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Fantasy Howl's Flying Castle (Finished! ---Whoo! (*^▽^)/)

- Seifer's Soul -

Seifer nodded. As surprised and curious as he was that Renee talked to a manna tree, he was anxious that she check his soul first. When she did, she was once more in that beautiful mansion beside the painting of the Rathmore family. But for some reason today the hallway wasn't empty. There seemed to be a party and nobles whose faces couldn't be properly discerned were walking about talking amiably.

It was morning, just like last time, though no matter how much Renee peered outside the windows it was just too bright to make out what was outside.

She could hear talking coming from a big open doorway that seemed to be a parlour of sorts. Here guests mingled with the Rathmores while some ballroom danced across the floor, and there playing on a piano was Seifer surrounded by admiring girls. He was speaking to them in his suave vain way as he flirted and taught one how to play while she sat on his lap. Another girl leaned on him, playing with his hair, while another hand fed him strawberries.

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- James Pendragon -
" Trinity Spire, Gates "

James quivered. "Cool!" Heart bounding with joy, he tip-toed, lifting Lydia's feet off the floor and spun together in the room, humming affectionately as he hugged her tight.

The next day, he was singing in the shower, surprised his comrades when he greeted them all smiles, making them curiously amused, and sighed happily as he formed his breakfast of mashed potatoes into a heart with a bacon cupid arrow.

" . . . ames . . . James." Johnny was poking his back, looking at him weird as they took a break from mounted combat training.

"Yersh?" said James from on top of Frey. The clip-clop of the silver white stag's hooves melded with Butter's own as his friend rode up on the giant ram beside him.

Johnny chuckled. "Are you okay? You've been walking circles under this tree just sighing at the leaves."

James smiled at him dreamily. "It's such a beautiful morning. Ah, Johnny, I'm going to play hookie' for the rest of today. I got a date with Lydia." he grinned. "Will you cover for me?"

"I have a date with Echo too," said Johnny surprised. "I was going to ask you if you could cover for me. Blimey, so you and her?"

"Yeah." smiled James dopily.

Johnny laughed at him.

James and Lydia had planned to meet at the gates of Trinity Spire in disguise. The media crowd had dispersed days ago, still, one could be sure there was at least one or two watching the gates and skies waiting for a big scoop to print in the papers.

There under one of the many mossy stone archways sprawling with vines stood James, his usually messy dark hair combed back. He was checking his reflection on the back of a soldier's shiny armor, brushing off every speck of dirt dust, and arranging his clothes so that he'd look sharp. He was extra neat today, and wore his best casual robes that the media hadn't seen yet. He had a hat tucked under his arm and his black-rimmed glasses folded on his collar.

"Don't mind me." he told the soldier who glanced back at him looking affronted. "Please, it's for love." he explained reasonably.

"Well in that case, you have a bit of soap in your ear." said the soldier understandingly.

When Lydia would come by, she'd find James taking notes dutifully as a burly bearded soldier, who looked like he was in his thirties, enthusiastically gave him love advice.

Renee casts her spell, shimmering liquid-like aura swimming around her hands are placed over his chest where his heart is and once again, she was sucked in his soul. The Pendragon can hear people chatting and someone playing a piano? Last time it was empty, but this time it's not. What made it change, she wondered.

She tried to look at outside but couldn't see anything as the morning light was too bright to even see an outline, so she walked to where the piano music is coming from. To her shock, it's Seifer playing. She's going to ignore the girls flocking around him (even though it's pretty hard to ignore them since they are around the guy she loves...likes...Augh!) and took a deep breathe.

So...he's happy? Before when it was empty like someone abandoned the mansion. Now there's a party with faceless people and Seifer's here this time...She has to think...

Renee blinked and found herself in Seifer's room, wondering for a moment. Then she looked up and asked. "How are you feeling right now? Because before it was empty and quiet. Now there's a party and...you play piano?"


After training, Echo left, telling Lydia goodbye as she walked out of the training grounds and into her room to rest. The next day, she was getting ready for her date with Johnny and waited to where they are going to meet up.

The fawn wanted a break from training, so she opted to go in town to explore for their date. What she has on is what she would normally wears but a bit nicer: A white long shirt that leaves her shoulders bare and reaches down to her thighs. A brown thick belt buckled around her waist as to keep the shirt down from the winds and showing her figure without being indecent. Her leggings are that of a teal color and wrapped around her legs tight. On her ankles and wrists are multiple golden hoop anklets and bracelets that jingle whenever she moved her arms or hooves around and around her neck is a simple black choker. Decorating her hair are pink flower pins, pulling her hair back a bit as Johnny could see that her antlers are growing back now.

Before they hid in her hair when she broke them of. Now the stubs are curving around with four inches.

She waved at him once he spotted her, a huge smile on her face. "Johnny! Over here!"

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-Trinity Spire, Gates-
She squeaked in surprise as James lifted her and reflexively moved her hand to cradle Sasha before giggling, James was adorable.

After he left her, she spent the rest of the time panicking. It was a date, she was going on a date with James. A. Date. With. James. She'd never been on a date before, that was why she was panicking. She'd been alone with James many times but the closest thing to a date was when they went on that undersea adventure, and that wasn't a date. That was two friends running away from Chenglei.

Every article of clothing she had was flung out on her bed as she searched through them trying to find the perfect outfit. That's what girls did when they got ready for a date, right? She was pretty sure, she had heard the maids talk about things like that before. Sasha was out, Lydia was used to having her company by now and while she missed being able to talk to James, at the moment she was glad that Sasha was hers because that would just be really weird. She held up a lot of her articles of clothing for Sasha to inspect though she seemed to be confused by the whole thing and Lydia had to laugh at herself, she couldn't even tell her own clothes apart unless they were spread out and Sasha didn't see colors so it was a losing battle.

Besides that, she was supposed to be in disguise. Since she always wore black, the easiest thing to do would be to not wear black. She still had time to expand upon that idea and since her notes on the exorcism spell were complete, she was back in the Spire again so she sought out the same gargoyle servant she had asked for the gown for the party to see if they could again find her something to wear, specifically asking for clothes that were not black unlike before.

The next day, Lydia was full of the giggles. Lydia giggling for no apparent reason was not something unusual, she often found herself in her own thoughts and unaware of anyone else, it was an easy thing to do when you spent a lot of time by yourself but following every giggle, her cheeks would redden and her hands would move up to her face, lying over either cheek. If she was sitting her feet kicked slightly and when she stood she'd twist from side to side slightly.

She didn't want to be too tired so she was glad that Echo wanted to skip training too and if asked why she was acting so distracted, weird, or why she was in a good mood, she stammered and giggled and somehow awkwardly conveyed the reason.

She had counted the hours until it was time to get ready and then she paced until it was time to go and meet James. She practically ran to the exterior doors, taking awkward pauses where she'd try to retain her composure, her mothers words echoing in her head about how running wasn't lady like, but that didn't stop her heart from yelling at her feet to go faster. Once she was outside she took a deep breath, mumbling to herself to stay calm as she patted her hair slightly to make sure it was smooth before. She had put it up in a bun at the back of her head that was rounded and looked more like her hair had been rolled up and pinned rather than twisted. The length of her bangs were all combed towards one side of her face, covering her forehead before the ends were pinned in place above her ear. She then put the blue felt hat she had brought with her which had an assortment of little gems and feathers on it atop her head and pinned it in place as well.

Lydia was wearing the usual sparse makeup, just her eyes highlighted with eyeliner and her lips stained the soft purple shade. It was her outfit that was extraordinary and that was just because it was out of the ordinary for her. Rather than black, the outfit was a mixture of blue, turquoise, and white. The white part was the skirt which hung to the middle of her shins and was hemmed with lace, the same lace also adorning the ends of her sleeves which reached all the way to the base of her hands so the lace lay over her hands just slightly. The sleeves as well as the rest of her top were tight fitting, unlike the skirt which billowed out around her, and were turquoise. The cut of the collar was just below her collar bone as she rarely wore anything lower and over the shirt she wore a blue vest that covered the back of her skirt while leaving the front uncovered and buttoned up to just a little over her ribcage.

Not only was the color of her clothing unusual, but for one of the first times ever, she wasn't wearing her signature footwear, instead she wore a pair of flesh colored stockings with blue Mary Jane style shoes. She clutched the strap of the bag she had flung over her shoulder, it wasn't her usual bag since that was made to hold her journal and she hadn't brought that big thing with her and as she spotted James, her stained lips curved into a smile, though she was curious as to what he was doing and when she saw what he was wearing, she felt a little embarrassed like maybe she had overdressed. She approached quickly, fidgeting with her clothing as she went as she became increasingly uncomfortable and lightly tapped him on the shoulder once she reached him.

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- Johnny Caprice -

" Streets of Dalaran "

"Hello, love!" said Johnny brightly. They met in one of the bustling streets of the city, where potted plants hung from the windows of bakeshops and cafes.

He was riding on Butters along the street, just like other fellow warlocks who went about their day with their own mounts. There was so much magic in the air. It seemed as though most of the populace were witches and wizards.

Baa! Butters nuzzled Echo in greeting.

Johnny dismounted, took off his blue hat, and with a wave of his hand, procured a peach rose out of nowhere. "For you, my lady." he bowed.

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- James Pendragon -
" Trinity Spire, Gates "
"Lydia, you're not wearing black." said James surprised. He's been getting surprised often lately. The soldier he had been talking to excused himself muttering about returning to his watch, but silently mouthed: 'Good luck, son!' behind Lydia's back.

James beamed at her. They were friends who know each other and what was the norm. They had never been open with their feelings like this before, so he felt a little shy and nervous about what Lydia thought about his new look, but gods was she beautiful.

He suddenly realized he had been staring too long. He smiled at her. " You're very pretty. Just the right amount of chubby."

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- Seifer's Room -

"How did you know I play piano?" asked Seifer surprised. "The leaves are having a party and my leaf is playing the piano?"

He didn't understand as he thought that Renee would see a glowing leaf like Hisaya's with the edges perhaps starting to get eaten away, but after a prompt explanation he was amazed that Renee was in the mansion in his dreams.

"I still feel a little grumpy, but comforted and safe. Though a little afraid . . . about dying . . ." said Seifer and asked her what she saw in great detail. When he heard about the girls he became awkward and embarrassed, apprehensive about what Renee thought of him.

"Other than Areta," he began in a high-pitched voice, "I may have a couple of other girls waiting for me back in Kingsbury, unless they believed I died --- but, I'll break with them, I'll break up with them." he reassured her quickly.

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Echo giggled as she nuzzled Butters back. "Hello Butters." She greeted. When Johnny came down and made a peach rose appear, the fawn smiled in child-like awe and took the pretty rose. She held it close to her nose and sniffed it before releasing a happy sigh.

"Why! Thank you, my good sir." Echo blushed as her green eyes sparkled. "So where we'll be going, Love?"


Renee snorted at the image: Leaves of different colors having a party and playing piano. She should draw that just because of how amusing it is. "No Seifer, it's not a leaf that's playing piano." She explained in detail and watched his reaction to everything she mentioned. Including the girls who were all over him...

She really should have seen that coming, considering how flirtatious he is...Don't get her wrong: she's still annoyed about that, but they were images. Now when she heard that he had side-girlfriends waiting for him however...It took all of Renee's willpower to not outright shake him.

She doesn't know if she's either jealous or really annoyed with him being a player, but she does know that she can't let this slide. At. All.

So Renee kept her promise to him while coming to Dalaran and punched his arm. Hard. "There. Please break up with them and I'll be peachy. Just peachy." Her annoyed tone is very obvious, but she's not angry as her wings are fluttering lightly instead of puffing up. Her orange eyes looked into his stormy grey ones and sighed again before asking.

"Do you want to cuddle and eat here together today? I can cook our food if you like?" Renee smiled timidly.

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- Seifer Rathmore -
" Trinity Spire, Seifer's Room"

"Ow!" Seifer rubbed his shoulder. "Yes, I'll do that, and yes, Renee, I want to cuddle and eat here together with you." said Seifer in an extra earnest tone, anxious to make up with her. He let out a sigh of relief. He had been expecting much worse than a hard punch to the arm.

He sheepishly grinned at her. "I'll just take a bath first." he picked at his sweaty shirt. "Want to join me?" he smirked.

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- Trinity Spire Gates -
"Halt, missy." said a guard to Andrada, sternly. "Visiting hours isn't today, come back on the weekends."

He looked at her weapons. "And guests must leave all arms, potions, and enchanted trinkets over at the guard house. Hold on --- are you a soldier? Who's your commanding officer?"

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Wings flapped in embarrassment, cheeks turning bright red as she stuttered her response. "I-I'm goi-going to co-cook n-now!" Renee quickly walked over to the door, hand on the knob and twisted it in a violent way. Her eyes might as well be swirling as her heart pounded against her chest.

"En-enj-enjoy yo-your b-b-bath! I-I'll be back withfood-!" With that she walked out of the room, flustered from the idea of taking a bath together with Seifer and she squealed in a high pitch. It echoed in the hallway.

'Ohmygoshwhy!?' Renee mentally screamed as she covered her face with her hands as she bumped into the wall from not paying attention. Then she went on her way to the kitchen, being as red as a cherry.

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Andrada looked with confusion and looked at the guard's attire and said:"Why? What is this place?" She then took a step back and felt very nervous as she twisted the bottom of her hair with a finger. " Is there no way I can enter?" she asks again before he answered her first question.

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-Trinity Spire, Gates-
Lydia shook her head, her nose wrinkling slightly as she smiled, "well we did say to come in disguise, right?" she tugged at the vest slightly, "is it too much?" she frowned slightly, her brow furrowing. She had never been one to worry about the way she looked, nor was it important that she worried about how others looked. She was just as nervous about what James thought about how she looked as he was about how she thought he looked.

The way he smiled at her made her a little less nervous, her cheeks growing slightly red as she looked away demurely, gently biting her lower lip as one of her hands was lightly placed against her neck. She had always known he was attractive, but it wasn't something she really ever paid that much attention to because his intellect and who he was as a person was what initially caught her eye. Seeing James in this light, learning that he at the very least liked her a little, at least enough to ask her on a date and realizing that maybe his change of appearance wasn't just due to a disguise embarrassed her slightly which was partially why she had looked away.

The silence had made her slightly uncomfortable, coming to the conclusion that maybe she had overdone it, but she was relatively certain no one would recognize her like this as she had never dressed nor done her hair in this manner before and with the added shade of the hat they would have to look pretty closely at her face to realize who she was. When James finally spoke again she looked back to him, somewhat stunned, her hand moving first to her cheek before resting against her stomach, "chubby....? I-is that good?" she wasn't quite sure of his meaning but she couldn't only guess that it was good since he said 'just the right amount,' but she looked to him with a worried expression on her face.

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- James Pendragon -
" Trinity Spire, Gates "

"Yes." said James still gazing at her. "Your cheeks look soft and plump, and I like your shoulders." There were other areas he liked, but it wasn't decent to mention them. "You make me want to hug you, Lydia." he said with gusto and stepped close to briefly tickle her side. He touched her hand over her stomach and played with her fingers.

"Your fingers are delicate too." he said warmly, and offered a hand. "Shall we?"

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She smiled as he affirmed her assumption, her features smoothing and relaxing with her relief and she giggled slightly, glancing away from him again, but drew in a breath and held it a moment as he said he wanted to hug her. Last time he had hugged her she had resisted the urge to run away. It wasn't that she didn't want him to hug her, she just wasn't used to that kind of contact from a boy, especially one that wasn't related to her. At the same time she didn't want to run because she wanted him to hug her and then there was the fact that she also didn't want him to feel like she was rejecting her, so she had stood her ground and she was very glad she had.

She squeaked slightly when he tickled her side, releasing the breath she had drawn in with the squeak. Her hand twitching as though it were going to retreat, but again she drew in a deep breath and held it, forcing her hand to relax and she even raised her fingers slightly to accept his touch, "th-thank you..." she gently cleared her throat and shyly looked up to him, "you... you look handsome, James..." she wanted to add that she always thought he looked handsome, especially when he was working hard, but the words got caught in her throat and she gulped them down before nodding and removing her hand from her stomach. She reached out timidly to James' hand, her hand withdrawing slightly a moment as she hesitated before she took his hand. Hers was small and soft since she was petite and didn't use them for much other than writing. She drew in a breath again that sounded slightly like a gasp as her other hand went to her chest as though trying to calm her heart from the outside, a meek smile appearing on her lips as she looked from their connected hands to James' face.

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- James Pendragon -
" Streets of Dalaran "

James, looked very pleased. He grinned, like shucks-naaw, but unconsciously puffed his chest out. His walk became a strut as he happily entwined his fingers in Lydia's, a bounce in his step as they strode out the gates and into the bustling streets of Dalaran.

His fingers felt callused in the spots that held his quill, and light faded scars crossed his knuckles. He was amused at her reaction, and gave her hand a comforting squeeze before pressing it against his heart. He was so happy she trusted him.

"If our foes knew that this was all it took to make you gasp for breath, Lydia, they'd probably try to woo you instead of come at you with orcs or undead hordes." he sniggered.

He rummaged for something in his pockets and drew out a travel brochure of Dalaran. He showed it to Lydia. There were serene pictures of parks and popular cafés, tourist opinions on the best street food to try out in the city, a haunted house for some reason, an advertisement about an exotic zoo with a gargantuan aquarium, a tourist spot outside the city where ancient ruins could be found, a bazaar where merchants sell all sorts of things, and a coliseum where daily fights are held.

"So many choices." muttered James. "Where do you want to go, my dear friend?"

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- Johnny Caprice -
" Streets of Dalaran "

"I have no idea." said Johnny, hooking arms with Echo. "Want to wing it? We'll close our eyes, spin and whichever direction we face, we shall go there and enter that building even if it's a tavern full of ruffians or a haunted building." Johnny gasped. "Echo! Want to go looking for ghosts?!"

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- Seifer Rathmore -
" Trinity Spire, Seifer's Room "

Seifer laughed. He really liked it how Renee runs away, but she doesn't outright say no. Singing the jazz song he strolled over to the bathroom and took a good long bath. Musing if he should come out with only a towel on when Renee arrives.

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Lydia shivered as she felt James' fingers twine around hers. The action was very noticeable and she giggled in embarrassment as she covered her mouth with her free hand. Her own steps light hearted as her feet moved quickly to keep pace with his. She looked up to him happily when he squeezed her hand, was she wearing rouge? No, but it looked almost like she was because of the steady pink shade that lay on her cheeks.

Those green eyes widened slightly to his comment, embarrassed that he had called out how she kept holding her breath and her cheeks puffed up slightly before she coyly looked away, "w-w-well... that is--um..." she wasn't really sure how to respond. She was glad that they hadn't because the idea was disturbing, but she knew that they couldn't because she was already quite taken with someone else, but telling James that was just too embarrassing so she just ended what she was saying in a soft little hum.

When he pulled out the brochure, she looked at it with interest, leaning against him as her eyes scanned the words and pictures that were printed on it. She bit her lower lip gently as she thought. What did people usually do on dates? Her large eyes blinked a few times before she looked to James nervously, uncertainly even, "um... the bazaar? We might be able to find something interesting..." she laughed shyly and looked away again, "I-I'm sorry... I don't really know... you know... what people do on a date... is going to the bazaar weird?" she glanced back to him a bit worriedly, "I-I mean, if-if there's something... you know, that you'd rather do... we can do that," she squeezed his hand slightly to signify that she was happy just being out with him.

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Echo leaned her head on his shoulders when they hooked arms and listened to the suggestions until he reached one. Her ears perked up.

Oh no...Last time she messed with a spirit, it made her curl up into a ball while the guys and Serena were fighting the wolves off. That...was not a happy moment for her. Maybe it won't be so bad...

"...Sure! Why not?" Echo agreed though she grimaced more than smile. "Which way, Johnny?" She followed him to where they can find the ghosts and her knees are shaking a bit.


After calming down and breathing like a normal person, Renee cooked their meals. Her wings fluttering calmly as she flipped the small cubes of steak, letting it brown over in her pan. The stir-fried vegetables (carrots, zucchini, and thinly sliced onions) are already on top of the noodles and now when the top round pieces of steak is done, she mixed it with the garlic, vinegar, and soy sauce mixture and added a bit of butter to finish it off.

"There! Done!" Renee grinned and picked up the tray where she placed the bowls on, walking back to Seifer's room. 'Hope he likes Hibachi steak...' she thought, knowing that she should ask if he has any allergic reaction to something. She wants to avoid that heartache.

Once she's in front of his room, the Pendragon teen knocked on the door and said: "Seifer, I'm here! Open the door please."

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- James Pendragon -
" Dalaran, Bazaar "

"No, it's not weird." said James, amused. "You're doing fine just like this, Lydia." he pressed her hand fondly. "I know you, and I chose you, so don't try to be anyone else."

He hailed a carriage that drove them to the Bazaar. It was a maze of narrow streets and cramped stalls full of so many random things with all sorts of patrons. There was a merchant who sold all sorts of cheese and paintings of cheese, where a group of weremice were haggling for the price of a particularly blue and moldy one; there was a pen full of cages where a shifty hunter sold exotic birds that twittered the murmurs of the crowd or burst into plumes of feathers only to appear as a cat, and then poof back again into a bird; there were strange delicacies that looked like crystals shaped into sweets; and tinkerers showed off their inventions to passersby.

It was loud as hawkers called out to sell their wares, and in a corner was a joke shop, a candy shop, a pet shop, a stall that sold fish and chips, and a potato merchant who had funky looking potatoes.

"Let's see everything!" yelled James cheerfully to Lydia over all the hubbub. "Oh, look, a fortune teller!"

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- Seifer Rathmore -
" Trinity Spire, Seifer's Room "

The door opened.

"Did you miss me?" grinned Seifer, fresh from the bath with only a towel around his waist.

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Her breathe hitched and held in her lungs as her widening eyes took in her practically naked boyfriend who's wearing only a towel. Her wings spreads open high, slightly puffed up as she felt a shiver down her spine from her active mind going on overdrive. Her entire face and ears turning into shades of pinks and reds from even thinking it and seeing-!

One would think she's used to seeing naked people since she did life drawing before...but the subject wasn't someone whom she likes a lot!!

Renee tightened her grip on the tray's handles before loosening, her eyes rolled back as she began to fall backwards. Her spirit flying out of her mouth as she couldn't handle it anymore. Her brain shut down as her heart jumped and pumped against her chest that anyone could hear the loud and rapid 'thump-tha thump-tha'.

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-Dalaran, Bazaar-
She listened to him intently, her smile steady on her features as he stated his mind. Her other hand moved up to rest on his arm as she looked away, pleased but embarrassed yet again. She was still trying to get a feel for how to act around him since their circumstances had changed and his words helped a little, but she didn't have time to really think on that as they came upon the bazaar.

There were so many sights, sounds, and smells Lydia wasn't sure where to look first, when she spotted the cheese paintings she was amused at the idea of how absurd it was to paint cheese. She liked the idea though, primarily because she thought it would be a funny thing to buy for Thomas, he wouldn't like it but she'd think it was funny the look on his face at having received it. She seemed particularly taken with the exotic birds, watching them curiously and with amusement twinkling in her green eyes.

She giggled as she nodded in agreement when James said they should see everything and pointed out the fortune teller, Lydia turned to look with an excited expression on her face, "ooh! Can we?!" she shouted over the crowd as she tugged on his hand gently. There were fortune tellers where she was from, but whenever she went out with her family, they absolutely refused to let her get her fortune told. She was curious about the ability to tell fortunes and if it was an inherent gift or something one had to develop and looked to James hopefully.

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- James Pendragon -
" Dalaran, Bazaar "

"Yeah, let's go." said James.

The Fortune Teller's shop was a small cramped space, no bigger than a bathroom. Inside was a mysterious looking woman face half hidden under a hooded cloak, draped in shawls and glittering with golden and silver hooped earrings, bracelets, and large ornamental necklaces.

"Greetings, my dah~lings, I am Madam Mystique, and I have been expecting you. Please, take a seat." she purred, gesturing at some poufy stools around her round table, where atop sat a crystal ball.

James smiled at Lydia. "This is fun." he whispered, then sat.

"Now, what do you wish to know, my dah~lings? Madam Mystique knows everything!" she gestured dramatically.

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- Seifer Rathmore -

" Trinity Spire, Seifer's Room "

"Hey!" Seifer quickly darted forward and caught Renee with an arm, catching the falling dishes with the tray, a tea cup with his teeth, and a salt shaker in the nook of his elbow. He balanced them all precariously.

"Reneeh! " he spoke, tea cup handle between his teeth. "Reneeh, wuh phollin! Wuh phollin!"


China broke, but Seifer managed to save the steaks and his girlfriend by twisting and landing on his toweled bum. "Renee, are you alright?" she was on top and he put the tray aside as he shook her gently in his arms, cradling her head. She was lying across his lap again. "Whoa, don't leave!" he grabbed her fleeing soul and held it like a balloon as he carried her inside.

It'd be a Seifer in a shirt and pants hovering above her anxiously when she wakes up on his bed.

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With a low and quiet groan, Renee woke up, moving her head to the side and squinting her eyes open. Her wings were limp and spread on the pillow, twitching randomly.

"Wh-what happened?" She muttered, trying to remember. She was bringing their food up and Seifer...wasjustwearinga-?!

Her eyes blinked wide open and quickly turned her head up to see said person above her, looking anxious. He's wearing clothes this time...Was she just imagining things? If she was then why does he look worried? Did someone hit her? She didn't feel hurt at the moment...

Did...did he really open the door with just a towel...?!

Her face flushed pink again and wings fluttered a bit. "I-I-! Um....Hi?" Renee's brain is not working right now. She needs a reset button or something. Wait-! Is she on his bed?! Oh bloody Merlin-!

She woke up in his bed!!

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Once they were inside the shop, Lydia looked around curiously, only now releasing James' hand as she took note of every little detail. She was incredibly excited and the fact was very evident on her doll-like features. She grinned brightly to the fortune teller and giggled slightly as she said that she had been expecting them. She thought as much and she was a wholehearted believer that whatever the fortune teller said would eventually be true, despite the disbelief her family had always shown.

She nodded her agreement to James and happily sat on the cushioned stool, leaning in towards the table with her fingers curled over either side of her seat. She thought a moment, her lips pursing slightly as she looked to the ceiling for a moment. What did she want to ask? What could she ask that wouldn't let on too much to something more serious? Did she want to ask something pertaining to her future or someone else's? Did she want to ask something that was serious or more light hearted? Once she had her question, she smiled happily and slowly asked, "well... I know a girl... and she really likes this guy..." she cleared her throat gently, she was being relatively vague with the question and she wondered what James would think and who he thought it would pertain to, "she's liked him for a long time now... and... well I was wondering if their future looks bright?"

Zer0 Zer0
- James Pendragon -
" Dalaran, Bazaar "

Madam Mystique made a show of waving her hands across her crystal ball. There was a, meow, below them and something black and furry wove around James' and Lydia's legs. A black cat with a coin pouch around her neck blinked its green eyes expectantly up at them, purring.


The cat sat and puffed out its chest. The pouch had '15G' labeled on it. James dropped ten coins --- the cat narrowed its eyes --- he dropped the rest. "I think it's a summon." he whispered to Lydia.

When the cat purred, satisfied, Madam Mystique gasped. "I see! I see!" she turned to them dramatically. "The future . . . Oh, they will have a bright future --- ", James shoulders drooped, " --- " She will be trusted to keep a secret, and he will find the special person he will annoy for the rest of his life. They will have many children, who will give her many headaches. That is all."

" But is he going to turn into a . . . a monster?" asked James as casually as he could.

Madam Mystique looked stumped. "Erm . . . no, but there will be times the girl will almost seem to be."

James sighed in relief.

Roleplay Skittle Roleplay Skittle

- Seifer Rathmore -
" Trinity Spire, Seifer's Room "

"Hi, your soul almost escaped, but I put it back." said Seifer smiling down at her. "Geez, Renee, what are you going to do when I won't have a towel on? Die?" he chortled, sitting beside her and fanning her with his hand.

" I saved the steaks." he nodded at the food on the table. Somehow while Renee was passed out he had placed the furniture back to their proper places. "Hungry?" he stroked her hair.

Katsuya Katsuya
Lydia looked slightly surprised to the sound of a meow and when the cat came out from beneath the table, she smiled and giggled slightly when James tried to fool it and it just wasn't having that. She nodded slightly when James said that he thought it was a summons, that affirmed her belief that the fortune teller was legitimate and she smiled with certainty.

She smiled as the fortune teller said they would have a bright future but looked to James with concern as he seemed to grow sullen, placing a hand on his arm and gently squeezing, but as the fortune teller continued, she clapped a hand over her mouth to stifle a sudden giggle. That definitely sounded like Renee and Seifer. Her hand lowered as she looked back to James when he asked another question, frowning slightly. She certainly hoped he wouldn't turn into a monster, not with all the work they had done. She was already thinking of ways that they could get the appropriate amount of arcane power to fix him, that was the only problem, getting all of that power. Though her smile returned when the fortune teller answered his question and she shook James' arm slightly in excitement.

"Thank you, madam!" she fished in her little bag for another five coins and gave them to the kitty before holding her hand out for James as she rose from her seat, feeling a renewed sense of hope, they didn't have a way yet, but they'd get one!

Zer0 Zer0
Renee pouted at his tease, crossing her arms as the breeze he's creating caresses her pink face.

"Yes, well I can only imagine how you are going to see me naked too: Gawking or hands on." She countered, though her tone was that of disgruntled embarrassment. It's not like she sees her crushes/boyfriends naked everyday! Can you really blame her?

When he mentioned to saving their food, she smiled at him gratefully, pushing her arms to sit up and leans on his hand. The Pendragon teen closed her eyes in his comforting gesture and nodded lightly. "Yes...Thank you for saving them." She said as she fluttered her eyes open, the bright orange color looking more like a molten yellow.

Zer0 Zer0
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- James Pendragon -
" Dalaran, Bazaar "

"Anytime, my dah~lings! Come back again." she purred. The cat meowed at Lydia.

James took her hand and thanked Madam Mystique too. When they stepped out of the fortune teller's dim shop, he shielded his eyes from the bright afternoon sun. "You think that was real?" he asked her earnestly.

Meow --- "Hey, lady." said a soprano voice below them. The black cat had followed, and was blinking at Lydia. "Yeah, I'm talkin' to ya." it said and leaped up on to some crates and sat looking down at her from a high place. "Come here." the cat pawed the air. "No --- you stay there." it added when James also moved forward.

James was surprised. "What are you?" he had never read of a domestic cat summon that could talk.

"That's rude." hissed the cat. "You mean, 'who am I'?"

"Yes, my bad. Who are you?"

"Nunya, business." said the cat smugly, flicking its tail. "I just wanna' talk to Lydia --- oh, don't look so surprised. I read the papers, I know who you two are." If Lydia came close, the cat would whisper to her. "Buncha' ravens followin' nya'. Dunno' if they're friends of yours. And that boy, there'll comma' time he gonna' tell you he gonna' go alone somewhere and won't tell you why. Don't let him go, or go with him, then you gonna' have bettah' future. Now we're even." the cat jingled its pouch of coins. "I don't accept charity."

Roleplay Skittle Roleplay Skittle

- Seifer Rathmore -
" Trinity Spire, Seifer's Room "

"Definitely be hands on." Seifer winked at Renee.

He brought the tray of food over to the bed using it and some pillows as a makeshift table as they ate. He asked her all about the manna tree in Paroosia, what happened to her there, asked her about the tree in Ashenvale, and all about the Storm Wall mission too.

"That prince said I'll be going wherever you go." said Seifer. "I don't want to go to the Storm Wall, that place is dangerous, but if you say we'll be okay, then I'm going with you. Maybe we'll find something there that can help me too."

Katsuya Katsuya

- Sen & Seth Pendragon -
" Trinity Spire, Gates "

Meanwhile, two familiar voices called out to Andrada as the guard continued to question her telling her that this place was off limits to mercenaries who have no business here.

"Andrada?" it was the Pendragon twins. "Andrada!" Quick as a flash they dashed past the guard and leaped to hug tackle her.

steevenajj steevenajj
Renee sighed as her face turned red. Yep, she somehow knew he would say hands on.

Once they started eating on his bed, using the pillows as a table of sorts, Renee answered each question Seifer had. How she was looking for the twins in a panic only to listen to the Manna tree's voice and followed it to a mysterious door. That he wanted to be called 'Sunny' because he loved the sun and that she shot a bunch of shades with a boosted version of her solar arrow. That there was a baby dragon called a Nidhogg and the dragon that's terrorizing the countries let her go when she had to give Sunny up to live.

"I think the baby dragon wanted to petrify me too, but I blinded it with how bright my solar arrow was when I shot the shades to run away." Renee mentioned before slurping the noodles with onions.

Then she told him about the supposedly silent Ashenvale Manna tree. How she needed it's help with going to the Storm Wall without dying in the process and that the scrying mirror was supposed to be at Ashenvale by now but was delayed. "I just hope I can hear him too. There's several questions I want to ask him and I wonder if he can answer them without any issues."

Renee wanted to ask the Ashenvale Manna tree, other then ask for help to going to the Storm Wall if he knows where the Orient's manna tree fruit is and if it's with her baby sister. Same if it can help with Seifer's heart condition or at least know a way for them to separate the dragon's soul from Seifer's soul. Also...if the shaman from the legends is the Aged Author. She's really curious about him.

When he mentioned about coming with her to the Storm Wall if she passed the test, Renee frowned a bit while munching on the diced meat. Then she gulped the food down. "Yes, I know...I don't really like that you have to come with me because I prefer that you stayed here where it's safer but...I also don't want to risk it either."

In case he gets angry again. The Pendragon teen noticed how dark his eyes turned and not in color either. It's more like...a shadowy blob was present when Seifer started to get angry at her as they were arguing. She wondered...and something in her gut told her that it might have been the dragon's soul fueling his negative emotions.

Then she smiled warmly at him, her wings fluttering excitedly. "Yea, maybe we can find something that can help you with your heart condition over there too if Ash cannot." Ash is the nickname she created for the Ashenvale's Manna tree. Stormy is for the Storm wall's.

Zer0 Zer0
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