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Fantasy Howl's Flying Castle (Finished! ---Whoo! (*^▽^)/)

Serena patted Lydia's hands gently while she talked with Echo, her own grin grew when she noticed Echo's ears twitching a bit. The fawn's green eyes moved between the two before sighing, her smile looked a little nervous but excited at the same time.

"Another prank for the guys, I'm assuming?" Serena gasped comically as she lightly placed her other hand on her cheek, looking like she was shocked. "Oh Echo! I never thought you would suggest such a thing...but yes, another prank. Want to come with?" The red head only shook her head before hooking her arms with Lydia's so that the three of them linked together.

"Alright, out with it. What do you have in mind?" Echo asked the mischievous pair, her green eyes stayed calm and gentle as always.

"Well~ I was hoping to trap James with Chenglei...in a closet or a small room." Serena casually suggested as her grin turned into a smirk. 'Sorry James~!' She thought as she remembered that James is scared of the blond oriental soldier.

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Lydia couldn't help but laugh at Serena's mock shock and happily took Echo's arm as they plotted. Her eyes widened as Serena told her idea and she giggled just as impishly as she smiled, a soft little tittering sound that screamed she was up to no good, "well that's easy enough... Serena, you and I can just ask them if they can get something from the closet and Echo can block the door with something," playing to each of their strengths and the boys' weaknesses. Chenglei likes to help, she remembered asking him for more flour when they baked and as for James... Lydia was clumsy and had already bumped into him before, causing the potion that grew plants from his head to fall on him so she was sure she could cause some kind of mess that would require retrieving something from a closet.

Truthfully, she felt a little bad, but being in close quarters with the soldier might make James try to make up for it by being even manlier and that honestly made her heart swoon a little. And Echo was strong, she could move something on her own that would require more than one to get out of the way. She did wonder if this was all a little too mean though.

"What about for Johnny?"

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Serena cackled, causing some of the guests looking at her weirdly. Like she was off kilter or mentally off for her laugh. "That's perfect. Echo, make sure to carry a desk heavy enough for the door."

Echo nodded as she grimaced at the idea of trapping Chenglei with James. The fawn couldn't help but think that James is going to murder them once he realizes who did it, but....it's revenge for lifting Johnny's shirt long ago...

Even if she enjoyed the view of his back and fluffy sheep tail...Yea...

"Well...we could put Johnny's wand in Jell-o...with James' wand too..." Echo suggested. Serena shook her head, frowning a bit. "That's too soft Echo...Hmm...Isn't there anything that might get Johnny to somewhat freak out?"

The fawn thought about it for a moment as Johnny is pretty hard to crack...and then she remembered something and grinned a bit. "Well...he does love colorful clothes...we could replace his clothes with boring ones like all of them grey and black and white and suits instead of furs."

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Serena's laughter was infectious and Lydia couldn't help but giggle along with her. She listened thoughtfully as Echo presented her first idea, she actually thought it was okay but then again, it would be pretty easy to remedy. Her next idea however, Lydia's eyes widened slightly, as did her grin, "oh my gosh Echo, that's a great idea!"

And all that was left was Seth and Sen. Lydia hadn't exactly spent a lot of time around either of them, Sen less so, so she wasn't too incredibly sure what would bug them the most so she just tossed a few ideas out there, "well... we could replace their toothpaste with frosting.. bake them a cake made out of dirt... cut holes in the toes of all their socks... put sleeping potion in their drinks and dress them up like girls..."

She glanced at the ceiling as she thought and spouted out all of her ideas, "or we could just look for Renee and ask if she has any suggestions."

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"...Or I could ask Ren to teach me how to make her sticky bombs." Echo suggested and Serena looked at her, confused as one of her eyebrows raised.

"...Echo what are you talking about? Since when Renee made sticky bombs?" The blonde asked, somewhat interested that the Pendragon sister could even make such a thing. The fawn explained with a small grin.

"Well...She used sticky bombs to make Seifer stay in one spot and she tackled him to the barriers until he got her stuck too. I thought since Sen and Seth likes to move a lot, we could use the sticky bombs on their bed and..." Echo reached up to rub on her ear timidly. "...make them stick on their beds?"

Serena's grin grew so much that her white teeth was showing. "That's...a really good idea, Echo."

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"Oh yeeeeah..." Lydia whispered slightly, she remembered Renee telling her about the duel and she laughed slightly, even if the twins weren't really active, that would still really irritate them. She giggled and nodded, "yes, let's do that!"

She looked around, where was Renee anyway? She hadn't seen her since supper ended and looked around for her curiously. That was when she remembered something she had thought of earlier but had forgotten. Why had Wrath targeted her specifically and would he know what the darkness was that was stalking her? As the thought dawned on her, the realization appeared on her face and then she realized that Renee was probably talking with the prince. She smiled meekly, pushing the thought aside for now, but she'd remember to bring it up to Renee again when there was a safe moment to do so.

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Serena nodded, now excited at the pranks. "We could still use your ideas for the guys as a double prank, Lydia." The blonde looked at the little witch, almost jumping in place.

"Like we'll use the the frosting toothpaste for Johnny. The sleeping potion one for the twins and the cake one to James. Let them freak out for moment until we prank them again." Serena suggested, her mind whirling with excitement as her urge to play again came up.

Echo raised an eyebrow at her now dubbed insane friend. "Um...maybe we should wait before doing another prank on them. At least, let them prank us first and then we-"

"But Echo, I don't want my forehead to shine again."

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She laughed slightly, if they pranked the boys too hard, boy would they be in for it. and she tugged on serena's arm a little and shook her head, "Echo's right... don't you think the retaliation would be soooooo much worse if we pranked them too many times in a row without them getting one in?"

Her laugh grew a little, "I don't think they'll pull the same prank twice... that'd be boring and predictable."

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Serena somewhat pouted before shrugging her shoulders. "Finnneee~! I still say that we should have more ideas for pranks though, in case we need a back up one." She is way too in to this.

Echo sighed in amusement, smiling as she was bit worried for her boyfriend. She just hopes that no one tries to take
Gei-gi for a revenge prank. "Serena, please. If we think anymore ideas, we wouldn't be able to remember them." The violinist looked at the fawn squinting her eyes a bit.

"...Since when you became an expert at pranking, Echo? You only pranked Johnny once."

"I'm a herb student. We can pick up things very quickly." The red head had many many Many mistakes before with her potions, especially when it's because of Renee's random mixes.

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Lydia nodded her head, "of course! We can use those other ideas for instant retaliation, the boys wouldn't be expecting it so soon after they get back at us. Then we can take that time to think of new ones!"

She laughed slightly as Serena scrutinized Echo, "she's right, I think we have enough for right now."

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Echo smiled at the blonde brightly when Lydia agreed with her. Her ears twitching. "Anyways, now the question is when we do our pranks on the guys." She asked the other girls.

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Lydia thought for a moment, "well.. Johnny's clothes can be switched when he is out of his room or asleep... Seth and Sen need to get theirs while they are sleeping.. and James... well, whenever we can catch he and Chenglei unawares.. so I guess theirs would require the most thought beforehand."

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"Hmm...Well, I can distract Johnny again with something else." Echo suggested, thinking of how she's going to do that.

Serena perked up. "Maybe we should strike James at nighttime. So he wouldn't be able to see us in the dark and leave him in the room with Chenglei for hours." Hours? Merlin, Serena's brutal.

"Um...maybe up to an hour? So James doesn't murder Chenglei...and we're gonna have to steal his wand too, so he wouldn't be able to summon for help....and ask Minnie to open the door for them later." The fawn mentioned as she grabbed a glass of red wine and took a slow sip of it.

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Her lips pursed and moved to the side slightly as she thought about it, "I don't know... you distracting him again? He might get suspicious."

She laughed slightly to Serena's suggestion and shook her head, "yeah... hours probably isn't such a good idea and when he figures out who did it... well I don't want him to hate me!" she said as her cheeks reddened slightly. She then looked to Echo and smiled in surprise, "you know Echo, you are too good at this."

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"Yea, but I mean without the...seductive part. I mean if he would want to walk with me or something like that." Echo smiled.

Serena snorted at that thought. "I really doubt he would hate you, Lydia...besides, who says he'll figure it out that it was us? I mean...If we do this right, James might think it's Seth and Sen."

The fawn blushed a bit as she took a large gulp of her wine. "...I found a book about pranks...and studied...." She admitted.

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She let out a laugh of realization and nodded her head, "oh yeah, then that would probably work."

She bumped Serena slightly, "I-I-I-I don't know... I mean... yeah," she huffed slightly and shook her head, "I guess that's true... but then again, they aren't going to be the ones luring the two into the closet," she giggled slightly and shrugged her shoulders, "then again, it's not actually hurting anyone, just making them really uncomfortable for a little while."

Lydia tilted her head and looked at the Fawn quizzically, "you... studied... pranks? When?" she wondered if it had anything to do with what they had been up to or if Echo had plotted previously.

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Serena grinned again when Lydia bumped her, amused. "Don't worry about that part. I have an idea to make them think it was the twins and not us." The blonde violinist reassured the little witch, lightly squeezing her arm with her own.

Echo scratched her head as she looked sheepishly. "Um...after pranking the guys the first time, I looked into the library and found a prank book." She really did want to get Johnny back from the chicken prank.

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Her head nodded, sending those springy curls bouncing about and smiled, she trusted Serena, she seemed like she was a little more clever when it came to pranks than herself.

She giggled when Echo talked about finding the book. Researching pranking, the idea baffled her slightly but she had to give the girl props for being so devoted to the task, "alright then, it's settled. When do we want to start?"

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"...hmm...we can do it tomorrow night? That way Echo can make the sticky bombs, I can ready the thing to make James believe it's the twins, and Lydia, you'll have time to think of an idea to convince James to go to the closet with Chenglei." Serena said cheerfully, her blue eyes glittered in joy.

Echo shook her head in disbelief. "...Serena, I think you've been hanging around Seth for too long."

"Not long enough if you ask me." Was the violinist response. "What do you think, Lydia?"

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"Sounds good to me!" she clapped her hands together and held them, smiling slightly, that smile brightening to the next comments. She giggled and shook her head slightly before teasingly saying, "I don't know, he's a baaaaaad influence."

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"Awesome!" Serena chimed in, looking pumped as her smile turned a bit dangerous again. "At least I'm using my 'bad influence' for good~!" The blonde played along before giggling with Echo's soft laugh. The red head could only shake her head.

"Yes, yes. For the good of our cause and whatnot." Echo joined in as she finished her drink.

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- Balcony -
" Trinity Spire, Second floor, Ballroom "

Princess Mia's expression became quizzical, while Kenren simply looked up at the windows as though thinking, then said. "It's safe. Feel free to speak your mind."

If Renee followed Kenren's gaze, she'd once again catch a glimpse of a shadow reflected on the windows--- or was the shadow hiding in the glass of the windows? --- before it casually moved away.

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Renee followed where Kenren was staring at and saw that shadow -the ninja guard?- going away. So...that shadow makes sure that the area is safe? 'Wow...that's really impressive...and kind of scary.' She thought before going back to the royal pair, frowning seriously. Her wings stilled and tucked tightly against her head.

"...Why didn't you tell the Order about Wrath or Seifer's real nature? What are the changes you were talking about, Ken-chan? Mia, why didn't you tell Ken-chan about what happened at your castle during the party? Are..." Renee really didn't want to assume things unless she had proof, but...with all the secrecy she couldn't help think it...

"Do you believe that someone from the Order will use the information we have for terrible purposes?" The Pendragon asked warily as her orange eyes moved from the prince to the princess and back.

"Or worse? Please tell me I'm over thinking things here..."

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Hunde finally arrived to the training grounds a few minutes later than expected,his chest puffing from the mad dash here. He shambled lifelessly over to the marshal and strained himself for more energy. He stood up straight with his shield to his side and his spear pointing to the sky.
"I'm Heir, mien herr!(I'm Here , Sir!)" he puffed, peicing together a sentence from his overworked and underslept mind.
- Balcony -
" Trinity Spire, Second floor, Ballroom "

Kenren took a sip of his wine. "When you talk about these things during a party, look as though you're talking about trivial things or else people will wonder what's going on." he smiled, casually leaning on the balcony and watching the night lights of the city.

"The rest of the world isn't as kind as you are, Renee," said Kenren without looking at her. "Think. If they knew what Seifer was like, they will take him and he will become their lab rat." he took another sip and pointed at the stars twinkling in the clear night sky. "Seems like a recipe for disaster, especially since we don't know what powers he's obtained from the crystal. Hisaya, before he became a death knight was a mediocre warlock who's brilliant mind was his most outstanding gift. He was never able to raise the dead nor read thoughts. If it turns out that Seifer has received powers of the same magnitude, I'd rather he be on our side, willingly for his mother and his friends."

Wine glass now empty, he waved at one of his oriental guards for another goblet and waited till they were alone once more before he continued. "Those in power are always looking for ways to defeat their rivals, me included. More than anything I desire to sit on the Chrysanthemum Throne once my father has passed away. The Orients is a divided country, sons of the emperor are born from consorts from different factions, a worthy heir isn't chosen beforehand, and so the factions are always fighting for the emperor's favor. Because of this, our country is poor, weak, crime and poverty are rampant, and even I have always had to live in fear of death ever since I was born. I am going to end all that and unite the factions once and for all."

He turned his gaze at Renee, his bearing strong, upheld by the quiet confidence of a master who wields certain forces with world-wide influence and almost unequaled power among his peers, who holds in his hands gigantic chords of responsibility. There was no playfulness in his eyes, none of the usual graceful courtesy. This was Kenren's real visage. He was like a sun around which revolved the fate of many lives.

"I offer you my allegiance, Princess Mia, Renee. Everything I have is yours, but in return you must give me free reign to all the knowledge you possess and will come to know. I'm aware that this is scary, but that is honestly why I've been helping you all this time."

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- Training Grounds -
" Dalaran Barracks, Next day, Before sunrise "

"You're late." said Marshal Tybalt, disapprovingly. "Being late won't fly with your allies who'll be depending on you, Mr. Oppenshire --- Jimmy, front and center!" he barked.

One of the soldiers he was drilling, a young man in his early twenties, came up to them.

"Grab ten practice spears, swords, and shields from the armory, and call Barnaby down here."

"Yessir!" The youth went off and came back with the equipment together with another soldier who was dressed like a warlock. Marshal Tybalt called nine other soldiers out of the training company and announced that they were going to have a couple of sparring matches with Hunde.

"He's had more experience than you lot so give it all you got." said Marshal. When everyone was ready inside a dusty sparring pen and Hunde given a blunt training spear and sword, he told the mercenary to show them what he's made of, then barked: "Begin!"

Some enemies are composed of groups, but are considered one entity. Usually the players attack first, but if an enemy successfully ambushes the party, their foes attack first. Hunde has two enemies, the ten swordsmen and Barnaby the warlock. Some enemies have a greater chance to wipe out the party.

Feel free to be as awesome as you want, just leave the result of your attack against your one target and the enemy's actions to the GM. I'll roll the success of your attack on the next post.
  1. Hunde (1-3 attack success) =
    3/3 Hp
    Mag. def 2 || Phys. def 2
  2. Swordsmen Squad =
    2/2 Hp
  3. Barnaby the Warlock (+1 hit rolls) =
    2/2 Hp
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