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Fantasy Howl's Flying Castle (Finished! ---Whoo! (*^▽^)/)

Renee nodded weakly as she felt a bit better with finally getting this off her chest like a weight has been lifted, but not that much. She needed to tell James, Sen, and Seth. They had to know too. Merlin, her head's pounding hard...

The winged teen just leaned into Lydia's hand, enjoying the light tugs of her hair as it's always been a comforting feeling to her. She sniffed again and gave the witch a half smile, still very uncertain but a lot more open than the other times she smiled.

"Thank you, Lydia...I really needed this talk." Her eyes had a bit of life in them now though red and swollen. Her face was still pale, had a pink flush on her cheeks, and her body is still trembling a bit, but...she felt like she could breathe again. Her wings even perked up a bit despite being shaky too.

Roleplay Skittle Roleplay Skittle
-Trinity Tower-
She hadn't really realized it, but evidently, subconsciously she had converted James desire to be able to braid Renee's hair in order to comfort her into Renee liking her hair being played with and when this thought occurred to her, she laughed slightly and shook her head. She hadn't wanted to say anything, but she felt like she needed to try and help restore Renee's faith in her brothers, "you're welcome... you know, James wanted to learn to braid hair so he could braid yours," she pulled away and reached into the folds of her dress, pulling out her handkerchief and handing it to Renee.

Katsuya Katsuya
Blinking in surprise and a bit amused, Renee took Lydia's handkerchief and dabbed her tears away. Her smile widened a bit. "R-really? ... That's....really funny actually...he hates anything girly and 'mushy'." The Pendragon sister chuckled quietly and sniffed, rolling her eyes.

"James avoids anything that might make him less of a manly man then he thinks. Thing is...I believe it would make him more of a man if he was in touch with his mushy side." Renee commented as she let her barriers disappear.

After calming down a bit, Renee and Lydia went out of her room to see Mrs. Rathmore about to leave. The winged teen told her that she needed to tell them something important and after getting Seifer's attention as well (hopefully not because of her swollen eyes or the fact that she looks sort of sick), she put up her barriers again and warned them. She told them to be cautious about anybody in the Order or anybody else that they didn't know. If they needed, they can come with the group to confront the prince in dinner tonight.

If they asked her what's wrong with her state, Renee only smiled halfheartedly and said: "I'll tell you later...it involves with my brothers and I want to avoid them until tonight at dinner."

After that, Renee hid in her room, only giving permission to Lydia or the other girls to come inside her room when they came by to check on her. She only smiled and nodded at the comfort they gave her.

Once it was dinner time and the group had to go downstairs, Renee stayed quiet the whole time as her black ankle boot heels tapped quietly on the floor, following the gargoyles who showed them the way. The winged teen stayed near Seifer and Lydia as she felt comfortable around them more.

Roleplay Skittle Roleplay Skittle Zer0 Zer0
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-Trinity Tower-
Lydia had nodded when Renee asked her if James really learned how to braid hair just for her and she laughed, raising one of her eyebrows while simultaneously lowering the other one to him being worried about being less of a man. Honestly, it was absurd the strange things that boys got hung up on. She shook her head in disbelief at the strange notions he had. She supposed he might be right when it came to other boys, they'd probably think he was girly, but she thought that the gesture was just as sweet as Renee did.

She tagged along with Renee as she went to inform Seifer of what had happened, if anything mostly just to keep an eye on her. She hated seeing her so disheartened. When they were back in Renee's room, something occurred to her and she couldn't exactly figure out what. It was something that pertained to the conversation she had only a little while ago with Renee and whatever it was, it was nagging at her but she couldn't put her finger on it. She stayed with Renee until supper, seeing no real reason to leave her side and just tried to keep that nagging feeling at bay, eventually making the trip to dinner with Renee and Seifer.

Katsuya Katsuya
Hunde thought for a moment, almost repulsed from the idea. Although he knew the importance of the letter, and the time he was wasting was also repulsing.

Hunde took a moment to gather his thoughts. His anger was constantly spiking to the point of rage, and as such, reorganizing his plan was crutial to not losing his mind.

He set down his shield and unhooked his sword belt from his side, tossing it next to the sheild. Then, he proceeded to take off his helm.

His cheeks were gaunt and his blue eyes were sunken in slightly, giving a horrifying look that seemed more akin to a skeleton kr a corpse. He looked like a begger off the streets, complete with the look of someone who hasn't eaten in weeks. His hair was a mess, drooping low and sticking to his head from the moisture of the helm.

Or in simple terms: He looked like someone who has been through heck and back.

(sorry for the short post and the long wait, Fridays are always hectic for me...)
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- Dinner -

" Trinity Spire, 2nd Floor Ballroom, Terrace "

That night, the lavishing dinner that awaited them in the second floor of the tower was a banquet worthy of kings. There were visitors from other nations, and everyone who was anyone in Dalaran was there. Nobles and their ladies sauntered among ruddy dwarven smiths decked in masterwork armor, while elven ambassadors in stunning dresses of white graced with simple elegant jewels that shone like stars glided serenely, bare-foot, across the ballroom floor with dark-skinned, colorfully robed and turbaned wizards from the desert regions.

There were broad-backed, heavily scarred Nords clothed in the furs of dangerous beasts swapping war stories with officers; satyrs dressed in the manner of druids were appreciating the paintings hanging on the walls while mingling with regal centaurs; gnomes and green goblins sat on stools discussing business and the latest technology with rich sea-faring merchants; while in the background, a few well-dressed people from the media took pictures of the whole affair.

There were two main areas: the ballroom and the terrace. The terrace was guarded by gargoyles and was open for very important persons only, and it was here that a very long table was elegantly bedecked by all manner of spoons and forks for fine dining.

After the heroes were introduced in pairs by an announcer who loudly proclaimed their names and titles, strode down the great marble steps to the ballroom to much applause, shaking of hands, greetings, hugs and kisses from strangers who either just did it for some unknown reason or because they were one of the people they saved in Holt, they were led to the terrace.

Here Kenren Taisho, Princess Mia, Master Bertrand, the king of the Eidolon Kingdom and his son Prince Petruchio, ambassadors, officers, from other races, and the members of the High Order of Merlin, were walking about and mingling with each other. Not all of them stood in awe of the group, but the head of the Order, Professor Ballador Dawnweaver, a man with graying hair who looked as though he was forty and moved as spritely as if he was twenty instead of a hundred and eighty, welcomed the group with open arms.

"Hello, hello! And welcome, welcome, dear friends, to Dalaran!"

Katsuya Katsuya Roleplay Skittle Roleplay Skittle

- Dalaran Barracks -
" Marshall Tybalt's Office, Earlier that day"

True to his word that whatever Hunde had underneath his helmet was alright, the guard nodded at him respectfully, and after acquiring his name allowed him to pass through the gates and into the office of the Marshall, a burly man busy writing letters, with a junior officer as an aide standing at ease behind him.

He received the letter with a grunt, told Hunde to take a seat in front of the desk and told his aide to get him a sandwich joking that Hunde looked like he needed it. The marshal opened the seal and skimmed through the contents.

Without a word, he went around the desk, looked outside the door briefly before locking it. "Kampf Hunde Oppenshire, mercenary hired by the Duke of Marchester, steward of the throne, I'm assuming that's you, son?" he said in his deep voice. "Says here that you wish to join the expedition to the Storm Wall without training. Apparently I've been requested to see if you're up to the task. Tell me your military history and work as a mercenary."

Panzer Panzer

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Renee came down the marble stairs with Seifer, smiling at everyone who greeted them, even hugged and waved at some back. Her long and slimming dress shimmered under the light as the dark blues and midnight purples shone, the white at the bottom of her dress sparkled as it spread upwards, looking like stars were trying to float back up in the night sky. The semi transparent halter neck held up her dress by her neck, leaving her arms and back bare. The skirt part moved fluidly as there's a slit on both sides of her hips down, sometimes revealing her legs and black boot three inch heels that reached up to her ankles as she strutted with a subtle confidence of a young lady. Her braid was let go and waves of white hair cascaded over her shoulder and down to her chest. Her tear drop diamond earrings sparkled as she looked around with her smiling lips colored pink.

Basically, she was influenced by Seifer on a certain level while spending time with him. It's rather strange and awesome to feel this good for just wearing very stunning dresses. Renee could get used to that....

However that doesn't mean she likes these stupid heels! They are cute and all, but what happens if she fell?! What then?!

Echo came in with Johnny, lightly clinging his arm as they heard their names called out. She's wearing a cotton aqua teal dress that almost reached down to her ankles, as usual, she had a slit on each side but they were wider and on her mid-thigh. It's easier for her to move in and she didn't mind it as much since she has dark grey leggings that were tight around her legs. Around her waist and lower torso is a dark brown leather bodice that has designs of flora, tied and woven at the back with a dark pink ribbon. Around her turtle neck is a silver necklace with pink gems connected to each other as if they were blossoms, decorating her collarbone. Her ears weren't pierced, so she wore silver ear cuffs instead, tucked behind and around her ear as a pink flower of the same design dropped down with a thin chain. thin silver bracelets and anklets shined under the light whenever she moved. Her eyelids had a hint of aqua teal like her dress and she painted her lips with a lighter pink lip gloss.

The fawn was nervous with the attention she was getting and didn't want Johnny to get jealous either so she leaned her head on his shoulder as a way to show that she's only comfortable around him.

Serena walked in with Seth, her bright blue eyes shined as she waved and winked at everyone enthusiastically, showing the golden yellow eye shadow. Her intense red lips smiled as she giggled, her cheeks with a hint of pink. Her fitted strapless wine red dress flowed as if it was fire dancing around while she sauntered with the twin escort. Her blonde hair pulled back and pinned in a bun with decorated Kanzashi that had a bell chiming with the movement of her head. A gold bracelet on each of her hands was connected to her middle ring finger and a simple gold ring choker wrapped around her neck, the ends left space at the back. Her strapped three inch heels were a golden color too, as they glinted with the lights.

The violinist didn't mind the attention at all, in fact she's used to it seeing that she entertains people on a daily basis, so she would wave and blow kisses at everyone.

As they were greeted by Professor Ballord, the Pendragon sister flinched back a bit and accidental bumped into Seifer who was beside her. She wasn't expecting him to be so...friendly and open for an elder of his age.

"...T-Thank you. It's good to visit your beautiful city, Sir." She said, composing herself and grinned at him. Her wings fluttered.

Roleplay Skittle Roleplay Skittle Zer0 Zer0
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-Trinity Spire, 2nd Floor Ballroom, Terrace-

Did they really? Did they really have to all the time? Lydia longed to be back home at moments like this. To be back in her familiar library that went untouched by any hands other than her own. It had become her second bedroom and so the maids had learned to stay away quite quickly. She wasn't having the riff-raff messing up her belongings, and yes, she had begun considering the books her belongings since she was the only one that really used them, everyone else just considered the library for show.

Lydia didn't really have much by way of dressy clothing and she actually wished that her mother was there to help her since in their manufacturer circles, her mother was quite the socialite and usually dressed her daughter for the parties they attended. She had smiled wryly at the thought, wishing her mother was there to dress her up for a party she didn't even really want to go to. In the end she had requested of one of the gargoyle servants to help her get a dress for the evening since she thought it would be a horrible idea to try and venture out of the tower and shop for one.

Her directions on what she wanted had been relatively simple as she wasn't particularly knowledgeable with fashion terms and she was actually pleasantly surprised when the servant returned with a simple but elegant black dress. The bodice was tight, the neckline a wide ovular shape that stretched from shoulder to shoulder, exposing the length of her collarbone. The sleeves were only tight to her elbows where the fabric loosened and belled out in layers that hung almost to the floor when her arms were down and exposed her forearms when they were up. The skirt of the dress wasn't too long, leaving enough room between the hem and the floor in the front that when she walked, she wouldn't step on it but it still mostly hid her feet and in the back it was a little bit longer to allow a small train behind her. The whole of the dress was black satin and lace and much to Lydia's delight, it required no corset nor bustle which were a bane to existence as far as she was concerned.

Of course her shoes were still her granny boots and one could guess what her stockings looked like. She wore a small silver bracelet around her wrist, a black lace ribbon around her neck and her usual silver hoop earrings. Her hair was done up in her usual ponytail, though her bangs were parted at the side and held back with just a little bit of overhang on her forehead, and rather than the straight strands that were customary for her hair, the strands were done up in springy ringlets. She had a sparse bit of makeup, winged eyeliner and the soft, nearly purple shade of stain on her lips.

While she may have looked lovely, she didn't feel like it and she also still didn't wish to attend the dinner, but she asked James if he would walk with her when they began the two-by-two introductions, seeing that Renee would probably want to walk with Seifer and she took this opportunity to whisper to James that she had told Renee how he had learned to braid hair in order to comfort her when she needed it because she felt that Renee needed to hear what he had wanted to do for her in light of what had happened before.

When they entered the terrace, she had planned on rejoining Renee, admiring the confidence her friend was displaying while Lydia was still her same old self and was actively trying to hide behind her friends as they were greeted and eyed by the others around the table.

Zer0 Zer0 Katsuya Katsuya
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-Hunde Oppenshire-
After Hunde had passed the gate, he found himself within the office of the Marshal himself. Seeing as there was no need for any words, he neglected the idea of greeting him, but rather tried to leave him to his work, This was why he was slightly shocked when the Marshal told him to sit down. He nodded silently and followed the Marshal's command. He has had enough nonsense from others that at this point, he didn't care to challenge him or argue with him.

He watched as the Marshal ordered his aide to get him a sandwich, joking about how he needed it. Hunde gave a fake laugh to mock the marshal, before putting a hand over his face in a face-palm like fashion.Hunde has had enough jokes already. He stopped face-palming and sat patiently in his seat, watching the Marshal once more. He was mostly curious of what this whole thing was about,
He got his answer when the Marshal began asking questions. Hunde nodded silently to the first one, and quickly moved to the second question.
"Well... What can I say? I was in the military for a while, climbed the ranks as I went..." He shifted in his seat, finding a more comfortable position so he may continue his story.
"I- uhh... was given the ability to command a small group. We went on expeditions against outlaw hiding places..." He stopped once more, although this time was to re-gather his thoughts.
"On one expedition , we traveled through a canyon. The outlaws knew we were coming and ambushed us." He sped through the sentence, and then completely skipped some of it.
"I ended up in this place as a mercenary after that. I went on several other missions... and...now I'm here." The knight shrugged, looking to the wall. He then began to answer the second question.

"Well sire, I have already been on many different expeditions, all of which had different levels of danger. I believe that I should join this expedition on my experience and usefulness to the group. I am a merc, after all, and I am in need of some cash."
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- Terrace -
" Trinity Spire, 2nd Floor Ballroom "

James was cool and collected when he offered his arm then escorted Lydia down the marble steps, but little did they know, this mere touch was radiating warm jolts of electricity to his heart. It was good that music filled the ballroom, otherwise Lydia would notice how loud his heart was beating.

Earlier, he had been stunned the moment he saw her walking down the hallway. He could have sworn that time slowed down when she glanced his way, the breeze serenading a soothing melody. How soft her collar bones looked, and she was just the right kind of chubby. Her simple dress made her more charming, for it revealed a jewel she's always worn that was more beautiful than any ornament of gold: modesty.

When she leaned to whisper in his ear James mind went completely blank when her warm breath sent tingles down his back. He was happy that she cared for Renee and him. The weight on his shoulders lightened as he became more hopeful in bettering his relationship with his sister. And all this made her all the more delightful in his eyes.

"Thank you." he whispered warmly. There was a moment's pause. "You're beautiful, Lydia." He gazed at her fondly, ears red.

Johnny was happily chatting with Echo as he marveled at the centaurs and gnomes, wondering out loud what their culture was like. He held her hand reassuringly, rubbing gentle circles with his thumb and gave her a boop with his head when she leaned on his shoulder.

"Echo, let's have fun tonight!" he smiled, "and taste all the new dishes, desserts, and talk to everyone who's interesting after the theatre troupe's show."

He had told her days ago while they were still in the warship that he was practicing to be part of their kabuki plays and they were going to show one tonight, of which Johnny was a part of. It was a play of their group's adventures, a mix of western and oriental theatrical styles and he was very excited and nervous about it.

Seth's jaw dropped when he saw Serena and did not hesitate to say, "Hoo, Serena, you are smoking!" He kept tripping because he didn't watch where he was going, too busy gazing at her. Sen seemed bothered that his twin wasn't walking with him. After all, they had just been reunited after so long and for a moment seemed lonely as his brother went ahead without a backwards glance.

* * * *​

When Professor Ballador greeted them, Seifer caught Renee with an arm when she bumped into him. "Careful, Lady Stormcleaver, or we wouldn't be able to dance tonight." he drawled lazily.

Once they were all seated, the professor introduced them to everyone in the table as butlers began serving the appetizers. Everyone wanted to hear from the group's on words about the battle in Holt and how they were able to brig the princess safely here in Dalaran. The talk went on for an hour until Johnny had to excuse himself to prepare for the play, asking Echo for a kiss so that he will be more courageous. This was his first big act and it was in front of all these very important and powerful people, and what's more the media was here.

This could make or break his career as an entertainer.

Katsuya Katsuya Roleplay Skittle Roleplay Skittle

- Dalaran Barracks -
" Training Grounds, Earlier that day"

"That's . . . vague. I need details, son, you haven't told me anything, not even your rank or if you were honorably discharged." said Marshal Tybalt. "I need the name of the kingdom and ruler you served as a soldier, name of the outlaws you fought, where you fought them, how many you neutralized, exactly what kind of jobs you took when you became a merc --- caravan guard jobs, escort to some noble, or bounty hunter?"

He looked at Hunde as though he was starting to think he may be lying. "What were the details of your expeditions, who hired you, and exactly what danger did you face? Goblins? Savages?" he leaned back against his chair, observing his face keenly.

The interview took long. The Marshal was very thorough, finally releasing Hunde after he answered all the questions and telling him to come back tomorrow at four in the morning for a sparring session with his men to see for himself if Hunde was as experienced and useful as he claimed to be.

*Panzer, let us discuss this in the OOC thread and start a mock battle after your next post. I'll just post this here for our other players.

Important battles are decided by the GM rolling a 10-sided dice (1d10). It's like the turn-based battle style of video games where your character has a movement phase then an action phase where he targets only one foe.

There is no post order, simply react to the scene presented by the GM, write what your character is attempting to do and leave the result, enemy actions, and enemy death to the GM.

If your character rolls equal or lower than his success rate, he deals 1 dmg. to his target. Enemies get their turn too and if they roll equal or higher than your phys. def. or mag. def. depending on their attack, they reduce your character's HP by 1. All player characters have 3 Hp. Foes can have smaller Hp and bonuses to their rolls. Bosses have bigger HP and usually can hit more than one target at once.

When your character is incapacitated (Hp=0) they are out of the battle and cannot majorly affect the battle or scene at all. There is no healing during battle in the sense that you cannot regain lost Hp. You can heal for acting's sake, but metagame wise it does nothing.

Usually only one character per player is allowed to join the battle. There is no replacing the hero who gets incapacitated. When the entire team is down, the mission fails and the story is changed.

Dice rolling does not just apply to battle. It applies to sneaking around, acting, stealing, and all other plot-affecting actions such as diplomacy with major NPCs.

The highest success rate one can obtain is 9, 10 is automatic failure, so it's suggested that you use your +2 skill/spell slot reward for other skills when your character has 7 abilities in the same skill sub-category, such as "one-handed".
Panzer Panzer
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Minnie, who came with everyone, lightly tucked her white glove covered arm around Sen's, smiling tenderly as she tries to cheer him up. Traveling together made her open her eyes on others' behaviors, especially Sen's, so when she noticed that he was looking a little lonely, the tiny gunner reminded him something.

"It's okay...I'm here for you." Her lip gloss made her lips shine as the white eye shadow gleamed. The dark blue dress she wore reached down to her knees and around that was a transparent white train that's pinned to the side of her hip with a bright pink oval gem and over her bare shoulder. Her folded gun hidden in the layers upon layers of tulle in case a repeat happens. Her two inch heels were easy to take off in case she needed to drop them and run to snip someone. Around her neck is a pink gem delicately placed on her chest with a black leather cord. Her hair, normally a bit wild and all over the place, is now straightened and curled at the ends, making them bounce a bit with her head movement.

"Come on. Let's have fun tonight." She said quietly as she tugged his arm to lead him down the marble stairs too.

Serena giggled at Seth's compliment and twirled a little for him, giving him a wink. "Why thank you, Seth. You look handsome as well." She offered her arm so that he wouldn't trip as much, smiling warmly at him.

Renee blushed a pretty pink color when Seifer called her by her title and looked up at him with a shy smile. Her eyes glinted brightly when he mentioned to dancing with her. They're dancing together?! 'Oh Merlin, Yay~!' Her mind cheered happily as she nodded at him. Her wings fluttered excitedly. "Thank you, Sir Rathmore...I'll be more careful this time."

Once they were seated and everyone was telling their adventures, Echo took her time to give Johnny a kiss on his lips and wished him luck. "Break a leg, my solid marshmallow. I know you'll do great up there."

Zer0 Zer0 Roleplay Skittle Roleplay Skittle
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-Trinity Spire, 2nd Floor Ballroom-
Lydia couldn't help but notice how debonair James seemed as he offered his arm to her. She was half expecting him to insist on escorting Renee when she had asked him, but the mixture of delight and nervousness that covered her face quite noticeably could not be denied. Once their arms were linked, if James was receiving warm jolts of electricity to his heart then Lydia felt like she was running a marathon and was just as lucky as he that there was music to mask the sound of her own rapidly beating heart.

Lydia had been simultaneously nursing a crush on James and trying to keep it at bay since before he had even noticed her. His devotion to his art had initially caught her eye and when he started studying with her as they traveled, she became all the more enamored with him. It was hard to be around him because not only did she have a more romantic view of him than she had initially thought, but she also enjoyed being around him as a friend. She wasn't sure where to draw the line because she didn't want to lose his friendship, but she didn't want to lose Serena's and it had left her in a very awkward position.

Now she felt like a bird loosed from its cage. Serena had been the freeing hand. She was still hesitant however, to show any real interest in James as anything more because she didn't know where his feelings lay. She didn't want to let on to how she felt, although she had likely done that many times already from lack of control, for Serena's sake, just in case James had been harboring feelings for her that he just hadn't acted on.

With her trembling hand laying over his arm as they walked while her other arm was hooked around his, she tried to retain her composure nearly forgetting entirely that she had wanted to tell him about the hair braiding. Lydia was good at keeping secrets, but when she told the secret of someone else, she wasn't going to keep that a secret from them. She smiled warmly, apologetically even as she looked to him when she was done whispering, tilting her head to the side shyly as he thanked her.

It was his next words that caught her off-guard. She slowly turned her face back to him, those green eyes widened slightly as she looked at him in mild confusion as though she wasn't really sure if she had heard him correctly, but some part of her was sure of what he had said and that showed on her face as her cheeks flushed. Her eyes scanning his face for any hint that he was joking and when she couldn't determine that he was, instead determining that he was quite serious, her stained lips curved into a coy smile and she laughed in a somewhat relieved way, raising her hand that was decorated by the silver bracelet around her wrist to her rosy cheek as she shyly looked away from James once again, "th-th-thank you..." she peeked at him slightly without fully looking at him, the color in her cheeks not fading as she then gently cleared her throat and added, "y-you look handsome... James."

Once they were all seated and introduced, Lydia didn't want any of it. She was grateful for the appetizers as she didn't really want to relive Holt. It was so taxing on who she was as a person, or at least who she thought she was. Without completely just stuffing her face, she made a point to eat like a lady. She couldn't embarrass her family name by stuffing her cheeks with food until she looked like a hamster. No, it was about pacing. it was also healthier not to gorge so she steadily ate small bites, chewing slowly and whenever someone said something to her or asked her a question, she just pointed at her full mouth and covered it with a napkin. The only time that she would free her mouth from chewing is when one of her friends talked to her. She had decided to remove herself from the limelight and the easiest way to do that was to be as boring as possible.

Zer0 Zer0 Katsuya Katsuya
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- Terrace -
" Trinity Spire, 2nd Floor Ballroom "

Johnny was like putty in Echo's arms. So much for solid marshmallow. He gave Echo the thumbs up, then skipped out the terrace, smiling. Some older members of the order tut disapprovingly, muttering something about how in their day that kind of public display of affection was not allowed, while Princess Mia and Kenren smiled at the two and also wished Johnny luck together with James, Sen, and Seth.

The play was to start in an hour, so there was still time to mingle, dance, and talk. The meal was over and people were just lounging around drinking and eating dessert. Sen and Seth went over to talk business with some goblins and gnomes, James stayed at the table talking to members of the Wizengamot about an apprenticeship after school and was basically selling himself as he expressed his interest in their research in draconomicon sorcery and what he could offer to further their goals. Master Bertand said that he would be glad to take James ubder his wing; Seifer on the other hand was accompanying his mother as she mingled with the high society of Dalaran; Kenren asked Princess Mia for a dance after which they took a stroll on one of the balconies.
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The fawn giggled when he skipped out the terrace. Her ears twitched as her heart swelled in pride and joy for her boyfriend. His dream is about to begin and it's going to be in front of leaders of different countries, including their princess. Oh she couldn't wait to see him on stage as he tells the most fantastic stories like a true entertainer.

While waiting for the play to start, Echo went off to talk with the satyr and centaur ambassadors, laughing and nodding on some of the things they were talking about. Serena was listening to Seth and Sen making deals with the gnomes and goblins while Minnie kept her deadpanned eyes on her surroundings. The mini gunner sipped her apple juice as she stayed near the twins as well to remember any of the new contacts they might have. It's part of her job, after all.

Renee didn't know what to do and decided to stand near one of the large arching windows, not paying attention to the conversations around her as none of them really interest her. Nor does she want to retell their accomplishments as she was wary of each one of the royal guests. Thing is she's aware that some of the guests were looking at her bird-like features (the wings on her head and the bird skin on her face, arms and legs) so the winged teen opted to stay away from any of them and their leering eyes. It didn't help that some of those leering eyes were from the Order too, like they wanted to dissect her or something. Shuddering at the thought, the white haired teen made sure to have space between them and her.

The Pendragon sister munched on the sweet fruit tart as she looked up at the moon that's glowing gently in the night sky, absentmindedly wishing that she could leave and fly right now...

She knows she can't however. It's not only rude to the hosts, but she wants to dance with Seifer tonight... Her cheeks turned pink again, highlighting the purple-ish bird skin around her eyes and a bit of her cheeks as she took a huge bite from the fruit tart. To blooming trolls with eating manners, she rather choke on the sweet than even admitting that secret desire.

'Who am I fooling?! I want to dance with him for blooming sake!'
Renee sighed in both exasperation and fondness, her wings fluttered excitedly as her small frown turn into a silly and sweet smile. When she turned her head to the left, the Pendragon noticed Kenren and Mia taking a stroll out in the balcony, thinking this is the perfect chance to talk with them without anyone listening in.

So she left the empty dessert plate on the table and walked to the balcony where she can find the princess and prince. "Good evening Ken-chan. Good evening Mia." Renee smiled at the royals when she got close enough to talk casually with them, her eyes glowed from the moonlight reflecting on them.

Roleplay Skittle Roleplay Skittle Zer0 Zer0
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-Hunde Oppenshire-
{A bio -essentially...}​
22 Years ago, Hunde was born into a poor family near the far off kingdom of Swadia. His father worked in the military as a Swadian knight, Hunde did not see his father often, as this kingdom was often in times of conflict. the constant propaganda that hung on their walls and the constant show of power down the main street had sparked an interest in the military career. That is all the information that was given by Hunde, skipping the rest of his civilian life.

He was drafted into the Swadian infantry as a militiaman, receiving no prior training or equipment. He received an old short sword from a shop some days prior, and a rickety wooden shield that he had build when he was little. Hunde and a group of 100 villagers (commanded by a Swadian sergeant) stopped a group of bandits who planned to loot the village. The bandits lost 30 of their members, but at least 60% of villagers were hurt or killed in the fighting. Some of the village was burnt down in the fighting, leaving the rest of them homeless.

While the villagers were scrapping together what they could, Hunde decided to leave the village behind and finally join the military. He was put through a hasty training and shoved once more into battle.
He then climbed through the ranks, becoming more experienced in both military strategy and combat.

Soon he was able to command a small group of soldiers, taking the small 14 man platoon on expeditions against the bandit groups that were currently raiding villages. On his last expedition, he describes a large dark canyon that he had to travel through. During the walk, his group was ambushed by bandit archers, and were torn to shreds by the cavalry. As much as Hunde knows, he was the only survivor.

After the battle, He snuck away from the battlefield, effectively abandoning the military . He had idea where the other troops were, or where he was for that matter. He instead fled away from the scene, taking refuge in a caravan. He travelled with the caravan until he reached a nearby kingdom. He then began his new life as a mercenary, which also led him here.

Long story short: After losing a battle, he retreated to another kingdom and took up the job of being a mercenary.

(I need to sleep...it's 12:54 A.M here :D)


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- Terrace -
" Trinity Spire, Second floor, Ballroom "

"Good evening, Renee." said Kenren pleasantly, inclining his head a little.

"Oh, Renee, you look beautiful with your hair down like this." said Princess Mia, looking her over. "Your wings are fluttering, did something good happen earlier?"

Katsuya Katsuya

- Dalaran Barracks -
" Training Grounds, Next Day, 4:00 a.m."

At four in the morning the next day, Marshal Tybalt was waiting for Hunde in the training grounds at the center of the barracks compound. Here soldiers were going through their daily drills in semi-darkness, the sun having not risen yet.

Panzer Panzer
"Oh, thank you. I-!" When did Mia noticed her wings' habits? Clearing her throat as she was about make a squeak instead of a word, Renee shyly nodded. She really wished she had a fruit tart to choke on right about now...

"Yes...S-Seifer asked me to dance with him later..." The winged teen said as her smile just grew a bit sweeter. The blush from before turned darker and she giggled quietly. Her wings fluttered happily. The princess would know why she's a bit giddy as she did tell her and the other girls about her feelings towards the vain archer.

"...ri-right-! Um... you look lovely as always, Mia." She complimented honestly before looking a bit hesitant with her next set of questions. "Mia...Ken-chan...Is it alright to ask you something? It's been bothering me since meeting with Master Bertrand today and I wanted to ask you two...but I don't know if it's safe here to talk about it..."


Serena, having enough with the deal bargaining, sat next to Lydia with a drink in her hand. "Hi Lydia." She greeted as she smiled warmly.

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-Trinity Tower, 2nd Floor Ballroom-
Lydia also wished Johnny good luck, she was interested in seeing the performance, and not only because it meant she wouldn't have to talk to anyone she didn't want to and she also wouldn't have to be eating in order to keep from speaking. She didn't really have much by way of dessert, having kept her mouth full during dinner, but she did save enough room to snack on a piece of raspberry cake with lemon cream frosting decorated with a variety of fresh berries.

She sat next to James as he held his conversation with the members of the Wizengamot, listening to what he was saying with much interest. Her cheeks reddened as he spoke, she just couldn't believe how intelligent he was and it was so impressive to her she didn't know how to handle it. His drive made her happy and in some way gave her confidence. She wanted to chime in on all the wonderful things he had done but for two reasons, she did not. One was because so much of what they had accomplished was important to keep a secret. Even the body switching they had undergone shouldn't be mentioned because while it wasn't something like pulling a fragment of a Deathknight's soul out of a book or putting a soul back into someone without an actual hear, it still held the implications that such things were possible. The other was because she didn't believe that James needed her help.

She was just pulling the dessert fork slowly from her mouth when Serena sat down beside her. She turned to the blonde with a close lipped smile that mostly showed in the plumping of her cheeks and the slight squinting of her big green eyes. She chewed her bit of cake quickly before covering her mouth with a napkin, partially to keep from showing Serena any dessert she might still have left in her mouth and partially because of her mother's ceaseless influence when it came to party manners, "hi Serena!"

Katsuya Katsuya Zer0 Zer0
The violinist giggled at her friend's quirkiness. "I see that you've been eating all night." Serena thought it was funny that Lydia would eat her way out of a conversation instead of just excusing herself. "Are the desserts any good?"

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-Trinity Tower, 2nd Floor Ballroom-
Lydia took on an embarrassed expression and lowered her napkin to her lap, focusing her gaze on it before sheepishly looking back to Serena, "well... th-they ask all these questions..." she huffed slightly, partially from just being exasperated by the thought, "it's like endless. One finishes their question and gets an answer, then someone else asks one," she spoke softly, looking around to make sure she wasn't heard, she didn't want anyone to think she was just being rude.

She shrugged her shoulders slightly and looked at her plate of half eaten cake, "I've only had this one," she looked at Serena a little surprised, "you haven't had any?"

Katsuya Katsuya
She can understand that considering that she was listening in to Seth and Sen's dealings with the goblins and gnomes. Then she shook her head as she smiled sheepishly at the witch.

"I didn't know which one to pick first. They all look so good that I didn't know where to start." Serena admitted, giggling a bit.

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Lydia laughed and shook her head. She supposed that it was easier for her to pick since her stomach was mostly full so she had just gone for her favorite, but if you hadn't been snacking constantly through dinner, it was probably more difficult to pick a dessert, "well, you can try some of mine if you want," she offered, pressing the plate towards Serena.

Katsuya Katsuya
Serena perked up when Lydia offered some of hers and out of nowhere, she brought out a fork before taking a small piece. "Lydia~ You are truly a good and best friend ever." The violinist commented before placing the sweet in her mouth and munched on it. She hummed as she can taste the tarty flavors mingling with the sugary sweetness.

"Hmmm~! This is really good!" Serena muffled her appreciation as she still has the fork in her mouth. Her blue eyes glittered in joy.

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Lydia's eyes shifted to the fork, 'just where did she...?' she shook her head and laughed slightly, "it's just cake," she shrugged but watched Serena as she enjoyed the taste, her smile brightening slightly, "you look like you really enjoy desserts.

Katsuya Katsuya
Serena nodded at her assumption as she swallowed the dessert before talking again.

"Yes, I do. My mentor, kooky old bat that he is, always brought desserts each week if I played my violin right or if I managed to not burn something." Cakes and anything sweet became a good and happy thing for the blonde as anything sweet means that she knows she did something good and it brings good thoughts too. So when she saw all the different sweets on the table, she couldn't pick which one to try first.

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