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Fantasy Howl's Flying Castle (Finished! ---Whoo! (*^▽^)/)

Amused, Chenglei shook his head lightly, smiling a bit. He swears these kids are something...

"Sorry my lady, but I call everyone who's a lady 'a lady' because every lady is lady in my eyes. My stubborn sister too." He laughed a bit before getting a bit serious.

"You would be surprised. People who let their guard down in the most secured area can still die by assassination, my lady. I rather not take that chance...but thank you for inviting me in." With that, the soldier came inside and lock the door behind him; A hand on his sword but relaxed.

"Tea would be okay, Lady Lydia." Chenglei smiled his princely smile at her. Flowers blooming around him and her. "Thank you for being so considerate, my lady! Truly a heart of gold despite your scary title!"

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- James Pendragon -
" Trinity Spire, Western Courtyard "

Pond shyly looked to the side, swaying in spot and waving Serena away. She tidied up a bit of the sand unnecessarily, as she admired her sand castle too. James glanced through the violinist's legs to see it, smiling at the owl bear spirit. She's a gentle giant.

Eventually, Serena's music put him to sleep and his light snores joined the rhythmic ebb and flow of the tide.

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Serena moved away to watch Pond tidy up her masterpiece before turning to James.

"James, I-...Oh...I hope Master Sai doesn't kick his butt for sleeping in training." The blonde giggled, talking to Pond as she fixes certain things of the castle. She continued to play her violin, practicing and feeling a lot better.

However once she got a hang of her new spell, she got too excited and a huge wave came crashing down on James. Making her laugh and apologizing to her poor and wet friend.

"So-sorry! I did-didn't mean to-! -Snorts!- Heh-! HAHAHA!!"

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One of her eyebrows raised as the other lowered to his explanation. Her hair was mussed from how she was sleeping, fringe all disheveled and set to one side of her face, though her ponytail was mostly still intact. She shook her head after he continued, she didn't really understand what kinds of enemies she would have as one of the heroes of Holt and the one who landed the killing blow on a Deathknight, but after she thought about it a moment, she realized that that fact alone could be the answer to her question. She offered Chenglei a meek smile as the realization occurred to her and she moved away as he stepped in and closed the door.

"S-sure..." she flinched slightly to his aura, she could handle him when he was like... normal personish but when he started that... well she didn't even know what she should call it, but it freaked her out in a weird way. She scoffed slightly and went over to the counter where all of the alchemy stuff was and collected the jar of tea, a mug, and a tea strainer, "I'm pretty sure that they decided on it before they saw me..."

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"Yes, I agree on that as well, my lady."

Chenglei didn't think it was a graceful name for the little and lovely witch, but he got the logic behind it. She killed a Deathknight so she is death's bane. The blonde looked around the room, checking anything that out of the ordinary before standing besides Lydia. Not too close but an arm's length away in case he needed to grab her.

Once she gave him his tea, Chenglei nodded his thanks and sipped calmly. "Find anything new, my lady?"

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-Master Warship, Atelier-

The corner of her mouth twitched slightly in a faint smile as she carefully collected the hot kettle from the fire and prepared Chenglei's tea. It wasn't the fact that she was too unnerved by the title despite the fact that it was likely given to an idea of someone rather than who that someone actually was, it was really how she had gotten it, primarily she wasn't becoming known for her magic, but rather for something that she hadn't thought she possessed and that wasn't what she wanted. She sighed slightly, pausing as she realized that Chenglei had moved closer, she glanced over to him and timidly handed him his cup before preparing her own.

"Honestly?," she laughed wryly, "I fell asleep only shortly after we got back... I'd been up all night theorizing on what we know so far," she used a similar sifter to make her coffee and was shifting it in the water to get it to soak up more as she stared slightly vacantly at the shelves of herbs in front of her, "I was only comparing what I think is possible with what we've learned."

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- James Pendragon -
" Trinity Spire, Western Courtyard "

James spluttered awake; Pond immediately slammed both her huge arms around the sand in a panic to protect her sand castle as she had been making it beside Serena and James was also beside the violinist. The bottom began melting. Slowly, she turned her mask to Serena, her big shoulders drooping sadly.

James gave Serena a dead-panned look, his black hair sopping wet and sticking to his face. Without a word he quickly stood up and attempted to catch her.

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Chenglei sat down as he didn't want to seem intimidating to the small witch, listening to her explanation. Then he sipped his tea again before saying. "I see...I don't know much of magic but it seems very difficult. Like math." He hated math with a passion because he never understood it, but magic is a whole other story. He loved seeing his sister make things float around while making dinner.

The sad part is that he does not have that gift like his sister, so instead he learned how to fight.

"To me, you and everyone who can do magic is already doing the impossible possible. So...I believe that you should take a break, refresh your eyes a bit, and then come back to it." He advised.


"I'm so sorry Pond! I'll make it up to you! Would you like to hear the song I'm making for you? or would you like me to help you rebuild it because I do love your castle." She asked as she ran around the summons in an attempt to escape James. Then she laughed in amusement.

"I said I was sorry, James!...I'm not sorry for laughing though!" Serena admitted, cackling at the warlock.

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Lydia turned her face towards him as he spoke, an amused smile slipping onto her features as she turned so her gaze could follow him as he moved to sit, "you know... there is math involved in some magic..." she shrugged slightly and removed the strainer from her mug once the coffee was dark enough, she liked math, it actually made creating the spell circles fun for her and it made her focus her mind, which she appreciated, "I haven't had formal training like my friends and as far as I can tell... I'm the only one in my family who does or is capable of the craft so I'm self taught," she said timidly, not wanting to sound like she was bragging.

She paused a moment as he suggested taking a break, her gaze drifting from him to the window, "I'm okay... I just had a nap, remember?" she smiled awkwardly, "besides, it's easier for me to just work and keep my mind occupied than anything else," she alluded to her current thoughts caused by the previous night and she wasn't lying, she always worked when she was upset about something. Some people couldn't focus when they were upset, not being able to remove their thoughts from their current process and focus them somewhere else. Lydia was the opposite, able to block out whatever was upsetting her because whatever she was studying was more important to her. The fact that what she was doing now was more important because it helped the people she was thinking about just made it easier.

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Chenglei nodded, accepting that maybe it because math's involved that he couldn't grasp it. 'Once again, I'm cursed to be magic-less because of Math!' He thought bitterly as he took a sip with a calm expression.

Though when she mentioned on keeping her mind occupied and he looked a bit confused. Did something happened for her to be this studious then?

"...I see. Do you mind if I ask why you are trying to avoid this...situation you are thinking of or are in?" Chenglei asked as he sets his sheathed sword on the table and relaxed. This is when he becomes a big brother who listens without judgement.

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- James Pendragon -
" Trinity Spire, Western Courtyard "

Pond pointed at her melting castle firmly.

"I'm sorry, I can't hear you, can you come closer?" said James sarcastically, bobbing here and there around Pond --- who sheltered her castle once again and was looking at the two as if they were immature children --- to try to catch Serena off her momentum. The moment the violinist stopped to help Pond, James caught her and hoisted her firmly over his shoulders, then marched towards the deep end of the shore where he dipped down with her.

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"Of course I'll he-! James! Put me down! Put me-!"

She got caught and was forced to dip with the tall warlock, kicking her legs as she tries to get away. Once she got him to let go with her poking and tickling his sides, Serena swam up and gasped for air before shaking her hair out of her face. Her expression was one of playful smirk like she ready to hunt him down once he came up too.

"James! Get over here!!" She chased him out of the water, giggling and cackling as she is planning to play her prank on the older Pendragon tonight. Her blue eyes glittering in mischief.

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-Master Warship, Atelier-
Those green eyes seemed to be entranced by the sky outside of the window, staring into it with a blank expression on her face as her thoughts ran through her head at a pace that she was having difficulty keeping up with because her subject kept changing so randomly. Every time she touched on a subject it led to her remembering something else. She looked at Chenglei like she had forgotten he was there when he spoke again before he gaze drifted over to Hisaya where he sat on the velvet cloth in his basket, "oh... I'm not avoiding it."

She looked back to Chenglei, smiling secretively, "there are people I care about and this is how I help them," her mug raised to hide her lips before she took a sip, those green eyes steady on Chenglei as she lowered the mug again and shook her head, "and this isn't about me at all."

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"But you care about these people, so it seems to me that you are involved, just not as the main act. Maybe as a viewer perhaps." Chenglei countered lightly before shrugging one of his shoulders.

"There's nothing with helping the ones you care. It's rather admirable." Then he smiled like a big brother who only wants the best for his sibling. "Need any help that I can provide? Only ask and I will help."

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Her mug was held in one hand as she lowered it, her other hand raising slightly in front of her as she held up her index finger, "aaaah... see, that's exactly it, I'm only a viewer and so I can't really talk about it," she laughed slightly, tilting her head. Unlike with everyone else, with her, Chenglei didn't really seem to go overboard with his compliments and exuberance except for that first time when they had just met and she found it a little curious although she was very grateful.

"Thank you, Chenglei," she laughed slightly and shook her head, "unfortunately... there is a lot of math involved in what I am doing... and a lot of elements aside of which I don't know if you'd be familiar," she finished off the coffee in the mug in a quick gulp and rinsed it in the sink before setting it aside, she turned back to Chenglei, and remembered the prank that Serena had suggested and felt a little bad putting him in possibly imminent danger unknowing, especially now after he had been so sweet to her. She bit her lower lip slightly, her eyes narrowing on him as she struggled internally over whether or not to bring him in on the prank or not. He hadn't after all been a target of the prank, but rather just a bystander that would inevitably be involved.

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Chenglei nodded in understanding, still smiling that smile. "That's okay, Ly. I only ask because I do worry about you and everyone in the group, but I will not push the subject." He was a little sad that he wouldn't be able to help, but he will continue to watch over these young ones.

Then he noticed the expression on her face like she was regretting something and asked her what's wrong. His ash purple eyes stayed glued to her green ones so that he could see what she's feeling at the moment.

"You can tell me, Ly. I won't be mad."

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-Master Warship, Atelier-
The narrowing of her eyes ceased as not only did Chenglei cease to call her 'lady,' but he also ceased to say her full first name, opting for a shortened version instead. This caused a giggle to escape her, followed by a soft snort, she had no idea why and soon her hands were thrown up over her nose and mouth as her eyes widened and she looked at Chenglei in embarrassment before offering a several quick and small nods.

She cleared her throat slightly as his expression changed slightly and she felt somewhat intimidated, brow furrowing as she quickly looked away, "um... er..." she drew in a mouthful of air as her hands dropped from her face, her cheeks puffing up as though the words she was holding back were physical objects and she was trying to keep them from bursting from her mouth, in the end she failed, her conscience just being too strong for her, as it always had been and she quickly spouted out with the air she had been holding in, "weweregoingtouseyouinaprankonJames!" again, her hands slapped over her mouth, like she couldn't believe she just said that and she looked to Chenglei with a mortified expression on her face.

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He had to blink for a moment as what she said was too fast. It took a second or two for him to understand what she said and chuckled, feeling amused. "Ah~! I see. I don't mind at all." Then his princely aura appeared as he stood up gracefully, flipping his hair back as he smiled quite handsomely.

"Let me be part of this prank of yours. I would love to help out your quest to amuse the young Pendragon. I believe he needs a little bit of free fun, do you not think so, Ly?" Chenglei grinned as the flowers around them bloomed in a deep red color, glitter surrounds the room including Hisaya's basket.

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-Master Warship, Atelier-
The awkward pause between when she finished what she had to say and when Chenglei finally responded seemed to take a millennium as she stood there staring at him wide eyed and unblinking. She finally lowered her hands and let out a breath that was almost visible before she smiled and laughed slightly in relief, "I'm sorry," she said even though he already said he didn't mind, she still felt the need to apologize.

"Amuse?" she said thoughtfully and lightly scratched near the corner of her mouth as she looked up at the ceiling in thought before a mildly anxious grin appeared on her face as she looked back to Chenglei, "I'm not sure if that's what I would call it..."

She glanced around slowly in slight confusion to the random atmosphere Chenglei seemed capable of summoning and smiled slightly, 'and this guy thinks he can't do magic...' she giggled slightly to herself, "you're welcome to be involved though... as long as you don't mind imminent danger in close quarters," she said only partially joking.

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"I'm a soldier, Ly. Danger is always imminent. Practically my roommate at this point." Chenglei grinned, a corner of his lips tilted up as his eyes narrow a bit from feeling mischievous. He really likes to mess with James. It's what big brothers do to younger brothers, right?

Later that day, the girls, even Renee, found Lydia with Chenglei who is grinning rather disturbingly...in a funny way.

"Hi Lydia!" Renee greeted as she waved her arm to catch her attention. Her wings fluttered happily.

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It was funny how she said that he was welcomed to be involved in their prank... even though they had planned to use him in it prior to his knowledge and would have likely done so anyway if he had said no, but it was nice that he was so interested in being involved, even if it was a little creepy. When Renee and the other girls found Lydia and Chenglei, they were in the kitchen since Lydia had to dispose of the dirty dishes she used that day and get some new ones. She had a mildly bemused look on her face and was staring at Chenglei, wondering if the expression on his face was brought on by whatever weird things he was planning to do or say to James in the closet.

Her gaze drifted for a moment to Renee and the others the back to Chenglei before she shook her head, actually realizing who she had seen a moment before. She smiled slightly to them, giving Chenglei one more disturbed glance before going to them and telling them that she had let Chenglei in on the prank on James and he was really into it... maybe too into it, she glanced over her shoulder after telling them so.

With Chenglei in on the prank, it actually became easier. They could just have him hiding nearby and send James into the closet and after he was inside, Chenglei could enter and they could block the door. With Serena's information on how James' mood had been that day, Lydia felt a little safer letting the prank happen, he seemed in a better mood, maybe things wouldn't get too heated.

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That night, someone placed a large and heavy wooden desk in front of a very noisy closet, almost giggling as she pushed it against the door and tipped-hooved her way out. Anybody can hear Chenglei teasing and flirting with James while dodging his hits as he's quicker than the warlock.

Once she was in Lydia's room, Echo asked how Serena is going to convince James that it was the twins. Which she responded:

"I left a very smart and clever note saying 'Try getting out of your closet.' and it's signed with their signatures. Right Renee?" The winged teen nodded as she had been the one who wrote it. Being an artist herself and seeing her brothers' hand writing everyday, she's able to reproduce an exact copy of Seth and Sen's signatures. Then she pulled out a wand from her bag while smiling innocently devious for her achievements.

"Got James' wand too. He didn't notice me taking it while gathering his laundry. Oh! Echo, did your sticky bombs work?"

The fawn nodded, proud that she could make some. "I even made them taste like chocolate but they won't be able to taste the bit of liquor in the mix. So even if they lick their way out, they'll be a bit tipsy." When did Echo learn how to brew alcohol? It's not a question Renee wanted to ask as she shuddered. She has seen the fawn practice her martial arts and it's very scary to see her beat up the wooden planks rapidly before they explode from the force she puts into her hits.

Now imagine that when Echo's drunk.

"Lydia, did you grab Johnny's clothes and put it into Minnie's room in time?" Serena asked the little witch, her blue eyes glittering in joy from these mass pranks they are pulling.


In the meanwhile, Minnie was laying on top of a large pile of furry clothing and sighed in bliss. These furs are awesome and warm.

In the closet, Chenglei has James trapped as he loomed over him with his arms pinned above his head, smiling that princely smile. "Now Young Pendragon..." He started off with a purr, his ash purple eyes glinting as he leaned in closer to James' ear. "If you want to punch me for real, you have to be a bit quicker than that." James probably saw the note that's hanging on the wall that's left by the twins.

For an hour and thirty minutes later, Minnie came out of her room and sighed in a bit of sadness that she had to stop snuggling the furs. Then she walked to the closet with a pair of gargoyles to get the desk out. Once Minnie opened the door, she found a very flustered James with a very amused Chenglei. The both of them leaning against the wall and touching chests as the blonde has one finger under James' chin.

The mini gunner blinked before a flush of pink appeared. "...I'm sorry to bother you. Carry on..." She closed the door and left to her room, swearing that she wants a camera the next time those two are doing something...like that again and keep it forever as proof to her Uncle she has seen it all. Just like he has in his younger days.

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-Trinity Tower, Lydia's Room-
She and Chenglei had returned to the tower with the girls when they had met them at the warship.After making their plans concerning the pranks, Lydia set about her portion of the work. First she figured out the best place nearest their target closet where she could run into James while carrying a tray of drinks like she was bringing it to her room to share with the girls.

It was easy enough to make it look fairly realistic when she rounded the corner in the hall that James was walking down, tripping over the carpet and simultaneously spilling the drinks on herself and James. She gasped in surprise and panicked, telling James that there was a linen closet nearby so they could at least get some towels and asked him to go get some while she picked up the spilled cups from the floor and set them back on the tray. The rest was left up to the others and when she was done picking up her dropped items, she quickly hurried to her room.

Next, she handled Johnny's clothes, sneaking in after he had gone to bed, she carefully and quietly gathered his regular clothes and carried them out of his room so they could be replaced by the more boring and lifeless black and gray articles that had been gathered for him.

Once all of their chaos had taken place, Lydia changed into the clothes she had brought back from the Warship with her just so she wouldn't be walking around in wet clothes, now wearing capris and a black puffy blouse that was left untucked as she looked out the window, turning to Serena as she asked about Johnny's clothes and giving a nod, smiling.

"I need to get back to the Warship now..." she felt a little bad not staying to see the end results of the pranks, specifically, the boys' faces the next morning, but she hadn't been able to ask Hisaya a question that she had been meaning to and she gave Renee a somewhat sad look before managing a bright smile, "you guys will have to tell me what happened."

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Renee raised an eyebrow at Lydia as she hears Serena and Echo telling her that they will. Her wings fluttered a bit as she smiled back and said: "...I'll come with you. Been meaning to study on how to make an anti-petrification potion."

Then she added. "If that's alright with you, Lydia?"

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-Master Warship, Atelier-

Lydia gave a nod to Renee before she opened the door, "you guys have fun!" she honestly didn't envy them the repercussions of the boys attitudes the next day, especially James, his seemed so much worse and she was pretty convinced that he'd know she had something to do with it. She stepped out and waited for Renee before telling Kenren that they were ready to go back to the Warship.

The carriage ride back with Kenren's escort was awkward to say the least. Lydia was unusually quiet and just looked out the window. She had hoped to spend more time exploring the city because she didn't know if she'd ever have a chance to return. But she hoped she would, some day. After a while, however, she managed to muster a smile in Renee's direction and put her thoughts on other things, "do you know how far the Storm Wall is from here?"

Katsuya Katsuya

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