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Fantasy Howl's Flying Castle (Finished! ---Whoo! (*^▽^)/)

Echo sighed as she walked back in her room, her ears wilted a bit. Other than Johnny, no one else said 'Happy birthday' to her all day. It's so depressing, not even Renee, her own best friend, remembered to say happy birthday and she hasn't seen her all day. Serena and Seth were there, sure, but...they didn't remember either.

She let out another sigh as she opened the door to smell lavender and sunflowers? What? Echo looked up, her eyes widened in surprise as she takes in the array of flowers in her room, her ears slowly perked up. She let out a gasp as she recognized the way it's arranged since she have seen it from class before...with Renee. "Did...did she come in here just to put them in...hmmm?"

As she picked up a potted spider plant, Echo noticed a small note with Johnny's handwriting on it, reading it and a smile appeared on her face. Pink dusted her cheeks as she looked all over her room to check on each of the flowers and plants that were there. It's almost like treasure hunt, but with notes instead of gold. Her smile grew with each note as her eyes went misty from the happy tears. The fawn sniffed.

"Aww~! You guys...Heheh!" Her heart melted from all the notes. Especially Johnny's last one as that's the one that made her tears fall down her reddened cheeks. It seems her friends didn't forget after all. The red head collected all of the notes, keeping them close as she looked around some more and spotted her favorite dish under the pink rose. She sighed though now feeling blissfully happy. It couldn't get better for her. After eating, she took the hot bath and relaxed, munching on the bananas as she couldn't wait to see Johnny and their friends.

Then she saw Mica sitting on the sink's rim with a note around his neck. "Mica?...What's this?" Echo reached out her hand to gently grab the note from the ferret who apparently became her escort to the meeting place at 12 AM.

What's this now?


"Johnny! I'm over here!" Renee called out as she tucked in the last sunflower in the vase. She turned around with a huge smile as her eyes glowed happily. She's already dressed and it seems that Chenglei wore a fancier version of his soldier's uniform for the occasion as well. A better looking sheathe beside his hips as he tells to Johnny, "It's to show my respects to your lady, my good friend."

"Come on...Let's go and surprise Echo." With Chenglei beside her, she followed the entertainer, giggling quietly as her wings flapped excitedly.

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- Banzai Courtyard -
" Indoor Turtle Pond "

"Alright." said James. For some reason, he followed Lydia down the hallway asking her when her birthday was, then waited outside her room, secretly peering from behind her back as she opened the door to catch a glimpse of what was inside.

Once she was done, they headed for the Banzai Courtyard where there was an indoor garden that had a pond under a bridge that housed a lot of turtles.


They had put out the lanterns so that it was dark inside; James was looking through Sasha's eyes so that they'll know when Echo was coming and briefly hissed, "She's here!"

Johnny shushed the summons and they all waited with bated breath for Echo to step inside.

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Echo, dressed, followed Mica, smiling bemusedly as they walked in the hallways. "Mica, what are you and everyone else up to?" The ferret peeked over his shoulder and snorted at her, an arrogant smirk spread across his face like he was 'Wouldn't you like to know?'

The fawn shook her head and sighed again. Honestly, it's like walking with a fuzzy version of Seifer...if he was nicer, that is. He lead to her to the Banzai courtyard, peeking in before going inside with Mica chuckling at her to come in. What?

"...Hello? Is anyone-?"

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-Banzai Courtyard-
Lydia quickly laced up her granny boots before they left for her room. She hadn't really expected James to follow her, usually he would just go straight to their destination so she didn't even ask him to wait. She just thought it was a nice gesture because of what happened earlier, like he had wanted to make sure she was alright or something. She actually felt a little better when two of her three spells actually went off instead of puttering out like a dying engine.

Summarily, she informed him her birthday was in the fall and likewise asked when his was, not hesitating to leave her door open when they arrived, mainly because she expected James to follow her in like any of her other friends would. Her room was tidy, unlike her work space which was usually a chaotic mess and the sort of situation where only the creator of said mess knew where anything was. Everything was neatly in its place and even the bed was made. Lydia had developed these habits of her own accord, she didn't particularly like messes and she didn't like others tending to her things so while the maids at home would do things like her laundry and prepare her meals, her room was off limits.

She collected a wooden box with a latch that she had asked for one of the servants to fetch for her, a golden ribbon tied carefully around the box with a small piece of paper tucked between the box and the ribbon. Once she had this in hand, she turned towards the door and her expression became a bit perplexed as she realized James had stayed outside. She smiled about the gesture, quite gentlemanly he was, and followed him to the garden.

* * * *
When Echo arrived at the courtyard where they all waited with restrained excitement, Lydia held her breath and clutched the gift she had brought with her to her chest.

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- Banzai Courtyard -
" Indoor Turtle Pond "

"HAPPY BIRTHDAY, ECHO!" yelled a chorus of voices.​

Torches blazed to life and out leapt her friends with :bishiesparklesl:Chenglei:bishiesparklesr:, whose red camellia aura added considerably to the cheerful festivity.

There was Seth, grinning and setting off a couple of oriental fireworks; James was smiling with a gift in hand; Frey, Meatballs, Butters, Sorbet and Pond let out a cacophony of noises in greeting; and in the middle was Johnny, beaming and holding up a miniature version of the secret cake Renee, Serena, and Lydia had baked.

"And a one and a two . . . Happy birthday to you, happy birthday to you! Happy birthday dear, Echoooooo! Happy Birthday to Youuuuuuuuuuu!"

The guys had a contest as to who could keep on going the longest and it ended up with laughs and Seth continuing for a full sixteen seconds.

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Jumping in surprise from the lights blinding her for a second (which she couldn't help but think Chenglei is the one doing that with the glittery affect) to hearing a bunch of voices saying 'happy birthday', Echo held her breathe. Her eyes widened looking like deer in headlights as she listens to everyone singing, her heart racing as she realized what was going on.

Being distracted to the flowers and the notes? All of this was for...her?

Her green eyes watered again as her lips grew into a warm and silly smile. She laughed when the boys made a competition out of the 'youuu' in the song before walking up to the group with Mica scamping up to Meatballs.

"You guys...when did you plan this?" She stood in front of Johnny and looked at the cake, her ears perked up.

"Red velvet cake too?! That's... That's..." She sniffles a bit as she waved at her eyes so the happy tears don't fall. She didn't want to cry. She wasn't going to cry. Echo didn't realize how silly she looked with that smile on her face and trying to hold back the tears.

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-Banzai Courtyard-
Lydia sang the birthday song brightly and clear as a bell with a grin on her face, her eyes steady on Echo as the realization hit her face. Her attention diverted to the boys as they competed and she giggled at them, shaking her head. Honestly, she was certain that she and Echo could beat them out, but as it was, the birthday girl obviously wasn't singing to herself and Lydia thought it would be strange to compete with the boys alone so she stayed quiet.

She stayed standing beside James, her wooden box clutched excitedly in both hands as she waited for Echo to get done speaking with Johnny before she would step forward and offer the gift she held, "happy birthday, Echo!"

Inside of the box was a bit of colorful fabric, red with leafy plant life painted on it and wrapped in that fabric was the hand mirror that Lydia had brought back from the sunken ship. She had polished it and restored it to the best of her ability as a gift for Echo. The frame of the mirror was gold with arabesque patterns etched into the shimmering surface, amidst the arabesques were sculpted golden roses. The mirror's surface looked as though it had been completely replaced as it shined like new.

The letter that was with it was short but sweet:

"Happy birthday Echo!

I wasn't sure what you would like, so I brought this back for you from the ship wreck the other day. I hope that you like it and have use for it. I just wanted to thank you for helping me back in the caverns and giving me some of your insight. You're a great friend and I am glad that I met you.


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- Banzai Courtyard -
" Indoor Turtle Pond "

"Since you told me back in Holt." smiled Johnny, looking at Echo with tender eyes. He closed the gap between them, planting warm kisses on her eyes, nose, and then a long fierce one full of all his affection on her forehead.

Seth and James wolf-whistled.

"~Mwa!" Johnny beamed at her, grinning. "Happy birthday, my Echo Mello!" and with that he let her friends have their turn showing this special girl how much she meant to them.

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Giggling from Johnny's kisses and the wolf-whistles, Echo's face turned red as her hair. It's not out of shyness however, she's just really really REALLY blissfully happy and her heart melted again. "...Johnny, thank you so much." She kissed his cheeks and nose, her ears twitching.

When Lydia came up to her with a present, Echo smiled warmly. After reading the letter and opening the gift, the fawn cooed and hugged the little brunette. "Lydia, this mirror is beautiful and your letter is so sweet. Thank you so much."

Renee stood next to Lydia, her wings flapping happily."Did you like the flowers?"

"Yes, I love them, Ren. Thank you."

"It's nothing." The Pendragon sister blushed as she's really glad that her friend loved the flowers. It took awhile to find some of the herbal plants Echo used to hang on her antlers before they were cut off. She couldn't wait for her friend to see the rest of her present later in the day.

Serena gave her present, which is a black lace choker with an emerald tear drop gem on it as Chenglei bowed at the birthday girl. He gently held her hand like a princess.

"My lady, may you have a wonderful birthday."

"Thank yo-"

"Oh, how joyous of a time! It's truly wonderful to see you become a woman! I heard from Yukio, Johnny I mean, that on a 17th birthday means you'd become a full adult in your culture. Oh yes, to grow into a marvelous young woman with hair as red as an apple and eyes as green as grass shone on a summer's day! "

Echo blushed from the compliments, but she smiled at him. Unlike most of their group of friends, the fawn finds Chenglei very pleasing to talk with. The blond never seized to amuse her with his words. Standing up, the soldier spun her around and lightly pushed her towards Johnny, smiling at the couple.

"Find me whenever you want to try out a new skill, my fair lady. I will gladly help you on your quest to be stronger."

"Thank you, Chenglei."

"Of course! Anything for a friend, my fair lady."

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-Banzai Courtyard-
Lydia couldn't help but smile warmly to the interaction between Johnny and Echo. Her cheeks blushing and even though it wasn't directed at her, when James and Seth wolf whistled her cheeks only darkened. Honestly, could they be any more embarrassing? She expected as much from Seth but James was more mature, though she supposed he had to give his best friend a little grief for his frequent shows of affection to his girlfriend. She laughed slightly and as Echo opened the gift she had brought for her, Lydia watched expectantly, her eyes steady on Echo's face while her own expression remained somewhat serious as though she were really concerned about how the Fawn would react.

Lydia giggled when Echo hugged her and returned the hug warmly, "I'm glad you like it! I was so worried," she said bashfully, her hand slipping beneath the sleek black strands of her hair where they hung down past her shoulders. She couldn't look back up at Echo at the moment as she muttered, "when we were still at Holt and went to get our stuff back... I actually only accepted Ruk's challenge because I wanted to get your hammer back for you because I didn't know what else you would like," she admitted with embarrassment. She knew that the effort had probably been pretty stupid in hindsight, but at least in the long run she had earned an Orc warrior's respect, which was something to be said for a little girl.

She then listened to the exchange between Renee and Echo and slinked away as Chenglei approached, almost like she thought he was going to bite her. She only stopped when she felt herself bump against someone, glancing over her shoulder to see James and blushing slightly. Can she just bump into him or fall on him some more please? She really needed to pay more attention. She shook her head and moved to the other side of him. Let him catch Chenglei's crazy eye. Though she couldn't help but admit that the things he was saying to Echo were awfully sweet and she definitely deserved it, but Lydia wondered how Johnny would feel about that even though he seemed to get along fine with the blonde Oriental.

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- Banzai Courtyard -
" Indoor Turtle Pond "

ohnny nodded wholeheartedly at Chenglei's words until Echo blushed. For a split-second he looked like someone just tried to take his cool drink on a hot day, but it vanished when the flowery blonde lightly pushed her to him. He caught her in a hug and nodded, smiling to Chenglei in thanks. Anyone who took care of Echo was alright with him.

Next up with the presents was James who playfully bumped hips with Lydia before giving Echo his present: a small red oriental pouch that was enchanted to be fire-proof. Inside were six spell scrolls labeled: Spirit Garde, Flamme Garde, Foudre Garde, Protego, Fleche Garde and Soul Recall.

"You can use these scrolls only once, so use them wisely. Happy birthday, coach." smiled James and clapped Echo on the shoulder.

Next was Seth who hugged Echo tightly, "Happy Birthday!" he yelled energetically, and presented her a goblin-forged dagger where the bottom could be unscrewed to reveal a hollow space that could hide a note or a vial.

Butters and Frey stepped forward, laying hay,clumps of grass and an uprooted plant before her feet, looking proud of themselves; Sorbet gave Echo a snowball with a smiley face, and Pond gave her one of her feathers; Meatballs, who did not understand human behavior just happily panted at Echo absentmindedly.

Last was Johnny who hug tackled Echo, before giving her a big box wrapped in so much colorful paper that had been hidden behind Butters' large bulk. Inside was a small chest that seemed to have been hand-made. Each side of the box had carvings that seemed to speak something about her: on one side was a sunflower, at the back was Echo's mighty hammer, on another side was a fluffy tail, on the front were pumpkins growing as they listened to a song, at the bottom were tap dancing hooves, and on the top was a carving of two reindeer antlers entwined with flowery vines, with small potted plants hanging from them.

Inside were compartments and in the compartments were little clay bottles. Each were labeled with the places their group has traveled through and inside were seeds of trees. There were a couple of compartments that had empty clay bottles. The last full bottle was labeled: 'Oriental Warship', and inside were cherry blossom seeds.

"You can plant them when you return home, Echo. When they grow, they can remind you of all our adventures. You'll have a story to tell for each tree in your backyard." he smiled happily.

"When you come of age, you wear something special, right?" He gestured at Renee and Serena, and together they presented her with another box where inside was the beautiful dress they've made together with the theatre troupe. On top of it was a crown of antlers accentuated with a flower tucked to the side. "Do --- do you like it?"

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Echo felt her heart melting with Lydia's words and she hugged her again. "Oh Lydia. Just knowing that you thought a lot means so much to me..."

When Johnny caught her, she turned around and found Chenglei saluting to Johnny and her, smiling sweetly at them. His flowery aura intensified as this smile was much more natural but true. It seems that he was the loyal type of friend.

When James came up to give her his present, Echo's ears perked up when she saw all the shield spells inside of the fireproof bag and looked at him with her eyes wide. Her smile grew, giggling. "This..I-...Oh James, thank you." The fawn patted the hand that's on her shoulder lightly. She knew he wasn't one for sentimental stuff, but she hugged him anyways before detaching herself. "I promise to use them when I truly need them, James."

When Seth came up with a goblin-forged dagger, Echo looked at the details and saw that it can unscrew at the top. That's so sneaky-!, she thought cheerfully. A gift from a sneaky friend so she can be sneaky too, that's awesome! She hugged him back. "Thank you, Seth...and Seth? It's okay, I know you just really like her, so we're cool." She fist-bumped him as a way to let him know that she never held it against him.

When Betters and Frey came up with their present, Echo smiled and petted them. The hay and grass could be weaved into something, she's sure and maybe the root could be placed inside so she can plant it later at her home. "Thank you, Butters. Thank you, Frey. I promise to make something really nice with your present."

When Sorbet came up with a snowball with a smiley face, Echo wondered to herself if she should find a vial to store the snowball in before it melts. "I love it, Sorbet. It's so cute, thank you." She held the snowball close, a bit frantic that the snow is melting but then remembers of Seth's dagger. She can use that for now.

When Pond came up to give her a feather, Echo smiled at the quiet giant owl. "Thank you Pond. If you and Ren come over at my place, we can plant things together. How does that sound?" She can use the feather as an ink pen, but she didn't want to ruin it either since it was such a pretty feather...Maybe she can use it as a decoration?

Meatballs panting in her face made her giggle. It just reminded her of the first time Johnny tried to come up to her only to faint and be taken to the nurse's office. Meatballs was there to pant and lick her face. The fawn petted him, her smile grew warm as the blush dusted her cheeks again. "Thank you for the memory, Meatballs. Heheh!"

When Johnny hug-tackled her and gave her his present, the fawn sucked in some air as she tenderly revealed the chest inside, cooing at the details. As she looked inside the chest itself and listening to what Johnny was saying, her eyes teared up as her cheeks turned red. This...This is...

Her smile turned goofy now as Renee, Serena, and him presented one last gift to her: something to wear for her birthday like how her family does it whenever they celebrated birthdays. Johnny remembered all of it and the seeds, and the gifts...everything just made her want to burst as she finally let the tears fall happily. She sniffled and tries to wipe the tears away, her ears didn't stop twitching.

"I-I...This...this is so...'love it' doesn't really..." She didn't have any words to say. Echo is speechless. As she gently laid the gifts down to where the hay and grass is, the fawn walked up to Johnny, cupped his cheeks, and right in front of everyone...

She kissed him on the lips, smiling.

Chenglei wolf-whistled while Renee and Serena gasped happily and giggled like a bunch of school girls.

"Johnny, my warlock knight, this is the most sweetest and greatest thing anybody has ever given me. Love it is just the beginning of it all. Thank you...Thank you so much. I'll treasure everything, every gift, every memory, everything. Everyone, th-thank you so much." She was so touched with how much they cared about her that she couldn't stop crying, a warm smile set on her lips, her green eyes softened up and a blush dusted her cheeks.

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-Bonzai Courtyard-
Her face grew even more embarrassed when Echo hugged her again, but she felt happy that the Fawn appreciated her gesture, even if it was insane. She stumbled slightly and gave James one of her usual wide eyed looks as he bumped her and stood out of the way as everyone presented Echo with the gifts they had gotten for her. Her eyes grew watery as her hands were clutched in front of her. just under her chin. Just how much love she could feel from everyone warmed her heart. She couldn't believe what luck it had been for her to end up with a group of people that were just so... fantastic. She was glad that she had decided to stay with them and not return home when James had offered.

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- First Kiss -
" Indoor Turtle Pond "

Johnny responded with so much ardor that he lifted Echo off her hooves. When they parted, his face was lit up with such jubilation all he could do was stammer incoherently as he grinned and laughed while looking like he got hit over the head.

Seth wolf-whistled with Chenglei; James gave two swift thumbs up proudly; Pond's mask went pink behind her large feathered claws; while Butters covered Meatballs' eyes with a hoof.

"You're welcome, Echo Muses." sighed Johnny and hugged her against his cheek and close to his heart.

"Baaa!!" bleated Butters erupting in tears and bulldozed them both in a body slam hug, rubbing his cheeks at them affectionately; James hesitated, then hugged the three, "You're welcome." he said awkwardly patting Echo's head; Seth smiled warmly, "You're welcome Echo!" and joined the dog pile as Meatballs padded over and licked them all and everyone who joined.

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Not expecting the lift from Johnny, Echo chuckled as she witness her boyfriend's jolly stammering and she kissed him again as she hugged him back. Though she wasn't ready for Butters to ram them into a hug nor James' hesitant one. Seth, she sort of expected since he enjoys them as much as...Oh no...

Serena giggled as she hugged with everyone as well. "Aww~! You're welcome Echo!" Mica chuckled at the red head nervously as he gently licked her cheek when Meatballs licked everyone else.

With her wings flapping excitedly, Renee grabbed Lydia's hand and ran into everyone with outstretched arms, nuzzling into James' back as he was in front of her. She's not letting him escape this mushy fest-! Because of her and Lydia's weight added to the hug, everyone tilted over each other and fell to the floor. Limbs tangled with other people's limbs as Renee sat on James' back, still smiling widely. Her eyes glowed. "Happy Birthday, Echo."

"Renee-! Hah! Get off!" Serena yelled under Seth as they unfortunately twisted into each other. Though she sounded amused with the whole situation.

Echo laughed hard as she can handle the weight thanks to her strength, her arms still around Johnny's waist. Yep, should have seen that coming, considering Renee loves to hug anything on sight.

Chenglei laughed in the sidelines, smacking his knee in the process. "An-Anyone need help getting up? Pffft-! Hahahah!"

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-Bonzai Courtyard-
She just couldn't take it anymore! All of the love going around was making her bubble up inside so warmly that despite Meatballs joining in on the action, Lydia did too. At least she began to and as she was in motion, Renee grabbed a hold of her and dragged her into the action as her feet tripped over each other so Renee's force and the momentum of it causing everyone to tumble to the ground didn't help her any either as she was already starting to fall so she just crashed with everyone else to the floor, "Ren... oof!" And she faceplanted on someone, who, she didn't know because she already started sneezing from being in such close proximity to Meatballs.

Of course she would likely regret it later, but rolled untill she felt Meatballs and burying her face in his fur she yelled in muffled happiness, "ooooooooooh he's so fluffy!!!!!" By this time her eyes were red and puffy and she couldn't stop sneezing, but it was worth it.

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- Master Warship -

Meatballs gave Lydia a wet slobbery lick that made her hair stick up the wrong way; Seth was surprised, but didn't mind being tangled with the violinist. "Serena," he began touching her forehead, "your eyebrows are on fleek."

James twisted to look back at his sister. " . . . You like hugs, huh? C'mere, you." he made a quick grab to capture Renee and give her a noogie and tickle her all over.

Johnny laughed with everyone. "You lot . . ." he said affectionately and hugged them all. "Chenglei, come over here, mate!" if he came over he'd hug the blonde soldier too as if he's been part of their group all this time.

It was a wonderful time. Johnny felt like they were all one big family. Later, after all the talk and celebration with a few drinks and cake, he entwined his fingers around Echo's and nodded towards the outside, asking her if she'd like to take a walk around the airship. Never did he let go of her hand as they talked through the night, until finally he kissed her goodnight outside her room.

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James fell asleep in the atelier after telling Lydia he was just going to take a nap for a while before getting back to work, but he didn't get up again until after breakfast. He lay near the fireplace, snoring lightly, " . . . go to a pet shop and ask for a cow, Renee . . ." he mumbled in his sleep. "My omelette du fromage . . . catch it." he randomly flailed his arms.

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After the surprise celebration for Echo, Lydia had needed to leave nearly immediately to go wash her face and hair. Meatballs was a sweet Boarhound and she was happy for the interaction, but that didn't stop her allergies from going into overdrive. She had slept off the majority of the discomfort and come morning when she had peeked into the atelier to see if James was there, she spotted him sleeping on the floor and smiled slightly before scampering off to the kitchen.

She came back shortly with a platter of sashimi and a side of rice, a roll of bread and a cup of green tea as well as a pot of coffee. She pushed aside some of the papers on the table, stacking them neatly after she was sure the tray she had carried with her was secure before she walked over to James. She was wearing a light pink haori tied with a darker pink sash that matched the floral pattern that decorated the garb. Beneath it she just wore one of her typical black round neck tops and matching capri pants with her usual stockings and on her feet was a simple pair of slide on slippers. Her hair was down again and between her lips she was munching on a chocolate covered snack stick one of the cooks in the kitchen had offered her when she was leaving. She had a second one in her hand.

Her head tilted to the side, straight strands of black shifting off her shoulder slightly as she watched James sleeping and smiled slightly to his nocturnal mumblings, trying not to laugh at the strange things he was saying. She wondered what he was dreaming about and wasn't sure if she wanted to wake him or not.

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Serena blinked from Seth's touch and his comment before grinning at him. "Thank you, Seth. Your eyebrows are on fleek too." Her blue eyes into his own pair as she said this, her grin had a touch of shyness.

Renee kept her mischievous grin as James twisted and was about to jump off to run, but he caught her before she could. The tiny teen squealed cheerfully, sounding like a high pitch little school girl as she laughed from his tickles. Her wings fluttered when he noogied her head. Then she retaliated back by poking his sides while squirming out of his grip.

Chenglei came over to the group, his own huffs of laughter joined in as he felt like he was part of this group of silly people. Which is strange...he's used to being an odd ball with his soldier mates, so to be accepted so quickly by these kids...it's a nice feeling in his chest.

Echo enjoyed the walk with Johnny, tightening her hand on his as she kept giving him kisses on his cheeks, forehead, and nose. She couldn't stop nuzzling him too until they had reached her room.


That morning Renee walked to where Seifer's body is with his soul in the basket. A book full of notes is carried in her folded arm. She needed to write and draw down every detail of the book and how Seifer's body was before going back to the Atelier. As she walked in the room, already familiar with the shields around the body and placed the basket on the bedside table as that's the closest the soul could be without disrupting her brother's shield.

"Hi, Seifer...don't mind me, I'm just gonna write and draw notes." The Pendragon sister talked, sitting on the chair beside the bed and started to write everything about the evil book and how the body could look like via observing the archer for any differences.

She tried her best to not blush as she studied his figure, thinking: 'This is for notes! This is for notes!' Renee continued to draw out the bare chest area where the red crystal is. Thank Merlin for patient pajamas and blankets for covering.

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- James Pendragon -
" Master Warship, Atelier "

James kept muttering about catching his omelette, until his flailing arms caught hold of Lydia's ankle. "I got you." he mumbled triumphantly, still asleep. "Renee, no need to buy that cow . . ."

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- Libris Mortem -
" The Book of the Undead "

Seifer's body was the same as ever. The rise and fall of his chest steady and slow as he slept for what was probably the sixth day in a row since he had been captured by Wrath. His eyes shifted beneath his eyelids, as though he was dreaming.

He was chained to the bed with sealing cuffs, a type of restraint placed on warlock criminals that constantly drained their manna, preventing them from casting any spells.

As Seth had pointed out, Libris Mortem wasn't a nice book. In essence it was about immortality at the cost of souls. It was ancient, dating from as back as two thousand years ago and was as precise and detailed as a scientific formula, requiring extensive knowledge on human anatomy and physiology, biochemistry, alchemy, a shaman's understanding of animism, shadowmancy, and the dark arts to make sense.

It was written in runes, but here and there were scribbles from different hand writings as though it had passed through many owners. Wrath's handwriting was easily recognized for the ink was similar to what everyone used today, and was written in the common language.

It seemed that the formula for the philosopher's stone had been worked on by Wrath himself for many years now, but that was not his real name it seemed. For tucked in the corner of the book, hidden by a spell that Seth had been able to detect and disenchant, was an old faded black and white picture of a much younger Wrath, smiling with his arms around a dark-skinned woman who looked like she came from the desert lands, and who held in her arms a little boy. The background where the picture was taken was in a city and seemed familiar, as though Renee had seen it before somewhere. The picture also seemed to have gone through fire, and at the back were burned and faded letters written in desert language, but at the very bottom was:

"At-taw Ishi, behold my growing prowess in this foreign tongue, 'A good day to you, my dear, Hisaya, Czes says good day too! He's currently bouncing on my knee so it's a little hard to write. We miss you, and we hope that your expedition is going well. Make sure to get enough sleep, stay cool and hydrated, and eat regularly, perhaps bring yucca juice with you? We are both eager for your next letter and please send more pictures! I know what your working on is secret and you are not allowed to use your camera, but Czes wants to see his papa on a camel. He's now making mud cakes and putting it on my table. Come back soon, ani ohev et!

your wonderful wife"

It seemed that he had been working on the philosopher's stone for them, for there were many anatomical diagrams of a woman and a little boy.

What he had done to Seifer was called: "Soul Bind". A powerful master soul tears itself into parts and binds itself to another. In the event the body of the master soul dies, it can flee and reside in the body of the other soul its bound to, and in time, consume it so that it becomes the master of the new body.

The soul fragments bound to Wrath and Seifer's is the soul of the black dragon. Because of this, they now share fragments of its powers and are tied to its life. If the black dragon dies, they die, just like how the undead fell when Wrath was defeated. In the same way, they must destroy all of the black dragon's soul fragments inside his three deathknights, before they can destroy the soul in him.

The reason why Seifer soul was sucked out was because a soul that wasn't whole was easier to dominate. The fragment of the black dragon and whatever is left of Seifer's soul dwelled in the red crystal heart. To separate them and pull out the dragon's fragment required an energy their group could not possibly provide. The only thing they can do now is a risky move where they put Seifer's soul back in the crystal so that he will be whole. Once this happens he will always be locked in a battle for dominance over his will until the dragon's soul is taken away, or if one of them wins over the other.

According to the book, a body isn't supposed to have two souls and no one knows what's going to happen once Seifer is made whole. One thing for sure, the red crystal heart cannot be taken out, or his body that's now bonded to it will crumble into ash just like Wrath's.

Katsuya Katsuya Roleplay Skittle Roleplay Skittle
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In Renee's book is sketches of the spell circles James and Lydia made for the book and how they managed to put back the souls into their owners' bodies, the crystal heart on Seifer's chest, the information she got from the Libris Mortem, Wrath's -or rather Hisaya's- wife's letter with Hisaya's photo, and her own little theories on the once alive human-Deathknight.

The Pendragon sister peeked over at Seifer's sleeping state and leaned over to check on his vitals. She sighed in relief as she could feel a light but rhythmic pulse. It's like some sort of comfort that she can feel it and he's not dead...yet. When the book mentioned something about a "Soul Bind", she dreaded on what Seifer is about to go through, wondering if he would rather stay alive and fight back or...would he rather be put to rest...permanently...

She shook her head, getting rid of that last thought. No way would he want to die. He even begged to stay alive when Wrath -Hisaya, she corrected herself again- took him away. So...there's the third option: he turns to the dragon's side and the group would have to fight him, make him into ashes like Hisaya...

Renee really didn't want to kill him off like that. Actually, she rather he stays alive and well, despite having a crystal heart. Either way, it's up to him when he wakes up. Yes, she's very optimistic that he will wake up, but she dreads that he wouldn't be able to control his will and let the dragon take over. If that happens...

'I rather not think about that.' The winged teen thought, now looking at the photo and letter that she took from James and Lydia, knowing that they won't be missing it. Honestly, the place Hisaya was in this photo looked so familiar to her and yet...she couldn't her finger on it. No matter how much she stared at it, nothing rings a bell but she did feel like she have seen this place once. The question is where.

Then there's the idea of why Wrath -Hisaya- wanted to make philosopher stones. "You must really loved your wife and son...I hope you see them again in the afterlife, Hisaya." Renee muttered as she picked up the photo to stare at the man's happy face, feeling horrible as to what might have caused him to be so angry. The winged teen guessed that his wife and child died somehow, probably by something unnatural like someone killed them or they died in an accident and he felt guilty for not being there. Maybe he was angry at himself and couldn't let anyone get in his way. Maybe he couldn't get home in time and found out that they have passed away and Renee felt a pang of sadness.

The more she thought about these Deathknights, the more she empathized with them. It doesn't excuse them for killing a lot of innocent people, Merlin no, but to be driven into that...It must have been terrible for Hisaya and became so mad, so angry, so frustrated that he was willing to bring his family back from the dead and become deathknights themselves. She wondered if the other deathknights are his family...Renee wonders about lots of things and none of them makes sense to her yet since she didn't have concrete evidence that would support her theories.

"Hey, Seifer. I promise to protect your mom so that you don't have a reason to kill people too." For once, Renee wants to see a happy family reunion, not one where someone is possibly close to death or is already dead. "So you better wake up the way you were before. Yes, including your huge ego that all of us wanted to deflate, you bleeding troll..." She smiled sadly as her orange eyes stared at the sleeping archer and sighed again.

"Well, time to go back. Sorry for creeping you out with my staring but I needed to see your heart...I just hope you don't give me a heart attack when you wake up..." The white-haired Pendragon stood up from her chair, collecting all of her new sketches, and walked back to the Atelier to find James and Lydia with the basket in hand.

"Bye Seifer...I'll see you again tomorrow."

Zer0 Zer0 Roleplay Skittle Roleplay Skittle
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She was crouched beside James as she listened to him and Smiling, a jolt of electricity shooting through her starting at her ankle as James grabbed it. Her green eyes large in surprised at having been caught as she fell onto her behind with a soft thump, then she realized... she hadn't been caught... well at least not technically speaking. James had caught her ankle, but he hadn't caught the fact that it was her ankle he had because he was still asleep.

Lydia huffed a sigh of relief, she wasn't exactly sure why. Maybe it was because she thought it would be embarrassing for James to catch her watching him sleep. She tilted her head to the side and while she had been looking around the room in thought, her gaze now focused back on him, the warm smiling falling back onto her features, though it slowly turned into an impish grin as she took the Pocky she held in her free hand and poked his nose with it, "booooooop!"

Zer0 Zer0
- James Pendragon -
" Atelier "

James snorted, getting booger on the Pocky. His eyes fluttered open, darting to the chocolate covered snack stick, Lydia sitting in front of him, then at his hands holding her ankle. He let go immediately, embarrassed. "What did I do?" he said surprised to find himself in this position and that it was already morning.

It was still a bit dim because of the storm that had not let up, but every now and then shafts of morning light shone through the gaps of the dark clouds as the rain continued to patter on the windows.

Roleplay Skittle Roleplay Skittle

- Hallways -
" Master Warship "

There was a clatter of heels in the hallway as Renee walked out of Seifer's room. Suddenly a beautiful woman with long white hair and nose that looked familiarly like Seifer's came stomping from behind the corner with a trail of oriental servants trying to calm her down.

"Madam, please, you cannot enter here, it is against the prince's wishes."

"Prince or not, I do not care! I will see my son!" said the woman shrilly, holding her fancy dress up so that she wouldn't trip. She stopped when she saw Renee. "Renee Pendragon!" and her face broke into a happy smile and ran towards her. "I am Mrs. Rathmore, oh, please tell me, where is my son? Where is my Seifer poo? Is he alright?"

Katsuya Katsuya
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Renee did not see that coming. She stood there, frozen as she believed Seifer's mom would be at Dalaran and not here. Woah...how tenacious is this woman to finding her son? 'Then again, Seifer's like that too.' She thought, really amused and saddened at the pair. Bloody Merlin...

"Hello Mrs. Rathmore. I'm glad you're here. It's okay, guys. I'll watch over her and tell Prince Kenren why myself." The white haired Pendragon told the soldiers, smiling warmly at them before bowing like how Chenglei would. "No worries...she's important too..." Then she stood up and turned to the worried woman who's coming over.

"Now this way, Mrs. Rathmore, but please. All I ask is that you..that you stay calm when you go inside. I'll explain everything to you as promised in my letter." Renee said, her wings fluttered nervously as she held the door's handle, her grip tightened.

"Can you stay calm and not touch anything important? Can you please promise me that and I'll let you see him." Her orange eyes pleaded with her as her brows furrowed up, a small frown showed her worry and seriousness in this whole thing.

Once she agreed, Renee opened the door and let her in to see Seifer.

Zer0 Zer0
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- Seifer's Cell -
" Master Warship "

"I promise, I promise." said Mrs. Rathmore impatiently.

The moment she entered the room, she gasped, and held on to Renee's shoulder for support. She stood there for a few seconds, shocked speechless and staring at the crystal where Seifer's heart should be. "Oh, son." she walked over to his bed, but did not touch him though it was obvious that she yearned to as she gripped the bedpost firmly.

"W-what is that? Is my son alright?" she sobbed, pointing at the crystal.

Katsuya Katsuya
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