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Fantasy Howl's Flying Castle (Finished! ---Whoo! (*^▽^)/)


- Pendragon Brothers -
" Trinity Spire, Second floor, Ballroom "

The twins had been dragging Serena forward like a sled as they marched angrily towards the dance floor, just as James strode past Echo his expression calm, but his eyes were steely.

"Ima' kill im'!" said the twins in unison, vainly struggling against Echo's strength once they were at the chairs. "Take care of herself?" they jabbed Echo in a tickle spot. "Our sister didn't do anything and just stood there closing her eyes!" they unleashed a fury of tickle jabs to make Echo let go, finally showing their tongues and a pointer finger, threatening to give her a double wet willy if she continued to get in their way.

Meanwhile, James was affronted Lydia stopped him. "Only words?" he hissed indignantly, trying to shake her arm off. "Let. go. Lydia." he snarled right up her face. "I'm only going to talk to him with my fist --- where's Renee going?"

For Seifer had just spotted his sister looking for him, and jovially waved at her from across the hall where he was making his way to one of the balconies. Earlier, he had replied with a surprised, but cheerful "Sure!" when Renee said they were going to talk later.

Meanwhile, the orchestra had just ended their last salsa piece to a round of enthusiastic applause. The maestro stepped down and a pair of beautiful oriental ladies in an exquisite kimonos took his place. Their faces was powdered white, and in their delicate hands one held a long rectangular stringed instrument, while another a flute.

The crowd hushed as the lights dimmed.

The strings were plucked and all of a sudden water color painting illusions that had a light of their own blossomed all over the dance floor, as the serene music whisked them all away to the mysterious land of the rising sun. It was like being inside one of their paintings, with swirling clouds rolling past paint-brush stroke mountains.

Silken banners dropped down amidst a cold breeze of cherry blossom petals, though not a leaf stirred outside the windows. The banners, edged with the water color illusion gradually turned a mossy brown as they twisted to form a tree --- a manna tree. Leaves flowed out from the top, the branches reaching to the far corners of the great hall; familiar will-o-wisps sparked to life upon the eaves, dancing like fire flowers as artsy buildings of Paroosia emerged all around the tree.


The crowd gasped, as out of nowhere, kabuki dancers gracefully floated down acrobatically from invisible ropes. They seemed like spirits, and each had a mask: one was a white owl with silver wings fluttering from her head, another was a pinkish sheep with curly horns, one was an auburn reindeer with potted plants hanging from her antlers, another was a tall midnight blue lynx. There was a songbird with a plumage of gold, two sleek identical foxes who seemed tied to their tails, a black panther with flattened ears, and a white rabbit that always stood upon something that made it taller than the rest as they reenacted the Spring Festival of Holt.

Katsuya Katsuya Roleplay Skittle Roleplay Skittle
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Seeing Renee's brothers all in an uproar over what had happened between her and Seifer made Lydia wonder if her brothers would ever act like this for her. She had never been in a situation as Renee just was and considering they didn't really know exactly what had just happened other than Renee slapping Seifer, but she was certain they had probably guessed just as she had.

Her somewhat doe eyed look only worsened as she became the target of James' ire when she stopped him from starting a fight and causing more of a scene and she cowered away from him as he snarled at her, looking away from him, "I-I-I...." she couldn't finish whatever she was going to say and shook her head instead before scurrying away from him all together.

She didn't find a place to sit, instead moving to the back of the room. She was too surprised by James reaction to her to notice that Renee had evidently disappeared with Seifer, her hands had become clasped in front of her meekly and she was mostly looking at them aside from when she needed to make sure she wasn't going to run into someone but her motion stopped as the lights dimmed and she turned her attention towards the focus of the crowd's attention.

The rapid beating of her heart slowed some as she watched the performance, though her hands remained clasped together, tightly enough that her knuckles were white and when she finally realized what she was doing, she had to shake her hands slightly as they had become sore.

Zer0 Zer0
Hunde Oppenshire.
The knight held his palm to his aching head, flinching as the pain pulsed from his skull. Once the marshall began to speak, Hunde took his hand away and rested it on his sword sheath, standing tall at attention. He had a rough night, and it was clearly shown in his rugged and tired movements. Then, Before he could say anything excuse, the marshal was already well away with barking orders to some youth. He watched as the youth carried out the order, bringing along some others to join the fun.

Redirecting his vision back to the Marshal, He heard something that got caught his attention. A sparring match? against a squad of swordsmen and a warlock? He had not been here one second without being thrusted into battle. The story of his life.

He took a moment to collect himself, extracting energy from within him to complete this match. And almost immediately, He took up his shield and crouched into a defensive stance, keeping his spear away from the group as they could immediately disarm him otherwise. Instead of charging directly into immediate death, Hunde decided that he must first draw their lines thin and spread them out.

Hunde took a few steps back, keeping his stance incase of a unexpected attack. He tried to keep himself out of attacking range, yet still in view and proximity to the group.

During which, he tried to draw them out with the constant distamce between them, acting almost like a wolf to his prey.

(rundown of movement
Defenses up, no attack move.
Attempting to draw then out with distance, circling around the group.)
- James Pendragon -
" Trinity Spire, Second floor, Ballroom "

James' shoulders droop as he let out a sigh of regret, looking frustrated with himself. He didn't know what to say to Lydia as she scurried away. He looked back to Renee then Lydia again, as if deciding who to go to.

With a last look at Lydia, James wove his way around the crowd as the kabuki play started, and reached out to gently but sternly grab his sister's shoulder. "Renee, where and what are you doing with Rathmore?"

Katsuya Katsuya

- Training Grounds -
" Dalaran Barracks, Next day, Early Morning "

Hunde's ploy worked, he could take the swordsmen on one by one as they tried to surround him, swords bashing against his shield; the warlock sprinted around, muttering something as a ball of swirling frost sparked to life in his hand. Barnaby stepped up to the pen fence, leaped into the air, and threw it at Hunde's feet.


Banged the frost ball against the mercenary' shield, but struck its mark freezing his foot in a heavy block of ice.

"Charge!" yelled the swordsmen and all at once five struck him, a few landed on his shield, but those that flanked him successfully knocked his helmet off and sent it flying.

"Whoa!" some of them stumbled back, seeing his gaunt face.

Panzer Panzer

Panzer, your character received +2 skill/spell slots just like everyone else when we begun the new episode, would you like to use it to improve your character's combat abilities? If yes, please tag me in the OOC thread once CS changes are done.
  1. Hunde (1-2 def success) = 10
    1/3 Hp
    Mag. def 2 || Phys. def 2
* * * *​
  1. Swordsmen Squad = 9
    2/2 Hp
  2. Barnaby the Warlock (+1 hit rolls) = Total 6
    2/2 Hp
Echo flinched a bit at the twins threats...before her green eyes darkened as the place got dark. Oh no...they are not ruining Johnny's stage performance. Not with the hard work he put in this show. "Sen...Seth...Your sister needs to do this alone or else. The next time this happens, she wouldn't know what to do and you three might not be there to help her. Now sit down-!" The fawn scolded the twins like how a mother would, standing firm with her stance and her ears folded back with her agitation.

Now she understood her Aunt Melody's method of madness.

Serena came back with a bunch of sweets in hands, but she was glaring at the twins for being rude and not respecting their sister's choices. Didn't she get angry for them not listening to her? Now here they are acting as if she has no choice and have to defend her when she didn't even ask for it-! The blonde aimed a cake at Seth if he moved any closer, frowning in her anger.

Renee was about to reach over to Seifer when she felt a hand on her shoulder and moved away from it, narrowing her eyes at her older brother. Her orange eyes glowing suspiciously at him as her wings fluttered nervously.

Would he even believe her? She doubt it.

"...Why should I tell you when you don't believe me or my choices." With that, the Pendragon sister started to walk away but she stopped. She has this look of 'should I or should I not' until she made her choice and peeked over her shoulder. A small frown is visible on her face. "...James. I need to talk with you and Sen and Seth. Alone. It's...really important...but later-!"

Then she quickly sauntered to Seifer and lightly tugged his sleeve so they can have some privacy at the balcony. "Come on...I have questions and you have the answers."

Roleplay Skittle Roleplay Skittle Zer0 Zer0
- Balcony -
" Trinity Spire, Second floor, Ballroom "

James bit back his retort. He watched the two go with gritted teeth as he stood there thinking quickly. Without a word he strode off to the opposite direction and disappeared out of the ballroom and into the hallway, drawing out his wand.

Back at the tables, Seth was looking at Serena mutinously. "You wouldn't." he said daringly, standing right in front of her.

"Don't tell us what to do." scowled Sen at Echo, refusing to sit. Suddenly he spotted something behind Echo and clapped a hand on his brother's back, nodding at the direction Seifer and Renee were taking. Only Lydia could see this, but Sen tapped his fingers rhythmically on Seth's back. It was Morse code for, 'Keep-girls-here'.

"If our sister ends up getting toyed with and hurt because of him, you two are the worse friends ever for letting her go with that player." said Sen, pointing at Echo and Serena. "He's not good for her, Echo, you know that. He bullied you remember?"

The twins went on with their arguments until the girls or them just became tired, or got distracted by the kabuki play that was now showing the group's flight from the king's castle with Princess Mia who was depicted as a phoenix with a silver crown.

* * * *​

Meanwhile, Seifer led Renee to the corner of the balcony, and down a flight of marble stairs to the gardens where bushes artfully trimmed in the form of exotic creatures decked with glowing golden lights that turned out to be real fairies, dotted the serene landscape.

There were a few couples and families strolling around, and here and there stone gargoyles patrolled the grounds, all of them in the shape of horsemen with varying helmet styles fashioned in the likeness of chess pieces. There was even a giant chess board in the middle where two elves sitting around a table were commanding an army of black and white gargoyles to move. The white side was winning.

Katsuya Katsuya
Echo snorted at the attempts. "You can call us whatever you want. I still remember the conversation we had before, Seth: people get hurt no matter what happens, right? Ask him Wen. I'm sure he will tell you what he told me, Sen." She meant the conversation she had with Seth about Serena at Holt.

"You are being a hypocrite!" Echo scolded at Seth.

Serena tossed the cake and it landed on his face. "Yea...I dare. Seth, I thought you would understand about wanting freedom and expression. Are you going to snuff Renee's express and her freedom? You guys are terrible brothers if you put her in a cage."

The girls would not budge as they honestly believe that Renee needs to grow and her brothers are stifling it. That isn't fair to the sister at all.

No wonder she got so mad at the three of them!


Meanwhile, Renee smiled warmly when they went down the stairs and into a garden, feeling the tensions with her brothers disappear by the calming atmosphere.

"Wow...this place is so pretty." She commented quietly as they walked past some of the bushes. The Pendragon sister continued to stare at the small lights, only to be surprised that it was fairies that were glowing. Her smile grew as her wings fluttered. It was quiet in a comfortable way, the couple would enjoy the relaxing atmosphere as they walked to somewhere that's a little more private; There were still bushes everywhere but somehow the space itself was a lot more quieter than before. There were some roses growing on the leafy walls and a black metal bench that's curved at the ends for a couple to sit together, in the viewing is a small water fountain. A bird statue sitting in the middle of the bowl like plate as if it was taking a bath, water spouting out from the beak.

Once Renee felt like it was private enough to talk, she asked Seifer quietly as she sat down on the bench.

"Seifer, since when you started to like me? I thought you hated or at least not like me romantically after what you told me before...at the castle." Her wings fluttered nervously as she looked up at him with a small frown on her face and an eyebrow raised. The white haired Pendragon wanted to know as she was confused.

Zer0 Zer0
Lydia had been focusing on the performance, it was telling a part of their story that she hadn't been a part of and it was exciting to see, her attention was momentarily diverted by the ruckus being caused by the others and after glancing back to the stage area, she turned her gaze back on her friends, her brow furrowing slightly. That's when she realized that Renee, Seifer, and James were nowhere to be scene. She could be wrong because of the lessened light, but she was pretty sure she didn't see any of them.

Her full lips drew into a line as she saw the tapping of Sen's fingers on Seth and she tilted her head to the side slightly, why was he tapping his brother? She came to the realization that she was caught at a crossroads. She could either help the girls prevent Renee's brothers from interfering with her and Seifer, or she could help the boys protect their sister.

Lydia fidgeted slightly and decided that whatever the two were planning, they could probably outwit Echo and Serena, they were practically already doing it. So she didn't intervene, instead she quietly slipped out, drawing in a deep breath as she went in the direction she had last seen James go.

Zer0 Zer0 Katsuya Katsuya
- Seifer Rathmore -
" Trinity Spire, Gardens "

"I lied." said Seifer simply. He remained standing, facing Renee, hands in his pockets. He was giving her that searching look again tinged with what seemed to be warm gratefulness. It was the same look that had spread across his face when Renee told him why she liked him, but that had given way to his cruel answer that for a moment it seemed as though Renee might have imagined it.

But no, here it was again, this time out in the open and free.

This seemed to be something Seifer was having difficulty talking about because he looked down and seemed ashamed to look into Renee's eyes. "Sorry." he said looking up at her solemnly as one friend to another.

Katsuya Katsuya

- James Pendragon -
" Trinity Spire, Hallway "

Lydia would see a familiar broad back peeking out from the side of a statue of a grizzled warlock with an eye-patch beside one of the tower's tall arching windows, before the ghost of a small owl leapt on to the window sill, squeezed out of the window gap, and flew out into the night.

James stood up and quickly closed the window, looking about him warily. Seeming assured that he was alone, he brushed dust off his robes and began walking to another direction, pausing to ask a gargoyle for directions to the courtyard where the Orientals will be training tomorrow.

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Renee blinked at his answer as her heart pounded against her chest. Her eyes widened in shock at his expression, her face turned pink again. So she wasn't imagining things. He did care...even when he was planning to betray the group, he still cared...but she wondered about something and it involves that potion that she lost at the waterfalls.

He took her off guard again when he apologized and she tilted her head. Her wings fluttered lightly in her curiosity.

"Why are you sorry? I told you already that I forgiven you for your reasoning. What else could you be sorry for?" Renee asked calmly but accepting as she always has with everyone around her.

Zer0 Zer0
Lydia paused a moment once James was in sight, her brow furrowing slightly as he closed the window. She could only imagine what he had sent Sasha out for, but she shook her head and resolutely followed after him. She didn't attempt to mask the sound of her footsteps as she followed him, her granny boots clacking along the floor and her gown rustling along as she jogged slightly to catch up to him, gently pinching the back of his clothing as she did, "James...?"

Her brow furrowed and she felt like the blood had drained from her face in her nervousness. She tried to swallow down the lump in her throat, afraid that he was still angry with her, especially now that Seifer had disappeared with Renee.

Zer0 Zer0
- Seifer Rathmore -
" Trinity Spire, Gardens "
"For hurting you that time." explained Seifer. "You know, Renee, you're the first person I've said sorry to more than three times in . . . I think two years." he mused, swaying in place. "I'm not usually like this."

Katsuya Katsuya

- James Pendragon -
" Trinity Spire, Hallway "

James jumped. He whirled around, surprised to see Lydia there and arranged his face to look innocent and grumpy. "Lydia, er, what? I'm busy."

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She shrinked back slightly as he whirled on her, turning her face down slightly, her gaze shifting between him and the floor as she spoke timidly, "I-I'm sorry... I just... I didn't think it was a good idea... you know... starting a fight in the middle of the party..."

A few short and quick nods of her head were given, "o-okay? I'll... I'll go find Renee... sorry."

And with that she turned away from him and went off to do what she said she was going to even though she had a pretty good idea of where James probably sent Sasha.

Zer0 Zer0
Listening to Seifer, Renee's wings fluttered happily as she smiled a small but genuine smile. Her eyes glowed from the moonlight as she took off her heels (Evil torture devices, they are) and stood up barefooted.

"Really? That's a record if I ever heard one." She teased lightly though she was a little surprised about that too. So he doesn't normally say sorry...not surprised about that, but she's surprised that he's willing to say it many times to her. Hmm...

Walking closer to the archer, the winged teen peered up at him as her wings continued to flutter. "Can you tell me why you were desperate to grab that Love potion? You knew that I wouldn't use it so...?"

Zer0 Zer0
- Seifer Rathmore -
" Trinity Spire, Gardens "

Seifer looked uncomfortable again. He took a deep breath. "I . . . planned to use it on Princess MIa." he shifted in place. "It's back at Brandywine Falls, I buried it atop the falls after I found it in the river. I sort of ripped your bag on purpose --- Princess Mia knows. I confessed to her too. She slaps really hard." He reminisced, unconsciously raising a hand to his cheek.

Katsuya Katsuya

- James Pendragon -
" Trinity Spire, Hallway "

"Wait!" James caught up with Lydia.

He was looking stoically awkward again. "That was, um . . . good. What you did. Did I scare you?" he asked anxiously, bending to her eye level.

Roleplay Skittle Roleplay Skittle
- Seifer Rathmore -
" Trinity Spire, Gardens "

Seifer looked uncomfortable again. He took a deep breath. "I . . . planned to use it on Princess MIa." he shifted in place. "It's back at Brandywine Falls, I buried it atop the falls after I found it in the river. I sort of ripped your bag on purpose --- Princess Mia knows. I confessed to her too. She slaps really hard." He reminisced, unconsciously raising a hand to his cheek.

Katsuya Katsuya

- James Pendragon -
" Trinity Spire, Hallway "

"Wait!" James caught up with Lydia.

He was looking stoically awkward again. "That was, um . . . good. What you did. Did I scare you?" he asked anxiously, bending to her eye level.

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She scuffled to a stop as he called after her, looking to him questioningly, her chin drawing inwards slightly as her shoulders drew back from him a bit when he bent down to meet her eye. Her eyes switched from his to the floor again as they had before and she shook her head though what came out of her mouth was the opposite of the action, "y-you did..." the corner of her mouth raised awkwardly in a nervous smirk, "I've.. I've just never seen you... so angry... at least not at me." one of her hands raised to her her opposite arm, rubbing it gently as though she were comforting herself.

Zer0 Zer0
She raised an eyebrow at him and chuckled a bit, amused by the unconscious action. Why is she not surprised that Mia would slap him too. "What did I tell you? No one likes to be forced into feeling something that's not real." The Pendragon teen reminded him quietly.

Renee thought for a moment before she hesitantly placed a gentle hand on his other cheek and rubbed lightly with her thumb. Similar to comforting him when he called her name from his nightmare. "Seifer?...Can you come closer?"

Zer0 Zer0
- Seifer Rathmore -
" Trinity Spire, Gardens "

Seifer was pleasantly surprised and touched Renee's hand. He was blinking too much. "Yes." he said breathlessly. He closed the distance between them, stormy grey eyes full of timid hope, searching Renee's warm ones for an answer to that hope.

Katsuya Katsuya

- James Pendragon -
" Trinity Spire, Hallway "​

James rubbed the back of his neck. "Sorry. I'll work on my temper and if I get angry again I'll cover my face when I talk to you. I was just so mad that pervert tried to kiss my sister."

He looked outside the window. "Please take care of her, Lydia. She's still angry and doesn't want to talk to me." He sighed. "I know I didn't notice that she grew up and that she's not my little baby sister anymore, but I can't help thinking about the worse case scenarios, you know? So . . . yeah, please go find her. And if Rathmore does something, whack him with your mace."

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Smiling shyly and happily that he reacted the way he did, Renee gazed back into his stormy grey eyes with her answer to his hope. She leaned in, slowly closing her eyes, tipping toe-ing to close the space and kissed him in his lips.

Her wings fluttered excitedly before relaxing around the pair, creating a small space for just the two of them to have in this moment.

Zer0 Zer0
Lydia gently took his hand, her own trembling slightly as she did so and mustered the courage to look earnestly into his face since he seemed to have calmed, "it's alright... if you don't show it around me, how could I get used to it?" she squeezed his hand slightly before releasing it and laughed faintly shaking her head, "and I can't really blame you... he was pretty brazen."

She took a few steps back from him and put her hands behind her back, clasping them loosely behind her, "you don't have to explain... I know. I'll try and look out for her, but I don't know if she'll listen to me," she then gave him a slightly bemused look to the mace comment, did he think she had it stashed under her party dress or something.. she mused on the thought a moment, she supposed she probably could have hidden the weapon beneath her gown and this elicited and amused giggle from her before she turned and walked away.

She went back to the ballroom and to the balcony, looking around for Renee and Seifer, when she didn't see them she lifted her skirt slightly to keep from tripping over the hem as she stepped carefully down the steps before beginning her search for the duo once she was at the bottom of the steps.

Zer0 Zer0 Katsuya Katsuya
- Seifer Rathmore -
" Trinity Spire, Gardens "

eifer's hand limply slipped a couple of inches down Renee's, before feeling up to slip his fingers between hers and press meaningfully. He was uncharacteristically still for a long time, eyes half-lidded and dazed. He took his sweet time kissing her back, savoring it.

His other arm drew her close, pressing her ardently to his heart.

Katsuya Katsuya

- James Pendragon -
" Trinity Spire, Hallway "

"Thanks." said James, nonchalantly. The moment Lydia was gone he resumed his stroll to the training grounds. He didn't take more than a couple of steps before he suddenly leaned on the gargoyle he talked to earlier, ears very red.

"She touched my hand." said James looking at it as if it was made of gold. " And it's okay for me to be angry. You think it's possible for me to wrap this in plastic and never wash it?" he asked the gargoyle who looked at him as if he was mad.

* * * *​

Meanwhile, Lydia would spot a familiar bird hiding behind a bush trimmed in the shape of a horse, watching two familiar people doing a very unfamiliar thing.

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Wings fluttered lackadaisically when he pressed her against his chest. Her heart throbbing hard as she wrapped her arm over his neck and hand into his hair to lightly play with it. Cheeks flushed a pretty pink as she lazily opened her eyes, gazing at his own dazed ones and sighed in bliss.

Because that's what this moment is: Bliss. Pure pure bliss.

After a few more seconds, (to her it felt like hours) Renee leaned her head back and smiled in such a sweet heartfelt way, that it would melt ice in the arctic in the middle of winter. "Seifer..." She mumbled, her face turning red as what she's about to say would be the most embarrassing thing ever, but it's necessary!

"I'm..I'm not ready for that sort of dance...but I do want to be with you." Renee whispered timidly as if she didn't want to break the mood. "Can...can you give me time? Please?"

Zer0 Zer0 Roleplay Skittle Roleplay Skittle
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Awkwardly, Lydia collected her whole skirt, train and all, lifting it around her knees in a bundle as she took slow and careful steps closer to the scene. Her eyes widening in shock at the sight she beheld. She hid on a separate side from Sasha, though not without making sure Sasha was aware of her presence. If she was found out, she didn't want the owl to be as well. Her cheeks were rosy and she had to keep from releasing a surprised gasp as she huddled down behind one of the carefully trimmed shrubs that decorated the garden. She wasn't exactly sure what to do and looked over to Sasha questioningly. How did she keep ending up in this place where she had to make a tough decision that was going to make one person or another upset with her for her decision?

She had moved to where she was only able to hear what was going on because it was quite embarrassing and made her feel a little gross watching them and her hands softly clapped over her mouth as it dropped open to what Renee then said to Seifer, realizing that probably had something to do with why she had slapped him on the dance floor. She felt like she should interrupt still, but some part of her was saying not to, it was the part that considered Seifer's condition to be fragile and she didn't want to cause him to lose his grip on his control.

Zer0 Zer0 Katsuya Katsuya
- Seifer Rathmore -
" Trinity Spire, Gardens "

The archer sleepily groaned in protest when Renee leaned back, but quieted when his dazed eyes fluttered open to find Renee smiling at him this way. He was once again pleasantly surprised and seemed touched, giving her that warm look tinged with gratefulness.

He looked ready to kiss her again the way she said his name. He smiled at her request, the shadow of a smirk lingering. "Mmmm." he lightly grumbled, burying his face in the nook of a wing as he hugged her and didn't answer for a while.

Finally he hugged her tight and sighed. "Okaaay." he surrendered looking at her. "But you have to help me, Renee, I'm not used to this."

He smiled at her. "I like you."

Katsuya Katsuya Roleplay Skittle Roleplay Skittle

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