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Fantasy Howl's Flying Castle (Finished! ---Whoo! (*^▽^)/)

The corner of her mouth quirked into a slight smile when James patted her shoulder and her posture straightened slightly, signifying that his words of encouragement had the same effect that they basically had since she had begun to live at the castle. She nodded to his suggestion, she hadn't picked up her mace since Wrath, maybe it was time to start swinging again as well.

Her smile brightened as he mentioned his birthday, but she didn't say anything about already knowing. When he began clearing the space for Wrath's urn, Lydia made like Renee and collected her journal and notes, placing them with Renee's sketchbook before turning back to James, "you don't think we would actually leave you alone, do you?"

She smiled gently and looked to Renee, raising an eyebrow as she mentioned Seifer.

Zer0 Zer0 Katsuya Katsuya
- Master Mushi -
" Training Grounds "

The kid got drunk pretty fast. The panda master's laugh boomed across the field. "Excellent! More sake for me!" he downed the rest in one gulp and tossed the empty gourd aside.

"Ahhh, now let us begin!" he began to sway, humming something nonsensical, and began to unmistakably dance like a drunk. "Follow me, little one, and I will teach you Zui Quan --- Drunken Fist!"

The panda began to sing a tale of eight drunken immortals, and with each immortal he sung his pose changed and he encouraged Echo to mimic him. The poses were the most unusual body movements of all the oriental martial arts.

It incorporated unsophisticated methods of combat: hitting, grappling, locking, dodging, feinting, ground and aerial fighting, all the while moving unpredictably like a leaf swaying around a fickle breeze.

"Your body is hollow. Feel the wine coursing through, adding power to your blows. Relax, relax, and then whip!" cried Master Mushi swinging his arms like a flail. In essence, the Drunken Fist postures were driven by the weight and momentum of the whole body, staggering around, creating sudden power from awkward positions, and fluidity in the movements and transitions from one pose to another. It trained one to become soft and flexible, which was quite something to see from a big panda with a beer belly.

Katsuya Katsuya

- James Pendragon -
" Atelier "

"No, please stay with me." James smiled at Lydia. "All set you two?" After casting shielding charms on any of them should they ask, and getting their go, he opened the lid.

There was no sound, till James tilted the urn and out rolled the philosopher's stone.


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Echo giggled before stretching her arms up like an excited kid when Master Mushi started to laugh. "Yay~! More sake for Mashtah Pandada!"

The drunken red head nodded, stumbling on some of the steps, however she sang the eight immortals with the panda when she hears the lyrics once. He did say to copy him, she thought absentmindedly, letting her talent ring clear in the training grounds without much fear. Who knew that being drunk means she could get braver?

Sake tasted horrible though...

The fawn tried to copy the fluidity of the movements, swaying her hips when it's needed and relaxed while changing her odd fighting positions. She even copied how Master Mushi breathed in and out while moving, slowly but surely becoming a lot more flexible with each movement. "Yesh sir, Mashtah Pandada." She closed her eyes as she imagined what he was saying, not realizing that she's moving in front of a boulder while practicing the movements.

"Relash...relash...and...WHIP!" Echo let her arms move loosely before her arms strike at the rock with the speed of a snake. Her palms smacked the boulder's surface and it cracked. She pouted, thinking that she didn't put enough of her strength in the hit...

Until the rock exploded, leaving a small creator with the pebbling looking like dust. Echo blinked lazily, hiccuping. Then she turned to the panda. "Like that?" She pointed at the hole, still blinking.


Renee covered her ears when Wrath screamed before she screamed herself. "HISAYA!! WE WANT TO HELP YOU GO BACK TO YOUR WIFE AND SON!!"

Once she got his attention, the winged teen slowly uncovered her ears, still near by in case she needed to cover them again.

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Lydia perked slightly to James' smile, her cheeks flushing slightly as she returned the smile warmly and nodded, requesting he place his shielding charms on her as well and stood beside Renee, waiting.

When Wrath's voice began its usual angry yelling, Lydia flinched, her eyes squinting shut like she had just been hit in the face. But his angry yelling just made her angry and she had half a mind to tell him to shut up and remind him that she was the one that dealt the blow that killed his body. That would have probably just made matters worse, however, and besides, Renee was already yelling something by the time Lydia had thought to do it.

Her green eyes opened in mild surprise as she turned to look at Renee. She supposed that might be the way to calm his spirit, but she wondered if he was beyond reach.

Katsuya Katsuya Zer0 Zer0
- Master Mushi -
" Training Grounds "

"Eeeeexactly!" pointed Master Mushi, making random movements with his fingers. "Poof --- boom, hahahaha! Now, let us go through the poses once more!"

Soon, soldier began clearing out of their area as rocks and soil began exploding as they teeter tottered in the field; a vein throbbed in Master Sai's temple, but she said nothing. Apparently, if a master is breaking rocks with a pupil it's fine.

The panda master repeated and repeated the poses while singing the song until he gave Echo leave to take a break. He called for some hot soup to be brought at once to sober them up.

Katsuya Katsuya

- James Pendragon -
" Atlelier "
"You know . . . my wife and son?" said Wrath's voice from the crystal very surprised.

James unplugged his fingers from his ears. "Yes we do, Hisaya." he asked Renee for the picture in the book and showed it to the red crystal unsure how the deathknight could see through it. "What happened?"

Unexpectedly, the deathknight's voice began to sob. "Gone . . . gone . . . fire . . . Don't know how it started . . . but it's my fault . . . my fault . . . I should have been home . . . but I didn't . . . Now I'm trying to get them back . . . but you . . . YOU RUINED EVERYTHING! AAAAARGH! I WILL MURDER YOU! MURDER! I WAS SO CLOSE! I COULD HAVE BROUGHT THEM BACK! BUT YOU RUINED EVERYTHING!"

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"Yay~! Mashtah Sai look what I can do." Echo said innocently, hopping in her spot as she pointed at the hole. It seems she wanted to have the other master's approval too, like a little kid who's proud of their arts and crafts project and wanted to show it off to her parents. Of course, she didn't realize that Master Sai was angry of having the training grounds destroyed by the drunken duo.

The fawn copied and practiced the movements with Master Mushi, humming along with the panda until he told her she could have a break. With a stumbling bow, Echo smiled at the master before plopping herself down and rolled around until she got the soup to sober herself up.


Renee nodded at her brother and brought her sketchbook out, plucking the black and white photo to give to her brother.

Then when she heard his sobs, the Pendragon sister felt that pang of sadness again. So...she was right...

With a sigh, Renee picked up the stone, cupping her hands as to cradle the angry and very devastated man's soul. Her eyes glowed dimly. "I don't think your wife would be happy...to know that you killed innocent people like that." She looked at the photo sadly, staring at the happy couple.

"Beautiful lady like that? Her letter tells me that she's so proud of knowing that you were working hard on your secret research, Hisaya. I...I believe she would be sad that the research for the philosopher's stone has drove her love into murder..." Renee's eyes started to tear up as she said this but she didn't let it fall. No way.

"Please...let us help you return to your wife and son. I'm sure they miss you in the afterlife."

Roleplay Skittle Roleplay Skittle Zer0 Zer0
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Her gaze drifted back to the crystal containing Wrath as he... calmed? Lydia's face was serious and perplexed at the same time as she stood there silently and listened to the exchange. He sounded... Human. She almost felt guilty about what had happened at Holt that day, until he started raging again and that just reminded her of all the sadness he had brought to other people because of his own.

That made her mad. His own anger at himself leading him to cause the same sadness he felt at the loss of his family to other people. The fact that he had tried to make Seifer like him, and to what end? How could he actually bring back his wife and child by making Seifer as he was? It didn't make sense to her and as her own brow furrowed in anger, she heard the soothing tones of Renee as she tried to comfort the fallen being.

Lydia couldn't help but smile. Renee's sweet and gentle nature, her concern for others no matter what they had done, even after he had done what he did to Seifer, it made Lydia's heart warm and her hand went to her chest as Renee's calming voice also soothed the anger that had started to burn inside Lydia. She closed her eyes then, hand still to her heart as she just listened to what Renee was saying to Wrath, or Hisaya.

Zer0 Zer0 Katsuya Katsuya
- James Pendragon -
" Atlelier "

"YOU. HAVE NO IDEA. WHAT MY WIFE WOULD'VE FELT." For a while the crystal became quiet. "I cannot go to where my family is . . . all that I've done . . . you think I will go to paradise? There is a special place in Hades for men like me . . . I will never be reunited with them . . . It's all your fault . . . it's all your fault . . . It's my fault . . . it's my fault . . ."

James gritted his teeth. He didn't like all this sadness because it reminded him of his failure to protect his mother. But he knew what his mom would say, she would never blame him. Strange how we often insist to hate ourselves when the one we wronged has forgiven us already. It's like a reverse-pride, beating yourself up so that you'll feel better, and not listening to the wishes of the one you wronged.

"Then redeem yourself." said James. "Make up for all the lives you took. Then you won't have to be ashamed when you see your wife and kid again."

" . . . . How?" Hisaya's voice cracked. " . . . how could I possibly? . . ."

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Renee recoiled a bit from the stone's yell, her wings fluttered anxiously. She does understand on some level, whenever she thinks about Seifer possibly killing anybody or James when he hired that hitman to make her lose. When that happened, she was really depressed at knowing her brother is so terrified for her safety enough to go to a dangerous place and hire someone just to keep her safe. Imagine if she or the twins died, what would her brother do then?

"Yes, I do....I know how your wife would have felt. It's painful to know that you drove someone you love into something that they normally would not do." Renee responded, looking at James as she was talking about him at the tournament. Then she smiled a bit as James told him to redeem himself.

"Be honest, tell them you're sorry, and help us release your soul. Let us know what to do for the guy you experimented on." Renee told him softly. "That should be redeeming enough since it'll help other people too."

"Knowing how much your wife and child loves you, I'm sure they will accept your apology."

Zer0 Zer0 Roleplay Skittle Roleplay Skittle
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She had managed to calm somewhat thanks to Renee's voice, but her eyes opened again and she winced as Wrath yelled again. Couldn't he just be quiet? She supposed that was why he was called 'Wrath.' As he continued, however, Lydia's expression turned to one of sympathy. All the pain he was feeling had led him down the path he had gone.

Her brow furrowed as she noticed James' somewhat dour expression as he clenched his teeth and she stepped up beside him, patting his back as he had pat hers, though perhaps a bit more gently. Her gaze then drifted to Renee as she continued the phrase that James had started and when she was finished speaking, Lydia finally put in her own two cents, "they're right, you know. If you ever hope to rejoin the ones you love, you need to atone for all the wrong you have done in their name. I doubt that your loved ones would be happy with the pain and suffering you have caused in their name... nor would they be happy with the pain and suffering you are still causing yourself, "she squeezed James' shoulder slightly as though she were drawing the strength in her words from him before she slowly lowered her hand and just continued to stand beside him, "Make it up to them. End your suffering, stop the suffering of a family that would be grieving for their lost son by helping us restore our friend."

She then moved over to Renee, her hand now resting on her friend's shoulder in the same warm manner she had just placed it on James as she looked down to the crystal as Renee held it.

Zer0 Zer0 Katsuya Katsuya
- Atlier -
" Master Warship "

The crystal was silent for a while.

" . . . You know how to return souls . . . do the same for your friend like you did your other friends immediately. Next, you need a controlled manna source with an output of six billion four hundred and eighty-two runes to power a tier thirteen exorcism spell --- I know, there is no such thing as tier thirteen in conventional arcane practice, because I'm the first to make one. Now get a pen and paper, this will take days, I will teach you how to make the spell circle." said Wrath.

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Renee's smile grew warmer when she hears Lydia's input, feeling the witch's hand on her shoulder as comfort and support. She had a way with words that inspire people to feel something. It's a subtle talent that she has and it's one that the Pendragon sister will always appreciate.

When the crystal went quiet, Renee thought the worst, Hisaya wasn't going to help...until he mentioned about how they transferred souls and that he will teach them. Her wings perked up and flapped happily as she smiled at the stone.

"Thank you! Oh my goodness! Okay...Um-! Here-! I'm gonna be right back-! Promise!" The white-haired teen gently place the stone down on the table and hurriedly walked out of the room, planning to make some snacks for them to munch on when they get hungry.

Before she left however, Renee froze by the door and peeked her shoulder, her smile grew a bit wider. "...Seifer's mother is here and she's with her son right now...I'm gonna visit her first and come back with snacks." Then she left the room, her wings flapping excitedly. The white-haired Pendraon wasn't going to tell Mrs. Rathmore about the good news yet because she wants to make sure that they are prepared first. However, she does want to check on the woman and ask her if she wanted something to eat.

Zer0 Zer0 Roleplay Skittle Roleplay Skittle
- James Pendragon -
" Hallways "

" Renee, wait." called James, running out the door to catch up with her. He held her shoulders, bending down so that they were at eye level "It's not your fault I did what I did in the tournament, okay?" he said, earnestly. "You didn't drive me to do that, that was my choice. I could have chosen to beat you fair and square, but I cheated, so don't believe for one second that you drove me to do that. None of it is your fault, okay?"

Katsuya Katsuya
Renee paused in the hallway when she heard her brother and turned around, wondering what he wanted to tell her. So when he held her shoulders and bends down to her level, telling her it's not her fault, she paled. Her flapping wings froze mid way indicating that she's shocked.

He...he picked up that she meant him? Either she was too obvious or he's sharper than before.

Her orange eyes looked away from her brother's gaze, thinking for a moment and gulped down her doubts. "But...If I hadn't said anything about going, if I had left Sunny to General Leo, if I had just..." Her side fringes veiled her eyes as she looked down.

"If I hadn't been so stubborn and realize that you were scared, none of that would have happened in the first place..." Her tone sounded vulnerable and quiet as if she didn't want to touch the subject in fear of causing something bad again.

Zer0 Zer0
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Lydia quickly wrote down everything that Hisaya, as he was called, was saying. Making sure she didn't miss anything. She then began scrambling to through her notes to find the spell circle they had made to get his fractured soul out of the Libris Mortem. She verily tuned out anything else that was said, but paused as Renee spoke of Seifer's mother, turning her gaze to the girl in mild surprise, but then a smile drew on her face. Knowing that his mother was there for him would probably make him more stable and make it easier to go about their next tasks after they put his soul back.

She looked to James in time to see him chase after her, she assumed it had something to do with what was said and while her smile faded a bit, it didn't all together disappear. Once she had her materials in place, she turned her attention to Hisaya's crystal. She stepped over to it and leaned over slightly, glancing back to the urn he had come from before looking back to Hisaya, "you know... I don't really want to put you back in the urn... I feel like it would be a disservice to you and your family since you are helping us..." she stood upright, "so if you promise not to start yelling again and to keep in mind we are going to help you how we can... I'll let you stay out."

She was a bit hesitant about doing this, but she felt a twinge of guilt at the thought of sealing him back in the jar. Of course if he started his nonsense again, she'd probably have to whether she had wanted to or not.

Zer0 Zer0 Katsuya Katsuya
Hunde Oppenshire.
Hunde found himself in another boring situation. The blond soldier appeared to have forgotten one thing:
This was not in the job description.
Hunde knew himself to be a terrible teacher, as he wasn't sure how to communicate to the rookies about the combat skills if they didn't even know the basics. As the blond soldier pointed out how beautiful the clouds were, the armored knight was preparing to speak.

He was interrupted before he even began to speak. He watched as they exchanged this...peculiar form of greeting.
The strange man then took Hunde's hand and shook it. Hunde did nothing, letting his arm idle through the shake. He then withdrew his hand away from the stranger almost immediately after he let go, showing a bit of disgust or confusion in his act. This place seemed filled to the brim with nut jobs.
"Okay,that's one way to greet someone..." He grumbled. After a moment of recollecting himself, he took a breath to finally speak.
"Why yes, I have seen my fair share of combat in my life..." He began, lifting his head slightly in a dignified manner. It was obvious that he was proud of his history. "So, I assume that you are in the training yard to train, What are you planning to accomplish exactly?" He asked, attempting to change the subject before they decided to ask too many questions. Hopefully he wouldn't be there for long...
- James Pendragon -​

"No, Renee, I take back what I said when we were in the Academy. It's not your fault. I'm responsible for my own actions, not you, okay? " said James gently, ruffling her hair. "I don't blame you."

- Hisaya -​

" . . . I don't like you." said Hisaya's voice. "You gave me a very painful death. Then again I gave many painful deaths. Alright, I will not yell, or at least I'll tell you if I'm about to. I have a short temper.
"B-but-!" Renee bit her bottom lip, her wings folded tightly as she felt James ruffling her hair, already calming down a bit. She sighed quietly....Now that she thought about it, she's been sighing a lot today.

It's hard to let go of something that's stuck in her mind for weeks on end. "...but...James...I...-sigh- O-okay..." Said the little sister, her tone sounded a bit defeated as she didn't want to argue with him. If James feels that way then...she'll try to accept it...even when she doesn't believe it at all.

Zer0 Zer0
Hisaya's response didn't exactly surprise her, it wasn't like she thought he couldn't recognize her despite the fact she had no idea how he could see her. She didn't smile when he reminded her of that day at Holt, she didn't want to remember it, least of all talk about it, so she just gave him a solemn nod and emptied out the contents of a basket near the alchemy goods, finding him his own special place to sit as she didn't really feel comfortable leaving him near anything he might wreak havoc with, "so I have seen."

Once Hisaya was all situated in a basket away from anything he could damage or cause damage to, she moved back to her seat and returned to what she was working on, pausing a moment and looking back to the stone before shaking her head, he had a short temper and she was afraid anything she said might make him mad, but at least he wasn't locked up still? Well in a manner of speaking because she still placed all the same warding runes around him, just now they covered a small table instead of a jar.

Zer0 Zer0 Katsuya Katsuya
- James Pendragon -

James ruffled Renee's hair comfortingly, then groomed it back into place. "Love you." he muttered with a straight face and squeezed her cheeks playfully before letting her go and returning to the Atelier.

Mrs. Rathmore was still talking to Seifer and smiled gratefully at Renee, telling that she'd like some strong cofee and biscuits.


- Johnny Caprice -
"Training Grounds "

"I'm learning water rescue techniques!" said Johnny cheerfully to Hunde. "Are you coming with us to the Storm Wall?" He glanced at Chenglei for added confirmation.

Panzer Panzer
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Renee closed her eyes as she enjoyed him ruffling her hair, not minding if her hair sticks out weirdly. However she quickly looked up when she heard him, her eyes wide in surprise, unable to believe that he's even pinching her cheeks. Her jaw dropped a bit and her wings spread open in her shock.

Did...did he just say....?!

Her face turned pink as her cheeks darkened into an apple red, before her mouth formed into a small but sweet smile. Her tiny wings flapped happily, almost like they were having a stroke or a sugar high. Nope...nope, she couldn't...she couldn't embarra-

"LOVE YA TOO, JAMES!!!" Renee screamed cheerfully as she couldn't contain her happiness before giggling loudly and covering her face with her hands, running off to Seifer's room. Okay...maybe she can believe it a little bit...just because he said that to her for the first time.

After smacking into the wall instead of the door to Seifer's room, Renee nodded at Mrs. Rathmore and ran off to the kitchen to make the snacks and drinks. Maybe she should bring flowers too! Oh Merlin, she's too happy to even function well right now. James said he loves her!!!! He said it to her face!!! AHHHHH!!!!


Chenglei shrugged as if to say 'I don't even know, up to the prince.'

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- James Pendragon -
" Atelier "

Though James was stoically embarrassed because there were guards watching, he smiled as he walked back to the atelier, feeling happy his sister was happy. He felt encouraged to do this verbal show of affections thing more. Yes, he was definitely moving up to becoming a better older brother.

He strode inside, finding Lydia hard at work as usual. He wasn't used to this before she returned to the flying castle. Whenever he opened the door to his bedroom, whatever he was working on at his desk was always on hold until he got to work on it again. Having an intelligent, hard-working partner was relaxing, and he wanted Lydia to feel relaxed too.

"I'll take care of putting Seifer's soul back in his body, Lydia. " said James, searching their stack of papers for the Soul Recall spell circle. He found it on top of Renee's sketch pad, then summoned Sasha.

Hoot, greeted the ethereal owl at Lydia warmly. James petted her forehead; Hoot, she greeted James. Fluttering down to the table, Sasha landed right in front of Lydia, then carefully nudged her writing hand asking for a head rub.

"Sasha, do you like Lydia more than you like me?" said James, curiously.

Hoot, nodded Sasha.

James looked slightly crestfallen in a humorous way. "Fine." he frowned. "It's the teasing, isn't it?"


"You know that's how I show affection."

Hoot. Sasha clicked her beak sternly.

"I'll tell you if I need help, Lydia." said James, defeated, and made his way out of the door; Sasha looked back at Lydia and winked at her as if she was just messing with him and wanted Lydia in on the joke.

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- Seth Pendragon -
" Training Grounds "

"Have you ever been drunk, Serena?" said Seth during their break as he watched Echo annihilate the boulders. "If yes, what are you like?"

Katsuya Katsuya
Serena grinned a bit as she watched the fawn destroy the training grounds, having a snack to munch on. "Hm...once. I was drunk once when I was 16, but I can't remember..."

Zer0 Zer0
- Seth Pendragon -
" Training Grounds "

" Mmm. It got me curious because I heard that you burned a training room. I thought you might have had a little too much to drink. So what was that all about? I heard you were as angry as a hippo with a hernia."

Katsuya Katsuya
Serena almost flinched when Seth mentioned that, her fingers gripped on her violin's neck tightly. Her smile looked a bit strained, but she's still happy.

"Um...that's because I was angry about something. I'm not angry anymore though." The blonde said, sighing as the urge to play again is popping up.

It's her trust issues, she keeps quiet about them because she didn't want to put much attention to it, but when she saw James and Lydia together like that...it...it just brought a lot of bad memories from the people who put her down. Even when she just wanted the truth, the people who she considered as friends just outright lied to her so many times and she forgave them so many times.

The violinist could not handle people who takes advantage of her and she thought it was going to happen all over again with James and Lydia. Serena wanted to scare them away instead facing them but Lydia saw her first. Then James braved it out. Yes, her feelings for the oldest Pendragon is part of her reason of being angry, but it's the memories that really triggered her.

After all...can you really forgive someone who took away your only friend on purpose and lies about it constantly?

Zer0 Zer0

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