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Fantasy High School for the Supernatural and Gifted

Luke cursed, turning around and pointing the gun at Zero but didnt shoot. Vel snarled at Zero, sinking her teeth into his shoulder and felt bone scrape against her sharp teeth. She hooked her wing claws in his chest to hold him still as she chomped down on him.
Zero looked at were the water had hit him. There was barely even a scratch. He look up at Winter and into her eyes. (He needs some one he cares about to snap him out of his crazed frenzy state. Wink Wink Hint)
Zero had pulled the fox off of him and slammed it onto the ground with a quick grab he ripped one of the fox's wings off. He looked down at the fox getting ready to crush its spine.
Winter released Luke and weakly hobbled over to Zero grabbing his shoulder looking at him with tears in her eyes "pl-please stop Zero please"
Zero had looked straight into Winters eyes coming out of the frenzy and crazed state. He looked around at all he had done. He saw the people he cared about look at him like he was a monster. He turned away "Don't look at me I'm a monster" Zero said as tears rolled down his cheeks.
Winter shook her head "you're o-ok" she smiled at him weakly "I-it's ok..." She collapsed to the ground having used to much energy to move.
Zero picked her up and put her back on the couch. since she is no longer being poisoned she will recover now. Zero had walked out of the door and closed it behind him. He grew wings and flew to the top of the school to sit and think about what he had done.
Vel screamed in immense pain, once let go she hissed at him with flattened ears. Her black blood spurt on the walls and floor. This guy was an enemy now, she might not get to kill him but she at least wanted to inflict pain on him. Tear his eyes out, break his bones, cause internal bleeding, tear his tongue out, shred his flesh, anything! She stayed low to the ground as she slunk away, curling up in a corner in the room. Luke watched him fly away and shifted his form as well, following until he stood a little behind Zero. "What was that back there?"
Back in hell were I was born. That was how we were raised. The strongest survived and the weak died. I had become to strong from devouring angel,human and other demon souls that if I were to actually fight I could lose control. Which is what happened. I hate having this power. Its useless. All I can do is destroy things.
"Well... I'm not going to say that the power gives anything good really. Sounds pretty terrible when you hear it..." Luke didnt see any good coming from Zero at all, well his abilities anyway. "Just keep it suppressed or something, like really you didnt have to kill that woman. You could have chased her off"
I could not control myself. You don't understand. Every time I lose control its like watching a movie. All I can do is sit and watch.
"Thats one fucked up movie" He commented. "Anything had to be better then what happen to you. I mean I turn into a pink and white fluffball with wings for fucks sake. Is there anything you can do about it? Switch abilities?"
I can do a ritual to change your appearance, but I warn you it will HURT A LOT. It has to change your bone structure and everything, but I can do it.
Winter slowly came to a woke up, she had tear stains on her cheeks. The first thing she thought of was injured Vel "Vel?! Where are you?!"
"No, I meant for you. Like is there any way to switch your abilities?" He asked. honestly he didnt mind being a big fluff ball. It seemed a lot of females were into cute and cuddly things like that so he could use it in the long run.
Vel heard Winter, straightening her ears and slunk out of her corner. She staggered from the wing that was missing, leaving a trail of black blood along the carpet as she approached Winter with her head low and ears flat.
Winter slowly stoked Vels head getting blood on her hand "I'm going to use water to help ease the pain, ok?"
Vel shook her head. If Winter closed the wound the her wing wouldnt be able to grow back because of the healed tissue thinking the wing was already replaced because it was healed. She nudged Winter's hand as the girl pet her, hoisting half her body on the couch and lay her head in Winter's lap. On the side of her neck were holes and they exhaled and inhaled. Vel didnt breath by her mouth but by those openings.
Vel snarled at the mention of Zero, her tail lashing and knocking something over. That asshole took my wing! She could only snarl and lash her tail to show how pissed off she was.
Winter continued to pet her head "shhh It's ok" Winter is quite gentle even though she has a violent past so she's usually good at calming people down.
Vel stopped her movements, her tail falling limp and the snarling being replaced by purring. There was audible cracking of the regrowing bone of her wing, but she didnt seemed bothered by it.

Luke didnt understand that part, but guessed Zero knew more about his own species then he did. "Well... I dont know what to say to help you. This is kind of inescapable"

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