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Fantasy Howl's Flying Castle (Finished! ---Whoo! (*^▽^)/)

- Dalaran -

"Why are you laughing? This isn't funny!" said Seifer to Renee, clearly terrified of the huge magnitude of this spell and held her back. "We're not going out there!" he pointed to the chaotic city.

"Renee, make it stop." commanded Kenren immediately.

But Luthien would not stop, she would not listen to children. As the spell unfolded, the lights and storm diminished as fourteen gargantuan portals appeared all over the edge of the massive spell circle, opening rifts between Ashenvale and Dalaran; startled elves stared back at startled humans; Kenren barked orders at Chenglei to have all his fleet assembled at the portals ready to gun down any shade or monster that gets in. He did not know where these portals led to, for all he knew they could be opening to hostile territory.

Luthien said that the foes of her little ones are days away, and there are thousands of elves to evacuate. She had no time to wait for talking.

"We must safeguard the portals. Once the enemy finds out they'll take this opportunity to go through." said Kenren, preparing to leave at once. "Renee, stay here." he commanded. "And keep me updated on Luthien's plans, you're the only one who can talk to it."

Meanwhile, in a particular runaway carriage, James grabbed on to Lydia too and was as bewildered as she was. He cast Protego and Fleche Garde immediately as the carriage tilted and they were violently jolted as it crashed on to something.

Dizzy, the two would find that the horses broke free of the reigns and that the carriage crashed onto a bakery brick wall; the driver needed help and so did a couple of victims from the earth shaking or stampeding crowd; Sasha had poof-ed back into her home realm

Trinity Spire was just a few blocks away; and inside they'd find the officers trying to calm everyone down, while the members of the Order of Merlin, Professor Ballador included, left the tower immediately on winged mounts or brooms. They'd meet Chenglei and the rest of the gang, including Johnny sometime later on who was with Echo and was covered in cobwebs.

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Feeling that she was being held back, Renee looked at Seifer with a bit of a pout before sighing quietly. Then she smiled again. "Okay, we'll stay...but I'm telling you right now that we're safe. It's just Luthein. She's the one who's creating those portals." She hugged the archer around his waist so he could calm down and not be as scared anymore.

"It's okay. We're safe..." Renee cooed, her wings fluttered a bit. "...and yes, you're right: It's not funny because of the citizens freaking out from this, but I couldn't help it. It reminds me of the twins' pranks aimed at James." Speaking of her brothers, she does hope that they are okay right now.

When Kenren told her to tell the tree to stop, the Pendragon teen only shook her head. "I can't order someone who's as hardheaded as her, Ken-chan. She will not listen until the Elves are safe and sound."

Chenglei left in hurry once again to bark orders at the fleets, telling them to get ready at the portals in case any shades take this opportunity to attack. He went outside himself to make sure everything stays in order.

Renee nodded at Kenren's command before repeating what she heard. "Of course! Luthein said that the enemy is days away. She didn't have enough time for chatter since they are so many Elves that needed to be transported. She's just protecting her people, Ken-chan." The Pendragon teen was really amused by the contrasting personalities of the calm and graceful elves to the brash and stubborn Manna tree.

Then Renee asked Seifer if he wanted to sit with her until Kenren tells her the 'okay' to leave the room...

Serena and Minnie went outside of the Spire to check out what was going on after hearing such a loud voice booming across the city. Then the violinist saw...Elves coming through a portal? Crazy things are happening around them as people and elves looked at each other like they didn't know what to do.

Echo is shaken up by the chaos that's happening and held onto Johnny as she watched with a 'deer in the headlights' look. Spiderwebs covered her hair and small antlers.

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As the carriage tilted and jolted them, Lydia squinted her eyes shut and put her head down as she curled up slightly and braced herself. When they were finally stopped, she climbed out with James to investigate, checking on the little Aviafelix before doing so. There wasn't much she could do to help the others involved in the crash outside of help them to their feet or get them as out of harms way as they could be given the situation before quickly heading for Trinity Spire.

With all the chaos, she felt like she needed to immediately get her allergic reaction taken care of since they didn't exactly know what was going on and she wanted to be in top condition if she needed to be, so before they met up with Chenglei and the others, she asked James to take her to get that medical attention that she was still in need of.

After that had been taken care of, she didn't even bother changing, feeling like that was an inefficient use of time and went with James directly to meet up with the others and find out what was going on. She also held in the back of her mind that they still needed to talk to Kenren about the people that had been following them and Lydia was very curious about the ravens and the possible darkness that they metaphorically could imply.

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- Skies of Dalaran -
" Close to the Portals, Master Warship, Kenren's Chambers "

Even with her allergic reaction that made Lydia look like she went a round with a beehive and lost, her link with Sasha was as good as ever. Before the small ethereal owl was startled into poof-ing back into her home realm, the last Lydia saw was that the ravens and the three people had been following them before they too were startled by the bright blue light and retreated when the earth shaking began; all the ravens with black eyes poof-out in existence just like summons, but the one with red eyes flew straight back to Trinity Spire.

James wanted explanations, so, spotting Chenglei recalling Master Sai, Master Mushi, and all of the Oriental Prince's officers from the training grounds, he grabbed him by the collar and with a dominating look said, "Explain. Now." Clearly James hadn't entirely forgotten, nor forgiven their time in the closet.

Soon those who would follow would find Renee with Madam Suliman and Princess Mia in Kenren's chambers in the warship; Seifer left to see to his mother and couldn't promise if he could come back.

'You shall be my voice, little child.' Luthien said to Renee while Ellethwen and her elves were anxiously waiting to hear the rest of the manna tree's words. 'Tell my little ones to escape through the portals without delay. I cannot hold these doors open forever. Those who can fight must protect those who cannot.'

Kenren had instructed Renee to write all that Luthien would say and just leave the parchment in his bedroom and close the door. Five minutes after she would do that, she was to open the bedroom door again to get his instructions, and get them she did as though someone unseen was also there somewhere; Madam Suliman and Princess Mia were talking to the reflections of different people in different mirrors in one of Kenren's rooms as the princess coordinated with loyal supporters in Kingsbury, and Madam Suliman coordinated with the Order of Merlin who were working hard to keep the peace and organizing a route for all the startled elves to take that would lead them outside to the surrounding forests of Dalaran.

Madam Suliman also casually told Renee that Professor Ballador was coming soon with an elven priestess sent by Ellethwen.

And to cap it all, James was surprised to see the twins bringing along a family member they hadn't seen for a long time: Andrada.

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After getting her reaction tended to and tagging along with James as he found Chenglei at the training grounds, she tried to calm him down since what was happening likely wasn't Chenglei's fault and went with him to find Renee. She also informed him of what Sasha had seen before she poofed back to her home realm.

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Chenglei grabbed James' wrist and practically ripped his hand off his collar with a glare of his own as he was not in a playing mood. This is how the blond oriental soldier is when he is stressed. "You want to know? Fine."

He told James the basics of what happened, quietly growling as he barked orders at the soldiers who were lagging off in their shock before going back to the Pendragon brother. "There. Now you know. Do not do that again while under crisis." With that, he lead everyone to the ship to find Renee talking to the crystal ball, frowning seriously. Then he left to inform the prince of what he has heard from Lydia.

"Okay...Luthein said to pass through the portals quickly. She cannot hold it for long and the ones who can fight must protect the ones who cannot." Renee repeated before leaving the room, not glancing at anybody as she walked to Kenren's room with what Luthein said to her written down before and placed it in his room.

Five minutes passed and she opened the door again to grab the Prince's instructions and thanked the ninja guard for the delivery. When she came back in the room, Renee was startled to hear what Madam Suliman said.

"Professor Ballador is coming?...Oh! Hi guys, sorry about the surprise, but yea, I'm guessing you heard Luthein, right? Well she's Ashenvale's Manna tree."

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- Skies of Dalaran -
" Close to the Portals, Master Warship, Kenren's Chambers "

James' jaw dropped as he stared indignantly at Chenglei. This guy telling him how to act properly?

He said nothing. True, now wasn't the time to fight, so he just sighed, composing himself as he looked at the sky and held Lydia's hand for patience, even though he was itching to grab Chenglei by the collar again.

After Renee explained to them what was going on, Johnny, who had an arm around Echo and was pulling cobwebs out of her antlers, suggested that they help with defending the portals and that perhaps Renee can cross over to Ashenvale and speak to Luthien herself together with Kenren, Princess Mia, Ballador, and everyone of importance. It would be easier to talk to the elven Queen too.

"I will get ready immediately." said Princess Mia. "Chenglei, please send word for Latifa to meet me in the courtyard with gryphons for us."

"I will stay here." said Madam Suliman. "James, summon your nether owl and let her stay here. You will be my voice, my ears, and the messenger between me and Princess Mia."

"Sasha is no longer mine, Madam Suliman, I gave her to Lydia." said James, bowing. "Allow me to introduce her to you, Madam, this is Lydia Dubois, Lydia, this is Madam Suliman head Sorceress of the House of Montegue and the Headmaster of the Sorcerer's Academy in Kingsbury."

"How nice to finally meet you." said the madam placidly to Lydia and asked her for the same request, though with her demeanor it was clear that she was expecting Lydia to say yes without question.

James opted to go with Renee, while Johnny asked Echo first what she wanted to do before deciding; the twins said they'll help with the defense of the portal. If Renee would go back to Kenren's bedroom there would be a hastily written message there that Kenren was already on his way to the portal nearest the manna tree and would be waiting for them there.

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Lydia's fingers interlaced with James' and her other hand cupped over the other side. The last thing they needed was an altercation and she was glad when it didn't come to that.

She glanced to James when the request for Sasha was made, and as he introduced her, she summoned all of the grace her mother had bestowed upon her in the form of a respectful curtsy. What she wouldn't give for the opportunity to attend the academy and first impressions were everything, "Likewise, Madam," she tried to retain any poise she had and was glad that the swelling in her face was mostly gone, her hands clasped together after she removed them from the fabric of her skirt and she gave a nod before stepping away and doing as she was told since she was sure James would as well. She took a deep breath before calmly speaking, "Choutte Venire."

Once Sasha appeared, she informed her of what was going on and told her that it was time to work again before giving her an appreciative head rub and hurrying after James and Renee.

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Echo nodded to Johnny's suggestion. "I'll help you defend the portals too." Then she pecked his cheek. "Thank you for taking the cobwebs off, Love." Chenglei left as soon Princess Mia said to get Latifa to prepare griffins to mount on.

Renee, who also heard Johnny's suggestion, agreed. "All right. I'll go do that then. Come on, James. I need to pick up a note." The winged teen said as she grabbed a notebook and pencil to tuck in her braid, walking out of the room to pick up Kenren's note from his room. Then she passed the note to her brother, whom she expected to follow her as they made their way back to where Madam Suliman and Princess Mia are.

"Kenren said that he's already at the nearest portal to Luthein." She told the Princess of house Montague before walking back out, informing James of what happened in more detail, not taking a second longer did she tell him about the things she's been holding back about the storm wall too. That there was a way to pass through it with Luthein's help and that she didn't tell them before because she didn't want to trouble them with automatically choosing to come with her.

"Oh and James. I'm sorry for acting like a pig-headed hero-wannabe idiot at Paroosia when the dragon attacked. I finally understand your frustrations." Renee commented dryly as they head their way to the assigned portal with everyone else. Her wings tucked tightly.

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- Through the Portal -
" Ashenvale, Sacred Grove "

Nonplussed --- see, James was surprised again --- he ruffled his sister's head amiably. "I forgive you."

Upon arrival at the portal nearest Luthien, Kenren was waiting for them astride a giant flying coy fish with a disgruntled looking Professor Ballador, Master Bertrand, and two other members of the Order on gryphons. There was an elven priestess too on a hippogriff --- large mounts that have the body of a horse, front talons, head, and wings of an eagle --- who was doing her best to placate the warlocks who kept on asking her questions.

"Finally!" said one warlock when he saw Renee, "Miss Pendragon you have a lot of explaining to do." he said sternly.

"James, could you deliver this message to Chenglei?" said Kenren handing him a small roll of parchment. "He'll be in the war room of the Master Warship coordinating my forces with other officers of my fleet. Return to me with his reply."

James hesitated. He wasn't a messenger and there was more things to attend to, but who was he to deny the request of a prince? So he took the parchment, bowed, and with a last look at Renee and Lydia, flew back as quick as he could to the airship to get this over with. He didn't want to leave his sister alone. But as he flew, the scroll burned in his hand, and unbidden, it rolled open by itself.

'Guard Hisaya, Seifer, and the Libris Mortem. Do not return to me, do not go to Chenglei. Go straight to the atelier.'

Realizing that they indeed just left those three unguarded, James hastened his mount to reach the warship.

* * * *​

Meanwhile, the priestess led Renee, Lydia, and the others into the portal where they beheld an elven city crowding with elves leaving their homes. It was night time, and all around the portal entrance were armed elven guards barring entrance to the curious citizens of Dalaran and only allowed those with the priestess to enter.

The great manna tree was just half an hour's flight away. Under the light of the moon, a thick lush forest rolled beneath their feet as their flying mounts sped off for the Sacred Grove. There Queen Talathiel stood waiting with high Priestess Elethwen under the great branches of Luthien.

The manna tree was much, much bigger than Sunny and healthier. After greetings, it was now time to talk, and explain to the impatient warlocks and the Queen what exactly was going on.

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Lydia's eyes darted here and there as she surveyed all of the turmoil that Dalaran had been thrown into, but more so than that, all of the amazing magical mounts as well as the Elves. She had never seen Elves before, only read about them in her books but to see them in person was amazing on its own and she had to remind herself of her manners just to keep from staring.

She looked between James and Kenren as Kenren gave him the message to take to Chenglei and smiled to James, nodding reassuringly as he seemed to hesitate, "it's alright James, I'm here with Renee," Renee was her good luck charm after all, so if anything went awry, she was sure it could be handled.

She stayed close to Renee, prepared to impart anything important through Sasha to Madam Suliman.

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Renee was glad that her brother forgave her for the stupid action she made months ago and she blushed a bit when Lydia told James that she's coming with her. That's sweet and a bit confusing as she didn't know what she meant by that, but the Pendragon teen shrugged it off for now. However when one of the warlocks looked at her sternly, she only grinned at him in retaliation. It wasn't as if she knew this would happen. She was just as surprised as everyone else when the portals appeared, though she took it better than most she supposed.

As they reached the Manna tree, the Pendragon teen smiled in awe at how big and healthy Luthien is in real-life. "Wow! Luthein, you're so pretty!!" The herb student commented as her wings fluttered in excitement. She's guessing by how large she is, Luthein is an older sister to Sunny and she stayed healthy all this time too. The elves did a nice job on taking care of her while she slept...

Talking about the elves and warlocks that need to take a relaxant potion, Renee faced them with a small grin and asked. "Alright, what is it that you would like to know?" Her wings were tucked tightly as she stood next to Lydia and close to the tree than the ones who would be asking.

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- Sacred Grove -
" Ashenvale "

Most of the questions were about Luthien's sudden decision to create portals right in the center of Dalaran, which was quite easily answered enough. Then came the part where Master Bertrand asked how the manna tree was going to go through the portal. He voiced out his worry that Luthien is too big to suddenly appear in Dalaran without harming their citizens or destroying the foundations of the city.

'I will not.' said Luthien only to Renee. For some reason the manna tree would only speak to her. ' I shall make myself tiny. Once I am, I will have no power to keep a portal open, nor will I be able to walk. They will all shut and someone must bring me from Ashenvale to Dalaran safely and replant me immediately. Little child, Sasagea trusted you, so I shall trust you too. Who will bring me to my little ones?'

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Renee peeked over her shoulder as she listened to Luthein, keeping in mind that she didn't talk to anyone else. "...My little brothers, Seth and Sen and their friend, Minnie." She responded to the giant tree, her wings fluttered a bit. Then she looked at Master Bertrand with a firm gaze.

"Don't worry about that. There's a way and she will do it without harming anybody in the city but not right now. She needs to keep the portals open." Was Renee's vague reply to the warlocks.

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- Sacred Grove -
" Ashenvale "

'You have brothers as well? I have four and two sisters, though I do not know what has happened to them apart from Sasagea.' said Luthien sounding sad again. 'Very well, they shall be my escorts. I would like to meet them soon. Why do you keep this hidden from the others?'

There was nothing Professor Ballador, Master Bertrand, nor Queen Talathiel do to convince Renee, though one of the two warlocks of the Order lost his patience and loomed over Renee yelling angrily about how this was not a joke and not up to her whim and fancy to keep this important information from them. This was a matter for kings and politicians that will affect those living in Dalaran, the elves, and the whole Eidolon Kingdom. She cannot keep it a secret just because a tree told her so. It was a bad move, because the Queen and Ellethwen became very offended, though they remained composed.

Princess Mia worried about them and tried to keep the calm, while Kenren and Master Bertrand remained pleasantly neutral about the whole affair, though one could catch a brief glimpse of greediness pass through Bertrand's face.

The talk lasted more than an hour, until finally the tree creaked ominously when it had enough of them criticizing it and Renee. And so the talk turned to politics and what to do with the elves. For now they were to stay in the forests outside Dalaran while the rest of Queen Talathiel's army hold back the advancing horde and protected her people.

For the rest of the day and the day after, the elves continued their exodus. On the second day the horde was laying siege on the enchanted gates of Ashenvale and setting aflame the topmost of Luthien's canopies. The manna tree was weakening from keeping the portals open that she could no longer protect herself. Queen Talathiel was calling for aide and all the soldier's training in Trinity Spire answered.

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Renee grinned at the tree's enthusiasm with siblings, her wings fluttering happily as she talks about her brothers and little sister. "Yes, I do. There's the twins, whom you'll be meeting soon, my older brother James, and my baby sister Rhea...but she's missing." she added sadly but she left a hint for the tree.

"There's some plants that I can't trust like Deadly Nightshades. They taste good, but they can kill you. I'm sure you know that though, right Luthein?" Renee used her herbology terms to basically say that there's someone she can't trust, no matter how innocent they seem. When one of the warlocks got impatient with her, saying things like she didn't understand what's really happening, she stood up straight and snapped back. Her wings flapped and puffed up in agitation.

It's bad enough when James does it, but she will not take it from someone who she doesn't trust at all!

"...I know more than you ever will, Sir, due to being able to talk with Luthein, WHO'S OLDER THAN YOU!! Show some respect to your elders, you bleeding troll! She may be a tree to you, but she's the one who's keeping the manna flowing in Midgard. She has an important job of keeping everyone, you, me, everyone on this bleeding plane, safe with the manna flow and yet you dare criticize her for doing it?! Who do you think you are?! I don't care if you mock me for being young, I get it: I'm a teen who doesn't have that much creditable s$%t like you and every other royal, politician, and warlocks who do, but bloody heck, Luthein is way more important than you will ever be since she's the one who has everyone's lives protected!! Now would you please, SHUT UP and watch what you say about her, you bleeding ignorant, vicious, slimy troll who needs to get his attitude straighten out!"

Yea, that Warlock did not escape her warpath as she picked him apart with her sharp words. Renee did not budge on her decision and she made it clear that she took offense to anybody who would mock her tree friend. Besides, she only trust Kenren and Mia, no one else in the royalty lines. There's no way she's going to be calm like the elves either as she wasn't the type to hold back at a stranger if they pissed her off. Hopefully Lydia understands why she's like this, for she didn't want to scare her friend off.

Thankfully Luthein shook when she had enough of critics too and Renee grinned victoriously at the silly and angry warlock before sticking her tongue out at him.

She did say that she's a teen, so she will act as such just to annoy this man!

However Renee noticed the weird glint in Bertrand's eyes and knew that she was right on not saying anything else.

She brought over her little brothers and Minnie to meet Luthein, explaining to them of what they are going to do. She passed a note secretly when she hugged them both, telling them to not say anything of what she told them on the warship and what the Manna tree told her before. Better to be safe than sorry.

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She stood by quietly watching as Renee conversed with Luthien, smiling faintly as she spoke of her siblings before gently biting her lower lip and looking to the ground. Lydia had a vague knowledge of herbalism, it wasn't her specialty but there were certain herbs that even people who didn't study the field knew when they heard it and Nightshade was one of those things, but she didn't understand exactly what Renee meant when she spoke of it so her head tilted slightly and she raised a brow, but didn't question it.

When the nameless warlock from the Order invaded Renee's space and began belittling her, Lydia puffed up like an angry cat and moved to step between the two, her lower lip sticking out in anger as her brow furrowed and she prepared to let the warlock have it, but then Renee did that for her and her eyes widened at the shock of it. She only watched as Renee put the warlock in his place and Princess Mia tried to calm the situation, her gaze drifting over to Bertrand while an amused smirk played on her lips. That odd expression that crossed over the Master's face didn't go unnoticed, but she tried not to let that show on her own features as she determined it was very likely that this warlock now getting a piece of Renee's mind might have been one of the cloaked figures that had been following she and James.

When Renee finished yelling, Lydia gently took her arm and gave her a supportive nod and as the hour continued with more outbursts and belittling, Lydia did her best in support of Renee and the tree, pointing out to the two warlocks that while they have been sitting in Dalaran with their politics that lives are being lost outside to things much bigger and more important than kings or politicians, things that could decimate life as they knew it far worse than having to share their kingdom with refugees fleeing a destructive force that would likely fall upon them eventually as well if it wasn't stopped and that none of that would mean anything if they couldn't hold their tongues and trust in powers that were greater than they, namely Luthien.

Around the time when her cheeks puffed up in indignation, Luthien basically let everyone know who was boss. When their attackers turned to how to handle the Elven refugees, Lydia sighed deeply in relief and squeezed Renee's arm slightly smiling to her. It was a funny thing to think now, but she realized that Renee had a temperament similar to James'.

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- Ashenvale -
" Two days Later "

Needless to say, after Renee's tongue waggling Professor Ballador and the rest of the Order grew cold towards her and Lydia and no longer ate with them during meals, except for Master Bertrand who remained patiently reasonable. He'd often catch Renee, Lydia, Minne, or the twins while they were alone and try to persuade them to share Luthien's plans.

Johnny fought side by side with Echo on the second day. It was sad to see the ancient trees that have stood for centuries burn under a hail of flaming siege engines, or cut down to ease the passing of the dark horde. He and the Oriental water combatants fused their water elementals as one gargantuan snail from a lake that rose up as a wall to catch the burning siege fire, extending coils of water that rained over flames that sprouted up all over the city. They had trained together since the warship days and fought smoothly, following each other's attacks to devastating effect.

Word had spread that three deathknights had come for the manna tree and one of them, had conjured plague demons that breathed hot, toxic, miasma that scorched all it touched and left only death in its wake, here Queen Talathiel fought with her rangers and druids, waking the sleeping treants --- tall ancient trees that used to walk the forests of Midgard during the First Age --- that uprooted themselves and stomped on unwary foes so that it seemed that the forest was coming alive.

Johnny picked up as many different fruits and seeds as he could. He had mastered his mouse transfiguration spell so that he was able to keep his clothes and wand and would disappear then reappear on a charging Butters that mowed down and disrupted enemy lines; every time Echo cast 'Terra Firma', Sorbet the frost golem would line it with jagged ice.

The twins were there too. Seth had abandoned fighting head on and sneaked around the enemy ranks, sabotaging machines, and causing as much chaos as possible. He fought guerilla style, employing hit and run tactics that led to traps. Here his brother waited with soldiers from Dalaran and surprised their foes with a face full of shrapnel and bombs from portable artillery of his own invention. Among the group, Sen was the least bothered in taking lives as though it was something that could not be helped and was slowly influencing his brother to think the same, turning it into a game to see who could defeat the most foes.

Kenren sat above the battle on his giant flying coy speaking to the air as if someone was there, he looked like James whenever he was talking through Sasha ; The oriental prince coordinated his squads of smaller, swifter airships to defend the tops of Luthien, while his shinobi worked with Seth to take out high-value targets.

James did not leave the atelier. As much as he wanted to help, Hisaya, Libris Mortem, and Seifer were just as much, if not more important in his opinion. He did not like the archer, especially since he started fondly calling Renee, "Baby". It was really bothering him that his sister was spending too much time alone with the guy in his room. He knew, because he took turns guarding him too.

The ravens did not reappear as far as he knew. He devoted his time to studying how to summon another nether owl, he felt very ignorant without Sasha to be his eyes and was anxious because of it. On second thought, he decided that perhaps a higher tier spying summon would be a better thing to study now. There were tier five spell that allowed one to summon a flock of birds or a swarm of moths as one's eyes.

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Lydia didn't much mind that the higher ups of the Order had grown cold towards herself and Renee. She was still convinced they were wrong and she still hated politics and while she knew that her parents would probably be ashamed that she hadn't just let them insult her friend and Luthien, she didn't care and had convinced herself that the only reason the Order were avoiding them was out of shame for everything they had said when they had been focused on things that could mend over time whereas if Luthien hadn't have acted it would have quite possibly destroyed her as well as a whole race of people and those things are not something that will mend with time.

When James never returned with Chenglei's response after Prince Kenren had sent him out, Lydia eventually became worried and sent Sasha to find him. It didn't take her long to realize what happened to him, given the circumstances of the city. When she eventually found him, she relayed through Sasha what had happened and that Kenren had been informed about the ravens as well as telling James anything else that she thought was important and aside from that she stayed with Renee, eventually going to the frontlines to help the others with the battle.

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Renee didn't care if the Order were cold towards Lydia and her because she knows they are right. Honestly it's like they didn't want to open their eyes to their own ignorant words that they just spouted, those bleeding trolls. For a bunch of intelligent warlocks, they are really small minded towards anybody who would challenge them or call out their stupid view of the world.

Though every time Master Bertrand would catch her alone, all Renee would do is just smile warily at him and say 'No, I'm not telling' before walking away. As long he wasn't rude to her, she wouldn't be rude to him. She is a bit freaked out when he does that though. It's like he knew when she would be alone, so she told James about it whenever that happens.

Next day during the siege, she went to the front lines with Lydia, and the other girls, to fight off the plague demons and stop the fires they are causing on the forests.

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- Ashenvale -

"I'm good here, thanks, Lydia." said James, petting Sasha. "Stay safe and protect everyone, beautiful." he smiled, ears red. "And update me on the fight, alright? And come back with everybody." he added earnestly, worried.

He had brought Seifer back in the atelier to keep an eye on him. Hisasya's jewel heart was placed back in the urn which eased the archer's discomfort somewhat. Only somewhat because this was Renee's older brother and Seifer can't help but remember the time he punched James in the face during the warlock tournament a month ago.

* * * *​

Meanwhile, back in Ashenvale, there were still four thousand elves left to evacuate. They were the last together with Queen Talandriel and her remaining company of druids. The elves were holding back the horde at the moon gates. Ashenvale was a large city, or rather a forest with three rings of enchanted walls, where each ring had a powerful gate. The enemy had broken through the first and second gates, and were now slowly making their way to the third where the sacred grove was and Luthien at its center.

Elven horns blasted across the forest as Johnny and the rest of the reserve armies marched across the forest to flank the enemy. They were the last defenders. They have to keep the enemy back until the last elf has passed.through, or the moon gate will be closed despite having allies still outside to prevent the enemy from entering.

"Cavalry prepare to charge! Archers draw your bows!" commanded an elven druid. "Attaaaack!"

Katsuya Katsuya Roleplay Skittle Roleplay Skittle
Katsuya, you can use two characters.
  1. Horde 1
    Hp 2/2
  2. Horde 2
    Hp 2/2
  3. Plague Demons
    Hp 2/2
    *Toxic attacks deal additional 1 damage over time starting on the next round. Players can sacrifice a round to get rid of poison.
Serena helped put out the fire with her water spell with the water team, playing her violin as long as it was necessary as the giant snail poured it's waters. While Echo helped with the defense with her earth spells.

Renee knocked her arrows when the Elven druid commanded and let it fly to the plague demons as she rather get rid of them soon.

Minnie blended in the army as she did the same thing with her gun: She aimed and shoots with her frozen bullets at the plague demons too.

Zer0 Zer0 Roleplay Skittle Roleplay Skittle
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It was probably a funny thing to hear, Sasha stuttering as James called her beautiful. Through her stammering, she assured him she would come back with everyone and keep him updated and told him to try not to get too irritated with Seifer but of course didn't say why.

She had managed to get back and get her mace and armor from the Spire and stayed near Renee, since she couldn't fire a bow she did the next best thing and shot fireballs instead, or at least she tried too, but she was a bit antsy to actually be able to hit something on occasion.

Zer0 Zer0 Katsuya Katsuya
- Ashenvale -
" Moon Gates "


Minnie's sharp shooting was doing its work. Plague demons fell one after the other before they could even touch her allies. This turned her into their foe's number one target.

Bellowing in anger, the plague demons tore through the ranks to get to her, collapsing under the rain of Renee's arrows. But one managed to break through, breathing its wind of death over her.

Immediately her skin burned, they were wasting before her very eyes and the gun she held in her hands began to corrode. A few more seconds and it was going to break if she wasn't going to do anything about it. More importantly, she may lose her hands.

Lydia's training was paying off. Despite not having trained as much as the others, she must be a fast learner because she was doing more damage in the battlefield more than anyone. The horde were perishing by the hundreds in her flames. She was top enemy number two, and the horde swarmed around her, flanking her where her shield could not reach and slashing with wicked swords.

Katsuya Katsuya Roleplay Skittle Roleplay Skittle
Wow, there's no way Lydia's gonna' miss now. She reached the highest level of conjuration mastery.

  1. Lydia (1-9 spell success) = 6
    Hp 2/3
    Phys.Def. = 3
    Mag. Def. = 2
  2. Minnie (1-7 Gun success) = 6
    Hp 1/3, POISONED (Can sacrifice next turn to save hands and gun enough to repair it)
    Phys.Def. = 5
    Mag. Def = 2
  3. Renee (1-7 Archery success) = 4
    Hp 3/3
    Phys.Def. = 5
    Mag.Def = 2
* * * *​
  1. Horde 1= 3
    Hp 1/2
  2. Horde 2= 8
    Hp 2/2
  3. Plague Demons= 4
    Hp 0/2
    *Toxic attacks deal additional 1 damage over time starting on the next round. Players can sacrifice a round to get rid of poison.

2nd Dice roll: Who the enemies will attack. (1= Lydia, 2=Minnie, 3 = Renee) = Minnie, Lydia, Minnie

Lydia began to carry a somewhat smug expression on her features, though it was incredibly undermined by the pure joy that laced it. Joy in this situation? Things just seemed to be going right for her recently, incredibly so. Of course that changed when the enemies started flanking her and she randomly thought of her conversation with James and laughed thinking that maybe she could scare them all away if there was a dog nearby. That not being the case, she cast Shadow Veil in the hopes of blinding the enemies surrounding her and maybe giving Renee an easier set of targets.

Zer0 Zer0 Katsuya Katsuya

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