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Fantasy Howl's Flying Castle (Finished! ---Whoo! (*^▽^)/)

-Hello Dalaran!-

Renee was fidgeting on the pillow sofa, unable to sit still as her wings fluttered nervously. She wasn't very good with Hero parties as it was evident from the last one in Ken-chan's warship. It just makes her anxious with everyone staring at her like she was some sort of savior or whatever special thing people have in mind and that's just not her style.

Unlike her brothers, who do like being recognized and fawned over, the Pendragon sister preferred to stay away from any public notifications or celebrations. It's why she didn't pay attention to the paparazzi that bothered James and Johnny. It's why she almost ran inside the nurse's office after defeating Seifer. She just does not like her efforts to be 'hero-ized' and people worshiping the ground she walks on. Just no...Just no...All the no's...

That's not what she's here for! She wants to see the surviving wizard and ask him about her family who were under Sunny's Manna tree and then go to the Storm Wall. Now how is she going to do that if everyone is going to crowd around her? Can she even be alone anymore? Not likely since her wings are easy to spot, being unusual and all and her white hair too.

Renee stood up, walked over to the window, and watched the cheering crowds as the guests were getting off the master warship with the soldiers. Then she sighed as her wings limped in a bit of defeat from not finding a way to get off without anybody recognizing her.

"...Seifer, how do you handle going into crowds without landing on your face or look like a nervous idiot?" Renee asked the archer as she frowned uncomfortably to the attention her family and friends were about to get in any second.

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Lydia had no desire whatsoever to go greet any crowds. She could swear that she gained ten pounds the last time she was faced with a crowd that wanted to hear about the battle at Holt. She didn't want to gain another ten pounds. Of course that probably wasn't the case as she was as little as always, she just felt like she had eaten enough that her serving size could have fed herself plus four other people. She didn't even bother looking outside, as much as her heart ached to see Dalaran.

Of course she had heard of the city, but she never thought she would actually get to visit. If she had, she figured it would be under quieter circumstances and not as being welcome as one of the heroes of Holt. She shuddered slightly and hunkered down more so in her book, holding the tome up in front of her like she was really interested in what she was reading... when she wasn't actually reading at all.

Her silver spectacles were pressed up on her nose slightly as she peered over the book and towards the window, her eyelashes grazing the ends of her combed down bangs which were getting a little too long for her to wear them like that at all. She fidgeted and brushed at the strands in annoyance, pressing some of them behind her ear so they laid over her forehead slightly in a side part.

Her black granny boots tapped on the floor slightly as she continued to fight the urge to peek outside, unwilling to tempt herself with the sights of Dalaran but knowing that she at least wanted to purchase a few souvenirs.
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- Dalaran -
" Air Docks, 3rd Month of Spring "

Seifer's reflection raised an eyebrow as he gussied himself up in front of a mirror. "They are commoners, Renee. They are beneath me."

He had spent two hours in his room making himself presentable. The six days of no food and water before they returned his soul had thinned him, and made his face a little sunken, but the last two days had fatten him somewhat and with his usual personal pampering, he had regained some semblance of his former debonair good looks. Now, in formal serpent green dress robes and his white hair trimmed and sleeked back, he was looking quite the charming young heir to the Rathmore business empire.
He wasn't walking out into the red carpet the welcoming party had rolled out for them, something that made him sigh since he would have loved the attention, rather he was going to be secretly smuggled out of the warship with his mother where he would rejoin the group in the "Trinity Spire ", a floating tower where the Order of Merlin resided.

"Well, see you in the Trinity Spire." he patted her shoulder amiably, "Just be yourself and you'll be fine, you defeated a deathknight for crying out loud, you're more than good enough for the people." he made to leave, but as a parting gift asked her to stand up again just like the past two days whenever they began dancing and gave her a quick lesson on how to walk with poise and dignity, like a noblewoman, which was a little amusing since Seifer walked and swayed his hips like a girl.


The crowd cheered and applauded when Princess Mia flanked by her guards, smiled and waved cheerfully as she stepped down and walked gracefully across the red carpet to an train of open carriages pulled by white imperial stallions. There was a parade waiting for them complete with a guard of Dalaran's best all sharp and gleaming in their armor under the sun. It seemed as though they were going to be paraded around the city in twos before they reach the Trinity Spire.

Kenren Taisho strode out next with a train of his court officers and guards, and a for a moment there was a lot of wild screaming as girls from the crowd called out his name. He graced them with a small smile, which caused many to swoon.

But the biggest cheer of all was for the heroes of Holt especially for Lydia, Echo, and Renee. Everyone was quite surprised to find that they were teenagers, dressed modestly too, and that Lady Death Bane was actually short for a girl. Apparently the rumors had gone wild and the people had expected tougher looking girls with the air of soldiers.

James and Seth enjoyed the attention and their walks turned into struts, while Johnny was a little embarrassed and a little nervous since there had never been so many girls looking at him and calling his name out at once.

They were indeed paraded around the city, which lasted for an hour and a half because the carriages moved slow. Chenglei rode with his charges, while Hunde, who was once again a mercenary and not a guard was given the choice not to join the parade, but report to Dalaran's barracks where he was to present a letter with Kenren's royal seal to the commanding officer, Marshall Tybalt.

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- Trinity Spire -
" Late Morning "

When the parade finally ended at the gates of the Trinity Tower, Princess Mia gave a rousing speech that addressed the war with the dragon and the death of the late King. As soon as she returned to her kingdom and succeeded the throne as Queen, she will lend her strength to the war and declared the borders of her kingdom open to all refugees and survivors of the conquered lands.

Inside, everyone was shown where they will be staying and were told that their hosts, the Order of Merlin, have invited them to dinner. Master Drake Bertrand will be there too, and the Pendragons and Lydia will finally learn of what happened to Howl, Markl, the Witch of the Waste, and hopefully Rhea, though they were free to visit the master now if they wished.

There were gargoyle servants who will attend to their needs and upon reaching their bedrooms they would find a mound of letters, gifts, flowers, and food from friends, family, and admirers. But on their bedside tables was a letter from Kenren sealed with magic that only opened at their touch. It said that tomorrow early in the morning their training was to resume as usual in a section of the tower together with him, his elite, and all the other warriors from the different nations who will be getting ready for the expedition to the Storm Wall.

There will also be a council meeting about their expedition two days from now in the tower.

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Hunde Oppenshire
Speaking of Acceptable casualties...
Hunde didn't know what to do. He was stunned by the long and drawn out rant of the soldier. Of course, Hunde was not listening to most of it. But it could be summed up with: yadda yadda- The wards are doing something noble- yadda yadda - Moral Highground stuff- yadda yadda.
It was amuzing to say the least. He crossed his arms at the soldier and rolled his eyes, smiling as if it had been a bad joke. It was even funnier once he threatened to tell the prince, all the while sounding quite annoying. Hunde watched as he walked off with a smile on his face.

Hunde then walked off into the other direction, heading for the room that they were previously in.

"Okay, I am feeling a bit tired so I should rest for the time being. Wake me up when something important is happening, Like the beginning of the trip or whatever . " He said , not even glancing at the stranger behind him. He had a tiring day, so this nap was well deserved.

Renee somewhat grimaced at the commoner comment, but she accepted his point of view. That's how he is able to handle crowds: by having a HUGE ego, she surmised. The Pendragon teen nodded and smiled at him when he gave one more lesson on how to walk like noble woman, which made her laugh. Who knew Seifer could move those hips?

Then she blushed at the thought and practiced, quickly picking up his tips like usual. Once it was time to go, Renee hugged him and told him to stay safe, even if they are in a safe city. James thought Kingsbury was safe...He was wrong.

The crowds were scary loud to hear. Her wings fluttered nervously, but she stood up straight, took a deep breathe and sauntered out with Lydia. Echo left with Johnny, her ears were flat against her head and Serena has gone with Seth, laughing and winking at everyone. Renee held her head up, smiling warm and greeted everyone who cheered with a subtle confidence. Her walk was calm and light as if she was a noblewoman or someone with class, but she didn't show it off as the Pendragon sister waved back at the crowd as cheerfully as they are. Her dress is modest and in shades of orange and white.

It's still weird to her, being in the middle of attention like this, but...as long they get to do what they need to do then she won't complain anymore.

Once they reached the Trinity tower, Renee quickly looked around her room with her jaw dropped. So many presents-! Why?!


Minnie waited with Sen in Seth's room, or so the hosting wizard told them. She didn't really believe him, but what choice does she have? The gunner just wants to guard her friend(s) to keep them safe...and have fun shooting shades. Yep, those were fun. However she hated when someone tried to grab Sen because then it turns into a rescue mission...which she hates.

She doesn't like to worry about her friend. She likes them safe, thanks.

The gunner was polishing her gun when the door opened. Out of reflex, Minnie pointed her gun on the guy's forehead, ready to shot him out if need be. However when she realized it was Seth...

She dropped her gun and hugged him with Sen. "Thank Merlin that you're okay!"

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- Seth Pendragon -
" Trinity Spire, Seth's Room "

"Minnie!" exclaimed Seth surprised and hugged her back, overwhelmingly happy. Then he spotted the guy sprinting towards him. "Gasp! BRATHAAAAA!!"

"BRATHAAAAAAAA!" yelled Sen and tackled the two to the floor. The twins were crying like a pair of lunatics.


The twins laughed, hugging Minnie and each other for a long time.


There was the sound of running footsteps, then the door burst open to reveal James looking happy and relieved Sen was alright. Without a word, he strode into the room and promptly dove into the three.

"Whoa, whoa, whoa! Where's James and what did you do to him?" chuckled Sen looking at his older brother. "Did you miss me?" he smirked.

"Yeah." he punched the twin's shoulder.

"Ow! Hey, you're not thin anymore." Sen punched him back.


"I don't gettit."

James looked at Minnie and hugged her too. "Thanks for looking out for this dolt."

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Renee ran out of her room when she heard Seth's yell and froze at the door. Her eyes watered as her frown turned into a wide smile and jumped in the precious dogpile called her family with Minnie tucked in her elbow.

"Sen!! Minnie!!! Oh my-! I just-! I miss-!" She's too speechless as the sister of the Pendragon siblings cried, snuggling and kissing Sen and Minnie's foreheads. Her fat tears of joy hanged on her lashes as she squeezed her little former missing brother.

"Sen! How are you? What happened? Are you okay? Do you need to eat? How's the guild?" Renee bombarded her little brother with questions as her wings flapped in her joy.

Minnie, not minding the added pressure on her neck, nodded and gave James a little smile. Her face wasn't as expressionless as before as she tried to hug back.

"...Your welcome...thanks for staying alive." She said it to everyone here as a tinge of gratefulness was heard.

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-Trinity Tower-
Lydia did not want to leave the airship. She felt like it was one of the parties that her parents dragged her to as part of 'socializing' her... only it was so much bigger and since and definitely more embarrassing since she was at the center of the attention and not just another guest. When she exited with Renee, Lydia didn't so much saunter as cling to Renee like her life depended on it, which was awkward since Renee did saunter.

She wore her favorite dress, the loose fitting one that hung around her like an upside down flower and he hair was up in a ponytail, though she slouched and looked like she wanted to disappear. She really didn't want to field any questions about the Holt battle either and was just eager to arrive at their destination.

Once at the tower and in her room, Lydia gave the room one of her big owl eyed looks as she eyed all the stuff. Why was there so much stuff? She was caught between running out of the room and staying put and either option was terrifying. She opted to stay however, taking up quill and paper. She decided that now that they were in Dalaran, it might actually be safe to write to her mother and let her know where she was for the first time since she had left the castle.

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- Sen & Seth's Room -
" Trinity Spire "

"I'm fine! We got here two days ago! I'm okay! Yes, I want to eat 'cause I miss your cooking so much! The guild is good, we recently made a small fortune selling marshmallow bombs, they work on shades!" said Sen, hugging his sister and giving her a peck on the cheek. "You guys gotta' tell me EVERYTHING that happened."

"We will." said James.

"Oh, but first!" Seth ran out and dragged in Chenglei; James stiffened. "This guy's Chenglei and he's a real Oriental soldier from the Orients who serves a real oriental prince! And look! A real katana, bro!" Seth grabbed his bag and showed his twin all sorts of things he nicked or collected throughout their journey, happily chatting with him about everything together with Renee until Sen told him to stop and start from the very beginning because it all got jumbled up.

James gave Chenglei the steely eye as if silently communicating, 'Come close and you're dead.'

Earlier, he had wanted to ride with Lydia, but Renee got to her first, and so to his dismay, Chenglei was his partner on the carriages and the guy kept making passes at him. He was going out of his mind for an hour and a half pretending to be calm and dignified in front of the crowds.

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Chenglei didn't mind being dragged in the the twin's room, already accepting the new but still familiar face. The soldier went up to the new twin and started fawning over him. "Well! I never thought the world will grace us to have two Seths! Oh glorious day! Come! Let me hug you for you deserve much appreciation as your siblings!" The blond oriental gathered Sen in his arms and squeezed.

"Truly beautiful to see such a tender moment between siblings! Oh how wonderful! How joyous! How splendid! To have the mind of a guild master in such a young age! Marvelous to finally meet the other half of Seth, the missing piece, the one makes him whole again!"

Renee laughed awkwardly and pulled Sen out of Chenglei's arms, now shielding her little brother. The soldier only smiled his princely smile with the red flowery and glittery aura bloomed around him before he pages attention to Minnie.

"And who is magnificent specimen of a young lady?"

"I'm Minnie, Sen and Seth's secretary for the guild."

Chenglei nodded his head and hugged her tight too. "Such a small lady and yet with the most lovely figure! I can tell you hide in the shadows! What a cute little gi-"

There was a click as Minnie positioned her rifle at his head. "Don't call me a girl."

"My apologies! Young lady, it is then! What an adorable young lady. With lush blue hair and a strong spirit! Truly you have the guts of a wonderful marksman!"

"...thank you..." Was...Minnie blushing?!

As Renee helped fill in Seth's retelling of their adventures, Chenglei stood next to James, not minding the glare he's receiving as he quietly said.

"It's good...that you reunited with your family again... I hope that it stays this way for all of you." Chenglei missed his family back at the south part of the Orients. Then he sighed a bit before smiling his princely smile.

"Can we be family too?! I just love poking fun at your sister. She reminds me of my own little sister who I love very dearly." Though his sister would punch him and then run away.

Renee looked at him warily before nodding a hesitant 'yes'. She's gonna regret that later...but she couldn't say no when she noticed that twitch of his: whenever he's in a weird mood, his hand would go to his sword.

"Yea...sure...I can be your sister too...James could be your younger brother!" Renee said, now a bit excited to have someone new in the family.

"...more like Chenglei could be his husband." Minnie uttered as she noticed the bad vibe from James when Chenglei got near him. It reminded her of her uncle and aunt, the ones who raised her. Her aunt is in total denial that she loves her husband, even after years of marriage.

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-Lydia's Letter-

Dearest Mother,

I am sorry. I have not been entirely honest with you. I have kept things from you mainly because I wanted to keep you safe and not telling you in depth details of what I have been doing or where I have been made this possible. So, to start, I want to tell you that I am in the floating city of Dalaran. It is magnificent, Mother! It is everything I had dreamed it would be and more!

I am not travelling in Master Howl's castle and I haven't been for some time. I am certain that news has reached you of the catastrophe in Paroosia, yes? I was to meet up with the Pendragons then, but did not make it and I wasn't able to catch up with them for some time after. I still do not know of the whereabouts of Master Howl... under the circumstances he is presumed dead, but I cannot bring my heart to accept that. We are to learn of his fate as well as that of Mrs. Pendragon soon.

Once I finally managed to return to the castle, I learned that Princess Mia was travelling with them. As I am certain that you have likely read of her whereabouts being unknown... she was in the presence of the Pendragon children and they were acting as her guard. I am unsure of the exact circumstances of how this came to be, but their goal was to escort her to Dalaran, which is why I am able to write this letter, she is now safe, as are we all.

By all, I suppose I should tell you who I have been travelling with since I previously kept their identities a secret. First I should tell you about Renee. She is one of Master Howl's children and she is such an inspiring person. She is somehow both cheerful and calm at the same time and she has helped me gain more confidence in myself. If I had ever had a sister, I would have wanted her to be like Renee.

Serena Lock is another that I have been been travelling with. She is very outgoing and outspoken. She is rather emotional but she doesn't really express those emotions through words or actions, instead she plays them through her violin. Oh Mother, she is a wonderful violinist and the other girls and I have had many enjoyable nights singing along with her music. I had almost thought I lost her friendship at one point, but it was resolved and I am so happy it was, I would have been heartbroken.

Echo Muses! Oh my, Mother... she is a Fawn! She is such a lovely person. She is soft-spoken and kind, motherly even. I have confided in her and feel as though I can really trust her, and mother, she is so strong! Not just in personality, but in actual physical strength as well! I have watched her move literal boulders! It is very much an inspiration and since towards the start of our quest I have taken up mace wielding, seeing her wield a mighty hammer that Dwarfs my own little weapon is simply awe inspiring.

Another of the Pendragon siblings is Seth. He has a twin, but his twin and he were separated at Paroosia. He is quite the athlete, Mother. He is also quite the rascal. He is my age and he had begun pranking me and I know you hate to hear this, Mother, but I have pranked him back and it has been quite fun! Just a few nights ago, I made it rain frogs on him while he was sleeping. Rain frogs, Mother! Can you believe it? Of course I had actually meant to make it rain water but I was just as happy with the end results. You know, he actually reminds me somewhat of Thomas when he was younger.

There is another fellow who is travelling with us. He was quite skittish when I first met him and it seemed it was because he had a sort of phobia of girls. His name is Johnny Caprice and he is Echo's fellow. From what I have gathered, he is an entertainer, like Serena... oh! I forgot to mention that Serena was a violinist for Princess Mia's family! Johnny isn't very much afraid of girls anymore... at least not any of the ones that he has been travelling with, even me! He actually hugged me even after the battle at Holt! Oh! I didn't mean to say anything about that until my next letter...

Then there is James... oh Mother, I don't even know how to describe him. He is just wonderful. He cares so deeply for his siblings it is just the sweetest thing. He is the same age as Thomas, but unlike Thomas he doesn't think I am insane. We can sit in silence for hours just reading and when we do talk, we are eager to share the things we have read and we are equally interested in what the other has to say. At least I like to think he is as interested in what I have to say as I am in what he says, he does seem to be relatively attentive to what I share so much as to ask me questions, even questions about myself. Oh, but I am probably getting ahead of myself. He is a good friend and I like him very much... probably more than I should.

He is such an amazing wizard, he can even summon spirit guardians. One of which is named Sasha and she is an owl. She is such a sweet and cute little thing and I adore her. She will sit and watch me work and play with random objects atop the desk while I am writing and I have learned that she has a fondness for the color blue. I thought of weaving her a bracelet of blue thread, I don't think she would want wear it, but at least she would have it as a token of my appreciation.

I suppose that is enough for today, Mother. I just want you to know that I am safe and I will write to you again soon to fill you in on the other things I have not told you about. I hope that you are doing well and please give Father, Frederick, and Thomas my love. I love you!


Her quill was placed in its stand, palms pressed against the edge of the desk as she slid away from it, once more turning towards the pile of gifts and letters. She wasn't sure what to do with such adoration as this type of reaction to anything she has accomplished was foreign to her and so she regarded the pile with the same expression one might regard a germy pile of used tissues. A shake of her head was given and she rested her hand on her forehead a moment before turning back towards her desk and labeling an envelope, carefully folding the three pages she had written for her mother and placing them inside before sealing it shut. Her glasses were then removed and she rose from the desk, heading for the door.
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- Sen & Seth's Room -
" Trinity Spire "

James' jaw dropped when Renee nodded at Chenglei, and he stared from her to him. 'Wait, wait, this is going too fast, I am not going to be brothers with him.' was what he wanted to say, but it seemed cruel, so he just ended up stuttering.

"Yeah, be part of our family, Chenglei!" said Sen enthusiastically, "And be my master and teach me how to be a ninja and use a katana." he bowed in the oriental fashion.

Most of the morning was spent catching up with Sen and telling them of their adventures and showing him the trinkets and objects they've found along the way. Sen too told them how the war has been going on in his side and how it's been affecting people.

Johnny came by looking for James, and was shocked and happy to see Sen there, and welcomed him back enthusiastically. Minnie he gave a nervous nod to, and thanked her courteously for protecting Sen. He then went out to tell Echo Sen is back; James also went out with him to go tell Lydia the same news.

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-Trinity Spire-
When Lydia had exited her room earlier, she had heard the commotion from the others and holding the letter close to her chest in both hands, she peeked through the door, though she didn't want to disturb them and she wanted to get her letter sent out as soon as possible and so she had quietly left the area, a bright smile on her features.

Of course being in the Trinity Spire was a gift from the gods to her and so as soon as the letter had been sent out, she had gone exploring, of course it wasn't so much exploring as questing. Her quest? The library. She could only imagine the assortment of knowledge she would find in such a place and it actually left her feeling giddy to the point that it showed in her step as she skipped down the hall, the black of her loose fitting dress billowing up and down around her black and white striped legs as she moved.

Inevitably she found the library and was absolutely dumbstruck at the sight. She wondered if any one person had ever managed to read every single book there was and she also wondered how often new books were brought in, making the reader's list and endless effort.

She had held her breath and scurried back to her room, actually forgetting to breathe until she burst through her door and snatched up her glasses case, practically running back to the library.

When James found her, she was sitting at a table with books in high stacks set out around her, two of her selection open in front of her as she compared their contents, standing over the table and examining both tomes alternatively. She was incredibly glad to see James when he showed up, resisting the urge to hug him and awkwardly patting his arm when he approached her instead, but she was just so excited to share this vast wealth of knowledge with him. She smiled and admitted that she had seen him with his siblings when he told her of Sen and went on to mention that she didn't want to interrupt and ask about meeting with Master Drake Bertrand before dinner while they were all having their happy reunion.

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-Chenglei's Kurosaki-

Renee shrugged her shoulders at James as she didn't mind having another older brother. Honestly, James should know better than to deny someone who wants to be part of the family as they are used to accepting people in the castle.

Extremely happy that he now has new little brothers and sister, Chenglei draped his arm around James' shoulder, squeezing tightly before walking over to Sen. "Of course! I don't know any ninjutsu, but I can teach you the ways of the sword, if you so wish, my little brother Sen." The blond oriental even let Sen hold his personal sheathed katana, Kurosaki, and taught him the basic stance of holding a sword. The blond soldier looked so happy to teach the younger Pendragon on how to handle a sword as if he wanted to pass down a tradition of sorts.

"Would you like to learn as well, little brother Seth?" He asked excitedly.

Echo came by and squeezed Minnie and Sen, careful as she didn't want to cut off their breathing. Serena visited too, waving and introducing herself to the pair. Minnie told Johnny that he changed...because she still remembered his whisper-yell for the twins back at Kingsbury.

Renee, in the meanwhile, wondered if they should see Master Bertrand now and went to look for James and Lydia, trusting Chenglei to watch over everyone.

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-Hunde Oppenshire-
(after a few hours...)
Hunde walked at a hastened pace, seemingly on the verge of jogging or running. This day kept bombarding him with task after task, never letting him rest in the slightest. There was a constant struggle against gravity as he held his shield firmly in his left hand, and keeping a loose grip on the handle of the sword with his right. His sword was once again cuddled and protected by the leather handle. It also worked as a belt for the armored skirts of the armor. Either way, each and every piece of armor weighed a ton.

His heavy shoes dragged against the ground as Hunde struggled to keep himself moving. His joints were aching and burning, and he felt a shivering feeling cover him.

Looking to the inside of his palm, he moved his focus to the note he was supposed to deliver. He squinted to the details of the note, curiously studying it's details. After a quick look, he returned his focus to the road ahead. Almost immediately, he spotted the destination. He smiled, as he knew he would be able to rest after this.

He entered the barracks without a second though, glancing around the building for some officer to give this to.
"Excuse me? I have a letter that I must deliver!" He Announced, hoping to catch the attention of someone whom this concerned.
- James Pendragon -
" Trinity Spire, Library "


James chuckled when he saw the wall of books around Lydia who was looking quite at home in the massive library. As he weaved around the tables towards her, he craned his neck like an excited kid in a toy store, turning his head here to glimpse the titles of the shelves upon shelves of the most sought out books on arcane lore.

"I'm going to live here." he said as he drew up a chair beside her. He picked up one of the books on her pile and flipped the pages, sniffing its scent, which he seemed to like. He bumped shoulders with her in greeting, happy with her touch, and looked amused when she said she saw the reunion with Seth and Minnie earlier, but didn't want to interrupt.

" Lydia, you're part of the family," he said as though it was an obvious fact, "you wouldn't be interrupting at all, you shy girl." he chuckled, and gave her a one-armed hug, but didn't withdraw his arm. Rather, he rested it atop the upholstery while looking at her as if she was silly.

" I want to visit him now too. I need to know about mom and dad. " he stood up abruptly. "Shall we go? A gargoyle told me he was going to be in the Wizengamot headquarters this morning. It's in Dawn Street a couple of blocks from here."

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- Dalaran Barracks -
" Front Gates "

"Over here, lad." said a guard at the gates, who looked the letter over to see who it was addressed to, but didn't open it. The royal seal must have made an impression on him because he hollered at a couple of others to call Marshall Tybalt.

"He's up at the second floor, Marshall's office. Leave your shield, all your weapons, and your helmet here." the guard patted Hunde down while muttering a spell that reveals hidden objects, even asking him to take off his armor just to make sure there was no weapon on him. If the mercenary agreed, the guard would allow him to pass after asking for his name.

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-Trinity Spire, Library-
She couldn't help but laugh to his comment about living there, "well expect a roommate then," she joked, pressing her glasses up on her nose slightly as she went back to her pages, though she did take a glimpse away as James took up one of the books from her piles only to see which he had chosen. She tilted her head from side to side slightly as though she were reveling in her own private joke and retook her seat.

She smiled meekly and flushed slightly as James said she was part of the family, hearing those words was just such an honor to her and her posture stiffened slightly as she felt his arm around her shoulders. She had to resist the urge to shiver as her eyes widened probably the biggest they ever had and her face felt like it was on fire. The sensations didn't go away as he left his arm behind her. If he was looking at her like she was silly before, he'd definitely be looking at her like she were a raging fool now.

Lydia didn't know how to react. Her brain was screaming, 'James just hugged me!' over and over again. It didn't matter if it was just a friendly gesture from one friend to another, it didn't even matter that it was just a one-armed hug, what mattered is that he hugged her. She felt like a squirrel trying to figure out where to hide its nuts, because she was nuts. Her mind scrambled, looking for an answer to the question she was repeating over and over again in her head, 'what do I do?!' and she couldn't help but realize that James was seriously going to think there was something very wrong with her with her hand held paused over her book in mid page turn and she was just staring straight ahead like she was in a trance with a bright red face and wide open eyes, she looked like Sasha would if someone surprised her and then painted her red.

Zer0 Zer0 Katsuya Katsuya
Renee found the pair in the library, about to call them out when she noticed something weird. Lydia...is staring and her face is red...

'Wow...and I thought Echo's hair was bright red...Lydia beat her to the punch.' Renee thought, raising an eyebrow at the arm her brother has around her shoulder and grinned. Ohhhh~

Clearing her throat as soon she stood beside the table, the Pendragon sister poked the witch's really warm cheek. "Um...are you okay? James, what did you do? Fry her brain or something?" She knew why, it's obvious that Lydia has the hots for James...but she's not gonna say it.

Too many opportunities to tease them~!

Zer0 Zer0 Roleplay Skittle Roleplay Skittle
- James Pendragon -
" Trinity Spire, Library "​

"Er, Lydia? . . . " he bent down to put a hand on her forehead as though checking if she had a fever. "Are you okay? Your face changed color." he said, looking into her big eyes, concerned. Suddenly he withdrew his hand, "Was it because I touched you?" he blurted. "Sorry, did I freak you out?"

When Renee cleared her throat James startled a little. "Um . . . yes?"

Katsuya Katsuya Roleplay Skittle Roleplay Skittle
Renee rolled her eyes and shook her head, smiling as innocent as possible. "Big brother, it's not nice to fry her brain. We need her to have thoughts and function." Her bright eyes had a glint of mischief. "I mean I know it's great to be comfortable, but James...tread lightly."

She's trying to give him a hint that Lydia is really really shy with her emotions when it comes to guys. Though she doubted that James understood her hint.

"Should we go visit Master Bertrand or no?" She asked as she poked Lydia's cheek again.

Zer0 Zer0 Roleplay Skittle Roleplay Skittle
-Trinity Spire, Library-
'Don't laugh like an idiot,' became her internal mantra as James touched her forehead, but she failed at that and when he asked if she was acting strange because he touched her and if it freaked her out she let out the most embarrassed and school girlish giggle she had probably ever let out and it was followed by a squeaky snort to which her hand clapped over her nose and mouth as a mortified expression dawned on her face. As though there were any way to make matters worse and she had managed to do it.

Thankfully, Renee swooped in to save the day and Lydia jumped slightly as the Pendragon sister poked her still burning cheek, shaking her head swiftly as Renee teased. Of course Renee knew why Lydia was acting like she was and after James questions, Lydia was horrified that he might think she was completely turned off by him and she grabbed a hold of Renee's arm in a flurry and tugged on it hastily as she stared at James for a moment before realizing she was staring and quickly shifted her gaze away, her hand still covering her nose and mouth.

Zer0 Zer0 Katsuya Katsuya
Renee just wanted to laugh in all honesty...but she couldn't. They were in the library after all and her laugh isn't exactly the quietest laugh in this planet...Seifer would probably agree as he made her laugh way too many times over two days. She let Lydia grab her arm and felt her tugging as she smiled at James with that same glint of mischief in her orange eyes.

It was like she was laughing at them for being really silly. James would be able to see it in her face.

She cleared her throat again and lightly pulled Lydia away, expecting James to follow. While she finds this whole thing really funny, Renee just wants to know what happened to her missing family.

"Come on, James...Can't keep a girl waiting, you know." Love advice 101 from Renee.

Zer0 Zer0 Roleplay Skittle Roleplay Skittle
- James Pendragon -
" Wizengamot "
" . . . Who are we talking about?" James asked Renee confused. He had just been staring at Lydia, perplexed, after she giggled, snorted, and then stared at him.

He must not have thought very badly of the whole ordeal for as the girls went ahead, he looked at one of the bookshelves, thinking, and then chuckled, looking at Lydia's back. Next to Johnny, this girl had the funniest reactions.


There was no way to walk out the gates of Trinity Spire without being bombarded by fans and the paparazzi. Luckily, Renee could turn into a giant owl griffon and soon James, Lydia, Sen, Seth, Johnny, and everyone else who wanted to come, were soaring above the magic city and into a major waterway a few blocks south of the tower, where a magnificent building had been built over a manmade river. This was the headquarters of the Wizengamot where on the fifth floor, a pair of warlock sentinels with their own summoned boarhounds greeted the heroes and escorted them to Master Bertrand's office.

James was so excited as he told Lydia that this was where he wanted to work as a conjuration researcher on the lost summoning incantations of celestials after he finished school, as if the episode in the library did not happen. He kept trying to flatten his windswept hair and made sure his clothes were neat and sharp. The whiskers Seth drew on his face with permanent marker was still there, but Johnny had covered it up with some make up. As long as James didn't rub his cheek or get wet, he was good.

The twins were eyeing the place broodingly. Anyone who knew them would know that they were probably planning to break in here in the future.

Johnny marveled at the many types of summons they encountered as they followed their guide. There were tier seven and even tier nine war beasts, one of which was a giant sea serpent swimming lazily in the waterway, and a nine-tailed fox that was walking alongside its master as they both talked about where to have lunch today.

Katsuya Katsuya Roleplay Skittle Roleplay Skittle
"Woah...." Renee awed at the different summons as she hears James dork out about his dream, not that she blames him. The place was amazing and all the different summons were so cool~!

"Mica, look! Isn't it awesome?" She could hear her ferret grumble as he snuggled onto her neck, not interested at all as he just wants to sleep. She summoned him as soon they arrived the place because she wanted him to get used to other different creatures. "James, you better work hard...I want to visit you here." Renee muttered to him, her wings flapping wildly.

Echo's eyes grew bigger when she saw the serpent swimming in the waterway, her ears twitching in her quiet excitement. "I never knew there were more than tier three summons..." She whispered, her arm around Johnny's as they walked together.

Serena giggled when she saw Seth's expression and elbowed him lightly, raising an eyebrow in her amusement. "I know...it would be great to explore this place..." She really wanted to play her violin as this place was so inspiring with the freedom it gives to their summons.

Roleplay Skittle Roleplay Skittle Zer0 Zer0
-Hunde Oppenshire-
Upon hearing the request , the mercenary's mood deteriorated quickly. It was as if he was asked an insulting question. He grew rather annoyed with the Guard.
"hm...let me think about it...." He said sarcastically, holding the bottom of his helmet as if he was resting his head. He pretended to be in deep thought, almost mocking the idea in it's entirety.
"how about..." He stopped in front of the guard, putting his hands behind his back. He then leaned forward as to get close to the guard, meeting face to face (mask).

"No. I shall keep it on. You have checked me for weapons, and I do not wish harm upon anyone in this area. Taking off this armor is simply not an action that is needed at this time.Now, you will let me pass this gate so I may give this letter to your marshal. Do I make myself clear? or shall I discuss this with the marshal?"

He threatened, using a soft yet stern voice as to keep the situation to a low level.

Hunde leaned back from his little chat, awaiting the Guard's answer with a silent and still glare.

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