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Fantasy Howl's Flying Castle (Finished! ---Whoo! (*^▽^)/)

Renee shuddered a bit when he sighed in the nook of her wing, blushing red again from the jolt of sparks running down her back.

She stared at him and her eyes widened a bit before smiling that special smile again when she heard his answer. Her wings fluttering excitedly but lightly as the tips only touched his cheeks and making a soft breeze.

Her orange eyes glowed as she leaned in again to kiss him briefly. "Of course...we can learn together." This is new to her too as she haven't been in a relationship before. She wasn't interested in one until Seifer appeared and even then, she still questioned about it and wondered if she was insane...

Now however, she has never been so glad to be stubborn about her feelings towards the archer.

"I like you too, Seifer." She giggled with giddy. Yep, he has a beautiful smile too...

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She probably would have passed out if she did remember to breath, trying to inhale as softly as possible. She knew Sasha could and possibly was currently reporting to James what was going on and she felt so awkward listening in on this pretty intimate conversation. She couldn't help but smile once her face had regained its color, despite all of her preconceptions on the topic of Seifer, she was happy that he seemed to be returning Renee's feelings, though she wondered about the circumstances that led to him admitting his own.

She didn't want to dwell on it in any case and quickly and carefully collected up her skirt again before making her way back to the ballroom, mouthing to Sasha to come get her if anything should happen.

Zer0 Zer0 Katsuya Katsuya
- Trinity Spire -

Seifer smiled that warn grateful smile. He spent the rest of their time in the gardens kissing and touching Renee in between conversations for long pleasurable stretches of time. Usually his confident, eager hands asked wordlessly for him if she'd let him feel her somewhere, sometimes when he wasn't sure he'd straight up ask in that vain flirty way of his, but he never made anything feel forced.

Just like their dance, he didn't go ahead, but observed even her wordless reactions and her wings, then synched his level of intimacy with hers, though all the time Renee could feel a deeper longing that he was holding back every time he had to pause, hugging her for a while or going off to take a walk saying that he needs a couple of minutes to calm down.

All in all he was very willing to negotiate a level of expression for affection that felt right for the both of them. The only thing he wouldn't budge for was leaving immediately if his mother needed him for something.

When Renee had to leave to talk to her brothers, he asked if they could keep their relationship a secret for a while, since he wanted them to know about it when their tempers weren't high.

* * * *​

Back in the ballroom, not everyone was having as good a time. Sen and Seth were no longer talking to Echo and Serena, while somewhere in one of the courtyards a warlock was punching the wall.

Johnny was the only other guy who was happy. After the kabuki play concluded, he bowed with the theatre troupe to a huge round of applause after making a debut appearance with his summons as the two giants that attacked Holt.

* * * *​

Sasha turned her head a hundred and eighty degrees then nodded in affirmation at Lydia. Later, the owl only came to her when she was alone and the others weren't around. James was so shocked and so upset with what he saw that he didn't know what to do.

On one hand Renee was happy and Seifer seemed to be behaving decently --- for someone of his level of lecherousness --- yet on the other, he couldn't see a possible future for them what with how he's a deathknight and linked to the dragon. But he was too tired to talk about it and said he was just going to go straight to bed.

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Echo and Serena didn't talk with Seth and Sen either as they were more concentrated with the Kabuki play, clapping for Johnny who came back to meet up with them.

The fawn kissed and snuggled with him, congratulating him for a wonderful performance. When they were alone and going to their rooms, she told him everything that has happened while waiting for his kabuki play with her own input. She was honest, even told him that Serena caked Seth's face and that she, herself, didn't even scold her for it because she felt the same way: Annoyed with how overprotective these brothers are and not letting Renee make her own decision.

The violinist went back to her room and played her violin. Her song in that night was one filled with anger and defiance that chilled even the gargoyle servants who passed by.


That morning, around 5 AM, the gargoyle servants came by to check as to who is making a racket in the kitchen only to be a bit shocked at the scene. Renee, with a thick black ribbon around her head to pull her fringes back and tied in a large bow at the back with a matching black apron with a bit of frill, is starting up the stove. Pots and pans ready and ingredients to make her family's usual breakfast prepared for a lot of people. Then when she heard bits of mummers behind her, she peeked over her shoulder and grinned at the hiding servants.

"Oh! Morning! I hope I didn't wake you up." She saw the gargoyles shake their heads, still confused as to why one of the guests is cooking at all. "Um...Would you all be dears and take these plates to the dinning room so my family and friends can eat today? Don't tell them that I cooked it though. I rather they not know yet." As they nodded to her request, happy that they didn't need to cook for today, they left her alone and the Pendragon teen sighed quietly. Her wings fluttered as the memories from last night flooded her thoughts.

Seifer is such a sweetheart. Even when he wanted to touch her more intimately, he would back off if she seemed uncomfortable and hugged her tightly. Nothing felt forced, nothing felt wrong, everything felt right with the world in that night. For Renee, that is. She even felt comfortable with touching and kissing him back, reassuring him that she will stay quiet about their relationship and supported on him helping his mother.

The Pendragon teen told Seifer that she rather he help his mother more than to stay with her when she needed his help. She even offered her help if he ever needed it.

Though when she looked and found James, he was too tired and went to bed. Then she looked for the twins only to see them angry and thought it might be better if they were calmer. So she went to her room, smiling and giggling to herself.

Her wings fluttered happily as she sighed in a love-sick manner from the memory, flipping the pancake over for it to land on the large pile of pancakes she made. Once she finished making honeysuckle and lemon tea, thick strips of crunchy bacon, golden sunny side-up eggs, fresh baked bread rolls with butter and a knife on the side, strawberry and blueberry pancakes with syrup, and steamed vegetables with light seasoning, Renee asked the gargoyles to go wake up everyone for them to have breakfast. She even invited the gargoyles to eat too if they ever want some, which a few did and enjoyed it.

The servants picked up the plates and placed them on the large dinning table and went up to wake the rest of the guests, telling them that breakfast is done and ready for them. Once they open the door, they would be able to smell her very familiar and delicious food.

Renee returned to her room so she can change out of her stained pajamas and into a simple white shirt and loose grey pants, not putting any shoes on as she was used to walking around barefooted. She left the black ribbon in her hair though as she made her way to eat. It was around 7:30 am that she finished the large breakfast for her friends and family, including for Seifer and Mrs. Rathmore.

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Hunde Oppenshire
Health 1/3 /
Movement: Counterattacking.

Suddenly, the knight felt something clash against his heavy shield, scratching the metal and catching him a bit off guard. He was about to step back, but struggled against something on his leg. Looking down at the foot, Hunde was shocked to find himself snagged it a block of ice. They snared him. The tables had turned almost immediately.

He then felt the clang of a object against his helmet, sending his head downwards as he lost his focus. His mind went numb as his vision blurred.

Using the momentum from the enemy impact, he swung himself back with his spear in hand, and threw it to the first poor soul he saw (Barnaby). Without a second though, he then immediately reached for the blunt training sword and unsheathed it from the holster, holding it high above his head as he readied it to strike.
-Master Warship, Atelier-

Lydia tried to enjoy the rest of the performance despite her apprehension, she didn't say anything to the others because she figured they would find out soon enough and it wasn't her secret to tell. Really she shouldn't even know it and neither should James, but as it stood, the both did. When the show was over, she applauded as everyone else did and quickly made her way to her room. She was trying to wrap her head around what to do because either way she felt like she was betraying someone and the only way she could work out feelings like those was through work, so work she did.

She didn't have much to work with in the Tower, really only her journal, though she had brought both Wrath and the Libris Mortem with her, feeling safer having them near rather than leaving them on the warship, but she was too hesitant to break them out of the chest she kept her undergarments in which she had warded on the inside to keep anyone from being suspicious about what was in it and of course she kept it locked. She did what she could from memory and when Sasha showed up, she was hard at work. She listened to what James said through the owl with a furrowed brow, curling her legs up and hugging herself slightly as she thought and giving Sasha a rub on her head and told James to just try and sleep.

Lydia knew she wouldn't and before the sun was even up but there was some movement in the tower, she sought out Kenren, waking him if she needed to and asked that he send someone to escort her back to the warship. When he permitted it, she collected all of her belongings and without saying anything to anyone, she left the tower and returned to the atelier.

* * * *
The only way that Lydia felt she could help anyone was through using her brain and so once in the atelier again, she had cleared the largest table in the room and reserved it for only things relating to the information Hisaya had given them. She had moved Hisaya's little table and basket so that he was right beside her as she worked and once everything was set up, she had gone to the kitchen and retrieved an iron kettle she could hang in the fireplace whenever she wanted tea or coffee, jars of tea and coffee, and an assortment of non-perishable food that she could keep in the atelier.

She gave strict instruction that she was not to be bothered and to ensure that, she kept the door locked.

She felt so horrible that James was so upset about Seifer and Renee, and she felt the same way and she wanted to ease his mind by helping him and helping Ren at the same time.

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- Trinity Spire -
" Next Day "

The next day Seifer's mother poked him awake because he had been drooling and making kissy faces on his pillow, muttering "Renee, stop, that tickles, hehe . . ."

Needless to say that made Mrs. Rathmore curious, and Seifer had a serious talk with her about canceling his pre-arranged marriage with the daughter of a duke of another kingdom. Mrs. Rathmore was surprised. She knew of her son's womanizing habits and was only expecting a happy fling, but apparently her son had fallen harder than he had let on.

"Seifer, our families have been planning this wedding for four years." said his mother as they made their way together to the dining hall following the sweet aroma of bacon and buttered pancakes. "You know your father has signed business contracts with the duke with your marriage as the pledge."

Seifer snorted. "Yes, and I'm sure they'll be delighted to find out the groom-to-be is a deathknight." he whispered sarcastically. He kissed her forehead. "Mum, I know you're worried about my future, but I sort of died and I've never had such a moment of clarity as when my soul wasn't in my body." he placed a hand on his chest where as usual he felt the pulsing of the red crystal heart. " Money, status, I wasn't thinking about those things at all when I was wishing I could do my life all over again."

Mrs. Rathmore's expression softened. She patted his arm ". . . Alright, we'll talk about this some more." Seifer beamed.

* * * *​

Among the guys, only Seifer and Johnny came down for breakfast, though one plate was missing when Renee came down. James and the twins had gone ahead earlier to the West Courtyard to continue training with Kenren and his elite, and be introduced to the representatives of the other nations who will be going to the Storm Wall.

Katsuya Katsuya

- Training Grounds -

" Dalaran Barracks "

So close. Hunde's spear grazed the side of Barnaby's rib, but the damage wasn't enough to knock the warlock down. A handful of his allies formed a shield wall to protect him, and with another frost ball that froze the mercenary's other leg, the four swordsmen that didn't get beaten away by Hunde's sword, outbalanced him and knocked him down together.

Footsteps approached and Marshal Tybalt's face peered down at him on the dust. "Son, you need training."

Panzer Panzer
  1. Hunde (1-3 one-handed success) = 4
    0/3 Hp
    Mag. def 2 || Phys. def 2
* * * *​
  1. Swordsmen Squad = 5
    2/2 Hp
  2. Barnaby the Warlock (+1 hit rolls) = Total 3
    2/2 Hp
Renee sighed, a bit defeated when she didn't see Lydia, James, Sen, or Seth for breakfast. However she noticed a missing plate and her wings fluttered lightly in hope. Maybe one of them is okay? Despite what happen yesterday night when she slapped Seifer...

Talking about him, the Pendragon teen smiled that special smile at him before looking away so that Johnny does not see. She promised not to say anything about their new relationship and she will wait until her brothers are ready to hear it. For now, she'll sit next to Echo, who's sitting next to Johnny, eating eggs and vegetables.

"Morning everyone. Sorry about not seeing your first play, Johnny." Renee apologized to the entertainer, looking really sorry as she really did want to see him perform his craft...but she was really curious about a certain someone.

"I'm going to training! See ya later!"

Once she finished eating and left the plate in the sink, the Pendragon sister ran off to the training courtyard. As she passed by Seifer however, she smiled at him again and lightly touched his hand before running to training.


Chenglei stood by the door as he was assigned to stay with her. He didn't have a problem with that, but he got a little worried when he heard the door being locked. The blonde sighed quietly as now he couldn't compliment the little and young witch and stood up straight, keeping his guard up.

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Hunde Oppenshire​
Being defeated by a bunch of trainees is one thing, but it being in front of the person he was trying to avoid was another. Hunde lay on his back, crossing his arms over his chest. He could hear the footsteps coming, and mostly denied the reality of the situation. He was humiliated. He was Angry. And he had quite the colorful vocabulary when it came to profanities as he began to grumble many unintelligible things.

As he heard the fatal words being uttered from the marshal, Hunde tensed up and froze. He was once again choosing his thoughts and actions carefully. He could draw his real sword and kill every single one of these pesky brats, but decided against it. He didnt need to relocate again.

"As I thought. " He sighed, looking down at his arms. Hunde acted calm and collected.
Despite what felt like an empty void trapped inside of him, He felt that a display of anger would only make it worse. It was only a sparr match.

He got back to his feet almost immediately, walking over to his helmet and picking it up without wasting a second. He held it in hjs hands as if he had made a discovery, examining it's side. After a moment, he took a breath and re-equipped the helmet, completing the look of the armor and covering his face once more. At this point, He didn't know what was worse: The humiliation of being defeated, or the soul crushing fact of being bested at his main strength by the same trainees.
- Trinity Spire -
" Western Courtyard "

Johnny was sad Renee didn't see his play, " It's alright. There are more . . . " he smiled at Echo and squeezed her hand fondly. ". . . important things." he hinted knowingly.

Seifer looked up from his cup of honeysuckle and lemon tea. He seemed to have gotten the drift and looked between him and Echo questioningly. Johnny shrugged at him, a clear sign saying it was none of his business.

Last night he was surprised all that actually happened and was glad the three brothers were stopped before they caused a scene. That would have definitely landed on the headline of the newspapers, though he understood where James and the twins were coming from. He was not sure anymore if Seifer really was not good for Renee. He noticed the change in the archer: not calling her names anymore, teaching her how to dance and being decent when it was just the two of them alone. Renee was overwhelmingly cheerful today too, he could taste it in her food and the way her steps bounced. And wondered if something really good happened last night.

But that was none of his business, since he believed that Renee's feelings, which she had been harboring for a long time, was something she needed to work out for herself because it was her life. He had told Echo last night that he'll talk to James and the twins, tell them to give their sister some space, then asked her how she was doing before kissing her goodnight.

Johnny had developed an everyday habit with Echo ever since her birthday: At least once a day, he does little kind things for her whether it'd be putting a drink on her bedside before she woke up, opening a door for her, ambush hugging her, having a hot bath ready after training, or leave funny notes on her things, latest of which was, 'I accidentally farted near Master Sai, but she looked at Master Mushi.'

"I'm glad my family just lets me be." he told Echo as he made a bacon-egg-vegetable-pancake tower, partially covered it in foil so that it wouldn't spill when he squashed and tied it together with a string. He then got ready to take a bite of all the stacks in one go. "If they knew I was in love with you, they probably wouldn't understand either --- CHOMP."

If asked why, he'd say through a mouth full of pancake that apart from sheep, his people herded reindeers so . . . they also ate them.

* * * *​

That day, Johnny showed off to Echo when he and the rest of the water combatants practiced in the ocean where they summoned huge water elementals that swirled forming a whirlpool together around a giant buoyant ball they were using as practice for dragging giant sea monsters under. "I am not sure if it's a she or a he, but I shall name this fellow, Soda!"

Meanwhile, James (who was wearing a new glove on his right hand) was getting better with physical training. He now deemed it the time to try and tame Sparks, his lightning salamander, once again, and had a space all by himself where he practiced. Sparks was surprised with the strength of his protective charms.

Seth was learning how to move across an open field with only ankle-length grass as cover, while Sen was learning how to fly an airship and how to use the mounted artillery.

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- Training Grounds -
" Dalaran Barracks "

And so with that, Hunde was given the choice to either go home and look for an easier job, or stay and train hard in the Trinity Spire with the rest of the soldiers where he can have another shot at being part of the Storm Wall mission and the huge pay that comes with it.

Panzer Panzer
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Renee made sure to tuck her wings under her ribbon before coming to training as she picked up Seifer's comment of her emotive wings. The Pendragon sister really did want to avoid her brothers finding out so she opt to tying her wings down tightly. Though it gave her a bit of a headache.

She was practicing on how to shoot in difficult angles and in weird positions as she is capable of such feats. Being flexible and all. The winged teen didn't know why she needed to do such a thing but they know better so she struggled on aiming while upside down from the roof. Ack! Blood flow to her face! Blood flow to her face!

In the meanwhile, Echo was taking a break from learning another fighting style called Muay Thai and watched Johnny practice. She was smiling wide and feeling proud of her boyfriend's achievements.

This morning she noticed Renee's overtly cheerful mood and Seifer's polite manner torwards her. What solidify her thoughts was Johnny's hint and she squeezed his hand back, agreeing what he was saying .

It wasn't their business but she wanted her friend to make her own choices. To the fawn, Renee made a very personal and good one, it seems.

"...Don't worry, Pumpkin. We're not gonna do anything. Your lives after all." Was Echo's comment to the archer as Renee left.

Serena, on the other hand, stayed quiet throughout the whole conversation and when she went to train, the blonde was not in a joyful mood.

She practiced a new song, one with a doomed tone like something is coming and nothing can stop it. The weird part is that her violin keeps turning into water and she's done, it goes back to solid wood. When the blonde played near water, the soldiers can see that the water is moving with her strings' tones.

Zer0 Zer0
- James Pendragon -
" Trinity Spire, Western Courtyard "

"Hullo, Serena." said James voice from behind her as a strong smell of smoke wafted her way. He had scorch marks and his hair was fizzled up as though windswept by an explosion. He strode into the deeper parts of the water and briefly dropped flat with a splash.

There was a soft thud of footsteps and Pond the owl bear shuffled up to splash into the water too. Creating a huge wave. She too had black scorch marks and her feathers were sticking out the wrong way.

And they both just stayed like that, face down in the water, bubbles bubbling from their sides.

James propped himself up with his elbows in the sand. "Sparks." he explained to the violinist and began washing himself.

Katsuya Katsuya

- Serena Lock -

"Oh my-! James?!"

Serena gaped with wide eyes at her burnt friend as he went in the water with his summons. When he mentioned Sparks however, that made the blonde nod in understanding. One of these days that warbeast is going to make his heart stop if it doesn't calm down with the attacks. She just hopes that James would be able to stand up by the end of it.

When Pond waddled in as well, creating a huge wave, Serena stumbled a bit in her spot but able to stand up straight.

"I-I see...other than being fried by a lightning summons, how are you? Are you doing okay, Pond?" She added to the summons as she was also burnt like James. Poor thing...

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- James Pendragon -
" Trinity Spire, Western Courtyard "

"Uhhhhh." mused James splashing his feet around, wondering if he should tell her. "No, not okay. What about you? Your music's been angry again since last night."

Pond turned to look at Serena and shook her head, flipping on her back like a huge white wet pillow. She waved her arms and legs making sand angels, then decided to sit next to Serena and unmistakably start to make a sand castle. Pond seemed to be able to control wind at a finer level as she used it to carve little sand windows when her claw was too big to make the details.

Katsuya Katsuya
Serena sighed, gripping on her violin bow tightly.

"Not good either..." She wondered if she should tell him on how she felt with the brothers' reaction and decided to play it out instead. Placing her bow on the taunt strings, Serena played a tune that was sad at first, disappointed before slowly getting angry. Without meaning to, she summoned her fireflies but she stopped before they get too big to pop.

So now tiny lights of fire just flutter around before disappearing, not touching anybody near her.

"That was because of my argument with Seth yesterday. I caked his face too for thinking I wasn't going to do it." Seth should've realized that she would push whoever orders her around like that.

"Why are you not good?" The blonde asked.

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- James Pendragon -
" Trinity Spire, Western Courtyard "

James chuckled. "You caked my brother's face? Nice." He cast flamme guarde all around them. "If you want to let loose, go ahead. As for me, I am not good because my sister likes a pervert."

Pond was now carefully making towers for her sand castle.

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"Thank you...I try." She humored him, smiling a bit.

With a grateful look on her face, Serena was about to play her fireflies again...

But then she paused with a surprised and knowing look on her face. Next she smacked her forehead with her wrist. "Ohh~! So that's why her food this morning tasted so good!" Serena concluded out loud before grinning at Pond's castle.

"That looks homey, Pond." She complimented before going back to the oldest Pendragon with a small frown.

"Well, pervert or not, as long she's happy then I have no complainants. How come you don't like said pervert?...Other than him being a pervert, I mean." The violinist grinned as she started playing her calming song that soothes the soul.

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-Master Warship, Atelier-
With a loud snort, she woke from her slumber, sitting up quickly and looking around the room in surprise. There was a piece of paper stuck to her face and her glasses were lopsided as she blinked her eyes awkwardly, one after the other, "mwha--huh?!" she swatted the paper from her face like it was some sort of insect and continued to look around the room in confusion for a moment before taking a deep breath and slouching in her chair, removing her glasses and setting them down on the table.

She sighed deeply and rubbed her eyes with one hand, pinching her nose with her fingers as her memory returned of why she was there and what had happened the previous night. she groaned slightly and stretched, checking the time to see how long she had been asleep before shaking her head and rising from her chair. She filled the teapot she brought from the kitchen with water and went and put it in the fireplace, lighting the fire using her magic before going to the window and looking outside a moment.

The thought then occurred to her that Chenglei had escorted her and had likely been standing outside of the door for several hours. She grimaced slightly before racing over to the door, the black poncho she was wearing over a black blouse and capris with her usual foot wear, billowing out around her. She quickly unlocked the door and peered outside, "Chenglei?"

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- James Pendragon -
" Trinity Spire, Western Courtyard "

Pond's feathers fluffed at Serena's compliment and the giant owl bear shyly continued her sand castle building with more flair.

"Renee made breakfast?" repeated James now looking like he regretted missing it. "She made bacon, didn't she? Oh, I miss bacon. I've been eating nothing but Sashimi until yesterday afternoon."

When Serena asked about Seifer James looked around them surreptitiously, before standing up to sit beside her, his sopping wet back to the courtyard. "He's a bully, he's obnoxious, cowardly, self-centered, and his friends back in the Sorcerer's Academy are as nasty as he is." he enumerated off his fingers. "Renee is the complete opposite of him. I don't think they're going to click because my sister can't stand a bad person, unless they change. Fat chance Seifer's going to change, and unless he gets something out of it, he doesn't bend down for anybody. My sister deserves better."

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"Hm?" Chenglei peeked over when he heard his name and grinned a bit. He was used to standing there for hours on end. It's part of the job he works in. That and he cares for Prince Kenren's trust, so he's willing to stand there for hours.

"Yes, my lady death bane?"


"Yea, she made.." The blonde described every food the Pendragon sister made and even let him know that she made a very light and enjoyable tea to go with the food.

Serena let James rant as she played, her face relaxed a bit and ignoring the puddle that's seeping in her blue training shirt. Once he was done, the blonde put her two cents in as she can guess who it is now. Considering James mentioning being in the Sorcerer's academy and he confirmed it.

"Well then you definitely missed something very rare." She said, now playing a song that could make a person feel like they are loved. "Seifer gave this look to Renee like she was the most precious gem ever when she passed by him. He didn't even smirk at Johnny or Echo when they hinted they know something about the two of them." Then her blue eyes looked at James' dark ones, twinkling in a bit of mirth.

"James...he even danced with Renee and enjoyed it at the party. No smirks, no sneers. Would a jerk do that to someone who's apparently their hated opposite?"

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- James Pendragon -
" Trinity Spire, Western Courtyard "

"No . . . " said James slowly. " If your music is what he looked like, then the only thing left is seeing him prove himself. If we get in a battle and he doesn't protect my sister . . ." he shook his head.

Putting his hands behind his head, he sighed and lay back against the sand, looking drowsier and drowsier as Serena played on; Pond tapped the violinist gently on the back, then slowly spread out her feathered arms to reveal her finished sand castle.

Katsuya Katsuya
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"Of course...that's understandable, James."

Serena had to grin at James. Protective brothers will always be protective, no matter what. When she felt a tap, the blonde turned around and blinked, her grin softening into a smile as she saw the sand castle.

"Pond, that's splendid! I absolutely love it! Wish it was real so I can live in it and show it off too." Serena giggled warmly as she played Seifer's love song, unwillingly calming some of the soldiers who are taking a break and listened, relaxing with a goofy and reminiscent smile on their faces. The conversations they had changed into mutters of 'I miss my family' and 'Yea, me too.'
Lydia shook her head, wrinkling her nose slightly, "just call me Lydia... 'Lady Death Bane' is just weird to me," she stepped back and opened the door further, "I feel bad, you just standing out here like this..." she rubbed the back of her neck sheepishly as she blushed slightly and looked away, "I fell asleep so you were just guarding someone who was practically unconscious."

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Chenglei chuckled lowly at Lydia's concern, feeling appreciated by her worry.

"Okay...Lady Lydia, it's okay. I'm assigned to protect you and your friends. This," He motioned himself standing in an empty hallway. "is me doing my job. I do not mind standing here all night as long you are safe."

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She looked at him like he was a weirdo. Shaking her head slightly for two reasons which she listed, "no, no... just Lydia, " she laughed slightly, "and who is going to try and get me? Let alone inside a Prince's warship?"

She stepped forward to peek outside of the door, gesturing down the hallway in both directions where there were barely any people except for a few servants and some guards, "besides, you can still protect me from in here... let me get you something to drink or a snack?"

Katsuya Katsuya

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