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Fantasy Howl's Flying Castle (Finished! ---Whoo! (*^▽^)/)

Renee sighed tiredly as her wings fluttered clumsily, purple bags under her eyes, and her hair's a mess. Her eyes are a bit dull too. All in all, she needed to sleep soon. She stayed up all night trying to analyze the soul rooms and what could hold the significance of each one, writing it down and making sketches of her brother and Seifer's souls. The Pendragon teen wondered what would happen if she talked with the Seifer image. Would he tell her things or would he attack her because it could be the dragon? What happens if she poked him? Would he disappear or would he flinch back and wonder why she poked him?

'Who knows...' She grumbled nonsensical things as she knocked on Prince Kenren's door and waited to be called in. Her grip on her book of the information everyone collected tightened as she walked in and grinned tiredly. She closed the door behind her.

"Hi Ken-chan. Here's all the information we have so far and about going to the storm wall we have to..." The Pendragon told him what Luthein said at the end. She didn't write that down in fear that someone might see her notes, like those ravens with the red and blue eye colors. She still doesn't trust Master Bertrand from all the insisting and she finds him very creepy.

Once that was done, Renee left the Prince's room and wandered in the hallways dazedly as she isn't aware of where she's going. Her feet lead her to a familiar room that she always visited before when the archer was in a coma like state and she lightly banged her head on the door, her wings wilted in different angles; One up and on her head, the other down and fluttering.

'Echo might be with Johnny and Serena's training. James could be in a donut hole and Lydia's riding a slide down to meatball land.' Her thoughts jumbled as she tried to focus and not sleep in the hallway.

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It didn't really seem logical to keep Percy with her since they would be going into unknown territory and unlike a summons, she couldn't just tell him to return to his home realm, so she arranged for him to be sent back to her family with careful instruction. She primarily told her mother that Percy could turn into a cat but by no means to let him around Empress. She didn't know if the feisty feline would hurt the little guy and wasn't willing to risk it. So with a heartfelt rub to the head, she had sent the little living memory off that morning.

Lydia didn't want to leave Dalaran. Not because she was afraid of what lay ahead and not because she didn't know if she would return to the city eventually. Not even because she was afraid she would never see this side of the Storm Wall again. She didn't want to leave because she hated being out in the public eye. It was a funny thing, wanting to be as famous and great a mage as Howl but at the same time not wanting to be recognized for it either. It just made her uncomfortable and when she had decided she wanted to gain the same ability as Howl, she hadn't really thought of the fame that went with it.

She was modest in her thanks and farewells and didn't carry herself any differently from how she normally would despite feeling more confident in herself as a magic user since the last battle. She didn't feel comfortable accepting any gifts, but at the same time she didn't want to insult the givers and so accepted from them some Elven mage armor. It wasn't black, but while she preferred black because it was simple, she didn't really have to worry about color coordinating with the robes either. She accepted the gift sincerely, it was her first actual set of mage robes so she considered the gift priceless and extravagant.

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- Seifer Rathmore -
" Master Warship "

The door creaked open. "You look like a panda." said Seifer's voice as he poked Renee's cheek.

He was wearing his usual dancing clothes: white loose pants, white long-sleeved shirt, but seemed to only have started dancing as he was barely sweating. His room was the same as always, except that there was a pile of boxes in the corner, finer decorations, one wall entirely transformed into a large mirror, a photograph of his mother on his bedside table, and a phonograph with a basket of vinyl records on a low dresser. He seemed to have also rearranged the furniture so that there was a large space in front of the mirror.

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"...Does that mean I'm related to Master Mushi?" She retorted back before sighing quietly, her tense shoulders relaxed. Renee smiled, her wings fluttering though random as she thought 'How odd that I can relax this quickly just from hearing him.' The Pendragon teen giggled and looked up to see his grey eyes.

"...stayed up all night trying to fi -Yawns- figure out soul rooms." She leaned back a bit from the door and leans on the door frame instead, blinking blearily at him.

"How's your mother? Is she okay? I hope so...didn't want her to be scared or worried from Luthein's spell too." Then she noticed Seifer's outfit and frowned a bit in worry. "Sorry, was I interrupting you?"

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- Seifer Rathmore -
" Master Warship "

"Yeah, but I don't mind." said Seifer, looking back at the phonograph that was playing serene blues. "Mum's good, but she was scared. Thought we were under attack and told me to hide under the table with her when the earth shaking started. You should get some rest."

He gently fixed her wings back into place.

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"...Later..." Renee mumbled quietly, smiling gratefully at him when he fixed her wings.

"I'm glad to hear that your mother's okay. Sorry about scaring her though...I didn't think Luthein would do that. Caught me off guard, crazy old bat-tree." She still found the whole thing funny because of her surprising everyone like the twins pranking James: Loud, crazy, and scary when no one expects it.

"Seifer, do you mind if I stayed with you? I just know I'm going to wander around until I drop and fall asleep somewhere that's not my room...or any room with a bed."


"James, you got it so easy with Prince Kenren's test." Serena commented as she poked his side, grinning like a mad hatter. When she heard that the Prince used that siege as a test, the violinist wanted to whack him with her bow. What sort of crazy person, royal or not, would use that as a test?! But then when she thought it over, she gave the prince a look that said 'You're lucky that I got it...or you would have been poked so many times by my bow that it's not even funny.'

So now she's hanging around James and teased him about having to just watch over the Ateliar. "Seriously, it's like you barely had to lift a finger. You just needed to stay in one spot and not do anything while everyone else fought or defended."

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- Seifer Rathmore -
" Master Warship "

Seifer pursed his lips and looked hesitant about letting her stay as he looked her over. "I can carry you to your room, Renee." he offered. "The music's going to be on while I dance, you may not be able to rest."

- James Pendragon -
" Master Warship, Turtle Pond "

James jerked sideways. He was ticklish there. "I know, I wanted to help. I wonder why he said I passed, though?" he was at the Bonsai Courtyard throwing pieces of bread for the coy fishes and turtles in the indoor pond, or otherwise leaning down so that they'd nibble his hand.

He was taking a break from studying how to summon a flock of sparrows who can be his eyes, mouth, and ears.

"And what about yourself?" he jabbed her side too. "How was the battle?"

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As soon as everything had been settled and the fleet was in the air and on the way to the Storm Wall, the first thing that Lydia did once in her room was try on her new robes. She had lain the garments on her bed so that she could look them over and figure out the proper way to put them on. It seemed there were several pieces, the first looking a little bit like a long sleeved dress, the sleeves of which only reached to just past her elbows before they flowed away from her arms and hung decoratively. The neckline was more lowcut than what she normally wore and was designed to look like she was wearing a vest over a low cut white top. The garment was pullover and the whole of it was a cerulean blue with silver accents. The front was designed like a tabard, a piece of fabric hanging down in the middle leaving the fronts of her legs exposed with an asymmetrical design, the sides of the dress being lower in front, raising up to her knees at the side before lowering and becoming solid in the back. The length of the garb only reached to her ankles and while the slits in the front that reached all the way to her hips concerned her, it was easily remedied by wearing a pair of pants underneath.

The second part was a short sleeved jacket of sorts with a high collar that clasped around her neck but left the skin between it and the collar of the main part of the robe exposed and thirdly there was a lighter blue part that went around the waist and was designed a bit like a corset only minus all of the lacing and instead only had buckles that she fastened, the item reaching from just below her breasts to her hips. She honestly wondered how anyone could fight in any of this, but she supposed she could just consider her mace a last resort since there was a place for it on a second, loose belt that hung from her hips. The whole of the robes even included a set of bracers that were a darker shade of blue than the rest of the clothes and made of the same leather as the belt of the same color where she would carry her mace and there were matching boots that reached to her knees.

When she had the whole outfit on, she pulled her hair back and twisted it into a bun at the back of her head, not leaving her bangs down but pinning them back with the rest of her hair examining her outfit in the mirror, complete with the addition of pants and her new hammer. Now in her new outfit, Lydia needed to learn how to move in it and so instead of just staying in her room and dancing around, she went to the training grounds.

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Blinking slowly as she tries to process on what he's saying, Renee shook her head a bit. "...I'm fine with music. Could sleep through explosions, definitely sleep through music." Then she looked a bit alarmed and frowned apologetically at him.

"Unless you wanted time alone? I'm sorry for asking selfishly like that and not think what you want too." Her wings fluttered in her worry as she leaned away from the door's frame.

"Um...I'll just-"


Serena was sitting, back against the tree as she watched James tossing bread in the lake. Her violin laid next to her. "Maybe he let you pass because you know too much and might need your information later on in the expedition? Or maybe he needed a team of researchers that won't back-stab him. So he let a bunch of teenagers to be that team." The blonde snorted at that.

Then she grinned though she looked like she wanted to hit something. "One of those little imps got my hair on fire. I had to jump in the snail just to dose it out. Evil little things.." The violinist was wearing a casual pink summer dress with black strap sandals. Her hair was in a ponytail and had a pink ribbon that's dipped in red at the ends as it reaches down to her back.

"How's things with Lydia and you? Finally asked her out?" She asked, raising an eyebrow as she noticed the fishes were...flirting with each other? Okay then.

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- Seifer Rathmore -
" Master Warship "

After much thought. " Okay, you can sleep in my room, but you sleep on the floor." said Seifer opening the door wide. "I'll lay a mat out for you."

- James Pendragon -
" Master Warship, Turtle Pond "

"Um . . . maybe. Might have. Just a little." said James awkwardly. "Oh, look the fishes are gathering in one spot! Are they flirting! Did you see that? I didn't know they could do that."

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Her wings fluttered as she hesitated for a moment, wondering if he was just being putting up with her or something, but she shook it off. She'll think about it when she's not half-dead on her feet.

"Okay...Thank you, Seifer." Renee cupped his cheek and kissed the other one briefly, coming in his room. Then she looked around a bit, hearing the song that's playing and swayed lackadaisically. It sounds really sad...

"...Miss your mom? I don't blame you." She misses her parents everyday, added with worry of how their souls are doing now that they know about their whereabouts.


Serena's grin grew with mischief gleaming in her blue eyes as she hears James' awkward stuttering. "Oh-ho? You finally went on a date!? Tell me! So? Did you two kiss yet? Was it cute type of date? Or was it an epic one? Details man!" She's not letting him escape not until he says something about it!


Echo waved at Lydia when she saw her come in the training grounds before kneeing high at the punching bag. She was wearing her usual training clothes that the Oriental soldiers gave her.

Chenglei, who's standing on the sidelines, pointed out her mistake about her form. "No, Cho. You have to use you hips for the force not your knee....Hi Ly!" He waved at her too.

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She casually strolled in and as Echo spotted her and waved, she hurried over to the fawn, her steps light and cheerful. She smiled brightly and put her hands behind her back, her fingers interlacing, "Hi! I didn't know anyone would still be training since we all passed the test," she smiled to Chenglei and nodded slightly, "the Elves gave me these robes and I just want to make sure that I can still move effectively... not that I really need to so much anymore..." she smiled shyly and turned her gaze to the ground. She was proud of herself for what she had accomplished since she had been so down on herself in the past about how difficult it was for her to actually successfully cast, but she didn't really want to bring light to the fact.

"Still, never know when I might not be able to cast and will need to actually fight instead."

Katsuya Katsuya
- Seifer Rathmore -
" Master Warship "

After taking the mat out, Seifer glanced at her, then sighed. "You know what, you look like you're knocking on sand man's door, so you might as well just take the bed." he gestured with a hand. "I'll take the mat, $@#% it." he grinned.

And continued to dance, not responding to the question about his mom.

- James Pendragon -
" Master Warship "

James gave in and vaguely talked about his date with Lydia, about how they visited the Bazaar and she had her fortune told, skipping a few intimate parts that he didn't need to mention. After all he didn't want to hurt her. "It was good." he nodded.

Though he did tell Serena about the ravens.

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Renee nodded, but blinked blearily at him when he mentioned about sleeping in his bed...and she blushed red, highlighting the purple bags under her eyes. "Oh-! Um-! I-....Okay..." She sighed out, her wings fluttered in her embarrassment. Again? She's gonna sleep in his bed again?

With a relieved sigh, the Pendragon teen just plopped herself on his bed, not caring if her many sketches of both Seifer's soul rooms and James' soul room flew out of her book the moment it hit the bed as well. There were notes written here and there, talking about them, and her theories behind each one.

Instead she just stared at Seifer dancing and felt her eyes growing heavy, but for some odd reason she's trying to fight it off.


Serena nodded a bit, noticing that he left out some details and she appreciated it though she didn't let that show on her face. It would be really funny though, if she told James that she kissed Seth's cheek as a good-bye. She wondered what his reaction would be...but then that would be too cruel.

When he mentioned the ravens however, Serena frowned, her brows furrowing in her suspicions. "The ones at Master Bertrand's office? Huh...Now that you mention it, I saw him talking to Minnie before, asking her about Luthein."


Echo nodded in agreement, smiling warmly at the witch before yelling out as she strikes the punching bag with her knee again. "Yes, well we need to be ready for whatever that's over the Storm Wall....and I asked Chenglei if he could help me train in muay thai." She strikes the bag with her elbow this time. The blonde soldier grinned at Lydia.

"You look lovely in those, Ly." Chenglei complimented, his flowery aura blooming out of nowhere as he walked over to the small witch. Then he lightly patted her shoulder in a proud brotherly manner. "If you like, I can help train you too or at least make sure your form is right."

This time Echo's hoof kick made the seams explode open and the sand inside spurted out to the ground. The fawn frowned as her ears folded back. "...I'm sorry...I thought I got a better handle with my strength."

"It's fine. Muay Thai can kill a person. So I'm not surprised that happened." Chenglei shrugged his shoulders.

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Lydia's expression grew slightly serious to Echo's words and she gave a firm nod as her hands loosened from behind her and she stood up more straight. Of course her attempt at being a serious warrior failed as soon as Chenglei complimented her, those green eyes growing wide as she looked at him, her cheeks flushing before she quickly averted her gaze and began softly mumbling denial along with sincere but reluctant thanks. She jumped slightly as he pat her shoulder, her hand having gone to her neck and playing with the collar of the short jacket part of her robe in her embarrassment, "y-yeah... I-I'd like that... thanks Chenglei."

When Echo broke the bag and she saw the sand pouring out, she looked up to her friend smiling in amusement and laughed slightly before looking back to Chenglei as he told her he wasn't surprised, "wow... that's amazing!" her attention then turned back to Echo, "I wish I was strong like you, Echo!"

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Echo laughed awkwardly as she gently pulled on her ear, looking over at the sandy mess before clearing her throat. Pink dusted on her cheeks. "Thank you Pumpkin...I just wish I have a better handle at it when it comes to training." Her hooves echoed in the training grounds as she walked over to the pair. Chenglei chuckled.

"You're getting there, Cho. Slowly but surely." Then he looked over at the tiny witch, his ash purple eyes glittering in his amusement. Though it could be the glitter from his aura that's giving that affect. "It's no problem, little Ly. So in what are you interested specifically? Unarmed Martial arts? Weapons fighting? Strength enhancing?"

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Lydia smiled understandingly to Echo's expression. She felt awkward when people complimented her too, as she just showed when Chenglei complimented her, "well... it just takes perseverance, I'm sure you'll get it!" if there was anyone that knew that, it was her. She'd been patient and studious every day for what seemed like forever and it had only recently paid off for her and even then she still had a long way to go.

Generally Lydia could handle Chenglei because he wasn't so overtly... enthusiastic with how he interacted with her. She felt like he was more genuine with her and not so keen on teasing her despite their initial reaction, though sometimes just his general persona left her feeling a bit nonplussed and as she caught the gleam in his eyes she got that confused little owl expression, blinking her eyes a few times as she stared at him, her cheeks slowly turning red before she looked away, "um... er... for now... um... weapons fighting... I-I just want to make sure I can still be mobile."

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Echo nodded at Lydia's encouragement, smiling. "Thanks Lydia..."

"Alright, Ly. Hold on." The soldier patted her shoulder again before walking back at the storage room to find weights for her to wear. The fawn giggled. "Do you have you hammer? We can start on training with it again."

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She smiled and nodded at Echo before watching Chenglei, "o-oh... alright," really? With the weights again? Lydia sighed inwardly. Oh well, she supposed that if she ever hoped to be even a fraction as strong as Echo was, she'd need the weights. She laughed slightly, picturing herself as strong as Echo, mainly because the muscle mass she'd need would be absolutely ridiculous for her tiny frame.

She refocused her attention from her own silly thoughts back on Echo and patted the head of the mace where it hung from the belt at her hips, "of course!" she wondered if it would be alright to work so hard in the mage robes, but she supposed that in combat they were more likely to get ruined than in training so she just shrugged the thought off. She could always just go back to wearing her usual clothes if she ruined these, but she would still feel bad if that did happen.

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Chenglei brought in five pound dumbbells, smiling his usual smile as he showed her what she could do for today. "Here you go, Ly. It would be terrible if your clothes got ruined for training." He passed the thin weights to the witch, continuing his explanation.

"It would also be terrible if you exercised without starting a bot of a warm-up. Muscle cramps are awful." Echo nodded in agreement to Chenglei's worry. Her ears twitched.

"Good! For now, we'll do warm-ups and stretching before doing our hammer training again, okay?" She suggested as she sits on the floor to reach over her hooves, wanting to relax her own muscles for a moment and waits for Lydia to warm-up.

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Lydia looked somewhat surprised at Chenglei's comment and smiled somewhat shyly, "um... I was thinking that, but it's really okay..." she laughed slightly as she accepted the weights he gave her, "I mean... when we face an enemy, I don't think anyone around is going to worry about my clothes."

She turned to look at Echo and nodded. Stretching wasn't something she really ever thought about. She considered for a moment and realized that she should probably look more into the preparations prior to combat instead of just the appropriate forms to use when in combat, "o-okay!" Lydia agreed and did as Echo was doing for a moment before determining that with the belted corset she was wearing it was quite difficult to bend and so she excused herself for a moment before removing the item and setting it aside then returning to where she had been sitting on the floor and imitating Echo's movements.

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"Yes. I agree, but I can tell these are new. Why not enjoy them while you can before they get destroyed in battle." Chenglei responded.

It's just in his nature to take care of women as he was raised by women in the first place. His grandmother always told him to be kind towards any lady, including his own sister. Which he does. It might explain why he loves to tease the guys who are very wary of him; The blonde oriental soldier can't help but laugh at their expense when he's just being himself. Maybe he just wants some interaction with other guys? Not that he has a problem with keeping women company, any company is welcomed, however he's just grateful that he found himself a friend in Johnny.

It's fun to have guy moments...even when he's trapped in closet and bothering another guy as a prank.

Echo, watching Lydia copying her, held back her excitement as her face turned red. Her smile looking silly with a happy glow. Once again, she's acting like a mother who's enjoying to hanging out with her child. "Remember to breathe out when you reach, Pumpkin. It'll be easier on your lungs and your muscles relaxes more."

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All she could do was smile at Chenglei. It was nice of him to be so considerate. She probably wouldn't have really cared about the robes so much if they hadn't have been a gift. He reminded her of Frederick with how nice he was to her.

Lydia's brow was furrowed as she continued to stretch with Echo, scampering to keep up whenever she changed what she was doing and obviously concentrating and taking it seriously. Of course, when Lydia put her mind to something, she gave it her all and rarely gave up once she committed. She nodded to Echo, smiling briefly before she began focusing more on her breathing, bringing air in nice and slow and letting it out just the same.

Katsuya Katsuya
- Seifer Rathmore -
" Master Warship "

"Geez, Renee, are you sure you don't want to get some rest already?" chuckled Seifer, stopping mid-way between an arching pose to pick up her scattered notes. He read them as he gathered. "You checked your brother's soul?"

He sat on the bed, his brow furrowed as he read her theories. " Renee, are you scared of me?" he asked suddenly.

- James Pendragon -
" Master Warship "

James sneezed into a kerchief and sniffed, rubbing his nose red. "Yeah, those. He asked me about Luthien too hinting that he'd get me a high position in the Wizengamot if I told him anything, but I said I wanted to get in through my own hard work. "

He threw the last of the bread in the pond and stretched. "He's in one of the Dalaran air ships. I'm planning to have one of my summons spy on him once I get the spell down. You be careful too, Serena. I'm heading back to resume my studies, see you around."

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"Hmm? Yea...I wanted to see how souls are supposed to look like. So I asked James. He absolutely loves owls." Renee mumbled before snorting lightly, rolling her eyes in exasperation. "If I was afraid of you, I wouldn't be here."

She looked up at him with tired eyes that glowed in her honesty before sitting up. "I'm scared for you though. See here?" The Pendragon sister pointed at the abandoned mansion drawing with the portrait of his family in the front. "That's how your soul really looks like. This one," Then she pointed at the party filled mansion. "is the dragon's illusion of your soul room...maybe. I still want to check if I'm right and talk with the you who's playing piano -yawns- and check if that's you...or the dragon in your self image."

Renee knew it's dangerous, to talk with a possible dragon that will kill her somehow, but it's a risk she's willing to take. She already made so many risks in the past and yet, somehow, be it by luck or coincidence, her and the group managed to do so many things together. Yes, same with telling Seifer everything. There's a chance the dragon might be reading his mind...

Yet...for some reason, that dragon made his soul room as a party with faceless people and him playing piano. That's not how Seifer's soul should look like, it felt really fake to her for some reason. Which makes her really annoyed that the dragon is trying to trick her.

"...Why do you ask, Seifer?" She asked, her wings fluttering gently.


Serena nodded at James, frowning seriously. "Right...you too, James." She waved at him before grabbing her violin and started to play Seth's theme song, needing some sort of bravery and confidence somewhere. She believed that Seth's song will help.


Echo continued to stretch until five minutes passed and she stood up, taking the tiny hammer out from her pocket. Then she made it grow into the same size as Lydia's, smiling. "Ready?"

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