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Fantasy Howl's Flying Castle (Finished! ---Whoo! (*^▽^)/)

-Master Warship-
After a moment, Lydia shrugged and wandered away from the target, deciding that she should probably find a more mobile target. The thought also occurred to her that she hadn't seen any of the girls in a few days and with this in mind she made her way back to the Trinity Spire in search of Echo, Serena, and Renee, the first place she stopped being the training grounds since she had realized days before that they all had been training a lot.

Katsuya Katsuya

* * * *
-One Day-​

Lydia's mother had a cat. The cat often brought back mice it had caught around the house and brought them to her. She often wondered how such a primped up and pompous cat managed to catch mice and also thought she just did it out of spite because Lydia was convinced Empress didn't like her. Sasha's mice on the other hand, while Lydia wasn't too fond of the squeaking, she didn't mind so much. At least the owl wasn't bringing them back just to be mean.

When the lizard half had been left on her pillow and she woke to seeing it's partially eaten carcass on her pillow, she jumped up immediately and released a sound that was similar to a foghorn but only squeakier and not as loud before she quickly looked around for Sasha before laughing hysterically. If she hadn't known better, she would have thought it was the boys pranking her again.

With two fingers, Lydia had picked up the frog by one of its feet, a grimace on her face before she looked to Sasha, seeing how proud she was made Lydia smile warmly and while she was grossed out by the frog, it wasn't anything new to her, Thomas had left frogs in her bed on more than one occasion when she was little and it was a gift after all. Lydia did the same thing that she did with all of Sasha's 'gifts,' she put it in a liquid preservative. She didn't feel right just tossing them out or burying them somewhere so in a jar of yellowish liquid the carcasses sat, right on the desk.

Sasha greatly amused Lydia, mainly because she was a lot like James and the young witch thought that was funny, though it wasn't very unusual, why shouldn't she be similar to the one that summoned her? Lydia didn't do anything strange when she touched Sasha, mainly she just rubbed her on her head or stroked her breast with the back of her index finger, she wasn't very much interested in doing things to harass the little owl.

When Sasha almost choked on the blue stone, Lydia nearly lost her mind. She panicked and didn't know what to do but when the little owl coughed it back up, she sighed in relief and snatched the stone up, not mindful of the gross stuff that was on it and cleaned it off, telling Sasha she was going to keep it until she could make it so Sasha wouldn't swallow it again. She then went to Johnny and asked him if he could get some blue embroidery thread from the Kabuki actors. After he had brought her an assortment of blue thread, she wove it in a flat strap with a chevron pattern and in the middle she wove the stone in. It would probably be easier for Sasha to play with and less likely that she would swallow it again, plus she could wear it if she had someone tie it on her and when Lydia presented it to her, she said it was to symbolize their friendship.

It was nice having Sasha as company when James wasn't around because technically he still kinda' was around, but often she forgot that and just interacted with the little owl as though she weren't connected with James, though she often caught herself before she did anything too silly or embarrassing around her. When Sasha would greet her after they hadn't seen each other for almost a day, Lydia would coo and giggle to her before rubbing her little head with a thumb and sometimes presenting her with a small blue flower if she had been outside beforehand.

When James brought Sasha to see her after training, she rose from where she sat studying and smiled brightly to the two, removing her glasses and setting them on the desk. Of course she couldn't help but notice the smell of the bread because it smelled delicious and that prompted her to check the time before she went over to them and began stroking Sasha's breast as she greeted her. Her actions were halted however when James asked if she'd like to have Sasha, "whaaaaaat?!" she paused as she had been petting Sasha, her index finger hanging in front of the little owl as she stared at James, her eyes likely as big as Sasha's.

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Echo spotted Lydia as she came in the west training courtyard and waved at her with a wide smile. "Hi Lydia! I haven't seen you for days! How are you, candypop?"

She was on break and currently sitting on the stone benches.

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Lydia smiled brightly to Echo and jogged towards her. She was wearing a short black dress with short sleeves and leggings underneath it and her usual footwear. It might seem strange to train in the heeled granny boots, but the way she saw it was it was what she usually wore so if she got in a fight, she'd probably be wearing them, she had been so far, "Hi Echo!" she smiled brightly and brushed her bangs behind her ears, "I'm okay... you?"

She sat on the bench beside Echo, sitting back all the way so that her feet weren't touching the ground, then she proceeded to swing her legs slightly, "it gets kinda' lonely on the warship... and I remembered that you all still needed to tell me the results of the pranks on the boys... well except for James, I already know how that went..." Lydia blushed slightly, a small smile on her lips.

Katsuya Katsuya
- James Pendragon -
" One Day "

James chuckled. "Lydia, would you like to have Sasha? And I bought you baguettes." he placed the basket of bread on a table away from the pickled carcasses.

Hoot. Sasha had hopped on to Lydia's shoulder, closing her eyes lazily as she was petted.

"Conjurors can pass their summons to others using the original spell circle that called it as long as the summon is willing. You'll be able to conjure her any time and be the one she shares her senses with." James took a seat. "I won't be able to do all that anymore, but I can study to summon another nether owl."

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-One Day-
Lydia continued to stare at James, mildly dumbfounded, "but... but?" she turned to follow after him, her hand lightly stroking Sasha and carefully glanced at her where she sat on her shoulder, "she... wants to be linked with me?"

Lydia's surprised expression slowly evolved into a bright and cheerful smile and she gently brushed Sasha with her cheek before looking back to James seriously, "but you don't really have time for that before the Storm Wall, do you?" her brow furrowed slightly and then she glanced away, blushing a bit, "I really do like her... but I also like that... w-well..." she hummed slightly, "w-when she's with me... you kind of are too."

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- James Pendragon -
" One Day "

" . . . " James just stood there, blinking. Suddenly his face did that half-frown, half- smile expression, his ears going red. Once more the smile won out, and he looked away covering his face with a hand, embarassed.

He looked back. "Me too." he said happily.

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-One Day-
Her gaze had drifted to the floor during his silence, her breath caught in her throat and her eyes squinted shut and then she heard his reply. Her gaze shot up from the floor to him, once again those green eyes wide and she blinked several times slowly, 'did I.... did I just hear him right?' she was pretty sure she did, it was hard and awkward to mishear such a simple phrase and at that assumption, that smile crept its way back onto her face and she giggled in embarrassment, basically mimicking the gesture James had made, turning away from him and covering her face with a hand.

She cleared her throat after a moment, trying to look serious, though the delighted twinkle was still very evident in her eyes and the subtle upward tilt to the corners of her mouth as she turned back to him, "so... then Sasha....?" she reached up to lightly stroke Sasha's wing, "I mean... if it's what you both want... you know?" she stammered mildly as her nervousness was still evident in the color of her cheeks.

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Echo's grin turned a bit awkward as she squirmed on the bench. The painful reminder of the boys' prank is still stinging at the moment.

"I...could be better. We got the boys alright. Though Serena thought James was going to get her not you, but eh." The Fawn responded as she picked up her cup of water to drink.

"Gonna train today?"

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-Trinity Spire, Western Courtyard-
Lydia watched Echo as she squirmed a bit, her brow furrowing slightly and she tilted her head to the side slightly and laughed after a moment shaking her head, so that's who took her sandwich? It was... cute, but it made her feel bad. She had allowed for James to be in a very uncomfortable predicament and all he did was tickle her ruthlessly and take her sandwich? The thought made her laugh a bit harder, to the point she was holding her stomach giggling, her face reddening slightly before she cleared her throat and tried to calm herself before answering Echo, "yeah... I've been training on the warship when I wasn't... working. But it was kind of boring."

Katsuya Katsuya
- James Pendragon -
"One Day"

"Yes, we both want it, Lydia." said James straightening up. "You're so happy with Sasha and she's very happy with you." he gave the ethereal owl an affectionate rub on her beak. "As for me I can squeeze in the hours to summon another owl between training. Will probably take two days. In the meantime I can just visit you after dinner."


He rummaged in his pockets and handed Lydia a scroll with a spell circle entitled Sasha in his neat handwriting.

"Whenever you're ready, I can teach you the basics of conjuring, though I've written instructions. Sasha is a tier two summon, but since you're friends already, it'll be no problem."

Most of the instructions on the scroll was about the importance of calming your soul before summoning so that you don't accidentally call a demon or an evil spirit.

There was a summary on the basic concepts of conjuring and some notes about nether owls and a list of books about both subjects Lydia could read up on in the library, though sufficient general information could be found in Moste Potente Summons.

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"I see...I see." She gave Lydia a long side glance as if she noticed the blush and tiny giggle from the witch, but she didn't mention it.

"Anything new happened while you were working? How did James prank you?" Echo asked casually.

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-One Day-
Lydia couldn't determine what she was feeling. She had never felt so touched in all her life, not even when her grandmother first acknowledged her interest in magic and bought her a superficial book on it. This was just so much more and she knew it. She started holding her breath as James talked, almost missing what he was saying. Her hand shook as she took the scroll from him and held it to her chest without even looking at it, still processing what was happening. Her head nodded enthusiastically, though her eyes were welling up with tears and she was still holding her breath.

She finally released her breath in a gasp and held Sasha's spell circle scroll in the hand on the same side of her body where the little owl sat as her hand on the opposite side raised, the ball of her hand going for her eyes as she wiped her tears from it. She desperately wanted to hug James, but she found that her body wouldn't let her so she ended up just appearing really fidgety and awkward while she sobbed softly, "thank you, James... Sasha..."

Zer0 Zer0

* * * *
Lydia looked up at the sky for a moment, "mmm... same stuff... but it's progressing..." then her eyes grew wide to Echo's next question and she turned to look at her, evidently astonished and thinking that Echo was a mind reader as her posture straightened and she slid to the edge of the bench so her feet touched the ground again, "well..." she giggled slightly and touched her side as she remembered, "the punishment didn't fit the crime," she thought that was the easiest thing to say because it was true, and telling Echo what James had done was embarrassing. She just sat there and grinned stupidly, not realizing the expression on her face.

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Echo had this look on her face that said 'Uh-huh...sure...' as she stared at Lydia from the corner of her eyes. Oh yea, Lydia is pretty obvious to Echo with her mannerisms. She might not realize it, but the tiny witch tends to make a lot of expressions and her body language is another way for Echo to pick something up. Like how she sat up straight when she mentioned about something new happening or when she touched her side...

Or that love-sick grin on her face right now...

"...I see that James was merciful on you. Unlike for me and Serena. Someone glued my butt on the toilet seat and someone shaved one of Serena's eyebrows." Echo shook her head, planning to get back at the twins since they were the only ones who would be brutish enough to glue the toilet seat. Next time...she's not going to be so nice.

"Someone found Renee's sketchbook and pencils hanging above the ocean too. You should have seen her face. She looked like she wanted to dunk a person in the ocean." The fawn giggled in amusement.

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- Johnny Caprice -

"One Day"

"Why of course, my fluffy sheep daughter." said Johnny jovially, swinging his arms. "Want to go exploring? I've gone up through all the floors of all the buildings except for floor seventy up to the roof of Trinity Spire. I heard there's an observatory up there and a moon well."

He had just toweled off after coming from the ocean with the other soldiers. He had been teaching his water elemental, "Soda", how to form itself into fancy water arcs and have Sorbet freeze them to create ice bridges. His pale skin had turned tan from all the time spent under the sun, and his shoulders were starting to have a nice contour from all the swimming. He and Renee's brothers were slowly transforming, becoming more athletic looking, especially the twins who had started adding weights to their training.

After a "Watashi wa saki ni iku yo." to the Orientals, he followed Renee, chatting all the while about the things he found in the other floors of the spire, until they got to where she wanted to go and he listened to her love problems.

Katsuya Katsuya

- James Pendragon -
"One Day"

For a moment James was surprised.

"You're welcome." he said quickly, bending to her eye level. "Hey, it's alright, there, there, Lydia." he chuckled, patting her back the way Echo did when she comforted Renee a long time ago.

"You're welcome." He repeated warmly. He stayed that way, just letting her cry; Sasha walked closer to Lydia's ear and hooted softly before nibbling it affectionately. Then flew off and returned with a whole bunch of lizards in her beak and offered them helpfully to her.

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"Sure! I would love to check floor seventy with my sheep dad." Renee smiled a bit as she felt more relaxed from Johnny's jolly nature. Her short hair is now down to her neck while her braid reaches down to her lower torso. Her face and shoulders has more freckles from the sun as she's used to staying outside for so long. While she may not be as built as the boys, she's definitely a lot more nimble and light, good to be quick and agile.

Serena's training made her more quiet and able to move around in tight spaces to sneak around. The blonde even has her hair in a bun all the time so it doesn't get in the way. Echo has a darker tan and though her figure hasn't changed much, her hold on her strength is a lot more manageable. Even handling the equipment is a lot better as she didn't break anything while doing martial arts these past few days. She's even fluid with her hammer as she practices the martial arts she learned and uses her hammer as an extension. Minnie practices at night as she prefers to be alone and always made sure to aim and hide.

Once they reached the empty seventieth floor and close to the moon well, Renee started her real reason to talk. "Okay, so...I'm worried and concerned with Seifer's heart condition and the consequences with it." Her wings fluttered nervously.

"I would ask James, but I have a feeling that he's not going to accept Seifer's or my feelings with being together and he would just tell me to break it off, especially when his heart condition will get worse with time." Renee took a deep breathe as she rather stay calm while explaining.

"So as someone who knows how it feels to be in a successful relationship and being a brother of nine sisters, I thought I should ask you for some advice on...how I can bring up my concern with Seifer? What should I do because I do want to stay together with him and to be honest, I want to be serious with him." She grabbed Johnny's hand as her orange eyes looked into his, showing that she means it but not for being stubborn like how she usually would be. It's for the genuine affection towards the archer.

"So how can I talk about this with Seifer? Same with James if I ever have to tell him about my relationship? What should I do?"

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-Trinity Spire, Western Courtyard-
Lydia grimaced when Echo described the pranks the twins pulled on each of them, one of her eyes squinting shut as she shirked away like she could feel the pain they had each felt in their own way before her cheeks puffed up as she tried to determine if it would be wise to escalate things, she released the air she had drawn in as her gaze once again turned to the sky, "well... shave some of Seth and Sen's hair and hide their ninja gear... and put scrambled eggs in their shoes."

She nodded sagely and crossed her arms over her chest. She had the feeling that Johnny wasn't involved in any of that and James only retaliated because of the prank that had been pulled on him and probably wouldn't have otherwise so she thought it might be better to leave them out of it.

She put her hands on either side of her on the bench and shuffled her feet slightly, her cheery smile returning, "you know, I wanted to see if you would train with me... I got this!" she pulled the hammer from her belt and showed it to Echo, "but if you aren't feeling up to it..." she spoke through her teeth slightly, her brow furrowing a bit.

Katsuya Katsuya

* * * *
She could only sniffle and laugh slightly at herself for all of her weirdness. She still wasn't sure what to do or how to react and only became more embarrassed by the minute on account of James' actions. She shook her head and breathed deeply, trying to both calm herself and repress the urge to hug James her body trembling slightly under his touch and she giggled a bit as Sasha tried to comfort her as well and when she flew off only to return with a bunch of lizards, Lydia could only squeal before giggling in amusement... yep, lizards. It would see that there would probably be a lot of that in her future.

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Echo perked up at the ideas to get the twins back and grinned happily. "Thanks Lydia! I'll keep that in mind." When she showed her small hammer, the fawn bends her arms as she shook her hands in excitement. Like how a mother is excited to do an activity together with her daughter. The red head balked a bit when Lydia thought she wasn't up for it and hugged the tiny witch.

"Of course! I would love to teach you! Aww~! You are so cute, Lydia, honestly." Echo cooed as she nuzzled on top of her brunette hair. Then she stood up, her green eyes sparkled in her joy as she offered a hand. "Come on! I'll look for some weights to put on your wrists and legs so you can swinging easily later on. Even put some power in there too." The fawn smiled brightly with a hint of a dark blush on her cheeks.

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-Trinity Spire-
Lydia smiled brightly again to Echo's reaction at her own little hammer. It wasn't as huge as Echo's, really only made for one handed swinging, unless she felt like golfing.. maybe? But it was a good weapon, with the weight of it starting midway and becoming heavier as it reached the head with just enough balance to it to allow for it not to feel too awkward when it was being lifted.

She squeaked softly when Lydia cooed and nuzzled her, giggling and closing her eyes. She nodded to what Echo was telling her, she remembered how heavy the first mace she had was when she first got it and how it had gotten to feel lighter after she had gotten used to swinging it. This new one too was about the same in weight and she hadn't even thought about wearing weights to increase her strength. The idea made her smile excitedly and she nodded enthusiastically.

"That's a great idea!" she could only imagine how hard she'd be able to hit the bad guys after training some with Echo and that caused her smile to go a little devilish as she took Echo's hand and hopped up from the bench, her hammer in her other hand. Maybe she wouldn't have to keep doing her wild running swing in the near future.

Katsuya Katsuya
- Johnny Caprice -
" Trinity Spire, Moon Well "

"First off," Johnny raised a finger and looked at Renee gravely, " do you accept all the consequences? The pain that will come if his soul is eaten by the dragon's? Even having to lose him if somehow the black dragon dies, or even . . . snuffing out his life if he turns before he kills someone?"

He squeezed her hand. "You also need to pick a side now, Renee. His or what's best for everyone else if worse comes to worse."

Katsuya Katsuya

- James Pendragon -
"One Day"
For the following days James would come over every night to teach Lydia the basics of conjuring, asking her what bread she'd like from the bakery, or a snack or drink from Dalaran's shops before bringing it up to the Atelier with him, taking note of what she liked.

"I'm going to miss you." James told Sasha one lunch time when he was alone in his room in the tower. The small ethereal owl hooted affectionately on his chest and hopped closer to snuggle under his jaw. "Visit me every now and then, I'll visit you too."


"Yes, I'll bring food." he chuckled, and laughed when Sasha nibbled his ear. "Take care of yourself and be careful not to choke on your toys, okay?"

Hoot, hoot

Finally the day came when Lydia was more than ready to summon Sasha from the spell circle, this will seal the bond between them so that she wouldn't need the circle later anymore. All that's left was for her to choose to do it.

Meanwhile, Hisaya's teachings on the exorcism spell were finally finished. The papers were enough to make a small booklet on the subject. All that's left now was finding a colossal power source that could be controlled either by arcane might, or through engineering.

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Renee gulped before breathing in and out, calming down her nerves so she can think. She closed her eyes so she can block out everything around her.

Would she actually do it? Would she be able to handle to lose a major piece of her heart as she has to kill Seifer off in case the worst comes to worse? The Pendragon sister immediately knew the answer.

"...I accept all the consequences. While I know that I will cry if his soul is eaten or be devastated if the dragon dies before finding a way to save him...I will not regret being together with him." Renee declared as she opened her eyes that were swimming with pain, sadness...and affection.

"I'm still going to do my best to find a way to save him, no way that I'm giving up that easily...but if his death is the only way to keep everyone else safe, then...I will end him myself and miss him." She held back her tears from saying that, it's absolutely horrible to say that she will kill Seifer herself if nothing else can help.

"I won't regret it though because then I can remember him. I can remember all the good times and bad times that I have with him and it'll be my most precious memories that I'll ever carry. So I can tell everyone around me that I'm so happy to know and spend time with the one who caught my heart." Smiling in a bittersweet way, Renee made sure hold on to Johnny's hand as if she's trying to ground her anxieties and not let her stubbornness get in the way.

Zer0 Zer0


After bring Lydia to a spacious area where Lydia can practice swinging without fearing of hitting someone, Echo left and came back with some weights that can be tied to her ankles and wrists. The fawn made sure to tie them tightly around her thin limbs, pulling on them a bit to check if it's too tight or not. Thing is, those weights weigh ten pounds each.

Once that's done, Echo tossed her hammer up, telling it to shrink and it did, catching it with ease. Now it's the same size as Lydia's hammer. "Okay, now Lydia. I want you to swing as hard as you can with your hammer. Don't be scared if it flies out of your hands. Just pick it up and try it again for an hour. I want to see how you move so I can have a better idea and help with your posture. Then when times up, we're gonna run around the training grounds five times with those weights on. Yes, you must carry your hammer too so you can get used to holding it while running. So don't put it on your belt." Echo explained, smiling warmly as she swung her hammer a bit to get a better idea of what she's working with.

Then she stood to the sidelines and crossed her arms, telling the witch to start swinging whenever she's ready. "Remember Lydia: that hammer is an extension of your arm, so think about how you can use it efficiently."

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-One Day-
Lydia's time was divided so harshly that she couldn't find hardly a minute for anything else. If she wasn't working on the exorcism spell, she was out training with her mace and her magic abilities. If she wasn't training, she technically still was because she didn't want to mess up the spell James had given her and she was incredibly apprehensive about it. Most of her time when she wasn't learning from James was spent practicing reciting the spell over and over again and if she wasn't doing that, she was practicing calming her soul, which was not an easy task and when she couldn't manage to do it, she ended up pacing the floor until she fell asleep from exhaustion because that was the only other thing she managed larger quantities of time for and the next day it would all start again.

Wake up, wash, eat and study with Hisaya, train, eat, study with Hisaya, eat and train and practice with James, practice on her own, sleep.. that was Lydia's schedule. When all of the knowledge Hisaya had to pass on about the exorcism spell was done, Lydia had a little more time and devoted it to not messing up summoning Sasha. When the day finally came where she had learned all she could in preparation, she was still antsy, worried, and frustrated. True, she did have moments of contentment, particularly when James was there, whether or not he was helping her deepen her knowledge on conjuring and prepare her for summoning Sasha.

She liked the smell of the bread he would bring with him and often just closed her eyes and inhaled deeply. One of the snacks James brought for her was a soft bun filled with seasoned meat and that had to be the thing she asked for the most often after the first time she had it, when she saw that there was meat inside she nearly lost her mind over it, exclaiming more than once that there was meat inside and then excitedly musing on all of the other things that could be stuffed in a bun and also talked about how they were better than sandwiches.

Thinking back on funny little instances that involved James, she realized when she had felt the most calm. Thinking of James didn't calm her, it made her happy and excited and she was anything but calm. But then she would remember those times when they would study together, back when the adventure first started. She thought about how they would just sit there quietly, side by side and she realized even when she was back at home in her parents' study, she had never felt that calm.

After preparing the circle, going over it multiple times as she always did with something of this importance, which in her mind was everything that involved magic, she took a deep breath and smiled at James, "okay... I'm ready," she closed her eyes and focused on her breathing, calming her physical self first before she moved her thoughts back to not the first time James had sat with her and studied, but one of the other times, after she had gotten used to him being there and was comfortable with him and focused on that until she felt that she was very relaxed and at peace, "Choutte Venire" she spoke the words assuredly but gently and the practice had evidently had an effect because they rolled over of her tongue perfectly.

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* * * *
Lydia was swinging her hammer back and forth over the ground like a croquet mallet as she waited for Echo, Putting it back in the loop on her belt when Echo returned with the weights. She watched as the Fawn tied the weights on her and when Echo told her to swing her hammer as hard as she could, Lydia let out an amused guffaw and moved her hand to slap it over her mouth, nearly knocking herself out in the process on account of the extra weight. Of course that just caused her to laugh more, but this time it was more of a loud chortle rather than a guffaw, "alright Echo," she did pause and look at Echo like she was insane when she said they were going to run laps with the weights on, but in the end she just shrugged her shoulders and backed away from Echo so that she could begin swinging.

She took up the usual stance she held when she was practicing with the mace, she stood with her feet slightly apart and one of her hands held out slightly, though this time it was definitely more for balance and not so much from the advice she had gotten from the book she read what seems like ages ago. Typically she would just do a back and forth swing, rather than overhead and so that is what she did. After making sure she had a tight grip on the weapon, she drew in a deep breath and swung from the right before letting the breath out again, then still holding the hammer in her right hand, she did a cross swing from the right and the awkward angle did cause her to throw the mace, which made her laugh before she stocked after it. Stocking because of the added weight on her ankles and she was wearing heels too! The balls of her feet were already starting to get sore and she knew she would pay for it later, but comfort wasn't the most important thing when in combat, so she didn't complain and just picked up her mace before going to swing it again.

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While on the sidelines she is smiling, Echo observed every movement that her friend made, taking notes in her head to make some improvements for the tiny witch. It's one thing to build up muscle like James' case, but to learn on how to wield a hammer is a total different experience. Maybe she should show her on how to defend first and then attack. Once the hour was up, Echo walked up to the tired witch told her to stand up with a strict tone.

"Alright, I'm going to show you on how you can use the hammer in other ways. I see that you can hit, but there are other ways to use it for defense and then strike." Echo puts the hammer in her belt so that Lydia can see what she's about to do.

"Okay, you know that you draw your hammer up like this and then you flip around so you can hit with the head, right?" Echo grabbed the part that's under the head as it's the closest part to grab. "But in battle, every second counts, so to block an enemy who's about to hit you, draw it out like you normally would and line the handle with your arm. That way the enemy will hit the handle and you won't get injured." The fawn quickly twisted her arm up as if an enemy is about to hit her from above and the handle easily lined up with her arm.

"Once you do that, you can use the hammer to deliver a heavy punch on the elbow or the leg if they kick or take away the enemy's weapon like so." Echo then swung her arm down like she was blocking a kick and swung to the side.

"If you want to push an enemy off for a second more, use the handle to push them. To be more effective, use this move when they are about to fall. Use their momentum to your advantage and basically poke them with your hammer's handle so they fall and then finish them off by striking them in their weak points." That's when Echo twisted her wrist to the side as the handle aimed at her invisible foe and pushed her handle to them. Then strikes downward, using her strength and gravity do their part and hit the ground. When she lifted her hammer up, there's a hole on the ground with a few cracks around it.

Her green eyes looked over at Lydia and she smiled again. "Understand? Ask if you have any questions."

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- Johnny Caprice -
" Trinity Spire, Moon Well "

"Alright. Secondly, what do you want from Seifer? Do you want to have a family, or sleep with him, or have someone who'll take care of you? It's alright if you're still figuring it out. I didn't know what I wanted in the beginning, only that I hoped that it'll bring me love. Now me and Echo are figuring out if we're compatible for a life together. I'm not sure if she still wants to open an herb shop or maybe a dojo." he chuckled, smiling fondly at the moon well. "She really loves fighting."

He sighed deeply, reaching out to touch the waters of the well. "I'm going to ask her on a date tomorrow if she's not so tired, explore the city, or maybe spar if she wants to spar." he daydreamed, going off topic.

Katsuya Katsuya

- James Pendragon -
" Somewhere "


Sasha flew out of Lydia's magically drawn spell circle as if it was a portal and fluttered happily on to her shoulder, bobbing her head and hooting shrilly in her joy. Lydia would feel a strange tugging at her mind, friendly and eager as if asking permission impatiently to enter.

If Lydia would give it free reign, the moment she blinks, she'd find herself looking at herself except in shades of black, grey, and white from Sasha's point of view on her shoulder, hearing herself acutely from the owl's own ears, and if she spoke it would come out from the small ghostly owl's beak.

Roleplay Skittle Roleplay Skittle
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Renee blushed brightly and her wings flapped in her embarrassment when Johnny mentioned the options of what she wants from Seifer. That's so...intimate-! She knows that she doesn't want to sleep with him because she wasn't ready for that yet. She wants to nurture her feelings first before doing...that and then...

And then...?

The Pendragon teen covered her silly grin with her hands as her face turned even redder from the idea of having a family with him. She is mentally screaming in her mind right about now as the idea really did please her. Ideally, she would want to have a large family, both by blood and by adoption like how her parents did it. Then she would do her job as a medi-witch and make enough to support her kids and husband as she rather work together equally than to depend on her husband, rich or not. Then she would visit her brothers with the kids and let them go crazy and have fun and...

Yea, she...she really likes to have a family, but right now...she's more concern with the now. Renee wants to talk about this with Seifer and plan it out and hopefully she won't spaz out from even suggesting it to the archer. Besides she doesn't know if Seifer even feel the same way as her since he does flirt a lot. She knows that he wants to have a deeper connection physically from the tight hugs and he always walks away to calm down, but she wants to know if all he wants is to just sleep with her...

but then she remembered that he said that she is the 'girl of his dreams'...So...So-!

".....JohnnyIhaveanideabutithinki'mgoingtoexplodefromthinkingaboutitandit'ssoembarrassingand-!" Renee is not Echo, so she couldn't breathe right as she rambled on; Her wings fluttered excitedly like they couldn't calm down. "But...but I want to ask him first and see where he wants to see this relationship to go..."The winged teen added, peeking with one of her eyes through her fingers. Johnny could probably see the deep red in her ears.

Zer0 Zer0
-Trinity Spire-
Lydia hadn't completely sat down, instead the head of her hammer was on the ground and she was using the handle like a cane, leaning her weight on it as she wiped her brow with her other hand, but as Echo told her to, she did straighten her posture and tried to muster a tired smile. She watched Echo carefully as she demonstrated, and even though her muscles hated her for it, she tried to do the same movements while Echo was doing them and when Echo finished, she started going through them again, not looking at Echo anymore, instead focusing on what she was doing.

Though when Echo asked if she understood, she nodded and smiled slightly, now looking to Echo again, "I read a book on basic combat tactics for melee weaponry when we first left the castle... it's a lot easier to process when someone is physically in front of me demonstrating... reading and pictures just isn't the same," she then went back to the repetitive gestures she had been making that mimicked Echo's previous ones.

Katsuya Katsuya

* * * *
Lydia giggled ecstatically as Sasha appeared and clapped her hands before gently stroking Sasha's head a few times and as she felt the tug, she opened her mind to Sasha and gasped when she was able to sense through the little owl, giggling again, "this is how you see? Oh! Blue!" it was awkward but she reached into the pocket of the purple vest she wore and pulled out a bit of silk fabric that was tied into a simple but pretty bow and held it up to see if she could see the color through Sasha's eyes before she presented it to the little owl, "I wanted to give you something to say thank you."

Zer0 Zer0

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