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Fandom Group Hangout

"I may or may have not put Jeff in his place while on our way back from the mission"she mused, and now that she mentioned it, there was a slight bruise forming on her cheekbone, she casually began to enjoy the beverage she was given

Ziggy shook his head "figured"he spoke sounding strangely much calmer than how he usually would sound with her, smiling a bit
"nothing too shabby though, just another short mission on killing a couple of people"she hummed softly "was harshly judged while munching on someone"she mumbled, a bit too quiet for the two to hear "any who, me and him just got into a physical fight, it ended with him usually being pissy and storming off after losing"she shrugging "any who, enough about that- hanging out wasn't too bad right?"she questioned

Ziggy shrugged "it.....was okay I guess "
Wyvern just mumbles, “it was fine..” nearly too quiet for Revenant to hear

They look up at Ziggy, but only he’s close enough to see it. They’ve moved their eye up their horn so that it meets his eyes.
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Ziggy took notice, basically placing his hand on Wyvern's face and moving him away before standing up and stretching his arms "well this had been fun, but we definitely should get going"Ziggy spoke out

Revenants checked the time "We still have time to hang here yaknow, besides I doubt you've got any missions without any training"she hummed
Wyvern sits still for a couple of seconds after being pushed, then looks at Revenant.

“At least stay until Joey gets back! We only see eachother a couple times a month!”
At the mention of Flicker, Revenant made a short barely noticeable, distasteful face before smiling again "ah- I was planning on staying longer, since it really has been some time"Revenant spoke

Ziggy let out a small groan but sits down on the floor" alright" Ziggy was only familiar with the name Flicker, because of Revs complaints
So he assumed this was another person Revenant disliked
Listen Ziggy it took Wyvern awhile to realize that he doesn’t have the same reservations about using his first name as they do) ….and also to realize that he does, in fact, think of himself as a person outside of serving Woodward)

Wyvern smiles, then glances at Dallas’ tank, “Why are you lookin’ at us, buddy?”
(lmao 😂 damn)

Ziggy huffed "probably thinks my arm is food"he muttered from Wyvern's earlier comment, glancing over at the reptilian (right?)

Revenant hummed calmly, having a seat on the ground next to Ziggy "got any plans for the day?"Revenant decided to ask Wyvern
(Snakes are reptiles)

“I don’t think he can smell your arm right now,” they say to Ziggy, then to Revenant, “Not until tonight. I should probably be asleep, but I’d rather not.”
(just making sure 😂)

"Good"Ziggy mumbled, glancing at his arm

"Would you mind if we stay till then?"Revenant questions "or hang around?"
Revenant hummed in thought "Feel like going to town? Or maybe just a simple walk around the forest while chatting works"she smiled
"that works"Revenant smiled

Ziggy glanced over at Revenant letting out a soft hum "Yaknow, it's kinda funny to see your still obsessed with the forest, or nature"he shrugged "Simple things"He checked the time "When's this Joey guy coming? And how long will he be around?"
Ziggy gives a nod "well glad it's not this Flicker guy Rev rants about"Ziggy mumbled

Revenant chocked on the beverage she was drinking
Ziggy seemed confused "what do you mean?"

Revenant wiped her mouth before speaking "....Flicker is his alias, not his actual name- Wyvern's calls him by his actual name"She mumbled a bit annoyed

"Oh....then why do you still wanna stick around!??"Ziggy spoke confused, looking at Revenant

She gave a small shrug "Wyvern, and Flicker isn't really much to deal with-"
(Rev: he’s lucky I like wyvern more than I hate him.)

“Wyvern nods about the name thing, then sits back down, “I’m gonna go ahead and ask how close he is…. Ok, he just got to that one spot by the river, so he’ll be here in ten minutes, yeah.”
(indeed 😂 it should be an honor)

Ziggy shakes his head sighing "why is there so many people who irritate you"Ziggy mumbled

Revenant shrugged blunt "you know why.."
Wyvern is honored at least 😂 😂)

Wyvern glances at them

“So.. uhh.. y’all want food or something? I don’t have much candy left in here, but there’s a little. And there’s food downstairs.”

Ziggy toots his head a bit "what kind of candy?"he spoke curious
“Right now… some tootsie pops, warheads, and skittles.. I normally have a lot more variety I’ve just been busy”

(Getting their soul extracted 😊)

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