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Fantasy Howl's Flying Castle (Finished! ---Whoo! (*^▽^)/)

She smiled to Serena's tale and laughed slightly, "sweets make me think I'm doing something sneaky," her nose wrinkled slightly and she took on that impish smile as though she were about to tell Serena some juicy secret, "my brother, Frederick, he's seven years older than me. My mother has never really allowed sweets in the house except for on special occasions and Frederick used to go out and buy them anyway then sneak them to my brother Thomas and I," she covered her mouth and nose with both hands as she giggled at the memory, "we used to hide in the closet underneath the main stairs and eat them."

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"Oh my-! Heheh!" Serena giggled with Lydia, finding her relationship with her brothers very adorable. "I wish I have siblings, then it would be fun to bother my mentor and parents more." The blonde said, smiling at the witch.

"Talking about family and whatnot. How's the letter writing? Did your mother answer back?"

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Lydia thought about it a moment and smiled slightly, it wasn't all good, but it could be fun and her relationship with either of her brothers was vastly different and always had been, but she knew that neither of them would ever disregard her so the smile grew warmer.

"I just sent her another letter as soon as we arrived..." her hands clasped together in her lap and her arms straightened as she looked down at them sheepishly, "she hasn't been able to write back... I never left a way for her to because I never told her where we were until today, "she looked up at Serena and the corner of her mouth twitched slightly, "I didn't even tell her who I was travelling with or that we weren't in the castle anymore."

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That surprised her a bit. Lydia didn't tell her mother any of that until now? Well then again...they traveling with difficult circumstances. Smiling widely, Serena nodded and said calmly.

"I'm sure your mother will understand as to why then. Maybe in her letter, she'll let you know how much she misses you...or scold you for not saying anything but loves ya all the same." Her own mother is like that. She'll scold her for not saying anything but then she'll hug her afterwards.

"...So...how are things with you-know-who?" Serena nodded at James, who's currently busy with some of the wizards of the Order. He's not gonna listen for a while.

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She nodded, her mother may be disapproving of how she is, but she knows that the woman loves her dearly and she is very tolerant of her and all her quirks, "I know... I told her why in my letter, "she shrugged her shoulders slightly, she'd honestly rather her mother be upset with her for hiding everything than to have been putting her mother in harm's way by telling her too much. She was actually honestly looking forward to hearing from her and even more so, seeing her again if that were possible.

Lydia's gaze had drifted away as she thought, but it shot back to Serena as she changed the subject, those green eyes wide before her expression became flustered and red and she looked around semi-wildly, the spirals of black curls at the back of her head springing around. James was right behind her now since she had turned her torso to face Serena and she felt the back of her neck burning before she stifled a squeaky little giggle that came out sounding like hiccups instead, "Serena!" she whispered through gritted teeth, "he's right behind me!" she scooted nearer to the blond and took her hands in embarrassment.

She partially didn't want to say anything, it just felt a little awkward considering how Serena had felt previously and she wasn't really sure if she should take anything James said or did as anything other than him being really nice to her. She wasn't really knowledgeable in the mannerisms one showed when they were expressing if they liked someone, mainly if those mannerisms were subtle, unlike when Serena was playing the sensual song when she and James were building the tent, that had been pretty uncomfortable.

"He...he told me I was beautiful," she blushed and lowered her gaze, one of her hands moving to her cheek the same way it had when he had initially said the words to her.

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Smiling mischievously as her blue eyes has that dangerous glint of her having too much fun for even saying anything, Serena giggled lightly when Lydia scoot over.

"Yes...but the silly guy is too busy talking behind you." was her quiet response, leaning in closer so that James doesn't hear them. When she heard Lydia and watching her blush, Serena clapped her hands once. She needed her violin! Augh! Why didn't she bring it?! She's excited for her friend.

"That's adorable! Oh my goodness! I need a violin!" Serena's fingers is starting to twitch a bit as her excitement needs to come out....somehow. She can't clap anymore than she already did because that might grab his attention to them.

"Lydia, did he do anything else? Like did he do something really silly even fr him?" Which is most things...

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Lydia leaned peeked over her shoulder and smiled warmly. She hadn't wanted to interrupt now knowing how he felt about the Wizengamot, she hadn't even thought about a career or otherwise, she had just been so focused on her magic. It must be nice to be in a position where one could commit to a career that involved magic.

She leaned in at the same time Serena did and laughed slightly, her hands now back on her own lap. She blinked a few times at Serena as she clapped, a bit confused and looked around as she said she needed a violin, "I bet the orchestra has some... I don't know if they would let you borrow one though."

As soon as Serena asked, Lydia's mind immediately remembered the incident with the booger. That was about as silly as it got, but she didn't say anything about it because as far as she was concerned, it was hers and James little secret, "I don't really know about silly... but he did... um... he gave me a sort of hug earlier and told me I was part of the family."

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Lydia's sweet for suggesting to grab from the orchestra though she's right: they probably wouldn't let her borrow one....yet...Serena nodded at the suggestion before raising an eyebrow and tilted her head. Hmm...

"That's really sweet of him and he doesn't normally do that, you know? The first time I dressed Renee up and asked for the guys to give commentary, James' was 'Why do you look like mom.'" Serena sighed as she really thought the sister looked adorable even when she was really frustrated at wearing the thing.

"Honestly. It's like he doesn't know how to just be simple with the compliments. A 'yea, you look nice.' would've been good, but nope. Instead it's 'You look like mom. That's weird'...Oh well, I was kind of hoping that a silly thing happened between you two." Serena shrugged her bare shoulders before looking at the table and reached to grab a slice of strawberry shortcake. The fork magically appeared again and she started to munch on the sweet.

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Lydia blinked and shook her head, laughing slightly, "poor Renee... I'm sure he didn't mean anything by it though," she immediately thought that he probably meant it as a compliment as she was sure that he loved his mom, most boys did, she then shrugged her shoulders, "I don't know... I think he gives compliments quite often..." of course she was recalling all the times he had complimented her intellect or something she had done well which in her mind had been just as good as the compliments he had given her on appearance which had actually happened more than once now.

Her gaze had drifted over to the table, following the shortcake as Serena pulled it over and she smiled in amusement, "where are you even keeping that?" she gestured towards the fork.

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Serena raised an eyebrow when Lydia mentioned James giving compliments often. That's news to her...Wait-! Does Lydia not-!? But-?! Wait?! The blonde really thought that James already told Lydia of his feelings. Did he just not tell her yet? It's kind of obvious that she likes him with all the fidgeting and blushing...So why?

'Oh well, none of my business...though that doesn't mean I can't have fun with teasing James.' Maybe the violinist is spending too much time with Seth if she's thinking of annoying James for once.

Serena blinked before smiling again, the fork out of her mouth. "Magic, sweetie. Magic." She will never tell.

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One of her index fingers went up beside her mouth, scratching lightly and pointlessly as she pondered what Serena meant before immediately pondering about the concept of conjuring inanimate objects such as Seifer's umbrella and evidently now Serena's fork. She really liked the idea of being able to conjure her glasses whenever she needed them and now concluded that was something that she would look into as soon as she could, giving a firm nod to her own thoughts.

She smiled slightly to Serena after lowering her hand from her face, "so... this apple you mentioned before..." she looked over towards Seth, he was the same age as her and so younger than Serena, but she could see how their personalities matched up. It was nice to be different from the one you cared for, but sometimes it was easier to be relatively similar.

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"Hm?" Serena looked over to where Lydia was looking at and her smile shrunk, but it seemed shy and tender. "...Yea...that apple is something..." The blonde commented quietly as she looked back at her friend. Then she took another bite of her cake. If Lydia took a closer look, she would probably see a light blush on her cheeks and ears.

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Well Serena did mention how she was on team Seth before and while Lydia was socially awkward, she was no fool. She gave Serena a light punch to her arm and giggled slightly, "when did this happen?" it was nice to be able to talk with Serena like this. They hadn't really been able to before because it wasn't like Lydia could have just come out and cooed about what she liked about James when she knew Serena liked him.

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Serena giggled as she left the fork in her mouth, swaying a bit when Lydia punched her lightly. She would punch back, but she has a weird feeling that her friend might have a bruise later.

"Well...I guess ever since you and the others came back with our stuff back at Holt...Seth gave back my violin, but I didn't think much on it." The blonde will admit it. When Seth hugged her for her violin turning into ash and told her sorry, she felt something. At the time however, she didn't realize that she was starting to look at Seth in a different manner as she still had feelings for James.

"What really got me to notice him was during training. He said it's good that I burn things and play my violin to express myself..." No one said that to her before, not even the friend from her past. He was always scared of her despite being nice and he never liked how she tend to burn things. So to know that Seth is okay with it and even encourages her...Serena sighed happily.

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Lydia probably would have bruised, but she wouldn't have complained either. She's gotten bruised a lot since their journey began, and even before that whenever her brother Thomas was younger and would still play with her so fussing over things like that just wasn't in her.

Her smile faded slightly as her lips were drawn inwards and pressed together in a line. She remembered the violin roasting on the fire, it was a bit upsetting simply because it seemed like if they had gone to get their things just a little sooner, they might not have needed to go through the whole ordeal in the mines.

Lydia was actually a little surprised that Serena hadn't noticed him before that, even she admired his athleticism and cleverness. Then again, Serena hadn't been in the tavern when he was pretending he was drunk and dodged the attacking man back at Binks. Not to mention all the fights they had been in and how he had handled himself then.

"It's nice having that support... and I know it's not the same, but you know you have the support of every one of us."

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Her heart melted at that. Serena wrapped her arms around Lydia in a hug and squeezed, making sure her half eaten cake wouldn't fall on them.

"Aww~! Lydia, I swear you are just the most sweetest little witch ever~!" The blonde nuzzled on top of her head with her pink cheeks, feeling really happy and grateful for joining in this group. If she didn't following Princess Mia to Dalaran, Serena wouldn't have made great friends. "Let me know if you ever need my support too, okay? I will burn anyone or anything for you, promise."

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Lydia released a soft little surprised squeak as Serena collected her in a hug and squeezed her, but she appreciated the gesture and returned it. She blushed some when Serena complimented her and shook her head, "it-it-it's the truth!" she patted Serena's back a few times before wiggling away, patting at her hair like she was checking to make sure it wasn't too disheveled, "a-and you know you can do the same too, right?"

Granted, she didn't know if she could actually successfully burn anyone, but she could probably clonk them on the head at least one good time.

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"I know, but still~! It feels good to hear it sometimes." Serena responded, not minding that Lydia squirmed away from her hug. She couldn't help it: Lydia's adorable and the violinist wanted to squeeze her until confetti came out. In a good way, not in a bad way.

"Oh sorry, hold on." She helped fix Lydia's hair as she didn't know how long her friend spend to have it like that. "There...Good as new." Serena said, smiling widely. "Oh! So...when should we plan our next prank on the guys?"

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She nodded, she knew very well that it's good to hear sometimes, which was precisely why she had vocalized it. She couldn't count the times that these people she had grown so close to had helped her when she was down, and Serena wasn't even upset at the moment.

She lowered her hands as Serena helped her with her hair. She wasn't normally self conscious about her hair, letting it get messed any which way, but James had very sincerely complimented her and that was sticking with her slightly, "thanks!"

She grinned to Serena's question, her hands unconsciously folding together in a devilish manner, "well Seth and I had been going back and forth for a while... just a lot had happened between the last time he pranked me and now... so I still had to pay him back for that one," she giggled and glanced around, making sure no one else was paying attention, "would a double up on pranks on the boys be unfair?" of course she wouldn't mind getting the better of them, but it could backfire and make the prank the boys use to get back at them even worse than it may have been.

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Serena's smile turned a bit dangerous again as her blue eyes glinted with mischief. "Nothing's ever fair in a prank war, my friend. That's why it's called 'Prank war'." Then she nodded at Echo's direction.

"Think we should let Echo in again? She has been telling me that she wanted to get Johnny back for the last one." Even when she absolutely loved those chickens. It's really funny how she even kept one as a pet. His name's Gei-gi and he tends to stick his head into dangerous places. Like once Echo didn't notice Gei-gi walking with her to the training halls and she freaked out when the soldiers ran around trying to catch the bird, making the equipment fall down sometimes.

It was the most funniest thing she has ever seen.

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What kind of monster had she created? Lydia let out a loud laugh, quickly slamming both of her hands over her mouth, her eyes wide as she looked around. Serena was crazy. But she was good crazy. She nodded and leaned in to Serena to whisper, "of course! If she wants in, we should let her! We should get Renee in too this time since she was too busy with Seifer last time. She'd probably have a good idea of how to really get to them!"

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Serena chuckled when Lydia laughed out loud, keeping an eye on James, in case he heard her laugh. Nope, still busy. Good...

The blonde nodded in agreement when she mentioned Renee joining in the fun. "Yea! Since Renee has a better idea to annoy her brothers, maybe we could have a better impact on them...Though I have a good idea for James already." She's pretty sure that the Pendragon sister would want to have some sort of revenge for her brothers disregarding her all this time.

"Think we should prank Seifer? I'm pretty sure Renee has a good idea for him too." Actually now that she thought about, Renee is probably the only one who knows all of the guys' quirks and how to make them tick, seeing that she spent time with them longer than the rest of the girls with Echo coming into second place.

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Renee had a better idea how to annoy James, Sen, and Seth, Echo could help with Johnny, and then Serena mentioned Seifer. Lydia's lips pursed and she shook her head, "I don't know... I think getting him in on it might be a bad idea because... you know..."

She didn't say anything more, her lips remaining puckered for a moment before she relaxed her mouth. Seifer may be whole again but she was concerned for any strenuous circumstances worsening his position and she didn't want anything to inhibit their ability to finish what they had started. Even if the prank was just a joke and wasn't anything to serious, his heart still wasn't wholly his.

But she put her smile back on and gave Serena a few quick pats to her knee and speaking in a hushed tone, "let's go get Echo, then you can tell us your idea," and she rose from her chair, swishing the train of her gown behind her and offering her hand to Serena.

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"Alright, then we'll just prank the Pendragon brothers and Johnny. Heheh~! This is gonna be fun." Serena placed her hand over Lydia's offered one and stood up, her dress ruffled as she walked with the little witch. Once they were closer to Echo, Serena tapped her shoulder. The red head looked behind her and smiled, excusing herself from the ambassadors and walked with the pair.

"Hello Serena. Lydia." Echo greeted as her hooves clopped on the floor. "Is something the matter?" She noticed Serena's eyes glinting that ...usually not a good sign...

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After Serena rose, she hooked her arm around the violinists so that they could walk linked, side by side. Serena probably didn't know it, but this simple action made Lydia incredibly happy. She had seen other girls going around at the parties that her mother had always dragged her to, their arms linked with their friend's as they paid their greetings to the other party guests. Meanwhile, Lydia did what she always did, snacked to keep her mouth too busy to talk, despite her mother constantly gently swatting her hands to get her to stop.

Lydia wasn't good at keeping her thoughts from plastering themselves all over her face, so when Serena greeted Echo with glinting eyes, Lydia was greeting her with that impish grin, "no... nothing's the matter, we just hope to recruit you is all..." she giggled and gave a wink before looking to Serena.

Katsuya Katsuya

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