether or not the Seifer in his soul was really him and all they could do in the end was guess, the dragon was deceptive after all.

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If that dragon can't even see that Seifer dislikes his parents' parties and don't really care about those girls, then there's no way that it can fake his personality. That's if it's really the dragon and not Seifer's true self.

"Alright...I'll do that." Renee muttered.

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Episode 8: Choosing Sides

Episode 8: Choosing Sides

- Dalaran -

That night for the first time, Johnny made his way to the warship's aviary, clutching a letter and looking around surreptitiously.

"Evening, gent', could I trouble you to deliver this letter?" he asked one of Kenren's couriers who were on duty.

"Of course, Master Caprice." said the Oriental fluently in the common tongue. "Winsnow," he read the address at the back, "letter for your family I expect before you all ship off?"

"Yes." nodded Johnny. "My first one since I left Kingsbury actually."

The courier nodded in understanding. "Hard to send letters when you were on the run, eh?"

"Yes. Thank you for risking your lives to deliver our letters."

"You are welcome, Master Caprice. Thank you for giving me the honor of delivering a letter written by a war hero." said the man gesturing at a servant to saddle and take out his gryphon. "I will deliver your letter without fail." he bowed.

"Counting on you --- oh, and if they should ask you, erm, where the Misty Mountains are, could you please show them on the map in the letter?"

"I will."

Johnny left breathing out a sigh as though a weight was lifted off his shoulders, and headed down to the atelier where he found James packing all the things they might possibly from the room into a couple of trunks and some bags: alchemical ingredients, a foldable cauldron, books on synthesizing potions, some instruments, Hisaya's Urn with the red crystal heart inside, his and Lydia's notes, and the Libris Mortem.

The two were going to sleep here until they leave for the Storm Wall tomorrow; James feared that Seifer --- or rather the dragon soul in him may have done something to Pond and Frey, so now it was Butters, Meatballs, Sorbet, and Soda who was in a bucket guarding the atelier with him.

James told him about the talk he had with Renee and Lydia, about Seifer and how Renee described James soul to him, something that he was very keen in knowing after their secret meeting ended.

"I wonder what my soul looks like?" said Johnny fascinated as they lay on their sleeping bags after packing, eating sashimi and dragon fruit salad while drinking tea.

"I wouldn't be surprised if it was a theater." said James reading a mystery novel under the light of a few floating wisps. "What'd you think Lydia's would look like?

"Hmmm, perhaps a library like yours but there's a wardrobe full of black clothes?"

James chuckled. "Yeah, and maybe a sandwich and a meat bun somewhere. What about Echo's?" he sneezed, then sniffed.

"Not sure, but I'm imagining it's got an oriental training ground somewhere and a lot of trees. Probably a forest or a garden. You sound like you're about to get a cold."

"Yeah, been feeling this way since this morning." said James, rubbing his nose red. "Probably because of the stress."

"Mmm. Hey, you fancy going round Dalaran before the trip? Just us two. I heard there was some ancient ruins in the outskirts of the city."

"I read that in a tourist brochure. Yeah, let's go, Johhny! Been a while since the two of us hung out like old times."

"Aye. I'll see if I can ask Chenglei to watch the Atelier for us, or maybe Echo or Lydia if they're up for it."

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At the beginning of their journey, starting from the castle, Lydia had done her best to avoid putting too much detail into her letters. Now that they were relatively safe, at least since they were no longer running and trying to protect Princess Mia, she had a lot of catching up to do. She had been dividing her letters with snippets of things that happened in the past along with things that were more current. She felt like so much had happened in the last couple of days that she didn't really know where to start.

Back on the warship when she began writing her letter she told her mother about the body switching. Though she left out who she had switched with because for one, she was quite sure that her mother knew who Seifer Rathmore was and for two, she didn't want her mother questioning her chastity. The whole point of telling her about the incident was simply to describe how she had worked with James to come up with a way to reverse the spell and that all of her studying had paid off because they had been successful.

When it came to describing the events of the last couple of days, Lydia had paused, tickling her lower lip and chin with the feathery end of her quill as she thought about what she should say. It felt strange going into detail about her date with James and she knew how her mother would understand it no matter how she worded it, but she felt that it was an important thing to mention so she simply said that James had asked her on an outing and while they were out she explained what had happened with the portals.

Lydia was always very careful in her letters, they were all incredibly casual and never mentioned anything that was more serious and that some individuals would use to their advantage. She had been avoiding it previously, but she did bring up her title of 'Death Bane' and how she had thought it to be a silly title and when people called her by it, it made her uncomfortable because she had done very little to earn it. Though now she felt like she was more deserving of it and went on to mention how successful she had been in spell casting during the last battle.

Once she had ended her letter, sealed it, and sent it off, she spent the rest of the evening in her room. She had sent Sasha away once they had all returned to the airship, knowing that the little owl deserved her rest, and was now laying with her covers over her head like a tent as she rested at the foot of her bed with a bowl of donburi resting on the bed in front of her. She'd munch a little before collecting a small piece in her chopsticks and flinging it towards the Aviafelix who would sometimes turn into a cat and leap before catching it and other times run around on its two little feet to catch what she had thrown in its mouth.

Lydia had decided to call the creature Percy and was learning its temperament in the hopes of training it to respond to commands, which was half of the reason for what she was doing now, the other half was that she just liked watching the little creature run around the room. Sometimes it would disappear and all she would hear were its little feet before it came running out from under her bed or it would weave under the tables and chairs, sometimes turning into a cat and jumping around on top of the furniture before it would come back to where Lydia had been tossing the snacks and sqwak or meow loudly to get her to throw more snacks before it would take off again.

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Echo came in the Atelier with Chenglei, talking about their home lives and their families as she came from the aviary. She wanted some of her birthday gifts to be delivered to her home with a fifteen page letter retelling everything that happened with a few minor details out of there. Anything that's related to Seifer and the deathknights are not found in her letters, but she did mention of finding him and having a new companion named 'Hisaya'. The fawn could only hope that her father isn't screaming bloody murder for her staying nearby Johnny for so long, even showing off her strength.

She's pretty sure that her Aunt Melody is probably rejoicing that she kissed Johnny finally...

The fawn is keeping Seth, James, and Lydia's gifts as she might need them and packed them away for her travels to the Storm Wall. She's also keeping some of the small grey clay bottles from Johnny's gift inside the fire-proof bag as she wanted to collect the seeds from each plant and tree from her travels. Like the ones from Ashenvale and Dalaran.

"...my sister never liked it when I kept complimenting her. It's rather strange but her reaction amuses me so much that I can't help but continue." The blonde oriental said, smiling his princely smile with the red Camille flowers blooming around them.

Echo giggled. "Now I see why you like to bother Renee so much."

"Yes, I just cannot help but want to tease her and be reminded of my on little sister." Chenglei's ash purple eyes softened at the thought before sitting down on the floor and took off his sword to place beside him. "Come! Sit! We'll wait for Ly once she gets here." The fawn nodded and sat next to her silly friend and continued to chat with him.

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- Shoflo Ocean -
" Goodbye Dalaran! "
The next day, James and Johnny woke early and spent their last time in sweet civilization riding through the sun-streaked woods and exploring the ancient ruins of old Dalaran in the outskirts of the city. The sunrise was magnificent as they stood on their mounts upon a high crest where the remnants of a great wall cast its shadow upon the grassy hill.

A cool breeze that carried the salty scent of the ocean refreshed them. Above, flocks of white birds flew off from the tops of pine trees as the wind shifted and a strong gust rang an ancient bell that hung from a crumbling bell tower. James marveled at the rich history etched on the stone walls and scattered remains of an age long gone. This place was once Dalaran in its early years when it was still just one of the towns along the coast, hiding behind the protection of the wall that had once kept giants at bay. It had been destroyed when the giants allied themselves with the goblins. The two spent their time looking for secret passages and treasure hunting.

* * * *​

Meanwhile, Seifer was spending his last day with his mother who wasn't coming with them to the Storm Wall. He had been allowed to go out under the watchful eye of Master Sai and Mushi. Mrs. Rathmore had shopped for too many things for his son to take with him for the journey, that he was staggering under the weight of all the clothes, hair products, food, and camping supplies stacked high in his arms.

As much as he wanted to complain, he didn't and just let his mother spoil him because that was how she showed affection. And goodness knows when the next time will be when he'll see her again.

"You'll be staying in Dalaran then, mum?" asked Seifer as they sat eating in a fancy restaurant for lunch.

"Yes, I know too much." said Mrs. Rathmore, fixing his hair unnecessarily. "Your hair is getting long, dear, are you sure you don't want me to trim it? Long hair is easy to get tangled up in battle."

"Yes, I'd like that, thank you." said Seifer.

"Really? You've never let me touch your hair before."

"Right now I want you too and you can style it however you like. And, erm, thanks for lunch and buying me things and, well, everything. Raising me and all that." said Seifer earnestly.

"You're welcome, son, but why are you saying all this?"

"Just felt like I haven't said it enough all my life. I haven't done anything for you."

"You will come back." said Mrs. Rathmore holding his hand firmly. "And then you can do as much as you want for me if that makes you happy."

"Would it make you happy?"

"Yes. But all I really want for you is just to be happy and healthy. You've been cheering up lately. Is it because of Renee?"

"Yes . . . Mom, something happened yesterday." whispered Seifer as though he'd been itching to get this out. "Renee, her brother and her friends suddenly barged in on me saying that they thought I did something because her brother's owl got her head stuck in a mouse hole and passed out. I was so bewildered, I didn't know how she got there, she was behind me. But then later I remembered that I had dozed off some time ago, but I thought it was nothing because I was just on the chair in the same position when I woke up. I don't know, but I'm afraid that maybe I was being controlled while I was asleep."

"What did Renee say?" asked Mrs. Rathmore calmly.

"I didn't tell her I fell asleep. When she pretended nothing was wrong, I just felt afraid. Like if I told her the truth, she'd tell the others and I don't know what they're going to do to me."

"Is there anyone else in the group you trust?"

"No . . . Mum, if I became a deathknight, what would you want me to do?"

"What do you want to do?"

"I don't want to die. I don't want to hurt you either and see you look at me like I'm not your son."

"Talk to Renee."

"No, I'm not sure if she's entirely on my side. She did say that she will end me if I turn, though she wants me to live more than anything."


"Do you know what her brother is like? He's the type who'd hurt his sister just to keep her safe. He's the-end-justifies-the-means type, and will end me too just to keep everyone safe despite the consequences."

"You don't know that."

"I do. I've travelled with him. He doesn't even like it that me and Renee are going out, he keeps on giving me this look when he thinks I'm not watching, like I'm a ticking time bomb or something."

"Yet they were the ones who saved you. Why?"

"I don't know."

"Son, it's normal for them to be afraid of you, but if you ask me they don't want to kill you either even though they don't trust you. If you open up to them and tell them what's wrong, they can help you better."

"What if they try to kill me?"

"Whatever you choose, I will support you. If all of them fall away, come to me and I will always help you."

"Okay . . ."

* * * *​

Later that afternoon, a company of airships from the different kingdoms prepared to leave Dalaran. A crowd had come to wish them luck in their journey including Princess Mia, Professor Ballador, Queen Talathiel and many of the jewel hearted elves.

The heroes were given many gifts: James was given books on conjuration and abjuration, while Johnny only asked for a potion to be invented that would give him his horns back. He really missed them and the elves he had made friends with from asking about their culture as usual promised to find a way if they could.

Meanwhile, Seifer, who wasn't allowed to show his face in public so openly with the media around kissed his mother on the forehead goodbye inside the smaller airship he was to be staying with the others.

"Take care, son, take a break from dancing and eat regularly, alright?"

"I will." said Seifer, who was sporting a new hairstyle that made him look like he came out from a detective novel. "Take care too, mom, I'll figure this out and find a way to fix myself. Then I'll come back."

With the end of their farewells the fleet set sail. Kenren and his airships took the helm and off they soared for the Storm Wall.

Katsuya Katsuya Roleplay Skittle Roleplay Skittle
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