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Fandom Group Hangout

(Flicker: well I’m sorry I want to know why someone else has their phone!)


Wyvern nods, “enough times for me to know I’m ok…”
(Revenant: Get things done. Ask questions later. )

Revenant sighed, putting the phone down and looking at Wyvern "he's bringing the stuff...."

Ziggy seemed more confused "geeze, and why? Does this happen?"
(Flicker: how do I know you’re not Cascade trying to force me to waterboard them?)

Wyvern doesn’t answer. Flicker arrives a couple minutes later and slams open the door. He opens his mouth to say something, but his eyes land on Ziggy

“…Who the fuck is that? Revenant, what’s going on?”
(Revenant:....fair I guess)

Revenants closed the door before speaking "It doesn't matter, and I don't know. I'd assume you know what's going on with Wyvern"Revenant spoke getting the rag and water from Flicker and going over to Wyvern, placing the rag in their head

Ziggy glanced at Flicker "They went to someone named Woodward?"
“….shit.” Flicker rushes over to Wyvern and lifts up their arm, frowning at the gas. “Revenant, can you reach into Dallas’ tank? There’s a specific leaf that should be.. sparkling? Is the best I can describe it. Give it to me… it’ll hurt to touch it, so wear gloves or get a tshirt or something.”
Revenant furrowed her brows confused by the description but goes to the tank anyway, rolling down one of her long sleeve gloves to grab it

Ziggy was absolutely dumbfounded by the situation, and found the description to be weird and fake sounding "a leaf? Really?"He spoke raising a brow as he watched
“no!” Wyvern tries to sit up, but almost passes out, “Joey, he needs that if-“

“He’s not going to die while we’re working tonight, wy. You need it more.”
Once revenant spots it, she grabs it with the clothes of her glove and goes back over to the two "here"she spoke calmly

Ziggy furrowed his brows, lost in the situation, although not really feeling bad of some sort mainly lost and confused
“Thank you.” Flicker takes it and holds it against one of Wyverns scars. The leaf starts to ooze out that same black gas. It almost seems to fill the room. After a few seconds, it all drains back into Wyvern.

Wyvern sits up, looking much healthier now
Revenant relaxed seeing Wyvern much healthier sighing "Jesus kid, you worried me"she mumbled

".....what was that?"Ziggy suddenly spoke
Flicker sighs, frowning at Wyvern, “You didn’t tell them what was happening?”

“I didn’t wanna freak them out..”

“Clearly you did anyway. I’m telling them.”
(I find it funny how they freaked out anyways 😂😂😂)

Revenant crossed her arms as she listened, wanting to know what Woodward done to get Wyvern this way

Ziggy placed his hands in his pockets
Flicker sits next to Wyvern, in between them and Ziggy, and wraps an arm around them.

“Woodward uses their soul to help hold up the invisibility spell… not just Wyvern’s soul, but sometimes he uses theirs.” Flicker explains, “they were sick because part of their soul was gone.”
Revenant seemed surprised, clenching her fists "what the fuck!??? That son of a bitch I swear"Revenant's sounded pretty pissed, trying to keep her tone down and not fuck anything up at the same time

Ziggy seemed shocked himself "does he not have the power to just do it himself???"
(In ✨ the universe ✨) magic of any kind recquires either angellic or demonic energy) (the easiest one to get is demonic and the easiest way to get it is hybrid souls or artifacts) (artifacts work for smaller things, but for something big like, for example, concealing a whole eight-story building, you need proper souls)

(Woodward has control of a little demonic energy because he is kept “alive” by it, but not enough)

Flicker shakes his head, “no.. the building’s too big.”
(ohhh okay! Makes sense lol)

"Oh....still an ass move to use kids"Ziggy mumbled
(So ALL his hybrid proxies get their souls swiped, not just wyvern 😂)

Flicker nods, “Yea.. at least the leaf was enough to fix it this time.”
(ah okay 😂😂😂)

Revenant stood up, heading to the window to get some fresh air

Ziggy glanced over, hearing her bickering and mentally laughing a bit, he glanced at Wyvern "feeling better?"
(Angellic energy isn’t necessarily better- but it is WAY rarer and churches like to use it) (Someone kidnapping Azreal could make SO much money by stealing parts of his soul/essence)

(We’re talking like, 10-50k per artifact and 70-100k per captured soul chunk) (Az better not led his guard slip in any AUs)
(ah okay 😂😂😂)

Revenant stood up, heading to the window to get some fresh air

Ziggy glanced over, hearing her bickering and mentally laughing a bit, he glanced at Wyvern "feeling better?"
Wyvern nods

Flicker turns to face Ziggy, “So.. did Revenant bring you here?”
"yeah...I'm Ziggy"Ziggy spoke calmly "I'm a friend of Revenant...an old friend"he spoke calmly, although it was hard to tell if there was a hint of sadness to his tone

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