• This section is for roleplays only.
    ALL interest checks/recruiting threads must go in the Recruit Here section.

    Please remember to credit artists when using works not your own.

Realistic or Modern Hierarchy


Senior Member
This is NOT first come first serve.

Character Sheets are Due July 25.

That's when I'll decided who is accepted.

WIP cs are okay up until Monday, July 25.

I'm only accepting up to six players.

Please only use realistic face claims or a written description for character appearance.

You may change the CS's format however you like and add anything as long as all the information below is still answered.

Please have a writing sample from your character's perspective. (3rd person past tense)

Normally I don't care about swearing, but because this is a public form please try to put IC swearing in an inline spoiler or use ***. Thank you

[bg=#112222][h]Character Name[/h][row][column=span3]
[img=http://www.gemologyproject.com/wiki/images/5/5f/Placeholder.jpg]  [/column][column=span5]
[border=0px solid #88cccc][accordion]{slide=[bg=#446666]Basics[/bg]}Name: Full name/nicknames/alias
Age: 17+
Sex: Physically
Gender: pronouns
Sexuality: Optional
Current Rank: (From the beginning of the RP. Can be 1-50,000)
Occupation: Student/guard/janitor/actress/etc.
Short Term Goal:
Long Term Goal:

{/slide}{slide=[bg=#669999]Appearance[/bg]}Height: (in ft)
Build: Thin/Athletic/Fat/average/curvy/etc.
Hair color: Natural or dyed?
Eye color: Please keep realistic.
Scars/Tattoos: Any distinguishing features?
{/slide}{slide=[bg=#88cccc]Background[/bg]}What class was xe born into?
Where xir parents both in the same class?

Is xe in the same class xe was born into?
(If not what happened? Did xe rise or fall in the ranks?)

Feelings about the ranking system:
What has influenced xir opinion?

How does xe feel towards people with higher/lower ranks than xim?
Are they rivals? Beneath xim?

What does xe think about the rankless?
Those in the wastelands.

Does xe live with anyone?
Family, boyfriend, girlfriend, roommates.

What tests does xe excel at? Example: Athletic, mathematical, painting, etc.

What tests does xe do poorly on? Example: Athletic, mathematical, painting, etc.

Personality: Describe xir personality

Strengths: (at least 3)

Weaknesses: (at least 3)

{/slide}{slide= [bg=white]Writing Sample [/bg]}Please write a 3+ paragraph sample in 3rd person past tense in your character's POV.{/slide}[/accordion][/border][/column][/row]

@thnksfrllths @Quarantine @Call Me Lucifer @Noivian
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Shan Glen




Shannon (Shan) Glen


: 25


: Cis Female


Questioning (she doesn't have time for any of that anyway)

Current Rank:



Freight Worker

Short Term Goal

: Lower her rank number and rise to a higher class. Most likely D, but preferably C where she and Haven can have a better life.

Long Term Goa

l: It's a complete pipe dream that she rarely even lets float at the back of her mind. In all honestly, Shan doesn't even expect to live past thirty. However if she could have anything it would a family. She wants to live a simple life with her spouse and two to three children.



: 5'11


: Lean and muscular


: Has shoulder length wavy brown hair. She usually pulls it up into a messy pony tail to keep out of her way.


: Brown.


: Has some minor scars on her arms and legs from work, but nothing too noticeable.


What class was she born into?

D class. Both parents were D class citizens.

Is she in the same class she was born into?

No. After her father abandoned them and their mother died, everything went downhill, including Shan and Haven's ranks.

Feelings about the ranking system:

It's a fucking peace of shit. The whole purpose is so that the lower tiers do all the backbreaking dirty work for the higher ups. The crap about anyone having a chance to rise is useless propaganda that the government spews.

How does she feel towards people with higher/lower ranks than her?

She could care less. The upper tiers are full of bastards and creeps and the lower tiers are full of beggars and criminals.

What does she think about the rankless?

She admires that they can survive out there. She's curious about what it's like, but also terrified that the stories are true. That rankless have fallen into a state of bestial anarchy with roaming bands of murders and psychopaths. The wastelands are full of the mentally ill, terminally ill, old, and criminals. Is that really a place she wants to try and create a home?

Does she live with anyone?

Her younger brother, Haven, and fourteen roommates...or something like that. She doesn't keep track of the roommates. As long as they don't mess with her stuff or get in her way they're tolerable.

What tests does she excel at?

Athletic completions, logic games, memorization.

What tests does she do poorly on?

Anything creative, mathematical, or requiring anything more than a basic education. She can count and she can read. What else does she need?


Shan is struggling to stay above water. She doesn't have the time or energy to be 'nice.' She is quiet and reserved, rarely speaking for the sake of it. She is not naturally in tune to the feeling of others or her own. She handles conflict well and without emotional upheaval.



Shan might not be the easiest person to get to know or even get along with, but once she's decided to care about someone there's no turning back. She can count the number of people she really cares about on one hand with fingers to spare, but she's willing to die for any of them.

Strength and Endurance

After years hauling cargo, Shan's got muscle. She can bench press 150 lbs and dead lift 260. As a freight worker she's got endurance. She may not be fast, but she can go the distance.

Lie Detector

She's really good at calling people on their BS, mostly because she doesn't trust anyone.



Shan is brutally honest and this doesn't make her any allies. Shan has zero empathy or tolerance for those she doesn't consider to be a part of her "family."


Shan isn't a stranger to pain or cruelty. Living in a corrupt society she has learned that the only person looking out for her and her own is herself. She never puts her faith in other people. She assumes everyone has ulterior motives. Shan needs to have control at all times, because she doesn't trust anyone else to work in her best interests.


It's not that she's dumb. Shan has street smarts and an uncanny ability to tell when someone is lying, but talk about DNA or tectonic plates and she's lost.


"When worth is reduced to a number, that's all anyone sees. That's all they're ever gonna see"
Shan Glen

Writing Sample

With each click of the ID cuff's numeric screen, Shan's heart raced faster. Dammit. She wrinkled her nose at the disinfectant smell of the office. Tick. 46826. Tick. 46827. Tick. 46828. The judges were sadistic f***s for making everyone


as their rank changed. It wasn't like they didn't have the technology to simply have it change from 45364 to 46834. Nope. They had to make the process agonizingly slow with the soft hum of equipment and air conditioning the only sound to distract her from her thoughts. Plus the occasional shifting of the woman at the desk and the security officer standing to the side in case Shan did something stupid.

She didn't have time for this. She had crap to do. The clean cut office woman looked up from her desk and gave Shan a condescending cherry red smile. Her pretty face asked 'aren't you done yet already?' She'd done that a couple of times since she attached the device to Shan's cuff, double checked that she was the right citizen, and then left her to do something at her desk. Shan doubted it was paperwork.

Her cuff said 3560. C class. Shan guessed she was texting or watching a movie or something as Shan's life disintegrated.

"It's done," Shan snapped. 1470. She'd fallen 1470f***ing spots. She'd have to move out. She wouldn't be eligible to live in the trash heap she shared with fifteen other people, including her brother.

The C class unhooked the plug her red and orange nails scraping Shan's wrist. "Have a nice day."

In the adjustment room Shan stripped putting on the new pair of clothes she'd been given, oil stained cuff offs and a threadbare t-shirt. Her old clothes were too 'good' for her current rank. The new shoes were held together with duct tape and cardboard. Lucky for her it rained that morning. All she had to do now was walk six miles home, her old home, so she could tell Haven she f'ed up.


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Francis "Frank" Courter


Name: Francis Courter

Age: 42

Gender: Male

Sexuality: Straight

Current Rank: 1,023

Occupation: Freelance Personal Security

Short Term Goal: None, really. Life in B suited him just fine and far surpassed anything his last name promised at birth. "Don't do anything to jeopardise that", if you can call that a goal.

Long Term Goal: The nature of Frank's work, though it paid incredibly well, often threatened to curtail that short term goal. "Two more years," he told himself whenever work got rough. A scrape, a scuffle. A knife, a bullet: "Two more years."

One youthfully ignorant year long binge when he landed the gig aside, Frank had always been reasonably careful with his money and planned himself an early retirement. Since formulating this grand plan for himself, however, two more years had become five more. Five had become ten. And on it goes.

Height: 5' 11"

Build: Average.

Hair: Black with the early signs of graying, worn medium length and slicked back.

Eye color: Dull blue.

Scars/Tattoos: A thrice busted nose and a two-inch scar running down the right side of his neck aside, Frank's other, mostly work-related "distinguishing features" are hidden from view.

What class was he born into? E class, born to a pair of 32,000ers. "Upper lower class, hmph!" his father used to exclaim with a degree of pride that, on reflection, saddens Frank.

Is he in the same class he was born into?

Frank has ascended so far above the class of his birth that the dank streets, overcrowded living centers, and choking smog spewing from the factory chimney stacks are naught but a distant memory to him. "Hard work, knowing the right people and luck. In that order." is how Frank explains his ascension. The details he doesn't care to recall.

Feelings about the ranking system:

Years of privilege have lulled Frank into an almost complete apathy toward the ranking system. It's the accepted way of life: a lazy yet all too common opinion for people in his position.

Given the circumstances surrounding Frank's rise to the 1,000s, he does sometimes fleetingly question the honesty of it all.

How does he feel towards people with higher/lower ranks than him?

Given Frank's origins, a pang of sympathy still resonates whenever he encounters those of the lower ranks. It's a feeling that's dulled over the years, however, given it's usually those people making Frank and his occupation a necessary precaution.

What does he think about the rankless?

For reasons he couldn't quite place, the cautionary tales of Frank's long dead mother still occupied some dusty crypt of his mind. Tales of seemingly endless desert swallowing you whole. A vast nothing, interspersed with shantytowns and makeshift hovels, housing the vilest and most wicked of men. Packs of almost feral marauders, having cast their cuffs into the molten sand, roaming the desolate lands between the Great Cities. Surviving at any cost.

Most frightening of all to a young Frank: the fable of The Wraith of the Wastes. Said to be the very first banished soul; Frank's mother would tell the story of misbehaved children ripped from their beds in the dead of night, never to be seen again. So work hard, be polite.

Because though they may only be mother's tales: everybody knew that a digit over 50,000 was tantamount to a death sentence.

Does he live with anyone?

Two childless and, eventually, loveless marriages later, Frank lives alone.

Personality: Ruthlessly short, frequently sarcastic and the eternal, world-weary cynic, Frank isn't the easiest person to be around for extended periods. Several rounds of hard liquor reveal a forgotten sunnier disposition from a time before.

Writing Sample
The shrill ring of his phone split the air like an axe. Frank stirred, immediately feeling like he'd been hit in the head with one.

He rolled onto his back, the first light of the day assaulting his senses and bringing with it a vague, kaleidoscope recollection of the night before. He knew Murphy's was a bad idea but he was too wired after the day's excitement to simply go home. Besides, the place currently occupied a special place in his heart. More currently, however, it occupied his bladder. To capacity.

Frank rolled to his side and squinted in the approximate direction of the infernal bleeping. The electric buzz as the phone vibrated against the wooden side table seemed like unnecessary extra punishment. He reached out, grasping for the blurry object, missing completely twice before fumbling the thing to the floor on the third attempt. Frank groaned, stuffing his face into the pillow as the phone persisted from below.

He lay on his stomach for a while, long enough for the phone to fall silent, yet also long enough for his bladder to remind him of its urgent need for emptying. Reluctantly, Frank rolled over and sat up. Planting his feet on the floor snapped the Earth back to its axis and stopped the room spinning, which he was grateful for.

Another groan with his head in his hands was followed by a cacophony of arthritic clicks and pops as Frank stood and stretched. He gingerly made his way toward the bathroom, carefully navigating the assault course of discarded items of clothing he'd left for himself the night before.


Having parted ways with what felt like a reservoir of Murphy's top shelf and feeling a little less foggy for having splashed his face with water and taking double the recommended dose of aspirin, Frank staggered back to the bedroom. The phone had resumed its incessant racket.

He slumped back onto the bed, running one hand through his hair and fishing the phone from under the bed where it had landed with the other. 'RS.work', insisted the phone. Frank answered.


"Valanquez job debrief. Outside."

Frank's temples throbbed. He tried in vain to massage them with the index finger and thumb of his free hand.

"Coffee?" Frank sighed, making his way over the window.


A nondescript, black Ford idled half on the curb opposite Frank's house. The only movement a thin sliver of smoke rising from the driver's window.

"Five minutes."


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Kim Dae Young


Name: Kim Dae Young

Age: 22

Sex: Cis Female

Gender: She/Her

Sexuality: Bisexual

Current Rank: 77

Occupation: Dishwasher

Short Term Goal: To not let the ranking system - and parents - rule her entire life.

Long Term Goal: See what is beyond the Rings and in the Wasteland.

Height: 5'8"

Build: Atheltic from years of scaling buildings and jumping rooftops for a better look over the Rings limits.

Hair color: Naturally brown with the tips dyed magenta purple.

Eye color: Deep brown, almost black.

Scars/Tattoos: A few scars from her frequent rooftop adventures, nothing too noticeable.

What class was she born into? Class A

Were her parents both in the same class?

Is she in the same class she was born into?
"Unfortunately," yes, she remains in Class A despite her attempts.

Feelings about the ranking system:

What has influenced xir opinion?

How does xe feel towards people with higher/lower ranks than xim?

Are they rivals? Beneath xim?

What does xe think about the rankless?

Those in the wastelands.

Does xe live with anyone?

Family, boyfriend, girlfriend, roommates.

What tests does xe excel at? Example: Athletic, mathematical, painting, etc.

What tests does xe do poorly on? Example: Athletic, mathematical, painting, etc.

Personality: Describe xir personality

Strengths: (at least 3)

Weaknesses: (at least 3)

Writing Sample
Please write a 3+ paragraph sample in 3rd person past tense in your character's POV.

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Ezekiel Ure




Ezekiel "Eze" Ure




Cis Male





Current Rank:




Short Term Goal:

Live to see another day

Long Term Goal:

His dream is to own a pub, marry a simple woman and drink till his dying breath





Average (Slightly out of shape)

Hair color:

Natural Chestnut

Eye color:

Light Blue


Scar on the back shoulder


What class was he born into?

He was born in class B

Where his parents both in the same class?

No, his mother was in class B and his father in class E. He was a charming man but an alcoholic. His addiction led to the separation of the family. Eze was 10 years at the time and choose to take his younger brother and move with their father.

Is he in the same class he was born into?

He remained in E class after his dad abandoned him.

Feelings about the ranking system:

He doesn't care about the rankings. For him it's just a number that everyone likes to brag about.

What has influenced his opinion?

Eze was not influenced by anyone or anything

How does he feel towards people with higher/lower ranks than him?

In his eyes #1 and #50,000 are the same. Both are humans.

What does he think about the rankless?

He compares them to homeless people and nothing more.

Does he live with anyone?

He shares a train wagon with his younger brother Oliver (age 18 - #47,777) and his mentor Archie Gustav (age 64 - #32,001)

What tests does he excel at?

Philosophy, History and English

What tests does he do poorly on?

Math, Physics, Chemistry and Anatomy


Eze is a laid back character. Does not like to engage in conversations and prefers to drink by himself. With that said, he is a charming person just like his father. When drunk he gives a generally depressing vibe as he often sighs and start to shut himself in his world.



If he wants you to buy him a drink, you'll get him 5.


There's always a reason behind everything. You just have to see it.


Give him a pack of cigarettes and a bottle of vodka and he'll survive a week.


Chain Smoker

Not the best runner you've seen

Inexperienced Fighter

The only thing he can beat you at is poker.


Don't expect any sort of help from him

Writing Sample

"Oh no, not me

I never lost control

You're face to face

With the man who sold the world"

It was his favourite song. It was unfortunate that the radio was old and overly used. Add the fact that the neighbours were fighting over some C rank food that was put up for auction and you get an unpleasant morning. Eze woke up with blood shot eyes after a night of "partying". The old man was already awake for a good 20 minutes and was brewing some coffee.

Oliver supposedly went to a friend's house to search for a place to work, or just to get high.

"Careful now, it's boiling hot lad." Archie mentioned before handing Eze his coffee. They both opened their compartment and set up some chairs and a small table outside. The sky was as uninviting as usual. Everything looked so miserable, kids running around naked and full of mud. Sick people happily sharing their food with others. And of course the "Red District" was as busy as always. Sounds of pleasure or, better said pain were heard throughout the slums. The voices ranged from the fragile 16 to the experienced 50.

Eze took a day off of work to relax. But these parts were not quite what he wanted. He always dreamed of a calm place where everyone got along and acted as the normal human beings they are. He looked at Archie and saw a man neither sad nor happy. His vision looked empty, as if for him life ended years before. Eze wanted to comfort him but what was there to be said ? At the end of the day he was in the same boat. he couldn't help but wander if he should've died a long time ago too. This simple yet unanswered question puzzled him.

After enjoying the bitterness of the coffee Eze borrows someone's bicycle and starts searching for his brother.


Shino Ueno

Name Shikakku Ueno (Shino)

Age 20

Gender Female

Current Rank Wastelander

Occupation Midnight Sun Gang Member

Short Term Goal Stay with the gang

Long Term Goal She doesn't know where her life will lead her. She sees people dying every day, and it's not like she's not used to this lifestyle. As long as the Midnight Sun Gang exists, she wants to stay in the wastelands until the day she dies. The members of her gang, however, wish for something more for her. It isn't good for a girl to stay as a waster for the rest of her life, after all.

Ethnicity Japanese

Height 5'5''

Build Lean and muscular

Hair Color Black. Length is just past her shoulders (ruggedly cut)

Eye Color Dark Brown


~ Various scars littering her body from years of fighting and surviving in the wastelands

~ ? tattoo on the inside of her gang tattoo

~ Gang tattoo

What class was she born into? Class C

Where her parents both in the same class? Yes

Is she in the same class she was born into? "Uh, no. When I was young, I hated studying. I wanted to play outside more, be away from my parents, ya know? Then I turned twelve, and well, you can guess what happened. A lot of things happened afterwards, but to put it simply, I dropped to Class E. At that time, I was pretty much desperate to work back up to my parents. Over-studying led to being sick, and I got thrown out. Got critically injured by some b*****d right before the second test and ended up staying in the dump. I was taken care of by the a low tier gang (at the time), and I found that there were some decent people out here. I got used to it. It's my life now. I'm twenty, and I don't feel like crawling back to my parents up in the higher ranks since my family is here. They're just a distant memory now."

Feelings about the ranking system: "I used to think that it was complete bull****, but then I realized that the strong rise up while the weak are thrown out. It was always like that and will always be like that."

How does she feel towards people with higher/lower ranks than she? "There are no ranks below the heap of trash I call my home, but even over here, our gang is one of the strongest. If I wanted to, I bet I could beat the s**t out of those high rankers."

What does she think about the rankless? "Huh? I live here for f**ks sake. If I didn't like it here, why would I stay? It's not like I can't go up a rank."

Does she live with anyone? "The gang. There aren't a lot of girls though."

What tests does she excel at? Athletics, History, Anatomy (gotta those those vitals, heh)

What tests does she do poorly on? Mathematics, Chemistry, Language Arts, Physics

Personality: Suffice to say, Shino's changed a lot from the time she was a twelve year old girl. Her rebellious streak and naivety was what lowered her rank to Class E. She is still rebellious, but her naivety was gunned down long ago, not long after she arrived to the wastelands. From then on, she's learned to be more cautious, learned where the dangerous territories were, how to use a gun, how to fight, and how to survive. If her will wasn't as strong as it was, she wouldn't have survived for eight years down in the dump. Sometimes, she wonders if they would get fed up and just kill her. If she went up a rank, she wouldn't want to come back down. Going up frightens her, and she'd rather die than go up.

Strengths: Loyalty, Strong Will, Smart (for a waster), High pain tolerance, Cynical, Cautious

Weaknesses: Stubborn, Completely not knowledgeable in certain areas (which is actually a plus for her), Rash, Dislikes change
Writing Sample
Bang Bang Bang!

Everything seemed to move in slow motion. Blood pounding, guns shouting, foots stomping, hard breathing. She ignored the pulsing pain on her left bicep in favor of gunning down the eighth psycho that's invaded their territory. How many more? One, two, five, ten?


A bullet whizzed past. Close, so close. She could've died. The sound of a gunshot rang in her ears, and then next thing she knew, the psycho was dead. Shino didn't know how long it lasted, but they won. She kicked the lifeless body of the man she had killed as if that would make her feel better. It obviously didn't. They won, but they lost family. The dead would be burned, and the stench of death would beat down on her, asking why she couldn't protect them. But she knew that she couldn't have done anything. It wasn't her fault. Even after eight years, the death of her comrades burned her from the inside out. It willed her to live for them.

New members joined them every year. They were the ones who were thrown out of the circle: Scared and unable to predict what the wastelands had in store for them. The Midnight Sun Gang was family. They were some of the few gangs who fought to survive and supported each other. Some were born here and others were outcasted (like she was). Their leader was a terminally ill man, born in Class A. He taught them, supported them, and was like a father to them. The Midnight Sun Gang fights to be a light that survives in this dark and cold place they call home. Shino would never abandon them.

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Kristen Alexandra Smirnov
<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_07/isabelle_fuhrman_.jpg.0bc941dc03a3a76fd362ff0bcaa33320.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="145156" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_07/isabelle_fuhrman_.jpg.0bc941dc03a3a76fd362ff0bcaa33320.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Name: Kristen Alexandra Smirnov (goes by Kris)

Alias: Gwen Randoulph

Age: 19

Sex: Female

Gender: Female

Sexuality: Heterosexual

Current Rank: 78

Occupation: She's going to Brown for Law School, while working at her mother's law firm.

Short Term Goal: Take out high ranking people.

Long Term Goal: Bring down the system that let her brohter die.

Height: 5'3"

Build: Athletic build, with slim shoulders and thin hips.

Hair color: Brown, naturally

Eye color: Blue, but looks grey.

Scars/Tattoos: Small, thin scar at the nape of her neck.

Kristen was born into Class A. Her dad was a doctor and her mother was a well-known defense attorney. They raised Kristen with the belief that everyone outside of Class A had done something horrible to deserve their ranking. Kristen believed that for a long time, she decided when she was young that she wanted to be a lawyer like her mother, even working at her office when she was young. However, when Kristen's younger brother Jonas turned twelve, it was determined that his ranking was not a Class A, it was in fact a Class D. Jonas had Down Syndrome, he didn't know how to raise his ranking. Kristen tried to fight the ranking but since her parents put no effort into the fight, Jonas was forced to live in the Class D section. Three months after that, the Smirnov family was informed that Jonas had died of an illness. Kristen was outraged, she had completely come to terms with how horrible the Classes were. She began to make a plan to take down the classes. She considered allowing her ranking to drop, but she decided to work to maintain her rank so that she would have better access to the people who controlled systems. She's been slowly gathering information about the leaders and the high ranking people. Part of what she does is that she either obtains or plants dirt on people with high ranks who don't deserve their high ranks.

Were her parents both in the same class?


Is she in the same class she was born into?


Feelings about the ranking system: She hates it.

What has influenced her opinion?

The death of her brother.

How does she feel towards people with higher/lower ranks than her?

She grew up thinking they had done something to deserve their rank, but then she realized that the system was screwed up and they just didn't have friends in high places.

What does she think about the rankless?

They were just unfortunate people who the system failed.

Does she live with anyone?

She has her own single dorm at Brown, but she does frequently spend the night at her friend, Jillian's house.

What tests does she excel at?

Athletics and things centered around Law and Justice.

What tests does she do poorly on?

Anything related to art and music.

Personality: She's sarcastic and sassy, but she also is very determined when it comes to things that she believes in. This is one of the reasons that she excels as a growing lawyer.

Strengths: She's intelligent, determined, and will fight for what she wants until she gets it. Kristen also, has some ability in combat- she trained in several martial arts since she was young because it looked good to have on her college applications.

Weaknesses: She is somewhat naive when it comes to how bad the wastelands are, she is emotional about her brother, and she has a hard time trusting anyone.

Writing Sample
Kristen Smirnov sat in the back of the lecture hall, pretending to be taking notes on the importance of eye contact in the courtroom. In truth, it was nothing close to notes. No, Kristen was miles deep into the shell companies of one Herbert Tube, a surgeon at the local hospital. The company to the untrained eye would appear to be just a normal oil drilling company that got shut down years ago. Kristen, however had managed to open the account records to see that every Tuesday $1,000 was removed from the account. While it was a huge transaction, it was significant. There was a lot of bad things you could do with $1,000.

Drug, sex, and power, the crime trinity as they called it in law school. Kristen knew it was one of those three, now she just had to narrow it down. Her personal opinion was that the money was either going to a prostitute or a illegitimate child's trust fund. She knew that given one good night with her camera and she would have her answer. Wherever the money was going, it was done digitally, which meant it had to be done in cash. That made things much easier.

"And that, Ladies and Gentlemen is why the Zodiac Killer would have been one of the easiest cases to fight for," Professor Weston finished his lecture and people began to shove things into their bags. Kristen shut her laptop and slid it into its case. Standing, she made to leave the classroom, but a hand stopped her. She turned to see who it was. When she turned she saw a sandy haired boy a few feet taller than her.

"Hi," he said reaching out his hand. "My name's Justin Wickerson, I think you're in my Forensic Psychology class."

"Yeah, my name's Kristen," She said shaking his hand.

"Well, I just thought I'd let you know that there's a few of us going to the Class C section tonight to go clubbing. If you wanted to come," he said grinning. Kristen could tell from the way he was acting that he was just another rich kid trying to seem dangerous going that far away from the university.

"No thanks, I actually have plans tonight. Maybe another time though," Kristen politely declined his offer without offending him too much.

"That's too bad," Justin sighed. "Next time, no negotiations."

"We'll see," Kristen said, then turned and walked away. Glad to be leaving the classroom for the day.



  • isabelle_fuhrman_.jpg
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Name: Lucy Fürin

Age: 18

Sex: Female

Gender: Female

Sexuality: Straight

Current Rank: 39, 584

Occupation: Student/Maid

Short Term Goal: Get through college

Long Term Goal: Rise through the rank system

Other: She has a work pass to enter the higher ranking areas.

Height: 5'8

Build: Thin

Hair color: Natural brunette

Eye color: Blue

Scars/Tattoos: A small tattoo of a star behind her ear.


Born into rank C, Lucy's parents have been trying to reach rank B since she was born. They thought they could achieve their goal by moving to another city but unfortunately, they dropped a level at the entrance of their current city and have been trying to make it up ever since.

This is what has lead Lucy to believe that if good people like her parents cannot rise in the ranks, there is something inherently wrong with the system and the people who it has inadvertently enslaved.

The lucky ones live in the wastelands. They have no rank and therefore no responsibility to rise.

Things she is good at: Acting & Sciences

Not so good at: Sports & Arts

Personality: Determined to get her parents to a higher rank, Lucy will do almost anything. She is loyal to the causes she sees as worthy and stays by her friends, even when times get tough. She can put herself through hardships by thinking of the end result and she knows that many things can be accomplished by forgetting the word 'dignity'.

Strengths: Loyalty, critical thinking and acting

Weaknesses: She sometimes doesn't think things through, can be blindly loyal and doesn't like admitting she is wrong.

Writing Sample
The black liquid was spreading and the cuts on her fingers were making it hard for Lucy to clean it up.

Anxiously, she glanced up at the door. She had locked it but any minute now someone would realise it was locked and they would realise what she had done and she would loose her job and- calm down Lucy. Breathe. Nobody would know anything because she was cleaning it up.

She had thought Regina wanted her coffee in here and tripped over the stupid cat so now the priceless coffee cup was in pieces on the floor. She had picked up the pieces but the coffee was determined to stain the white carpet. Her best bet was to leave the room and hope nobody thought the stain was her fault.

Lucy stood up and unlocked the door. She opened it slowly, the slight creak seeming impossibly loud as Lucy strained to hear for approaching footsteps. There were none. With a sigh of relief, Lucy stepped out into the hallway and her breath caught in her throat.

"Hello slave." Regina smiled evilly.
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