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Fantasy Hickory Grove

Pearl can't help but let out a tiny laugh under her breath as he leaves. She finds it interesting how he goes from being what Pearl considers quite a clumsy man to one who acts like he's got swagger. It's quite an amusing sight. She'd not mind if he came back again.

"Come again!" she calls as he leaves her little shop, and she means it too.

As she hears Fia ask about the Cherry Slushies, she stares her right in the eye, giving her quite a glare.

"The sign says out of order. Why not pick another flavour like Blue Raspberry. It's quite a good one." Pearl says with a warning tone.

@Baconhands @Sheo

Daniel Webb

Thier black Impala '67 growled to a stop in front of the convienece store, quite a bit of people spotted from inside.

Bro, toss me the detective badge" He murmured, for just in case reasons.

Clyde nodded and twisted around to pull out a small bag filled with fake identies, beginning to fish for it. Daniel tapped the top of the car as he waited, nonchlantly checking out the scene.

Apparently this town is full of Supernaturals...they don't seem to do no harm on humans though...

Why did dad want us to go here..

Clyde's voice jolted through him, causing him to snap his head back. "What?" He asked in slight impatience.

Get me a fucking Klondike bar and Mac and Cheese"

Why should I? It justs feeds your unhealthy obsession. You know, you really are living up to their motto. 'What would you do for a Klondike Bar?'"

"Hmm, well, what I'd do for a Klondike bar? I wouldnt give you your fake ID..or, ya know, you can find a new ride bub" A smile stretched across his face before falling, mainly joking around.

"Sheesh you psycho. Fine." Daniel rolled his eyes.

Clyde thumbed him up and turned away, hesitating and turning back again.

"And you know what else it feeds? This damn gaping hole in my heart"

"Ok Mr.Overdramatic"

Daniel chuckled, jamming his fists into his jacket pockets. He cast a squinty eyes glance at the sign before walking in, taking in the brightness.

@Tiny Turtle and anyone in the store :3

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Fia noticed Pearl's glare but she wasn't intimidated. It was in her nature to avoid conflicts when she could but this vampire was trying her luck. It was natural for her to feel on edge around vampires regardless of her attitude towards them, she was a werewolf after all. She didn't want to start a fight, especially in her human form, but she was never one to back down from a challenge unless she was sure a fight would break out, "Why is it out of order?"

Fia thought she already knew the answer. A moment later another person walked into the store and Fia to a glance in the newcomer's direction.

@Tiny Turtle @dorkling
Pearl can't help but stare at the lovely car that just pulled in and then the man who entered her store. Noting that he isn't alone. Brothers? Or friends? Either way they both seem quite handsome, and also the perfect distraction from the pesky little werewolf.

"Hello! Welcome to Late Night Stops! Is there anything in particular you're looking for?" Pearl asks, her face going from ice cold to a friendly smile. "We've got two for one deal on jelly beans. The bags are by the side of them over there." Pearl says, pointing to her left.

The rows of off-brand candies lie directly beside the Slushie machine, and it is only after she says it that she realizes it would probably be best to keep as much attention away from it as possible.

"I've also got fifty cent coffee." she adds.

Pearl glances at Fia and sighs. Trying her best not to say something she'll regret.

"Because that's how machines work. Sometimes they break, and not enough people order Cherry for my grandfather to want to even bother spending money to fix it." Pearl says, her eyes glaring daggers into her skull despite the smile she's put on for her.

@Baconhands @dorkling
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Accaica Benson

Accacia jolted back to reality, her silver-blue eyes wide, staring at the pocketwatch for a rather long time.

Like that one?'

Accacia tried not to jump at the sudden voice, turning around to face the male, returning her face to a blank slate. "
Actually...yes..quite interested in it..." She said softly, the corners of her lips lifting in a small smile, casting her gaze down at the object.

But, I'm currently looking for something else." She nodded, shifting her gaze back, surveying the dark haired boy,

He shrugged. "Sure. What might that be, then?" He asked. He made a habit of being less than warm to his customers but never was he anything but efficient. He threw a glance at the car that passed by and stopped into the convenience store. Didn't recognize it. Hmm. Passer-throughs were always fun to have around; they always seemed nervous and maybe a bit put-off by the citizens of Hickory Grove.
Fia rolled her eyes, moving away from the counter again and glancing over at the newcomers. They were both human, or so her senses told her, and she was surprised Pearl hadn't tried to bite them yet. The werewolf sighed, moving away and studying the various bagged products the vampire had mentioned. After the vampire had spoken, she realized why she hadn't; had the vampire fallen in love with those humans? That would've been interesting. She was going to eventually repent and ask for a blue raspberry Slushie but she was going to hang around afterwards; she wanted to learn more about this vampire as she hadn't met her before, the more she knew the safer she was.

@dorkling @Tiny Turtle
Micah continued his walk, finally pushing the door to the store open. He eyed the newcomer, but couldn't decide if there was anything off putting about him or not. His gaze flickered back to the car, and he made a small 'hm' sound. After a moment he walked to the counter, moving to take a seat on the unobstructed part, which also blocked the scanner rather efficiently. Apparently he'd decided annoyance was most certainly needed at a time like this. "Pearl, m'dear. I've got quite the delivery for you. Something that I am, for once, delivering all on my own. Dina has no hand in this at all, it's all me." He crossed his legs, as if this were a commonplace thing indeed. It was most certainly not a commonplace thing, not even in the slightest.

@Tiny Turtle @dorkling @Baconhands
Pearl is trying her hardest not to simply pull her gun out on Fia and demand her to leave. She doesn't need anyone snooping around, especially not a werewolf. Unfortunately she can't pull out a gun or even demand her to leave because of the new customer. So Pearl summons every ounce of patience she has not to lash out. She glances over at the new customer, taking note on what it is he plans to buy.

Her ears perk up when she sees Micah. She lets out a genuine smile and hops over the counter in excitement.

"Oh? Well that just makes me all the more excited to receive whatever it is you've brought for me." Pearl chimes, acting more perky than usual.

His entrance might just have saved her from doing something she'd regret, and she takes note to pay him back for that, even if he doesn't know what exactly he did.

@Amaranthium @Baconhands @dorkling
The walk home is an uneventful one so far. Walks in this town usually are. It's one of the reasons James moved here. A quiet, out of the way town with nothing noteworthy about it whatsoever. Which is great for James, as the rent is cheap enough, and the cup noodles are of the highest quality. As he walks, he makes sure to inspect his surrounding carefully for once, as he'll be forced to find work here at some point. I'll need to find work soon enough. Maybe that grocery lady is interested in a helper. Probably not though, what are the odds of anyone wanting to hire an unqualified NEET like myself? I'll have to ask around. Ugh, that means i'll have to get into conversations. I can do that, though it'll be a challenge to overcome.

James has never had a love of conversations. Not outside of his games, anyhow. People in games usually only respond in prewritten lines, and he's unlikely to gain any friends online, probably due to his attitude. It's not that he's a shy man, far from it. I think the best course for me is to look up local jobs online, maybe i'll find a promising one that doesn't care about qualifications. Otherwise... Otherwise he'll have a bad time. The apartment is right ahead, and no old lady is in sight. This might just go well after all.

Accacia Benson

Accacia nodded, a car rumbling by.

Any jewelry will do." She nodded, her fingers brushing against the dusty shelves, slowly walking down the aisle, her gaze lit up, dancing across the antiques.

Oh, and do you have any books?" She questioned, glancing back at him.

The shop owner was definitely not a human, she could sense it. But she was still pondering on what he is, curiosity almost always getting the best of her.
"You'll never guess what I cooked up for you. I should also mention, Dina does have something for you. Gardening, all winter long. Said she owed you one." He grinned, offering her a wink before thrusting his hand into his bag. He's rooting around, attempting to find what it is he needs. "Would've been here sooner, but no broomsticks in this town." Another joke, he's all about joking about witches and such. The kind of jokes that drive his poor mother up a wall with how annoyed she is at them. He has no idea how he's going to continue to entertain this notion of these jokes actually being funny.

"One bag of interesting herbs I've managed to find in my lovely garden, and, courtesy of my own deck, a free tarot card, to help usher in this strange time." He hands her a card from his bag, and a small bag, wrapped in velvet. The card was the nine of swords, and the bag of herbs, mostly seeds.

@Tiny Turtle
He had turned to lead her toward the rest of the jewelry when she asked about books. Bael spun on one heel, gesturing out with both arms in a kind of extended shrug. "What kind of antique store doesn't have books?" He asked somewhat ruefully. "This way; the far wall is where we keep them." 'We' he always said. But Bael seemed to be the only one ever working at the shop. "Only the best, you know. All excellent quality and age. Enough to make one wonder why antique enthusiasts don't come from all around to find this old store, with some of the things I find." He presented the wide book case, all filled with books of all sorts — some French, at least one in Latin. He scoffed and pulled one out and opened it. It was in the most wonderful condition and looked old enough to have come from before the turn of the century. "Got this from some old smoked Irishman," Bael told Accaica. "Been a long time now. Bet he couldn't read and that's why." There was a tinge of callousness, almost cruelness in his tone.
"I'm surprised your mother hasn't lopped your head off for those jokes yet." Pearl sets letting out a light laugh.

She personally finds all puns and jokes funny. Especially the ones that hint that the person making them isn't quite... human. Though his mother doesn't share that thought. "Let her know that I'll be stopping at some point for a thank you. I might even bring a bottle of wine or two." Pearl says with a smile. "Oh! And be sure to have your pick at a snack or two while you're here. It's on me." she adds.

Pearl gratefully accepts the bag, although she can't help but wonder what Micah means by strange. The town was already strange, so she can't help but assume the worst. Her face takes on a look of concern, and she can't help but bite her lip in worry.

"What's this card mean?" Pearl asks, flipping it over and inspecting it under the light.

She knows by now that she ought to be attending to her other customers, but Pearl can't help but be entranced by her new gifts.


Daniel Webb

Daniel chuckled slightly as some people took notice of his car, running a hand through his curly blonde hair. He let his gaze wonder around the store, taking it all in.

Why not get to know the townsfolk...

His first 'victim' was the female at the register with snow white hair, the scent of iron drifting towards him. Blood?

She found the female quite interesting, though she was a suspect of being a supernatural. Practically everyone in this room is.

He then looked over to the green eyed girl with auburn hair.

She seemed normal enough...but looks do deceive.

But what didn't deceive him was how annoyed the white haired female looked towards the auburn.

Daniel ceased his "observations" when he heard the females voice.

He raised his eyebrows and smiled sheepishly, his hands dug into the pockets of his pants.

"Thanks ma'am, I need to pay for gas at pump three..." On cue, Clyde began to blast Led Zeppelin, his feet kicked up and eyes closed. Daniel rolled his eyes and shifted his attention back.

Do you have ice cream here..? And Mac and Cheese?" He asked, another figure walking in.

This time, a male, dark haired wearing shades, and seemed to be offering something to the register woman.

@Tiny Turtle @Amaranthium @Baconhands
Pearl notices that the blonde man in the store is talking to her, and she bobs her head up from the card.

"We've got mac n' cheese in the third aisle. I don't sell any ice cream unfortunately. But I do have a wide variety of popsicles in the freezers." she says, her eyes darting from him to the werewolf. "As for gas, you'll have to pay for that outside. I hope you won't mind but I'll be a moment." she says.

Pearl can't help but smell smoke on his clothes, and wonders if she can manage to sell a box of cigarettes or two. "Cigs are up front if you'd like a pack of those. Only costs twenty cents." she adds before turning back to Micah.

"That sounds fun, I'll take you up on the offer anytime. So long as you buy your booze from anywhere but Silas' place. He's not the kind of guy I like to run around with." He wrinkled his nose. He didn't talk about Silas often, the two were at odds. The werewolf that ran the bar wasn't his speed. That, and darling Micah had spent one too many nights during long weeks drunken and heaving in the bar's bathroom. That's always a great way to get kicked out of a joint. When the man walked up to the counter, Micah paused, and then glanced back over at Pearl. "Can't tell you, it ruins the fun, hit up my place with wine and I'll tell you anything about the future you want." He reached into his bag, removing his deck. Well, a deck. His primary deck remained in his back pocket at all times. The card 'The Moon' was removed, followed by 'The Devil.' Before the gent can walk towards his prize of snack food, he thrusts both in his direction. "The Moon is for you, The Devil is for your brother. Welcome to town, fellas. I hope you don't intend to cause too much trouble. Hey Pearl, I think you should come to my house tonight, have a hunch." He slid off the counter, pausing. "Shit, I'm going to cash in on the cigarettes now that you've mentioned them. Just a pack, if you will." He cast a strange glance at the newcomer.

@Tiny Turtle @dorkling
It seemed the tea shop was once again empty, and with a light sigh and soft smile — while she was a social animal, Tali was also one to have personal time — she brushed off her pastel teal swing dress and began cleaning up the counter, discarding the used herbs from the beggar boy's luck pendant, and began considering the teas all around. She reset the kettle with new water to boil, prepared some iced tea and filled some tea balls for steeping. She set out several glass tea cups to pour samples into.

Accacia Benson

Accacia followed after the clearly taller male, so riveted in all the memory holding objects surrounding her. Due to this, she nearly ran into him quite a couple of times, hoping he didn't take notice or just didn't care.

At his rueful tone she shrugged slightly, "
Just a question is all." She's mainly been going to antique stores out of town, but discovered a recent love for this one thats so very close.

She looked awed at all the good conditioned books standing in front of her, stepping forward to run a finger along the bing.

When she heard him talking quite callously, she tilted her head a bit, catching a sentence.

Been a long time now.'

Thats it! A lightbulb sprung alight in her head.

He looks considerably young, around my age. If its been a long time...

He's either a ghost or vampire. They stick around for a rather long time.

"When did you die..?" She asked, turning towards him, silver gaze observing him.

Glen didn't know how to react. Nothing was making any sense, and the questions flooding his mind came out in a ramble. "What are you doing here? Why aren't you at home?"

He was starting to feel dizzy. He didn't even know why he was here, so maybe his nephew didn't either.

Plucking the leaves and twigs from his jacket, he tried in vain to remember what he was doing earlier that night, or at least put together a reason why he woke up in the middle of the forest.
"That bar is still open? Interesting... Well, I can promise you I won't be buying from there. I've got quite a few wines that are in need of some love." Pearl says, frowning at the thought of the bar's continuing existence.

She'd avoided the place since it opened since the werewolf that runs it didn't seem like the kind that would enjoy vampires slinking around. She'd been tempted to go more than once, although her caution prevented her.

Pearl can't help but smirk at Micah.

"Typical of you to keep me in suspense. I'll be sure to stop by." she says.

When he invites her over tonight, she can't help but feel a twinge nervous. Not about going with him, but about why.

"I think I'll do just that then. In fact I just might close shop up after everyone leaves. Mind if you wait a little?" Pearl asks, suddenly feeling nervous about the human.

Pearl then turns to Fia and lets out a huff.

"Please pick a Slushie already. I really don't have all night." she says to her before turning to the man. "As for you. Want me to charge for the mac n' cheese and popsicle? We've got icecream flavours." she says, trying not to seem too worried.

@Amaranthium @Baconhands @dorkling
Fia turned to face the others, a bag of jelly beans in hand. She wasn't going to eat them; they were for Laikas' son, she didn't want to buy two as she knew Laikas disapproved of Fulgrim eating too much sugar. She waited for a moment as Micah and Pearl chatted with each other, the vampire shot her another glare and Fia let out a sigh; it had gotten hostile so quickly and with the growing crowd, Fia was beginning to feel a little tense. Glancing at the human, Fia tilted her head slightly, studying him for a moment before she shook her head, there was something about him that set him aside from other humans that unnerved her but she didn't know what. She was curious, but not arrogant. Her attention turned to Pearl. Pearl's seeming lack of patience made Fia frown, "This and a blue raspberry slushie, please."

@Tiny Turtle @Amaranthine @dorkling
Bael turned on her sharply, the books snapping closed with one smooth movement. His harsh green eyes studied the girl a moment before he responded, still uncertain whether this girl was anything but mundane, with, "Send me to Jericho — I'm afraid I'm not sure what in all nature you mean," he insisted readily. "I don't imagine I've gotten that far, unless you mean inside. In which case, freshman year of high school."
"Wonderful. What size Slushie?" Pearl asks, her voice tense.

Her eyes stay fixed on Fia, making sure that she doesn't try anything like push the button for Cherry. "Perhaps I'll get that for you." Pearl says, closing the cash and hopping over to the counter.

She walks right up to the machine and crosses her arms over her chest as she stares at Fia. She just wants her gone, and the possible danger is making it very hard for Pearl not to get too antsy. Besides, if there's something threatening her and Micah, it's probably threatening Fia too, and while Pearl wouldn't really care per-se if she was killed, she'd rather that Fia didn't drag everyone else down with her.


Daniel Webb

The dirty blonde nodded his head slightly, moseying over to the third aisle, picking up the box of elbow noodles and powdered cheese. He had no idea why his older brother had such a liking to the artificial food, or even that goddamned icecream.

When the register woman stated she didn't sell ice cream, a grin split across his face, laughing softly. "
You know what, I will get a popsicle" He gave her a thumbs up, heading over to the drinks.

At the mention of cigarettes, he scrunched his nose, and shook his head, hair bouncing a bit. "
Yeahhh no thanks." If Clyde wanted to get those lung killers, he had to buy it himself.

With the Mac and Cheese, Coke, and a grapefruit flavored popsicle, he stepped towards the register, only to be stopped by the guy wearing a leather jacket. Clyde licked his lips and rose an eyebrow, eyes traveling across the cards.

He almost automatically knew what they were, and suspicion flicked across his brown gaze.

What the hell? Tarot cards? Is this guy a Witch..? Plus he knows we'll be staying in town? Hm

Daniel pressed his lips together, dimples appearing. "Thanks for that card thing..? And we're only passing through. Roadtrip" He smiled, playing dumb.

After that ordeal, he slid the items on the counter, feeling all the strange looks he was getting.

They suspect something..

But they're not the only ones..

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