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Fantasy Hickory Grove

"Usually I have a host of vampires in here attempting to get a bite to eat." He snorted softly, before glancing back at the row of bottles. He was considering pouring a glass of his own. "I've been surviving. I can't recall the events of yesterday, of course. How about you, Mon-Cher? The gentlemen in town treating you well? Nobody tried to stuff a stake down your throat?" As usual, he's as interested as ever, brows raised and gentle smile on his face.

Winona Tearle

"Why, of course!" She said, "In fact, no one's tried to do that since last year." Winnie grinned, "I think I scared 'em off. If humans don't understand something, then it's immediately labeled as a threat and needs to die." She rolls her eyes, "There hasn't been anything too interesting lately. Although, earlier today, I met this guy -Micah, Dina's kid. He offered a charm that would let me go out into the sun. Naturally, I took it at first, but then I remembered what my dad told me: Magic comes with a price. So, I gave it back to him." She shrugged, "It would have been interesting to see if it worked, but, alas, I live in fear of damaging my beautiful looks." She chortled (that is such a fake-sounding word) and smiled. "Anyways, it must suck to be a werewolf, though, having to change into a wolf. Do your bones snap and rearrange themselves, or what? How does that even work?" She furrowed her eyebrows in confusion, before raising them back. "Or do you not know? Since you can't necessarily recall..."

"Good, whatever would I do without you to visit the bar?" He finally stood and turned to the bottles. He selected a bottle of whiskey, and two glasses. He poured one for himself and left the bottle there, a question without words. "Dina," he wrinkled his nose as if he'd tasted something bad,"She's hardly a proper charm builder. You should've met my mother, she's quite the charm builder." She had been, she likely would've been quite willing to help her out. Granted his mother also wasn't all that fond of supernatural creatures, spare himself, and had he not been her son things would've been very different. "Changing doesn't hurt much. It's a weird feeling. Although it isn't overly bad." He lifted a hand to the table, grinning lazily as he allowed the nails to grow, slight fuzz showing on the top and the all too familiar feeling of thick pads on the bottom of his fingers. Although after a moment he allowed his hand to return to normal, so he could lift the glass up, and take a deep swig. "Nex' thing I know you'll be asking me what it feels like to run a bar. You're a curious thing." He laughed softly, giving her the slightest of nudges on the shoulder.

Winona Tearle

Winona grinned at him, showing her fangs, "Yeah, I guess. That's why I became a teacher." She laughed softly as well, and then said sarcastically, "So what does it feel like to run a bar?" That's when she tapped her chin, feigning concentration. "It must be pretty hard, dealing with all of the drunks and addicts, and the cliché fights."

Silas hummed softly, before cocking his head slightly to the head and nodding. "Mm, I see, I do. Being a teacher is a worthy career, certainly." He took another large swig, finishing his glass and placing it off to the side. One drink was enough, the last thing he needed was an intoxicated shift in the middle of town. "S'not all that hard, in truth. Granted I have to deal with a few people, It's not overly hard. I'm sure you could do it. Maybe when I'm in my old age I'll leave the bar to someone like you. In the distant future when I'm a Vieux and too old to run this place." He capped the bottle, and moved to place it back on the shelf. "Can I grab you something?" His head remained cocked to the side.

Winona Tearle

Winona smiled at him. "Hm... I'll just have some wine," she said. "Red," she added jokingly. Winnie took her phone out and checked the time. It wasn't that late out, so she was probably only going to have a glass or two. The girl pressed the power button, turning it off, and slipped it back into her purse. "I don't know about working the bar, maybe, but I was thinking of being a teacher forever -and when a past student come to visit, or is still in town, I'll scare the life out of them." She chuckled to herself, "My, that would be quite interesting."

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With a short nod, he was on his feet, moving to pour red wine into a glass for her. He placed it directly in front of her, and then resumed sitting where he had been before. "You could do both, I'm sure, Dahlin'. Teach in the day, come here in the night. I wouldn't want anyone else taking the bar off my hands." He moved to push his hair back, he should've darted upstairs into the small room he kept. He could've applied new gel, made it so he wasn't afraid his hair was about to fall down into his face. "That's a good vintage, if I do say so myself." He raised was lazily grinning, enjoying the atmosphere of the bar, and in general interaction with someone else.
Winona Tearle

She took a sip of the wine and nodded, "This is good." Winona shrugged, "I could work both. I technically don't really need to sleep." She smiled. "Ah, perks of being a vampire." She took another sip of the wine, tucking a strand of hair behind her ear. "'Course, no one would raise suspicion, seein' as most of the folks here are supernatural. Sure, some humans are thrown into the mix, but not enough to get ideas." She gave a very short, brisk laugh. "Surely, there could be a couple, but I doubt it. I mean, they're smart, I give 'em that, but they can be quite oblivious. I mean, I remember that," she raised air quotations, "'murder' a couple of years ago. One of the rookie vampires, I suppose. They didn't make an effort to cover their tracks and I'm telling you: One of the human officers thought that it had been a wild animal. I mean, come on, haven't they read any of the articles online? They just choose not to believe what they find unnatural. I'm sure that one of these days, they'll realize it, but currently they're just not believing. I suppose that isn't a bad thing, though." She tilted her head to the side. "I just wonder when they'll find out and what they'll do about it. Will they chase us off with wooden stakes and silver bullets? Will they decide to rely on the internet and 'put salt around their house to ward off evil,' but everyone knows that's fake and won't work. Will they decide to not let it bother them? I have no clue, and that is what makes me quite curious about it." She finished rambling and grinned sheepishly.

"Mon Cher, believe me when I say the moment they attempt to drive us out, they'd have a massacre. Upset a few wolves, and you've got a goddamn problem, upset several vampires, very bad. I used to be quite the problem down in the French Quarter, not on purpose, so I imagine that any sort of fight between the less than human of us is likely to end in a steep victory." He nodded, idly fingering the buttons on his vest. They weren't silver, but they were made to look like it. Life doesn't allow him to wear real silver, although he's always wanted some for years, probably due to the horrible supernatural allergy. His father left him a watch, one that was very much made of silver, and he never managed to get to wear it. He's, on several different occasions, tried to manage to work up the courage to get himself a charm to make himself able to wear silver. However, as the pair of them have addressed, it never comes for free. He hums softly while dusting the bar off once more. "I wouldn't worry much about it. Besides, I'd never let them stake you. One of us has to live forever." He gently patted the top of her head.

@galaxycorgi (I'm going to bed for the night, see you tomorrow pal!)
Winona Tearle

She smiled. "Yeah, I guess," she chuckled. "And I wouldn't let them silver bullet you." She drank some more of the wine, and the two of them sat in silence.

@Amaranthium (See you tomorrow!)
Marlyine sat on the front porch of her house, looking up at the sky. She bit her lip, thinking about everything that's to come in this town. She had gotten here a few days ago, quietly and silently. Thankfully nobody had noticed her presence, dispite her odd silvery white hair and sapphire blue eyes. Marlyine had an old sketchbook in her lap with a few roses doodled in the page it was open to. She hadn't touched it in well over thirty minutes as she looked up at the sky, seemingly lost in her own mind. Marlyine shook herself out of it for a bit, glancing around at the other people near the house she was staying in. Who is the leader? The witch I came here for. She thought, chewing on her lip as she saw a few people passing on the streets.
Wait, that voice...

It made his back hurt and gave him the sudden urge to get a piercing and dye his hair blonde. There was only one person in the entire world that could instil so much middle-aged grief in a man, and that was his nephew. But what was he doing out here, in the woods, in the middle of nowhere?

"...Declan?" he called back, to make sure he wasn't hallucinating, or worse.

Fia turned her attention back to the antiques around her, "I know that. But I'm sure you're worried about your wares more than anything." She smiled lightly as she turned to face Bael, "Anyway, I've got to run; I need to get a little bit of sleep tomorrow or at the very least go out for a run." She walked back to the entrance, stopping at the door, "This was nice Bael, maybe we can talk a bit more in future."

"Well, I suppose it would be awful for all this beauty to go to waste," he agreed loftily as he put the wooden piece back on the shelf. He had to admit a repeat visit meant as a social call didn't exactly appeal to him, but if it sold more things, he'd play along. "If you like, I can't keep you out."

He turned his attention to Micah as he entered, folding his arms and watching him. "Finding what you need, or perhaps got something for me?"

Tali watched the boy awhile before making a chai tea for Lex since she was wanting "whatever's good," and as far as she knew, nothing was better than a good chocolate chai. Then she glanced at Pearl. "You know, I've never heard him speak and don't think I know his name." Another few moments contemplating his gesture. "Would you like work...?" She asked uncertainly.
Fia stopped at the door, opening it for the delivery boy and recognizing him. To her recollection his name was Micah, the son of a witch that sold various concoctions to almost everyone in the town to help them with their supernatural issues. Fia hadn't dealt with her yet, but it was always tempting to do it; rumours were that the witch could allow werewolves to touch silver, or even give them more control when they were wolves. She merely nodded her head at him as she exited the antique shop. Gift for Laikas bought, she turned left, heading back down the main street and passing a tea shop. She'd go along in the day if she could, depending on how school went.
"I've got something for you indeed." It takes him only a moment. He produces one of his packs of cards, idly shuffling it, just for show, before he removed the card. It was handed face down, but Micah offered a light "Justice." He didn't plan on explaining, not now. That wasn't part of his job. "Also, you should really consider hiring a gardener for the front of the store. The flowers are all dead. I know quite the guy for the job, too." He removed this time, a business card and offered that as well. Micah's smile however was gone as his eyes slid back to the deck which he shoved back into his bag.

Silas snorted and gave a crooked half smile of sorts. "I'm touched. Not many would offer to save my hide, all things considered. A great deal of thanks to you. Don't worry about paying the tab, drinks are on me tonight but don't tell the rest of the town. Can't afford to have Micah show up sniffing around for something free. He read my cards the other day. He's been reading everyone's. I have no trust for that boy." Most witches clicked with Silas, they were fine, but him, not even slightly.

Janum nods eagerly, lowering his hand, along with the coupon and his money into his pocket.

He also takes a moment to realize that his name is unknown to all except him. This is… not a pleasant situation. But how could he remedy it?

He remembers a few times when what was on his mind was so complex that his hand motions wouldn't cut it. Thankfully, he had miraculously learned how to read despite his life on the streets, and writing was only a matter of copying those letters to his own benefit. He wasn't the fastest writer, but speed didn't matter here.

Janum raises one index finger, and then holds up his left palm and holds his hand in the form that it'd be on if he were holding a pencil, and begins moving his hand up and down and left and right and in circles.

@Sleipnir @Tiny Turtle
James finds himself staring at the roof, like he does every day. But today's different. Today's the day. The day when he finally reaches out from his bubble and attains a life...

Eh, maybe later.

For now, the promise of breakfeast is more enticing than whatever the outside has to offer. Much to his disappointment however, the fridge is about as empty as his social circles. To any other person the answer to this would be a rather simple thing, but to James Jackson, it's an obstacle to overcome. What time even is it? There's not much space for a steady sleeping rythm in his hectic and eventful life. One look into the Piggybank of Destiny is more than enough to figure out what he'll be eating today. More instant cup noodles. Equipping his +1 Grey Jacket of Protection, he slowly reaches toward the door, readying himself for the harsh outside.

The fresh air hits him like two armies smashing into eachother. He looks around, making sure none of his neighbours are there to interrupt his daily business. There's a particularly chatty old lady that almost seems to be waiting for him every time he leaves the apartment, but it doesn't seem like she's around today. Taking a deep breath, he moves out towards the grocery store. None of the passerbys seem to be paying him any attention. I suppose they're used to seeing me pass by like a shifty ghost. James knows he can't just run back to his apartment every time he comes outside. He'll have to find a workplace sooner or later. For now though, buying some instant cup noodles is more than enough.

Accacia Benson

The witches heels clicked against the floor as she stepped into the antique store, a soft bell ringing throughout the dust filled room.

A grin stretched across her lips as her eyes dragged along the beautiful antiques she loved so much. When no one was watching, she'd place a hand on one and re-live memories of the antiques last owner.

She inhaled deeply, not caring of all the dust she was getting into her lungs.

Walking amongst the stacks of items, she noticed that that one kid was here again. Micah.

Micah talking to the owner of the shop? A boy around her age or younger, definitely not human.

There's barely any humans here anymore

;; @Amaranthium @Sleipnir

(I also small be adding Clyde and Daniels post soonnn~)​
"Ah well, he seems to be motioning a name, although in all honesty, I really don't know what it is he's saying... or trying to anyways." Pearl says, trying to visualize what it is he's writing.

She'd spent most of her time practicing cursive, although reading it in the air simply wasn't something she could do very well. She takes a sip of her Slushie, and realizes it's gone all melted, leaving the smell of blood far stronger in the air than she'd like.

"I think I'll just call him Mr. Silent, because that's what he seems to be." Pearl says, looking at the boy. "Ah you know, I think I may just skip out on the tea, I ought to be getting home soon anyways." Pearl notes, staring daggers into the clock on the wall.

@Sleipnir @Midnight Peace
Janum had been merely scribbling, hoping he'd convey his need for a pen and pen-

What the fuck did she just call me

He stops in his charade once Pearl says "Mr.Silent", looking up at her with judging eyes as his lips turn inward.

Though, once he gazes in her direction, his nose picks up a... strange scent. His eyes flick down to her cup, his expression still withstanding.

@Tiny Turtle
(I can't wait for the pair to show up!)

Bael nodded to Micah. "I can handle the flowers myself," he insisted, digging in his pocket with one hand. Unlike some around town Bael didn't have any innate knowledge or instinct about one's type. For him it was all deduction and a guessing game. Came with the territory having been a human. So Micah, despite his tarot cards and games, didn't strike Bael as anything out of the ordinary though he would be far from surprised if the boy had magic in his blood. He was hoping to drive off the cold a little more with whatever Micah's mother had to offer despite the heat of the south. He handed Micah a few bills. "That ought to do. Now, just leave the delivery on the desk. I believe I have a visitor who might want to buy something."

Tali nodded to Pearl. "Come back soon," she told her, then looked to Janum. "...Jan..? Janum, then? Well, I could spare some work for you," she told the boy. "I can get you started tomorrow. How's that sound?"
Pearl keeps sipping her drink, ignoring the fact that he may not enjoy the nickname. She'll stop calling him that once he gives her a proper one.

"There's a pen on the counter if you're looking for one." she says, gliding her eyes towards the counter.

Pearl's ears perk up when Tali says the boy's name.

"Janum. Hm... Did I say that right?" she asks, looking towards him. "I'll be sure to. Possibly tomorrow depending how business goes." Pearl says turning to Tali.

@Sleipnir @Midnight Peace
Janum looks back to Tali, nodding excitedly once she says his name, and nodding even more once she says that he can get started on work tomorrow.

Ah, it felt good to hear somebody else say his name. He'd held but one memory of someone uttering his name. A woman, amongst the screaming cicadas, uttering the syllables to his then-small ears. He'd hung onto that memory through the years, knowing that it held importance. Now it's become of use.

@Tiny Turtle @Sleipnir

Clyde Webb

Pearl Jam rang throughout the quiet car, the brown eyed passenger flipping through his parents journal. Besides him was a weary looking man with tired eyes, sharing the same color of hair as the male next to him.

The Webb brothers.

Daniel Webb and Clyde Webb. Not your usual quarrelling family.

'Oh where, oh where can my baby be?

The Lord took her away from me.'

A scowl spread across Clyde's face, his knuckles turning white as he clenched the steering wall.

The Lord wasn't the one who fucking took them away from me.." He sneered under his breath, heavy bags under his darkened blue eyes, eyebrows knitted.

A frown tugged at Daniels lips, turning his head to observe his distraught brother.

She's gone to Heaven, so I've got to be good

So I can see my baby when I leave this world'

The shaggy blonde man glared at the road, gritting his teeth. "
This song is bullshit-"

Daniel sighed softly and jabbed his finger against the power button, turning the music off. "
...Clyde...do you want to...talk about it?" His brothers voice was comforting and soft, brown eyes searching his avoiding blue.

Clyde rubbed his eyes with one hand and shook his head, trying to recollect himself. "
...No Im good.." The younger male nodded, turning away hesitantly, sitting in silence for a few moments.

Hand me my cigarettes Daniella" Clyde broke the silence groggily, forcing a small smile.

'Daniella' saw right through that tried smile and sighed, flipping open the front compartment. He rummaged through the mess of crumpled up papers, napkins, and salt to find the cancerous sticks.

He sighed softly and slapped the package in Clyde's hand. "
Why do you even smoke these tar filled things? They're vile and cause a lot of death" He scrunched his nose as his older brother lit the cigarette, cracking the window.

Demons cause a lot of death too." Clyde mumbled under his death.

"Look, I'm gonna die, you're gonna die. We're all going to die someday. Just let me smoke in peace. It makes no difference."

Daniel sighed, turning away from the smell of nicotine and other revolting chemicals in that stick of white. He completely and utterly hates cigarettes..

God, why are so pessimistic" He huffed, leaning his cheek on his hand.

"But its the truth. And you know it.
" Clyde inhaled, then exhaled the smoke through the crack, heavy lidded.

"Whatever, how far are we from Hickory Grove?" The slightly irratated male shifted his dark gaze to the window, watching the scenery roll by.

We're a few minutes away.." Clyde took another drag, sighing.

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