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Fantasy Howl's Flying Castle (Finished! ---Whoo! (*^▽^)/)


Minnie cursed as she had to back away, once again blending in with her comrades and reached at the safer end. Then the gunner starts to fix her gun and ready to use another dose of different bullets. Thankfully someone gave her an antidote, she didn't see their faces as she just accepted the drink and took a swing at it before going back to fix her gun. Her hands moving as quickly as possible to go back to battle and fight.

Renee cheered with a huge grin at killing off the Plague demons. She noticed that Minnie somehow disappeared within the crowd and felt a bit worried for the little gunner but she couldn't be distracted. Realizing that Lydia casts her Shadow Veil spell, the winged teen took this opportunity to shoot her arrows again at the enemies.

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- Ashenvale -

" Moon Gates "

The horde wouldn't let Minnie escape, but they lost her during the pursuit and could not find her. Lydia's spell had blinded them and they were all groping in the forest.

All in all it was just not the enemy's day as they became easy targets for Renee and the elven archers. For the first time the enemy began to withdraw, a detachment of black inky shades with many limbs and eyeless faces rushing forward to cover their retreat.


The monsters leaped and crashed into the company of archers, pounding mercilessly against Renee's moldable barriers until they crushed her down to the ground with only a sliver of her protection left. They raised their fists to deal the final blow.

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  1. Lydia (1-9 spell success) = 7
    Hp 2/3
    Phys.Def. = 3
    Mag. Def. = 2
  2. Minnie (1-4 stealth success) = 2
    Hp 1/3
    Phys.Def. = 5
    Mag. Def = 2
  3. Renee (1-7 Archery success) = 5
    Hp 1/3
    Phys.Def. = 5
    Mag.Def = 2
* * * *​
  1. Horde 1= 3
    Hp 0/2
  2. Horde 2= 6

2nd Dice roll: Who the enemies will attack. (1= Lydia, 2=Minnie, 3 = Renee) = Renee, Renee


"Oh come on guys!" Lydia yelled snarkily as she positioned herself in a good vantage point where she could easily see her targets, the ones covering Renee, "can't you see when you're beat?!" Okay, maybe she was getting a little full of herself, but come on! Her spells were actually hitting! Maybe the Pendragons as a whole were her lucky charms, so she definitely wasn't about to lose a single one of them and to help Renee she cast Rain of Fire on the enemies that had driven her to the ground.

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Renee yelped in surprise when the inky shades came jumping over them. She put up her mold-able barriers but the enemies pushed her down and breaking her defense. She tried to push them back with the silver of her barriers and saw that Lydia casts her Rain of Fire spell on the monsters. The Pen dragon teen curled up into a ball so that the fire doesn't burn her too. Her wings tucked against her head.

Minnie, back in the game, aimed and shoots with her sun bullets, not feeling merciful at the moment.

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- Ashenvale -
" Moon Gates "

Nope --- BANG! BOOM, BOOM!

The scorched remains of her foes fell on Renee with a heavy oomph. Smelling like burned rotten eggs and dripping some sort of black goo that stuck to the skin.

With a loud cheer, the elves rallied and chased after their retreating foes, establishing a solid defensive line that allowed the last of the elven refugees to pass through; a victory horn bellowed, recalling all remaining fighters to withdraw into the sacred grove before the Moon Gates were shut and sealed by Queen Talandriel herself.

With that, evacuation was complete. But there was no time since the enemy is sure to return, probably bringing the three deathknights with them. The only thing left to do now was to leave the twins in the grove, while Luthien closes the portal.

Sen and Seth knew it was time to say good-bye.

Katsuya Katsuya Roleplay Skittle Roleplay Skittle
  1. Lydia (1-9 spell success) = 3
    Hp 2/3
    Phys.Def. = 3
    Mag. Def. = 2
  2. Minnie (1-4 stealth success) = 9
    Hp 1/3
    Phys.Def. = 5
    Mag. Def = 2
  3. Renee (1-7 Archery success) = N/A
    Hp 1/3
    Phys.Def. = 5
    Mag.Def = 2

* * * *​
  1. Horde 2= 8
    Hp 0/2
  2. Who hits first (odds =allies, evens =enemy) = 1 (Allies)
Seeing their enemies fall, Lydia had little time to gloat, hurrying over to help Renee out of the pile and grimacing as she did so. Gross. Her nose wrinkled and she tried to hold her breath some as she grabbed Renee's hands to pull her up and out of the mess.

Okay, now it was okay to gloat, at least for a little while, until the realization set in that they were going back and Seth and Sen weren't. So after they were relatively safe, Lydia immediately contacted James through Sasha to excitedly tell him that they had protected the portals and that now it was time to say goodbye to Seth and Sen and asked if he had anything he wanted to tell them and that she would relay it.

Once she had told them whatever James had to say, she said her own goodbyes to them too, cheerfully, albeit also tearfully promising to have plenty of pranks ready for them when they got back and to stay as safe as they could under the circumstances.

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"Eww! Gross! Gross!" The smell is rancid and Renee really hated how the inky shades' bodies feels as some fell next to her and touching her skin. When Lydia helped her out from the piles of grossness, the Pendragon teen hugged her witch friend, thanking her for the help. Then she walked over to Sen and Seth, Minnie coming in tow.

"I'm going to miss you two!" She said as she pulled the twins in a tight hug and giving them many kisses on their foreheads. If they struggled against her hug, she would just tighten the grip and not let them go for a moment longer. "I'll play pranks on James just for you guys. I'm sure he doesn't mind it either."

"You too, Minnie. Please be careful and watch over these two." Renee commented to the small gunner who nodded before poking playfully at the twins. A light grin on her face. "...adventure..."

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- Ashenvale -
" Sacred Grove "

James honestly wanted to leave the atelier. He really did. He wanted to see his brothers off himself and tell them to come back. This was really hard and Seifer saw his struggle.

"Just go." he told him. The archer was sitting with his feet up on the table looking bored.

Yet James didn't want to leave Seifer alone with Hisaya. He heard about the dragon's soul working in secret, yet also knew Renee trusted Seifer. But what if he doesn't see his brothers again?

"Don't touch anything." said James. He quickly summoned Pond and Frey, then ran out to find a gryphon. "You three stay here!" he added to the summons.

The moment the door closed, Seifer looked up at the three summons. They were all looking at the door after James; the smile that he then made was not his own.

* * * *​

The twins hugged their sister, not minding her kisses and pecked her cheeks together too. " Lock him with Chenglei again, it was really amusing seeing his reaction afterwards." chuckled Sen.

Seth hugged Lydia. "Looking forward to it! We won the first prank war against you girls --- betcha ya can't top us when we get back." he said, grinning. Sen came by and greeted Lydia. "Hello, nice to meet you, I'm Sen. I'm glad we've finally had this moment to be properly introduced." said the twin offering a gloved hand to shake.

"Sen, I'm going to come right back --- need to talk to someone." said Seth and left after Lydia's reply. "Serena!" he called to the violinist, jogging up to her.

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Renee nodded, her wings fluttering happily. "Of course! Serena would love to plan idea again." She said before letting go of her baby brothers.

Serena turned around when she heard her name being called out and grinned widely.

"Seth!" She quickly walked over to the twin and practically body tackled him with her hug. Her grip on her violin tightened up. "Stay safe okay?"

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"Oh nononono!" was Lydia's response to locking James in the closet with Chenglei again before she yelped as Seth hugged her and smiled warmly, laughing, "so you think, but I didn't actually get pranked back," she stuck her tongue out at him and turned to Sen, looking at his hand like he was a weirdo before accepting it, "oh yeah... sorry... I would have met you sooner but the day we got here... well I didn't want to interrupt your reunion with your family," she firmly and warmly shaked his hand, "I'm sure you know, but I'm Lydia Dubois and it's nice to meet you," she said somewhat goofily, grinning as she did so.

She watched after Seth as he ran off to Serena, smiling gently. She still questioned his ability to get a girlfriend considering how hard he had pranked her before.

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- Sen & Seth Pendragon -
" Sacred Grove "

Seth hugged Serena tight. "I will." he held her at arm's length and smiled. "Actually, there's been something I've been meaning to tell you for quite some time now." he said somberly.


A jolting electric shock shot up Lydia's arm the moment she touched Sen's gloved hand. Sen laughed. "Now you did!"

The great manna tree creaked and her leaves began to fall. The portals all over the elven city were disappearing, until only one remained.

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Lydia squealed and jumped back, but she wasn't mad. She just laughed and rubbed her hand, winking an eye shut as she looked at Sen, "touche mon ami, touche," her thumb caressed the palm of her hand for a moment before she looked around at all the closing portals and hummed slightly, a strange feeling coming over her that she couldn't put her finger on.

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"Girls! We have to go soon!" Renee cried out, her wings limped in her despair of seeing her little brothers leave, walking backwards as she didn't want to look away.

"Come back safely!!! You better come back or you'll never hear what I did to James with Chenglei." Talking about James, she hopes that he's dealing with this okay...and not leave Seifer alone.

Serena leaned back a bit and frowned, tilting her head. "What is it, Seth?"

Minnie watched the prank happen and smiled a bit before hugging Lydia briefly. "...don't die...name's Minnie. Thank you for the fun." She meant the pranks she helped with.

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- Sen & Seth Pendragon -
" Sacred Grove "

Taking a deep breath, Seth placed a hand on Serena's cheek. " I was the one who shaved your eyebrow." he said solemnly.

Meanwhile Sen hugged Echo and Johnny good-bye too. Kenren gave him and Minnie three light travelling packs while Princess Mia presented the two with the scrying mirror. Queen Talandriel thanked them and presented them a guide and elven cloaks that will shield them from unfriendly eyes.

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Lydia jumped slightly as Minnie hugged her and smiled sincerely to her, "I won't... I have a couple of lucky charms that'll be with me," she glanced towards Renee as she said that they needed to go before she looked back to Minnie, "you be careful too, take care of yourself and the boys."

Zer0 Zer0 Katsuya Katsuya
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Caught off guard, Serena didn't process what Seth just said...

Until she smacked his shoulder, grinning like a manic. "Seth, you bleeding troll! That's not what you should say as a 'see you later'!" She's going to miss him.

"Oh well....stay safe and have fun while causing trouble if you and Sen ever see the bad guys." The blonde kissed his cheek briefly and walked away, playing her violin. The tune sounded sad but sweet and hopeful as she blushed a bit.

Minnie nodded with a stern look. "Of course...they hired me for that reason." Once they were equipped, Minnie stood next to the twins, her gun ready to shoot any shade that might see them.

Echo hugged the twins and squeezed them a bit while advising them to eat cactus when they can. Cactus have water inside, just be careful with taking the needles out. She mentioned of using aloe for the sunburns they might get, and also to remember to use the cactus needles as a blow dart weapon with a sleeping agent. It might give them an advantage as she knew Renee would want them to remember that as well.

The fawn doesn't realize that she's being a mom again with all the suggestions she's making as Johnny lightly pulled her away to the portals.

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- Dalaran -

"Come on, honey." said Johnny, patting Echo's arm amiably. "Sen, Seth, don't drive Minnie mad."

"Yuh, hammer mama," said Sen, "and we won't sheep dad . . . on Tuesdays." he muttered.

Seth laughed when Serena hit him, and looked at her so intently it was as if he wanted to memorize her happy face. She touched the cheek she kissed, blinking in surprise. "Serena, if we see each other again and don't have anyone we love, I'll ask you out!" said the twin as the group left.

Sen and Seth cheerfully waved them good bye, "And tell James to loosen up once in a while!"

"I heard you!" James came at the last moment on a very wound-up gryphon. The brothers just nodded at each other before Luthein told them to hurry and gave Renee the answer to her question days ago.

"To get across the Storm Wall, enter the belly of Leviathan and come out when he stops moving, and you can hear the waves on the shores outside."

And then the portals closed.

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Echo watched Minnie playfully punched Sen's arm from his response, letting Johnny take her out of the portal with everyone else. Serena stood there playing her tune, smiling shyly at Seth.

Renee blinked as she heard Luthein's words and grinned happily, waving enthusiastically as the portals closed. "Thank you, Luthein! Bye Seth! Bye Sen! Bye Minnie!" She looked over at James for a quick minute before turning to Lydia, frowning in worry.

"Lydia, is Sasha nearby Seifer? If she is, can you check up on him?" She asked quietly as she didn't want anyone to pick up her tone.

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Lydia had caught up to Renee and exited the portal with her, waving good-bye with a smile on her face and tears in her eyes. There weren't a lot of things that made Lydia cry, but saying goodbye to people she cared about was definitely one of those things. She opened her mouth to offer retort when they said to tell James to loosen up, but paused as a response came from behind her.

She laughed slightly and looked back to the portals, waving again frantically just before the portals closed before she made her way over to James and somewhat unreservedly hugged him before it occurred to her that he was here and not with Seifer. She leaned back and looked at him with concern as as Renee asked about Sasha and she nodded, moving away from James and tuning in to her connection with Sasha to do as Renee asked.

Zer0 Zer0 Katsuya Katsuya
- Dalaran -

Sasha's eyes were closed and she seemed to be unresponsive as if she was in a deep sleep. James who was listening in found that odd. The ethereal owl wasn't the type to sleep on the job, but he told them that he had left Pond and Frey to guard the atelier. Still, he rushed immediately back, thinking the worse.

Upon bursting into the room, those who'd follow would find nothing wrong. Seifer was bored, sitting on the same chair with his feet up and playing with a stone, surprised that James barged in wand out. Frey was curled up in front of the fireplace while Pond was reading a book, slouching so that her head won't hit the ceiling; Sasha couldn't be found.

"What's up?" asked Seifer, looking alarmed at his expression

James just stared into his face, searching for a lie.

"Is there something on my face or am I just that pretty?" said Seifer after a while.

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When Lydia found that Sasha was unresponsive, she immediately became worried and informed James and asked if she seemed sleepy before he left. When he hurried back, she followed him and seeing that Sasha wasn't around, well Lydia may have lost her mind some. She held onto James' sleeve anxiously and looked to Seifer and the other summons, "where is Sasha?"

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Renee followed her brother to the Atelier, her heart palpitating in her anxiety as she thought of the worst as well. However, when they found Seifer looking bored, playing with a rock, she narrowed her eyes a bit. Listening to Lydia's worry for the small owl, the Pendragon relaxed her body before really coming in the room and walked up to her boyfriend, smiling a bit.

"Seifer, it's time for your heart check up, but before I do..." Renee looked at the rock he was playing with. "Where did you get that rock, honey?" She wasn't letting her guard down. No way would Sasha up and disappear like that.

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- Dalaran -

"She was chasing some mouse." said Seifer looking around. "I just got this from the self." he showed Renee the rock, wondering what was going on. It was a bezoar, an alchemical ingredient used for the creation of poison antidotes that came from the kidney of goats.

After some searching, they'd find the ethereal owl with her head stuck inside a mouse hole behind a pile of books. But she was deep asleep for some reason. Checking her, one would find no bites or anything odd.

Seifer seemed to understand that they think he had something to do with it, though he was surprised as they were when he saw Sasha that way.

"I didn't know I was supposed to take care of her. She was just chasing a mouse last time I saw her." said Seifer.

Sasha woke up sleepily with a hoot and was surprised to find that she had been asleep. She didn't know what happened to her.

A check on Seifer's heart would reveal the same thing. A party, Seifer playing the piano, flirting with girls.

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Lydia scrambled to look for Sasha with what Seifer said, but not before giving him a suspicious look. She remembered everything Hisaya had said about anything having to do with him and his shared crystal heart. She didn't know how it worked but she was even more suspicious of him than she ever had been. She carefully removed Sasha from the mouse hole and was incredibly happy when she woke, resisting the urge to hug her, Lydia tucked Sasha under her chin and against her neck, petting her gently and cooing to her how worried she was and to be more careful.

She didn't say anything to Seifer, she just stared at him and left the room, she had to go check on the Aviafelix she had bought with James anyway and she wanted to introduce the two, plus she just didn't think she could be around Seifer at the moment. Not with what had just happened and how fragile she believed him to be.

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It's still really weird that Sasha fell asleep though, but it seems that Seifer is behaving normally. Even when she checked in his soul, nothing was out of the ordinary...or so it seems. Renee is not convinced that Seifer is completely alright, but she couldn't say anything about it without some sort of proof.

How can she even get proof when she knows from Hisaya's warning that the dragon can move around without making him aware?

For now, she's going to keep an eye on him even if it seems like she's a bit clingy for it. Sure, she loves to spend time with the archer, but something in her gut is telling her to be careful around him and not to leave him alone anymore.

"It's nothing sweetie...how are you?" Renee asked as she didn't want to bring their suspicious behavior to his attention. Her wings fluttered lightly. The Pendragon teen needs to talk with her brother soon. Once she knows that Seifer won't do anything for sure, when he's sleeping.

'We need to meet up tonight, James.' She tapped in Morse code on his back when Seifer wasn't looking, smiling widely. 'Bring Lydia too. We need to talk.'

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