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Fantasy Howl's Flying Castle (Finished! ---Whoo! (*^▽^)/)

- Johnny Caprice -
" Trinity Spire, Moon Well "

Johnny laughed. "Yes, do that. Then you'll be ready to answer all the questions your brothers and your parents will ask the both of you. He grinned at her. "Good luck, Renee, and wish me luck too when me and Echo talk to her father."

Katsuya Katsuya

- James Pendragon -
" Somewhere "

The blue stone was just another grey shade through Sasha's eyes. The owl hooted gleefully and the vision went black for a moment as Lydia felt her nibble her ear. The ethereal owl took the bow and played with it. James watched them both, smiling with a look as though he was convinced he made a good decision, as he sat nearby. Sasha flew over to him and showed him the bow proudly.

"I know, it's beautiful." he stroke her head extra gently. "Now people will know you're a girl owl."


Sasha flew around the room in dizzying circles, dancing and bobbing her head, finally fluttering back on Lydia's shoulder and beaming at her as though saying hello.

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With a nod, Renee felt a lot better and hugged the entertainer tightly. "Thank you Johnny! I'm going to look for him now....Thanks again-!" Then she ran off, screaming happily.


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Echo nodded and only spoke up when Lydia made a mistake with handling her hammer. She is strict and did not play around, but she gave encouragement when the witch did it right. Once she believed that she has it memorized, the fawn told her to take a break.

"Since you're doing decent for your first time, we won't run for today. Tomorrow we'll run, today we'll practice on you getting familiar with your weapon." The fawn said as handed Lydia a water bottle and a small towel. "Oh, and you should take your shoes off too. It'll help relax your feet muscles too. Would be really bad if you couldn't run for tomorrow." Echo giggled at the end.

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- Seifer Rathmore -
" Trinity Spire, Seifer's Room "

Jazz was pouring out of Seifer's room. Upon opening the door, Renee would find the archer cutting a rug enthusiastically in front of a big mirror that wasn't here yesterday. His bed, his mother's, and all the tables and chairs had been stacked against the wall clearing up a wide space. There was a vinyl record player on the bed and a couple of records scattered on the bed. He was free-styling more modern moves and wore white loose pants and a white long sleeved shirt to hide the sealing cuffs still on him.

He brightened up when he saw that it was Renee. Humming with the song, he sauntered over and danced around her, inviting her to join him.

Katsuya Katsuya
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When she heard the jazz music coming from his room, Renee bobbed her head to the beat as she opened the door and paused. Where did that mirror come from?...Oh yea, he carried that mirror around during their travels.

The Pendragon teen smiled at his invitation and started to dance with him, swaying and swinging her hips to the tempo. With a sweep of her foot, she closed the door and let the music guide her. She spun around, her tunic skirt flaring up as she dropped her bow on his bed and then faced Seifer with a sharp turn. Her moves looks like it had a salsa flair as her steps moved with the rhythm, giving them a loose but popping effect as she swung them.

When she got closer to Seifer, Renee asked him rather timidly despite her happy expression. "Seifer, there's something I want to ask you. Can we talk?" Her wings fluttered when she spun again, her back facing him as she popped her hips and peeked over her shoulder in a flirtatious manner. One of her fingers lightly tapped her bottom lip as her eyelids fluttered.

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- Seifer Rathmore -
" Trinity Spire, Seifer's Room "

"Yuh." said Seifer dumbly.

Immediately, he recovered his cool. "Yeah! Yeah, sure ---" he leaped to change the vinyl record and smooth saxophone music began to play --- "definitely. So . . . " his voice became husky, as he suavely smoothed his hair back "what do want to talk about?"

He waggled his eyebrows.

Katsuya Katsuya
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Giggling from his reaction before clearing her throat, Renee faced Seifer and held his hands. She bit her bottom lip as she thought on how is she going to bring it up? She can't blunt, it would definitely be too-

"Our relationship and the what ifs with...this." Renee lets go of one to place a hand on his chest where his heart is, feeling that familiar pulse.

Blunt. It would be too blunt.

"I-I know it's too soon to ask about it and all, but I do want to know what you want from me and I want to tell you what I want from you." The winged teen breathed in and sighs as she leans her forehead on his chest; Her wings shuddered from what she's about to say next.

"And...I want to plan it out with you. Like what if your heart condition gets...worse? Not saying that I won't do my best on saving you, I'm way too stubborn to let that happen...But...I would like to know your side on the matter." Renee looked up, a small frown on her face as her eyes searched in his stormy grey ones.

"It's so we can be ready...when we face our families about this..."

Zer0 Zer0
- Seifer Rathmore -
" Trinity Spire, Seifer's Room "

The saxophone music went scratchy then died. "No, no, we can't talk about this with my father." said Seifer immediately. He looked worried about something as he stood there, thinking.

It took him some time to say, "You see I-I'm legally promised to marry Areta of the House of Hurnard in the Capulet Kingdom. Remember that girl I brought with me to the King's feast? The one who couldn't speak our language very well? That was her. Most of my father's business transactions are done with her father. So he can't know, nor the public, or that's it for my family's fortune."

His gaze softened. "But I do want to be with you, Renee, and plan things about this." he placed his hand over Renee's over his red crystal heart. "We just need a way to figure out how to fix me and break the engagement and yet keep my family's fortune. Wedding's next year, when I turn eighteen."

Katsuya Katsuya
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Wow, that recorder knew how to reflect the mood right now.

Renee sighed again and listened with open ears, though her wings tucked tightly against her head as she wants to be serious. No, she's not going to be mad that he's legally promised to marry the lady she saw at the party. Though she's itching to shake him for being legally promised to another woman while going out with her. Like come on, Rathmore, is what she really wants to say, but she didn't. Instead, she waited until he finished talking.

The Pendragon teen then sighed in a bit of relief. "Okay, I won't say a word about our relationship until you find a way to keep your family fortune. We have time...somewhat, to think of a way to break the engagement. Just want to let you that I will be working as a Medi-witch." It's what she loves to do: helping others get better with herbs and healing magic.

"...I'm going to talk with someone soon through a scrying mirror and trust me when I say that you are going to look at me funny when you find out who it is. But I'm gonna ask them if they know another way to cut that bond you have in case James and Lydia's spell doesn't work."

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- Seifer Rathmore -
" Trinity Spire, Seifer's Room "

"Okay?" said Seifer uncertainly. "About having a . . . a job, Renee . . . I never thought about that before. Didn't think I'd need it. If I break off the marriage, father will probably disown me . . . and then I'll have nothing. Gasp --- no Monsieur Gauche's Hair Growing Cream, I might grow old bald and ugly." he clapped his hands to his cheeks and the expression of impending doom encroached on his face.

He looked at Renee and seemed to be having a battle between choosing his hair or choosing her.

"I am going to loot every treasure hold we come across on our way back to Kingsbury."

Katsuya Katsuya
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Okay, she had to raise an eyebrow.

Is that how he survived this whole time? By depending on his father's fortune? Even worse, his father will disown him for a business deal?? What sort of parent does that?! Well that needs to change and when that day happens, she's going to be sure as Johnny's love for fluffy sheep that she will make the man regret his stupidity of treating his son like a trade-able item.

No parent should control their child like that.

Renee snorted and laughed when he mentioned looting treasure, shaking her head in disbelief. Her boyfriend is so silly! She cupped his hands with hers, mirth glowing in her orange eyes as she smiled warmly. "Seifer. Seifer honey, it's okay. Why not work in something you love to do? Like dancing. I know you're a fantastic teacher and you give really good tips and advice."

"And don't worry about the hair products. My dad uses that brand all the time and he sells spells and medicine. If he could buy it, I'm sure we can too if your father disowns you."

"Besides, even if you grow old bald and ugly, I will still love you..." Renee paused for a moment as she realized what she just said and covered her mouth, blushing bright red. Her wings flapped clumsily like they didn't know what to do. "I-I mean-!"

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- Seifer Rathmore -
" Trinity Spire, Seifer's Room "

"Really?" said Seifer insecurely, like a hopeful child. He just smiled, showing his dimples, while looking at the floor. Then hugged Renee tight for a long time again.

When he let her go, he said, "I'm not sure if this is an insult or anything, Renee, but these are my honest feelings. I don't think you're pretty, but you are the most beautiful --- beautiful means you entirely --- wonderful, amazing, woman in the world and you are thiiiis ---" he held out two fingers a centimeter apart --- "close to being as awesome as my mom."

He kissed her fiercely. "Alright, I'm going to become the richest dance teacher in the world!"

He also told Renee that what he wanted from her was just to continue giving him "this", or just be herself and he's good. Even if it's her monthly rage phase like when she suddenly wrapped his head in bandages that one time when . . . he . . . rejected her. It's okay, he still wants her.

All that's left now was to discuss what to do if his heart condition (" I love it that you call it that." said Seifer) gets worse.

"I imagined that the worse that could happen would be if I lose myself and attack mom, attack you, and everyone important to you." he said, his arms still around Renee. He invited her to lean back on him as he made to sit on the floor.

Katsuya Katsuya
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-Also Somewhere-
"Hmmm..." she couldn't help but sound a little disappointed, she thought that Sasha could see blue and that's why she liked it so much. But Sasha shortly nibbled her ear and she giggled before watching Sasha fly over to James. She watched them as they interacted, but she couldn't help but think that James sounded a little sad. Of course he'd be sad. She smiled warmly, she had brought a thank you for Sasha, of course she hadn't forgotten James. She went over to the desk and opened one of the drawers, removing a parcel that was pretty obviously a book that she held closely against her as she went back over to where James sat, her gaze drifting to Sasha as she continued to smile, gently nuzzling her with her cheek when she came to land on her shoulder. She giggled softly and held out the book to James.

The book was wrapped in a paisley paper in shades of blue and tied with a silver ribbon, "I found this in the library while I was studying to summon Sasha and I asked one of the gargoyle's to see if they could find me a copy in town..." she waited for James to take the gift before her hands clasped together in front of her, hanging down by her legs. Once he opened it, the title would read, Legends of Celestials and was a listing of all of the acknowledged Celestials that were known to the magic community and any information that they had about them. It was sort of a storybook in a way since it's only taken from accounts long before the incantations for summoning them were lost, but she thought he might enjoy it anyway and stood by with a mixture of hopefulness and apprehension set on her delicate features.

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* * * *
She appreciated Echo's help when she wasn't going through the motions Echo had shown her correctly. It was becoming increasingly difficult to always do it properly as her muscles were tiring, constricting, and at times felt so heavy she had trouble lifting her arms. But she persevered and rather than snapping at Echo, she just nodded in understanding.

She grinned with a mixture of relief and pride on her features. She was glad she had studied that melee combat book so thoroughly, otherwise she probably wouldn't have picked up what Echo had shown her as quickly. She put her hammer back in the loop of her belt before finding a bench to sit on after she took the water and towel from Echo. The first thing she did after she sat was take off her shoes as Echo had suggested. Maybe she was being a little too hard on herself and her feet were burning and starting to ache in the arches. She rubbed them slightly before using the towel to wipe her forehead, the length of her bangs sticking to the side in a sort of cowlick before she wiped the back of her neck and opened the water to take a drink.

"Thanks Echo, for helping me," she said tiredly.

Katsuya Katsuya
- James Pendragon -
" Somewhere "

"For me?" said James, surprised. "Thanks, Lydia!" Smiling, he accepted the book, holding it like it was glass. He stood up, curious, and unwrapped the gift carefully, making sure he didn't tear the wrappings. When he beheld the cover, his eyebrows went all the way up pass the dark hair that fell with a casual elegance down his face.

"This is Legends of Celestials." he told Lydia, amazed. "This is Legends of Celestials. I've always wanted this book, the Wizengamot use this book in their research." he flipped open the pages and looked it over. The book was a replica of the real collection of scrolls and papers of ancient scribes, with all its untidy scribbles and stains. "Wow . . . You know they say there's hidden messages and codes in the old texts, wow." he ran his hand on the pages.

"Thanks, Lydia." he smiled, ears red. He opened his arms as if gesturing that he was going to hug her, and then hug her he did.

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She nodded when he asked if it was for him, her nose wrinkling slightly as she smiled to him brightly, "you're welcome!" those green eyes were wide as she watched him intently as he carefully opened the paper, her hands moving from where they hung in front of her to being clasped under her chin. She nodded again when he said the title, a slightly amused expression crossing her features as he said the title again and she giggled in happiness as he spoke more about the book, her entwined fingers tightening slightly as her heels left the floor a few times, causing her body to bounce a bit in joy.

"I'm so glad that you like it... I wanted to thank you for Sasha... I know this can't take her place... but..." she bowed her head slightly as he thanked her again and looked from one of his arms to the other as he spread them before she looked to him curiously, her heart beat picking up speed as her green eyes widened. Her heart felt like it was going to burst as James' arms wrapped around her, those green eyes looking about semi wildly as her cheek pressed his chest and she held her breath... then she realized how awkward she was acting and started breathing again, carefully moving her hands from where they were clasped between her and James and loosely wrapping them around him. Her face burned and if James hadn't felt her heart beating before, he definitely felt it now, it was going the speed of a tiny bird and that's how Lydia felt under his arms, "uh-uh-uhm... y-y-you're-you're welcome... J-J-J-James!"

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She almost froze from seeing that smile and the quiet tone in his voice as she never heard him to be insecure. Scared, yes because he screamed in her ears before, but insecure?...Not once...Who knew? No one but his mother maybe...

"Yes, really." Renee admitted, smiling warmly. His smile is so cute~!

Though she feels pretty awesome that she's as close as his mother in the heart scale of his, considering his mother is the number one lady in his life and Renee wouldn't change that.

"I wasn't on my-!...-sighs- I want you to be yourself too." Renee wasn't lying. Sure she would love to have a family, but they're still teens. Old teens, but teens none the less. So right now, she's happy to see this side of him. It makes her heart beat faster and she wants to encourage him as much as she can so that he wouldn't feel like a failure when he does a small mistake. That and...he appreciates her too...She blushed again as she's not used to having that.

The Pendragon teen sat on the floor with Seifer, leaning on him a bit as she hugged him tight.

"If that does happen, you attacking everyone I mean, and my voice doesn't reach you for some time...what would you like me to do? Because I promised to you to keep your mom safe, so..." Renee didn't want to say it again. Once is enough for the day...

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Echo nodded, keeping an eye on Lydia so she doesn't fall over or faint. That would be bad. "No problem, pumpkin pie. Glad to help." She said. "Are your feet okay? No boils or muscle strains?"

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- James Pendragon -
" Somewhere "

James' chuckled. His heart was beating fast too. His scent reminded one of a cozy fireplace, old books well-read, and polished wood; Sasha hooted sleepily and buried herself inside Lydia's hair, wriggling into the small warm space between her chin and James' chest

He squeezed her fondly, cheek pressed against the top of her hair, but didn't let go afterwards. The seconds that passed were too long for a friendly hug. He was wearing his midnight blue robes, so the arms that held Lydia wrapped her almost like a blanket.

"Lydia, is there someone you love waiting for you back in your home city?" asked James casually, but his heart was pounding louder than usual.

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- Seifer Rathmore -
" Trinity Spire, Seifer's Room "

"If there's no hope for me?" clarified Seifer, somberly. " . . . I . . . I don't know." it was clear in his eyes that he understood what had to be done. But he was afraid of dying and he did not want to die. His hold on Renee tightened and he buried his face into the nook of a wing for comfort.

Katsuya Katsuya
-Trinity Spire, Western Courtyard-
She draped the towel around her shoulders and drank slowly. She didn't want to get a stomach cramp from drinking to fast after all the effort she had just made. She rubbed her foot again and smiled, "no, just a little achy in my arches and the ball of my feet is a little sore... but my feet are pretty used to this style of shoes."

Katsuya Katsuya

* * * *
Lydia could feel and hear his heartbeat where she had her face against his chest and knowing that he was just as anxious as her made her smile and relax slightly, enough so that she nuzzled against his warmth and closed her eyes, giggling slightly and moving one of her hands from behind his back as Sasha curled between them, petting the little owl gently. His scent was comforting to her and in a way mingled with her own scent since she smell much the same with the added subtle lavender scent she wore.

She felt like she was dreaming and stood there in silence and unmoving. She felt so secure in his arms, warm and secure and without really knowing it, she let out a soft and content sigh, her eyes popping open as soon as James spoke and her heart beat picking up again as she moved slightly so she could look up at him. The corner of her mouth quirked into a somewhat embarrassed smile as she shook her head slightly. She knew he wasn't talking about someone like her mom or someone else in her family, that hug had been too long for him to be asking that. She chuckled nervously and looked away from him, "the boys at home think I'm weird," she said softly, her fingers nervously fumbling with the fabric of James' robe.

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Renee squeezed her arms around him as he hid in the nook of her wing, letting it wrap lightly around his head in comfort. Her eyes are filled with grief and determination as she nuzzled onto his chest. "I...I know...It's scary to think about. I don't even want to think about it...but we have to consider on what to do..."

Breathing in and out shakily, she closed her eyes and grips on the back of his shirt. "...I don't want to lose you...ever...but...should it happen...I..I-!" The Pendragon teen sniffed as her voice quivered, her eyes started to burn with tears. As much as she wants to say 'I won't let that happen! I won't!', she has to be realistic about this in case the worst does happen....and it sucks.

Taking another deep breathe, Renee said quietly. "I'm still going to do my bloody hardest to bring you back, every option out there, I'll do it just to see if it works, but if you change into Pride and kill someone or worse the dragon dies before we find a cure...then I- I have to..." She tightened her grip around him, arms shaking as she honestly did not want to do that.

But if she must, Renee will stop him in the only possible way.

"I'll always treasure the memories we have together. If anyone bad mouths you, I'll set them straight with my bow. I'll visit your mother too with flowers and we can talk about you as we cry....I'll never forget about you, never..."

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Echo nodded and sat next to the tired witch, pondering for a moment. "...I see...so nothing new happened to you this whole time?" She asked again, smiling in a teasing way.

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- James Pendragon -
" Somewhere "

James' expression lit up when Lydia smiled, comfortably pulling her closer like a hen would her chicks on a rainy night. The rise and fall of his chest eased, heart unwinding to beat in soothed contentment.

She could feel his lips forming a smile against her hair. "I think I understand." he chuckled. "Good thing they didn't think it was cute, or you wouldn't say yes."

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- Seifer Rathmore -
" Trinity Spire, Seifer's Room "

"What?" said Seifer, drawing away. "You're already talking about my funeral?" he was in disbelief and looked hurt. "You're just like your brother. Don't you care how I feel? I don't want to die, ever! Not by your hands, not by anyone's!"

He stood up, looking at Renee like he was trying to get a good gauge of who she really was. He was speechless and all that came out from his mouth was a curse.

"So you'll just kill me then? If I turn and there's no hope . . . You'll just kill me?" the shadow of his old mean self was creeping back into his eyes. And something much darker seemed to come alive.

Katsuya Katsuya
-Trinity Spire, Western Courtyard-
Her gaze was marked by confusion as she raised her head slightly, tilting it as she looked to Echo, not really getting what she meant. When she really thought about it, her calves felt a little sore too. She sat back on the bench and stretched her legs out, alternating between pointing and curling her toes and then looked again to Echo, only curiously this time, "can your hooves hurt?" she paused in thought, laughing slightly, "that sounded weird... do things feel different with hooves? Like can you feel pain?"

Katsuya Katsuya

* * * *
Her eyes popped open for a moment as he pulled her in again before the slowly returned to normal size and a content smile spread across her lips, though her heart didn't slow down and she had to resist the urge to squeal, doing so by squeezing a few fingers full of James' robes. Her heart felt like it skipped a beat and she swallowed, hard. She was going to say something about Frederick being the only one who thought she was cute and he was her brother, "y-y-yes?"

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"Wrong-!" Renee countered, standing up just as quickly as he did while tears fall down her cheeks. This freaking hurts-!

She took a deep breathe to calm down and not be anxious. Now is not the time to be scared and back away...

"I want to know how you feel about this. About everything. I want your opinion. I want to know what you will choose. I'm not saying that me killing you off is the only option left here because while I said it, I still don't want you to die! I don't want to kill you off either!!" The winged teen yelled, looking devastated at the even saying that she would end him.

"I don't want to lose you! I want us to grow old together, have a happy life with kids if your okay with having them, and always be supportive of each other! I will always want that with you! I want you to live for #$@%'s sake!" She admitted, her lips quivered as her heart pounded against her chest.

"Seifer...There has to be another way to save you...we just need to think and talk and listen to each others' opinions. Respect them...share our fears and dreams and know what the other wants to do..."Another deep breathe and she walked closer to him, but gave him enough space if he needs it.

"I believe in finding the third option because there's always a third option. An option that you and I both agree on. I won't let you die but I won't let you hurt our friends and family either if you do turn. So...I'm taking all of your hits until we find a solution that I know the both of us approve of." Renee offer a hand towards him, a small and timid smile on her face.

"So...can we think of a way to save you? Can we discuss of what we should do? I want to hear you side too..."

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"Well...I don't know how human feet would feel, but I imagine that it's painful after a while." Echo giggled then she looked up.

"Hmm...They hurt if I step on a tack or if someone drops a boulder on them." The fawn replied.

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- James Pendragon -
" Somewhere "

"Mm. Yes." said James nodding. He leaned his head back a little to look warmly at her. "Lydia, will you go on a date with me tomorrow?" His heart started beating fast again.

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- Seifer Rathmore -
" Trinity Spire, Seifer's Room "

" . . . " The archer's anger slowly dimmed. "You mean that?" he said again, sounding like a child. He was so vulnerable, at least he was willing to be in front of Renee.

". . . " He took her hand and carefully hugged her again as though afraid she had thorns that might prick him. "It's scary, Renee . . . but if I were to be really honest." the hug became tight and he trembled. "I . . . I think I'd choose to d-die. I wouldn't want to live anyway if-if I k-killed my mo ---" he couldn't say it.

He cursed quietly. "Kiss me, please." he begged.

This physical intimacy. It seemed that it was how he got comfort. Other people would talk, other people would hug, but the way he had lived his life, the way he talked about his father like he didn't exist, how he talked about girls who only wanted his money, or how he never seemed to talk about his friends as if he didn't have anyone he missed. He was lonely. Probably the only things that comforted him whenever he was upset was his mother, dancing, hurting others, and flings with girls.

It's like kissing and touching was his shelter that made him feel alright if his mother wasn't around.

And right now he was really scared.

When they were done he just continued hugging Renee. "I'll talk . . . and share. I was thinking of always having these sealing cuffs on, even thought it means I can't do magic, I think. I don't know how my words having power works. And also have extra cuffs in case these somehow get broken. Soul checks like what you did earlier, let's do it three times a day . . . And, I want to talk to someone who can tell me why what my dreams mean. What that crystal said, I think the thing with me in my nightmares is the dragon. I feel like if I could just make it leave my family's mansion I'll be alright."

Katsuya Katsuya
-Trinity Spire, Western Courtyard-
Lydia tapped her lower lip a few times as she looked up at the sky in thought, trying to figure a way that could describe how a Human foot would feel, "well... you know when you get a muscle cramp or when you have a sore muscle? When you get those things in your foot it's like... worse... and feet are horrible, you know?" she laughed slightly, "when you have an itch, you can't scratch it because you just end up tickling yourself so then it's like... this war between scratching the itch and not tickling yourself so you have to choose."

She looked at Echo a bit wide eyed and laughed a little louder, "well... that makes sense, I'm sure those things definitely hurt Human feet too... but is there a lot of damage...oh, do hooves bleed?"

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* * * *
Her heart probably couldn't beat any faster and she put some effort into trying to calm herself down. She didn't want to act crazy or weird... he didn't think she was crazy or weird... thinking that just made her feel like she was going to burst. She was having problems remembering that what was happening was real. She didn't think that James would ever return her feelings and she had to keep reminding herself that she was awake and that James was holding her. It was James holding her. She was being held by James. No matter how many ways she said it to herself in her head, it still wasn't processing.

"James-" she pulled back to look at his face," did you-? What?" she stammered and scanned his expression, her cheeks were rosy and the plumped as her lips spread into a joyful smile before she buried her face back against his chest, careful not to squish Sasha, both of her hands moving back between herself and James as she cradled the little owl with one and clutched James robe as she nodded her head, "of course!" she responded, the words muffled as she spoke them into his chest before giggling gleefully.

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Renee nodded, her smile grew as her tone took a gentle tone. "Yes. I do. I mean it wholeheartedly." Unlike James who wouldn't want to see what the other person feels, Renee wants to respect that. She has her own opinions, but she wants to know the other person's feelings first before making a decision. She learned how to do that the hard way while traveling to Dalaran.

She wrapped her arms around him as he hugged her, snuggling and leaving kisses on his chest and cheeks as comfort. Then she squeezed him tight when he admitted to being scared. "I'm scared too..."

The Pendragon teen tippy-toed to kiss him on his lips, pouring all of her affection and concern for him as her wings fluttered a bit. It's so heartbreaking to hear him this scared...this terrified...

She hated it, but she understood and acknowledges it.

When they leaned back, Renee still in his arms and him in hers, she listened to all of the suggestions. "That's a good idea. I'll ask Ken-chan if he can pass me some of those cuffs in case we need them. I'll carry them in my pouch. If you like, I can check right now on how it looks like at the moment and we should ask Hisaya about those dreams. He's the only one we know that understands and goes through it personally. About the power in your voice...I think I have an idea of how it works but we'll practice to see if it's what I think it is. At the warship though. No need for the soldiers and anybody in the Order know about your heart condition too."

"I'll even ask the Manna tree over at Elven country if there's a way to get rid of the dragon from your heart. Once the mirror gets there, of course. Oh-! Right I didn't mention that part." Renee leaned back a bit as her wings fluttered nervously.

"Um...I...I talked with the Manna tree over at Paroosia on the day the dragon appeared...." She whispered quietly as her wings tucked against her head. "And now...I'm possibly going to talk with another one...soon..."

Zer0 Zer0


"Oh funny you should say that. It depends what sort of hooves a satyr has. Since I'm a reindeer saytr, my hooves are hard on the outside but inside right here.." Echo showed at the bottom of her hoof where the outer part is hard wile the inside part is somewhat rough but still fleshy.

"It's still soft-ish. So yes, my hooves can bleed a bit."

Roleplay Skittle Roleplay Skittle
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Andrada was wondering where everyone was when she left for her long trip. After listening to the radio and reading the newspapers about the dragon emerging out of no where, she feels concerned about the beings of Sophie and her family. She then decides to travel to the city of Dalaran that holds the Trinity Spire. After her journey to Dalaran, Andrada reaches her desired location. The entrance to the Trinity Spire was beautifully decorated and very intriguing to enter. Its been a long time since Andrada had talked to anyone, and wished to find anyone she knows. She entered slowly and slouched a bit due to the weight of her rifle attached to her back and her semi-metal suit.

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