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Fantasy Howl's Flying Castle (Finished! ---Whoo! (*^▽^)/)

When James came by for breakfast and ruffled her hair, Renee blinked a bit before her wings fluttered happily as she smiled at him in relief. However he did not get away with eating her precious tuna bacon as she turned to glare at him playfully and stole a bit of his sashimi. Then stuck her tongue out at him.


Echo stretched her arms up as she hummed to herself and saw the pretty pink rose in the vase with a cup of tea beside it. Then she saw the note and picked it up, reading what it says as her lips curved into a warm smile. Aww~ Johnny's so sweet, she thought as she admires the little drawing of Johnny in armor and Butters and kisses it briefly. "...I will...Thank you, Love..." She whispered, her ears twitched, and her face dusted pink.

"May your journey be fruitful, my sweet knight."

Throughout the day, everyone would see a happy Echo, floating hearts trailed behind her as she skipped in the hallways. Not even Master Sai's disapproving stare got her down as she trained hard, wanting to make Johnny proud with the skills she's learning. The floating pink hearts sometimes bumped into the soldiers' vision and surprise them.

There's another person who can have random things appear out of nowhere?! Nooo~! It's bad enough that Chenglei does that! His glittering aura blinds them, for Buddha's sake!


Renee and Serena walked into the room with Seth, expecting the worst to happen since they didn't know what they were dealing with yet. Well other than handling with an evil book and Wrath's soul. The Pendragon sister looked worried as Serena's eyes narrowed at the book, gripping her violin and bow tightly.

"Alright, what do we have to do?" Serena asked as Renee looked over the circle that the two bookworms drawn out.

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-Master Warship-
The first thing Lydia did that morning was run around her room frantically when she noticed that Serena's violin was gone. Though she was much relieved when she found Serena and discovered that she had taken the violin. It had panicked her so much to think that they had just smoothed things over, albeit tentatively, just to have her lose Serena's trust after she had accepted the request to look after the precious item.

For once it seemed that the whole group was together again. Even Lydia was there since she had finished the spell circle the previous night. She worked on her letter to her mother a little while after breakfast and when Sasha appeared to let her know that the circle was good and proper, Lydia girlishly clapped her hands before gently rubbing Sasha's head as though it were the owl that had told her it was okay and not James through the little avian creature.

She set right to work on rechecking the measurements and scaling them properly. It was a funny thing that they had started with a huge mass spell circle and had since worked their way down to the point that they were only using a singularly divided one, though as small as it was required to be, it was still an incredibly important task and just as dangerous if not more so than the other circles had been.

Lydia had rolled up the rug in the atelier and was already marking out the places on the floor where the spell circle would go. It was designed much the same as the spell circle they had used for Seth and Serena, though this one only had two sections rather than four. It also seemed as though one wouldn't need to actually stand in the circle to focus their manna on it, though it still had spaces for four individuals to focus.

Unlike the previous circles, this one was heavily warded by runes that served to contain dark forces and entities and Lydia was thinking hard, making sure that she hadn't miscalculated or messed up any of the runes on the sketch as she eyed her measurements on the floor, adjusting her glasses as she looked towards the door when it opened.

It was kind of strange not having Johnny there, he usually drew their spell circles and each one he had drawn had worked fine. Though she supposed that she and James had made this one and that Johnny was generally only recreating what they had made, so there probably shouldn't be anything wrong with it... right?

Zer0 Zer0 Katsuya Katsuya
- The Book Purge -
" Atelier "

"We need two people to fuel the spell, the rest will be standing by with spells ready to fire in case something goes wrong." said James summoning Frey. "I'll be on standby to shield us." He was wearing the light oriental armor Kenren had given them on the first day and had cast protective spells on the area, Lydia, and himself, and did the same thing to the rest.

Meatballs the boarhound and Sorbet the frost golem were also in the room. The giant dog wagged its tail the moment it saw Renee, Serena, and Seth, and padded over to sniff them enthusiastically and lick their faces, rolling over for a belly rub.

James decided to dub their spell, "Soul Recall" and call those soul stealing shades "Soul Eaters". He explained to them that previously, all the souls they've been shifting back to their rightful bodies were willing to return to their owners, but this malicious soul did not want to leave, and for the first time they might encounter resistance.

"So expect the worse." he told everyone in the room. "Is Chenglei outside?" he added looking out the door.

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"Okay..." Renee felt the shield spells on her as James cast them before laughing from the unexpected licking of the boarhound.

"Meatballs! Hahah! Down-! Down-! Hah! That's a good boy!" She decided to rub his belly with one hand, summoning Mica and gripping her bow with the other as she sat there. The ferret snorted before climbing up to the big hound and tentatively snuggled as a greeting. Then she stood up and positioned her self at the spell circle across from Lydia. The winged Pendragon grinned at the witch as if she was trying to psyche herself out to being brave.

Serena wasn't fazed when Meatballs licked her, her fringes now covered in dog slobber and was stuck on weird positions like a cowlick. She summoned Foo and took her stance to burn whatever that's coming after playing her shield spell.

Chenglei was leaning against the wall where the door was at until he heard his name and stood in front of James with a princely grin. The flowers didn't appear however as it seems that the soldier is wary of the book and not because of the information the oldest Pendragon just said. The blond can sense that it's an evil book...or something's causing for the book to have evil intentions.

"Yes Young Pendragon, what is it that you need from me on this...unique situation?" Chenglei asked as he raised an eyebrow, his hand on his sheathed sword.

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-The Book Purge-
Lydia nodded as James spoke before she raised a scarf that she had around her shoulders, tying the item around the lower portion of her face just below her eyes in order to shield herself somewhat before giving Meatballs a bittersweet look. It was tough liking dogs and being allergic to them at the same time. She often wanted to gently rub the boarhound's belly and bury her face in his fur but knew that would be a horrible mistake.

She moved nearer the circle and got down on her hands and knees by one of the marks for manna focusing and looked to the others and quirked a slight smirk, grinning at Renee as she grinned at her. Lydia was only nervous about one thing, the spell going wrong. Oddly enough, she didn't feel particularly nervous about what could happen in that event. She had grown pretty confident in the people around her and she was sure that whatever might happen, they would be able to handle it.

Zer0 Zer0 Katsuya Katsuya
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- Dice Battle -
" Atelier "

"Protective charms, I need to place them on you." said James, and without waiting for his answer, cast his shielding spells on Chenglei too.

He then placed a hand on the man's stomach and tapped his heart with his wand to sense if Spirit Garde was properly cast over his soul. James messy black hair fell with a casual elegance over his intelligent black eyes that were looking into the oriental man's own.

James wasn't familiar with Chenglei's spirit unlike his siblings and friends, and the only way to see was through the eyes which are the windows to the soul. "All set." he nodded, before taking his place with the others.

When all was ready and Lydia gave the go, the spell circle was activated.

Suddenly, red sparks and shadow tendrils erupted out of the book and clashed against Lydia's shielding runes that surrounded it. The fiendish face on the cover came to life, muttering dark incantations; purple flames blossomed around the cover so that anyone who would try to touch it would get burned.

The malicious soul was resisting the pull. It felt like having a tug of war with something slimy that was wedged firmly inside a narrow crack that kept slipping through their fingers

The wooden floor on which is sat was starting to burn as the flames began eating through the protective wards. If they don't purge this book quick it might burn through the floor and down into the civilian rooms.


The barrier broke, and purple flame wreathed shadows lashed violently at everyone.

"Stay calm. Don't let it destroy the spell circle." said James.

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We shall be using the old fighting method for now. Will apply the tags on the next battle. You can use 2 characters, Katsuya.

  1. Book, Fiendish Head
    3/3 Hp
    *Hits 3 targets
  2. Shadow Tendrils 1
    2/2 Hp
    *Regenerates 1 Hp/round
  3. Shadow Tendrils 2
    2/2 Hp
    *Regenerates 1 Hp/round
  4. Spell Circle
    2/2 Hp
    *Must not be destroyed.
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Chenglei stared back at James as he placed the spirit shield spell on him, letting him do what he needs to do. However once that's done, a bit of glitter appeared as he tucks James' fallen strands of hair behind his ear. He smiled his princely smile as a glint of shine shone in his ash purple eyes. It sort of reminded Renee of how Johnny looks at Echo. Serena couldn't help but snort at James, chuckling behind her hand.

"Truly a kindhearted one you are, Young Pendragon. Thank you." As much as he wanted to help these kids, the blond soldier's orders made him stay put by the door and observe everything. Time to see what they are made of...

Nodding back at Lydia, Renee focused on the magic circle, her eyebrows furrowed when she felt the sudden tug from the book. She knew James said to be ready for anything, but really, she's playing a violent tug-of-war with manna as the rope and the book as the opponent.

As the evil book broke the shields, Renee flinched from her spot as she felt that snap. Serena reacted first, playing Foo's song to attack the head: Fire summons vs. Fire head.

Renee stood up from her spot, knocked her bow, and shot at the head with her arrow.

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-Atelier, Dice Battle-
Lydia was watching James as he shielded everyone, Chenglei last. She enjoyed watching him work and she tilted her head to the side, her eyes widening slightly to Chenglei's somewhat intimate gesture. Her face reddened somewhat and she couldn't pinpoint exactly why, but she was definitely embarrassed and when James looked to her, she jumped slightly before nodding, a bit flustered, and turning fully to face the spell circle. She gave a nod to Renee before closing her eyes as she began to focus her will into the circle, trying to focus on her breathing rather than think about what she had just seen between the two oldest males in the room.

Her brow furrowed as she felt the tension between her will and that of the book, her shoulders moving awkwardly as though she were trying to shake something loose from herself. She didn't open her eyes, but her face did tense slightly as her jaw clenched. It was unnerving and she almost felt like she was being invaded as she felt the slimy touch of the book's will against her own.

When the wards broke, Lydia's body jerked, but she didn't move from her spot, she did the first thing she could think of that might help them and cast her stun spell, at least that might buy them a little time to finish the transfer and she was afraid of damaging the spell circle with any of her other spells. She reached into a small pouch she had collected for this task and drew out some dirt she brought from the garden, casting her spell on it before blowing it on the book.

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- Atelier -

The fiendish face snarled, black revolving summoning circles appearing beneath all of them; dead hands reached out and grabbed their legs, but could not pull them down the gaping pit of squirming anguished black creatures, all human in form except for their faceless heads hooked in the shape of ravens, beneath their feet --- except for Lydia.

Strong, cold hands pulled her violently down; the stinging smell of sulfur and brimstone clouding her nose. What would happen if she was still inside and the spell circle closed?

The book shrieked and trembled as Renee's light arrows struck the face. In retaliation, a purple flaming shadow tendril flung and smacked her across the face knocking her down, putting her eyebrows and hair on fire.

Seth dodged the shadow tendrils nimbly as they missed Serena as well; the twin bobbed and weaved through the tangle slashing them into shreds with his throwing knives. In his heart he was loving this because he was wearing shinobi garbs and he really felt like a ninja!

"Don't worry, Serena, I'll protect you!" he posed, smiling dashingly.

Frey was tangled in the flaming shadows, but James' shielding charms spared the stag from the flames and with a mighty pull tore the tendrils off the book.

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(1-8) James = 8
3/3 Hp
Evade 7

(1-7) Lydia = 9
2/3 Hp
Evade 3

(1-7) Renee = 5
2/3 Hp
Evade 5

(1-7) Serena = 10
3/3 Hp
Evade 4

(1-7) Seth = 1
3/3 Hp
Evade 5

Spell Circle
2/2 Hp
*Must not be destroyed

  1. Book, Fiendish Head = 3
    2/3 Hp
    *Hits 3 targets
  2. Shadow Tendrils 1 = 2
    0/2 Hp

    *Regenerates 1 Hp/round
  3. Shadow Tendrils 2 = 8
    2/2 Hp
    *Regenerates 1 Hp/round
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"Ah!" Renee's head turned to the side, her cheek where the tendril struck turned an angry shade of red, falling on her butt as she felt...something's burning-!

"Hot-! Hot-!" She quickly patted the fire away with her leather gloved hand, glaring heatedly at the evil book as the fire diminished. Payback-! She wants payback! The winged Pendragon knocked her arrow once again, aiming at the head...

...but Lydia's in trouble. Renee shot at the shadowy hands that are dragging her friend, hoping that the light would let her go.

Serena jumped out of the way, Foo copying her movements as the tendrils wildly attacked everyone. Then she saw Seth bobbing and weaving though shadows, declaring that he'll save her... She let out a tiny smile.

"Then I'll watch your back, Seth." The blonde violinist played her fireflies song, aiming at the shadowy tendrils as well.

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Of course her spell would fail, why wouldn't it? She didn't even have time to be angry about the fact when she was suddenly yanked downwards. A breathless yelp escaped her because of the force she was pulled with and when she realized what was happening, her green eyes widened and she looked around in panic. Her mind ran with thoughts of how this only happened to her because of how terrible she is at magic and she had to fight the tears as they burned her eyes.

She fought with the hands that were pulling at her to no avail, it wasn't as though she had her mace handy and even then, she felt that eventually her luck had to run out with that. All she could really do was try to climb her way out and with a mild and frantic bit of concentration she tried to cast Fireball on one of the tendrils.

Zer0 Zer0 Katsuya Katsuya
- Atelier -

A streak of bright flames seared the hands dragging Lydia down, and for a moment their grip tightened, clawing at her legs and dress, before they finally let go; Renee's shot struck one of the black creatures but there were too many.

"Frey, the book!" yelled James as he ran over to deflect the angry hands grabbing at the air to catch hold of Lydia once more, their black fingers shining with the blood from her wounds. The ethereal stag charged through the lashing shadows and pierced the fiendish face.

A black ripple of dark energy pulsed from the book as a terrible, hair-raising shriek escaped from the pages. It sounded like someone dying; the summoning circles were closing, dead hands trying to grab at anything they could reach: papers, fallen bottles, as they were being pulled back into their own realm; the shadow tendrils refused to die --- in its rage the malicious soul that was now very close to being pulled into the empty soul bottle was trying with all its might to kill the ones trying to separate it from the Libris Mortem.

The urn where Lydia kept Wrath's jewel heart cracked and out tumbled the philosopher's stone, screaming in unbearable agony with Wraths voice: "YOU BRATS!! FIRE!! MURDER!! I'LL RIP YOU!! I'LL RIP YOU!!"

Seth dove as a shadow tendril finally broke through the shielding runes, slicing and writhing in the room like a wild bladed giant snake, wrecking tables, cutting Lydia's papers, sending everything pell mell on to the floor.

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  1. (1-8) James = 3
    3/3 Hp
    Evade 7
  2. (1-7) Lydia = 3
    1/3 Hp
    Evade 3
  3. (1-7) Renee = 8
    2/3 Hp
    Evade 5
  4. (1-7) Serena = 10
    3/3 Hp
    Evade 4
  5. (1-7) Seth = 6
    3/3 Hp
    Evade 5

    Spell Circle
    2/2 Hp
    *Must not be destroyed
  1. Book, Fiendish Head = 3
    0/3 Hp
    *Hits 3 targets
  2. Shadow Tendrils 2 = 1
    1/2 Hp
    *Regenerates 1 Hp/round
Serena clicked her tongue as her attack missed again, jumping and dodging the tendrils that were trying to drag them in the portal. Then the hair on the back of her neck stood up as she hears a terrible shriek and played her fireflies song again at the shadow tendrils.

Renee glared heatedly at the stone as she hears Wrath's voice, knocking her arrow again and aimed it at the tendrils that are cutting the items in the room to pieces. She kept dodging the shadow hands as best as she could while still staying in her spot.

"Oh shut up!!!" She had enough with hearing the bad guys screaming-! The white-haired Pendragon let's her arrow fly, hoping it stays true to it's hit.

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Lydia scrambled to get away from the hands, releasing a shriek as she put all her strength into pulling away from them and finally slipping free. Her dress was torn as well as her striped stockings, the white parts stained red and the black parts slick with blood. She had turned around, sitting on her behind as she kicked frantically at the hands, her breaths coming in rapid gasps as the tears caused by a mixture of fear and pain, burned her eyes.

She flinched and squinted her eyes shut as the ripple of energy flowed through the room followed by the hideous shriek. Her glistening eyes turned to James. her hair all disheveled and her clothing torn along with blood smeared on her face, the same red peeking out from the holes in her clothing, but she didn't have time to even contemplate her failure as the urn broke and Wrath's voice yelled out. Her eyes widened in horror and she tried to get on her knees before casting Fireball once again and doing her best to concentrate her cast and her focus on the loosed tendril despite all of the chaos around them.

Zer0 Zer0 Katsuya Katsuya
- Atelier -
" Victory!"

With a streak of a light arrow, a flash of fire, the thrust of knives, and a stomping hoof, the shadow tendrils were destroyed and the malicious soul was sucked into the bottle that spun, a fragment of a black angry leaf glowing with purple flames whizzing inside, facing the direction of the philosopher's stone that was still yelling curses at them, but seemed to be sapped of its energy because it couldn't harm them anymore.

James immediately covered the red crystal with a cloth. "Lydia, do you have another one of those urns?!" he said as he cast protective charms around the area of the crystal.

The book was finally motionless. The fiendish face was cracked in two and was as lifeless as stone; the purple flames around it disappeared and the only fires left were the purple and orange ones burning in the room; Sorbet the golem immediately frosted them over.

Seth cautiously approached the book as if it were a wild animal and tentatively placed his fingers on the cover. There was a few seconds pause as he searched for traces of dark magic. "The curse has been lifted! We did it." he wiped the sweat off his brow, relieved, and gave Serena the thumbs up.

  1. (1-8) James = 9
    2/3 Hp
    Evade 7
  2. (1-7) Lydia = 2
    1/3 Hp
    Evade 3
  3. (1-7) Renee = 3
    2/3 Hp
    Evade 5
  4. (1-7) Serena = 10
    3/3 Hp
    Evade 4
  5. (1-7) Seth = 5
    3/3 Hp
    Evade 5

    Spell Circle
    2/2 Hp
    *Must not be destroyed
  1. Shadow Tendrils 2 = 7
    0/2 Hp
    *Regenerates 1 Hp/round
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-Victory dance!!! Yea!-

With a giggle, Serena stood next to Seth and grinned at him. Revenge for the soul sucking is so sweet and tender, is what the blonde is thinking as she stared at the book. "Yea...we did it...." Then she thought of something and her grin turned into a small and shy smile. "...Thank you for looking out for me, Seth." She said quietly so only he would hear her before looking away. Baby steps...

As Lydia looked for one, Renee is calming Mica down as he was hiding behind the table that broke during the whole fight. "It's okay, Mica. No one will hurt you, I promise..." She reached out her hand to let him get comfortable with her scent and felt him nuzzle her fingers. Smiling warmly, the white-haired Pendragon lured the ferret out and held him close to her chest. She can feel him still shaking and she scratched under his chin and on top of his head. Her tone turned sweet.

"There there...See? No one will hurt you. It's real brave of you to stay out here, Mica." She continued to comfort the ferret as she walked closer to Lydia. Renee asked him quietly if he could heal the witch and he did, though he was still shaking when he nuzzled the brunette. A white aura like glow appeared on her leg where her wounds are, the skin repairing itself as he healed her. "Thank you, Mica..."

Chenglei whistled, slow clapping at the group by the doorway. "Now I see why you guys saved Holt. Impressive for a bunch of kids with barely any training." Then the flower aura came back with a vengeance as he swooned over how epic it was to see everyone fight. The blond couldn't wait to tell this to Prince Kenren once he comes back for his report over the teens and their accomplishments...

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Lydia slumped down on the floor as the room settled. The papers settling onto the table, chairs, and floor as the dark energy dissipated. Well, that wasn't a total failure, at least. She only failed her spell once. She winced slightly when she moved as James questioned her on the urns. She shook her head and slowly climbed to her feet, "no... but I can make one."

She stumbled over to the shelves where the various ingredients for alchemy were kept and picked up one of the jars. It was opaque with a lid and was about the same size as the previous one. She dumped its contents out on a tray nearby and set to work, magically etching into the surface of the runes of warding, the same ones she had used on the other urn.

A smile was given to Renee as she came over with Mica, she tried not to move even though he tickled her, but she needed to focus on what she was doing. Her eyes narrowed on Chenglei as he slow clapped, she almost thought that was a little disrespectful, but she shook her head and snorted slightly as she looked back at what she was doing.

She had slumped slightly as she worked, a soft smile crossing her features as Seth confirmed that the book was curse free, her mind now starting to celebrate their victory and how they were a few steps closer to getting Seifer back, her gaze then shifted to Renee for a moment, the corner of her mouth twitching slightly before she refocused herself on enchanting the jar to house Wrath's philosopher's stone once again.

Zer0 Zer0 Katsuya Katsuya
- Libris Mortem -
"The Book of the Undead"​

"Clettidy." James waved his wand and the room began to clean itself. Spilled potions swept up back to their bottles, while torn curtains mend and hung themselves back above the windows. The damage by magic could not be repaired and they remained black and smoking as papers, dirt from a spilled potted plant, and shards of glass floated to the trashcan that ate them then burped loudly.

Once Wrath's crystal heart was in the urn, his cursing voice that kept wishing them all a painful death was muffled by the runes. For good measure James cast his own protective spells on it. He was going to have to re-cast them twice a day just like the shielding charms in Seifer's room. They kept the bottle with a fragment of his soul in an urn too and kept it far away from the crystal heart. It felt like something small and angry was inside it.

With a poof Meatballs and Sorbet disappeared in a puff of cloud. James tended to Frey and asked Renee to heal the stag too. The stag didn't like being healed by Mica, whom he found rude and annoying, but nudged Renee's hand affectionately.

Seth beamed at Serena, rubbing his nose. "Honestly it wasn't that hard." he huffed impressively. He opened the pages of Libris Mortem. As he skimmed through the chapters his happy face turned into a scowl of disgust and he slammed it shut.

"This isn't a nice book." he looked at his sister at Serena. "Don't read this unless you're helping them." he pointed at James and Lydia.

When Chenglei complimented them, James uncharacteristically clapped him hard on the back cheerfully. "Thanks, Chenglei!" putting his arm over his shoulders, he casually steered the Oriental man around so that the others won't see their faces. "Touch my hair like that again and you're dead." he said in a calm deadly whisper, gazing down at him with cool steely eyes.

It was like an aura battle between sunshine flowery red camellia flowers and the hard steely edge of a blade, or a happy golden retriever wagging its tail at a pissed off doberman.

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-Libris Mortem-
Lydia wasn't very mindful of the cleaning that James was doing with his spell. She just focused on finishing the enchantments and when they were done, she passed the jar to James, now focusing her attention more on seeking out her glasses before investigating the damage to her journal pages, one new addition in particular, as sentimental as it may seem.

She sort of just tuned everything else out for the next couple of moments, though she watched Seth as he investigated the book and laughed singularly as he said it wasn't a nice book before she went to collect it bringing it back over to the table where a nice empty space was arranged for it just above where her journal was amidst scattered papers that were still recollecting themselves.

She removed the scarf she had previously tied around her face to keep her from sneezing in the presence of Meatballs while she was focusing on the spell work as it had fallen around her neck and used it to wipe off any remnants of blood that had been left behind on her person from her injuries. She seemed to zone out for a moment before she heard James thanking Chenglei and she glanced in their direction as they faced away from everyone. She tilted her head a moment before a chill went down her spine and she visibly shivered.

She set her glasses with her journal as usual before she left the room. She was hungry, tired, and she felt like she needed a bath. Sulfur smells like rotten eggs... that would hardly be any way to appear in front of Echo with her birthday present, so with a meek wave to the others, Lydia vacated the room and headed for her own.

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Renee sighed in relief as the twat's voice was muffled, petting Mica as James asked her to heal Fray too. When she felt the buck touch her hand affectionately, her wings fluttered happily. "Sure...Alright, hold still Fray. Mica, amplify please." With a nod from the ferret, the Pendragon sister cupped the buck's cheeks and kissed his forehead, letting the warmth spread as the magic did it's thing. Any cuts and bruises the buck has, disappeared.

"There! Done....Um...Seth, I'm probably gonna look in there anyways. I'm way too curious about it." Renee commented warily as she stared at the book. In reality, she wants to take notes that will help against the Deathknights for the other generals while going to the storm wall.

Serena didn't want to do anything with the book, considering that the soul in it was the one who sucked her soul out. She rather avoid any complications for the ones who are studying it. "Right...I'm not touching it."

Chenglei wasn't afraid of James, oh no. In fact, he found it really funny that James took so much offense to him being himself. The blond tilted his head closer to James' face, his ash purple eyes stared into the summoner's black ones as he smiled his princely smile. The glitter from his aura just glimmered and glamored anything and anybody that's nearby.

"Ah~ Young Pendragon, I'm so glad that you are this energetic after a serious battle with the soul of a Deathknight. It's wonderful to see this side of you for I worry that you might get sick from being cooped up in a place for too long." He just wanted to annoy the living daylights out of this Pendragon sibling too. The family is just so much fun to tease.

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- Later that Night -

James nodded, smiling at Lydia as she left, before dryly turning back to Chenglei. "You're too kind." he said, unenthusiastically. He remained coolly impassive and did not budge an inch, his steely gaze drilling through Chenglei's princely one.

Seconds passed . . . They were so close, he could count how many eyelashes Chenglei had.

Goosebumps crawled up his spine. James jerked away, unable to bear it. His aura was too flowery. 'This bubblehead has no perception of personal space!' he thought, briskly walking to the sink to rub the front of his face vigorously with soap and water. He felt like he got licked by Meatballs.

Seth laughed at him.


Later that night, the storm finally hit. Wind pummeled the sides of the warship as thunder smote the sky. Every now and then the floor shook and would suddenly dip up and down as turbulence rocked the fleet. Everything that didn't need to be kept securely in the cabinets were nailed, taped down, or otherwise stuck to their respective places with magic.

James was working in the atelier in his reading nest, wearing a dark blue Hanten, or a small oriental coat, and a scarf, for the chill from the storm seeped through the wooden walls, and it felt as cold as though he was in a room of frost.

He had just recently come from a bath and his breath came out as mist before him, and he warmed his hands with a mug of coffee wedged between his crossed legs. The fireplace was roaring, but it seemed that the heat only extended a few feet for some reason.

He had just come from helping the others set up Echo's surprise birthday party in the theatre hall for tomorrow night. Johnny had come back from his 'epic' journey and was in the atelier with him studying Libris Mortem, just waiting for midnight when he would go and greet Echo a happy birthday.

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-Kabuki Theatre-
-Renee Pendragon-

Colorful paper lanterns hanged on the ceiling, walls, and on the second floor balcony, lighting up the spacious room and giving it a comfy and warm feel to it despite the cold. Ribbons and sashes weaved around the poles, paper bows tying together as it ended at each stop of the railings, curling up and left hanging. Paper origami circles are on the stage itself, also decorated with ribbons and steamers with chairs and stands for music notes ready for the musicians who wanted to come to play. A large drum standing in the middle of the stage held by the red and wooden stand. Flowers from the Orients were everywhere, all big and in different colors, but still harmonious thanks to a certain Pendragon sibling that's still working on each one.

Renee made sure to check on every single detail for Echo's surprise birthday party as she watched her family and friends leave the room and she can fix the haphazard looking ones, switching one flower with another from a vase or moving a potted one to a better area where it'll look nicer. She recognizes most of the flowers from studying in a flower book while visiting Seifer's body again with his soul and found out about how the Orients flower arranges too. So she wanted to make any flower arranger proud by highlighting the flowers with their colors and the length of each one. Later that night, she's planning to help Johnny with something after coming back from his epic journey.

It's rather funny too, how Renee tends to be crazy and all over the place during experiments, but with flowers...she's rather delicate and organized or well to Chenglei as he was, once again that night, ordered by the winged teen to move the heavy pot somewhere else. They've been at it since this afternoon and were lucky that Serena is going to distract Echo away from the area with Seth.

"Lady Storm, how are you not tired from moving around so much?"

"I ran for my life, now stop bugging me and move it...a little more to the right." He sighed and did as he was told. Looks like he can't even tease her when she's like this. The blond soldier was glad that the Kabuki actors are okay with taking the seating area apart and putting the low tables and seating pillows in it's place. It would've been hard to move around if they didn't take the beams out otherwise.


Mica yawned as he was curled around Johnny's neck, a note tucked in his weaved necklace for a certain fawn and ready whenever the entertainer told him to go. Though he rather stay close to the warm body he's sitting on, but Renee asked him to do this...

...and she said the Meatballs might be coming out too...That's what made the deciding factor since Mica liked the boarhound's company.

The ferret snorted quietly and placed his head on his stubby arms, watching the two human males working on the book that he wanted to tear to shreds before for scaring him earlier.

Zer0 Zer0 Roleplay Skittle Roleplay Skittle

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After having lunch and resting some to ease her mental strain over the ordeal with the book, Lydia had hastily made her way back to the atelier to continue the work on making Seifer whole again. She wasn't really much into decorating, but she had thought that Renee probably have enough hands anyway where as the hands that would help James were a bit fewer.

She currently lay on her stomach on the floor, which seemed to be her favorite spot, just in front of the sofa. She wasn't wearing any shoes, her black and white stockinged feet absently kicking in the air, her legs from the knee up were covered by some puffy black pants that almost looked like pajamas and were rutched at the knees, a long sleeve blouse with frilly lace around the wrists and a neckline that reached just below her collarbone with an open front sweater that hung to her mid thigh.

She had a thin stack of paper, each sheet covered in notes she had taken from the Libris Mortem for the sake of not constantly having to snatch the book away from James and Johnny unless she really needed to and at the moment she was sorting through the notes and working out her own hypotheses on how they should proceed.

As she thought, her fingers absently fumbled with one of he silver hoops that decorated her ears, her hair left down for once, if anything just to keep her neck warm. She peered at the pages spread out on the floor before her, green eyes lost in thought as they viewed the pages through her little silver spectacles.

Zer0 Zer0 Katsuya Katsuya

- Johnny Caprice -
" Atelier "

If Echo opened the door to her bedroom after training before dinner, she would be greeted by the smell of sunflowers and lavender. The oodles and oodles of flowers sat cheerfully on vases all over the room, arranged familiarly like how Renee would do it. There were also snake plants, and spider plants, and each bundle of flowers had little hand-written notes attached to them.

'Johnny: I finally know what a spider plant is, Echo!' said one note sticking out of said plant.

'James: Hey, Echo, advance happy birthday. Thanks for the abs. (; ' said another around a sunflower.

'Seth: I just wanna' say you're cool, Echo. Thanks for protecting us all the time and sorry about that time I was kind of a jerk. Happy Birthday!'

'Johnny: Your tail is the best, you fluffy, wuffy, doom hammer, boulder head-butting, hammer mama, you.'

'James: Thanks for taking care of my sis all this time, it really means a lot.'

'Seth: You're like the coolest, toughest, buffest, girl I've ever met who can uproot trees --- I mean, who does that?'

There many notes like this all around the room. Finally, beside a warm drink, on a pink rose that lay across a bowl of old man's bread spaghetti on her bedside table, was a note that said:

"My dearest Echo, happy, happy, birthday!~Mwa! I am so glad you were born. I mean it. I've never been so happy before with anyone and I want to thank you for caring for me all the time and for liking me. I truly wish with all my heart that all your dreams come true and you become the happiest person in the world. ~Mwa, mwa, mwa! (nips and cuddles you to death)

From the guy who's in love with you

P.S. You can keep these notes and redeem each for a kiss."

There was also a hot bath prepared for her and a bowl of bananas.


"It's a quarter to twelve." said Johnny, looking at his pocket watch. "Mica, could you go down and give Echo the note?" he rubbed the little ferret's forehead.

"Let's get Renee and the others?" said James stretching his arms.

"Aye, I'll go ahead. Meet you chaps at the garden!" waved Johnny, and left the room to get Renee.

"Lydia, want to come?" said James sitting beside her. We're going to greet Echo a happy birthday."

Roleplay Skittle Roleplay Skittle Katsuya Katsuya
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Her eyes shifted from viewing the pages before her through her glasses to peering over their rims at Johnny as he spoke. She glanced towards the clock on the wall before she raised herself from the floor and sat. She smiled slightly to Johnny as she waved before looking to James, a slightly bemused smile on her doll-like face, "what kind of friend would I be if I didn't?" she laughed slightly nodding, "of course I do, but I have to stop at my room first."

Zer0 Zer0

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