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Fantasy Howl's Flying Castle (Finished! ---Whoo! (*^▽^)/)

Once James was behind them and she could finally breath despite knowing he was back there, she lowered her hand from her nose and mouth, inhaling deeply and clinging to Renee's arm, though despite her insane manner over what had just happened, she had a most definitely content smile set on her face.

* * * *
Lydia drew one of her lacy black handkerchiefs from the folds of her dress where there were hidden pockets and brought it up to her nose. She didn't want to seem rude and be sneezing her head off as they walked and so she preferred to shield her sensitive nose from the canine dander beforehand. She walked alongside James, listening to everything he had to say with notable interest, a smile of admiration appearing on her features that was demurely hidden by her kerchief so it could only really be noted by the gleam in her eyes as she watched James adoringly. Sometimes she didn't really realize how much what she was thinking or feeling showed on her face.

She did eventually catch herself as she had become so enraptured in what James was doing and saying, the expression held on his features as he excitedly spoke of his future plans, which Lydia was just as excited about even though they weren't hers. She coughed gently into her kerchief and looked away slightly embarrassed, now finally remembering to actually take in the sights around them as she didn't think she stood a chance of ever returning there and should enjoy it while it lasted.

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- Wizengamot -
" Dalaran, Dawn St., Master Bertrand's Office"

"There are twelve tiers, actually." said Johnny to Echo. "I think the last time someone successfully summoned and tamed a tier twelve war beast was the dwarven king, Dorfel Mugwump the Vast, two centuries ago during the Red Rebellion. He called upon Ifrit, a fire demon, to battle against the stone titan of a rival king. The stone titan --- as big as that sea serpent down there --- won because fire doesn't really harm stone, just makes it really hot."

"And you will visit me here." James confidently gave Renee the thumbs up. "When we go back home, I am going to eat, sleep, and breathe conjuration. What about you, Lydia, what'll you be doing now that the princess is here safely in Dalaran." he then noticed Lydia's hanky nose covering. "Are you allergic to sea serpent?"

Seth grinned at Serena. "Sen, let's bring Serena with us tonight."

Sen, who looked like his brother even up to the way he walked, gazed at Serena as though sizing her up. "Okay, but she gotta' pass the test first."

"It's basically keeping up with us and making sure you won't tell anyone about our plans." said Seth. "I don't mean this in a bad way, but you do look like a law abiding citizen."

* * * *​

After reaching the fifth floor, they came upon a set of oaken doors flanked by two gargoyles, with a brass raven knocker. The guide knocked upon the door.

"Master Bertrand, the Pendragons and their friends are here to see you." he said.

"Come in." said a busy voice.

Master Bertrand's office was as big as a hall and it was decorated with all sorts of stuffed animals. One could tell that he was fond of hunting rare and dangerous creatures. There by the north windows was a man sitting on a handsome gilded desk. He had cold blue eyes and perched on his chair that looked like a throne were a pair of familiar ravens the pendragons could swear they've seen somewhere.

"Ah, welcome, dear friends, welcome! I had been expecting you to visit me sooner or later. Come, have a seat." he gestured at some sofas, then summoned a stone gargoyle with a lazy flick of his wand, that started to prepare tea and cakes for the guests.

"I won't bore you with formalities as I'm sure you're all eager to know. But I'm afraid to tell you, that the last I saw of your family, they were petrified by the dragon or Valandr, that's the nidhoggs name, just like the rest, just like I was, before I escaped the dragon egg chamber.

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- Dalaran Barracks -
"Front Gates"

"Now, I'm just a humble guard, sir, followin' protocols." said the guard backing off a little. "I have to know your name and take a gander at your face and what's under your armor so that we know you ain't one of those." he nodded at a wanted posters board nearby where the moving black and white faces of criminals sneered and made faces at passersby. "If you got a nasty scar under there, it's fine, we're soldiers, we've seen our share of all sorts of welts and gashes in battle."

A fellow guard who was listening said something about how these kinds of letters were urgent and volunteered to give this to the marshal himself while his companion and Hunde sorted out this whole helmet problem.

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Renee grinned at her brother's confidence and continued to bother Mica who's sleeping on her shoulder.

Echo nodded, interested at the history lesson Johnny gave her. "I see...That poor fire summons, he just wanted to win too and I really doubt that the stone summons wanted to be heated up like that." It seems that she adapted to Johnny's way of respecting summons, knowing that summons can feel and have their own personalities and likes and dislikes.

Serena grinned at the twins, giggling a bit. "I look like a law bidding citizen? But isn't that a perfect disguise of all? No one would suspect me." While she does respect the law, the blonde just wants to have fun and venture whenever she can. More ideas for her music.


When they reached Master Bertrand's office, Renee sort of made a face at the stuffed animals but she didn't say anything. She's pretty sure that Echo's horrified at seeing the animals like that though, considering that she really loves them enough to not eat them. As they were seated, Renee payed with rapt attention to his explanation and sucked in her breathe.

Petrified? As in...

"...Did, by any chance, the baby dragon stare at you with a spell circle and reciting something? Just to keep you in place, Master Bertrand?" Renee asked as her mind worked in overdrive. If her father is petrified, then that means he's possible captured, along with Markl and witch of the waste. Then they're alive...

Bloody trolls....she's starting to hate being right and she mentioned it to James too! Their family might still be alive-! She was right and it does not make her feel any better. In fact, Renee wanted to throw up as her stomach squirmed uncomfortably. The Pendragon sister grabbed onto Lydia's hand as she didn't know how to react to this other than be logic and theorize...so she could stay calm and not cry in front of everyone.

Renee can cry when she's alone...

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Lydia had turned her attention to Johnny and what he was saying, listening to him with much interest and stumbling slightly as James addressed her again. She glanced upwards in thought at his question. She honestly really didn't know. She hadn't thought about that at all, the furthest she had thought to was going with Renee to the Storm Wall and actually going home or anything beyond wasn't on her mind at the moment. She didn't answer him since she didn't really have an answer, but he made that easy since he changed the subject by asking if she was allergic to sea serpents. She laughed and shook her head, informing him of her allergy to dogs, she thought that it was funny he hadn't noticed it before, especially since it was likely that she looked horrendous at Echo's party when she finally gave in and displayed her love of Meatballs.

* * * *
The young witch was still getting used to life in the magic world. She didn't quite know what to think of the gargoyle's, they made her nervous. Master Bertrand's office worsened that as all of the stuffed animals unnerved her as well and she found herself clinging to the edge of Jame's sleeve somewhat distractedly as she warily looked around and only loosed it as they took their seats on the sofas.

It seemed that Master Bertrand really meant what he said as he got right to the point and Lydia's face grew grim at the news of the Pendragons. Her brow furrowed as she could only imagine what James, Renee, Seth, and Sen where thinking right now. Then it occurred to her what Master Bertrand had just said, 'just like I was,' he was petrified, and now he wasn't. The idea gave her a glimmer of hope. Just as there was always that glimmer of hope through everything they had been through, there was still one for the Pendragons.

Just as she realized this, she felt Renee's hand grab her own and she glanced down at it before cupping her other hand over hers and gently squeezed it, giving Renee a reassuring smile and mouthing the words, "we will find a way."

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- Master Bertrand's Office -

" Dalaran, Wizengamot "

"Yes, and turned me into stone. Fortunately, my ravens Hugin and Mugin saved me." said Master Bertrand, waving a hand at the pair of black birds perched on the chair observing the group with intelligent eyes. One bird had red eyes, the other had blue.

"Turned into stone . . ." repeated James, leaning back against the sofa, shocked.

"They're alive? . . ." said Sen and Seth together. The three brothers turned to their sister as though afraid of her anger. Though James was the one most insistent that their parents were dead, the twins didn't really object either. They could have gone and tried to rescue them, but instead two months have now passed and now, what was happening to the rest of their family?

"Why were they turned into stone, master?" asked James in an even tone.

"This is only a theory of mine, but I believe the dragon was looking for information." said Bertrand. " When I was captured the unborn dragon sifted through my memories. There were many other warlocks in the chamber: Bourne, Jarl, Hisaya, Dogsonne, Leah, Harriette, Monty, and twenty others, all those who were called underground before the dragon attacked. I think the dragon was doing the same thing and I believe that's how its been winning this war. Using the knowledge from the most powerful warlocks in the land. It's good that Wrath is dead, as far as we know he was the deathknight who had the power to read memories through touch. "

James nodded, staring at the floor. That was odd, Master Bertrand a member of the Order, did not know that Wrath's soul was alive in a crystal and that he was Hisaya?

"Alright, so how do we get back to Paroosia and give them the antidote of petrification?" said James.

"You can't. For one thing the dragon is still there, and for another I saw it take the souls of two petrified warlocks when the egg was done with their memories. Your parents souls may have been taken now too. It's been two months . . ."

Apparently, the master didn't know about the soul recall spell either. Did Kenren not tell the Order about this either?

If memory served right, no one had seen Wrath's face under the hood until the battle at Holt, of which only their group knew before his body disintegrated, including Kenren, Chenglei, Mrs. Rathmore, Seifer, and Princess Mia. Odd that Kenren did not mention at least Hisaya to the Order.

Come to think of it, a room for James and Lydia to continue on their research on souls and taking notes from Wrath had not been prepared at all as if their host had not been expecting it. Seifer, whom they had learned earlier was rooming with them had not been placed in a secure place either, though his cuffs were still on, but hidden by his clothes.

It seemed that Kenren and Princess Mia did not tell anyone about Seifer's true nature, Hisaya's soul in the philosopher's stone, nor of the existence of the Libris Mortem. James wondered why, though Renee could probably guess it had something to do with what Kenren said before: "The knowledge we have here is the sort people die for."

Suddenly James remembered where he had seen these ravens. Back in Paroosia when General Leo forced them to stay inside the inn, those ravens were watching outside. He couldn't quite forget how greedily they gazed at Sunny when the manna tree was still a ring around Renee's finger.

He let out a dry sob as if he was overwhelmed with emotion, then hugged the person closest to him, burying his face in her hair, as he silently wept. "Don't tell him anything about Seifer, Libris, or Hisaya, Lydia." he whispered as his shoulders shuddered in his pretend crying.

There has got to be a way, without the ravens and Master Bertrand seeing, to secretly tell the others, the twins especially, to keep quiet too at least until they find out if he was trustworthy, or after they ask Kenren who will be attending the dinner tonight about why he didn't give the Order all this very important information.

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Veiling her narrowing eyes with her hair, Renee stared at the ravens, suddenly not trusting this man or his birds. Why and how did he survive again? In detail, she means. How did his ravens save him? There must be more to this story then what's being lead on here. No way could this man be trusted, is what her gut is telling her. Her wings shuddered, Ken-chan's words ringing in her overworked mind. So...this is what he means...

After hearing everything that's said, Renee decided to do what she would have done long time ago in school: She made a big deal about it.

A loud bang was heard throughout the room as she stood up heavily, heatedly glaring at her brothers, her brows furrowed down. "See?! You didn't believe me and now look what happened! Dad's dead now! Markl and the witch of the waste is dead too! We could have gone to save them and now-! Now-!" She sobbed at the end, tears fell as she hugged herself, her wings puffing up in her agitation.

"Bloody trolls! I should've ran away as soon you told me you didn't believe me, James. I should have left to help them and you-! You-!....Thank you, Master Bertrand....I really appreciate your help and information. I'm leaving...get back on your own..." Renee added coldly at her brothers after she curtsied at the icy blue eyed man in front of them and quickly walked out, hearing her friends' stomping footsteps behind her.

"Wait-! Ren! You shouldn't blame them! Ren! Johnny, let's go." Echo tugged on Johnny's clothes, looking distressed.

"Yea, you shouldn't-! Come on Seth. Sen. Let's catch up to her." Serena insisted at the twins. "Lydia, James. You guys should come too."

Renee's angry frown turn into a small grin. Yes, her plan is working~!

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Lydia's eyes had lowered to where her hands held Renee's as she listened intently to what Master Bertand was saying. She hadn't been there in the beginning, but some of the things he was saying just didn't sound right to her and she looked up at him, her eyes widening slightly with her surprise. She knew she wasn't the only one that thought something was wrong with this, she didn't see herself as being anymore intelligent than anyone else there so she glanced slightly to Renee who at the moment had her head down and she couldn't discern the expression on her face.

Next she looked to James who sat on the other side of her and it was at the moment he chose to hug her and bury his face in her hair. Her eyes widened a bit more at the gesture, but she realized she had to keep herself in check and not act like a fool as she had earlier and so she shakily raised her hand to his arm as he whispered, giving his upper arm a soft squeeze in acknowledgement but to anyone else it would look like she was just comforting him. Of course she wasn't going to say anything. She had already made up her mind not to say anything. She knew what they had been doing was dangerous, look at Hisaya. All the knowledge he had and it had been used to turn him into a Deathknight.

She jumped slightly as Renee jumped up, her other hand moving to James' arm as she looked up at Renee, her brow furrowing. She could understand what Renee was saying and for a moment she wondered if now was really the time to be expressing her indignation, but at the same time, she wondered if it was just a show to get them out of there and away from this suspicious man as soon as possible.

She gave James a few more comforting pats to his arm before shifting to rise from her seat while pulling him with her, "thank you for seeing us, Master," she bowed her head to him, keeping her calm even though her insides were a pit of rage before urging James to follow her as she followed the others.

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- James Pendragon -
" Somewhere "

The three brothers and Johnny startled at Renee's outburst.

"Renee, you know James was only looking out for your safety ---," began Johnny earnestly, standing up to calm her, but his words were drowned by her furious tirade and now he found himself going after Renee with Echo. " --- had he known, I'm sure he would have marched straight to Paroosia." he continued to reason.

The twins agreed immediately since they have to apologize to Renee for not believing her. James followed suit after wiping his tearless eyes on Lydia's shoulder, mumbling his thanks to Master Bertrand who looked very surprised and somewhat guilty of their reaction and just said loudly that they can come visit him any time to talk about it if they wished.

* * * *​

Minutes later when they finally arrived at the safety of somewhere where they couldn't be overheard, James, Sen, and Seth immediately apologized to Renee about how dumb they were and how they shouldn't have lost hope and given up, and how they were going to do everything they can to rescue them.

"I'm going to become the number one ninja, sis. I swear I'm going to train really hard starting tomorrow so that we can rescue our family." said Seth earnestly.

"Sis, I'm going to make the guild's assets yield a huge fortune --- no seriously, money makes the world go round. The guild has zeppelins now and is making enough money to fund a small army." said Sen a-matter-of-factly.

"I will work hard to summon a tier twelve war beast, Renee, just you wait and see." said James determinedly.

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When they had arrived at their undisclosed and hopefully secure from prying eyes and ears location, Lydia released the breath that she had drawn in and held at some point since leaving Master Bertrand's office. She stayed silent as the brothers issued their apologies and made their promises and nodded her agreement that they would undoubtedly be able to accomplish their goals before stepping nearer to Renee and offering a comforting pat to her shoulder, "we have all accomplished so much together... some might say the un-achievable... we are still working towards completing goals others may have thought and may still think futile efforts," she then hugged Renee and looked her in the eyes, repeating the phrase she had said to Renee in Master Bertrand's office though this time with sound, "we will find a way."

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After hearing Lydia and hugging her back, her anger did not subsided as she knows she was in the right here. Sure, she has hopes and yea, they will find a way. They were able to get souls back in people's bodies after all...but still!

"Guys, please shut up." Renee glared at them, not giving them an inch closer to her space as she backed away from her family. Her wings puffed up in her fiery. "I had to make a scene in the office so we could get out of there without those ravens following us. That was the only way I could think of."

Then she put her hand up in case anyone thought she wasn't done talking. "Don't get me wrong though: I'm still angry that MY OWN FAMILY didn't even consider my side of everything when I always ALWAYS considered and believed your sides. Each and everyone of them." Her orange eyes looked at the twins first, not letting them off the hook.

"I believed you two when you guys told me about the book you made a copy of. Remember? It was about the Manna trees and it's connection with the dragons. Let me guess where you really got that information from. James' hidden stash in his room before, right? He told me about that after being horribly beaten down by my opponent. Now tell me: Is that why you guys didn't want me to tell James? Other than him trying to destroy the book?"

Then her eyes went to James, her shoulders trembling as she could not hold down her anger any longer. "And James, I've at least considered your side. I stayed at Kingsbury even when I really wanted to go and find our family. I stayed because I didn't want to hurt you or make you worry or try anything that might make you go crazy. Then the tournament happened and I had to go through SO MUCH just to prove my side. Just to prove to you that I wasn't just hearing things. That you should at least consider my thoughts too!"

Then she snorted bitterly, her wings flapped loudly almost making a clapping sound. "You guys can say all these things of 'I'm sorry!' and 'Let me make it up to you.'. But why? ...Just why did I have to go through all of that just to make you believe me or see my side? THE PEOPLE IN THE GOVERNING POSITIONS BELIEVE ME MORE THAN MY OWN FAMILY!!" She yelled, tears streaming down her cheeks as she finally let go of the pent up frustrations.

"I get that they want to protect me. I get that they want to keep me safe and do it in a very realistic way, but why didn't they consider my side? The people who I call family didn't even do that. James, Seth, and Sen. All three of you thought I was just some flighty little girl who doesn't know what the real world is like. Right, says the one who didn't consider his actions have consequences at the tournament and the ones who always cause trouble. Just because I paint and plant stuff in the garden doesn't mean that I can't think logically here too. I managed to convince Prince Kenren to keep Seifer's body. I managed to convince him to study the book and how deathknights work. Why was I able to do all those things when the ones who always thought that I didn't understand the 'real world' were the ones who didn't even question anybody, just followed along what any authority figure said and did their own thing? What's the point of calling me 'a little girl' when I understand that in the real world you have to push people's boundaries and question everything about everyone?!" Renee yelled and finally ended her tirade, panting as her body shook violently.

She really is tired of everything. "What's the point of saying 'I love you' when you don't even respect the others' thoughts?" Renee looked at her family, her bright eyes dulled as she stared at them and only them. It wasn't fair...

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- Pendragon Brothers -

The Pendragon brothers seemed to have shrunk a couple of feet under Renee's gaze.

"Sorry . . ." they mumbled not knowing what else to say as they stood there awkwardly, guilty and ashamed.

Seth and Sen were mirror images of each other and were hunched up and rubbing the back of their necks; James had his hands in his robe pockets and was meekly looking at his sister lost for words.

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Her green eyes widened slightly and she blinked at Renee in surprise as she backed away to stand beside James. She hadn't realized that it had been an act, but was it really? It may have been a ruse to draw away the attention of Master Bertrand and his ravens, but it had definitely not been an act as was proven by the tirade that followed Renee's brief reasoning of why she had caused a scene in the master's office.

Her gaze followed Renee's as she made the accusations at each of her brothers. She felt like she had misjudged their relationships with each other, but at the same time, she felt like she hadn't. They had likely had different views of their sisters back before this had all started, even at the beginning they probably had thought different of her compared to now. Now she thought that their views of Renee had changed drastically and that they looked at her more as a comrade than just a sister and a teenage girl at that.

They seemed to trust her judgement more than they evidently once had. They seemed to believe in her more. She couldn't really intervene in the situation, Renee had to get out her feelings and there was nothing she could say, nothing she would say to calm the Pendragon sister. She just stood there and watched Renee with concern marking her face as she waited for the winged teen to calm.

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Seeing that she finally made her brothers see what they were doing to her, Renee made a 'tsk' with her tongue as she looked away. They can feel sorry all they want, she isn't budging.

"If you're really sorry, then next time I mention something, at least consider my side too. Then I'll think about forgiving you or not." She scolded them. She has told James, Sen, and Seth before that she's not willing to believe anything until there's physical proof. Now when they have an eyewitness, a suspicious one at that, proving that she was right all along, would her brothers actually believe her the next time she mentions something's off? Or at least consider her opinion?

Or are they going to ignore her voice again? She doesn't know and right now, she doesn't care.

Renee turned around and walked away, unconsciously copying what Seifer has taught her in the Warship. "Come on...I have to warn Mrs. Rathmore and Seifer before anything else happens and I can't exactly leave you here...since you know...I'M CONSIDERATE!!"

Once the group arrived back at the tower, Renee changed back and left to find the Rathmore family pair, ignoring her own family just like how they ignored her voice. She didn't want to see them at the moment as she's not going to forgive them just yet.

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- Trinity Spire -​

The twins slumped back into their rooms, Sen telling Chenglei he can have his room since he'll be staying with his brother.

"Alright?"Johnny asked James. The eldest Pendragon shook his head.

"See you later." he told Johnny.


With that James clapped Lydia's shoulder. "Thanks for playing along. " then trudged into his room a lot in his mind. He didn't come out until lunch time.

Meanwhile in the same hall was Seifer's room which he was sharing with his mother. Mrs. Rathmore witha shawl over head had just come out carrying a basket as though she had in mind to shopping in the markets.

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-Trinity Tower-
Lydia wasn't really sure what to say to make anyone feel better. Like Renee, she also had brothers, but her disagreements with them were never as detrimental to a situation as what had happened because of the Pendragon brothers disregarding their sister. She wanted to comfort James, but she couldn't because she felt that he needed to work through whatever he was feeling after Renee's proclamation of his, Seth, and Sen's lack of acknowledgement to her concerns. When James clapped her shoulder, she offered him a slight smile, mostly out of pity that was brought on both by her sadness at his feeling bad about what he had done and because he had been confronted about it.

On the other hand, she felt that Renee was likely feeling very disconsolate, she had basically stated that before they had left the Wizengamot. Lydia likewise wanted to comfort her as well, but didn't know what to say. She was going to try anyway and as everyone went their separate ways, either to go and brood over their own thoughts and misgivings, or to tend to whatever things they wished to do, Lydia caught up with Renee and gently grabbed her shoulder to stop her, "Renee?"

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Renee stopped when Lydia grabbed her shoulder and peeked over her shoulder. Her dull eye looked pass through her hair as her frown is obvious to see.

"Yes, Lydia?" She sounded tired and a bit broken.

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-Trinity Tower-
Lydia drew in a deep breath and released it from her smoothly sloping nose as her hand slipped to collect Renee's, her position moving in front of the Pendragon sister, "I know there is nothing I can say that will change what happened because your brothers didn't take you seriously. I know that there is nothing I can do to turn back the clock and undo what has been done. But, I also know that when all of this started, it was very easy to see things in a superficial light."

She smiled warmly to Renee and raised her chin with her hand that wasn't already holding the other teen's hand, "despite our ages... when this whole ordeal started, we were all still kids. It doesn't matter how immature Seth and Sen still act, it doesn't matter how intelligent James is. We were all still kids and we had never had any problems more serious than how to deal with a bully, or how to do our hair for the next outing, or even... what to say to someone we like..." Her eyebrows were set in a furrow that raised slightly as she tried to cheer her friend, "and now? Now we have all grown some. I can tell. I haven't seen your brothers disregard your opinions at all since before. They have learned not to take you as lightly as they once did."

Both of her hands collected the one of Renee's that she was holding and raised it slightly, "I know you need time to heal, just as they need time to think about how they hurt you by treating you like your opinion means nothing... but you are all family. And while I still hold the same hope now that I held when James first told me of Master Howl's disappearance, you still need to cherish the family that you have, even through the disagreements."

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"I know that already." Renee stated, her wings shuddering still as she let Lydia hold her hand and lift her chin. Her dull orange eyes gazed at the witch's bright green ones as she sighed, her shoulders slumped.

"This argument is just another lesson they are going to learn and I hope that they will take me a bit seriously now. I love them too much to just abandon them like that...Thing is though...I don't know if I should even mention the last two secrets to them anymore..." Renee whispered that last part as she really didn't feel like it's a wise idea to talk about it in the open.

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-Trinity Tower-
Lydia's brow furrowed again slightly as she watched Renee as she spoke, she shook her head slightly realizing that Renee was evidently too disjointed to take to heart what she had said. She lower her hands from Renee's and parted her lips to speak but stopped, giving Renee a perplexed look to the part she whispered, "what....?" She questioned hesitantly.

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Looking around, she did what Kenren did to her: Renee grabbed her arm and pulled Lydia in her own room, closing the door behind them. Then she created a large enough dome around the two girls as she rather have this conversation as unrecognizable and muffled as possible. The winged-teen is too cautious right now because it's what she believes will set her brothers off in a tangent.

"Okay...Remember how I told you about Sunny talking to me? Well he told me two other things." Renee explained as she knew this will be too dangerous to tell but she rather that someone in the group know what she knows in case she...passes away from something.

"Sunny warned me about a darkness coming and no, it's not the dragon. It's something bigger than that stupid reptile. I just can't figure out what that is. The second secret is that he warned me about the darkness now chasing after me and that there's a way to go through the Storm wall." The white-haired Pendragon said, now looking very tired and showed all the pain of keeping this secret from her family.

"I can't remember if I ever told you this at Holt, but that's what I've been keeping all this time. Ever since Wrath crashing to Kingbury's castle, my paranoia just...sky-rocketed because he read my mind...he wanted to know what are we doing now and I know for a fact that he was looking for me in particular to find out." Her wings limped by this point.

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-Trinity Tower-
Her granny boots clacked awkwardly on the floor as she stumbled at the sudden jerk when Renee pulled her to her room, looking at her with concern overwhelming her features as she closed the door. The expression didn't dissipate as Renee secured their area more so with one of her domes. Those large green eyes of hers focused on the winged teen, her expression growing more and more nervous with each action the girl committed to. When she finally spoke, Lydia nodded her head and then took on a rather solemn expression as she listened intently.

In the end she shook her head since Renee hadn't gone any further really than telling her about the Storm Wall. Her brow furrowed as she contemplated what she had been told, her hand moving to cup her chin as her index finger curled across her lower lip. After a moment, her gaze drifted back to Renee and she smiled slightly, taking note of how drained she now looked. Her hands moved to Renee's shoulders to squeeze gently in comfort, "and you don't want to tell James? Seth? Sen?"

Katsuya Katsuya
"I want to...I've always wanted to tell them, but they didn't even consider my opinion on most things. I had to go through so much pain, both emotional and physical, just to get my voice to be heard and yet..." Renee sighed and sniffed a bit.

"How can I know that they'll believe me until now? I wanted to tell them since starting over at Kingsbury, but when James basically told me that he didn't believe me, I just...kept quiet about it. Just decided to do it by myself and leave them out of it." It's hard to hide from her family, but she somehow did it throughout this whole journey and now...she doesn't even know anymore.

Roleplay Skittle Roleplay Skittle
-Trinity Tower-
Her hands remained as they were for a while before she drew Renee in for a hug, her hand comfortingly petting the back of her head, "has there been a time since then that they have refused to listen to you?"

She pulled away again so she could look at her in the eyes, her own face sincere and marked with worry, "Renee... I understand how you feel. I'm glad that you told me so at least you have one person that knows and if you don't feel like you can tell your brothers, I'll back you up... but if you do want to tell them... and I'm not telling you whether you should or shouldn't, but if you do want to, I'll back you up then too."

Katsuya Katsuya
Renee's eyes watered and let her tears fall again as she sobbed, hugging around Lydia's waist. "Th-thank you, Lydia. Thank you so muc-much. " She hiccuped, stuttering as she couldn't stop crying. Her wings fluttered weakly and shuddered whenever her chest moved from her sobs.

"..I-I w-want to t-te-tell them...j-just not no-now...it's g-gonna ma-make this whole thing worse." Renee sniffed. "I-I'll tell them a-after d-din-dinner wh-when we c-con-front K-Ken-chan." She promised as she couldn't handle this weight any longer.

Roleplay Skittle Roleplay Skittle
-Trinity Tower-
Lydia's eyes widened slightly to Renee's flood of tears, but she wrapped her arms around her again and played with her hair slightly and just let her cry. She nodded her head slightly and continued to hug her, listening to her as she spoke. She realized it was probably a difficult thing, not really knowing who one could trust or rely on. Renee holding this in for so long must have been tough and Lydia wanted to prove she would be there for her, "you tell them when you think you are ready. I won't say a thing."

The young witch was actually pretty good at that, keeping secrets. Which was probably why it was easy to talk to her and all the more awful when a certain spell of hers misfired. After a few more seconds of letting Renee work out her frustrations, Lydia stepped back from her slightly, still lightly playing with her hair, "and don't forget, I'll be there to back you up when you feel like it's time."

Katsuya Katsuya

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