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Fantasy Howl's Flying Castle (Finished! ---Whoo! (*^▽^)/)

- James Pendragon -
" Trinity Spire "

There was the stomping of footsteps before the door abruptly opened again. There stood James at the doorway scowling down at Lydia. "You. are. evil." he seethed, poking her sternum hard.

Behind him the other guys were drawing back as though fearing an explosion. "Um, bro, remember that she's just a girl." said Sen quietly, but James closed the door behind him. "Hey, come on, don't hurt her." said Seth's voice and there was the sound of footsteps approaching.

"She can take it." snapped James at the door, then rounded on Lydia. "You have no. idea. what you put me through." he said very angry. " I. cried. the moment I got out. I thought Chenglei was going to violate me --- violate me, Lydia."

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- Seifer Rathmore -
" Master Warship, Atelier "

"Yes, the same one in the mansion since you saved me, but it's not as bad as before since you're nearby." said Seifer, reeling at the amount of information Renee just told him. He suddenly looked afraid. "I don't feel different or not myself. I thought I was safe now with my soul back in my body. Am I going to disappear or something?!"

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"I don't know, but that's why I'm taking you to see Hisaya. He wanted to check on you for something."

Taking a deep breathe to calm down, Renee shut the curtains of the carriage so that no one from the outside can see. Then she grabbed his hands and intertwined their fingers so he can stay grounded.

"Thing is, Seifer, the way you woke up and how Hisaya woke up are different. He didn't remember who he was or anybody he knew for a while." Renee squeezed his hands tightly. "But you did. Something different happened to make you remember and I wonder if it includes the people you guys call out for...there's also the fact that the both of you have something in common now."

"Hisaya said his dreams are not as bad anymore too...he's not as angry and I wonder if it has something to do with your souls and the titles given to you as deathknights." Renee wondered as looked up at him and pecks his cheek again.

"So we're gonna have to see what's up."

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- Seifer Rathmore -
" Master Warship, Atelier "

"I just want to say," sighed Seifer, looking at Renee with wonder, "that I got you completely wrong." he pulled her in for a tight one-armed hug. "You are not ugly." he said very seriously.

"This," he squeezed her hand, "you . . . us . . . Never in a hundred years would I have believed that I'd be this happy and safe, and feel unafraid of the future because of you. It's like I've been walking along not knowing --- no, not believing that you are . . . this . . . wonderful. I feel like I should have slapped my past self and said, 'Blind dummy, girl of your dreams right here and you're throwing peanuts at her'. Thanks for everything, Renee. I'm so happy you chose me. And I rejected you twice. Wow." he slapped his own forehead, amazed at his own blindness.

He then turned to her warmly. "I think I remembered because you made me think about other things when I was in the nightmare. I was always afraid of the thing that was with me in the mansion, and I kept dwelling on it, but those times I heard you I felt safer because I wasn't alone and you kept telling me that soon my soul will be back and that gave me hope. It helped me not give in to despair."

He bent down to kiss her happily. "Whatever's up, I'm not that scared. I feel like if I turn into a deathknight or become Pride or --- I don't know, I imagine my pride increasing until it turns me evil or something --- you'll just save me again."

Katsuya Katsuya
Lydia straightened and tried to look more serious, reminding herself of what she had come there for when she heard the steps stomping towards the door. She backed away slightly and looked up at James timidly as she caught his expression, wincing when he poked her and placing her hand where he did so, "ouch!"

She heard the voices of the other boys and looked past James for a moment before she looked back to him, her brow furrowed and her hand still on her sternum as she cowered before him. She bit her lip slightly, it was nice of them to bring up that she was just a girl, not to mention she was a lot smaller than him as well, but James was probably correct, after all she had faced down an Orc, killed a Deathknight, nearly gotten sucked into a portal to Helheim... yeah, she could probably take it.

She looked away from him, scared to meet his eye as she listened to him, choosing her next words carefully, "I'm sorry, James," she said first, because she honestly was. She didn't particularly like the idea in the first place, it wasn't as harmless as the pranks they pulled on the other boys and really, they all got sucked into a war that she had started with Seth. In the end it was her fault, "I-I really am... I just thought... well I thought that with... with everything happening..." she managed a sad chuckle, "I just thought it would be nice to get everyone's minds off of things."

She shrugged her shoulders slightly and mustered the courage to look James in the eye, "I'm sorry it traumatized you... Chenglei wouldn't have done anything... he was in on it," she looked down at the floor, absently rubbing her sternum still. She looked like a scolded child, especially when compared to James' height. She honestly knew how he felt, it was similar to how she felt with the body switch with Seifer, at least Chenglei hadn't seen him naked.

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Renee didn't know what to say as she listened to Seifer's warm speech, her wings spread open in shock and fluttering around like they didn't know what to do with themselves. Cheeks rosy red blended in the bird-like purple-ish skin, her eyes wide, and shiny from the happy tears that are about to fall. Lips quivered.

She was speechless, touched by his kind words as no one actually said anything like that to her face. Not even her own brothers said anything like that and they are family! Sure, some people tell her that she's too kind or that she's too hopeful or too nice, but...to know that it's actually a good thing...To hear it from a guy who barely compliments anyone and does it for no reason other than to let her know how he felt...

To be appreciated for being herself and helping him to face anything terrifying...It's one of the greatest feelings she ever has felt. Second to the kiss they shared...

Wiping away the tears that did fall and sniffling a bit, the Pendragon teen moved to sit on his lap and wrapped her unoccupied arm around his neck, nuzzling on top of his head with a warm smile. She laughed breathlessly.

"Seifer...Thank you for telling me to stay as a stubborn and hopeful idiot. Thank you for telling me that you feel safe near me. Thank you for listening and believing in me." Renee cupped his face and kissed him, gently pouring her gratefulness and affection towards the archer before leaning back. She smiled that special smile of hers, fat warm tears falling down from her rosy cheeks as the tone of her voice stayed sincere and vulnerable as if she wasn't used to it.

"Thank you for coming back alive and encouraging me when I'm feeling down and starting to doubt myself." Renee sobbed quietly and kissed him again. Her wings fluttered lazily before wrapping around his head as if they were hugging him too.

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- Seifer Rathmore -
" Master Warship, Atelier "

Seifer blushed, next thing Renee knew she was cocooned in his arms. He kissed her light and tender as he cradled her head, comfortingly caressing her wings, then sweet to deep as his hug became tighter, more meaningful, slipping his hand in Renee's and squeezing it. He kissed all her tears away as he rubbed her cheek. Kissed her wings too and finally hugged her tight for a long time.

"You're welcome, Renee." he mumbled in her ear.

Katsuya Katsuya

- James Pendragon -
" Trinity Spire "

"Oh, my mind was off things, definitely." said James sarcastically. He huffed, frowning at the wall with his arms crossed, and didn't say anything else for a while.

Eventually his breathing calmed. "Yeah, I know Chenglei won't do anything," he muttered, "but still --- his face, this close to my face is illegal." emphasized James with a hand. " . . . ."

His arms uncrossed. "So what'd you come here for me for?"

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Lydia risked a peek at James, he sounded a little less angry and she didn't interrupt the silence as it began, her hands instead fidgeting with the hem of her blouse where it lay across the fronts of her legs, her gaze back on the ground. She took another glimpse at him when he finally spoke again, her big green eyes peeking past the dark veil of her bangs, she nodded slightly and tried to straighten her posture some, "it's about Renee," she then looked around the hall and stepped slightly closer to him so that she could speak lowly, "not here."

Unlike Renee, she didn't like replacing terms with random words and so spoke as briefly as possible instead. She moved down the hall to his room, mainly because she wasn't sure if Echo and Serena would still be in hers and she didn't want any questions. She then waited for him to follow and open his door, "you should probably get dressed..."

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Renee blushed, unable to believe that he got tender with her and is squeezing her at the moment after being sweet and...Her brain short circuited when he kissed her wings and not minding the long tight hug at all. Nope, her brain is gone at the moment so she got real snugly with him until they reached the warship.

By then Pendragon teen got out of the carriage with steam coming out of her redden ears as she couldn't handle his sweet mannerisms happening at once in a small space. What was she doing again? Oh right...Hisaya...

"C-come on Seifer..." She muttered at the archer and showed him the way to the Altair. Her hand is still intertwined with his all the while.

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- Seifer Rathmore -
" Master Warship, Atelier "

Seifer looked pleased with Renee's reaction and kept teasing her all the way, flirting about how she could sit on him any time.

But as they got closer to the atelier, Seifer started to look queasy, as though he sensed something Renee did not. The hand she held started to become cold and when she opened the door and he saw Chenglei and the crystal heart on the table, he started to sweat.

"Ah! There you are, my masterpiece." said Hisaya's voice from the crystal. "Come closer."

". . . No, I remember you. " said Seifer, trembling. "It was you. You turned me into this!" he was shocked. Why didn't he destroy this thing the moment he woke up? Come to think of it, shouldn't he be feeling rage towards this thing that changed his entire life, binding him to the dragon's fate?

"Oh, you are adapting well, I see, but you haven't accepted him yet."

"What are you talking about?" said Seifer sharply.

"Our master's will. It will only get worse the longer you keep trying to hide from him. There's no escape, your soul is in his. The crystal heart, that is your soul's home now."

"No, it's not." said Seifer, squeezing Renee's hand again as if drawing strength. "Nobody owns me, but me." he started forward, but suddenly tottered as if drunk and fell sideways.

Katsuya Katsuya

- James Pendragon -
" Trinity Spire "

James became anxious at once, but masked it until they were in his room, which was messy, with a desk and bedside table stacked with books from the grand library and strips of toilet paper sticking out from the pages, damp training clothes hanging on the chairs to dry, and a muddy boot sprawled on the floor; there was something curled up and breathing underneath his blankets that was the around the size of a dog.

"That's Sparks, don't wake him." said James. He hurriedly got dressed.

"What happened?" he asked Lydia from his partially closed bathroom. "And, do you have my wand?"

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Lydia didn't pay much mind of the mess, she was used to sharing space with James and so this wasn't unusual to her despite how she should have probably felt at having been in his room, but she held her hands behind her back and was quiet, shaking her head as James told her not to wake Sparks and just basically staying put, "I'd rather not say here... no, Renee... Renee has it."

She bit her lip gently. She had a terrible sense of foreboding, she rubbed her arm anxiously, "She is probably waiting for us... she went to get Seifer."

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Renee got worried when she noticed how cold his hand was when they got closer to the Atelier and so kept an eye on Seifer's reaction. Which shocked her to see him sweat and queasy looking as he talked with Hisaya. Something isn't right with Seifer and she didn't know what's wrong.

She squeezed his hand back as if she wanted to give him her courage and support. However when he started to fall to the side, Renee reacted quickly and let's him lean on her shoulder. Her knees bucked as his weight was too much for her and she fell down with him. The Pendragon teen made sure that his head didn't hit the floor and cradled him in her arms as the upper half of his body is on top of her legs. She's panicking as she didn't know what just happened.

"Seifer?! SEIFER?! Hisaya, what's going on?! Why did he faint?" Renee demanded at the stone as she checked on Seifer's vitals. Her wings tucked and trembling in her fear. Chenglei looked around and found a fan to wave at the fallen archer and wondered if he should get a blanket or something to keep him warm; Seifer felt cold and was sweating.

"Seifer? Can you hear me?" Renee cooed at him, her orange eyes looking at his face to see any indicator of sorts. Something that tells her that he does hear her as she cupped his cheek with one hand. The other squeezing his limp hand tightly.

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- Atelier -
" Master Warship "

"Alright." said James. At first he thought they were just going somewhere in the tower, and was surprised when Lydia led him instead to the airdocks where Kenren's warship was docked. He didn't ask again, trusting Lydia would bring up the subject when it was right, but he still seemed anxious behind his causal façade.

* * * *​

Meanwhile, in the atelier, Seifer muttered groggily, "It hurts to move . . ." he was just as surprised and alarmed as Renee and Chenglei were.

"We cannot harm each other." said Hisaya as if it was an obvious fact. "Just as you wouldn't harm your own eye, our master cannot harm himself. Do you understand? We are in him, one with him. Though you're still rejecting . . . I told you it would hurt."

"I am not his, if anything, he's the one trapped with me! I own him!" Once again Renee felt it, the weight in Seifer's voice like the command of ancient being, just like when he woke up and James and Mrs. Rathmore could not approach him as though paralyzed. It was unquestionable, irrefutable, and is how the world should be.

"Pride indeed . . ." said Hisaya. "Have it your way, I'm only showing you the path that hurts less, for you and the ones you love."

* * * *​

James and Lydia would hear yelling coming from the atelier. Seifer speaking, and for a moment they'd feel a strange urge to listen to what he was saying, as if his word was law.

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-Master Warship, Atelier-
When they came outside of the tower only to see that the carriage that she had taken with Renee and the escort was gone, Lydia's sense of foreboding only grew and she looked to James with features marked with worry. She hadn't thought that Renee would have gone ahead without her and James, she had wanted to talk to James about whether or not it would be a good idea first. Her brow had wrinkled deeply and her eyes squinted shut as her hands covered her face before she got them another carriage and made it known how urgent it was that they get there quickly, which shouldn't be that difficult since it was the middle of the night.

On the way to the docks, Lydia filled James in on as much as she could without using any terminology that would imply what she was talking about. In other words, she spoke vaguely and hurriedly and only hoped that James could use his brilliant mind to understand what she was saying. She practically ran to the atelier and skidded to a halt once outside, her body just not feeling like it wanted to keep going. Unlike James, she had not been able to maintain a calm facade the whole time, fidgeting and looking anxious. The look of apprehension on her face was only more evident, "J-James-!" she managed to gasp out between clenched teeth.

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'There it is again...' Renee thought, frowning in worry as she tucked his hair behind his ear. That strange power behind his words...that's the second time that happened. She wondered if that's why her brother and his mother couldn't move; because he said so...

"...Hisaya, this...Is this what you mean by battle of Wills in your book? Will he be like this every time another deathknight is nearby?" Renee asked as she tries to calm Seifer down by planting light kisses on his sweaty forehead.

"Seifer, it's okay. Calm down...I think your words have power in them." She motioned he head to Chenglei who froze midway to fanning the archer, his eyes wide as he never felt this still before. His frown set in a straight line.

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- Atelier -
" Master Warship "
"If his true intent is to harm, then yes." said Hisaya. "It's not a battle, rather it's how long you can hold off the inevitable. Look at my soul . . . that's all that's left after two months."

Seifer gazed at the little soul container that had a small torn piece of black leaf aglow with red flames, calming down somewhat. That was when the door opened and James came striding in with Lydia, both looking anxious. Apparently the effects of whatever Seifer did lasted only for a short while. It was probably something to explore afterwards, this ability he has to make people do what he wanted.

"How fitting a power for the deathknight Pride." said Hisaya after Renee's comment.

"I am not a deathknight. I am not Pride." said Seifer.

James didn't even care that Chenglei was there. He kneeled beside Renee. "Are you alright? Lydia told me everything, what happened here?"

After the two were filled in, James felt all the more convinced that this relationship between Seifer and his sister wasn't going to work, but he didn't voice out his opinion. The way his sister was holding the archer, he knew she wasn't going to leave him and that any stern comment from him to break off their relationship, no matter how reasonable it was, was probably going to make her cling tighter determined to prove him wrong.

He glanced at Lydia. She at least was worried about Renee and understood how dangerous their relationship was. Now probably wasn't the time to criticize the two into breaking up. He could probably discuss it with Lydia later after they get everything else sorted. For one thing they needed to talk to Kenren. The Storm Wall mission was coming soon and they needed to know what to do with Seifer if Renee passes the test and heads out to sea. Another was to discuss with him Master Bertrand's safety, though it's probably too late to assassinate him now since he's probably told others of what happened back in Paroosia and how he escaped. Then the assassin would have to kill everyone who knew. Then there was the Duke of Marchester, Princess Mia had to be warned.

"Renee, I'm done here." said Seifer, getting up shakily. "I'm not talking to this thing again.

James asked Renee for his wand, after which he summoned Sasha to go and secretly tell the Princess. "Chenglei, could you report all this to Kenren Taisho? Me, Lydia, and Renee can take care of security here. It'd be great too if we could talk to him as soon as possible."

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After two months? That's what's left after two months...oh no...

Renee felt dread as Hisaya explained to her and Seifer relaxing in her arms. So his soul will be torn up like Hisaya's if he kept avoiding that dragon...she took a deep breathe to calm her own anxiety as that's not happening. No way. If she has to, she will find a way to save his soul; keeping it as whole as she can.

Question is how? How would she be able to cut that dragon out of his heart? There must be a way...

When James and Lydia came in, Chenglei unfroze too and shook off whatever paralysis spell he had on him. The blonde looked too serious and wary of the archer, but she can tell that he's more worried then angry since his hand is not on his sword.

"Yes, I'm Fine. I'm more worried about Seifer's condition though." Renee said then she explained everything to James with Seifer, handing him his springy wand back.

Once Seifer got up though shaky, Renee stood up a well as a determined look on her face appeared. Then she looked at James with a small frown.

"Right, about Ken-chan..." That's when she told him and Lydia of why the Prince hadn't told anyone about the deathknights or their discoveries. Then blonde oriental nodded at James suggestion and asked Renee to come with him, which she said yes, I will.

"I'll be back James...Let's go, Seifer. Here." Renee put one of his arms around her shoulders so he could lean on her in case he fall again while going back.

Once Chenglei and the couple got inside a carriage, Renee tried her best to comfort the archer by squeezing his hand and telling him that she's definitely helping him.

"Seifer, would it be alright to check on your soul once in a while? As soon you feel better from this, I want to see how your soul is." Renee explained to him that she's like a heart monitor of sorts but for souls instead. She could probably 'see' how his soul is at the moment.

When they reached the Spire, Renee made sure that Seifer was alright in his room first and asked a gargoyle servant if he could bring up something for Seifer to eat and drink. Then she kissed him, telling him they'll find a way, before leaving with Chenglei to see the Prince.

Yea, time for him to know everything they know.

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- Kenren's Chambers -
" Warship "

The moment Renee touched Seifer's chest and cast Aqua Curare, something strange happened. She was touching a wall, made of marble and gilded in gold. She was no longer in the carriage, but in the hallways of a mansion where chinking glass chandeliers hung down from a ceiling painted with murals of heavenly gods. Bright morning light shone through the windows, but it was too sunny to make out clearly what was outside.

It was beautiful, and there right beside her was a painting of a family seated around a dining table. There was a dark haired man, portly, with haughty eyes and a mouth that seemed to be perpetually frozen in a sneer. Beside him was an oriental woman with long white hair curled up in a tight bun. She had a proud vain smile, but the arms that were holding a small boy with trimmed and neat white hair on her lap held him gently. Unlike most magical paintings, this one did not move.

And the vision ended as soon as Renee blinked. She understood that that was the current state of Seifer's soul. Yet she'd remember that the mansion was unnaturally silent, as though it was abandoned.

* * * *​

Later that night, after leaving Seifer's room where his mom was already sleeping, and after he smiled and told Renee, "I know you will.", Renee and Chenglei found Kenren in his chambers in the warship. He had already been sleeping, but invited them inside anyway where he listened to all that they had to say.

"Seifer will go wherever you will go, Renee, if he is willing." said Kenren, who invited her to sit around a low table while he asked Chenglei to pour them some tea. "You seem to be the one more than anybody, who's keeping his soul whole."

He wrote as he listened and talked. It was a letter in oriental, and he wrote four pages of it and rolled the parchments neatly, sealing them with a gold ring on his finger that imbued them with some sort of enchantment. These he gave to Chenglei who, used to this sort of thing, already knew what to do without Kenren saying anything.

"I will investigate Bertrand's case immediately and send word to our allies about the Duke of Marchester, the Princess already sent me a message. She will return to Kingsbury nonetheless. Don't worry, we will take care of it." That done, he gracefully put his writing tools away.

"Now, about the manna tree in Ashenvale. The elven capital is under siege and they refuse to let any mortal apart from themselves enter the sacred grove, but they are willing to bring the scrying mirror to the tree. It's already on the way, ever since you told me. Madam Suliman has been keeping tabs on its progress and the elves should have it by tomorrow. I hope that you'll be able to hear from her crystal ball, because the elves swear that the manna tree never talks."

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She stood by silently, her face somewhat more pale than usual and her fingers fumbling at the hem of her blouse once again. Her face was relatively expressionless and as James looked to her, she gave him a knowing nod. She didn't speak until Renee was well out of the room, "I'm worried that she is thinking more with her heart than her head," she locked the door again once it was just she, James, and Hisaya.

She drew in a deep breath which was released again in a noisy puff as her cheeks filled with it before blowing it out and she finally moved away from her position near the door and voiced her feelings to James, "I can't say anything either because I'm afraid she'll accuse me of not seeing things from her side if I do," she moved over to the desk where she had been working beside Hisaya, and shook her head, "all I can do is complete the work that Hisaya has given us... figure out a way to make it work."

She leaned over the desk, her hair hanging down over her face as she hunched her shoulders and looked at the scattered parchment that lay all over its surface along with her journal and the Libris Mortem, "all we can do is hope..." she sighed sadly, the sound carrying undertones of frustration.

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Renee is really disturbed by how quiet his soul is, no matter how pretty it looked.

After being invited to Kenren's room, Renee sat down across from him, watching Chenglei pour them tea. She sort of figured that would be the case with Seifer, that he has to come with her to the storm wall if she passed. However she felt conflicted: one hand, more time with him and keeping him together. The other is that she wants Seifer to live his life the way he wants, not follow her to the Storm wall. She wants him to be safe most of all.

Renee already decided to let Seifer know about the decision the Prince made about him and her.

When she heard about the Ashenvale Manna tree however, the Pendragon teen let out a shaky sigh. She really does hope that she can hear the tree too...

Talking about trees, she wondered if it's best to let Kenren know about the supposed fourth manna tree fruit. Then she shook her head. No evidence other than Hisaya's word. She needs physical proof first then she'll mention it.

"...Alright, I hope I can hear him too, from the mirror I mean... Why doesn't the Elves believe that the Manna tree can talk?" Renee asked curiously at the end as she hasn't learned anything about Elven culture. She sort of wished that she can pick up cultures like Johnny can.

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KampfHunde Oppenshire
His green eyes darted around the dark room, adjusting to the quarter's darkened interior. It has been so long since he last had time to rest. The days just keep getting slower and slower.

After checking around for any un-wanted attention, Hunde decided that this was the time To finally get some fresh air. The combination of sweat and stale air clung atthe inside of his lungs and stung his nose. He could barely breath after the ling march. Yet when he was asked about taking iff the armor, he refused and did the training anyway. He would be regretting his decision, if he was able to breathe.

Hunde's hands were shaking and twitching, but he was still able to rip the helmet from his head. the rush of cold, fresh air passed over Hunde's face, cooling off the overheated armor. He stood still, looking up to the stars. His greyish- green eyes rested on the ceiling of the quarter. His messy blond hair hung just above his gaunt cheeks. Despite the abundance of hair on his head, his face seemed a bit smooth and childish. It was a weird look for a veteren merc cheapskate, but if you looked passed the gaunt cheeks and the hollow and depressed eyes, one could see the cute and young soldier-wannabe that he once was.

To put it simply, Hunde looked like the equivalent to a kicked puppy. A very spiteful and haunting kicked puppy...

As he stared out the door, something else caught his eye. It was a familiar person with someone else at their side. The mystery puzzled the knight, so he hastfully put his helmet on and went to investigate.
- Dalaran -
" Days Later "

"She is." said James to Lydia, taking a seat. "Maybe we can talk to Seifer's mom tomorrow. Convince her to convince him to break up with Renee. He does listen to her a lot."

It was two in the morning when he was done talking with the Princess, relaying her replies to Lydia too. James headed off to the Spire to sleep, but suddenly tickled Lydia mercilessly from behind before he did as his revenge on her for trapping him with Chenglei; Sasha, just watched them both and stayed behind with Lydia in the atelier.

* * * *​

"Simply because it has never talked." said Kenren, thanking Chenglei when he returned. "Of all the trees in the world, elves and even treants have never heard manna trees speak. I could be wrong though. There was a legend of a shaman who could hear the earth, sea and sky." he swirled his tea. "It's getting late. Chenglei, please escort Renee back to the tower. Traning starts early today."

* * * *​

Meanwhile, in the air docks outside Kenren's warship, Hunde would spot that white haired girl and her white haired companion who from the way they held hands was probably her boyfriend, her tall black haired brother, and the black haired girl who landed the killing blow on that deathknight ride back and fourth on carriages from the tower to the warship.

The white haired guy looked kind of sickly when he came out with his girlfriend who was helping him walk. The only one who never returned to the Trinity Spire was the black haired girl. And nothing else interesting happened after that.

* * * *​

The next day, rumors spread across the training grounds that the officers have begun secretly testing the trainees. A squad said that they were just eating a late breakfast when they were suddenly ambushed and forced to do battle on the spot with whatever they had; one lady, who was an airship pilot, was just coming back from the armory with a crate of arrows when she had to drop it because an officer commanded her to fly an obstacle course out in the ocean that she swore had not been there yesterday when they were practicing aerial maneuvers.

Kenren also gave Renee the news that the couriers of the scrying mirror have been delayed. Last they heard was that they encountered a group of enemy scouts and the prince has been waiting for news about them ever since.

On the third day Hisaya was almost done with teaching Lydia the exorcism spell; Sasha came by the atelier often where she kept Lydia company or hopped over to her notes so that James could catch up and read them. Sen and Seth have somewhat patched things over with Echo and Serena, though it was after the Echo's buttocks got glued to her toilet seat for a couple of hours, and the violinist woke up to find someone shaved off one of her eyebrows. All of Renee's sketchpad and pencil went missing until someone spotted them hanging precariously on a pole over the ocean, and one time when Lydia returned from doing something, her sandwich was gone and was not returned. For some reason, nothing happened to Minnie
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Serena and Echo were somewhat okay with the twins, however thanks to their pranks, Echo got a rash and it's uncomfortable for her to move around while training.

Serena covered her eye with her hair and it was difficult to play her spell when she can barely see her strings. The violinist still haven't got a hang of the water spell.

Renee woke up that morning for training, aiming and shooting arrows. However her mind was elsewhere, thinking about what Kenren has told her early that night. A shaman who heard the earth, sea, and sky...She wondered if that's the Aged Author when he was younger. Considering it's a legend, it could be, especially since no one has ever of the Aged Author until she mentioned him to Madam Suliman. Maybe the shaman is another title the Aged Author has.

She accidentally shot someone's arrow midway to hitting the floating target and she grinned sheepishly as she apologized to the disgruntled archer.

"I'm sorry! I'll pay attention this time." Then she went back to training, ignoring the ambush rumors around her as she has other more important things to think about like the situation with her boyfriend and the delayed delivery to the manna tree. So she walked up to Johnny when he was on his break, looking a bit shy as her wings fluttered nervously.

"Johnny, can we talk? It's... It's about Seifer and me..." Renee quietly mumbled as she only wants him to listen. Ever since his hint of possibly knowing about them, Renee felt like she could breathe a little and can ask advice from him and Echo. They know better than she does when it comes to this.

"Um...can we also go somewhere where no one could hear us?" She asked as she didn't want her brothers to listen in. Not right now, not until they calm down.

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-Master Warship-
Lydia agreed wholeheartedly with asking Seifer's mother. It was pretty obvious they were very close since she had come all this way to be with him. She squirmed and squealed when James tickled her, only attempting to get away and assuming that this was his revenge even if he didn't say so, which was fine by her since she was already going to offer him to take it out on her in the training grounds if he was still mad. Tickling was so much better and when he left, she tried to regain her composure from the contact, her face bright red and her hands on her cheeks as she giggled stupidly.

She felt a little more at ease after the tickle incident and had a clear enough mind that rather than staying up studying, she was able to go to sleep, but she was up bright and early, feeling refreshed and somewhat happy, back at work in the atelier. Lydia really did enjoy Sasha visiting her and staying with her when she worked, she had learned what the little owl liked and didn't like and took care of her as James would, sometimes gently stroking the feathers on her head while she read her notes and always readily presented them to her whenever James wanted to look over the progress.

Her missing sandwich didn't bother her too much because... it was a sandwich. She just smiled and shook her head thinking that maybe they went a little easy on her because the easiest thing they could prank her with were her notes and they probably knew the importance of that. Whenever Lydia began to feel achy from writing and sitting too long, she would get up and go to the training grounds to stretch her legs, her arms, her magic ability, whatever needed some practice and to work out the kinks in her system some before she would again return to the atelier and get back to work.

Lydia was a mixture of excited and nervous about the ambush rumors. She wondered if their group would be targeted as well and found her thoughts lingering there as she swung away at a target in the warship's training grounds before she shook her head and tried to focus on what she was doing, snorting at herself after a moment as she stopped swinging and stared at the target a moment, "Lydia. What are you doing?" she laughed at herself and shook her head again, her black hair whipping about her head and face. What good was swinging at an immobile target? She thought about it a moment, it hadn't really hindered her ability any looking back on what she had accomplished from swinging the mace, which she had upgraded to one that looked more like a hammer and had runes etched into it that would give her more capabilities in combat.

Zer0 Zer0 Katsuya Katsuya Panzer Panzer
KampfHunde Oppenshire.
Hunde squinted through his helmet to see. from what he gathered, they seemed in love. His heavy steps slowed as he looked on in a puzzled stare. He was far enough not to ruin the moment. After a moment of hesitation, Hunde decided to walk away. He didn't want to interrupt them.

He turned around , glancing back to the strangely familiar sight before quietly walking off back to his quarters.

He snuck back into the room and collapsed into his bed. It was as if he died above it, everything then went black. yet, it was pleasant and peaceful. Despite the fact that he was still wearing his armor.
- James Pendragon -
" One Day "

Sasha's favorite food was mice, which she often brought back alive and played with. Her second favorite were lizards which she shared half with Lydia one night on her pillow. Third one was frogs which she she gifted Lydia once, dropping it right on top of her notes while the owl looked up at her proudly.

She didn't like her tail being pulled, nor her wings being spread out, and would not eat plants except for nuts and tomatoes. She also had a temper when she was disturbed while she was busy. She was quite intelligent and proud, understanding the common tongue (and would ruffle her feathers importantly when praised), arcane language, and can do basic math. One thing she could not identify, though was colors, except for the color blue.

Her favorite toy in the atelier was the blue stone Lydia fished out from the coy pond which she accidentally swallowed once, but coughed out with a bit of left-over mice hair and tomatoes. She liked resting on Lydia's warm lap, or the crook of her neck and under her hair, and whenever she hadn't seen her for a long time ---- around eight hours or more, she'd bob her head, and hop or dance around happily in greeting.

And James noticed all this. One night after training, he came over to visit with some baguettes from a bakery. Sasha was perched on his shoulder and was restlessly excited for some reason.

"Lydia, me and Sasha were talking, would you like to have her?"

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