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Fantasy Howl's Flying Castle (Finished! ---Whoo! (*^▽^)/)

She smiled at the cat and wrinkled her nose cutely as it meowed at her before stepping outside with James, the sun's rays blocked from her own eyes by the rim of her hat, "I sure hope it was..." she said sincerely.

She perked slightly to the sudden voice, looking down and her brows raising slightly as her eyes widened. Her gaze followed the cat as it moved to the crates, looking to James as it beckoned her over and bumped him slightly when he called the cat a 'what,' giggling faintly the sound only increasing on account of her amusement by the cat's sass. James did say it was probably a summon, then again maybe it was a mage that had transformed, the way Renee can transform, so maybe they shouldn't be too surprised by the fact that it could talk. Lydia again took pause when the cat called her by her name before she looked mildly disappointed, she thought her disguise was good, but she supposed there were worse people to be recognized by than a summoned cat.

Lydia smiled reassuringly to James and gestured for him to wait as she slipped her hand from his and walked over to the cat, looking to it questioningly and a bit concerned, but she listened intently, trying not to let the expression of what she was thinking show on her face to each piece of information it gave her. She succeeded somewhat, her brow only set in a furrow and when the cat was finished, she looked to it, nodding her head slightly and a meek smile crossing her lips, "thank you," she raised her hand as though she were going to pet the cat, but decided against it, she didn't think it would appreciate the gesture since it had been strange about taking reason less money.

She moved back over to James, curling her arm around his as she led him away from the shop, "come on James, I want to look at those birds that turn into cats!"

Once they had made it to the birds, Lydia would coo and laugh as she observed the birds, asking various questions about them such as where did they come from and what were they called before she turned to James as though she were going to whisper something about the birds and informed him of what the cat had said about the ravens before she tugged on his arm as though she were trying to playfully coax him into buying one of the birds and what she had whispered had just been sweet nothings.

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Startled, Andrada was filled with joy as she heard the two familiar voices. She ignored the guard's serious attitude, and hugged Seth and Sen so tight and said with excitement:"What is this place? What are u guys doing here? Is Sophie here?"
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- James Pendragon -

" Dalaran, Bazaar "

James was trying to be more concerned over the fact that they were being watched --- Master Bertrand immediately popping into his mind the moment Lydia said ravens --- but her warm breath on his ear was sending pleasant tingles down his back again.

"This' 'vird is a Aviafelix, she make pretty pet for family," peddled the hunter in a thick accent, showing them the bird that could turn into a cat, "and can catch mice too! Ve have sale only for today, fifty percent off, but for you I make exception." he winked. " Sixty percent off, one hundred gold for the aviafelix and I throw in cage for free, pretty good deal, eh?"

"Hmm, what do you think, beautiful?" James asked Lydia, nuzzling the side of her head. "Bend your head a little. Let's talk somewhere, unless you know Morse code?" he whispered behind the rim of her hat, tapping her skin meaningfully.

How he yearned to brush his lips on her ear.

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- Seifer Rathmore -
" Trinity Spire, Seifer's Room "

"I wonder what we're going to find out there beyond the storm wall?" said Seifer, holding Renee's hand. He'd been feeding himself one-handed. " I've been watching you all train, but I haven't seen anyone teach anything about how to combat a great big dragon, except for the airship pilots like that one twin brother of yours. I can never tell them apart. "

There was a knock on the door and a familiar face appeared. Chenglei had been asked to fetch Renee, for the mirror had finally arrived to Ashenvale, and Madam Suliman was waiting with Kenren in the warship.

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- Sen & Seth Pendragon-
" Trinity Spire, Gates"

The twins tackled Andrada to the ground, hugging her too. They had become heavier last time they tackled her to the ground one time before she'd left for her trip.

"This is where we're training for a secret mission, shh, we can't talk here. It's alright, she's one of our family!" said Seth to the guard.

The twins gestured at her to follow them inside. "Mom's not here." said Sen sadly when they came upon the crowded and noisy western courtyard where a lot of soldiers from different kingdoms and races were training together. "We think she's under a petrification spell just like Dad, Markl, and the Witch of the Waste back in Paroosia. The dragon did it to them. But what about you, Andrada? Where've you been these past two months, are you okay with all the war and stuff? Did you get attacked by monsters or shades on the way here?"

Sen looked her over for any new scars.

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"...I think that was Sen. Seth burned the engine and almost crashed an airship on our first day of training."

Renee's cheeks dusted in pink when he mentioned on watching her train and wondered what he thought of her fighting style. Is it still reckless or did it get better? She couldn't tell. Squeezing his hand lightly, the winged teen responded.

"I imagine a large terrain that we never have seen before with unknown plants and animals with magic fueling the growing process and making every living thing bigger than usual. Maybe find an old man or woman that's living in a cozy cottage and just loves to drink hot chocolate." If Seifer looked at her funny, Renee would shrug her shoulders, smiling in amusement. It's fun to invent scenarios in her head.

When Chenglei came by to pick up Renee, she squeezed Seifer's hand and asked her boyfriend if he could come with her. "I'm a bit nervous of what I'm about to hear...Please come with me?" She pleaded quietly as she didn't want the Oriental soldier hear her tone. Her wings fluttered nervously.

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Lydia had her two sides, business and... not business weird girl boy problems. She had been reminding herself that he was James and that she had spent a lot of time with him and that she shouldn't be nervous and had convinced herself not to think about the fact that he was touching her and complimenting her and that they were in fact on a date. It was hard and smelling him when she whispered didn't help that any.

She listened to the peddler intently and when James asked her what she thought and questioned her, her cheeks grew red and she closed her eyes, doing as she was told and tilting her head a bit, she still carried that soft lavender scent to her and it was evident she either put the oil in her hair or dabbed it behind her ears. When James asked about Morse code, she remembered when she saw Seth and Sen using it and while she had looked into it that night, she had grown quite busy thereafter and hadn't really had a chance to learn it. She shivered slightly as James tapped on her skin and swallowed hard before speaking, "l-let's buy the A-A-Aviafelix and hurry on!"

She dug the coins hurriedly out of her bag rather than waiting on James to pay for it, he had already paid for the fortune teller and granted it was a pretty big price difference, she wasn't very keen on the etiquette of dates and one hundred gold coins was a hefty sum. Once she had collected the bird, she took James hand if it was offered and let him lead her to someplace that they could talk.

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- James Pendragon -

" Dalaran, Bazaar, Weapons Shop "

"Come again!" waved the hunter cheerfully as they left.

The two strolled into a weapons shop that seemed to be run by rabbits in blue suits. It seemed to be an expensive quality establishment and had only a few customers ambling about, most just marveling at the beautiful designs; the aviafelix, which looked like a parrot with feline-like feathered tuffs on its angular head, squawked bored in its cage.

James still kept up his casual façade, marveling at the bird which he offered to carry; a rabbit came hopping up to them eager to have new customers and encouraged them to take their time perusing their weapons, suggesting enchanted warlock robes for James and jewelries artistically engraved with protection runes for Lydia.

James chuckled, "Oh, she doesn't need protection." he said, reminiscing her past fights. Once they were alone, he shared his thoughts about Master Bertrand watching them. "I don't know where they are, but I want to know if they have blue or red eyes."

Kenren hadn't updated them on his watch over Master Bertrand. If it was him, why would he be watching them? James first thought was he knew they were keeping something from him, or he was part of the officers ambush testing soldiers, or there was something more sinister afoot and that he and Lydia should be on their guard and go back to the Spire.

He shared Renee's suspicions of before and was curious how he did manage to escape the dragon? Or was he set free? Or maybe Greed got to him and has threatened him to act on his orders? He shared all this with Lydia.

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- Seifer Rathmore -
" Trinity Spire, Seifer's Room "
"Yes, definitely." said Seifer, hugging her and kissed both her wings.

Upon reaching Kenren's chambers, they found him and Madam Suliman on a wheelchair as usual talking around the same low table where he showed her a map of the Shoflo Ocean and all that brave explorers have mapped out near the Storm Wall. The crystal ball was on her lap and she used her magic wooden staff to point out things in the map.

"Ah, Miss Pendragon, happy to see you again. And mister Rathmore," her eyes glanced over to his chest right at the spot where the red crystal heart pulsed under his skin, "wonderful to see you well and about. Your father has been sending me letters non-stop ever since your mother's zepellin returned to Kingsbury without her. He's quite worried about you."

Seifer scoffed. "Worried about his money more like." he said in a whisper to Renee that was nonetheless loud enough to be heard.

"Renee, Ellethwen, high priestess of the moon goddess wishes to speak to you before you talk to the tree." said Kenren straight to business, and received the crystal ball from Madam Suliman. He placed it upon a pedestal far from the map and looked expectantly at Renee; in a corner that same old shadow flickered at the edge of Renee's vision, before melding into the curtains.

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Lydia was constantly blown away by each new thing. Her home was incredibly mundane, especially when compared with any of the places she had seen since she left. Despite being constantly stunned, she retained her composure simply because running around freaking out about everything would be embarrassing for everyone that was witness to it. Especially now, she didn't want to act like a lunatic in front of James and just ended up blushing and smiling strangely at the rabbits in suits before she lifted the Aviafelix's cage and cooed at it, "sh sh... just be quiet for now and we'll find out what you like soon enough, okay?"

She happily gave the cage to James to hold before looking to the rabbit that came to greet them with interest. Her attention refocusing on James as he chuckled, a brow raising, she almost thought that he meant that he would protect her, but that chuckle said otherwise and she smiled in embarrassment, wondering if Echo's training would help her keep up that winning streak.

When they were alone and James voiced his thoughts, she listened carefully and thought for a moment, "well... should we send Sasha to watch them?" she didn't really know how they could find out the color of the ravens' eyes and she also asked James what the different colors meant because she didn't know what either one implied, especially since she only ever knew ravens to have black eyes and she tried to remember the color of the eyes of the ravens that had been with Master Bertrand. As much as she hated to do it, she thought it best to return to the Spire because no matter the reason for the ravens following them, it was best to find out who sent them and that would be easiest from the Spire as long as the ravens didn't just sit outside waiting.

"We should probably talk to Kenren... maybe he knows something about the ravens or has an update for us?" she wondered if Kenren had someone watching them as well, after all, everything they knew and had accomplished was pretty valuable. The thought that things that they knew could put them all in danger made her shudder and rub her arm as though she had gotten cold.

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Renee released a quiet sigh of relief as she hugged back, her wings fluttering happily after he kissed them.

When they arrived to Kenren's warship, the Pendragon teen held onto Seifer's hand as they walked in and she took a quick glance at the large map of Shoflo Ocean. Oh wow...she wondered if Ash would give her directions like a passenger to a driver or if Ash will give her visions instead. 'I'll never know until it happens...' The Pendragon sister thought, as she listened to Seifer's not so subtle whisper and she nodded in agreement.

Worried her butt...Blooming troll...

"Hello Madam Suliman. Hi Ken-chan." Renee greeted back.

When Kenren told her about the Elven high priestess wanting to talk with her first, Renee took a deep breathe and tried to relax. She squeezed Seifer's hand again to be grounded. No need to be anxious; She talked with a Princess, a Prince, and thanked a very sneaky ninja guard like it was a normal day to day thing. Talking to a high priestess shouldn't be scary.

'Except that she has more spiritual connection to the Moon than anyone else.' Renee gulped nervously, her wings tucked. She didn't want to offend a higher being or the people who pray to them...She talks to plants, for goodness' sake! Of course, the winged teen is going to be scared of offending someone who's in touch with an element of nature.

"Yes...O-of course..." Renee noticed the familiar flicker of the shadow and grinned a bit. She felt like she's playing hide and seek with the ninja guard and she keeps finding him or he lets her find him. Her amused glowing orange eyes glanced at the curtains for a second before looking at the glass ball.

"Thank you for keeping the area safe again, Ninja guard - kun." The winged teen released Seifer's hand after briefly hugging him again and walked over to the crystal ball that's on the pedestal, leaning a bit to peer into the sphere. Her wings flapped for a moment before relaxing on her white hair covered head.

"H-hello High Priestess Ellethwen...You wished to speak with me, ma'am?" Renee asked politely and quietly, curious and nervous of what the Elven High Priestess would want to talk with her, of all people...Other than the disbelief of talking to a Manna Tree, of course.

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- Kenren's Chambers -
" Dalaran, Air Docks, Master Warship "

The crystal ball shimmered and a fair face appeared within the glass. High Priestess Ellethwen could pass as a human, only that no human could look so fair. Her ears were pointed, and her hair was white like star light.

"Peace to you, Renee Pendragon," she said in her singsong voice. "I am Lady Ellethwen, high priestess of Ghazel. I have heard of how the sleeping star in your country spoke to you to save itself, I am here to ask you in behalf of my people to save our precious star."

She stood back and Renee beheld the massive trunk of the manna tree, climbing all the way up to the clouds where the canopy stretched as far as the as the edges of the crystal ball. There was the sound of singing. A choir of elves garbed in the same manner as the priestess surrounded the tree. In their part of the world it was night time, but in the distance, one could see a great orange glow from fires burning in the edges of the forest as a shadow marched across the land making its way to the elven capital.

"If you do hear her speak, please ask her what we should do. Here." The crystal ball's point of view changed to face just the massive trunk of the tree, looking up into the canopy.

The singing stopped as all the elves stood in expectant silence.

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- James Pendragon -
" Dalaran, Bazaar, Weapons Shop "

"Right now?" said James unable to keep the disappointment out of his voice. He obviously wanted to continue their date despite the good sense in talking to Kenren.

He draped an arm around Lydia and rubbed her arm too. He agreed with sending Sasha out secretly and told her that Master Bertrand's ravens, the two that were perched on his chair back in his office, had blue and red eyes. At least they'll be able to confirm if it's really him or another wizard.

Sasha would indeed spot the ravens. Being used to this sort of work, she knew automatically to hide and keep out of sight. She was ghostly and wispy, hard to spot especially in a place as busy and jam packed as the bazaar.

There were ten ravens sitting all around the weapons shop. All had black eyes, except for one that had red. It was definitely one of the ravens in Master Bertrand's office. The blue-eyed one wasn't anywhere to be found. Upon closer inspection there were three people who seemed to be secretly communicating with the ravens. They keep glancing at the weapons shop too and all wore cloaks and thick buttoned up coats. Come to think of it, Lydia could swear she's seen one of them near the place where they hailed a carriage earlier, and also outside the Fortune Teller's shop buying something.

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Renee gulped as she understands the familiar weight of possibly losing a Manna tree all too well. The Ashenvale Manna tree looks different from Sunny, though she supposed it's the environment and how the Elves taken care of her as she looks healthy despite the ominous lights that's coming by soon-

Now's not the time to be a Herbalist.

When the tree is in view and everyone on the other side went quiet, the winged teen took a deep breathe and asked.

"Hello Ashenvale's Manna Tree. Sunny or rather Sasagea told me that I should ask for your help to the Storm Wall, however the people around you wants to save you first. What should they do to help you, Manna Tree?" Renee pleaded as her wings fluttered nervously.

'Please let me hear you...' She thought, as she didn't know if her hearing could work through a crystal ball and a scrying mirror.

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- Kenren's Chambers -
" Dalaran, Air Docks, Master Warship "

There was no sound for half an hour. The tree creaked and the leaves swayed with the wind; Seifer kept trying to peek over Renee's shoulder from where he stood far from her, but Kenren held him back with a hand.

Then, very slowly, a sleepy voice woke up in Renee's head. 'Hooom, haaah . . . Canst thou hear me? Hoooom, haaaah, oh, thoust can! Long have I not heard my brother's name for many an age. You are very small, child, how cometh you by Sasagea's name? Did Vala tell you?'

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Lydia's face had grown solemn and the suggestion to talk to Kenren had been made quite reluctantly. She wanted to continue the date just as much as he, but it just didn't seem like the right thing to do. They needed to figure out who was following them and why. When James placed his arm around her, she moved her hand to his, curling her fingers between his as she offered him a comforting smile as if to say it was okay and there would be other dates.

After she informed James of what Sasha could see, she waited to see what he thought they should do and informed him of how she thought that she had seen some of the figures before they entered the weapons shop. She tried to discern their features so she could describe them to James to see if maybe he knew who they were. She also communicated that while she thought that it would be a good idea to return to the spire immediately, she also wondered if that would alert the ones following them to the fact that they had been discovered.

"I don't like this James... should we try to sneak out? Something worse might happen if we do that though because then they'll know we are onto them..."

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Renee was starting to lose hope when she didn't hear anything for half and hour, but when she heard a sleepy voice, her wings perked up and flapped happily. Her frown changed into a relieved smile as her eyes glowed brightly.

"Yes! I can hear you. I see that you were sleeping. I'm sorry for waking you up, but it's rather urgent." The Pendragon teen replied, her heart leaped with joy.

"No, I didn't hear Sunny's name from Vala. I heard his name by the large dragon over at Paroosia. May I know your name as well? Oh-! Wait, um-! I'm sorry, I know I shouldn't be rude, but the people around you wants to save you from said dragon and his deathknights. They don't know how though. Is there a way to save you, Miss?" Renee asked as her wings continued to flutter.

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- Kenren's Chambers -
" Dalaran, Air Docks, Master Warship "

'I am Luthien.' said the manna tree. 'The dragons have returned? Oh, how wonderful! Then they must have finally healed Ygdrassil's root, but I do not understand why must I be saved? What is a Paroosia and what is a deathknight?'

It turned out that the manna tree had no idea what was going on. Luthien had literally been singing in her sleep all this time since the first age od Midgard. But she was no fool. A quick explanation sufficed to make her understand the state of the world today and she grieved the loss of her brother.

'So the dragons have not returned, and the world is changing for the worse . . .' she said sadly. 'No wonder my dreams of late have been dark. I will not leave the elves, I will stay. I will stay until they are all safe. I will not this usurper harm them!'

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- James Pendragon -
" Dalaran, Bazaar, Weapons Shop "

"I'll eat a mango, Lydia." said James thoughtfully. "Mangoes make me swell up, then we can go back to the Spire for medical attention. . . or we could pretend to have a fight, you slap me, storm off, then I go after you."

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So James had an allergy too, she smiled slightly which might have seemed slightly odd considering what he just told her, "no! No!" she shook her head in rejection before laying a gentle hand to his cheek as she turned to face him, "I couldn't slap you... and eating something to cause a reaction is dangerous!" she realized what she was doing with her hand and looked embarrassed as she withdrew it before looking away from him.

"We can still use your idea though, we just have to find a dog." or at least something similar to one since there were evidently rabbit people, she didn't question the idea that there were probably dog people too.

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Renee didn't know if she should laugh or grimace. 'Wow, how does anyone sleep through this?...Then again...' She knows James can sleep through a train wreak if he's tired enough. THERE'S NICE DRAGONS THAT CAN HEAL ROOTS!? WHAT?!

After explaining of what's going on, the Pendragon teen paled when she heard Luthien's resolve to stay and protect the elves. That's not what-! Augh! What's with these trees in saving the people around them?!

"Wait-! Luthien, as noble as that is, the Elves want to save you too! The dragon I spoke of, his name is Valandr and he's collecting every Manna Tree, including the Manna fruit that went missing ten years ago from the Orients' country." Renee pleaded, her wings now shaking in her anxiety.

"Please, for the sake of the ones who are looking after you, can you tell me how they can save you? That's the only way they will ever leave their country safely: Taking you with them!"

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- Kenren's Chambers -
" Dalaran, Air Docks, Master Warship "

'No.' said Luthien stubbornly. 'I will stay until they are all safe. I will make a way to a safe place, only the world has changed so much since I last looked upon it that I do not know a safe place to take them. Is your land safe, child? Can my little ones find rest where you are?'

Ashenvale was home to thousands of elves. Dalaran was too small a city to hold them without a food shortage crisis and a clash of cultures. Jewel hearted elves have had no love for humans, having always been constantly at war with the Jahara empire for the last two hundred years, but outside Dalaran there was space in the surrounding forests.

Yet this is more than just rescuing an entire race. Politically speaking it is the mass movement of an entire country into an already established one. Dalaran may be a neutral city, but the Kingdom that it resides in, the Eidolon Kingdom is not. Rulers will be anxious about what the elves' presence, especially when their armies are a force to be reckoned with, will do to the political climate of their Kingdom. They wouldn't want a war to occur within their own lands just because the elves don't want trees to be cut and humans need wood.

Yet there may be no time to discuss politics. The fires Renee saw were only days away. To think such a decision would fall on an herbalist student.

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- James Pendragon -
" Dalaran, Bazaar, Weapons Shop "

"Yes, a dog. G-good idea." James covered his face, ears red. He's probably doing that half-frown half-smile expression again. "Lead the way."

He and Lydia would remember quite a few stalls selling furry pets near the hunter that sold exotic birds. The rabbits were disappointed when they left after not buying anything. As they walked casually James façade wasn't the same as before as every time he turned to talk to Lydia and catch her eye he'd make that expression and cover his face again.

He knew it was very obvious and was laughing at how their situation was. He must be going crazy if is happiness at Lydia touching his cheek was occupying his mind more than the fact that someone may be planning something sinister with them. He wasn't usually like this

Woof, woof!

A bunch of dogs and puppies in kennels were wagging their tails at people passing them by. This seller's pet stall had a lot of customers not necessarily buying, but just coming over to touch and pet the little rascals.

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Lydia couldn't help but smile as he stuttered slightly, she had begun picking up his little mannerisms, like this one that she had seen him get more than once. She couldn't help but look away shyly as she nervously took his hand before leading him from the shop. Every time he looked to her as they walked and made that little embarrassed expression of his, Lydia's gaze would drift to the ground and she would smile shyly, giving his hand a little squeeze.

It was hard to be in the moment and outside of it at the same time. On one hand they had been enjoying their first actual date and growing accustomed to seeing each other in a new light, but on the other hand, they knew a lot of things, things other people didn't know, things that were dangerous to those that knew them. Lydia's mind was combining the two things. They had a goal, to act like nothing was wrong. Easy enough, just don't think about it and James seemed to be doing a pretty good job of that. The second part was to make an excuse to get back tot he spire without drawing suspicion and as they came upon the kennels, Lydia squealed, "puppies!!!"

She really did love animals, despite not having any of her own ever and she didn't really consider Sasha an animal even though she kind of actually was. She unpinned her hat from her hair and handed it to James, "hold this!" she was either a very good actress or she was fairly excited about what she was about to do and she rushed over to the puppies cooing and baby talking at them, "oh! Look at you! So cute! Yes you are!" she took a deep breath and knelt down to the puppies, letting them lick her face and nuzzling against them. The pain was worth the pleasure and the aftermath would be worth the reason.

Soon enough she was sneezing, her eyes growing red and swollen before she fell on her bottom in a fit of giggles and allergic reaction.

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Her wings puffed up in agitation as she listened to the stubborn tree, trembling a bit as her own anger rose before taking a deep breathe to calm down. If this is how James felt when she was stubborn about saving people then...no wonder he would take desperate measures....She took another deep breath. Okay, think. How can she convince an ancient tree to go with the Elves?

"High Priestess Ellethwen, Luthein wants to stay to protect every elf in the country until they are safe. She will not budge." Renee told to everyone who is listening in, including the ones who asked this favor in the first place. Then she sighed, her wings fluttering in an impatient manner as she thought hard of what to say and do, while thinking of the politics between the races.

It's rather strange how a giant old tree is depending on her answer to save an entire race and believe that no one would object to it, especially when there's a delicate balance between the Elves and the Jahara Empire. Dalaran may be a neutral country but...

Closing her eyes, Renee continued to think of the different options there are, her wings fluttering and twitching all the while, but then she remembered something...and believed it will the most scariest thing to ever suggest.

"Okay...Luthein, if the Elves pass through Dalaran, where I am right now, to reach to Kingsbury, a city that Princess Mia is accepting refugees with open arms, will you come with them and let me look after you?" Renee suggested, revealing her determined eyes at the tree who wants to protect everyone.

"High Priestess Ellethwen, is that okay with you? Your people will be safe and Luthien will be far away from the dragon. I promise to return her to your people safely after this whole dragon business is dealt with."

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- Kenren's Chambers -
" Dalaran, Air Docks, Master Warship "

'I do not need taking care of.' said Luthien. 'I will go with them, and when we have reached safe haven, I must be replanted to keep harmony within Midgard.'

High Priestess Ellethwen said that she must speak with the Queen of this plan as she had no authority to condone such an act and there was a brief exchange of speech in elvish after which she said that the Queen will be coming in a few hours. She was in the frontlines commanding her army and battling the dragon's horde; Kenren asked Chenglei to fetch Princess Mia immediately.

'So where you are, it is safe, yes? This Dalaran?' said Luthien impatiently.

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- James Pendragon -
" Dalaran, Bazaar, Weapons Shop "

"Lydia, w-why?" cried James, exasperated. "You silly, come on let's buy you anti-histamine before you get worse. Why did you do that?" he scolded as they left the Bazaar in a hurry and he hailed a carriage that drove the two towards the Trinity Spire.

Though he did actually stop the carriage the moment they passed an apothecary and bought medicine and some water.

"You look scary." chuckled James, bending over and checking her red swollen eyes. "Are you having trouble breathing?"

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Chenglei quickly left the room to contact Princess Mia his hand on his sword as he closed the door.

Hearing the impatient tone from the tree, Renee could only chuckle in amusement. "Yes, Dalaran is safe. Sorry for saying that I will take care of you, but it was on the spot and I couldn't think of another way of saying it." She said sheepishly, her wings tucked lightly.

When she heard of the queen coming over in hours, Renee gulped as she added another governing figure in her collection of meeting and talking with governing figures...Who's next, she wonders, the Jahara king?

The winged teen looked over where Seifer is standing and smiled rather hesitantly before looking back the glass ball.

"Oh! Luthein, there's something else I have to ask you before this connection ends. Do you know how to go over the Storm Wall without anybody getting killed by the storms?"

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Lydia wheezed, giggled, snorted, and drew one of her usual black handkerchiefs from her bag to wipe her eyes and hide the monstrosity she had become, she looked like she had gone a round with a beehive and lost. She held onto James as he hailed the carriage and used his help to actually board the carriage since her eyes were practically swollen shut.

She was grateful for the stop and smiled to James, but with how swollen her face was, it was likely that the smile wasn't very noticeable. She couldn't help but laugh, the sound a little raspy as was her voice when she referred to something he said earlier, "well at least I know what to do if the bad guys decide to change their tactics and try to woo me," she sipped her water and shook her head slightly, "not really, my throat's a little scratchy but it's okay, I'll be fine."

She just snorted softly and blew her nose in her handkerchief, it wasn't like he hadn't seen her at her worst before. At Echo's party she had indulged in her desire to face plant in Meatball's fur and she was sure there were other occasions where she appeared a mess and while their relationship was different those times and sure she didn't want him to see her like that now, but there were more important things at stake now. She hadn't dismissed Sasha and was now trying to see if she could connect with her despite her current state to see if the ravens and the unknown people were still following them.

Zer0 Zer0

- Dalaran -

'Good. Hush now, little child, I will speak to you in a moment.' said Luthien ignoring Renee. The manna tree began to creak and sway.

Suddenly the elves on the other side of the crystal ball cried in surprise as a flash of bright blue light blinded the entire crystal ball; blue lightning streaked straight down from the sky outside the windows of the warship as a colossal spell circle cackling in powerful arcane lights of dazzling blue broke through Dalaran's magical barrier and began to form in the center of the city.

Dalaran was in total panic; the noise was like a storm and the earth shook from the magnitude of the spell.

The carriage James and Lydia were in bolted, wheeling madly through the streets as bright blue light blinded them through the window; people were screaming outside and the driver was yelling atop the neighing of his frightened horses.

"PEACE UNTO YOU, LITTLE CHILDREN!" boomed the manna tree's awesome voice in the whole of Dalaran. Voice strong enough to rise above the storm of the spell. "I AM LUTHIEN, FEAR NOT, I AM MAKING A WAY FOR MY LITTLE ONES INTO YOUR DALARAN."

Her words did not work, the whole city was in chaos. Everyone was thinking that they were under attack.

Katsuya Katsuya Roleplay Skittle Roleplay Skittle
Lydia was already relatively blind, but thanks to the antihistamine James had bought for her, she was coming around a bit and had to close her eyes as the blue light shot through the carriage, but she hardly had time to worry about that as the carriage's sudden increase of speed jostled her and she grabbed onto James in surprise, "Luthien?" Lydia looked to James in confusion, wondering if he had any idea of what was going on and it also made her concerned for Sasha who was still out there.

Zer0 Zer0
The Pendragon teen raised her hands up as if saying 'Whatever you want' until a blue light appeared in the crystal ball and then out of the window. She can hear the citizens and guests screaming as Luthien's voice boomed across the city...

And Renee, after getting over her shock, started to laugh, wrapping her arms around her stomach. Her wings flapped in her mirth.

"Luthien, you are an insane old bat of a tree! Oh Merlin! HAHAHAH!!!" The city is now going to be in a mass panic from hearing an awesome voice from out of nowhere and the barrier is broken thanks to her way of transportation.

"Oh goodness...she's worse than me...Come on, let's greet her to the city." Renee suggested to the people in the room, walking up to Seifer to grab his hand and smiled warmly at him before tugging him to go outside of the warship. Calmly walking and giggling like it was normal to see such a huge feat out of nowhere.

Zer0 Zer0

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